Will an HCG injection help you get pregnant? How long does it take to ovulate and when should I take the test? How and why hCG injections are used to stimulate ovulation. Is preliminary preparation necessary before the injection?

Women planning to have a baby are faced with many unfamiliar medical terms. Their meaning remains a mystery until you experience them in person. These include the hCG hormone, which is produced by the female body after fertilization and is responsible for the proper development of the fetus. But sometimes a failure occurs and its artificial introduction is required. This is possible with the help of special injections that contain a substance - human chorionic gonadotropin. It is given during pregnancy planning to women who do not ovulate.

Under what circumstances is an HCG injection needed?

The ability to become pregnant occurs only when the egg is released from the ovary. This occurs somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes the fertilized egg does not attach to the wall of the uterus. The couple tries for a long time, but nothing works, since the long-awaited ovulation does not occur. It can be caused by stimulation, but to do this it is necessary to find out the causes of the failure and eliminate them.

An injection of hCG can restore ovulation, but the choice of drug and its dosage is prescribed only by a doctor based on the characteristics of each woman individually. After the administration of the chosen remedy, the favorable period should occur in a day or a day and a half, but this is an approximate time, because sometimes ovulation occurs much later.

  • to stimulate the egg and prevent the formation of a cyst, which can occur when the follicle does not burst, but begins to decrease in size;
  • in cases where the placenta is not developing well. An HCG injection is administered to help her. He contributes to its formation;
  • to preserve the functionality of the corpus luteum. In the initial stage of pregnancy, the body really needs its support, then the placenta can take over this function;
  • at risk of miscarriage. Especially if they have already been present in previous cases of pregnancy;
  • in case of artificial insemination.

Important! During stimulation, the success of follicle development must be monitored by ultrasound. In case of male infertility, injections with hCG are useless.

If after all the examinations it turns out that such a procedure cannot be done without, then it is necessary to provide the doctor not only with the results of the woman’s tests, but also with her partner. He is required to take a spermogram to accurately verify a man’s ability to conceive. This can be understood by the quality of his seminal fluid. Many representatives of the stronger half believe that if they have not had problems before and their older children are proof of this, then they are deeply mistaken. The situation may change within a year and it does not matter how many children there were before.

In what cases should you not do hCG?

Before stimulation, you need to take tests to check your hormones. This is necessary to clarify their exact indicators; it is better to do this several times. After discovering the problem, the doctor will probably prescribe a course of normalizing hormone levels, and if this therapy does not help, then you will need to resort to an injection of hCG.

But there are hormones in violation of which stimulation cannot be carried out, these are:

  • prolactin;
  • thyroid gland;
  • and almost all of them are male.

They can interfere with the process, and it will be inconclusive.

It is strictly forbidden to give injections with hCG if the following diseases are observed:

  • tumors of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • hypothyroidism – lack of thyroid hormones;
  • existing blood clots in the vessels or a predisposition to their appearance;
  • early menopause;
  • sensitivity to the ingredients of the injection.

Important! If tubal obstruction is detected, then stimulation of ovulation can lead to ectopic conception. Therefore, before the procedure it is necessary to undergo laparoscopy and metrosalpingography.

Indications for ultrasound monitoring for hCG

On average, a woman's monthly cycle lasts 28 days, so the first ultrasound can be done 10 days after the last menstruation. The procedure should be carried out every three days until the ovulation period is established or the next “women’s days” begin.

The results of observations can be:

  • lack of ovulation because the ovaries do not work and the follicles do not mature;
  • the main follicle matures, but does not grow to the required size and ovulation does not occur;
  • the follicular sac develops normally, but then does not rupture.

Stimulation is not required only if ovulation occurs and the corpus luteum forms in the follicle. And if it does not open in time, you can help it do so with a timely injection of hCG, after which a corpus luteum will appear in place of the follicle.

Stimulation procedure

The doctor usually prescribes an injection with human chorionic gonadotropin on the second day of the cycle. It must be done daily, and after ten days the stimulation stops. The whole process takes place under the supervision of a doctor, who also prescribes how many days the injections should be given and what should be the dose of the administered medication.

Important! There is no need to rely on averages or performing stimulation on friends. For each patient, everything goes individually, this is due to the structural features of the ovaries and uterus of an individual woman.

