Why people who love to read are better than others. What do you call a person who reads a lot? People who read a lot as they are called

The widespread dissemination of interests in the area of ​​the unknown in our time cannot but ignore such a phenomenon as mind reading. Surely there is hardly anyone among people who does not periodically want to become the owner of this ability. In fact, a person who reads people’s thoughts is always protected from deceivers at home and at work, from various types of scammers, and is always able to give the correct answers to questions, win the lottery, and so on. But, unfortunately, most people are deprived of this ability. At the same time, there are those who claim that such a useful skill as mind reading can be developed with the help of various kinds of exercises and techniques. So people?


Thought transmission is not just an oriental tale, it is a phenomenon studied by scientific and parascientific organizations, parapsychologists, physiologists, physicists and other enthusiasts. There were experiments and research initiated even by government authorities and carried out in the most modern laboratories. Accordingly, there is a special, specially developed terminology for this phenomenon. The very phenomenon of transmitting thought images, according to her, is called telepathy, and a person who reads thoughts is called a telepath. This is a narrow concept. In a broader sense, a telepath is someone who can not only read someone's thoughts from a distance, but also put their own into someone else's head. Therefore, it is necessary to learn two more terms - inductor and percipient. An inductor is a person who is the source of thought. He can actively instill it in others or simply scroll it through his head - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the inducer is the one whose mental images are perceived. A person who reads people's thoughts is called, accordingly, a percipient - a perceiver.

For this article, these three terms will be sufficient.

The existence of telepathy

Many people doubt the existence of such a phenomenon as telepathy and similar phenomena. Moreover, they deny the opportunity to learn to read other people's thoughts. A person has the right to choose what to believe. This article does not aim to convince a skeptic of the reality of the phenomenon, and therefore various arguments regarding the question of whether it is possible to read people's thoughts will not be presented here. Let us assume a priori that it is possible, and devote further research to finding an answer to the question of how. This is the most productive approach to solving a problem: try and find out.

The nature of telepathy

Firstly, we must deeply understand the simple truth that today this has been practically proven by experiments. Therefore, we will not be far from the truth if we imagine a mental image as a series of waves emanating from a person’s head, like from a radio transmitter. Of course, the statement that thoughts literally float in space is technically somewhat simplified, but, in essence, it is quite true.

Secondly, if not from natural gullibility, then at least for the benefit of the matter, the existence of a common information field should be stated. Some scientists, for example Nikola Tesla, assigned this role to the ether, which supposedly fills the entire universe invisibly to humans. Others proposed even more fantastic hypotheses. The majority preferred to remain silent. One way or another, the general information field stores and displays, as in a mirror, the entire amount of information that is present in the world. Among other things, the thoughts of every person fall into this great universal archive. Interesting, isn't it? Go ahead.

From here theories are born about how you can read people’s thoughts - either by connecting to this universal information field, or by learning to directly record and process the flow of mental images emanating from the inductor’s head, or in some other way. There are arguments and supporting facts for each of these versions. But let psychics, parapsychologists, esotericists and others argue about this. Most likely, the truth is closest to the statement that in parallel there are several ways to make telepathic contact, as is the case with any other type of communication.

Unintentional telepathy

Most of us have unintentionally made telepathic contact more than once. Most likely, we simply did not notice most of these types of episodes in our lives, because we did not have the opportunity to recognize the phenomenon. Think of times when you and your friend or spouse, or perhaps someone else with whom you are in a good close relationship, suddenly uttered the same words and even entire phrases at the same time. Or how exactly the same answers came to your mind when asked a question. Or suddenly a thought appeared in your head out of nowhere, and a moment later it was voiced by the person next to you. All this applies to cases of unintentional telepathy, when the consciousnesses of two people connect, vibrations and subtle mental rhythms are tuned to each other and a process of partial synchronization of two people, two minds occurs.

Attentive attention to such manifestations of the psyche and a detailed, scrupulous study of them is the key to success if you have a desire to learn how to learn to read people's thoughts consciously, intentionally and at the right time.

