How to understand whether a man needs a woman: advice from psychologists. How to understand if you need this relationship How to understand what you need in a relationship

Today will help you understand whether a man needs you, or whether he is just using you. Of course, every relationship is individual, but there are a number of signs that may indicate less than flattering conclusions. For example, that he needs you, but only for the time being. Or he's just using you for as long as it suits him.

I would like to immediately warn you that if you ultimately conclude that he does not need you, do not rush to add him to the list of “cattle.” As a rule, men behave with women exactly as we allow.

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How to understand if a man needs you: Actions vs. Words

Some naively believe that they mean so much to one of the male representatives that it is impossible to imagine. Often those who get stuck in relationships that don’t “smell” of prospects fall into a similar trap. For example, this is carrot love with married people or with a man who is in another city, on another continent. Yes, in both situations you can find not just a note, but entire melodies of romance, but... Remember that the outcome of such relationships is rarely happy.

Therefore, look at the actions of a man. Not even that - Actions, with a capital letter. Because they can say whatever they want. Moreover, to anyone. And even just anyone. Agree, you don’t want to identify yourself with “just anyone,” but if you only believe the noodles on your ears, then you can even sign up for culinary courses on how to prepare them and become an experienced craftswoman in this. But do you need it? When you could easily go to dinner at an expensive French restaurant. And now we’re not just talking about restaurants...

Here signs that it’s time to understand how much a man needs you:

  • meets with you only when it is convenient for him, not for you;
  • sometimes cancels plans at the last minute, no matter how much you dreamed about it;
  • Quarrels constantly break out between you, often due to his dissatisfaction with your behavior, appearance, choice, actions, or all together;
  • he does not seek to meet your parents and does not introduce you as his own;
  • does not introduce you to his friends, refuses to go together to the skating rink, to the cinema or somewhere else - with your group of friends.

Understand that if a man needs you, it will be so obvious that doubts will not even arise. Although the site itself has sometimes encountered such situations when it is clear: he behaves as if he is not interested in you. But as soon as you turn away, he doesn’t take his eyes off you. By the way, such behavior of a man, his pointed ignoring, is sometimes the result of your wrong words or actions. After all, every guy is the same child. And sometimes he is so afraid that he is hurt by unrequited love, for example (yes, men, even if they are already 40 years old, are real romantics! Not all, but many).

Nonverbal signals from a man:

  • pupils dilate when looking at you;
  • when communicating one-on-one, adjusts clothes, hairstyle, pulls down trousers,
  • when you are in a group and everyone is laughing, he looks at you.

How do you know if a man who is now far away needs you?

It doesn't matter why. For example, I went to study in another city. Or you went on an internship somewhere. Look how often he initiates communication using all kinds of social networks, Vibers, Skype. Look at what he writes about. Does he share his own experiences? Does he ask about you?

How do you know if a married man needs you?

Understand whether you are needed or not, in the end such an alliance will not lead to good things. So, you've been warned! :) Now let's move on to understanding how to find out that you are not just another toy in his hands, but a truly valuable treasure:

  • he takes into account your capabilities and desires, when and where to meet;
  • he does not invent tales about when he will get divorced and why he cannot do this right now - he will simply honestly describe his situation, and it’s up to you whether to accept it or not;
  • will try to give you pleasant surprises.

A common joke is that if you are a lover, you will receive flowers not on March 8th, but when? In general, it doesn't matter. He is quite capable of doing this on the holiday itself. For example, order courier delivery of flowers and even include a gift. It won’t convey it on its own, but it’s even more piquant and enjoyable.

However, if he does this, I would like to draw your attention once again: do not flatter yourself. Yes, you understand, a married man needs you. But for what? For the acuity of sensations, in order to understand how dear his wife really is to him (after all, yes, everything is known in comparison), simply because he wants to prove his importance to her or to spite her for not appreciating him. Or so he is trying to overcome his complexes.

Alas, very often girls want to find out the extent of their need in situations like: we communicate with him, but we hide it in public. Or - he periodically disappears, for a week, a month or even six months, then appears again. We, romantic natures, tend to think of more than just: he is not interested in you. You don’t have to develop it further - you yourself know what excuses they usually come up with for such truly unworthy male actions.

And further. It’s better to understand whether a man needs you before you get in over your head.

How do you know if a man needs you? From a psychological point of view, there are several ways that will help determine the attitude of your other half towards you.


How to understand whether a man needs you at a distance and close? Try to take a closer look at it. After all, he may still treat you the same, and because of your desire for more, you may simply demand too much.

The first sign and, perhaps, the most important by which you can determine your importance in the life of your chosen one is how important your opinion is to him.

Take a closer look at how he treats you in everyday life. This method of checking a man’s attitude is good both at the initial stage of your relationship and after several years of living together. These can be ordinary signs of attention. Not every man will open doors for you, give you a hand when you get out of transport, or help you carry bags of groceries home.

Compliments are also an important factor that determines his attitude. Not only the words he says are important, but also the way he does it.


