Acrylic nail extensions pros and cons. Pros and cons of nail extensions. Pros and cons of acrylic extensions

What are the pros and cons of nail extensions? Unlike the recognized predators of the animal world, women use their claws not only for hunting.

Therefore, the beauty, length and well-groomed nails matter! But not every lady has healthy and strong claws.

Heredity plays a big role, and for some, even special varnishes and creams cannot help. Fortunately, this issue was resolved a long time ago by cosmetologists who have mastered nail extensions.

There are so many rumors, myths and fears surrounding this procedure that not everyone dares to go to a nail stylist. This is the name of the salon pro who is responsible for the beauty of ladies' hands.

What are the real pros and cons of extended nails??

Fear #1.The extension substance prevents living nails from breathing.

It all depends on the material chosen for extensions. This statement is true only in relation to acrylic. Indeed, this product contains a lot of chemicals and does not allow your claws to take a breath of oxygen. At the same time, gel and biogel conduct air perfectly.

That is why nails extended with gel can be worn for a long time and only adjusted once a month. But acrylic ones will have to be removed once every six months (or even more often), revealing thinned nail plates underneath and taking care of your own health.

Fear #2. Extended nails constantly break.

You really need to be careful with gel claws - the polymer is very fragile. You will have to entrust the washing to a washing machine, the washing of dishes to a dishwasher, and type on the keyboard slowly and without frenzy.

If your nail is cracked, there is nothing you can do to fix it - you will have to go to a nail stylist and get a new one done. And this is another blow to the family budget! But acrylic nails are durable, you can use them for war or for cleaning.

Fear #3. After extensions, your own nails become unusable.

Acrylic has such a caustic chemical composition that it damages the underlying nail plates beyond recognition. This is the same sacrifice that many make for the benefit of their own beauty, without thinking about the consequences.

Damaged nails can still be restored, but you will have to devote both time and money to this.

The gel is gentle on nails and its composition resembles natural materials. And the biogel completely strengthens, restores, protects and vitaminizes the nail plates!

Fear #4. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not have their nails extended..

Biogel is approved and even indicated for expectant and current mothers. It is completely harmless to the baby’s health and is useful for its mother, whose nails have acquired a dull appearance during pregnancy.

But even the strongest and healthiest person can have an allergic reaction to the components of the acrylic substance.

Fear #5. It is very expensive.

The main disadvantage of nail extensions with gel and biogel is that it is a very expensive procedure that is difficult to perform at home. It requires special professionalism of the master and some complex devices (a UV lamp under which you will have to dry the polymer).

Acrylic is much cheaper, dries on its own and very quickly, and is then easily polished by a cosmetologist.

Fear #6.It is too long.

The advantage of acrylic nail extensions is that it is a quick, clear and simple procedure. The gel will take much longer.

Fear #7. It's painful and unpleasant.

Nobody complains about pain, but the smell during acrylic extensions is terrifying. Gel and biogel do not smell of anything.

The acrylic coating will have to be leveled and filed during the procedure if the material does not lie very evenly. But the gel is so good that it evens itself out and does not require additional measures!

But removing gel from nails is more difficult than applying it. It will have to be filed down with a file, and there is a possibility of catching and scratching a living nail.

Fear #8. Extended nails do not shine.

They shine so much, especially the gel ones! Acrylic glows less in the sun, but allows you to place as many sparkles as you like. Gel, on the contrary, does not like glitter, but compensates for this with its own shining properties.

The main advantage of extensions is the opportunity for any woman to have long and beautiful, albeit artificial, claws.

And if nature has not endowed you with strong nails, you can always fix it and get rid of unnecessary complexes!

File and nail polish remover. Modern technologies make it possible to extend the life of perfect nails by 2-3 weeks, and throughout this time the coating will look flawless, without the need for correction. At the same time, progress does not stand still, and today fashionistas already have the right to choose materials for covering nails to their taste. Today we want to talk about nail extensions. Gel or acrylic - which is better to use in order to get a perfect manicure for a long time?