Preparing for telepathy

It’s worth saying right away that there is no magic wand or pill that would allow you to overnight transform from an ordinary person into a telepath. Anyone who wants to acquire mind reading skills will have to seriously work on themselves - on their body, on their mind, on their speech. At this stage, it is important to grasp the fact that everything mental processes in humans (like all life processes in general) are provided by subtle energy, called, in accordance with Eastern terminology, prana, and among domestic psychics called bioenergy. A person who reads people's thoughts is no exception. And the more prana accumulates in the body, the easier and faster the process of mastering such things as telepathy will be. And on the contrary, the less prana, the slower this process will go, if it even gets off the ground. Therefore, the first thing to do is to learn to spend as little prana as possible and collect as much of it as possible in the surrounding space.

Rules for accumulating vital energy

What does it mean to accumulate prana? It's simple. This means doing less of what consumes it, and more of what contributes to its accumulation. To be more specific, this means that you need to conduct healthy image life, avoid unnecessary sexual impressions and contacts, eat right (preferably a vegetarian menu, since meat poisons and burdens a person, taking away a colossal amount of vitality), spend more time in nature, do not give in to negative emotions, breathe deeply, talk less, refrain from emotional outbursts, engage in physical exercise, etc., observing the principle of moderation in everything.

Order in your head

The next step is to put your thoughts in order. Since the thinking process also takes away prana, you need to learn to turn off the meaningless muttering of the inner voice and dialogue with it. Regular practice of meditation and relaxation will help us with this, as well as exercises to develop concentration and concentration, for example, looking at one point or at a candle flame for a long time.

Affirmations and self-belief

Believing in yourself, in your own strengths, is a necessary condition to help you achieve success. If you do not sincerely convince yourself that you are a person reading thoughts at a distance, then your brain simply will not be able to remove the block and allow itself to consciously perceive information from someone else’s head. Therefore, every day, as often as possible, imagine that you have already achieved success, that you already know how to perceive and inspire mental images. Imagine this figuratively, as clearly as possible, and be sure to say some formula, like this: “I am a telepath. I read people's thoughts." You can choose the words yourself. The main thing is that the phrase should be spoken in the first person, in the present tense and without negative prefixes, that is, without any “not”, since the subconscious does not catch them.

Exercise to develop telepathy

Here's an exercise to help you understand how to read other people's minds. Choose a partner who will take the matter seriously. Choose a room where no one and nothing will disturb you. It is better if it is dark there (so that attention does not wander). Next, take a comfortable position with your back straight and relax. Inhale and exhale deeply several times. Your partner must also do all this. Then clear your mind of thoughts, stop the internal dialogue. Focus only on your partner, give your brain the setting to perceive his thoughts. And let the assistant, in turn, think intensely about something. And then just wait. Over time, with regular persistent training, you will learn to exchange biofields with your partner and perceive his thoughts. There is no need to guess them - a clear vision will come on its own when you are ready for it.


There are other techniques for learning to read people's thoughts. They were developed in ancient times and continue to work on this issue today. There is no need to jump from one method to another if the first attempts did not bring visible success. Regular practice, unbreakable will and confidence in the result will ultimately ensure victory. Therefore, once you have found your method, be persistent and persistent in its practice. Who knows, maybe in the near future you will realize that you are also a person who reads people's thoughts.

In the classical sense, a person who loves to read books and, within reason, is interested in this process is called a book lover. However, in psychology there is another concept for a person who, in the literal sense of the word, does not “emerge” from book life - a bibliophile. This addiction deviates from psychological norms and may well destroy life. Details are in the article below.

Why do some people really like to read books?

We will not be original when we say that the habit of reading is formed from childhood. People who “live on the page” devote themselves completely to the process, living every line and the fate of the main characters. Here is the answer to the question: people read because:

  • they are interested in plunging into that other life;
  • they are simply accustomed to doing this from an early age;
  • they feel that they are developing morally with every book they read - they get satisfaction;
  • reading books is a great pastime.

Bookphile: be afraid or rejoice?

It would seem that there is something bad here - an increased love of books. However, psychologists say that constantly being in an embrace with the “paper world” entails consequences.

