Graduation wishes for friends in kindergarten. Graduation in kindergarten - scripts, invitations, poems. Block “Congratulations to graduates with kids”

Scenario for graduation at the preschool educational institution "Surprise from Vasilisa the Wise"

Ivleva Irina Mikhailovna, music director of MBDOU DS No. 93, Chelyabinsk.

Description: I propose the development of a graduation party in kindergarten for children 6-7 years old, dedicated to the graduation of children to school. This development can be used in pedagogical practice by educators and music directors of preschool institutions, as well as by teachers of additional education.
Target: Creating an atmosphere of celebration of farewell to the kindergarten.

Progress of the event:

1st presenter: Again, my dear cozy room
He brought us together for the holiday.
But here we gather for the last time,
To see you guys off to school!
Girl: It’s not an easy holiday for us
It only happens once!
And today to kindergarten
It’s no wonder that guests rush to visit us!
Boy: This holiday is our fun,
Because school is coming soon.
It's just a pity, I have to say goodbye
My beloved kindergarten and I.
We're big now
Let's go to first grade
And in our beloved kindergarten
Today we will perform for the last time!
1. ENTRANCE “It’s very sad to leave...”
1st presenter: Graduation from school is a pleasant date,
This is a big, real holiday!
There are so many shining glances in the hall,
They contain delight, pride, joy and happiness!

2nd presenter: How many sonorous children's laughter,
We are very happy for you, kids!
Wishing you great success...
Together: The entire kindergarten team!
1st child: This last holiday has come,
We have been waiting for it for a long time - a whole year!
We waited with joy, we waited with excitement,
They knew that one day he would come.
2nd child: The trees suddenly all became sad today,
Having lowered their branches to the ground.
They often heard us singing,
And they could sing along with us quietly.
3rd child: We are leaving today,
Like birds from a nest.
It's a shame we have to say goodbye
Happy kindergarten forever!
4th child: And today, on the day of farewell,
We will not lose heart
Our kindergarten will be here for a long time
Good words to remember!
2. SONG “Kindergarten - a magical land”
1st presenter: This is how we played, had fun
You guys are all year round
That's it, it's time to settle down
You are now studying.
Child: Wait a little bit
Well, at least another hour
We want to go back to the past
And we’ll ask you to help.
1st presenter: For the sake of such a holiday
We are always ready to help you! (casts a spell)
Undy - fundy - chundy - gay!
Let's quickly fly into the past!
(5 children leave the hall, take the kids there, enter singing)
3. SONG-DANCE “The baby is stomping.”

1st kid: Hello, kids - girls and boys!
You are already very big, and we are still babies.
2nd kid: We guys, kids, came to congratulate you all!
Enroll in first grade and don’t forget about us.
3rd kid: We came to congratulate you on your transition to first grade!
And we would like to wish you all A’s.
4th kid: Don’t think that we are little kids!
We'll meet you after school and ask about your grades.
2nd presenter: These are the kids I met you in the garden.
Thank you kids for your congratulations. Here's a treat for you.
(treats everyone with chocolate and is escorted out to music from the hall)
1st presenter. Well, dear guests, dear viewers,
Boys and girls, as well as their parents.
Vasilisa the Wise learned about our farewell holiday
And she sent us a chest of surprises... (points to the chest)
But the chest got to Koshchei
And Koschey bewitched him.
(points to the locks hanging on the chest)
Your help is needed here.
Will you help, friends?
If we complete the tasks,
Then we'll break the spell.
(looks at the first castle)
2nd presenter: To remove the lock first,
You need to complete the lesson:
Guess the riddles
And quickly remove the lock.
Those riddles are not simple,
All the answers in them are wonderful,
From fairy tales
RIDDLES without clues!
1. What does Baba Yaga fly on?
2. What do wizards wave when they cast a spell?
3. Shoes that help you move very quickly?
4. Can she make everyone invisible?
5. What needs to be broken to defeat Koshchei?
1st presenter: You guys are great -
All of them are sages!
So the lesson is done,
You can remove the lock first.
(turns the lock over and the first letter appears)
We open it slowly... What kind of letter do we see?
All: "Sha"
1st presenter: And now you can rest,
play on spoons
4. Noise orchestra.
2nd presenter: How to remove the second lock?
We need a different key here!
This castle, I’ll say, guys,
Untidy locked it.
5. EXIT Untidy.
(Untidy runs into the hall to the music)
Untidy. Ho-ho-ho! Here I am! It will be hard for you, friends!
My name is Untidy, I love disorder!
Disorders in behavior, disturbances in mood,
And also when everything in the notebook is a complete mess!
2nd presenter: Our children are not like that, but completely, completely different:
Our children are neat, thrifty and tidy.
There are no untidy people among them, and everything is in order!
Untidy: Okay, okay! Stop praising your kids.
Better prove that they are like that.
Cheerful, neat, okay!
2nd presenter: Look how beautifully the guys dance and sing
6. DANCE “Adults and children.”
6A. SONG “We are now students”
Untidy: Just think, I can dance like that too.
But this briefcase, I wonder if they can quickly and
pack neatly for school?
If the children are careful,
Thrifty and neat
Will be able to complete the lesson -
I'll open the lock for you
7. GAME “Collect a briefcase”
Untidy: Oh, what order you have!
There are no untidy people among you.
I open my lock.
(Reverses the second letter)
Untidy: What is the letter here, my friend?
Children: "Ka"
Untidy: Now I have to go,
Goodbye, kids!
1st presenter: In order to remove the lock again, we will need to count.
If you can solve the problems, we can open the lock!
8. Mathematical problems.

1) There is a corner in the house -
Toys live there:
Lion, elephant and rhinoceros,
Doll and frog.
How many toys live in the corner? (5)
2) Seven funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one of them is tired
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer
How many bears are there ahead? (6)
3) There are five little mice along the way
They rush to school happily.
And under everyone's arm
One textbook at a time.
How many new books
In diligent mice. (5)
Well done! You all tried
Everyone worked diligently.
You have completed the lesson! Another lock has been opened!
(turns the letter over)
It wasn't easy, there's an "O" on the lock.
1st presenter: And now we have a musical break.
The children will play for us on the metallophone
9. “Italian polka.”
1st presenter: And to open the fourth lock,
We need to defeat the Lazy Guys!
10. EXIT Lazy people.
1st Lazy Guy: Oh, this is terrible boring!
2nd Lazy Guy: Eh-he-he, boring!
1st: Listen, maybe we can play my favorite game “Tyabe-Myane”?
2nd: And you won’t offend me?
1st: Everything depends on you!
The 1st Lazy Guy takes out cards of two colors (red and black) and begins to distribute them.
1st Lazy Guy: This is for you! It's me! It's me again! You can do this! It's always me! Well, you were afraid.
2nd: So you have more! You've fooled me again, you poor little fellow!
1st: What? Shorty? Oh you, Kolomna milepost!
2nd: Yes, I love you... Yes, I love you...
(A small fight occurs between the Lazy Guys)

1st presenter: Guys, I think we should intervene. What are you doing? Calm down!
2nd Lazy Guy: FAQ, were you shouting?
1st presenter: Firstly, I don’t shout, I speak. Secondly, calm down, there is a kindergarten and there are children here!
2nd Lazy Guy: I don’t understand anything! Kindergarten, some children?
1st Lazy Man: Well, what a slow-witted person you are! These are brand new profits. We haven't had a replenishment for a long time. Greetings, dear friends, quitters, lazy people and loafers!
1st presenter: No, no, no. You and I are not on the same path,
We have to go to school! And we don't need you.
1st Lazy Man: How come you don’t need us? Do you know how much we have
friends of lazy losers? Wow, so many! you see two people hiding in the last row (points to dads).
These are our old friends, after all. They also sat on the last desk at school and their entire diary was covered with twos.
Hello friends! (waves to dads).
1st presenter: Don’t make things up, Lazy! Such good ones
Children cannot have poor fathers.
You're confusing them with someone else!
1st Lazy Guy: How are you confusing, how are you confusing!? Look how they
They smiled at me, they recognized me!.......
And you better not go to school. Do you even know what school is?
Presenter 1: Of course, we know.
We will even read you poems about school.
1st child: What is school?
How can I answer you?
This is where people rush
In the morning all the children.
What a strange question
If you are already grown up?
If seven, then just right
Getting ready for first grade.
2nd child: What is school?
How can I answer you?
This is the place where you find out
About everything in the world.
About the multiplication table,
About verbs and conjugations,
About planets and seas,
And - that the Earth is round.