How often does your man give you gifts, and does he give you them at all? If you are dear to your loved one, he will never spare money for you. But he doesn’t necessarily have to buy you something new every week. Pay attention to whether he pays for you at the restaurant. When you go to the store for groceries, which of you pays for the cost?

It’s just that many women stubbornly do not want to notice this, believing that a man is a priori obliged to pay for them, because he is a representative of the stronger sex. Nothing of the kind: in many developed countries, for example, it is believed that if a man pays for you in a cafe where you had lunch together, then in this way he is simply showing disrespect. Therefore, dear girls, try to pay attention to such little things, and not just to the gift and its price.


Tenderness and affection on his part for no reason are a sure indicator that he cannot live even a moment without you.

A loving man always tries, despite everything, to be alone with his beloved more often. Her every glance, every touch and affectionate word is important to him. But this indicator can be deceptive, since over time everything becomes boring, and the husband already believes that his wife is not going anywhere. And why then waste your precious time on it? This, by the way, may be the first sign of concern for your spouse.

Your loved one is ready to do anything for you

No matter how trivial it may sound, it is worth paying attention to this quality. A loving man will never regret anything for his chosen one. This applies to money, attention, and care. But it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the chosen one’s temperament. Since we are all different, and care can manifest itself in completely different ways.

It would not be amiss to pay attention to the character traits of a man according to his zodiac signs, since their representatives behave completely differently.


So, how do you know if an Aries man needs you? He is always decisive both in everyday life and in love. He always considers himself a conqueror. Therefore, if he likes you, then he will be the initiator of meetings. And he will try in every possible way to please him in order to win. But it is worth remembering that representatives of this sign are very proud and do not offer anything twice. This does not mean that you should immediately agree to all his proposals, but you should not go too far.

Taurus Man

Representatives of this sign are confident that a woman must be conquered through humor. If such a man likes you, he will try in every possible way to make you laugh. And if suddenly one day, in a playful way, he throws a pillow at you, you shouldn’t be offended by him. Just know that he is the one trying so hard to show his attention. He will also try to constantly touch you, and will look for meetings for the most ridiculous reasons.

Gemini Man

This guy is the most persistent suitor. He will constantly try to meet you. The phone will ring off the hook with his calls until you turn it off. In your baskets you will find messages from him in batches. When you meet, he will constantly chat, trying to interest you. But his persistence gradually turns into obsession, which is very annoying.

Cancer and Leo

How to understand that a Cancer man needs you? Such guys gradually enter the life of their chosen one. They often try to play the role of a mentor who is constantly trying to suggest something. These men gradually gain the trust of their chosen one.

How do you know if a Leo man needs you? It will be difficult not to notice his advances. Leo men are gallant, they always try to give the best gifts and invite the object of their adoration to the best restaurants. The Leo man will try to please not only you, but also your parents. He will always be interested in what his lady likes.

Virgo and Libra

A Virgo man usually falls in love once and for all. If he likes you, he can spend hours at your entrance just to see you. He will try to find out from your friends how you feel about him and how serious it is. He will make different surprises. If he gives you a compliment, it will definitely be one that you will remember for a lifetime.

How to understand if a Libra man needs you? This guy loves himself very much and will not miss an opportunity to brag about his achievements. He will try to find a reason to ask for help, and will immediately try to demonstrate his superiority over you. If he likes you, he may start singing odes to his beloved. The only way out in this situation is to take everything into your own hands. Otherwise, the matter will not move beyond talk.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

A Scorpio man is always confident in himself. And if he decides that you are his destiny, he will not miss his chance. He may not kiss you on the first date, since you are his destiny, and, accordingly, cannot belong to anyone else. Therefore, why waste time if you still need to start a family and have children?

The Sagittarius man is the one who will pursue you to the last. If you refuse him, it won't stop him. He will try to woo your friends or parents so that they will help him win your attention. When a Sagittarius falls in love, he behaves awkwardly and may start talking nonsense or doing extraordinary things. Try not to take turns over him, but simply support him. He will certainly try to take you away from others.

Capricorn and Aquarius

How to understand that a Capricorn man needs you? The guy is often scared of his feelings. Initially, he will try to make friends with you in order to get closer. He will try to get to know you better. He won't take any action to try to win you over until he realizes what he stands to lose.

How to understand that an Aquarius man needs you? He is always confident in what he does, and will not be able to be your friend for long. He will immediately let you know that he is interested in you and should be with him. But don't rush to rejoice. Representatives of this sign can disappear from your life just as abruptly as they appeared in it.

Pisces Man

This is perhaps the most romantic sign. If he likes you, then your life can turn into a fairy tale in which they will sing serenades under the balcony, dedicate poems to you and constantly conquer.

Recognizing the actions of a man who has decided to end a relationship with a woman can be quite difficult. Especially when you yourself are still in love and have rose-colored glasses on your eyes. Then all deceptions and betrayals on the part of the young man are perceived as a temporary phenomenon, passing. However, in most cases, this is not the case. And the longer a girl in love turns a blind eye to these alarm bells, the harder and more painful it will be to survive the separation in the future.

