Thirteen wedding years. Lace (lily of the valley) wedding 13th summer wedding what is it called

The thirteenth anniversary is associated with the number thirteen, and since this number does not have a very good reputation, throughout this year spouses should be careful in their emotions and avoid conflicts in the family. Let's find out more about 13 years of marriage, what kind of wedding, traditions and gifts.

This wedding anniversary received two names: lily of the valley and lace. Treat each other with care and warmth, like delicate lace.

The meaning of the number 13

In astrology: means wit, sociability, mobility and gossip. Characterized by developed logic and good memory, but can deliberately distort information.

In magic: thirteen is the number of karma and the beginning of a new cycle. Symbolizes power. In the Tarot, this number belongs to the Arcana of Death. For the Aztecs, 13 is a cosmogonic number associated with the daytime and celestial worlds. In the Gallic romances there are 13 jewels, 13 royal treasures, 13 wonders of Britain.

In life: the number 13 has long been associated with evil spirits and is considered an ominous number and the number of bad luck. In fact, this number means the desire to love. The predominance of this number in your life indicates frequent outbursts of anger and crazy love.

13 years of marriage, traditions

It was believed that it was on the thirteenth wedding that demons confused the thoughts of the spouses so that they would constantly quarrel, thus testing how strong they were.
were their feelings. Therefore, this anniversary was given the name lace (tightly woven) in order to protect the spouses from the machinations of evil spirits. To ward off evil spirits on this day, the husband and wife planted a young birch tree near the house and tied a lace ribbon on it. The table was covered with a lace tablecloth and lace napkins were placed.

How to meet

Lay a lace tablecloth on the table and if it’s the season, place a vase with a bouquet of lilies of the valley in the center of the table, if not, then put a small lace napkin, and after the celebration, remove it and save it until the next anniversary.

What to give for 13 years of marriage

Gift from guests: various products made of lace, as well as fine wool, lamps with lace lampshades, patterned paintings, figurines or vases with images of lilies of the valley.

Gift for your wife: give a certificate to an openwork lingerie store, since you yourself are unlikely to buy what you need; Look for jewelry with a lace pattern.

Gift for husband: it is clear that you cannot give your husband items with lace or lilies of the valley, so you can find a souvenir with the number 13 and give it as an addition to any other gift.

Natalia Erofeevskaya

Often the 13th wedding anniversary, like everything in one way or another connected with the number 13, is associated with inevitable difficulties in family life. Indeed, on the one hand, dissatisfaction with each other and irritation can accumulate over the years, and on the other hand, so many years lived together can unite spouses, make the family stronger and happier. How to celebrate this day according to customs, which has the beautiful name of a lace or lily of the valley (sometimes this anniversary is also called a woolen) wedding? What to give to a family celebrating 13 years of marriage?

Traditionally, lace is given as a gift on the anniversary of such a wedding. is a symbol of life patterns that the family has created over 13 years, a symbol of family relationships, fragile and delicate, requiring careful treatment. According to the second name of this anniversary, gift ideas for a married couple on their 13th wedding anniversary consist of real lilies of the valley (if the holiday falls during the flowering season) or gifts containing their image, for example, bed linen or a set of beautiful dishes. Wool gifts will be not only symbolic, but also practical: jumpers, hand-knitted socks, hats and scarves, mittens - all this will warm your loved one with its warmth.

What original gift to give to young friends for a lace (woolen) wedding anniversary

It would seem that just recently the wedding fanfare died down, and your friends began to create family warmth and comfort for each other? But now 13 years have passed, the relationship has become even stronger and more stable, and there is a reason to congratulate people dear to our hearts on their lace (lily of the valley or wool) wedding.

