Products that improve your mood. You didn’t even know about the properties of some of them! Products for a good mood

There are certain foods that can help improve your mood and reduce anxiety.

Anxiety and depression are mental disorders in which people experience feelings of nervousness, apathy, and in some cases, pain and suffering. This is all due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Chemicals known as neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, are responsible for regulating a person's mood, behavior and overall well-being. Diet may play an important role in maintaining levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. There are certain foods that stimulate the production of these hormones, thereby boosting your mood.

What to eat to improve your mood or get rid of depression

Carbohydrates and whole grains. Many people who try to drastically reduce carbohydrates in their diet often report mood swings, depression, anger and irritability as common side effects. This is because a lack of carbohydrates in the diet leads to decreased levels of serotonin in the brain, which leads to a negative mood. Complex carbohydrates and whole grains such as brown rice, pasta and multigrain bread, and potatoes can help increase serotonin production in your body. And since carbohydrates and grains take longer to digest, you can maintain energy and positive emotions for a long time.

Fruits and vegetables thanks to vitamins are good for our mental well-being and also play a vital role in our well-being. Fruits high in amino acids, including bananas, avocados, blueberries, and pineapples, help release serotonin in the brain, which improves mood. And strawberries stabilize blood sugar levels and help reduce irritability caused by cravings for sweets.

Green vegetables contain tons of B vitamins, which are also necessary for the production of serotonin. Antioxidant-rich green leafy vegetables, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce and lettuce, will help you get your recommended daily dose of vitamin B and fight stress.

Fish and seafood. Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, herring and mackerel are rich in , which help improve mood and improve memory. Omega-3s actually make up a large part of the brain and if you consume them, you'll be less likely to experience depression. Other mood-boosting seafood include shrimp and lobster, which contain B vitamins and minerals that release the feel-good hormone in the brain known as serotonin.

Protein consists of building blocks, amino acids, which are involved in the production of norepinephrine and dopamine, which are similar to serotonin. Higher levels of these substances can lead to improved mood and increased mental energy, as well as reduced levels of depression and anxiety. , nuts, eggs, cheese and high-protein beans can help combat anxiety and mood problems.

Meat also rich in vitamin B and amino acids, which are involved in the production of anti-stress hormones. Therefore, eating beef, pork or chicken also improves your mood.

Dark chocolate good quality high cocoa content contains flavonoids, antioxidants and theobromine, which have antidepressant effects. However, chocolate as a mood enhancer only affects certain personality types. And excessive consumption of chocolate, as a product to lift your spirits, can have negative consequences.

Tryptophan– an amino acid that helps in the production of serotonin. Eating tryptophan-rich foods can help quell any anxiety and stress and help you feel more calm. You can find tryptophan in turkey, bananas, milk, cheese, peanut butter and.

“I got sick in a good mood. I won't take sick leave. Let people get infected."

Not long ago, this phrase, whose authorship is unknown, appeared on the Internet and immediately entered the list of cult ones. Since then, they have changed and supplemented it in every possible way, signed photographs and pictures with it, put it in statuses on social media. networks, discussed and commented... Why such increased interest in seemingly ordinary words, you ask?

Everything is extremely simple. After all, a good mood is not only salvation from the blues and depression, but also the key to success in your career and on the personal front. And this is also the emotional state without which our whole life seems insipid and boring.

Nutrition and mood

It has long been known that the food a person consumes directly affects his physical and mental health. However, there is still debate about the causes and consequences of such exposure. And yet, nutritionists and scientists write books on this topic, develop diets and their own principles of proper nutrition, the main advantage of which is, perhaps, their richness. After all, with such an abundance of possibilities, everyone can choose something optimal for themselves.

The most popular and effective are considered to be paleo diet, Mediterranean diet And " Non Diet", which, in essence, is a refusal of any diet. And the most famous books are “ Food and mood" And " The path to happiness is through food"Elizabeth Somer, and " The Happiness Diet» Drew Ramsey and Tyler Graham.

