Oxford style in women's clothing. English style in clothing for women: main trends. Basic requirements for a woman's wardrobe

Every fashionista wants to look stylish and attractive. To do this, you just need to turn to fashionable clothing styles. Today we will talk about a very popular and famous English style.

A little history

Fashion trends from the distant 19th century are still relevant in England. The style of the distant past is the true embodiment of good traditions that modern fashionistas and fashionistas try to follow.

Initially, English fashion developed with the participation of French fashion. It was France that dictated its style rules, and this continued until the fashion revolution. After this, English fashion trends gained independence and ceased to depend on French ones.

Soon after these events, fashion in England began to rapidly develop and change. In the first half of the 19th century, the main features of the style were identified, which we can still observe today.

At that time, ladies who wanted to look perfect had to work not only on their wardrobe, but also on their manners.

In the distant past and today, the English style is distinguished by its main characteristics: it is very simple, elegant, comfortable and strict. All items from this line are made from high-quality materials and fit perfectly on the figure.

Although historians and experts talk about the turning point of the 19th century, in fact the style began to emerge much earlier. Its beginnings appeared in the 15th-16th centuries. This was the time of the English aristocracy, which had a significant influence on the fashion of that period.

Aristocrats had their own lifestyle and moral principles. In those days, men and women spent a huge amount of time choosing toilets. People tried to look as elegant and fashionable as possible.

Lush and colorful things were put aside in the farthest corner. The appearance of fashionistas and fashionistas has always been strict, laconic and restrained.

The main features of the English style have survived to this day, but the fashion trend itself does not cease to develop over time. This fact allows us to call this direction a permanent classic.


The main feature of this strict style is its focus on ladies of all ages. Every fashionista will be able to choose an exquisite bow that will look stylish and harmonious.

Elegant outfits can be chosen for everyday occasions, as well as for going to work or special occasions.

One cannot fail to note the incomparable comfort of the clothing. The English style is distinguished by its convenience, since items are made from high-quality materials, taking into account all the features of the female figure.

English style welcomes minimalism and restraint in everything. This applies not only to clothes, but also to shoes, accessories, hairstyles and makeup. Everything should be in moderation.

Subspecies and directions

English style is rich in various fashion trends. A young girl or an older woman will be able to choose the perfect set for herself in any design. The image will turn out very elegant if you correctly select all its components. Let's take a closer look at fashionable trends in English style.

Modern style

The unique English style retains its fashion trends that have developed over the years. But in the distant 19th century, it still acquired some special features.

It is the permanent basis when a new fashion trend is born, which always demonstrates the authority and wide possibilities of foggy England.


In the forties, a youth subculture appeared in the United States, which included hipsters. At first, this was the name given to fans of jazz music and those people who were connoisseurs of art.

Today, hipsters include young people (15-30 years old) who are constantly looking for something new in the music and film industry and cannot imagine life without modern culture and art. Such fashionistas and fashionistas prefer to follow a special style of clothing.

The foundation of this fashion trend is permanent vintage, intertwined with modernity. A hipster's wardrobe always includes skinny jeans and bright sneakers. Their youth looks are not complete without platform shoes, various scarves, large-framed glasses, various hats, plaid shirts, shorts and T-shirts.

Often behind these extravagant vestments there are subtle and very vulnerable personalities who let everything pass through them. They turn to such bright images in order to stand out from the dullness of the crowd.


Rustic style is also called country. It is as convenient and practical as possible.

Girls living in rural areas initially turned to this fashion trend. Then, urban fashionistas also enjoyed interesting fashion solutions.

Create a casual, rustic look with tapered trousers with suspenders, a loose blouse and comfortable shoes without additional straps. An ordinary straw hat will look very harmonious in such an ensemble.


Modern fashionistas know that this fashion trend is based on the stylish images of the forties of the 20th century. It was a difficult time for all countries. Then fashionistas dressed up in cute little flower dresses and tulip skirts. Such things have not lost their relevance today, but have undergone some changes.