The advantage of modern technology

It would seem, why is ordinary varnish bad? But remember, how many women until recently could boast of an ideal shape and were satisfied with the length of their nails? Usually these were just a few, and everyone else was forced to be content with what nature gave. Today, everyone can have their nails the length and shape they want. At the same time, they will be strong, shiny, that is, the same as in the picture. Therefore, it is logical that the vast majority today do nail extensions. Gel or acrylic - which is better to use for this procedure, we will figure it out today.

Lack of clear boundaries

Actually this one is like that. Even those women who regularly visit salons do not fully understand what the difference is between these materials. But it lies not only in the properties, but also in the application technology itself, which is more important for the master than for the client himself. Formation begins with filing of the native nail plate. Then one or another material is applied to it. Acrylic hardens very quickly, which makes it difficult to work with, especially for beginners. Gel, on the contrary, has a fluid structure and takes its final form only under a special lamp. But this also has its downsides. If you leave a jar of gel in the sun, then the time required for one client will be quite enough for it to become completely unusable.

Removal technique

We have only considered application so far. So far there isn't much of a difference. However, 2-3 weeks will pass, and perfect nails will require correction. And here, even without knowledge and experience, you will see how nail extensions differ. Gel or acrylic - which is better, each of you will choose for yourself. But when it comes time to change the coating, the acrylic is removed using a special liquid, and the gel has to be completely cut off, which does not have the best effect on your own nails. Of course, the master will immediately polish everything and make it look better, but if you decide to take a break from such procedures for a while, then your fingers will look very pitiful at first.

Let's summarize the first results so that it is easier for us to draw a conclusion about how to perform nail extensions. Gel or acrylic - which is better? So, the first one is easier to use, but it requires expensive equipment, is susceptible to sunlight and can only be removed by sawing it off. Acrylic is easy to remove, but hardens quickly.

Chemical properties and safety

Women are primarily interested in these parameters, which is not surprising. By the way, there are other materials on the market. These are resin, silk and some others, but they are used extremely rarely, so today we are only considering nail extensions with acrylic or gel. Which is better and why? You can often hear the opinion that gel is useful and acrylic is harmful. How true is this opinion and what is it based on? In fact, this is nothing more than speculation based only on guesswork. The fact is that the gel is very reminiscent of body cream and has practically no smell. But acrylic has a strong chemical smell.

And in fact

The chemical properties of these two coating options are practically indistinguishable from each other. They are very similar, and it is very difficult to say which has a greater effect on the nail plates. At the same time, keep in mind that the master will cut off their top layer each time he performs extensions with acrylic or gel. What's better? The effect of these materials on the human body is almost the same. Acrylic just hardens in the air due to its evaporation, and that’s the smell. And the gel hardens under the influence of ultraviolet light, which is why it does not smell of anything.

And let's sum it up again. It turns out that the chemical effect of both materials on nails can be ignored. Therefore, do not believe the opinion of friends who, based on unreliable facts, argue whether it is harmful to grow nails. Which is better, gel or acrylic, apparently needs to be clarified further.

Considering reliability

Every woman wants to receive the highest quality service so that she can have a beautiful manicure for a longer time. Therefore, some clients prefer one or another material, based on their own considerations that it is stronger. In fact, the wearability of acrylic and gel is almost the same. But this is only provided that the modeling is done correctly. Not every master works with gel, because it tends to spread. Therefore, naturally flat nails can crack and break. But this is not the fault of the material, it is solely the inexperience of the master. Therefore, it would be wrong to consider nail extension itself bad. Which is better, gel or acrylic, let's find out further.

Material peeling

This is another common problem that also needs to be dealt with separately. Most often, the coating peels off near the cuticle and on the sides. In the vast majority of cases, the master will again be to blame. These are improper preparation of natural nails, incorrect laying out of the material, or processing flaws after extensions. But it also happens that the master did everything right, but this or that material did not suit you personally. But this is no more than 10% of all cases when the client remains dissatisfied with the result.

