How to always be a positive person. How to always be positive? Positive people easily part with things they don't have

There are moments of complete despair in every person's life. At such moments, it seems that the world is collapsing, tearing you away from itself. There comes a feeling that you find yourself on the sidelines of life. Along with these feelings, prolonged depression arises, which turns your life into a series of dull days.

If you want your life to become bright, so that you stop being tormented by depression, so that you always have a positive attitude, then you simply need to learn to live differently. You need to figure out for yourself how to be optimistic or how to be positive despite all the difficulties you are experiencing.

You must understand that, first of all, you need a positive attitude in order to maintain your health, your nerves, and your psychological state. After all, all diseases originate in our heads due to stress, negativity, and experiences. It’s not for nothing that doctors say that all diseases are caused by nerves. To understand how to be optimistic or how to be positive despite failures, try to adhere to the following rules:

1. Learn to look for the positive in any situation. Eleanor Porter wrote a wonderful book, Pollyanna. This is a story about a girl who, by all indications, could be considered an unhappy child. But she rejoiced at everything that happened to her, and taught others to rejoice with the help of one game that her father taught her to play. The essence of the game was that you had to find something to be happy about. When the girl’s aunt settled her in the attic, she was happy with the view from the window; when they sent her crutches as a gift instead of a doll, she was also happy, but only because she didn’t need them. She knew how to find positive sides in any trouble, she knew how to be optimistic, how to be positive even when you are not loved, when life is full of problems and disappointments. Try playing little Pollyanna's game too. Learn to look at any situation with a positive attitude. Ask yourself what the problem has taught you, what conclusion you can draw, thank your fate that you are faced with this problem now, and not later, when it would lead to more serious consequences.

2. To understand how to be optimistic or how to be positive in all situations, learn to perceive life as a gift. Remember the phrase that everything that doesn’t happen to you, everything happens for the better for you. Sometimes it can be hard to believe it, hard to stay positive or be optimistic. But you have to try. Just understanding that this situation has a positive outcome for you comes with time. Let me give you an example from life. One of my friends really wanted children, she became pregnant, but after 3 months she lost long-awaited child. It is difficult to imagine the pain a woman experiences at such moments. She worried for a long time and could not forgive herself for this loss. But her husband did not pay attention to her all this time; he calmly survived the death of the child, blaming my friend for everything. He didn't show his best side. A year after the loss of the child, this married couple broke up. And guess what? My friend is happy that she does not have children from that man. She has a new family now loving man and she will soon become a mommy. But once she thought that her life was over.

3. Know how to learn from fate. To understand how to become an optimist or how to be positive, learn to correct all your mistakes. Have you noticed that many of your problems are cyclical. For example, your friends constantly betray you. Or you constantly get burned in your personal life. Believe me, your destiny is not a villain at all. You just have to learn to learn and learn from it. If something repeats itself in your life, then it’s time to draw conclusions and change yourself. Don't forget that you should be grateful to your fate for teaching you such life lessons.

4. Keep a diary of good deeds and joyful events. In order to understand how to become an optimist and have a positive attitude, you need to keep a notebook in which you will write down all the joyful events of your life and good deeds. This way you will not only remember all the positive moments of your life and emotions, but also increase your self-esteem thanks to good deeds.

5. Stop blaming everyone for your mistakes. You alone are to blame for what happens to you. But you shouldn’t reproach yourself either. Use the game from the first point and draw conclusions.

6. Smile. Regardless of any problems, may your smile always be present on your face. You yourself will understand how much easier it is to perceive difficulties by smiling. Even if it’s difficult for you, smile through force, then your thoughts will also change their color, you will understand how to be an optimist.