Today, fashionistas can add elegant tuxedos or long jackets to their suits. Pants are worn only to emphasize slender and long legs. A dress for an evening out can be chosen with a sexy open back and a long train.

It should be remembered that all other elements of the look (makeup, hairstyle) should not be colorful or bright. For example, a luxurious evening dress can be complemented with a lady's hat and a small clutch.


The famous Vivienne Westwood brought the avant-garde into English classics. She wanted to push the boring dullness into the background, adding bright colors and original accessories to her stylish looks.

Today the avant-garde is the true embodiment of the rebellious spirit. This fashion trend knows no boundaries or boundaries. Vivien added non-trivial decorative elements to the already established style: pins, studs and embroidery.

The textiles on her clothes are complemented by abstract prints with a variety of designs. Interesting things are sewn from materials of different colors, which can be combined with each other in one outfit.


The style of the English queen is a real standard of this fashion trend. Ladies from all over the world believe that resembling royalty makes them perfect. But transforming into a true lady is not so easy.

To do this, you need to follow some rules.

  1. It is recommended to dress up in items with a fitted or fitted cut. This applies to jackets that fit the female body, knee-length skirts and laconic dresses with a minimal amount of decorative details.
  2. A classic-cut suit is a must-have in your wardrobe. A similar outfit was designed by the famous Coco Chanel about a hundred years ago. At that time, ladies on the catwalk showed tapered trousers, tight-fitting skirts and solid jackets. Strict suits were borrowed from the men's wardrobe and fit perfectly into elegant women's looks.
  3. Be careful with accessories. Every English lady has leather gloves and charming scarves in her fashion arsenal.

The English style of clothing is the property of a true lady. This is rigor and simplicity, fit and practicality, business comfort and elegance.

English style trends are indivisible from the lifestyle of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. The traditions of the United Kingdom do not give in to fashion trends, and the classics are also unchanged. It is to Great Britain that we owe the birth of the three-piece suit made of tweed or jersey; magnificent women's toilets were created here, emphasizing the perfect body of a lady, despite the inviolable closeness and opacity of the outfit.

The main trend of Classic English Style is no hint of tightness or baggy, public display of the body and youth creativity. The conservative classics of the prim English suggest a sense of proportion in everything: in volume, shape, decoration and color scheme. An English lady is self-sufficient and self-confident; she does not emphasize her sexuality, does not flirt or seduce. Her manners are restrained and impeccable.

Basic requirements for an English wardrobe


Batiste and wool, tweed and jersey, silk and cotton - only natural materials without synthetic impurities and practical additives. No stretch, lurex or lycra - they have no place in the established traditions of Great Britain.

Color spectrum

The nobility of the color palette, represented by all shades of blue, white, gray, brown, green and black, can be slightly diluted with heavenly blue or the color of pampered peach. Thus, a monochrome gray suit can be combined with a blue or beige shirt, and a traditional checkered pattern can be complemented by a bright belt or red pocket linings.


Fashionistas of Victorian England are famous for their delicate taste and ability to create the perfect outfit.

Women's classic suit is strict and conservative. The silhouette is semi-adjacent or straight, the shape is rectangular. Details - jacket-type collars, cuffs, framed pockets, patch pockets, with a flap or with a leaf. The product is finished with compact-sized buttons, carefully selected to match the tone of the suit. It is allowed to have a cut or slot made in a single version. Degree of openness - the neck, legs below the knees and hands may be exposed.

Skirts- presented in the shape of a tulip or pleated, in the form of a pencil skirt or a wrap skirt, a skirt with raised seams or with slits or vents. The top of the product is decorated with a stitched belt, facing, various buckles or a belt with belt loops. Skirts are combined mainly with blouses, and if the sleeves of the latter are less than three-quarters, such a duet needs a jacket.

The classic English jacket assumes a semi-fitting silhouette with darts from the armhole or from the shoulder seam, along the waist or chest. The length of the product can be up to the middle of the thigh or exceed the hip line. The cut is exclusively tailored to the figure.

In addition to a blouse, you can wear a blouse, top, turtleneck or tie a scarf under a jacket.

