Congratulations on your graduation. Extracurricular event “Personalized congratulations for graduates on graduation evening. Cool characteristics for graduates by name

Poems about graduates

Maria Anatolyevna Ganovicheva, Municipal State Institution “Secondary School No. 13” of the Akimat of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, teacher of physics and fine arts.

Description: The poems are intended to help teachers and organizers of events dedicated to the end of the school year.

Target: creating a kind and positive atmosphere for 11th grade graduates.
Learn to realize yourself in creative work;
Develop creativity and communication skills;
Cultivate tolerance and respect for others.

Alexandru everything is within my reach.
“I’ll even move mountains if I want!”
Always ready to argue with everyone,
There are no eternal truths for him,
And he will build happiness in life,
He will achieve his goal in everything!
Although Sasha knows how and loves to joke,
He wants to conquer the heights of medicine.

Lisa extremely talented
And very soon her dream will come true -
Become a master of architecture and design,
So that beauty surrounds us everywhere.
We wish you luck in life,
And the sun was shining in spite of all the clouds,
So that trouble never enters the house,
May luck always be your companion.

Sasha friendly and cheerful
Dancing, drawing, singing.
Gives smiles to everyone.
The eyes sparkle with mischief,
They want to conquer the whole world.
Let him submit to you,
So that the heart is like a bird
Uncontrollably, freely and boldly
Luckily it flew!

Anyuta- conscientious,
Hardworking and active.
Her thoughts are rich in a palette of colors,
They usually say: "Uma chamber."
Will not refuse to help
If you feel uneasy.
Let everything work out in her life
And your heart will be warm and light.

Vova reliable and very smart
He will do everything that is planned.
Excellent PC knowledge
And he will win the argument for sure!
Let his recognition not pass him by,
The chosen destiny will be necessary!
Let there be time and desire
For good deeds that are useful to people!

And the beauty Aida
Knows everything ahead
Because before classes
Read all the textbooks!
Let your dreams come true,
You will achieve everything in life.
You will conquer peaks
And do everything in life with “five”!

Marina– bright nature:
He takes care of himself and his figure.
Loves to speak the truth face to face
And wear cosmetics instead of books.
May every ordinary day of yours
It will turn into a wonderful holiday,
And never a shadow of sadness
It won't be reflected in your eyes.

Ritu nature did not deprive -
She was rewarded with a beautiful soul and beauty.
May fate give you
What you want so much
Let your wishes come true
And dreams come true!

So many thoughts and desires
What's wrong with them Tatiana.
She is interested in music, literature, stage,
Or maybe it will become a business for women?
Easy to talk to, pleasant,
Always open and understandable.
She good friend and studies diligently.
Success will come to her - it's inevitable!

Sasha, just a queen!
Happy Last Call Day!!
Likes to achieve everything herself
Her friends appreciate her for this.
Years will pass, even a century,
Cheer up cheerful man!

She's independent
Sweet, charming.
Name Anastasia -
There is no more beautiful name!
This day is a little sad
We want to wish you
A sea of ​​happiness, a sea of ​​laughter,
Pass the exam without any problems!

Ivan We wish you happiness!
Of course, we wish you victories!
And find the most important thing in life,
Happy and sure ticket
On the train going to the heights!
From which, having later descended,
Below to find at the foot
Peace for the soul and your home!

We wish you to reach your goal,
Let Masha will find real friends,
Good luck will certainly come to you,
If only you would be a little kinder in life!
We wish you spiritual vigor,
Good luck in everyday life,
Always good health,
Never lose heart!

Dear, kind Sachet
Our congratulations sound:
We wish you inspiration,
And have a great mood!
You are the most beautiful of Sasha!
And of course you will pass the UNT with a “5”!

He is always full of good spirits
And ready to conquer a hundred peaks,
Will stop any destruction -
This - Misha, friend number one!
We want to stay the same
And serve as an example for the younger ones,
May your victories be on the tatami
We could not forget forever!

Entering the 11th grade line

Another constellation has lit up in the school sky "Graduate - 2017". For 11 years they flashed bright sparkles in the classroom. They shone at the Olympics. They sparkled at lyceum evenings. Now they will shine in big life! Each star has its own name. Each star is unique and inimitable.