Treatment is accompanied by constant monitoring by ultrasound every three days. The first is carried out after stimulation on the fifth day. And when the follicles grow to the required size (approximately 20-25 mm), then a final examination is carried out, checking their opening. To complete it successfully, an injection of hCG is administered; during this period, it provokes the start of ovulation.

If all circumstances are favorable, the injection will take effect within 36 hours and ovulation will begin. After this is confirmed by ultrasound, hormonal injections with utrogestan and progesterone, which are needed to support the activity of the ovaries, will be prescribed.

How much and when sexual intercourse should be performed during stimulation is prescribed by the doctor; this is influenced by the male factor. After completing the injection, you can try again the next day. They must be repeated until the corpus luteum appears, that is, until the period when ovulation occurs.

An increase in hCG begins to be observed already on the third day, and every 3 days it doubles. Under the influence of the administered injection, the body begins to produce progesterone and estrogen at double speed, and they promote conception.

The hCG injection is often used in gynecology to stimulate ovulation; it effectively helps with infertility and promotes the speedy conception of a long-awaited baby. After its administration, you do not have to wait long for results, and in most cases they are positive.

In the proposed video, a specialist will clearly explain the significance and effect of the hCG injection.

Injections at home - review of prices and quality from professionals

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone necessary for the fertilization of an egg and maintenance. Sometimes a woman's body produces too little hCG, which prevents her from becoming pregnant. Then synthetic analogues of the hormone are used in the form of an injection.

HCG preparations are made from proteins in the urine of pregnant women. The hormone stimulates the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen - the main hormones that help form the corpus luteum and attach the embryo to the wall of the uterus, and then preserve the fetus until the placenta forms.

The drugs are available in the form of an injection solution and have the following names: Pregnil, Menogon, Novarel. The injection is given in the abdominal area with a syringe with a short insulin needle.

HCG injections stimulate the ovulatory process and are used for the following pathologies:

  • Impaired ovarian function resulting from a malfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  • Dysmenorrhea (menstruation accompanied by severe dizziness and weakness).
  • Infertility, which is anovulatory in nature. That is, there is no dominant one.
  • Insufficient level of functioning of the corpus luteum.
  • Miscarriage (constant miscarriages or frozen pregnancies).
  • Preparation for in vitro fertilization.
  • Maintaining pregnancy.

There are contraindications for the use of such stimulation:

  • Various tumors, cysts in the ovaries.
  • Early menopause.
  • Lactation.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Individual intolerance.

Important! For patients with heart and kidney failure, hormones are prescribed only after a thorough examination!

HCG injection 10000 for stimulation

If a woman has impaired egg maturation functions, ovulation does not occur. The reasons for this are: polycystic disease, tumors, prolonged stress. The following situations are usually observed:

  • The follicles do not mature at all.
  • The follicles do not mature completely.
  • The follicle matures, but the egg does not leave the corpus luteum.

The hCG injection is designed to help the formation of the follicle and stimulate the release of the egg.

Before using the hormone, a woman undergoes examination:

  • Tests for hormone levels.
  • Pipe patency examinations.

The hormone is administered when the doctor has determined the development of a dominant follicle on an ultrasound scan at a dosage of 1500-5000 units to stimulate its growth. To stimulate super ovulation in preparation for IVF, hCG is administered once in a dose of 10,000 units.

Ovulation should occur 24-36 hours after the injection. The process is monitored using ultrasound. If ovulation does not occur, then the amount is increased in the next cycle. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor for each specific case.

Important! Self-prescription of hormone therapy is prohibited, as this can lead to serious health consequences.

During ovulation

After the follicle bursts and the egg is released, to further maintain its vital activity and ability to fertilize, the doctor prescribes hCG injections.

Injections are given on days 3, 6 and 9 after ovulation at a dosage of 5000 units. This is necessary to maintain the corpus luteum and help implant the embryo.

During pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, hCG is administered to prevent miscarriage or miscarriage.

Indications for this are:

  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • A sharp drop in hormone levels.

The hCG level is checked over time, since low levels may occur in the early stages, then they increase.

Important! Before the injection, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

If the pregnancy is intrauterine, then to preserve it, 10,000 units of the drug are first administered, then 5,000 units twice a week. Treatment can last from 8 to 14 weeks, depending on the patient’s condition and hormonal levels. At the same time, Duphaston is prescribed to maintain progesterone levels.

How long will it take to ovulate?