7. Learn. Try to watch more good films, read good books, talk to good people. Learn from everything, learn to be optimistic, to be positive. Remember that a positive attitude will serve as a pill for you against bad mood, problems, and depression. If you understand how to be an optimist and how to be positive, then you will notice that life will look at you with a smile, it will be much easier for you to achieve your goals, surround yourself with worthy people, and enjoy what is happening.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you all the most wonderful things in the coming year. And give you a positive mood. 10 tips on how to learn to think positively. So, let's begin. You don’t need to be a psychologist or an expert in the field of transurfing or esotericism to be able to clearly trace the pattern between how a person thinks, what he thinks, what he talks about, and his current state (physiological, psycho-emotional, material, financial, etc. ). That is, it turns out, if we systematize everything, that our thoughts predetermine it (this state) and have a direct impact (both mediocre and immediate) on our lives. To put it very simply: we have what our thoughts have led us to (negative thoughts lead us to negative thoughts, and, accordingly, positive thoughts lead us to positive thoughts).

This is why it is so important to always think positively. How to learn this? After all, not every person is a frank and convinced optimist from birth.

And those who were such, taking into account the realities of our lives, quickly change their life views to radically opposite ones. We really hope that this article will help you with this. So, are you ready for positive thinking and the same changes in your life? Then let's go!

Why is it important to learn to think and live positively?

Answer this question for yourself. And this will be the first, but one of the most important, incentives to do just that. What is important to you? After all, everyone has their own priorities and goals in life. Some people want good (regardless of what they consider it to be) for themselves, others - for their loved ones, others, and so on. But without positive thinking this is unlikely to be achieved.

Have you noticed that successful people rarely pay attention to various little things and annoying troubles?

They are focused on their goal and never complain about the circumstances that have developed. And 90% of them always look at the world around them with optimism. Those who are accustomed to dwelling on annoying troubles, sorting everything out bit by bit (what happened, why exactly, what influenced it, and so on) rarely achieve success in business. This is typical, first of all, of perfectionists. They can perfectly perform single tasks, concentrating all their attention and energy on them, but are not capable of systematically managing their lives.

That is, these are excellent performers, but not leaders (including their own destiny and life), which consist of a mass of such little things, and you need to pay attention to each of them, but it is important to be able to choose what really makes sense and “ weight"!

Conclusion! Why is it important to learn to think and live positively? Without this, it is impossible to achieve major goals. In order not to lose your positive attitude, not to waste it on dozens of annoying little things, just don’t get hung up on them. A very bright and good, appropriate expression here: “The dogs bark - the caravan moves on!”

And one more thing: our thoughts are the beginning of actions, each of them, without exception. And without positive thinking, a positive, high-quality (in every sense) life simply will not work. But you need to achieve a radically opposite result! In this case, the following practical tips will come in handy.

10 Important Tips on How to Always Think Positively

On the blog, we have already discussed the topic: . The article notes important tips, perhaps they will also help you get in the right mood. But it is important not only to learn to think positively, but also to live positively.

1 Don't wait for positivity from the outside, create it yourself. Don’t rely on random luck, but make sure it finds you—that’s the main message. Do you want to see the world better? Start with yourself. It won't be easy, but you will be able to fully enjoy the result. Ask yourself, “What did I do today to improve my life?” When answering this question, monitor your emotions. They'll tell you. You will feel positive - you are on the right path. Negativity is a signal that you need to look for options, work, build your own destiny, and not rely on strangers.

2 Break up with the excess. Many are “pulled to the bottom” by the weight of the past. Get rid of it. Let go of bad memories, stop being angry and holding grudges against those who once hurt you or did something bad. You are probably thinking about these people right now. Remember: what was then has forever lost its relevance. Don't let it affect your life now. Negative emotions take up a lot of energy and steal your time. And you need all this to achieve your goals. Don't live in the past, but let the good moments from it warm you up and give you strength for even greater achievements.

3 Believe in yourself. Despite everything! Remember: you are who you think you are, and not who others think you are. Even if they tell you that what you have in mind is impossible, don’t give up! After all, this is impossible in their opinion, not in yours. So let this remain their problem. And thus, you will only have an advantage: while others are afraid to do it and do not believe in their success, you have already begun to move towards it!

4 Give yourself extremely positive attitudes. It’s like a program that you can write into your subconscious and use at the same level at the right time. So, when waking up in the morning after a good healthy sleep, you need not to be lazy to remind yourself that “I am smart and beautiful, I am full of strength and energy to achieve my plans, I have all the knowledge and skills necessary for this, and those that I have no at the moment, I can find them when I really need them, all circumstances contribute to my success, and I myself tried to make it so.” Don't limit your imagination! Systematic “programming” every day is a powerful argument in your hands in “dealing with circumstances.”