Executive, diligent and modest,
He will sort out any answer.
The young man has enormous potential -
He is seriously interested in history.


There can be no other opinions,
He was destined by fate to make a contribution to science,
In economics and history he is a genius,
Member of the Leader club and Olympic medalist.


No one can argue with him
He will be able to defend his position with dignity.
And, of course, he should go to MGIMO,
To become the best diplomat in the world.
Our president - ___________________

Although this young man

And not very talkative,
But in business it is obligatory,
Modest, kind, attentive.


Participant in intellectual competitions,
Strives to do everything in life with an A,
He puts a lot of effort and effort into his studies,
He dreams of becoming a programmer in the future.


Music, culture, fiction.

He is chronically interested in aesthetic subjects.

Everything is extremely clear to her in the science of beauty - ____________

Beautiful, smart, charming...

Modest, diligent in lessons...

And, in general, let's say decisively...

The nature is very positive - ___________________

She is interested in history, literature,

Language English, also physical education.

Easy to talk to, pleasant,
Always open and understandable.
She is a good friend and studies hard.
Success will come to her - it's inevitable!


Another heroine is a creative person.

Both an athlete and a record holder in studies, she draws excellently.

He smiles subtly at everyone.

Cute girl - ____________________

This girl with a strong character

He knows how to stand up for himself.
On any occasion, let us tell you, he has his own opinion!


Fate has not deprived you.

Masculine strength lives in you.

Eyes burn like two agates,

That's why all the girls love it - ___________________

A serious, thorough person.

And already quite independent.

My health is normal.

Always in excellent physical shape - _________________

This guy is a genius at dancing.
He can do everything in studies, maybe.
He knows no doubts
And he will always help his friends.
And he sings and plays
On the guitar, or in the field,
Like an athlete, he understands everything
In basketball and football.


He constantly strives for success

Clearly moves towards the intended goal.

In life, obstacles are no obstacle to him

He is very confident in his abilities.

In the future, a chemist known to all of us.

This - ______________________

He has everything: determination, practicality,

Energy like a waterfall

Patience, intelligence and pedantry.

An athlete, an excellent diplomat.


This girl is always calm
And how many secrets and mysteries there are in it,
She dreams of becoming a financier
And money loves counting and order.


This lyceum student is worthy of praise,
Loves mathematics, kind and calm,
Friendly, competent - knows all subjects,
He dreams of enrolling in economics.


Her name is Victoria - and that means victory.

She can tell about many victories in history.

She heroically rushes to the Faculty of History -


This girl aspires to become a doctor,

In addition, she is also artistic, flexible,
I helped our lyceum and class as best I could,
She performed for us, danced, read,
She is not afraid of illness or sore throat

This - _________________________

This girl is beautiful behind her appearance
Solid character hidden, striving forward,
She is always responsible, hardworking,
And once you set a goal, you will always reach it!


He's just a great football player
Both Ronaldo and Zidane
He has a ton of talents,
He will conquer many countries.

And dances and sings,

Gives smiles to everyone.

The famous Don Juan,

This - _________________

He can become a brilliant programmer,

And he will soon be able to overtake Bill Gates.
In Olympiads, competitions, debates,
He always strives to achieve victories.


Curious, active
And slightly demonstrative.
Looks, listens, reads,
He is the first to know about everything.

And the lyceum is proud of him. This -


Very talented and smart
He was the life of the party and the leader.
Won at various Olympics,
In terms of economics, he has no equal,
Economic universities would be happy
Enroll him in any of your departments!


Everyone knows Masha at our school -
For many years he has been reading poetry better than anyone else,
In addition to talent, she has willpower,
This means that success will always await her in life!

Tender, sweet, romantic, sublime and poetic.

No wonder everyone always calls her extraordinary -


Modest, silent, serious,

Successful in studies

And, to be honest,

An example to follow for everyone.


This girl has a strong character,
She is proud in moderation, and always
She moves forward decisively and proudly,
Having invested a lot of effort and labor into this.

Closing speech of the class teacher at the graduation (presentation of certificates) in 9th grade

Dear colleagues, endlessly beloved graduates, dear parents and guests! With all my heart I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! Nine years of joint work are behind us. You just found out what kind of students our graduates were from the certification results. But what kind of people they became, probably only I know better than others. And as a class teacher, I consider it necessary to report to you on the work done. Today I say goodbye to my students and pupils, that’s why I called my report “Don’t you dare forget the students!”