For obvious reasons, you should choose a gift from lace, lily of the valley theme or anything related to wool. Well, we won’t offer to give a sheep (although, what to hide, it’s an incredibly cool gift for friends on their 13th wedding anniversary), but from practical or simply beautiful gifts we can recommend the following:

  • home textiles decorated with lace: tablecloths, napkins, curtains, decorative pillows, bed linen;
  • openwork, stylized as lace interior items: photo frames, shelves, lamps, carved coffee table, etc.;
  • set of dishes or bed linen with a lily of the valley theme, a panel embroidered with these wonderful spring flowers;
  • would look very appropriate in early spring as a gift basket with real live lilies of the valley;
  • album made using scrapbooking technique, can combine everything associated with this magical anniversary: ​​trim with lace ribbons, themed pictures with lilies of the valley, woolen threads tied in knots and bows.

It is recommended to accompany any gift for this anniversary to friends and relatives with warm wishes: sincere heartfelt congratulations will avert troubles and misfortunes from this family for many years.

What can spouses give each other for their 13th wedding anniversary?

Spouses can give each other more personal gifts, because they have lived together for many years and have studied both the character and habits of their marriage partner. It will be absolutely charming and romantic if your husband presents his beloved with an elegant bouquet of lilies of the valley on this day - you won’t even need words of love to understand the depth of his feelings. If the celebration of this day does not occur during the blooming season of these delicate flowers, you can give it to your wife for her 13th wedding anniversary lace lingerie or dress: She will certainly appreciate such a delicate, beautiful gift.

What to give your husband for 13 years of marriage? Men, of course, are more practical than women, and therefore you should choose a gift based on these considerations. Woolen products will be a useful gift: It’s just great if the wife is a needlewoman and can knit a warm sweater, a scarf for the winter or mittens with an original pattern with her own hands. Such things, made with care and love, will last a long time and remind a man of the woman whom he chose as his wife 13 years ago.

There is also a simple ritual that can be performed on this significant day. The spouses pull out a woolen thread from each other's last year's clothes and tie it in a knot on their marriage partner's wrist - this is a kind of amulet against evil spirits that can bring quarrels and discord into the house, as well as symbolic ties that bind the family even stronger.

What to give parents for their 13th lace (wool, lily of the valley) wedding anniversary

Thirteen years of marriage can be celebrated by both young married couples and older ones, for whom this marriage may not be their first. What to give children for their parents' 13th wedding anniversary?

You can make a gift yourself and this will make it even more valuable: two identical woolen jumpers - for him and for her, or a set of mittens with the same pattern for two. Or you can knit a huge blanket that both can wrap themselves in on cold winter evenings. Lily of the valley motifs are often found on bed linen, and home-made lily of the valley tea (dried lily of the valley flowers can be bought at a pharmacy) and a beautifully designed recipe for its preparation will delight not only parents, but also friends and relatives present at the holiday.

Would be a great keepsake lace decorated photo frame or family album in the lily of the valley theme: receiving such a truly family heirloom from a daughter or son is touching and very pleasant.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 13th woolen (lily of the valley) wedding anniversary

Original, made with your own hands, include lace gifts:

  • collars;
  • handkerchief trimmed with fine hand lace;
  • decorative napkins for cups and tablecloths;
  • lace track;
  • tulle for windows;
  • Romantic bedding with lace frills.

Will look great in the interior antique items additionally decorated with lace: boxes or caskets for storing jewelry, trinkets or useful little things. Framed and decorated with antique “grandmother’s” lace, a family portrait can become a magnificent family heirloom that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Don't know what to give the newlyweds for a woolen wedding? Things made of wool are now more in demand among young people than ever: mittens, multi-colored mittens, snoods and classic scarves, warm sweaters and hats. An interesting gift would be a symbolic set of various balls of wool and a pair of knitting needles with the following hint: you still have a lot to learn in your relationships with each other, in your hands and the ability to maintain this cozy and warm family nest.

28 February 2018, 20:37

In popular beliefs, the number 13 is always shrouded in mysticism and mystery. The magic of numbers really has a very serious influence on people’s destinies, and therefore it is better to celebrate the thirteenth wedding anniversary, taking into account all the ancient traditions.

The 13th anniversary of marriage is symbolically called a lace wedding. The intricacy of lace not only symbolizes that demons are trying to confuse the thoughts and plans of the spouses, but also has as its goal to protect the couple’s relationship from anything that may be fraught with a threat. It is customary to celebrate this anniversary quietly, in the family circle, without attracting unnecessary attention. Perhaps this is the most comfortable and tender wedding anniversary. Celebrate it properly - and you will have wonderful memories of the celebration for a long time.