Dress- an indispensable attribute of the wardrobe of an English fashionista. The silhouette of the product emphasizes the grace of its owner without exposing her. The dress is always made according to the figure. Closed or with a modest neckline, with thin straps or with set-in sleeves (full length or three-quarter length). The shape is elongated, rectangular. There may be two slots or cuts. The length of an English dress is knee-length or slightly higher (classic), floor-length or ankle-length (maxi).


In the English style there are round-shaped ladies' hats, bowler hats and, in rare cases, scarves and scarves. A classic beret can be a great alternative to a hat. Products are decorated with brooches, feathers, stones, and metal elements. The color palette of the jewelry approaches the color of the headdress or slightly shades it. As is the case with other items of the English wardrobe, hats should be made from natural materials.


A neckerchief or scarf that matches the outfit or slightly dilutes it. A lace handkerchief in a jacket pocket. A string of pearls, a hair clip or simple jewelry.

The bag has a classic shape without being too pretentious - oval, round, square, rectangular. Preference is given to suitcases and clutches.


The classic English style is pumps with small heels or miniature wedges. Models with an open heel or with small cutouts above the toes are possible. However, we always remember about monogamy - if the heel is open, the toe should be completely hidden, if the toes are slightly open, everything else should be chaste. Clogs, sandals and variations on this theme are excluded.

In cold weather, high boots with straight tops, neat ankle boots, or jockey and “army boots” are worn.

Hairstyle, makeup

Make-up uses the most natural colors. No extreme accents or bright colors. The hair is loose, gathered in a bun or snail. Decorative weaving is acceptable.

The English style, with its sophistication, rigor and impeccability, has long become a global brand. He is loved and in demand all over the world. Its most famous representative is Queen Elizabeth II.

Photo: style.com, theglamoroushousewife.com, marieclaire.co.uk, stylishe.ru/2011/02/28/anglijskij-stil-v-odezhde/, beautymari.ru/stil-i-moda/30-odezhda-angliyskiy -stil.html, womens-place.ru/fashion/style/anglijskij-stil-v-odezhde.html

England has always been one of the poles of men's fashion along with Italy. And if the Italians, with their inherent expressiveness, dress brightly, boldly and shockingly, then the British are the complete opposite: severity, moderation, muted tones. The dank climate of England has raised people who are persistent, calm and proud, and clothing is always a reflection of character. English style is primarily the style of gentlemen, so here you won’t see tracksuits, polos or sneakers. Everything is strictly strict, but therefore elegant. No yellow trousers and red loafers: a gray suit, brown shoes and a black coat. Calm colors and excellent cut.

1. Base

The basis is a classic two-piece or three-piece suit. The English suit is distinguished by a moderate fit: it is no longer an American “bag”, but also not an Italian “skinny” one. Since weather conditions require clothing to be warm, the material for making suits is usually different types of wool, most often tweed.

A special feature is the pattern of the fabric: large and small checks, herringbone, houndstooth, etc. This distinguishes English models from all those black and gray nondescript suits that clerks and civil servants love to wear.

A certain danger lies in the three-piece suit: yes, it is spectacular, but, by and large, it is already archaic. The three-piece suit was relevant a hundred years ago, when there was no normal centralized heating and houses were heated mainly by fireplaces, which made the room warm up unevenly. If on the first floor you could be comfortable in a shirt and vest, then on the second it was much colder. Most likely, it was from this feature that the English layering in clothing arose, which is now not entirely justified: in a modern normally heated room with a temperature of + 22-23°, it will be hot in a three-piece suit, and any element of the wardrobe should be, first of all, comfortable. But traditions often interfere with progress, which is why three-piece suits are still in trend, although now it already looks somewhat exotic.

2. What's under the jacket

Obviously a dress shirt, but without any gypsy stuff. An option in a discreet checkered pattern, or a plain one, again in muted tones, would be suitable. Leave the loudness to the Milanese. T-shirts and polos are undesirable; this is already a departure from the strict formal style. Such experiments are best left for a sports jacket and trousers. And it wouldn’t hurt to add a tie or bow tie to the shirt, preferably made of wool, so that it looks harmonious with a tweed suit.