3rd child: What is school?
How can I answer you?
Changes and calls
Buns in the buffet...
And notes in the diary,
And the task is on the board.
You will know everything, you will understand everything,
If you come to school!
2nd Lazy Guy: Oh, oh, oh. Well, they know everything about the school.
You probably also want us to open the lock for you?
1st presenter: Of course, because in the chest there are gifts for our
guys from Vasilisa the Wise.
2nd Lazy Guy: Well, okay, okay, we’ll open the lock if you complete the task. The first task for your parents: let them prove that they are not from the team of lazy people and losers, that they can sing, dance, and read poetry.
(5 parents come out and sing ditties)
11. SONG “Kindergarten square dance”
1st Lazy Guy: Well, well done, your mommies! And now there is a task for you. Here are the letters: as soon as you put them into words, the lock will open. It's time for us. Work hard, kids.
(The lazy people leave)
1st presenter: Let's play fun,
We will look for words.
12. GAME “Make a word”.

1st presenter: We put the letters into words
and the lock was opened!
(turns over the next lock)
Who read it? Who made it? What letter? Letter
Children: "el"
2nd presenter: Here is the last castle hanging,
Not an ordinary magical castle
Song and dance.
That is, simply musical!
(girls come out, take dolls and strollers, sing a song)
13. SONG “Lullaby for dolls.”

2nd presenter: The song was sung with “Hurray”!
Now let's dance, kids.
14. DANCE “There is nothing better in the world.”

2nd presenter: Open the lock again,
Let's read the word together
Children: "SCHOOL"
1st presenter: Well, well done guys. You opened all the locks.
But before we give you gifts, we must all
say thank you to the staff.
We will show the skit to the guests:
We'll tell you about the lives of our employees.
15. SKETCH “Kindergarten”.

(arrange furniture in the hall:
chair and table with telephone and papers for the manager)

Child presenter: Early morning, conversation at 7 o’clock:
Mom (adult): - Daughter, daughter, breakfast is ready.
Child manager: - Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer.
Mom (adult): - But I won’t wake you up later,
Get up! Wake up! It's time to go to kindergarten!
Child manager: - Oh, I don’t want to go there today!
Mom (adult): (quietly): - Daughter, we must!

(the manager takes her bag and goes to work)
Child manager: - I go to kindergarten. 8:30 am.
The cooks are already working their magic in the kitchen.
Corridors, toilets, groups, halls, offices...
I have to check everything and maintain safety.
(sits at the table, there are papers on the table, a telephone)
Child presenter: It’s 9 am,
And on the threshold there is already a nurse:
Child nurse: - We have problem number one:
The Tulip group is in quarantine again.
We need to quickly run through the garden,
As soon as possible, gather the nannies together.
Bleach and soap, brushes, water.
The SES will rush to us, again as always.

Child presenter: 9:15 - the phone rings
(the manager picks up the phone)
- The event should be given to the region.
The problem again: everyone needs to be collected,
Quickly decide how and what to show.
Child manager (looks at his watch) 10:00 - like a locomotive,
Our dear caretaker comes to my door:
Child caretaker: - There is no heating, the basement is drowning!
The pipes are rotten, it's a complete emergency!
Call the housing department urgently,
Ask a locksmith to send them urgently.
Child leader: 11 exactly. The methodologist runs:
Methodist child: - A computer virus has entered our kindergarten!
Computers urgently need treatment
Otherwise, all files will die very quickly!
Child manager: 13:00 - I have a teachers’ meeting,
Educators need to be given good advice.
So that the category is protected by everyone
And they weren’t sad about their salary.
Child presenter: 14:30 - runs to RayONO.
Slippery! Luckily it's nearby.
There, of course, they will be reprimanded for everything...
They don’t want to give money.
Child manager: 17:00 - I go into the office,
I think I missed lunch.
I just can’t eat now,
I'll run to the meeting hall.
19:00 - the janitor has left,
He found a more expensive job.
What should I do? What should I do?
Where can I get a new wiper?
Until I found a man to take the place,
I came home late at night.
I just closed my eyes,
I heard my mother's voice:
Mom (adult): - Daughter, get up, it’s time to go to kindergarten,
All the children are already heading to kindergarten.
Child manager: - No! There's no way I'm going there!
I'd rather die, drown, shoot myself!!!
Mom (quietly): - Daughter, we need it!
You are the head of a kindergarten!

(children sit down)

1st presenter: Our dear employees, we ask
Come to us all (lists by name: head, methodologist, nurse, cooks, laundress, caretaker, art, music, physical education teachers)

Children with flowers take turns going out to the middle of the hall, reading a poem, giving a gift and escorting the employee they congratulated to their place.

1 child: Adult uncles and adult aunts
People come to the garden to work every day.
They strictly maintain order everywhere,
We wish them success in their work.
So that everything definitely works out,
It did not short out or become clogged;
Ironed, sewed, washed, counted,
Cleaned, warmed and protected!

2nd child: Kindergarten is fun and nice!
Well, who is the most important here?
Who is sitting in the office?
Who is in charge of everyone?
I don't sleep at night,
Monitoring the budget
Talking to mothers
Good Manager!

At the head of our
Most of all worries in the garden:
How does he come to work?
And so the cycle began:
The nanny in the group got sick,
Need someone to replace
And there will be no energy -
Call Gorenergo.
Register new children,
Praise teachers
And, of course, for kindergarten
Buy new furniture.
And thank her very much
We all want to say.
(full name), in elementary school
We will miss you. (gives flowers, escorts to place)

3rd child: What should the kids do?
How to study and when?
How to go out and have fun?
We don't know, that's the problem!
But there’s a whole list of activities
A methodologist writes to children!

You need to think modernly
To raise children.
All sciences, undoubtedly
The methodologist needs to know.
And to be a methodologist,
Children need to be loved. (gives flowers, escorts to place)

4th child: Working day at the caretaker
It's very difficult to predict.
The flood is a threat,
Then the plumbing again,
The battery burst here,
There is an audit going on.
We didn’t have time to look back,
The garden is closed for renovation.
How can you live without a caretaker?
We hasten to thank you, (full name)!

Our supply manager does not sit without work,
For order in kindergarten is watching.
So that the doors don't creak,
So that the stoves heat up in the kitchen.
All wires and sockets
Checks every now and then
To New Year for kids
The spruce was burning with lights! (gives flowers, escorts to place)

5th child: Good Doctor Aibolit
He has been at his post since the morning.
He also issues certificates
And he’ll go to the catering department,
And he will deliver the vaccinations on time,
And he will send the sick home.
We thank the doctors
That kindergarten is always healthy!