Possible reasons

It happens that for unknown reasons the body does not accept acrylic or, conversely, gel. Few people have the time to undergo a full examination in a clinic and find out the roots of this phenomenon, so it’s enough to simply trust a specialist who provides nail services. However, in practice it has already been noted that if a woman has hormonal disorders, then acrylic may not hold up well. This may apply during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and may also be associated with taking hormonal medications. In this case, you can try an alternative option. To some extent, the quality of the coating may be affected by the use of antibiotics.

What is better to use for nail extensions: gel or acrylic? This should be said by your master, based on his own experience of working with both materials, as well as from your individual characteristics. If you go to a specialist in your field, then no problems will arise, the coating will be even, smooth and strong.

Gel extensions, pros and cons

So, we looked at the features of both materials. They are not very different in their characteristics, so choosing which is better is quite difficult. Let's once again summarize what properties acrylic or gel have. Which is better, the pros and cons of each. Do not forget that this information must be consistent with the opinion of your master.

So, the advantages of the gel:

  • Extensions can be performed on tips, that is, overlay plates, which gives you the opportunity to wear nails of any length.
  • Even a novice master can perform this procedure.
  • The nails are very durable.
  • During the procedure, the master and the client are not bothered by an unpleasant odor.
  • Gel nails last up to 4 months, however, the growth of the base of the nail plate will still lead you to correction much earlier.
  • An abundance of decorations and flowers.
  • Even an amateur can immediately see that these are gel nails. They are much thicker than usual.
  • Strong temperature changes lead to cracks.
  • A broken plate cannot be repaired, only replaced.
  • You cannot make a three-dimensional design with gel.
  • Beginners often work with gel, which is why the quality of the final coating may be poor.

Acrylic coating, pros and cons

Let's start with the strengths.

  • Extensions can be done on tips or your own nails.
  • The high-quality coating is very durable, resistant to chemical and physical influences.
  • These nails are thinner and therefore look more natural.
  • They are subject to restoration and repair.
  • Removable without cutting.
  • Wide possibilities for three-dimensional design.

Here are some of the downsides:

  • Using liquid with acetone causes acrylic to lose its shine.
  • The extension is accompanied by a strong odor.
  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • High-quality extensions require a high level of professionalism from the specialist.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, it’s not only about the right choice, but also about the skill of the master who will perform the coating. Moreover, if you go to a salon that values ​​​​its reputation, then you can be sure that only high-quality materials are purchased here, which means that the result will definitely please you. Beginners who rent their own office and learn from their first clients are in a different price category, but the risks are higher here. Today, more and more masters prefer acrylic nails, because it allows you to realize any design ideas and shapes. It’s difficult to surprise a modern client with something, and every time he wants something special.

Beautiful nails with manicure are the ultimate dream of any girl. After all, since ancient times, a girl’s well-groomed hands have been considered a sign of her success. Any girl at least once in her life dreamed of giving up all kinds of masks, vitamins for growth, strengthening nails, replacing it all with nail extensions. However, many are afraid to do extensions due to lack of full awareness.

It should be understood that common materials used for extensions are acrylic and gel. What they have in common is that they can be performed as forms, and on tips. Otherwise, these two materials have their pros and cons, which will be discussed.


Pros of the procedure:

  • Acrylic is quite thin, but durable;
  • Acrylic nails look like real nails;
  • These nails are very tolerant of temperature changes;
  • Nails can be easily removed; to do this, simply dip them in a special solution;
  • Acrylic is much stronger than gel, and as a result, the wear life is much longer;
  • With acrylic nails you can safely do household chores

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • An unpleasant odor that resembles a dentist's office;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components that make up acrylic is possible;
  • Your own nail becomes brittle if you use acetone-based nail remover;
  • Before applying acrylic, you must first apply a special varnish as a base;
  • Over time, acrylic may begin to yellow.