Instead of a jacket, you can wear a sweater, pullover or cardigan, but this is less formal clothing, which was initially indecent to be shown in society: this was worn at home, while hunting or for a short walk. The rules are the same: wool and muted, discreet tones.

3. What's above the jacket

The choice in outerwear is not great and is limited to different types of coats. England is not the coldest country: the temperature there, even in winter, rarely drops below zero, so there is no need for fur coats and down jackets. The same thing can be said about an English coat as about a suit: tweed and characteristic patterns.

Although something special needs to be said about the duffle coat: a long, often almost knee-length coat with a hood and characteristic stick buttons. This model came from the British Navy.

4. What's on your head

Gone are the days when top hats and bowlers were worn with a suit. Since then, only various types of caps have remained in the arsenal of English dudes: eight-piece caps, airfield caps and duck caps. Traditionally they are made from wool, although sometimes you can find velor.

It is worth saying that caps are the most controversial part of the English wardrobe in relation to our Russian reality: for some reason in Russia they were loved by gopniks, watermelon sellers and taxi drivers, and until recently young intelligent people in eight-piece caps were rarely seen. But it’s worth giving credit to the series “Peaky Blinders”: the series, in fact, revived the interest of young people in the English style and re-introduced the under-cut haircut, which had already been forgotten by everyone, into fashion. Now on city streets you can increasingly see young people wearing caps, which were recently worn only by taxi drivers.

5. Shoes

English style - of course, shoes and boots, and there are plenty of their varieties.


The most formal shoes are characterized by closed lacing, i.e. the side parts of the shoe are under the vamp. This is not the most clear explanation. Just compare Oxfords to Derbys, which are slightly less formal and feature open lacing with the sides stitched over the front.


In fact, these are not even shoes, but a way of decoration. Fermentation, i.e. perforation can be applied to any classic shoes, be it Oxfords or Derbys. As soon as the characteristic “patterns with holes” appear on them, they are already brogues. Initially, shoe brodging was through-brooding and was used by Irish cattlemen to quickly dry their feet after walking sheep on marshy areas.


Much less formal shoes, more related to English casual, but nevertheless fitting into the image of a gentleman on vacation. As you can see, this model is distinguished by open and short lacing - 2-3 eyelets - and ankle height. The chukka was originally invented for British soldiers in India who felt hot in their boots. As often happens, the army uniform set the trends in civilian clothing for many years to come.


They are very similar to chukkas, but are made exclusively from suede and always have two eyelets for lacing. Again, its origins are due to Her Majesty's Army, which needed lightweight boots for service in the middle of the Egyptian sands.


Perhaps the most rebellious representatives among classic shoes: there is no lacing on them, and instead there are one or two straps with buckles. The name came from monastic shoes that had similar fasteners. Monks are much less formal than oxfords or derbies, but more formal than chukkas and deserts, so they can be safely worn with any suit. Classic monks are made of smooth leather in black or brown. Now you can find yellow ones, those made of suede, and those with brogueing, but this is filibustering of the highest order and has little to do with the real English style.


Also an extravagant type of shoe. They are high boots made of smooth leather with rubber inserts on the sides. This shoe design was originally created for the queen's riding. And in general, I came to men's fashion from women's fashion. Apparently, this is why some femininity is still discernible in this model. Chelsea boots became truly popular in the 20th century: they were worn by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and now these shoes can be found everywhere, despite such a controversial design. It is believed that Chelsea can be worn with a suit and trousers, but still, before putting on these shoes, think again. It is not for everyone, these are not conservative Oxfords.

6. Pleasant little things

Accessories make even the most conservative look interesting, and in our case, some of the dryness of the English style can be diluted by pocket squares, woolen bow ties and suspenders, which, if we are to be meticulous, are mandatory for an English suit. The whole look can be spiced up with a cane umbrella and a plaid scarf.