Any bruise or wound
She will be able to heal
The vaccine will be given as follows:
So that children can be healthy.
In the winter cold, summer heat
Resistance to any infection
Will give until the evening in the morning
Aibolit - Nina Ivanovna! (gives flowers, escorts to place)

6th child: Who came to kindergarten in the morning?
These are our chefs.
The porridge is ready for breakfast
The porridge is cooked. Hooray!
Who cooked the fragrant soup
And a side dish of different cereals?
Who baked us buns
Or apple pie?
These are our chefs
They've been working since six in the morning.

It sits in our bellies
Sweet tooth-appetite.
He alternately gurgles and howls.
Who will calm the poor thing down?
Porridge since the morning
Chefs cook for children!
Dear chefs,
Adults and children
They say thank you
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For borscht, cutlets, porridge...
We appreciate your work! (gives flowers, escorts to place)

7th child: The linen is all shining clean,
The sheets couldn't be cleaner!
After all, our laundresses wash like this,
That Aunt Asya is resting!
It sparkles so white
Towel and robe.
Amazes with its cleanliness
Our favorite kindergarten.

She washes all day long
And the laundry doesn't go away.
Either doctors, or cooks...
This is a fresh mountain...
So it goes day after day,
To you, (full name), at graduation
We say thank you
And thank you for everything! (gives flowers, escorts to place)

8th child: Health is fine,
Because in the morning
Exercising in a bright room
The kids won't be bored.
All the guys do physical education
They love it very much.
Strength, spirit, muscles
They strengthen themselves in games!

For health and figure,
And for leg and arm strength
For physical education lessons
The physical teacher will take the children! (gives flowers, escorts to place)

9th child: We want to wish Olga Valerievna love
From all our children!
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Come visit the school!

Our artist wears a bow,
He has great talent
He is a designer and esthete,
The taste is excellent, no doubt! (gives flowers, escorts to place)

10th child: There are no more interesting activities,
More musical and louder.
We danced with you together
And they tried their best.
You taught us to sing
And play and listen.
Even those who don't care
Stepped on my ears

Who plays the harmonica
Besides Gena the crocodile?
Piano, tambourine, spoons,
She can even play the flute!
Our farewell holiday
Spend with us
Most musical
Our leader! (gives flowers, escorts to place)

2nd presenter: Well, our parents also want to join in congratulating the children.
(parents congratulate the teachers and assistant teacher)

16. A word to parents.

Well, our dear teacher,
Tireless teacher,
Romantic, storyteller, dreamer...
There is a wonderful excuse.
We sincerely congratulate you
And on this glorious day and hour
We will read so many poems to you,
That you will not forget about us.

How quickly the years have flown by.
We didn't have time to look back,
It's time for the kids to go to first grade.
Today is the last time
We brought the children to kindergarten.
They brought flowers, sweets...
May, the long-awaited graduation!
Well, dear teacher,
The hour of parting is near,
And your parents have for you,
Until the bell rang
There are a couple of warm lines.

Once upon a time, many years ago
We came to kindergarten for the first time.
Oh, so many dolls, hares, bears...
And how many little children!
They run around the group, screaming,
They spit, they knock with spoons...
And they all need to be taught:
There is no mother, no moms drink,
Find a pot for each...
I personally experienced shock

But the teacher is not afraid.
Alas, not everyone will agree
Go to work in a kindergarten,
With children... For a small salary...

Maybe silence is golden
But how can we remain silent now?!
Our cheerful guys
Absolutely delighted with you!
They are growing up little by little,
Look - and they will reach the crown!
They will forever preserve everything that
You gave it to them until the end!
Your hearts, souls and nerves,
Bottomless supply of talent!
Although children only go to the first one,
For them, you are always top class!
Manager and methodologist,
And nannies, and janitors - everyone
Thank you for your calling
Funny fidgets to love!
2nd presenter: The head of the preschool educational institution is invited to present diplomas and gifts, as well as to give congratulatory words.
17. Word from the manager, presentation of gifts.
1st presenter: All games have been played, all songs have been sung.
The holiday is over, good luck, friends!
Good luck at school, courage, patience
Kindergarten family wishes you!
And now, everyone says goodbye together
We will sing the song “Parting”.
(children stand around the hall, one child in front: reads a poem)
Child: Goodbye, cozy kindergarten
Where are so many long years
You gave us your warmth
And an unquenchable light!
Thank you, thank you, you are adults,
All together: We will never forget your worries!
18. SONG “Behind the Low Fence.”
2nd presenter: My dear preschool children, your last holiday in kindergarten has ended. May life give you goodness and joy. Our holiday - graduation ends, but tea drinking begins. We invite everyone to the festive table.

Photos from the holiday

The time has come to say goodbye to kindergarten for thousands of boys and girls. Already in September they will enter their first class and meet the teacher. At the end of May, both parents and teachers prepare congratulations for kindergarten graduation. The celebration of the first prom in the life of children becomes an unforgettable event for every child. Not all future first-graders yet understand that very soon they will replace such familiar dolls and cars with pens, textbooks and notebooks, sitting at school desks. Today they are simply enjoying another celebration. Grateful for raising their sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, taking the floor at the graduation, say “thank you” to all the kindergarten staff and its head.

Beautiful congratulations on kindergarten graduation from parents to staff

Thanks to the kindergarten staff for caring for their children, parents of graduates - future first-graders - turn to nannies, teachers, and nurses. Today their children are leaving the walls of such a dear kindergarten for them, going on vacation to soon begin almost adult school life. Fathers and mothers say “thank you” to everyone who poured their soul into their child, taught him to read and count, and communicate with his peers. Congratulations from parents come not only in the form of prose or poetry. Often it is mothers and fathers who decide to organize a real mini-concert for the staff with dancing, skits, and presentation of certificates to teachers.

Examples of beautiful congratulations on kindergarten graduation from parents to staff

When congratulating the kindergarten staff on their graduation, parents can give the teachers a wonderful concert or hold a flash mob. Grateful fathers and mothers sincerely rejoice at how smart and well-read their children have become thanks to the efforts of all the employees of their favorite kindergarten. They express their “thank you” in poems, songs, and prose.

Thanks to the music employee

We cannot distinguish “Fa” from “sol”,
Not everyone is given talent,
But that doesn't bother us
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On mother's day and on father's holiday,
On Christmas or New Year
Even the furious prankster
Dashingly sings a song.


Our kids are a year older now
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our teachers sad?
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,
You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,
To live it with hope and faith in yourself.

The children lost their socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you because of such little things,
But even with us you were calm and meek,
Doing my holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.
We bow to all teachers at the waist,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Please accept our huge thank you
Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,
Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!
Your work is like the tributaries of a river,

Maybe we just got used to it,
But you can't help but see it,
What do teachers usually do?
Tired eyes in the evening...
We know what it is
Children are a restless swarm!
You won’t find peace here with just one,
And not with such a crowd.
This one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a fight...
What about questions? Thousands of questions...
And everyone requires an answer.
How much affection and care is needed,
Hear everyone, understand everyone...
Grateful and hard work
Constantly replacing mom...
Mom isn't worried at work...
Children's voices are cheerful...
After all, they always watch the kids
Kind tired eyes.
The day is over... Not all songs are sung.
Children don't have trouble sleeping...
So take a bow from the entire planet,
For the children, take our bow!!!

Kind congratulations from the children to the staff at their kindergarten graduation

During their stay within the walls of their own kindergarten, the future first-graders, of course, managed to make friends not only with their peers, but also with the entire staff. Saying goodbye to the first educational institution in their lives, preparing to become schoolchildren, the children thank their kind nannies, caring teachers, talented musicians and nurses. From the stage they read poems and sing songs to them.