The connection between food and human well-being

It is noteworthy that these and other authors put the main meaning into their publications, which boils down to the fact that everything that a person eats has a tremendous impact on his emotions. After all, useful microelements that enter the human body along with food feed not only his body, but also his brain.

Laura Paulak said this well in her book “ Hungry Brain" (Hungry Brain): "Our brains are constantly fixated on survival, which is closely related to the search for pleasure from food." Moreover, most often he prefers sugar, fats and salt, as they contribute to the production of the hormone dopamine, which is conventionally called “ hormone of happiness"for its direct effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

By the way, this is well known to companies that make money in the food industry and make full use of this knowledge in their work, easily forcing their consumers to buy certain products again and again. But this does not mean at all that our brain is our enemy. He just constantly demands high-calorie and energy-rich food, which is what they most often are, and also has a good memory for tastes...

However, in fact, sugar, salt, and fats are far from those foods, the consumption of which can truly improve a person’s mood. And entire “treatises” have been written about their harm. But, without knowing this, people deliberately introduce more food into their diet that causes temporary pleasure, then confusing this feeling with a real good mood.

The path to happiness lies through serotonin

Serotonin– a biologically active substance that is released into the blood and improves a person’s mood. Unfortunately, humanity cannot use it in its pure form, except perhaps as part of antidepressants. However, anyone can help increase its production.

To do this, it is enough to introduce into your diet foods rich in tryptophan, without which the production of serotonin is impossible.

  • Protein food: different types of meat, in particular turkey, chicken and lamb; cheese, fish and seafood, nuts, eggs.
  • In vegetables: different types of cabbage, including sea cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.; asparagus, beets, turnips, tomatoes, etc.
  • In fruits: bananas, plums, pineapples, avocados, kiwis, etc.
  • In addition, tryptophan is found in legumes and seeds.

After analyzing these food lists, it turns out that a balanced diet is the key to a good mood. In essence, this is true. And nutritionists all over the world talk about this. Moreover, to produce serotonin itself, it is not enough to simply eat a banana with treptophane, because it will not be absorbed without the presence of vitamin C, which is found, for example, in citrus fruits and rose hips. Bad habits and alcohol also negatively affect its level, so you will have to give them up too.

Food for your mood: five foods that help improve your mood

Sometimes it happens that a person who adheres to the principles of proper nutrition still wakes up in a bad mood. And there is nothing unusual in this, because we are all living people, not robots. It is for such moments that the top list of products for a good mood has been developed. It included:

Salmon and shrimp - they contain omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which suppress depression and improve a person’s emotional state;

Cherry tomatoes and watermelons - they are rich in the natural antioxidant lycopene, which prevents feelings of depression and blues;

Chili pepper - when tasting its taste, a person experiences a burning sensation, along with which there is a release of endorphins, similar to what is observed after a long workout in the gym;

– it contains vitamin B, which has a positive effect on mood, memory and thought processes, and also promotes the production of antidepressants in the body;

– it contains chromium, which not only helps regulate blood sugar levels, but also promotes the production of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Food that worsens your mood

In March 2013, researchers at a university in Pennsylvania published sensational research results. Experimentally, they proved that people suffering from depression should not eat unhealthy food - high in calories and devoid of any nutrients (chips, candy, hamburgers, pizza, french fries). Due to the high content of sugar and simple carbohydrates, it provokes a surge in blood glucose levels, and then its sharp drop. The same thing ultimately happens with your mood, the only difference being that this time it will “fall even lower,” which means it will be more difficult to raise it.

Alcohol and coffee. By using them to improve your mood, you are unlikely to lift it. But you will definitely lose it, and will also gain nervousness, irritability and absent-mindedness.

In addition, psychologists insist on keeping a so-called “food diary” in cases where a person suffers from mood swings too often. After all, eating the same products can bring moral satisfaction and benefit to someone. And for some - nausea, stomach pain or a banal deterioration in mood.