English style is a very suitable choice for young men in Russia. It’s cold here too, we also don’t like to get caught up in unnecessary emotions and wear bright things. At the same time, we want to look dignified and tasteful. But you need to be careful: the English style was formed many years ago and for slightly different conditions, so in the pursuit of full compliance with the image from the picture, you risk losing touch with our Russian reality and looking like a black sheep.

But isn't it better to stand out with good clothes than to be part of the crowd wearing bad ones?

They say about the English style of clothing that this is the most important element of the culture and traditions of this people. It originated in the 17th century and is still considered international. Today, the English style of clothing symbolizes simplicity, practicality, exemplary elegance, and is also an unsurpassed option for business and official events.

The described style reflects the culture of the British, their way of life. It is enough to imagine, for example, the style of the English Queen, which has already become one of the symbols of the country, or the national clothing of England. The image of modern residents of Great Britain was influenced by the formation of an aristocratic layer that valued neatness and elegance and did not pay much attention to new trends. Ladies and gentlemen began to carefully select details, abandoning pretentiousness and pomp.

Thus, clothes in a simple and strict design began to gradually combine convenience and practicality. A conservative style of clothing is relevant regardless of time and situation, and it must be thought out to the smallest detail.

Wearing clothes in English means having a sense of proportion in everything, from shape, color, to design elements. Oddly enough, it gives the English style chic. And the main highlight is added by accessories - handbags, hats, shoes, scarves, jewelry.

For most citizens, this style is the peak of sophistication, as well as an indicator of taste. This rigor has captivated many, increasing the demand for such clothing throughout the world. They especially appreciate things with an English theme and simple and strict execution. Nevertheless, almost each of us has dealt with English classics: after all, everyone has tried on formal dresses, suits, jackets or cardigans at least once.

Wardrobe requirements

There are certain requirements for an English-style wardrobe.


A men's set of things of this style will not go out of fashion for a long time. It is optimal for classic lovers who prefer elegance, as well as conservatives who value chic simplicity and convenience.

It is difficult to imagine the favorite style of the British without a suit. Thanks to England, the world learned about a suit that has:

  • notched lapels;
  • slits on the sides of the jacket;
  • fastening with one or three buttons.

A characteristic of expensive products is the presence of buttons on the sleeves, while in ordinary models they are sewn on for decorative purposes. And the lapel on the left side from the inside implies a loop for fastening the flower.

The jacket does not really express the shoulder line, requiring only small shoulder pads; The style is slightly fitted, with the hem falling to the hips. The lower part of the suit consists of trousers at the waist, tight-fitting to the legs. In the traditions of the described style - the use of suspenders.

Men's clothing style is a manifestation of the pedantry characteristic of this nation in various small details. Thus, a sports suit for them is a jacket with leather elbow patches. This is due to the aversion to sloppiness: everything is thought out before going out to avoid possible discussions of appearance. A man's wardrobe in this style is simple, and its base is made up of items that fit perfectly together - blazers and shirts made of thick fabrics, straight-cut trousers, coats and cozy large knit sweaters, classic ties and mufflers.


Women's clothing in the classic English style implies the presence of a suit. It certainly differs from men's, but it also has elegance. Single-breasted or double-breasted fitted jacket with pockets and pronounced shoulders, straight or slanted lapels. Pants are usually wide or slightly tight-fitting with arrows, and skirts are of the “pencil” type, always midi or shorter. This costume characterizes a woman as having exquisite taste and impeccable manners.

Another traditional item of clothing for women remains a tailored jacket with lapels and sides, with trim, in the same tone as the item. It perfectly complements dresses and blouses and makes a harmonious pair for skirts and trousers.

An English coat gives a woman a special charm. The favorite style for girls has become a model that resembles a jacket in cut, length to the middle of the knees and a possible strap at the waist.

The English style in a woman's clothing is the presence of a dress. Numerous photos show its important features:

  • fitted;
  • knee length;
  • no cutouts;
  • wraparound or slotted cuts;
  • decor – stitching to match the model.

In such a dress, a woman will not go unnoticed and will always be elegant.