Examples of kind congratulations to staff from children at kindergarten graduation

Leaving kindergarten, many children do not hide their tears of sadness at the upcoming parting with friends, patient teachers, nannies, and nurses. To ensure that kindergarten graduation does not become a sad farewell, but turns into a real holiday, boys and girls learn congratulatory poems, funny songs, and fiery dances.

You and I have become big,
From pacifiers to books,
We jumped and played together
The years flew by in an instant.
The first big school
Our favorite kindergarten,
There were so many happy days
In the morning I cry randomly.
With us you are second mothers,
We studied day after day.
And now we are in first grade
Let's go hand in hand together

The work of a teacher is worth respect,
It’s not easy, to the point of self-denial,
Play, feed, walk, teach
And, despite everything, to love,
Rumbling like a herd of hippos
Children. But connoisseurs of compotes are happy
They go to share one with her.
And now, we have grown up - graduation...
Let us not create a granite monument,
There is so much in this word - “Educator”!
May your path be a field of daisies,
The ringing happiness of joyful faces!

We'll be leaving the kindergarten soon,
We'll go to school soon.
Who would have guessed six years ago
Why are we growing up so quickly?
Soon we will be able to make no mistakes
Teachers, for you,
Write your “thank you” -
Let the first grade teach!

Congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from parents to children

Every parent is both happy and at the same time worried about their child leaving kindergarten and going to school soon. Congratulating graduates on their first ball in their lives, fathers and mothers wish them not to lose interest in knowledge, to strive for goodness, dreams, and new hobbies. Of course, when addressing tomorrow’s first-graders, parents should not read out long monotonous speeches. They can simply wish good luck to future students in their own words or poems.

Examples of congratulations from parents to children on kindergarten graduation

When congratulating their children on graduating from kindergarten, parents can present graduates with real certificates recognizing the achievements of their preschoolers. Fathers and mothers may want to prepare a real concert for the children with song and dance numbers, show skits to the boys and girls; to inspire them to further receive education within the walls of school.

Goodbye, kindergarten,
Always be fine!
Preschoolers are waiting
Desks and notebooks.

Let the path be happy
New school life!
Even though it’s joy, it makes you sad
Everyone around is ready.

We wish for the guys
First-class power!
Goodbye, kindergarten,
And thanks for everything!

My dear baby, my dear son,
Today you will return home grown up.
You dreamed a lot that you would become big,
And dad and I will be proud of you.

And now it has come, this joyful moment,
Before we could blink, he overtook us.
Do you hear the birds singing outside the windows,
Is the surf rustling and the trees blooming?

All this is for you, my dear, all around,
All the world and smiles of friends and girlfriends!
Let's not be sad, even if we feel a little sorry,
That Ladushki is no longer our road,

That this house will no longer wait for us,
Others will play in the sandbox.
Keep love in your heart
And come here with your friends to visit.

Remember all those who loved you here,
In "Ladushki" you understood what "friends" means,
You met care, warmth and comfort,
Good people and fairy tales live here!

Boldly forward, tomorrow is a new life!
Take my hand and hold on tight!

Congratulations from parents to teachers on kindergarten graduation

Every parent, coming to the graduation party in kindergarten, feels enormous gratitude towards every teacher who worked on shaping the personality of his child. Attentive kindergarten staff, devoting all their time to each of the pupils, sometimes became second mothers for the children. However, it's time to say "Goodbye, kindergarten!" it has arrived. Congratulating teachers on their graduation, fathers and mothers of their children thank them with sincere poetry and heartfelt prose.

Examples of congratulations for graduation in kindergarten - Poems from parents to teachers

Having taken the floor to speak at the kindergarten graduation, parents thank the wonderful teachers of their dearest educational institution. For several years, teachers gave the children not only a huge amount of time, but also a piece of their own heart. They spoon-fed the children who had just arrived at kindergarten, taught them kindness and compassion, and patiently put them to bed. It was in kindergarten that boys and girls learned to make their first crafts, sculpt from plasticine, draw, read, count and be able to communicate with peers. What is the best way for parents to say “thank you” to everyone who took an active part in raising their child? You will find the most wonderful examples of congratulations on kindergarten graduation on this page.

You every day and every hour,
Dedicating yourself to hard work,
Just thinking about us,
You live by worry alone.
So that the earth may be glorified by us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, teachers,
Thank you for all the good things!

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
For raising our children!
There is no profession in the world that is more needed,
And the children have become accustomed to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That they will no longer see your eyes,
Their years go by, their days are formed,
And our children, of course, have grown up,
After all, they were always at work with you,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
Have you taught children letters and numbers?
And now they will go to school,
And they express gratitude to you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We all wish you happiness with inspiration!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

Make you laugh or comfort you
To answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that yours
The position is great! Top class!

Congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children to teachers

Leaving kindergarten, tomorrow's schoolchildren congratulate their teachers in verse and in their own words. Some parents can take advantage of our selection of heartfelt congratulations and help their son or daughter learn a real graduation speech. To the caring, wonderful-hearted teachers, children leaving kindergarten forever sincerely say: “Thank you!”

Examples of congratulations to teachers from children on graduation in kindergarten

Leaving the walls of their native kindergarten forever, children thank from the bottom of their hearts the caring, patient teachers who pay full attention to their students. Often, compassionate kindergarten workers held crying babies to their chests, replacing them with parents during the day. The graduates congratulate each teacher who is attentive to each child, telling them poems coming from the heart.

Thank you, teachers,
For affection and love,
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses,
Wiped away tears
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today
Let's congratulate and be sad,
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration
And strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

The work of a teacher is not easy -
You need a whole lot of skills:
Read books to the kids,
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
On the street, dig in the sand,
Run around in tag, don’t be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone,
Don't even think about getting tired.
Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden,
For your affection and kindness.
We wish you inspiration,
Creative success, patience,
Well-deserved big salaries.
Thank you for the kindergarten!

Dear teachers,
Our mothers are second,
Your chicks now
Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,
We appreciate and respect you very much.
Let your pupils
They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,
For kindness, warmth, care
From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,
Wish you happiness in life!

Congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from the head of the children

When congratulating the kindergarten head at her first prom, children can read her poems dedicated to her hard work. Of course, every preschooler knows how difficult it is to be “in charge” and be responsible for literally everything in the world - clean sheets, heating, friendship in the team. The graduates, having gathered, can dedicate a song, remade in a new way, to the head. In turn, she can read parting words, addressing each preschool child, wishing him a good journey and success in his future. adult life.

Examples of congratulations from the head to children on graduation in kindergarten

For the head of the kindergarten, every graduate is precious, because she knows children in the literal sense of the word, “from the cradle.” The “main” employee of the kindergarten always remains kind at heart and young at heart, and the children feel this. Congratulating the graduates on their first ball, the head can personally address each child, telling him kind parting words.

Congratulations guys
Happy first graduation!
We are, of course, happy for you,
But we're a little sad.

You won't come to kindergarten anymore,
New things await you,
But toys and cribs
They will always remember you.

We wish that at school
You all got excellent grades.
And, of course, with warmth
Remember kindergarten!

The first stage of the little man has been completed. With this we congratulate the happy parents. We wish your child endless enthusiasm for learning, unshakable confidence in himself and his abilities, creative inspiration for new achievements. And also a completely clean medical card. And to you, dear parents, we wish you patience, strength and joy from the new achievements of your offspring.

The years have passed quickly -
The kindergarten is behind.
You have become quite big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler,
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let your dreams come true!

We wish you victories,
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Saying goodbye to kindergarten and heading off to adulthood, the children read out congratulations at their kindergarten graduation, addressing all the staff of the educational institution and the head. Parents can also take the floor and thank from the bottom of their hearts all the nannies, orderlies, nurses, teachers for their sincere kindness and affection shown towards each pupil.