5 Thank the world, and yourself personally, for what you have. Positive emotions, attitudes in the morning and obligatory gratitude in the evening, this is very important. Without learning to appreciate, you will not be able to realize the true importance of what and who surrounds you, which means you will always have less and less. You cannot find happiness in this cycle. Those who know how to enjoy little things always achieve more. After all, the state of happiness is very abstract. Look at life as a treasure chest that is full of wonders.

6 Focus on your capabilities and strengths. Instead, many, many people focus precisely on their limitations. And this is fundamentally wrong. “I don’t have start-up capital to start my own business. I don't have time to learn new skills. I don’t have the opportunity to... I don’t have...". Stop! Look at what you already have and you will be surprised how much you have. This will allow you to achieve success.

7 Surround yourself with positive information. She is the source of wealth. Do you see only negativity around? This means you are simply looking in the wrong place. There is a lot of both in the world. But what to receive is entirely your conscious choice. Don't believe me? It's easy to check. Unsubscribe from groups in in social networks, in discussions of whose publications you always participate so vigorously and emotionally. This is the first step, one of a hundred. But you will see how much time you have freed up and how many nerves you have managed to save by stopping unnecessary arguments with strangers.

8 Don't let fears influence your life. Do you want to start something new, something you’ve been dreaming about for a long time? Do you think you won't succeed? And you are absolutely right! But not because you are incapable of this, or circumstances may turn out somehow wrong, but only because you predetermined the result in advance, even before you started! Maybe, on the contrary, you are confident that everything will work out for you, and everything will be in the best possible way? And here you are absolutely right too! Do you get the point? Whether you think that you can do it, or, on the contrary, you won’t succeed, you are right in both cases. And only you can decide what will happen in reality.

9 Smile more often and be around positive people more often successful people. Staying in a great mood is the key to success. And communication, in itself, is a great anti-stress move, and if it happens with those people who can teach you something necessary, or simply tune you into the right “wave,” then it’s absolutely great.

10 Don't forget about responsibility. For yourself and your life, for those people who are dear to you, for what is happening next to you. But let it be a powerful constant incentive for you, and not a heavy burden. This is the fundamental difference!

Also, maintain your health at the proper level (do exercises, play sports), eat right, strive for new knowledge, work on yourself. These are all fundamental principles that successful people adhere to.

Success is not necessarily fame, popularity, recognition, a dizzying rise in career and business. For everyone there is one. And his ultimate goal is happiness. Are you happy with what you have? Then you can consider that you have achieved success. But no one said that we should stop there. It all depends on your desire. By the way, doing exactly what you want is also one of the components of happiness. But only if “it” benefits you.

From negative to positive

Negativity is all around us. This is not surprising, because most likely you were not taught to see the other side of life. Or you yourself didn’t want it. In any case, everything that happens to you is the result solely of your activity (or vice versa - inactivity).

Negativity begets negativity. It's a vicious circle. And it's not easy to break out of it. But, if you are already reading this, then you have undoubtedly taken the first step, small but very important. Whether you accept this information or move on, it is your choice. And the result, as in 100% of all other cases, will depend only on your decision.

How to change negative thoughts? Yes, you simply cannot leave room for them, taking all your attention with the positive. And 10 will help you with this practical advice given above. Analyze what irritates you most. And then track which channels these signals come from.

If it is bad political or economic news, stop watching these channels, replacing them, for example, with scientific, educational or entertainment ones. If these are conversations with a neighbor who is constantly dissatisfied with life, limit your communication with him to greetings and wishes Have a good day with a smile. If it is a constantly creaking door, it is not very difficult to lubricate it.

Unsatisfactory financial situation - it’s time to look for alternative sources of income. And so on and so forth. Everything, as has already been said many times, is only in your hands! Starting to change now is very important. After all, putting everything off until “tomorrow”, you don’t notice how the years pass.

The benefits of positivity and positive thoughts or how to attract success?