Matching colors and fabrics

The fabrics of true Englishmen should be only natural - cotton, silk and wool, without any admixtures of synthetics or glitter. There is no place for lurex, lycra and stretch here. Due to the rather unstable English climate, cozy and warm fabrics are popular - tweed, jersey and cashmere. Children's clothing is often made from such fabrics.

In terms of prints, the main hit was and remains the checkered pattern, of which there are a great many types. The English style gave the whole world such options as Argyle, Houndstooth, Tattersall, from Bradbury. Even English national clothing contains some of these prints. Let's not forget about Tartan - “Scottish checkered”. A strip is also used.

If we talk about colors, it is preferable to use muted shades. Red is replaced by lingonberry, bright green by mustard, yellow by a shade of beige. Rich colors can only be seen in the form of print details or in some kind of accessory.

The most used colors of the English style are black and white classics, brown, blue, peach, and light blue. Moreover, except for some things with stripes or checks, clothing assumes monotony.

Decoration and embellishment

The English look does not require a lot of accessories, however, this does not mean that they should be completely abandoned. They are used sparingly and are distinguished by their sophistication:

  • The hat is very feminine and goes well with any look. Models with wide brims or medium length never go out of fashion, and small hats are used to go out. There are also ladies' bowlers, scarves, and a classic beret. Headdresses are decorated with metal elements, stones or feathers. In terms of colors, all decorations should not differ greatly in color from the headdress;
  • the bag can be of any shape and style, the main thing is without elaborate decor. Preference is given to clutches and suitcases;
  • The British are fond of massive scarves that are wrapped several times around the neck. They give the image a relaxed look and make it fresher. A neckerchief to match the clothes is also relevant, and there should be a lace handkerchief in the jacket pocket;
  • For jewelry, choose expensive, discreet jewelry - a string of pearls, a small brooch decorated with gems, a thin chain with an elegant pendant, a hair clip, a classic bracelet;
  • As for shoes, real Englishmen wear classic boots in the shade of a suit, pumps with low wedges or heels, patent leather ballet shoes, and Oxfords.

Shoes with a small recess under the toes or with an open heel are suitable. English style does not accept clogs or sandals. The traditions of the English style are carefully preserved, practically not subject to the spirit of the times. The choice of this style is a love for the classics, which will not go out of fashion anytime soon.


Classic style - restrained and sophisticated at the same time. Not every young lady will wear a skirt below the knee with a blouse. Classic is not for everyone. The English style of clothing, which is considered a classic, is no exception to the rule.

By putting on such clothes, the young lady demonstrates her readiness to constantly work on herself, the desire for perfection. Having chosen it, they stock up on patience and at the same time reassure themselves in case the narrow limits can never be observed. If everything succeeds, all conditions are met, the simple-minded girl will turn into an English lady.

Brief historical background

Despite the fact that England is a developed country, in some senses of the word it is still developing to this day, but this development is hampered by the adherence to traditions. The 19th century in England is still exemplary today. Fashion trends that emerged during this era continue to this day. The foundation is preserving traditions, no matter what.

It is hard to believe that at first English fashion was under pressure and influence from French fashion. France ruled until the fashion revolution, but then they lost their authority and returned everything to normal. Because of the separation, the English style began to develop rapidly, and by the beginning of the 19th century the first formation took place. It was then that the main features of the style were developed and announced, which remain unchanged today. Women who decide to change themselves are encouraged to work on themselves. It will concern not only changes in wardrobe, but also manners.

If you wish, you can collect all the rules of style in one place: simplicity, elegance, comfort, rigor, convenience, high-quality materials, consideration of space and figure.

Although many fashion historians talk about the turning point of the early nineteenth century, the emergence of the style was observed earlier. The first tremors were noted in the 15-16 centuries, when the English aristocracy was taking shape. Like many other classes, this one had its own characteristics in everyday life and moral principles. For example, young ladies and men spent a lot of time choosing clothes, trying to dress impeccably and elegantly. Lush and elaborate things were left aside. The bow turned out strict and simple. Since the main provisions have reached this day unchanged, and the style is still developing, we can call it an unshakable classic.