Usually occurs 24-36 hours after administration of the hormone. During this time, for pregnancy to occur, sexual intercourse must occur every day.

Ovulation does not always occur after the injection; sometimes the corpus luteum continues to grow and turns into a cyst. Also, stimulation does not guarantee the onset of your own ovulation in the following months.

Thus, the hCG injection is a one-time stimulation procedure, and not a treatment for infertility.

When to take the test

The level of the hormone increases already on the first day after the injection, so it makes no sense to carry out ovulation tests within three days, as they will be false positive.

You need to check the onset of ovulation 3 days after the procedure.

When to test your hCG level

When pregnancy occurs, hCG levels begin to rise. A strong decrease (20%) indicates serious problems:

  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Delayed fetal development.
  • Placental insufficiency.

To identify these pathologies, an ultrasound scan is necessary before starting hormonal treatment.

Normally, the hormone level constantly increases until the 11th week, then gradually decreases and remains unchanged throughout the entire period of gestation. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take repeated tests in the same laboratory.

HCG norms in honey/ml:

  • Non-pregnant - 0-5.
  • Week 1-2 - 25-155.
  • 3-4 weeks - 150-4800.
  • 4-5 weeks - 2500-82000.
  • 5-6 weeks - 23000-150000.
  • 6-7 weeks - 30000-230000.
  • Week 7-10 - 21000-290000.
  • 11-14 weeks - 6000-100000.
  • 16-21 weeks - 4000-80000.
  • Weeks 21-39 - 2700-76000.

The first increase is recorded after 11 days of conception, the level doubles every 48 hours. At the level of 1000 units, the fertilized egg is visualized during ultrasound. To confirm the normal course of pregnancy, tests are performed every two days. Indicators may be above normal if:

  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Gestose.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Down syndrome.

This may also indicate an incorrect determination of the gestational age.

Before donating blood for the hormone, you must meet certain conditions:

  • Take the test at the same time.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke.
  • Stop taking medications.
  • Avoid physical activity.
  • For several hours you should not take food or liquids other than water.

Possible complications

A hormone injection is an intervention in the natural processes of the body. Therefore, the following side effects often occur:

  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Vein thrombosis.
  • Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).
  • Hyperstimulation syndrome, which causes breathing problems, palpitations, abdominal pain, and dropsy.

Individual reactions may also occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, indigestion, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, mood swings, and depression. These symptoms disappear after treatment ends.

Important! Hyperstimulation syndrome requires urgent medical attention and is treated in a hospital.

An HCG injection is a necessary support for ovulation and subsequent pregnancy. It is prescribed if a woman does not produce the hormone in sufficient quantities for some reason.

The dosage and regimen of use are chosen by the doctor, depending on the goals and health status of the woman. Typically, pregnancy after such stimulation occurs in the first two months. It should be remembered that the hCG injection is not a means of treating infertility, but a one-time stimulation.

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Now that many couples have problems conceiving, the ability to induce pregnancy is of great importance. One such method is induction ovulation after hCG.

Is a repeating sequence of physiological processes. First, the inner lining of the uterus that is not useful for feeding the embryo is removed. Then one of the primary follicles begins its journey to maturity. The inner layer of the uterus is restored, ready to receive a fertilized egg.

After reaching certain growth parameters, the egg leaves the ovary and travels along the fallopian tube. From the devastated follicle, a follicle is formed that supports the resulting pregnancy with hormones. If conception does not occur, the circle closes and menstrual bleeding begins. This cycle of changes is called ovulatory. But this doesn't always happen. Normally, a healthy woman can go through 1-2 menstrual cycles without releasing an egg. Such periods are called anovulatory periods. Why is this happening? Mechanisms of anovulation development:

  • There is a physical obstacle to the release of the egg (in polycystic ovarian sclerosis syndrome).
  • The follicle does not have time to mature completely (if the cycle is too short).
  • The egg does not develop and does not reach viability (due to dysfunction of hormonal regulation)

Several methods are used to achieve ovulation:

  • Normalization of the work and rest regime of the diet.
  • Surgical treatment.
  • one or more drugs.

After a detailed examination of the couple (the latest spermogram result must be within normal limits), the doctor may decide to carry out drug stimulation of ovulation (induction). There is a wide range of medicines for this. One of them is hCG. Like other induction methods, it can only be prescribed by a doctor. This also applies to the choice of dosage of the administered agent.