Paying attention to those who were able to achieve something, people wonder how they did it. After all, by and large, the initial conditions were practically equal. There are a lot of factors. But one of the most significant is the way of thinking. While some were afraid, doubted, lazy and did everything to move themselves further away from their dreams, others, thanks, among other things, to their positive thinking, sharply pulled ahead and continue to grow and develop.

How to attract success? It’s very simple: think positively and act! Everything is possible! But only thanks to the right attitude and positive thinking. This is its main benefit.

Incredibly, it (positive thinking) is available to everyone. That is, right now you can start thinking exactly like those who have money, good health, a good relationship. What are you waiting for? Its time to begin! I hope this information will help you always think and live positively, as well as attract success)))

In the article “how to become a positive person”, I will tell you my personal experience, how I came to this, but first, let's define what it means to be a positive person, and why it is needed at all.

Why you need to be a positive person

First, feeling positive and fulfilled will improve your health, physical and mental. This has been proven many times, and many people know about it and almost everyone has heard about it. Moreover, if you communicate with people, you give them your (attention), and if positivity is health, then you give healthy energy to people. If a person experiences negativity, he gives unhealthy food. Accordingly, what happens is what I will talk about next.

Trying to understand the question of why I can be attracted to some people for no reason, I came to the conclusion that when you communicate with them, they seem to charge you with positive energy. After communicating with such people, your mood is greatly lifted, and therefore you want to communicate with them more than with others. It’s somehow easy with them, there is no tension, you are relaxed.

When I myself was told that communicating with me lifted my spirits, it happened at a time when I was in a very good mood. But usually I have a positive-neutral state, and it usually looks like I'm very serious. In such cases, people usually communicate with me quite calmly, dryly, and in a businesslike manner. The conclusion is obvious: people are drawn to positive people, and vice versa, they try to communicate less with those who make them sad. Therefore, every person needs to try to be positive if he wants to win people over.

What does it mean to be a positive person

To do this, it is enough to be in a good mood and have a respectful, kind attitude towards others. It would seem simple, but at the same time, many wonder how to achieve this.

How to become a positive person forever

The good news is that it's easy. Being a positive person is just a habit, and like any habit, you can easily form it. This requires several things.

  1. You need to accustom yourself to monitor your condition, this is necessary in order to learn to control it.
  2. You need to form positive habits. This is done through the constant repetition of certain thoughts and actions.

All that remains is to determine what should be done and how, and what should not be done.

Let's start from the very beginning. When you wake up in the morning, your job is to start each morning in a good mood. Start every morning with a smile, it’s very simple, but this is what is very important.

Learn not to focus on negative aspects, and if someone has offended you in some way, learn not to be offended in any way, and take it calmly.

Personal example.

Even now I sometimes have difficulties with this, but I have learned to cope much faster than before. When you are engaged in a business that involves money, it happens that people let you down. And this pisses me off a little :) They may promise one thing, but when it comes to money, they can suddenly become petty and not keep their word. And even if it comes to ridiculous amounts. It always hurt me and even now it hurts me a little when people don’t keep their word. Especially in business, where such kindergarten not acceptable at all. For several years now I have not risked significant sums for myself, and limit myself to those that I am not afraid of losing, but at the same time I am protecting myself from people who have not passed the test at small limits. This will help me avoid more serious losses in the future. This hurt me, it seemed unfair to me, that I had been deceived, that I had been cheated. But I learned not to hold anger at people, and after a few hours (and sometimes minutes), I can already remember this with a smile. After all, these are people too, they just cannot control their actions, they have no control over themselves, and they should be forgiven and pitied. But of course, don’t deal with them; it’s better to learn to identify them in advance.

What needs to be eradicated?

We are talking about such feelings as anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, self-pity. You need to get rid of all this by any means, and to do this, first learn to track these feelings, and cut them off at the earliest stage, not allowing them to develop.

How to become a positive person - habits

Let's get back to habits. After you train yourself to start every morning with a smile, you add to this the right questions.