Posts 1 - 10 from 10

To be a manager,
There's a lot to love:
Mountains of different documents,
Numerous disputes
Heating, walking,
Accounting back streets.
Know what's in the kitchen, in the yard,
What are those stains on the carpet...
But there is only one duty,
And she is the most important thing.
And this is what it sounds like -
You just need to love children.

You have given a strong foundation,
They led in an exemplary manner.
Our best kindergarten
Worthy of honors and awards!

Thank you very much from everyone!
Let life turn into a dream.
I wish you health, love and peace.
Live long and happily!

It is hard work to lead any institution: a school, an institute or a factory. But the hardest thing is to have a kindergarten at your disposal. Thank you, dear manager, for the fact that everyone in your work team, be it a teacher, nanny or cook, gives any child a piece of their soul. We wish your garden prosperity! Let the cup of health always be full, the house be warmed with family warmth and comfort, and the light of your spiritual kindness burns ever brighter. Congratulations on your graduation!

Holds a very serious post
In the best kindergarten, my dear one.
“Aunt Director” as everyone calls
Children in a simple question:
Who is the most humble?
Who's the smartest?
Who doesn't scold for shouting
Very noisy?
Who allows you to be a little late?
It doesn’t force you to eat semolina porridge!
Who can create such a team,
He can go a long way!
And for the order of our manager
We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts!

Managing a kindergarten is a feat and work.
Such people are deservedly called heroes.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work.
We charge a little time for moving fast.

Congratulations on the new release,
We wish you good luck in your work for many years to come.
May you have enough time for both work and family,
May everything be wonderful for you in the new year.

There may be many problems, but you can solve them easily,
Buy potatoes, cereals, fruits, milk,
Check everything and see, because you need an eye and an eye,
We thank you now for your kind and difficult work!

We wish you happiness and love, health and success,
So that solutions can be found for all complex problems,
So that work is easy and the team loves you,
And God blessed peace, goodness, and love forever!

Thank you for the kids
Let's not stop talking.
And the manager personally
We want to give you flowers.

The team was assembled friendly -
Everyone is smiling and kind.
We want to wish you good health
And good luck from the bottom of my heart!

You command the gang
Restless kids
After all, running a kindergarten is
There is no more important profession.

You need to keep track of everyone -
Let your dreams come true
Even an angel will envy
The power of your kindness.

And let every ward
He will become strong and big.
To you - endless patience,
Congratulations on your graduation!

The time has come for us to part.
We thank you all.
For a beautiful bright garden.
We would love him so much.

Thank you for the toys
And for soft carpets,
For comfortable pillows,
On which we slept.

You were the most important here.
And they made sure that in everything
There was order. And so that the children
They were happy too.

Today you are accompanying us
To the land of wonderful, wonderful knowledge,
And the children will go to first grade.
“Thank you” for everything and goodbye!

You have always been there for us
And they always tried to help!
Your wisdom knows no bounds,
Thanks for all! It is time!

Graduation in kindergarten is a joyful and rather sad event at the same time. First of all, this is still a big festive holiday for graduates and parents. But at the same time, graduation in kindergarten, like any other graduation party, is impossible without touching moments that bring tears to the eyes of adults and children. How could it be otherwise, this holiday becomes precisely the line that separates yesterday’s kindergarteners from tomorrow’s first-graders. And most importantly, graduation is a farewell to your beloved kindergarten, dear teachers and the kindest and most caring staff. Traditionally, parents and children prepare congratulations in poetry and prose for kindergarten graduation not only for teachers and the head, but also for all members of this friendly team. However, teachers do not remain in debt and also prepare special words for their little graduates. You can find different options for touching and beautiful congratulations for kindergarten graduation below.

Beautiful congratulations on kindergarten graduation from parents to staff in verse and prose

In order to work in a kindergarten, it is not enough to be a professional in your field. A prerequisite is great love to children and the desire to help them master this world every day. And this work is not easy. And we are talking not only about teachers, but also about all members of the staff of the children's institution. Beautiful congratulations on kindergarten graduation to the staff from parents in verse or prose are the simplest, but at the same time very memorable way to say “thank you” to these wonderful people. Gratitude for every wonderful day that their baby spent in the garden, and for creating the atmosphere in which these modest people stood. Most beautiful options You will find congratulations to the staff from parents in poetry and prose for graduation in the garden in the following collections.

Options for congratulations to staff on kindergarten graduation from parents in verse and prose

Our kids are a year older now

And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,

Why are our teachers sad?

And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,

They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.

You gave them all your good heart,

Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,

They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,

You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,

To live it with hope and faith in yourself.

The children lost their socks and tights somewhere,

We were angry with you because of such little things,

But even with us you were calm and meek,

Doing my holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,

The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.

We bow to all teachers at the waist,

And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,

After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!

Please accept our huge thank you

Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,

Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!

Your work is like the tributaries of a river,


You accepted our children as babies,

Who still speak poorly.

They diligently eat themselves with spoons,

But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,

We have to explain a lot to them:

And how to wash and do exercises,

Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,

Distract, calm, understand, regret.

Learn how to move together to music,

Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,

We know that the kids are in good hands.

For your love and for your care,

We are grateful to you for your work from the bottom of our hearts!

Dear, beloved, patient, kind, sweet workers of our kindergarten, we express our deep gratitude to you for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents raise and educate their children. Thank you very much. We wish you good health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Short congratulations in verse for kindergarten graduation from children to staff

Kids know better than their parents that the adults who helped them every day in the garden become smarter and more independent. Therefore, at graduation in kindergarten, children should definitely be given the opportunity to express their congratulations to the staff, at least in the form of short poems. This format is best suited for this purpose and is perfectly remembered by children. Options for beautiful short congratulations in verse for kindergarten graduation to staff from children below.

Poems and prose for kindergarten graduation to congratulate staff from children

It's beautiful for us to speak

It will be useful at school!..

To be a wit -

Need to learn!

We learned from the heart

We worked with you,

We are friends with sounds

You tried as hard as you did.

Know that we will not let you down,

You are simply our idol!

Let's start talking now

A lot and seriously!

Music lessons

It was not in vain that we visited -

In the end, we perform

Despite the embarrassment!

You were not strict with us,

If we make a mistake,

In gratitude to the teacher

Let's smile from the heart!

Thank you to our dear and respected teachers for your patience and incredible work, for your sincere love and kind attitude, for your exciting leisure time and fun walks, for your interesting hobbies and excellent education. Be happy, dear ones, respected and successful.

Cool congratulations on kindergarten graduation from parents to children in verse

If anyone deserves the coolest and most beautiful congratulations for kindergarten graduation in verse, it’s children. Parents come first graduation party The children are no less worried than the little heroes of the evening, but this fact does not prevent them from properly congratulating the little ones. On the contrary, the slight excitement of mothers and fathers who read cool congratulations At kindergarten graduations, poems help children feel the importance of the moment. Also in this way, parents can express pride in graduates, show love and attention towards them.

Cool poems for congratulating children on their graduation in the garden from their parents

The years have passed quickly -

The kindergarten is behind.

You have become quite big

It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler,

You are going to first grade!

Congratulations guys

Let your dreams come true!

We wish you victories,

Life is fabulously beautiful.

Let the green light burn

You are no longer a child at all:

The school opens the doors of knowledge -

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten.

And although this holiday is sad,

But in the soul with a quivering warmth

We will remember your funny babble

And we can easily wipe away a tear.