What else does serotonin level depend on?

Undoubtedly, sometimes just introducing the right foods into the diet is not enough, and the person himself not only experiences a constant feeling of depression, but also begins to suffer from depression. In this case, it is important to reconsider your views on life. After all, other factors also influence our mood, namely:

  • lack of sleep;
  • lack of protein in the diet;
  • lack of omega-3 acid, which is found in fish;
  • alcohol and coffee abuse;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements.
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So that your mood does not depend either on the weather outside the window or on relationships with others, just remember this short list of products ─ they will help restore a wonderful mood in the shortest possible time.


Nutmeg, green cardamom, star anise are the main warming and pleasing spices. Spices cannot be consumed separately, and we suggest preparing mulled wine or grog yourself. Such drinks will not only warm you up in bad weather, but will also create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere: you can relax after a hard day at work and forget about endless stress at least for one evening. The thing is that the smells of sweet spices have a beneficial effect on our nervous system ─ this is a kind of aromatherapy that will prevent you from getting bogged down in melancholy. True, you shouldn’t get carried away: spices in large quantities can cause allergies. Well, if you want to make a cocktail, just throw a pinch of aromatic antidepressants into herbal tea or warm milk.

The sweets that we crave in moments of despondency and despair do not at all contribute to a good mood. The only exception is chocolate, a source of the “joy hormone” (but only dark). All other confectionery products contain large amounts of sugar, which causes fatigue and bad mood. Therefore, bee honey will be a better substitute for sweet consolation. A natural delicacy causes an emotional uplift in an upset person - it’s all about the chemical elements that are included in the composition. Eat a spoonful or two - you won’t regret it.

Sea kale

It turns out that vitamin B is also responsible for a good mood, and here the focus of our attention is seaweed, rich in B vitamins that regulate the functioning of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the hormone adrenaline, the lack of which causes chronic fatigue, which causes our mood to worsen. Experts advise abandoning the canned product - after all, the cabbage that is sold in sealed jars is richer in food additives than in vitamins. Buy freshly prepared salads, and lovers of culinary delights will especially enjoy seasoning the seaweed with spices, oil and aromatic seasonings.


Bananas are another alternative to pastries and cakes. Like seaweed, they are enriched with vitamin B and serotonin, both of which can cause feelings similar to euphoria. It is also recommended to remember bananas for chronic fatigue - they will provide a boost of vivacity and energy for a long time. But be careful: bananas are high-calorie fruits, so along with a good mood, you can gain a couple of extra pounds.


The main thing is that at the most crucial moment a mouse does not run by and wag its tail, otherwise your hopes for good spirits will be shattered. Fortunately, modern hens do not lay golden eggs, so you are not in danger of a fabulous misfortune at all. On the contrary, apparently, if you include the most ordinary eggs in the menu, fabulous happiness awaits you. The magical effect of chicken eggs is that they contain essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as a large amount of tryptophan and B vitamins. In general, it’s time to make yourself an omelet, especially since milk, which is essential component of this dish also helps to get out of depression.


Oatmeal has a property that has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the nervous system, and with minor nervous stress it is an excellent remedy for depression. In addition, researchers claim that oatmeal contains the amino acid tryptophan, which, when processed in the body, forms the “happy hormone” serotonin. Oats also contain carbohydrates, which, when gradually absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels and prevent them from going beyond normal limits for the body.


The main substance that fights bad moods contained in fish is Omega-3. True, for those who eat fish in order to lift their spirits, it is better to eat only salty foods: dishes with a high content of salt and hot spices not only restore the joy of life, but also help the functioning of blood vessels (this is why people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia experience irresistible craving for spicy and salty foods). But you also need to know that fatty fish is rich in vitamin B (as we remember, it improves mood and strengthens the immune system).

Products can calm your nerves and improve your mood. In moments of sadness, you want to eat sweets and starchy foods. Hold back, otherwise you will feel worse.