Find the good in everything

Ask yourself what is good in your life, and you can always find a lot of this if you have the desire. Even I could always find good in my life, although I did not talk much about it on this blog so as not to shock the readers. Because my life was really tough, but I learned a lot. I have learned to see the positive in life's darkest moments. I learned to be a happy, positive person. Me, out of self-pity. It was in the most difficult times that I , . It was during these times that I felt strength in myself, although everyone gave up on me, and no one believed in me. But I had my own opinion on this matter. I knew that I didn’t need to feel sorry for myself and cry, I just needed to solve my problems. You need the right attitude and action. Many people are in a much worse situation than most of us, some with health problems. Therefore, you cannot blame and be offended by your life, this is not right.

Feel grateful

Once you get used to finding positive moments in your life, get used to thanking the universe for everything you have. For the fact that you live, for the fact that you breathe, for everything around you. Because you can see the trees and feel the flowers smell. If you have a place to live, then thank the universe for the fact that you have a place to live, even if it’s not your home. You have a roof over your head, and thanks for that, and to those people who make it possible. Thank yourself, your parents, just always carry a feeling of inner gratitude. Feel grateful to the people who selflessly give you their time, communicate with you and share their joy, filling you with energy. They definitely deserve your gratitude.

Look for humor in everything

Look everywhere for something funny that makes you smile, and you will notice how easily and naturally your sense of humor develops. Just don’t laugh at other people’s feelings, don’t offend them, respect them.

Get used to smiling often (maybe implicitly)

I only talked about the morning smile, but that was just the beginning. It is the beginning of each day that is most important, start it with a smile, with pleasant and beautiful music, and this will give you a charge for the whole day. After this, it will be easier not to fall out of the flow. Throughout the day, continue to have an inner smile (this applies to those moments when smiling is not appropriate). Smile subtly or subtly and you will see how much it can lift your mood. In short, form the habit of smiling often.

Some more tips on how to become a positive person

  • come up with and use useful words for yourself - affirmations, repeat them every day, and
  • listen to pleasant and melodic music more often (article about that)
  • watch comedies more often (especially if it’s difficult to restore a state of positivity)
  • give up horror films and any others that evoke negative emotions
  • Having a goal will greatly help you become a positive person (tested personally)
  • rejoice at any pleasant little things and achievements (you don’t have to jump up and dance while doing this, although if no one sees, then I can rock out)
  • create your social circle of positive people, avoid those who are always dissatisfied and whiners, be very responsible in choosing your environment.
  • figure out what most often provokes negative emotions, and write in detail a plan on how you can solve these problems.

A positive state is natural when there is energy

In order to become a positive person, you need to have enough. Then you will not experience depression, which is caused precisely by a lack of energy. I wrote about this in an article about developing inner strength.

Additional Information. If you not only want to understand how to become a positive person forever, but also firmly consolidate the knowledge of what exactly to do next, then be sure to read the thematic articles “”, and “”.

1. Smile even through force, when there is no time to laugh at all. Psychologists have proven that mood regulation mechanisms work in both directions. That is, you not only smile when you have good mood, but the mood itself improves when the lips stretch into a smile. Muscle memory and associative thinking are very powerful levers of influence on the psyche. And even a forced and forced smile can normalize the heart rate, alleviate stress and raise the mood graph several notches higher.

2. Love - this is the most positive emotional state, into which nature itself prudently invested strength, energy and desire for life. If you are lonely - and lonely people, according to statistics, are more likely than married people to experience depression - fall in love with a good, worthy person. A new feeling will inspire you and make you forget about all the bad things. If you have someone to give your warmth to, then you have already happy man. Just imagine how many people on the planet can only dream of what you already have - which means you are happier than many. Admire your loved ones, make them happy, warm them - and you will notice how you become more positive and joyful every day with them.

3. Look for the good. Don't allow yourself to get hung up on bad sensations, thoughts, feelings and premonitions. Drive them away. Of course, we cannot ignore real physical ailments. But everything that can be corrected with the help of common sense and a constructive attitude must be reformatted and directed in a positive direction. Time often shows that most of our problems were far-fetched and/or exaggerated. So don’t let despondency take over you despite optimism and the actual state of things.