In life you have bright, smooth roads

And good friends along the way,

Happiness and smiles, of course

And find a calling for everyone!

You are already quite big.

Kindergarten is already behind us!

All the best to you, dears,

And good luck ahead!

Let yours just begin,

Let them always wait on it

Peace, joy, and good luck to you,

And lucky star!

Congratulations in verses on kindergarten graduation from parents to teachers

Special congratulations, sincere wishes in verse and words of gratitude in prose for graduation in kindergarten deserve from parents and teachers. For several years, it was the teachers who surrounded the children with care, attention and love. And at graduation, they, together with their parents, feel great pride in the successes of their matured students. Beautiful congratulations in verse and prose on kindergarten graduation from parents to teachers is a wonderful tradition that makes this holiday even more touching. Therefore, do not neglect this opportunity and be sure to choose worthy congratulations for educators from our next selections.

Congratulations in verses from parents on kindergarten graduation to teachers

The work of a teacher is not easy -

You need a whole lot of skills:

Draw and play

Collect a bag of different toys

And know the plots of many fairy tales.

On the street, dig in the sand,

Run around in tag, don’t be lazy,

Feed and caress everyone,

Don't even think about getting tired.

Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do.

You have a big heart.

Thank you for the days in the garden,

For your affection and kindness.

We wish you inspiration,

Creative success, patience,

Well-deserved big salaries.

Thank you for the kindergarten!

You raised them like family,

They were given care and affection.

Parents to you every moment

They said thank you for them.

But now the kids have grown up,

We have already stepped into the school yard.

Let them remember forever:

You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,

Huge, bright, pure love,

Good health on your journey,

Support from family and friends.

Love and tenderness for all children

And raise new kids.

They really need you, believe me.

We dedicate our recognition to you

For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,

After all, do good people from children -

Your profession is nothing more difficult in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands

The warmth they gave both to the children and to us.

And the children grow, and they mature,

After all, time flies, a string of days...

Thank you also for using books

Did you teach numbers and letters to children?

And they gave them something that cannot be taken from books:

You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall the children will go to school,

But they will bring you their gratitude

For work and patience, for that comfort,

In which their childhood lives forever.

Short congratulations on kindergarten graduation from children to teachers in verse

Short poems are an ideal option for children to congratulate teachers on their kindergarten graduation. Such small poems addressed to their favorite teachers at the graduation party always cause affection in adults. But most importantly, short congratulations in verse for kindergarten graduation from teachers from children help the latter say goodbye to dear people. You will find options for beautiful and touching poems with congratulations and words of gratitude addressed to lovely teachers from kindergarten graduates below.

Options for congratulations in verses on kindergarten graduation to teachers from children

Dear teachers,

Our mothers are second,

Your chicks now

Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,

We appreciate and respect you very much.

Let your pupils

They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,

For kindness, warmth, care

From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,

Wish you happiness in life!

The toys are all in order on the shelves,

The childish laughter and noise and din died down.

Kids getting ready for kindergarten

Towards responsible steps outside of kindergarten!

Thanks to the teachers and nannies

For a gentle, attentive welcome.

For the fact that we perceived the kindergarten,

What a warm, dear, cozy home!

Our children are getting ready for school,

Time flew by so quickly.

We wish you exciting work,

May you all live in happiness and love!

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,

And days, And weeks, and even years.

For this I am very grateful to you,

We will always love and remember you.

More patience and health to you,

Be satisfied with your work.

We wish you success in your work, which is so difficult,

And many bright and juicy ideas.

Beautiful congratulations in verse for graduation in kindergarten from the head and teachers

Educators also want to congratulate the little graduates on such an important day. Mandatory beautiful congratulations in poems, both teachers and the head prepare for graduation in kindergarten. In addition to touching wishes for success in the future, these congratulations also contain words of pride and sweet parting words. Very gentle and beautiful poems for congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from teachers and the head.

Beautiful poems for congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from teachers and the head

Congratulations guys

Happy first graduation!

We are, of course, happy for you,

But we're a little sad.

You won't come to kindergarten anymore,

New things await you,

But toys and cribs

They will always remember you.

We wish that at school

You all got excellent grades.

And, of course, with warmth

Remember kindergarten!

The years have passed quickly -

The kindergarten is behind.

You have become quite big

It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler,

You are going to first grade!

Congratulations guys

Let your dreams come true!

We wish you victories,

Life is fabulously beautiful.

Let the green light burn

In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Say goodbye to kindergarten

Now it's time for you.

But don't be upset -

Smile, kids.

Was it interesting for you here?

It was fun to play

Run on the playground together

Eat deliciously, sleep sweetly.

You grew up here very quickly,

We became older and smarter.

Like the sun, radiant

You were glowing with ideas.

It's time for you to go to school, children,

There is no turning back now.

There will be new meetings there,

But you remember your garden.

It is impossible to imagine graduation in kindergarten without touching and beautiful congratulations. On this day, warm words and wishes are addressed not only to graduates, but also to teachers, the head, teaching staff and service staff of the preschool institution. Parents of graduates traditionally also prepare a response in the form of a congratulatory number or a musical skit. At kindergarten graduation, congratulations can be in both prose and poetry. We hope that among the options of wishes that we have collected in this article, you will definitely find the perfect congratulations for your kindergarten graduation!

With the onset of spring, nature blooms with the brightest colors, and the wonderful aroma of young greenery and flowers fills the air. Very soon the Last Bell will sound in kindergartens and schools, as well as parting words to graduates - from parents and teachers. Thus, for the youngest kindergarten graduates, the head and teachers usually express wishes for excellent studies, joyful school discoveries and true friends. In the solemn speech to graduates of grades 9 and 11, there is a sincere hope that each of them will find their own path and achieve success in conquering peaks - from the school principal, class teacher and teachers. We are sure that with the help of such beautiful and touching parting words it is best to express support in any endeavors and aspirations. Let all sincere instructions find a response in the heart of every graduate, becoming a real guiding star on the further path of life. In the video you will find examples on the basis of which you can create a beautiful parting message for graduates of different ages.

Parting words to 9th grade graduates from the class teacher in poetry and prose, video

Ninth grade is one of the most important stages in life for many students. Having received a basic education, some schoolchildren decide to enroll in a college, college or technical school. In such cases, ninth-graders become graduates - soon they will have to say goodbye to their classmates and beloved teachers and set off on their own “voyage.” According to the script, at the Last Bell there is a beautiful parting word for 9th grade graduates from the class teacher and subject teachers - with best wishes for good luck, happiness and life's achievements. We bring to your attention examples of parting speeches in verse and prose for a ceremonial speech at the assembly in honor of the Last Bell. Of course, over many years of study, the class teacher becomes more of a “parent” than an ordinary teacher. Therefore, the farewell words of the “cool mother” are filled with extraordinary warmth and participation in the future fate of their students, who are forever leaving the walls of their home school.

Examples of parting words from the class teacher for ninth-graders

Nine years of study are behind us. Some of you will remain in our school for several years, while others will leave the classroom forever today. I wish each of you to be able to conquer obstacles. And I am sure that you will be able to fulfill this wish, because you have already jumped over one obstacle that stood in your way and thanks to this you have completed nine classes. For those who remain, I wish to be as impetuous and persistent. And whoever leaves, let him achieve his goal. Congratulations on completing ninth grade, may your path be bright and your journey good.

From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world,
Which step to take - the decision is yours:
Should I continue my studies?
Should I go to work?
You control your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life.
There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with your mind.
Health is strength
And so that there is happiness,
You must achieve it through hard work.
Work is the basis of life
For the benefit of the entire Fatherland,
Which means it will be good for you too.
Work or study
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
To be happy, successful,
Let not be sinless in everything,
But love life and live with faith in your heart:
You deserve happiness!
And always be determined
Conquer any obstacles!