3 years flew by in a flash!

3 years! Many or few?

How sad it is to part

It's not an easy time.
Raised every day
I coped as best I could.
Here year after year passed,
My kids have turned
From gray ducks to white swans
And they decided to fly away from under the wing.
Although ducklings are counted in the fall
But the school releases them in the summer.
I will list them from “A” to “Z”
This is my profession.

1. Barinov

Sasha is a treasure in the classroom

Leader of most guys!

Both handsome and athlete
In general, just superman!

Hardworking and well mannered.
I have no doubt that not one
They will have a girl's heart broken.

2. Lika

Lika is very businesslike,
Friendly, direct,
Never remembers evil
Both smart and funny.

3. Gel

To tell everything about Gelya,
A poem needs to be written
So I will say briefly:
Angelina has no flaws.

4. Artem

You are good to everyone, and we will say lovingly,
You are kind, responsive, polite, delicate,
Hardworking, smart and you,
The grades on the certificate are not bad.


There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with his mind,
Responsive, kind at the same time.
Therefore, on the path of life,
You should be lucky, Anyuta.

6. Vishnevsky

In vain they grumble about youth,
Kolya is good for everyone,
Kind, modest, non-smoker -
He is a real person.

7. Gulyaeva

Natasha should be praised -

Activity and strength seem to increase.

Cheerful, friendly,

And if she laughs, they will instantly recognize her.

Her hobby is normal.

The sport of the persistent chooses

Sweet and pretty

Her willpower sets her apart.

8. Nastya Dolgikh

And beautiful and slim,
Both polite and modest,
Nastya Dolgikh Miss Universe
Coming soon for sure

9. Zakharina

Zakharina Yulia is good at dancing.
And the beauty contest has been dreaming about it for a long time.
She would have taken all the prizes there,
But Yulenka is attracted to studies.

10. Zorikhin

You are not permanent, Andryusha,
But overall you're a good guy.
Absent-minded and very kind,
Simple, sociable, not proud.
It's never boring with you.
Friends don't forget you.
Don't lack abilities.
Your slogan is “I want to know everything!”

11. Koldina

Everyone knows that Katya draws well,
She designs newspapers decently,
This talent will always be useful in life,
Any place where you have to work.

12. Lera

Everything comes simple and easy to her

She can successfully become a fashion model.

So different in everything

And she is not accustomed to idleness.

Valeria dances and sings.

She is ready to change everything.

To be successful always, in everything -

This is her task

13. Kuligin

Who is seriously interested in chemistry?
Good knowledge of computers
He is active and sociable in all matters,
Of course, it’s him - Denis Kuligin

14. Lelina

Looks like our Katerina
For Pushkin's heroine:
Quiet, sad, silent,
Modest, calm - everyone is amazed.

15. Ruslan

Our Ruslan did not like to answer in class.
As a Belarusian partisan, he remained silent.
But during the exams he suddenly started talking.
So much so that the commission almost had a stroke.

16. Nikita

Nothing is so valuable
Like politeness and kindness,
You have tact, attention, devotion,
Intelligence, sincerity and simplicity.
Try not to lose this,
Nikita, become a real man in life.

17. Parfenova

Katya Parfenova surprised everyone
I got a B in algebra on the exam.
All nine years, as it turned out,
She was shy to study well.

18. Irina Patrakova

Ira is friendly, loves to communicate,
She loves to joke and laugh.
Be more serious, be responsible,
May your life path be happy.

19. Vika

Vika is modest and honest,
Known at school for her kindness,
And smart, of course, and smiling,
Very fair and responsive.

20. Ponomarenko

Our Ian is a great football player,
You won't get bored in life
And an optimist in life,
It will work out.

21. Sasha Romina

Romina Sasha is a kind soul,
With a charming smile.
And even though she came to us only recently,
The “goldfish” was in its element.

22. Christina

It's always easy with that person
Who treats you well!
Christina is very good-natured,
And it is very difficult to quarrel with her.
May this remain with you for the rest of your life,
It will be easy for you to live and study.