Choose foods that help your body produce happy hormones.

Black chocolate

It ranks first among mood-improving products. It contains many flavonoids. It is no coincidence that we reach for our favorite chocolate in moments of sadness.

Cocoa beans from which chocolate is made contain magnesium. It relieves stress and allows you to get rid of worries.

Choose dark chocolate that contains at least 73% cocoa.


Eat bananas for constant fatigue and apathy. Fruits cause a state of euphoria.


Use it as a seasoning or eat it raw. The product contains capsacin - this substance increases the level of endorphins. In addition, chili helps curb appetite.

The spicier the dish, the greater the benefits for psychological tone. The product lifts your mood only when used in moderation.


The cheese contains amino acids that contribute to the production of happiness hormones. Phenylethylamine, tyramine and trictamine help restore strength and improve metabolism.

The happiest type of cheese is Roquefort.

When you feel sad, eat a piece of cheese and feel joy.



Avocados are usually added to salads and seafood dishes.

Folic acid, tryptophan and vitamin B6 in avocados convert the amino acids tryptophan into serotonin and improve mood.

Eat half an avocado a day and forget about being depressed.

Sea kale

The product contains a lot of iodine and pantothenic acid. By consuming the product regularly, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline and work properly. Sea kale resists stress.


The process of eating seeds improves your mood and helps you get rid of depression. Don't get carried away: the product is high in calories.

Sunflower seeds are rich in folic acid, which keeps the nervous system in a stable state.


Nuts are rich in vitamin B2 and magnesium - these substances allow the production of serotonin. The normal functioning of brain cells is carried out due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids in nuts. They also eliminate depression.

Add them to oatmeal for breakfast - this will give your body more.


The product increases serotonin levels and allows you to feel a surge of energy.

Consume at least a teaspoon of mustard per day.

Limit your intake of white rice, processed foods, baked goods, alcohol, and sugar. These products cause a sharp increase in mood, after which apathy is felt.

By regularly eating the right foods, a good mood will become your best friend.

Everyone at least once in their life has had to deal with an unreasonable deterioration in their mood. This phenomenon has become a constant companion of people, and according to medical statistics, depression is the third most common disease in the world.

Few people know that you can fight such an unpleasant disorder not necessarily with medications, but with ordinary products that improve your mood. This method of control, of course, does not eliminate the need to take medications prescribed by a doctor, but it can be an ideal preventive measure for worsening the condition.

This article will tell you in detail about which foods improve a person’s mood. Their regular use will allow you to return to normal without any difficulties, and they will be especially useful for seasonal depression. It will also be possible to find out what products for a good mood women and men should not consume, so as not to completely worsen their condition.


Coffee has many mental health benefits, including its ability to invigorate, make you feel positive, and counteract depression. However, it is worth considering that in this case we mean natural coffee, and not its freeze-dried or granulated analogues. Instant coffee, on the contrary, does more harm to the body, since caffeine is added to it artificially and its share is higher, unlike a natural drink.

Coffee increases serotonin levels, which in turn improves your mood. At the same time, high levels of caffeine are responsible for increasing concentration and reducing feelings of sadness and irritability associated with depression.


Salmon is a great heart-healthy food. It contains omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin D. These two nutrients are known to increase serotonin levels, which improve overall health.

Studies have shown that a diet that includes large amounts of this fish helps combat feelings of sadness and aggression. Therefore, salmon is especially recommended for people who often suffer from depression.


Walnuts are an antioxidant-rich food that are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which increase serotonin levels. As you know, the latter is associated with a feeling of happiness and well-being.

Walnuts are also a rich source of magnesium, which helps stabilize mood by regulating blood sugar levels. It is also useful in treating symptoms associated with depression, including anxiety, irritability, insomnia, agitation, etc.


Perhaps it is the very first one that comes to mind when looking for an answer to the question of what foods lift your spirits. And this is not in vain.