According to ancient traditions, the neck and head are considered the most vulnerable places of the human body, and therefore on this day the spouse ties a lace ribbon or bow on her head and puts on a lace collar not only for the spouse, but also for the children. A new lace tablecloth is laid on the festive table, and openwork napkins are placed under the plates. The table is served with festive dishes with interesting patterns reminiscent of lace. Carved rock crystal wine glasses fit well into the traditions of celebrating a lace wedding - by the way, its sound is also believed to drive away evil spirits from the house.

When choosing lace for a holiday, pay attention to its patterns: choose those with images of birds (a symbol of the “family nest”), flowers (a symbol of home comfort and tranquility), as well as the sun (a symbol of warmth and absolute happiness).

It’s quite easy to choose gifts for a lace wedding: various products made from delicate, patterned textiles are perfect. Tablecloths, napkins, openwork curtains and bed linen will definitely come in handy in everyday life, and handkerchiefs, gloves, collars, lace shawls and hair accessories will undoubtedly delight fashionistas. By choosing lace lingerie as a gift for his wife, the husband will not only give her a pleasant surprise, but will also bring fresh breath into their intimate relationship, which is important for maintaining a warm relationship.

Don’t forget to also give a gift to the brownie who protects your home and family happiness - choose a beautiful lace scarf and put it where your little helper lives. As a rule, this cozy place is located in the kitchen stove or in close proximity to the radiator.

Not everyone knows what the anniversary of 13 years together is called, or what kind of wedding is celebrated at this time. Often superstitious people are suspicious and negative about the number 13. But those who observe matrimonial traditions know that a lily of the valley, or, according to another version, a lace wedding is celebrated on this anniversary.

It is believed that, having lived together for so many years, the spouses have acquired value, skill and such strength in their relationship that they can be compared to a lace fabric, cunningly woven by a skillful craftswoman - fate.

Thus, the lives of the spouses are already so connected that they form a single bizarre connection from all the events lived and felt together. At the same time, this is a reminder to the “newlyweds” that lace is a very fragile and delicate product, so it must be handled with great care and protected for all subsequent years.

Less known is another name for this event - lily of the valley wedding. As experts in tradition say, this date is halfway to the silver wedding, when the quarter of a century that the spouses have lived together is celebrated.

And, since the 13th wedding anniversary is behind them, the husband and wife together overcame most of the difficulties that inevitably arise when forming a young family.

And now their feelings are based on love and tenderness, which are so well symbolized by this snow-white lily of the valley with its wonderful spring aroma. Psychologists agree with traditional beliefs. Based on the theory of the cyclical nature of life, psychologists believe that the 13th wedding anniversary is a transitional milestone, a new round in the history of the family and in the relationship between spouses.

Superstitions and traditions

Many people, even those who are not always superstitious, tend to have a biased attitude towards the number 13.

On the thirteenth wedding anniversary, many believe that an evil spirit may appear in the house, the purpose of which is to quarrel between the spouses.

These beliefs are a relic of the ancient beliefs of our ancestors, but it is still believed that on this day you need to be especially attentive to the signs of fate.

According to some beliefs, this date should be celebrated modestly among those closest to you.

How to celebrate 13 wedding years in order to prevent evil forces from influencing the fate of the family? There are several traditions. Our ancestors believed that in order not to get caught by evil spirits, you need to leave home for the whole day, especially if it is a wedding on Friday the 13th.

According to this tradition, ill-wishers will leave the home without finding spouses at home and thus will not be able to harm the family.

Not many people today would believe in such legends, however, such, as they would now say, cool superstitions still exist.

According to another tradition, the 13th anniversary of a lace wedding needs to be celebrated loudly, magnificently, with a large number of guests.

Then the evil spirits will no longer be able to penetrate the abode of the spouses and will be powerless to cause any harm.