23. Smirnov Sergey

Who has a perpetual motion machine inside,
Eternal runner, eternal jumper,
Everyone will say, without thinking quickly,
That this is our Sergei Smirnov.
Always be in everything, Seryozha, you are the first,
Try to do everything to perfection,
And your great energy
Spend only for peaceful purposes.

24. Smirnova Nastya

She was given the name Anastasia.

And she has a luxurious and blond braid.

Everything comes to her without much effort.

Beauty is born in her hands.

How purposeful a girl is.

He throws himself into work.

He is passionate about his creations.

And idleness and peace are unknown to her.

25. Tikhomirov

Seryozha doesn’t interfere in class
And he doesn't break the rules
He has a huge talent:
Sergei is both polite and modest.

26. Zhenya

Stop the vision - you are wonderful!

Oh Zhenya! Show up at school.

In communication it can be dangerous:

Don't touch her. Don't even squint.

And suddenly a discovery: she sings with her soul

And it seems so mysterious

27. Chervyakova Nastya

Nastya follows the straight path:

Medicine awaits ahead of her

Looks forward very calmly

Her calculating mind gives her away

28. Filippova Maria

Masha is very delicate,
Cheerful and elegant
And beautiful and generous,
And always kind to everyone.

29. Sergei Shesterikov

Early morning class

Suddenly there was a loud laugh

It’s immediately clear that this is a guy...

Made everyone laugh, of course.

This is a clear hindrance in studies.
Now, if I hadn’t laughed for many years,
He would have been more successful.

30 Shiryaeva

Learn from our Yulia to smile,
Don't be offended by anyone or anything.
To keep her smile,
We need to invite a painter.
Let everyone from the canvas constantly
Julia gives a smile zealously

Don't you dare forget your students!
They are so young and so beautiful.
And in the future they must prove to us
That we worked on them not in vain.
I love you, what more...
And I just want to say one thing,
So as not to be forgotten in the open air
Come and visit me.


1. There is some kind of mystery in this girl,

why compare the Mona Lisa with her!
He speaks a little, is silent furtively,

but the boys will not yield. ...

2.If Roma it comes to class very well!
Where Roma is, there are no quarrels; where Roma is, there are no fights.
We all love Roma very much, we respect him just like that!..

3.Who is always neat, cultured and pleasant among us?
And helpful, and courteous, and moderately playful?
Our UmrilovKirill !


4. He is tall, slender and handsome, handsome, fit and neat,
And in erudition, he will not yield and anyone will go to college...

5. This lady is combative, energetic and courageous,
Very, very pretty... who is she, who is she? ...

Surely, Diana !

6.Brave like an empress

and, like a princess, young,
And impulsive like a tigress

and, like a novice, kind,

sometimes talkative, sometimes timid
Anechka , worried for sure! ...

7. We have one girl!
Both beautiful and modest.

There is still a lot of mystery in it,
But we are always sure that you won’t let us down,

Victoria , all of us you never!

8.If you stop bySusanna in notebooks,

The letters, like birch trees, stand in order.

Warmth and tenderness, happiness and attention!..

9. Karina loves to sing and dance,Problems are difficult to solve.

10. Anna We wish you true friends,May your life be full of joy! (Kharitonova)

11. Lisa - ringing voice -And slender as a spikelet.Loves to help adultsAnd you couldn't find a kinder one.

12.The name is beautiful, ancient -Igor ,

Only reliable and strong men
It would suit best

The world doesn't have a better Igor!

13. Irina - this is the name of joy,

Float through life like a butterfly,

And don’t lose optimism!

14.FastVadik matured
He managed to learn everything.
Strive for new knowledge.
This will come in handy at school.

15. Fair and calm,
Always worthy of praise.
Sasha children respect
Everyone wishes him success. (Veretennikov)

16. From any position
You will always find a way out
You love to fantasize
You will never be lost. (Bogdan)

17. Ruslan we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Meet good friends
To be as kind and nice
And get straight A's.

18. CShevket sad to leave
But we will still smile.
After all, there are so many interesting things in high school,
Unknown, wonderful.

19 . Danila see you off to high school
With all our hearts we wish him:
At school you try
and study diligently.