As described earlier, when reading a book, we are completely immersed in the reality that the author dictates to us. Of course, the facial features of the main character, the exterior of buildings and the timbre of the voice of book characters are drawn by our consciousness. Yes, the imagination works, the eyes run over the lines, the whole consciousness is “in the book.” Great, isn't it? What if you devote your entire working day to this? Life in reality will begin to collapse, don’t you agree?

In addition to making it difficult to return to and accept real life, excessive reading damages your eyesight and somewhat worsens overall health. Reading a book - sitting still for a long time - is not the most useful activity.

In addition, bibliophiles spend a huge amount of money on buying new reading materials. Any book that a bibliophile more or less likes ends up on his shelf. It is probably clear that he cannot deny himself and every time he spends inappropriate money on buying new pages.

Do you remember such a character from your environment? Tell him about it and ask him if he knew the name of a person who loves to read and cannot tear himself away from a book?

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How often do you meet people who really enjoy reading books, those who don't need to be forced, those who enjoy it? After all, today the continuous flow of information from television, the Internet and, in particular, social networks has simply replaced books for many. Fortunately, there are still those who love to read. And these people are better than everyone else. Below are 7 reasons why you should communicate with people who love reading books.

1. They are good at noticing little things.

While reading, a person lives in a virtual reality, which differs in many ways from his everyday life. This enriches our experience and helps improve our point of view on a variety of topics. By developing his intellect, a reader can not only notice details, but also enjoy them. Don't believe me? Give a bookworm a comfortable chair and warm tea, and he will be very grateful to you.

2. They are smarter

Thanks to books, we develop, learn a lot of interesting things, and train our intellect. And it is not at all necessary to read works that are difficult to comprehend. In fantasy sagas, in the world of elves and dragons, you can also find important life lessons! Additionally, you may notice that people who read science fiction still have better vocabularies than those who don't read at all. They are also much less likely to answer “I don’t know.” This means that it is much more pleasant to communicate with them.

3. They are more creative

Ingenuity is always useful, and especially in your personal life. Your reading partner will always be able to surprise you with something, even when you have lived together for decades and get to know each other well. This is because he or she can always borrow ideas from previously read books. If you like long-term relationships, start them with bookworms. They will always be able to please you with something interesting and new.

4. They are more patient

Having taken up a task, a reading person usually brings it to the end. This is because he is used to spending a lot of time reading: for those who are busy, it can take whole weeks to read a book. But they don’t give up what they started, but confidently go to the end. Developed patience is a gift whose value is demonstrated in relationships.

5. They value personal time and space.

Readers will not impose themselves on you, trying to take over not part of your life, but your whole life. They always have books that you can immerse yourself in, as if in a wonderful dream. Readers don't like being taken away from their books. This means that you and your significant other simply will not be able to get bored of each other, since you will always have enough free time for yourself.

6. They are more romantic

Almost every book has a little romance. Even in fiction created specifically for teenagers, you will find something unusual - in the lives of the characters, in their experiences, thoughts. They usually defeat evil together through friendship or love, faith and hope. The person reading knows a lot about romance, and he will most likely bring it into your relationship.

7. They are more caring

Paper books teach you to take care of fragile items. They can be burned, damaged, flooded with water, or torn. Those who love to read know how important it is to take care of both things (both your own and those of others) and people. They know how to appreciate what they value.

We were taught from early childhood that reading is the right path to success and self-realization. Of course, a lover of reading will not necessarily become a successful and prosperous person. However, he has a better chance of achieving his goal. Why? Let's find out by looking at 10 reasons why people who read a lot are more likely to succeed.

They have an increased concentration of attention

Successful people can focus on a specific task for long periods of time. Any book lover knows that reading is not a quick process. And, of course, you can’t spend all your time with a book in your hands, because you need to do other things too. But an avid reader simply will not be able to put the book down for long. So, having closed it today, tomorrow he will definitely open it and read at least a few pages. Successful people feel the same way about the tasks they set for themselves.