In the case when a man wants to make it clear to a woman that she is no longer needed, everything starts according to the standard scheme. At first he stops calling first. Then he stops answering calls and SMS, citing being busy, and sometimes he simply turns off the phone. In response to all questions about why he does this, stupid excuses are usually made: “the battery is dead,” “there’s no phone reception there,” “I didn’t hear the call,” “I didn’t receive an SMS,” etc. If this is a one-time incident, then it may indeed be that the “battery is dead.” But if this is repeated day after day, this is a serious reason to wonder if everything is okay in the relationship.

Joint visits to friends, shopping, and restaurants are becoming increasingly rare. While they are together, the young man receives strange calls on his phone, to which he answers in monosyllables, turning away and lowering his voice. When asked who called, he replies that he is a work colleague, a friend, a relative. Usually it later turns out that his new friend called, who does not even suspect that the man is in a couple and is confident that he is a free person and ready for a new relationship.

Then it goes on and on - you stop spending evenings and weekends together. A young man begins to have a rush at work, all his friends urgently need his help, his mother and grandmother demand his immediate presence at. He attends all these events in splendid isolation, leaving you at home by the window. And if it’s been winter for a long time, and the man is still cultivating the beds, believe me, he found something more interesting a long time ago, he just forgot to tell you about it.

But you finally got a date with the man you love so dearly. And instead of joy from meeting you, he demonstrates cold aloofness, constantly glancing at his watch, as if he is in a hurry to get somewhere. He answers your questions about future relationships in a vague manner and avoids direct conversation. Make the fate of this lying comrade easier. Propose first. And you will see with what relief he will agree with this. Yes, it will be difficult for you, but believe me, the sooner you end this relationship that is leading nowhere, the sooner you will meet a man who will appreciate and respect you.

And most importantly, always remember that you are the most kind, attentive, and generally the BEST WOMAN on planet Earth. Love and appreciate yourself, and then the BEST MAN will definitely be next to you.

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Is it worth continuing a relationship that has already begun?

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When we start building a relationship with a new young man, one of the main thoughts we always have is: do we really need this relationship? Perhaps we are looking for something different.

We decided to figure out how to understand what kind of relationship you need, whether it is worth developing it or slowing down at the initial stage. Undoubtedly, everyone individually selects a partner for life, but at the same time, there are 5 main signs that your relationship is doomed.

  1. You don't respect each other

Respect plays one of the important roles in relationships. It is on this factor that friendships and any other relationships are built. If there is no minimum respect in your relationship, then it is doomed to failure in the future.

  1. He doesn't have the qualities you see in your future partner

Since childhood, every girl knows exactly what qualities her partner should have. In childhood, this is a “prince on a white horse,” but over the years, every girl realizes exactly what she needs.

  1. Your views on the future are completely different

You want a family, and he wants to travel around the world. If you cannot agree on the future, then this is a sure sign that there will be no development in your relationship in the future.

  1. With him you're wearing a mask and you're not real.

With “our” person, we will always be real. But if you have to put on a mask and not be real, then end this relationship at the first stage.

  1. Something about him irritates you

You understand that he is too good or too bad. Everything seems fine, but not the way you need it.

All of these signs, one at a time or in combination, may mean that your relationship will not develop in the future, so it is most likely worth ending it. In any case, listen exclusively to your intuition.

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Love only brings real satisfaction when it is mutual. If a woman feels loved, she will be happy and will make the people around her happy. However, understanding whether love feelings are mutual is not always easy. Sometimes doubt that love is mutual may arise due to the fact that feelings have changed slightly due to duration. In other cases, the partner may simply not be able to talk about his feelings in the emotional language of his partner. Even small changes in a relationship can raise the question of how to understand that a man needs you. To understand this issue, you should pay attention to various factors in the behavior and attitude towards you and your family.

How do you know if a man needs you?

If you doubt the reciprocity of your beloved man's feelings, watch him how he behaves in some specific situations. He values ​​you if:

  • It is important for him to know your opinion on various issues, he consults with you and makes some decisions with your help;
  • he is ready to do what pleases you, even if he does not agree that it should be done exactly that way;
  • he tries to do nice things for you: gives you gifts, hugs, helps with housework;
  • the man wants to spend his free time with you;
  • he tries to introduce you to his friends and speaks of you in their presence with love and respect;
  • your loved one communicates with pleasure with your relatives, trying to maintain good relations with them;
  • in difficult times, your beloved man will try to support you, even if you yourself are to blame for the negative situation that has arisen.

How to understand that a married man needs you?

A married man will show his feelings a little differently than a single man. Due to circumstances, he may not be as relaxed and carefree as a man without. If he loves you and is not just using you for entertainment, then you will notice the following features in his behavior:

When thinking about the question of how to understand whether a married man needs you, it is worth thinking about the quality in which he may need you. Maybe you are just a lover for him, or maybe he needs you as a good friend. In this regard, your understanding and that of your man may not coincide at all.

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