Therefore, even without knowing about this hidden background, this wedding anniversary is often celebrated among a wide circle of relatives, friends and work colleagues. Songs, dances, fireworks really will not give the dark forces any chance to destroy the relationship of the spouses.

How to mark according to the rules

Despite the fact that every family has its own traditions, the 13th wedding anniversary means that this is an event for a narrow circle of guests, and only relatives and closest friends come to congratulate the spouses. The owners need to create an atmosphere of special comfort in the house.

It is believed that in order to ward off all misfortunes and troubles from the family, objects made of oak will help: various furniture, utensils, amulets and amulets at this moment should be in the most visible place.

In some families, oak amulets-keychains are passed down by inheritance, and no one can say how many years they have been in the service of the household. On this day, children are supposed to wear them, as successors of the family.

Oak objects will scare away evil spirits

A mandatory holiday attribute is a white lace tablecloth on the table. Lacy napkins are distributed to guests and placed under festive dishes.

Spouses also dress up in accordance with the day of celebration.

The wife dresses in a lace dress, but if one is not found, you can wear either a lace apron or a collar - there are many options. A man can decorate his suit with a lace bow tie or put a wedding handkerchief in the top pocket of his jacket. Outfits for children can also be thought out.

Gifts for a lace wedding

All gifts should be chosen taking into account the name of the holiday. First of all, spouses give gifts to each other.

In the old days, there was a custom when a wife gave her husband a lace butterfly, made with her own hands. It is believed that butterflies are able to attract love into the home and help strengthen family relationships. Also considered a symbol of eternal family values ​​are paired images of doves (symbols of peace and purity) and swans, which have always personified marital fidelity. Therefore, both a husband and a wife can give such delicate souvenirs to their husband.

It is acceptable if, when congratulating someone on their 13th lace wedding, the spouse gives his significant other beautiful underwear or peignoir.

Guests can think about what to give for a lace wedding in advance. You can buy souvenirs in a store or make them yourself. Crocheted lace doilies never go out of style. Simple openwork scarves, gloves, and collars will be a pleasant surprise for spouses. Good gifts for a lace wedding are tablecloths, bed linen, woolen items decorated with lace.

It is appropriate to give a woman a lace scarf

Do not forget that another name for this wedding is lily of the valley. Therefore, during the flowering season of these delicate spring bells, a bouquet of lilies of the valley would be a very appropriate gift, in which you can include a small wish card. In large cities, flower shops offer these flowers all year round.

However, if it is not possible to give a fresh bouquet, then, in addition to congratulating you on a lace wedding, you can give a gift of a painting depicting lilies of the valley or textiles - tablecloths, bed linen with this floral print.

There is an interesting ritual that can be called a kind of exchange of impromptu rings for spouses. It is held only on this day and, according to the keepers of traditions, is able to protect love from negative influences. To do this, you need to take a knitted item that you have been wearing for the past year and pull a thread out of it. Divide it in half and tie it on the wrists of both spouses - the husband to the wife, and the wife to the husband. After the holiday, the threads can be removed. Another good tradition is to plant birch and fruit trees near the house. For an example of congratulations on a lace anniversary, see this video:

Thus, you can beautifully congratulate the spouses on their wedding anniversary, present them with gifts appropriate to the occasion, and wish them a further happy life together in love and harmony.

A wedding anniversary is a unique holiday, because every year that spouses live together has its own symbol. And gifts for a significant date are selected, as a rule, in accordance with the symbol.

The thirteenth anniversary causes unpleasant forebodings for many people, due to a wary attitude towards the number 13. Many consider the “devil's dozen” to be an unlucky number and try to avoid it in every possible way. Some hotels do not even have rooms number thirteen, since there are few people willing to stay in it.

But the thirteenth wedding anniversary is by no means fatal; moreover, if the spouses lived in harmony for so many days and managed to maintain love, then their marriage can be considered stable. There is a high probability that the family will be strong, and the spouses will celebrate together not only their thirteenth, but also their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

The thirteenth wedding anniversary has a very beautiful name, it is called lace or lily of the valley. What kind of gift can you choose for a lace wedding?