They set goals for themselves

Along with focusing their attention, avid readers set specific goals for themselves when they come across a good book. For example, they determine the number of pages they will read before doing something else. Successful people also constantly set goals and strive to achieve them.

They spend their time wisely

Perhaps you only have 20 minutes left before you have to go somewhere. But if other people consider this time not enough to do anything worthwhile, then lovers of reading will see it as an opportunity to read at least a few pages from a book. Successful people value their time and take every opportunity to learn something new or get closer to their goal. Avid readers understand that just 5 minutes a day wasted will eventually turn into 24 hours over the course of a year! But during this time you can read so many interesting things!

They can look at familiar things from a different point of view

Successful people are able to look at situations from different angles. Reading helps develop this ability when you can put yourself in the shoes of a particular character. This provides invaluable experience that can help us in life.

They're thinking

In addition to the opportunity to see things from a different perspective, avid readers learn to reflect on books. They don't just look at printed text, but make sense of it, thinking about how what they read can affect their lives.

They have excellent written and oral communication skills

It's no wonder that great speakers throughout human history have enjoyed reading. Successful people at all times have drawn inspiration from their idols. Speakers whose names will forever remain in history had good teachers, whose works were studied.

They have increased memory capacity

Avid readers understand how powerful the human brain can be. After all, it can accommodate a truly unlimited amount of information. And the more you study and read, the easier it is for you to remember something new. Successful people know that Homer Simpson is wrong when he says that when you remember something new, something old is erased from memory. They continue to learn, increasing their brain resources, and sometimes without even realizing it.

They remain functional

Avid readers know that the brain is like a muscle. So, if you want to keep your arms and legs in great shape, then you often go to the gym. The same applies to our brain. Reading helps keep your mind sharp and allows you to better absorb new knowledge. Successful people train their minds on a daily basis. They do this through books or other methods such as solving crosswords or solving puzzles. Also successful people sometimes they deliberately create problems, overcoming which they develop their mental potential.

They are educated and informed

Successful people reach the top because they have spent a lot of time learning. When they pick up a book, they do so not only to simply read it to the end, but also to learn something new. After all, even from reading science fiction novels successful man is able to learn a useful lesson that will stay with him forever.

They read to relax

Even the most successful people need to rest from time to time. But this does not mean that you need to completely turn off your brain. After all, there is nothing wrong with relaxing while reading a glossy magazine or a new novel. Reading is a much better pastime than watching TV or an evening spent in a bar drinking a glass of beer. Again, it’s worth remembering that successful people value every minute of their lives, so they try to use even their rest time profitably. Besides, any avid reader will tell you that there is nothing better than spending an hour or two sitting in a comfortable chair with an interesting book.

Therefore, if you have not yet discovered all the benefits of reading, then hurry up to do so. After all, a new amazing world will open up before you, which will also definitely help you achieve success.

Reading is an interesting and useful activity. But today it is increasingly becoming old-fashioned. Fewer and fewer people read books. Books are being replaced by the Internet, social media and news. I am not calling for giving up progress, but self-improvement is simply necessary.

I want to talk about people who love to read books. Here we'll talk not about light literature that is read for entertainment. Although it has a right to exist. Here we are talking about people who love to read classic literature And .

How are people who read different from others?

  1. They have a broader outlook

    After all, they are constantly learning something new. From books we draw information on history, ethnography, and learn about the traditions and customs of different peoples. Thus, our life experience becomes richer and more diverse.

  2. Rich vocabulary and high literacy

  3. People who read are more creative

    Of course have creative people who have never read books. But literature stimulates and develops creative abilities. Some reading enthusiasts eventually try to write fiction.

  4. They can easily find a topic for conversation or keep a conversation going.

  5. They think more often about eternal values

    Modern man does not often think about eternal values: peace, love, friendship, fidelity, honor, faith, dignity. Literature makes you think about the eternal, helps you find your place in the world, your purpose.

This is not a complete list of facts about people who read. It can be continued. To read or not is everyone's choice. But you don’t need to read to increase your self-esteem, you need to enjoy it. Only then .

The video contains 10 interesting facts about people who love to read!

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