Walk boldly along the road:
Take risks, act wisely.
Look into the distance, not at your feet,
Let life take its course.

Don't forget about each other
Stay together always.
Help in difficult times
Your school friends will be able to help you.

Don't forget your parents.
They are wiser than the sages!
Don't give unnecessary advice
And stay away from scoundrels!

My dear children, we walked together along the path of knowledge. The time has come for you to leave school. And I want to wish you ups in life and the pursuit of your desires, great human happiness and blooming youth. May everyone succeed, may luck be nearby, may each of you meet true love. All the best and good health.

Dear Guys! I congratulate you on the end of a serious stage in your life. To those of you who will continue your studies, I would like to wish you a joyful and carefree holiday. And to those who are saying goodbye to school today, I would like to say the following as an elder. We all want to be happy, but the trouble is that the image of happiness is imposed on us from the outside - an apartment, a car, a prestigious job. I want you to be able to see and choose what you need, because that’s what your heart desires. Only this path will lead you to true happiness, follow it.

A beautiful parting word from parents to 9th grade graduates on the Last Bell

School years fly by, and very soon it will be time to say goodbye - 9th grade graduates are preparing to enter adulthood. In honor of such an important event, a solemn assembly dedicated to the Last Bell holiday is held annually. Dressed up and beautiful, ninth-graders listen with trepidation and excitement to parting words from their class teacher, teachers and parents. It is especially difficult for mothers and fathers of ninth-graders - here the joy and pride for their grown-up children is mixed with sadness from the upcoming separation. According to tradition, parting words to graduates from parents contain the most touching wishes and wise advice that come from a loving heart loved one. When giving a speech, parents sometimes find it difficult to contain their excitement - for obvious reasons. Therefore, it is best to format the parting words in the form beautiful postcard or letters, and then simply read them out. We have selected several options for the text of a parting word for 9th grade graduates from parents - perhaps the proposed ideas will inspire you to create a heartfelt speech “author’s work”.

Options for a beautiful parting word for ninth-graders from parents

9 wonderful years have flown by, which will forever remain in our memories just like the guys. Anything could happen, not everything turned out smoothly. But we knew for sure that they would listen to us here, help us, and support us. Dear teachers, administration, all specialists of the friendly school team, thank you for our children. Gratitude for your work is difficult to express in words and just as difficult to appreciate. We wish your and our school only good luck, success and prosperity. Thanks again!

Congratulations, children, on graduating from 9th grade! The last bell rang and complex problems and theorems were left behind. For some of you, this event will truly be your last, and you will leave your home corridors of the school, while others, having rested, will begin the educational process again. Whatever the case, we wish you only great success, useful and valuable knowledge, to find yourself in your choice of profession - so that you know exactly what you want from life and do not deviate from the intended path.

Our dear children, today the last bell is ringing for you, today you have to make an important decision and decide how to continue your further path. Some will enter tenth grade, while others will want to leave the school walls and try to prove themselves in something else. One way or another, we want you to know that your parents will always support you, we will always help and advise. May this summer be happy and wonderful for each of you, may the cheerful hot days give you new strength and enthusiasm to successfully continue your journey.

Kids! We have a lot to tell you -
If a lump comes to the throat;
Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye,
And may God help you in everything!
May luck never desert you,
And may you be better than us...
You have completed eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

On the threshold - new world ebullient
There are so many important things ahead of you!
May the magic golden key
The doors to life will generously open for you.
We wish everyone to find their way,
On which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little anxiety,
Believe in miracles and always dare!

Touching parting words to primary school graduates from the first teacher

The first teacher for every student becomes not only a teacher, but also a true friend and wise advisor. When a child crosses the threshold of school for the first time, he finds himself in a completely new and unknown world, in which he will have to learn to live for many years. In such a difficult period, support and help are simply invaluable - for many “yesterday’s” kindergarteners, the first teacher becomes a “mother”, kind and caring. In four years primary school The guys have matured noticeably, learned a lot and are ready to enter a new stage in their lives. Among the rest of the schoolchildren at the ceremonial assembly in honor of the Last Bell, 4th grade students especially stand out - as the youngest graduates. Unlike students in grades 9 or 11, fourth graders will remain in school, but they will have to part with their beloved first teacher. Thus, a parting word to elementary school graduates from the first teacher always sounds touching and heartfelt, evoking a lot of positive emotions among those present. We suggest using the presented texts when composing a touching parting word for 4th grade graduates - in poetry or prose.

A selection of parting words from the first teacher for elementary school graduates

It's time for us to say goodbye
But for some reason there is no sadness,
After all, we will meet at school
For many years.

Doors are always open for you,
I'm waiting for you to visit everyone, everyone, everyone
And I, guys, really believe
What great success awaits you.

Other children will come to me,
And there will be a new first class,
But remembering these minutes
We will be with you many times -

How we walked with you together
And they achieved their goal,
They read poems, sang songs,
We studied the entire program.

Big changes await you
And there will be so many new meetings,
But our friendship will certainly
Guys, we need to save!

So you fluttered out of elementary school -

It will be like this in any day and time;

All you have to do is get used to your new role.

Adult fifth-graders - middle level!

You gained happiness in elementary school:

We learned a lot of things you need...

It's a pity to leave! But it's time to say goodbye...

Happiness to you guys and success to you!

Elementary school students are the first to go on summer vacation. But some people just go on vacation, while others go on vacation and to high school. And all because they finished 4th grade and we have our first school graduation. Congratulations on graduating from primary school from the first teacher are beautiful words of parting. These are words of congratulations that will help all students in high school. Look at the texts of congratulations and choose the one that suits you best.

My dear students!
Today is a wonderful day - your graduation day! Today you say goodbye to elementary school. Another stage of your life will pass. New classes, new teachers and new activities are ahead of you. But I ask you to look back. Remember how good we felt in our beloved and cozy classroom. Remember how we studied letters and numbers, how we learned to write and count. Remember how we spent the holidays and cool watch. Remember - and never forget! After all, this is not just the past, this is your life! Elementary school may be the best thing you'll ever experience in school. After all, more difficult classes await you, and there will be no time for fun and celebrations.
Thank you for your efforts and skills. You have become like family to me over these four years. I am very glad that you are all my students!

We were together for four years. Every day we discovered something new. Every day we learned new topics and explored the world.
Today you are already adults. Today you are already graduates of primary school. You have high school ahead, new subjects and new teachers. You have new challenges ahead and many, many new and interesting things.
I am happy for you, glad that you have grown up and are rapidly and confidently moving towards your adult life.
I wish you not to deviate from your intended path and reach the end, so that our four years of study will not be in vain!

The best parting words from parents to kindergarten graduates

For many children, kindergarten becomes a second home, and the teacher becomes an affectionate and caring mother. Therefore, saying goodbye to your beloved kindergarten sometimes evokes mixed feelings of joy and sadness. Today, every preschool institution holds a real graduation party - with dances, poems, and parting speeches to the little graduates. Dressy girls in fluffy ball gowns they look so touching in pairs with boys, performing importantly in white shirts with fashionable bow ties. On such a day, the best parting words to kindergarten graduates are given by teachers and parents - with wishes for successful schooling, good behavior, new friends and exciting discoveries. So, for the parents of young graduates, a new stage is beginning, in which their help and support will be simply invaluable. When composing a commencement speech for a kindergarten graduation, parents can choose ready-made texts or resort to improvisation, expressing in their own words the most sincere and reverent feelings.