4. Be grateful. They say that happiness is when you thank God more often than you say nothing. To this we can only add that gratitude is not so much a matter of circumstance as of the ability to be grateful. If you wake up in the morning in good health, if you have clothes, food and work, you are much luckier than a huge number of earthlings. Just thank fate for this and with a pure heart go about your business to make this day and this world better, kinder and more positive.

5. Bring your problems to the point of absurdity - mentally, of course. Imagine that everything is gone and there is simply no way back to the light. What is the worst possible scenario that awaits you? Imagine it in colors, and then compare it with what actually exists. This contrast of imaginary fears and real circumstances can shake up and invigorate even the most dull pessimist. You will simply understand that, firstly, everything is not so bad, and secondly, in your fantasy you have already seen the most disastrous outcome, and are mentally prepared for anything. Although in life, as a rule, these scenarios are never realized, remaining terrible fairy tales for one’s own suspicious mind.

6. Sublimate into art, work, any other activities, allowing you to escape from sad thoughts and completely immerse yourself in the creative process. It is no coincidence that many great works were created by authors in a dejected emotional state. Sadness allows you to focus on your thoughts and, in some unknown way, extracts from your soul exactly those words/notes/gestures that most fully express your experiences. Having taken shape and become public, sadness is rethought and takes on more life-affirming forms, gradually melts away and is replaced by positivity.

7. Communicate. Meeting and talking with other people, especially friends and loved ones, has a beneficial effect on your mood for two reasons. First: optimistic people infect you with their positive attitude, and it’s easier to feel happy around them. Second: even individuals who are as worried as you are at the moment, sharing their sorrows with you, thereby make you understand that you are not alone with your problems, and there are things in the world even worse than your troubles. And this is already a reason to have fun, right?
How to always be positive?

8. Get physically tired, then you simply won’t have the strength to think about sad thoughts. After work, don’t fall on the couch, but go to the gym, help your household with housework, do homework with the children, find a part-time job. In general, keep your time busy with useful and constructive activities so as not to devote it to destructive experiences. And creative activity will sooner or later bear fruit, which you can be sincerely proud of and experience positive emotions about this.

9. Rest mentally and physically. Allow yourself to relax - this is a physiological need of any body. Often the cause of depression and a negative attitude is prolonged stress and permanent fatigue. To exclude them from your life, at least sometimes allow yourself to be lazy for your own pleasure. Listen to your favorite music, read exciting books, watch movies, go ice skating and carousel rides. Anything as long as it makes you happy. End the day with a bubble bath and massage, and in the morning next day you will definitely feel much better and more cheerful.

10. Become a philosopher. As you know, if rape is inevitable, then you need to relax and try to enjoy it. Another thing is known: sooner or later everything passes, both good and bad. Based on this, does it make sense to waste nerve cells and the time of your only life on depression and worry? After all, try to imagine whether today's troubles will upset you just as much in a year? And if not, then they are not worth such great sacrifices on your part as giving up a positive outlook on the world.

11. Learn from Scarlett, who uttered the now famous phrase: “I won’t think about it today, I’ll think about it tomorrow.” This advice naturally follows from the previous paragraph and helps to master it. If there is a problem or if it is illusory, in any case, little will change until tomorrow. And today you can live as if it does not exist. Such healthy egoism protects nerves, maintains peace of mind, and at the same time makes troubles stand the test of time. And not all of them pass it.

12. Stay healthy: eat right, move more, get rid of illnesses on time. In a healthy body healthy mind. In addition, your own blooming appearance in the reflection of the mirror leaves few people indifferent and makes you admire yourself, smiling internally and blooming even more. A inner harmony and peace with yourself is the strongest foundation for a positive attitude towards yourself and everything around you.
With these twelve points, avoiding the “devil’s dozen,” we will finish the list of recommendations. Everything listed above can be safely called the code of a positive person and can be used in everyday life as a guide to action. This approach will bring you at least a few pleasant moments, and at maximum a complete restructuring of your worldview in a positive way. And finally, I can advise everyone who wants to always be positive to love themselves, life and share love with others. Only you are the architect of your own happiness - so don’t spare any effort in creating it!

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