20. Sasha ours is a shirt guy!
he won't disappear anywhere.
Well, if necessary,
He will lead you. (Androshchuk)

21. At the gymDima there are no equals.
We wish him victories.
Best read, decide
And “great to receive.”

22. Masha doesn't let go of grudges
Walks through life boldly.
Always be cheerful and brave
Skillful in all matters.

23. OurRoller loves without fail

A change from all my studies.

You can run around here

Measure your strength.

Nikita - means “winner”.

Lead you to victories.
Trust him on your journey!
You are stubborn and persistent
But we are very vulnerable.
Its best properties
Keep it forever.



with ending primary school

Nikita means “winner”.
Capable Angel - your guardian
To your victoriesnews
Trust him on your journey!
You are stubborn and persistent
But we are very vulnerable.
Its best properties
Keep it forever.



with graduation from primary school

Our Roller certainly loves

A change from all my studies.

You can run around here

Measure your strength.



with graduation from primary school

Masha doesn’t let go of grudges,
He walks briskly through life.
Always be cheerful and brave
Skillful in all matters.



with graduation from primary school

Dima has no equal in the gym.
We wish him victories.
Best read, decide
And get straight A's.



with graduation from primary school

Sasha is our guy!
he won't disappear anywhere.
Well, if necessary,
He will lead you.



with graduation from primary school

Danila to high school

see you off
With all our hearts we wish him:
At school you try
and study diligently.



with graduation from primary school

It’s sad to part with Shevket,
But we will still smile.
After all, in high school there are so many

Unknown, wonderful.



with graduation from primary school

We wish Ruslan from the bottom of our hearts
Meet good friends
To be as kind and nice
And get straight A's.



with graduation from primary school

From any position
You will always find a way out
You love to fantasize
You will never be lost.



with graduation from primary school

Fair and calm
Always worthy of praise.
Children respect Sasha,
Everyone wishes him success.



with graduation from primary school

Vadik grew up quickly,
He managed to learn everything.
Strive for new knowledge.
This will come in handy at school.



with graduation from primary school

Irina is the name of joy,
Sparkling, splashing, colorful.
A pinch of pepper, a handful of sweets
And the laughter in her is fused into one.
I wish with ease as before,
Float through life like a butterfly,
Greeting friends with a gentle smile
And don’t lose optimism!



with graduation from primary school

The name is beautiful, ancient - Igor,
You wear it with dignity, with honor.
Only reliable and strong

It would suit best
Maybe someone won't believe us
And, doubting, he won’t trust words...
We won't argue, it's just for us
The world doesn't have a better Igor!



with graduation from primary school

LISA - ringing little voice -
And slender as a spikelet.
Loves to help adults
And you couldn't find a kinder one.



with graduation from primary school

We wish you true friends,
Lots of health and sunny days,
Success in your studies and only good things.
May your life be full of joy




with graduation from primary school

KARINA loves to sing and dance,
Problems are difficult to solve.
We wish you to study it only with “5”
and develop your talents at school.



with graduation from primary school

If you look at Susanna in


Letters stand like birches

We wish you joy and charm!

Warmth and tenderness, happiness and




with graduation from primary school

We have one girl!
Both beautiful and modest.

There is still a lot of mystery in it,
But we are always sure - no

you'll let me down,

Victoria, you never did us all!



with graduation from primary school

Brave as an empress

and, like a princess, young,
And impulsive like a tigress

and, like a novice, kind,
Now, suddenly, sharp, now silent,

sometimes talkative, sometimes timid
Anechka is definitely worried! ...



with graduation from primary school

This lady is combative, energetic and

Very, very pretty...

who is she, who is she?

Well, of course, Diana!



with graduation from primary school

Who is always neat among us, and

cultured and pleasant?
And helpful, and courteous, and in moderation

Our Umrilov Kirill!



with graduation from primary school

If Roma comes to class this

Very good!
Where Roma is, no quarrels are heard,

where Roma is, there are no fights.
We all love Roma very much,

We respect you just like that!



with graduation from primary school

There's something about this girl


that only the Mona Lisa is with her

Talks a little, is silent


but the boys will not yield.



with graduation from primary school

He is tall, slender and handsome,

handsome, fit and neat,
And in erudition - it will not yield

and anyone will go to college...



with graduation from primary school

Vadik grew up quickly,
He managed to learn everything.
Strives for new knowledge.
This will be useful at school.



with graduation from primary school

Irina is the name of joy,
Sparkling, splashing, colorful.
A pinch of pepper, a handful of sweets
And the laughter in her is fused into one.
I wish with ease as before,
Float through life like a butterfly,
Greeting friends with a gentle smile
And don’t lose optimism!