The best parting words for kindergarten graduates from parents, poetry and prose

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation. Today you will leave the walls of this kindergarten and set off on a new journey along the roads of other interests and hobbies. We want to wish you to never doubt yourself, never be upset, dream beautifully and believe in miracles, show your talents in everything and successfully gain new knowledge of life.

Today is a holiday - graduation! And I wish our kids a long and bright path in life. May the coming school years bring you a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. May joy always accompany you, along with luck, sincerity and success. Have a good mood, courage and victories!

You are saying goodbye to kindergarten,
School is waiting for you, first grade,
We wish you guys
Cheerfulness and strength reserve,
Have fun learning
Listen to the teachers
Behave yourself
Just become bolder!

Guys! We are immensely proud of you!

Today you are especially great!

It probably sounds very loud and proud:

"You are kindergarten graduates."

Please accept congratulations from moms and dads,

We wish you new successes and victories!

Let every moment be joyful,

It will leave a shining mark on your heart!

So the boys have grown up,

The last year has flown by.

You are no longer a preschooler,

You are more serious people.

Nowadays, it seems, kids

With lollipops in hands,

Tomorrow - fashionable, with a haircut,

Learn the basics in school

Slowly figure it out

To delve into the wilds of physics,

To learn the secrets of formulas,

You have no time for jokes today,

Very short period

Before serious adult matters,

Well, go for it!

To those who dared

The kindergartener will look after you sternly,

He will say: “Bon voyage!”

Mothers will bless everyone,

Dads will just cheer you up.

A smart parting word to 11th grade graduates from the school principal at the Last Bell, video

The director's speech with a farewell speech to graduates is an obligatory part of the ceremonial line in honor of the Last Bell. As a rule, in his wishes, the “head” of the school expresses the hope that each of the compulsory 11th grade graduates will find their place in life, achieving their goals and career heights. In addition, the parting word to graduates from the director traditionally contains official congratulations with the end of school, as well as an invitation to visit your favorite teachers more often. Thus, the texts below (with video) of smart parting words to graduates are perfect for the scenario of a school line dedicated to the Last Bell. According to established tradition, the head teacher, class teacher and other subject teachers join the solemn speech of the director - with instructions and best wishes to dear and beloved students.

Texts of smart parting words from the director to graduates of 11th grade at school

Dear Guys! Today the last school bell will ring for you. Soon you will pass your final exams, and your unforgettable school years will be behind you. During this time, you learned a lot: you mastered the basics of science, began to understand the process of social life, learned the joy of communication, friendship, and maybe even love. You defended the honor of the school at sports competitions (the names of the best athletes are announced), at subject olympiads (the names of the winners of the olympiads are listed), and at amateur art shows. Thank you for this, dear guys! I wish you to successfully pass your exams, choose the right path in life and not forget your home school! I also thank my parents, from whom we have always received understanding and support.

Today we are beginning to slowly get used to the fact that our dear students will soon leave school and set off on a further journey through the land of knowledge outside its walls. I, as the school director, want to say on behalf of all the teachers and on my own behalf how proud we are of your achievements and successes. You have absorbed all the knowledge that we tried to convey to you and are ready to apply it in the final exams. I am sure that you will successfully cope with this test and will not let your teachers and parents down. I would like to wish you great achievements in your future professional path and, of course, great happiness.

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you.

Today pride fills my soul. There are so many beautiful and joyful faces in this room. All the schoolchildren who are graduating today are like my own children. I wish each of you to find your calling in life, find yourself, give yourself a whole chest of useful knowledge, having received the best diplomas higher education and become employees of the most prestigious firms and companies. Keep your school memories, never forget your teachers and come visit more often!

Our dear and beloved graduates! Today you open the door to new life. Each of you will have to experience a new stage of growing up and overcome new obstacles along the way. Leaving school is always sad and a little sad. After all, here many people made their first best friends and first real love. Here you made your first victories and suffered your first disappointments. I want to wish you success in your future adult life. Don't forget your school and your dear teachers. Communicate with each other and become every day even better than you are - because there is no limit to perfection!

Video recording of parting words for 11th grade graduates from the director and teachers

Cool parting words for the last call for 11th grade graduates from parents

The last bell for 11th grade graduates really becomes the final event held within the walls of their home school. So, on the threshold of their new life, mature schoolchildren listen with excitement to parting words from their mothers and fathers - their closest and dearest people. Today, parting words to graduates from parents are not just a “template” speech of an official nature, with a set of traditional congratulations and instructions. IN last years More and more often, parents give preference to bright, original performances with elements of creativity - in the form of a song, skit, flash mob. As an example, we have selected cool parting words in poetry and prose from parents for 11th grade graduates, which can be included in the holiday script. Undoubtedly, such parental instruction will be remembered for a long time not only by graduates, but also by everyone present at the Last Bell.

Parting words for 11th grade graduates from parents for the Last Bell holiday in verse and prose

The children are cute, just recently funny and charming; you walked into first grade, holding tightly to your parents’ hands. Now, confident in your independence, you hold your classmates by the hand. And we still want to take a child by the palm, lead him through this difficult life, bypassing all obstacles, lending his shoulder. We understand that it is impossible, so we say, walk through life with dignity. Final exams are ahead - excellent grades and may your expectations come true.

Dear graduates! The day that we both waited for and feared at the same time has arrived. This is a solemn and slightly sad day when the last bell rings for you at our school. On the one hand, this is the moment of separation. On the other hand, it’s the beginning of your road to adulthood.

Remember how quite recently you, so small and curious, came to your first line. Funny white bows, huge bouquets, joyful smiles... And now before us are young men and women with serious views, with their own plans for life.

Over the years, the school has turned into a second home for all of you. School is a small Universe. Here you learned to be friends and love, to be responsible, to understand others.

You grew up and became a little smarter and wiser every day. Now you remember with a smile your first bad grade, how you didn’t want to get up in the morning and study homework in the evening. Years will pass, certain moments of your school time will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love.

The school has become dearer to everyone in the world,
But now her world is not for you!
You are stepping into new distances,
Finding your way in the world of adults.
May sorrows always bypass you,
May the star guide you to good luck!

Children, when you went to first grade, it seemed like an eternity until graduation. And now these years are behind you, and the unknown lies ahead of you. But here at school you got everything you need to start your adult life. So be brave, dream, go towards your goals, live life to the fullest. The most interesting time is beginning for you. Use it wisely and know that we are already proud of you!

Today is a very exciting day not only for you - future graduates, but also for us - your parents. All these years, we have seen with what persistence and determination you moved along the path of mastering new knowledge and sciences, how difficult and responsible it was, so on such a holiday as the last bell, we are especially proud of you. You have successfully overcome many tests, which means you will easily cope with your final exams. We wish you that your future student life will become a new bright stage on the path to knowledge, and that health, luck and happiness will always go hand in hand.

The most touching parting words to graduates from the head and teacher of the kindergarten, on video

The graduation party in kindergarten is the most significant event for children and their parents. At the festive matinee, the most sincere wishes are heard from the teachers and the head, for whom the time has come to part with their little pupils. We invite you to listen to touching parting words to kindergarten graduates - the video shows a recording of such a solemn speech.

Parting words from the head for kindergarten graduates, video

A parting word to graduates at the Last Bell in a kindergarten or school is an important part of the holiday script and a touching tradition. When saying goodbye to their charges, educators and teachers express their most best regards, and parents of graduates usually give a speech of gratitude in response. On our pages you will find examples of texts and video ideas on how to compose beautiful parting words from the class teacher and director for graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades. You can also hear many sincere wishes and parting words from the head of the kindergarten at the graduation party for preschoolers. Happy graduation to you!

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