Main trends

Modern Britons prefer comfort and functionality in everything. Fashion dictates its own guidelines, the observance of which, although it takes a lot of time, ends in the creation of an ideal image. The wardrobe is dominated by clothes with a straight cut and a fitted silhouette. Under no circumstances should you choose items made from translucent fabrics. They also leave aside something shapeless, similar to a robe. By the way, mini skirts are prohibited. Stylists call this style for women minimalist, since there are practically no decorative elements or accessories.

It is known that women's clothing in the English style is made in gray, brown, green, blue and traditional white and black. The British do not accept brightness, but value subduedness. They don't like pronounced texture.

Calm and balanced Englishmen receive an excellent upbringing and are taught all manner of manners from childhood. This sophisticated and practical style suits them, and not any other. In England there live eccentric and emotional people who do not accept it in its traditional form. A strict suit oppresses them and squeezes them into frames. They came up with a shocking grunge and casual look, which is perfect for girls.

Women's clothing

The Queen of England is a style standard for many. For women from different countries, being like her is a demonstration of the height of perfection. Not everyone becomes a true lady who emphasizes their femininity and sophistication. In order for efforts to be crowned with success, a number of rules are followed.

  • Fitted and fitted silhouette. Guided by this rule, boutiques buy jackets that fit the figure, knee-length skirts and dresses with a minimum of decoration;

  • The appearance of a suit with a classic cut in the wardrobe. It was invented by Coco Chanel a hundred years ago. Then girls in tight tight skirts and a strict jacket paraded along the catwalk. The idea itself is not new, but borrowed from men, but it is the women's suit, despite its restraint, that looks feminine and elegant. Chanel's idea, as if proposed by chance, took root;
  • Selection of practical clothes;

  • Limited selection of accessories. Every Englishwoman has gloves made of real leather, a scarf, and an accessory whose name in English is “tote bag.” Such an unusual name was invented for a handbag with a characteristic oval or square shape.

To decorate yourself at a party, a reception in the Palace or at a ball, you are allowed to wear expensive jewelry (pearl beads, a brooch with a scattering of diamonds, etc.). Again, although they are allowed to wear them, the style is strictly spelled out: pretentiousness, flashiness are useless, but restraint is in place. If the item is truly of high quality, it does not need additional framing.

Pumps are worn on the feet to match the color of the bag or suit. Makeup is also done with special care to emphasize your grooming and neatness.

Modern style and its trends

Although the English style retains the main trends that have developed over the years, in the 21st century it still acquired a number of features. It is taken as a basis and considered a starting point when new directions are developed. They talk about the authoritarianism and great fashion opportunities of Foggy Albion.


Vivienne Westwood is the founder of the avant-garde, who upset the unshakable traditions. She wanted to get away from the dullness by introducing rich colors and fancy accessories. Everything that is passed off as avant-garde today demonstrates the spirit of rebellion and protest against existing rules. Being the queen of punk, Vivien introduced exquisite and unusual decorative elements into the established style, in particular rivets, embroidery, and clubs. The fabrics on her clothes are decorated with abstract prints; the colors from which it is made are different, including those that cannot be combined with each other.

It is not surprising that many stylists call the fruits of Vivien’s creativity the fantasy of an urban crazy woman.


The name of this direction is well known to many. Everyone knows that this style is based on the transfer of images of the 40-50s. twentieth century. During difficult years for the whole world, ladies wore dresses with small flowers with romantic colors and tulip skirts. This is all in fashion today, but with some amendments.

Ladies wear an elegant tuxedo or long jacket with their suit. If they choose trousers, then only those that emphasize the slenderness of their legs. A dress for going out is taken with an open back and a long train.

The remaining details that form the image, be it makeup, hairstyle and manicure, should be discreet, but noticeable. You can easily dress up an evening dress by taking with you to a party a hat, a clutch bag or a cane in sparkles and rhinestones.


Fashionistas who are unlucky enough to live in a big city put on breeches with suspenders with a blouse, put a straw hat on their head, and shoes without straps on their feet, and go about their business.

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