Krasnogvardeyskaya secondary school

schoolI – III stages No. 1

announces Gratitude

Balyasny Anatoly Pavlovich

for the assistance provided

for classroom renovation

School director I.V. Nikitin

Every year, hundreds of graduates leave their home schools to the sounds of a waltz. An adult, independent, mysterious, now adult life begins. All celebrations were preceded by long years of study and serious preparation for passing exams. Solemn events take place in all cities, in every village.

Festive scripts are prepared, poems and songs are written, and the halls are decorated with balloons and flowers. According to tradition, first there is the official presentation of state certificates, letters of gratitude, awards and medals for educational and sports achievements. And finally, the solemn sounds of the last, farewell, school waltz sound. Young people dressed in formal suits invite girls in fluffy ball gowns to dance. Classmates form pairs and dance in a circle in front of their parents, friends, loved ones, and teachers who have become native teachers over these many years. Afterwards, some ride on ships until dawn, others celebrate in a cafe with jokes and pranks. Of course, years later, each class will get together to remember the carefree school years, look at the photos, and, of course, remember that magical school ball.


Beautiful girl, something to be proud of...
Today - especially. You are a graduate.
And in new life you are entering now,
Just like the day you came to first grade!

Everything is alien, and new, and scary, of course,
But don’t be shy, even though your childhood is over.
There are many good things ahead
I wish you - go boldly!

Let life be beautiful and fabulous,
Don't be afraid of obstacles, smile at them.
May the future distance be blue.
Believe me, Fate will smile on you!

Today is your graduation.
And there are a lot of roads in front of you,
And there is a lot to come.
Go boldly through life!

You choose the right path
You taught something - don’t forget,
All ideas are brought to life.
Good luck ahead!

Here comes, perhaps, one of the most important days in your life - graduation. So many paths have been trampled around the school, and so many roads open to a new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to do right choice and take the road that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, overcome all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Let this day be remembered for a long time -
And the first ball, and the first graduation,
All the little grievances and anxieties
Already left somewhere behind.

And ahead are sunrises and sunsets,
And there are a lot of plans and projects...
Childhood is already leaving without return.
Another life is coming - meet it!

School days flew by like a moment -
Here adult life your draft.
An old diary will hide in a drawer,
Finished school, you are a graduate.

Changes await you ahead,
Walk boldly along the ladder of life,
Believe in your strength, live without fear,
After all, graduation is just the beginning of the journey.

Today is your adult holiday -
Today is the best graduation ever!
All congratulations to you!
Accept them from us, loving one!

Go through life boldly,
Let the flowers bloom for you,
And let every day give only
Good luck, happiness and prestige!

Today is not an easy day,
The long-awaited graduation
And feelings mixed in the heart,
Joy and a little sadness.

But today celebrate with confidence,
And go meet the dawn,
The world is huge, limitless
Discover it for yourself!


The last bell rang,
Leaving childhood behind.
Today you have become more mature,
Today is school graduation.

On your life's path
Let there be no worries, no betrayals.
I want to find myself
Without giving much in return.

Let the first step be easy
On the road called “life”.
Let the winds of change blow,
Hold on to your dream.

Fun, joy and success
Don't give it to anyone.
Increase love and laughter.
You can. I believe. Go for it!

Exams passed. You have received your certificates.
So dressed up that you can’t take your eyes off them!
May your life be bright and rich.
Good luck to you and have a safe journey.

That is good, reasonable and eternal,
What have you already achieved?
Keep it within yourself. Be humane
And don't go astray.

Make your dreams come true,
Do good, rejoice, and let
A fair wind will fill the sails,
And the path of your life will be easy.

Most recently in 1st grade
Mom and Dad saw you off
And now for the last time
You stacked your school books.

We wish you that this start
Was inspired and successful
Getting up from school desks,
You walked confidently, slowly.

Let everyone find their own pier,
He will master the work to his liking,
Let him accomplish everything, gain
Build your life successfully!
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It was installed on the plate, while the handle hung...