Studies have shown that regularly consuming dark chocolate leads to lower levels of stress hormones, including cortisol. This happens due to the abundance of beneficial antioxidants found in chocolate, which include flavanols, polyphenols, catechins and others.

However, it is worth considering that “correct” chocolate must contain at least 70% cocoa in its composition and not have additives in the form of nuts, milk, etc. It is also important to remember that the “therapeutic dose” of chocolate per day should be no more than 2-3 pieces. Otherwise, large and uncontrolled consumption will quickly lead to excess weight gain.


Sesame seeds contain an amino acid called tyrosine, which increases dopamine levels. It activates the feel-good hormone to the fullest extent, without disturbing the balance of other hormones.

Sesame seeds can be added to almost all dishes. They go well with the taste of fresh vegetables or baked goods. However, it is worth remembering that it is better to buy unroasted seeds, since raw ones contain the most useful substances, unlike those that ended up on the counter after heat treatment.


Avocado has a wide range of benefits for human health, especially regarding brain function. This is a great food to improve your mood. Avocado helps protect the heart and improves digestion.

It has a natural balance of hormones. Thanks to this, the brain produces chemicals necessary for well-being.

However, not everyone can eat avocado in its pure form. Therefore, the question of which foods lift your mood best when combined with avocado will be relevant. First of all, these are tomatoes. You just need to prepare a light salad from these products, season them with olive oil, herbs, and such a light snack will fill your body with energy, improve brain function and lift your mood.


Many people consider oysters an aphrodisiac. However, they not only evoke feelings of love and passion in some people, but also enrich the body with zinc. This mineral plays a very important role in calming the nervous system and stabilizing mood.

When stressed, the level of zinc in the body decreases. This leads to mood swings and anxiety. In such situations, consuming foods rich in zinc can help relieve anxiety and have an overall antidepressant effect on the body.


Lemons, oranges and grapefruits, beloved by many, are based on glucose and vitamin C. These substances help ensure that when consumed, a person feels great and his mood instantly improves.

It is important that the combination of these substances helps the brain cope with stress. Accordingly, this also helps the body produce less stress hormones.


They are a rich source of potassium and magnesium. These elements will help improve the functioning of the cardiac and nervous systems.

It's important to note that bananas contain starchy carbohydrates, which help maintain a good mood. The natural sugar present in bananas is quickly released into the bloodstream and serves as a source of instant energy.

Having found out which foods lift your mood, you should find out what, on the contrary, you should not consume so as not to aggravate your depressive state.

What foods should you avoid?

Having learned about which foods help lift your mood, you need to keep in mind that along with them there are also those that should be avoided. The second group usually includes salty, fatty or very sweet foods.

Representatives of the Mayo Clinic (one of the largest medical centers in the world), when searching for an answer to the question of which foods improve a person’s mood, came to the following conclusions:

  1. People whose diet includes large amounts of processed meat, refined sugar and fried foods are more likely to suffer from depression.
  2. People whose diet is based on more natural foods are less susceptible to the negative influence of external factors, including symptoms of seasonal mood changes and depressive symptoms.

Therefore, if there is a need to maintain normal health, it is better to eat more plant foods. It will be better absorbed and saturate the body with useful substances, which, in turn, will help improve well-being.


Having considered the question of what foods improve the mood in women and men, we can conclude that when the mood worsens, diet should not be neglected. Eating a balanced diet can minimize nutritional deficiencies in the body and naturally improve your mood.

It is important to remember not only which foods lift your mood when you are depressed, but also that you need to reduce your intake of trans fats and increase the amount of healthy fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 in your diet. Milk chocolate, sweet candies and store-bought baked goods should be avoided. Food has a lot to do with your mood, and the right diet can help you get rid of bad thoughts and depression.

Now that you know which foods lift your spirits, you should put this information into practice. You need to fill your refrigerator with natural “antidepressants” and be sure: nothing can make you sad and worry about trifles.

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