Pros of the procedure:

  • Unlike acrylic, the gel does not have a specific odor;
  • The gel hardens under a UV lamp, so this procedure is an excellent method of combating fungus;
  • The gel has a glossy shine;
  • These nails do not turn yellow even after a long period of time.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • The gel must be filed off, which can lead to injury to your own nails;
  • The gel is very sensitive to temperature changes. They can cause your nails to crack;
  • A burning sensation may occur under a UV lamp;
  • After removing nails, long-term care for damaged nails is required;
  • By its nature, gel is much thicker than acrylic, so the nails do not look entirely natural.

Which nail extension do you prefer?

Not every woman can boast of beautiful and strong nails, but there are certain procedures designed to improve the condition of the nails and give them an ideal shape.

Nail extensions have recently been in great demand, because with the help of this manipulation you can get rid of ingrown toenails, yellow nail plates, unsightly nail shapes, etc.

This procedure becomes especially relevant with the onset of the warm season, when men look not only at the legs and chest, but also at the woman’s hands. But is it worth giving up vitamins and strengthening varnishes and resorting to nail extensions? What potential harm does this procedure pose?

Nail extension methods

Currently, nails are extended in two ways:

  1. On forms.
  2. On tips.

The forms are a plastic or foil plate, which has a window for the nail in the center. To install the form, a nail length of 1-2 mm is required - otherwise it will not be possible to place the form. The extension process takes about 3-4 hours.

Tips are plastic templates that are applied to natural filed nails using special glue, after which the gap between the nails is evened out - all work takes about 3-4 hours.

Gel or acrylic?

In a beauty salon, manicurists are able to turn a client’s unkempt and short nails into real beauty - after painstaking work, the nails acquire a completely presentable appearance.

For nail extensions, you can use gel or acrylic, however, all methods have both advantages and disadvantages:

  1. The gel is a weak allergenic material that does not have a negative effect on the nail itself. However, if damaged, the nail cannot be restored - if it breaks, it will require complete removal, after which the extension will have to be done again.
  2. Acrylic is able to harden on its own, without requiring any equipment. In addition, acrylic nails are much easier to remove.

In any case, if you plan to do nail extensions using any of the above methods, you should prepare in advance for a fairly long-term procedure that will take at least 3 hours.

Nail extensions - advantages

Due to the large number of positive effects, many women spend their time and money on this procedure. After all the extension work has been completed, you will notice the following:

  • Nails acquire special beauty and style, their length increases;
  • All nail defects become invisible;
  • You can display any design or pattern on your nail;
  • Durable varnish coating that does not require special care for a long time;
  • Minimum discomfort during the procedure and quick adaptation to the nails;

Nail extensions - disadvantages

In addition to all the advantages of this procedure, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • The procedure requires a large amount of time and a fairly large amount of money;
  • The owner of artificial gel nails must visit a beauty salon every 2 weeks for periodic correction - this also takes up a significant part of her free time;
  • Gel nails are not removable; to remove them, they require complete filing, which only a nail technician can do.
  • The natural nail, located under the gel or acrylic plate, decreases in thickness, so after removing the artificial nail, it requires some care.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contrary to popular belief that anyone can use this procedure, nail extensions have a number of contraindications:

  1. It is prohibited to carry out extensions if the nail has mechanical damage or is affected by fungus.
  2. If there is an injury on the cuticle that was received as a result of a trimmed manicure, then extensions are not recommended - if gel or acrylic gets on the wound, inflammation may begin.
  3. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system can forget about nail extensions.
  4. If there is increased sweating of the hands, this may also serve as a ban on the procedure of nail extensions.
  5. If a person is taking antibiotics or hormonal medications, then it is worth holding off on going to a manicurist.
  6. If you are allergic to some substances used in the extension process, you should avoid such procedures in the future.

Preparing for the extension procedure

Before going to a beauty salon, you can strengthen the condition of the nail plates using special baths with care products. It is recommended to perform a trimmed manicure a few days before extensions - in this case, the nail will look much more beautiful. It is important to remember that the better your nails are prepared, the less time it will take to apply nail extensions.

You should decide in advance on a master who has proven himself well and has extensive experience. It is best to go to a beauty salon that has been tested by your friends, even if this requires signing up for a queue - remember that if a master is in demand, this indicates his high professionalism. Nail extension is a very delicate work, so it should only be carried out by a true specialist in his field.