Gifts from spouses to each other

Even if the family does not plan to have lavish celebrations, the spouses should exchange gifts. These can be expensive things or cute souvenirs, the main thing is to show attention to your other half.

Answering the question of what to give your beloved wife for a lace wedding is quite simple. Of course, you need to give lace in any form. This could be a set of lace lingerie, a peignoir, a lace blouse or a dress.

You can give your wife jewelry: metal “lace” looks no less impressive than real ones. Another great gift option is eau de toilette or perfume with the aroma of lily of the valley. You can also choose a cosmetic series with a lily of the valley scent - shampoo, shower gel, bath foam.

A bouquet of lilies of the valley or at least a beautiful postcard with their image and, of course, declarations of love will complement the gift.

It is more difficult for a husband to choose a symbolic gift for such a date. Men do not wear lace, and lilies of the valley can hardly be used as a gift. However, if the wife has a talent for needlework, she can embroider delicate May flowers on a pillowcase or towel.

But you can do it much simpler: buy any gift that your spouse might like, wrap it in paper and tie it with a lace ribbon or make a beautiful lace bow.

Gifts from immediate family

The spouses celebrating their thirteenth wedding anniversary will also want to be congratulated by their closest relatives. Parents, as a rule, try to give practical gifts. You can give your children bed linen or curtains decorated with lace. A classic gift is a lace tablecloth and napkins.

But you can choose other options, for example, you can buy a set of plates or a tea set, the decor of which uses the image of a lily of the valley.

The children of the spouses also prepare gifts. Of course, the choice of gift options will largely depend on the age of the younger generation. For example, parents will be pleased to receive a lace napkin from a 10-12 year old daughter.

You can crochet a napkin yourself, or make it using the hemstitch or macrame technique. Perhaps the young needlewoman will need the help of her grandmother, but such a wonderful gift will certainly please mom and dad.

Younger children can prepare simpler gifts. Parents can be given a homemade card, the design of which uses lace, a bouquet of lilies of the valley drawn or made using the appliqué technique.

Gifts from friends

You can choose a variety of things as a gift for a lace wedding anniversary. A variety of crystal and porcelain souvenirs depicting lilies of the valley are suitable.

An excellent gift option is a vase for sweets or fruits with a “lace” edge. This gift is both practical and symbolic. Another gift option is various lamps (sconces, lamps for bedside tables, etc.) with lampshades decorated with stylized lace or images of lilies of the valley.

If you couldn’t find a “lace” or “lily of the valley” gift, it’s worth playing up the fact that the couple lived together for 13 years.

Firstly, you can give sets consisting of thirteen items. For example, if spouses love to read, then you can give them thirteen volumes of literature on a topic that interests them.

Of course, you cannot buy a set of thirteen items, but you can assemble it yourself from plates or tea cups, sold individually. If it’s time for friends celebrating their wedding anniversary to update their dishes, then such a “prefabricated” set will come in handy.

You can give non-material gifts using the same principle. For example, you can organize thirteen different “adventures” for the heroes of the occasion. This could be: attending a concert, going to a water park, riding in a limousine or horse-drawn carriage, going on rides in a park, etc. The choice of “adventures” depends on the capabilities of the donor and the interests of the spouses celebrating the anniversary.

You can also organize thirteen different competitions, the heroes of the occasion will compete (you can also involve their children), and for winning in each competition you can be awarded a small souvenir.

Secondly, remembering that the number 13 is considered “unclean,” you can give spouses a variety of amulets.

These are, first of all, wooden things; ideally they should be made of aspen. These can be a wide variety of things: wooden keychains, key holders, figurines for interior decoration. And also, wooden dishes and even furniture.

You can also give crystal glasses; their clinking is believed to ward off evil spirits. You can also choose various souvenir amulets as a gift - a horseshoe for hanging above the door, crystal or bronze bells, a funny figurine of a brownie, etc.

So, although many are subconsciously afraid of the “devil’s dozen,” it’s still worth celebrating the thirteenth wedding anniversary. After all, happy holidays unite the family even more, and in a home where harmony reigns, failures and misfortunes are avoided.

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