Today it is difficult to imagine a business woman without a spectacular and fashionable manicure, which gives her confidence in business and evokes the admiring glances of the opposite sex. Artificial nails will become a real highlight of your look and will look beautiful and fashionable, so at least once in your life, casting aside unnecessary doubts and uncertainty, you should use this service.

Most often, salons offer gel or acrylic nail extensions, so let's try to look at the advantages and disadvantages of these most popular procedures.

Acrylic nails

It is worth noting that recently the acrylic nail extension procedure has become increasingly popular in salons. This material allows you not only to evenly cover the entire surface of the nail plate, but also to partially build it up, treating only the tip of the nail. Acrylic is a polymer material that comes in powder form. Acrylic powder is mixed with a monomer liquid, which is distributed in an even layer over the entire area of ​​the nail plate, waiting for it to completely harden for several minutes, after which the desired shape is formed. To give the ideal shape to your nails, use special files to remove all roughness, unevenness and defects. The procedure is quite painstaking, so you will have to spend two to three hours of your time on a manicure.

One of the advantages of acrylic is its strength, so acrylic nails, compared to other types of manicure, retain their original appearance for a long period of time and are the optimal solution for girls leading an active lifestyle. If the gel nail is damaged, its shape can be corrected at any time in the salon. Acrylic nails look natural, aesthetically pleasing, maintaining the natural shape of the nails. And this is not to mention the possibility of creating artistic manicure, aquarium and volumetric design, which is only possible when using acrylic.

Acrylic is a completely harmless substance, causing no harm to the health or condition of the nail plates. In addition, the material itself was borrowed from dentistry, and its composition was improved specifically for the cosmetic procedure of nail plate extensions. Acrylic is removed with special solutions that dissolve its structure, very quickly and painlessly. The disadvantages of acrylic manicure include a specific smell and the possibility of allergic reactions when performing this extension technology. Another disadvantage is that, despite protecting the nails from harmful environmental factors, the nail does not breathe, so you should not use this manicure technique too often. To avoid losing the base color of the acrylic, you must first apply a base varnish before applying varnish.

Gel nail plate extension

There are two techniques for gel manicure: using light polyerization and non-light gel nails. Gel nails are a combination of a polymer substrate and a special gel. First, the master applies a polymer to the nails, after which they cover them with a monomer gel, which is polymerized under ultraviolet light. When creating a non-light gel manicure after applying the activator gel, do not use ultraviolet lamps. The structure of the gel polymer is similar to the structure of the nail plates, which means that the gel is absolutely harmless to our claws and does not cause allergic reactions.

Gel extensions can be carried out according to the shape of the nail or extensions using tips. The first option is suitable for those with naturally beautiful shaped nail plates, since in this case the gel is applied directly to the nail. The second option is used in the case of short nails or if the nails are difficult to correct. Special tips are glued to the nails, which are covered with a gel solution on top.

The advantages of the procedure include: strength, quick correction, savings. Gel manicure will cost several times less than acrylic extension technology. In addition, the procedure itself does not take more than two hours. In addition, the gel helps strengthen and straighten the nail plates, allowing the nails to breathe. You can wear gel nails for up to six to eight months, subject to constant adjustments. Nails are easy to paint with any varnish, easy to care for, and the manicure always looks perfect. You can apply any ornaments, patterns to the base, or perform an artistic manicure. Gel nails have a smooth, glossy surface, so they look beautiful even without polish. Unlike acrylic, the gel does not have an unpleasant specific odor.

But you need to remember that gel nails can only be removed in a salon using special nail files. If the gel nail is severely damaged, it will have to be extended again. Compared to acrylic nails, gel nails are more fragile, and since a rather thick layer of solution is applied to the nail, the nail plate is significantly different from the natural one.

To summarize, it can be noted that each of the above procedures has its own advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing, you need to rely on your own taste. The only thing that can be noted is that if you have fragile, thin nails, it is still better to give preference to gel nail extensions.

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