The expected ovulation after hCG is realized in full because its effect is similar to the effect of luteinizing hormone. Under its influence, the egg matures and breaks through from the ovary. Particularly important is the effect on the body aimed at creating conditions for a favorable course of pregnancy when it occurs. It not only potentiates ovulation, but also prevents cystic degeneration of follicles capable of normal development and regression of the corpus luteum. Therefore, it can also be used after fertilization.

How long does it take to ovulate after a hCG injection?

To select the day of administration of this drug, it is necessary to be guided by the results of instrumental (ultrasound) and laboratory (hormonal status) methods, and not just calendar ones. Correctly chosen timing of induction will lead to a positive result. It is determined by achieving the optimal follicle size. Ovulation after the administration of hCG will appear after 24-48 hours.

Taking into account the speed of development of the effect from the administration of the drug, the life expectancy of the sperm and egg, sexual life for couples planning to conceive naturally is recommended according to an individual schedule prescribed by a doctor, taking into account physiological characteristics. This is where a good spermogram comes in handy.

Ovulation test after hCG injection

It is not the fact of its occurrence that shows, as it may seem. It reflects fluctuations in the level of Luteinizing Hormone (LH). It is its increase that can be interpreted as the release of the egg from the follicle. But this opinion is wrong.

Such an increase can be observed in other cases of natural (dishormonal shift), artificial (administration of drugs) and food (taking phytohormones) genesis.

Due to the fact that the molecular structure of hCG is close to LH, the ovulation test after its administration will be positive, but it will not reflect the onset of ovulation after hCG, but the presence of the drug in the body. A similar reaction will be observed for about 10 days. Therefore, the first pregnancy test should be performed no earlier than 14-15 days after the date of expected conception.

In any case of taking hCG, you must remember:

  • Only a doctor can prescribe the drug (taking into account the characteristics of a woman’s particular body).
  • Not all forms of anovulation require this drug.
  • The timing of the administration of hCG, sexual intercourse, and ultrasound monitoring must be strictly observed.
  • This stimulation method is not a panacea and its effectiveness is not 100%.
  • To conceive, you need not only an egg, but also high-quality sperm.
  • Monitoring the onset of ovulation when taking hCG should be instrumental (ultrasound), and not laboratory (test).


Hello! I am 26 years old. In 2009 suffered an ectopic pregnancy. Both pipes were preserved. In April 2013 there were laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Diagnosed with PCOS. After this, the pregnancy failed. In the last cycle, I was stimulated with clostilbegit, the follicles overgrew, the doctor advised me to let go of this cycle and give an injection of hCG 5 thousand units on that day and repeat after 4 days. After the second hCG injection, I had signs of pregnancy, they lasted for a week, then everything went away. Namely, the temperature was 37-37.2, there was a tightness in the lower abdomen, rapid heartbeat, weakness, and I wanted to eat. I regarded this as the consequences of the injection. On November 19-20, my period was supposed to come, but I observed the following picture: 19 - in the morning a drop of blood and that’s it, 20 - in the morning a drop of brownish blood and that’s all, and on 21 by lunchtime my period started, but it wasn’t as usual, it was they are 4 days (usually I have 5). On November 23, I took a pregnancy test in the morning; it showed a very weak, but visible second line. I didn’t take it into account and decided to just repeat the test in a few days. I repeated it on November 26 in the morning, the second stripe became more pronounced, but not bright. November 29 - the strip did not change, it remained the same as it was the second time. In recent days, these “signs of pregnancy” have been recurring again for me (temperature in the evenings is 37.2, I eat a lot, my lower abdomen is tight, it feels like it’s swollen, my chest feels heavy and hurts, I want to sleep, I get tired very quickly at work , in the evening I feel weak and have a rapid heartbeat). On November 29, I went to donate blood for hCG, the result was 564 mIU/ml. At 10 d.c. In the morning I found a little blood on my swimming trunks, it scared me very much. Today is 12 d.c. but these discharges continue. At the appointment with the gynecologist and the ultrasound, the pregnancy was not confirmed, they did not see anything. Please tell me whether I can have a normal intrauterine pregnancy or does the appearance of blood discharge indicate an ectopic pregnancy?

Good afternoon. Repeat b-hCG, if normal, the result doubles every 2 days. At this time, an ultrasound may not detect a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, so the ultrasound should also be repeated after a week. This is important because the possibility cannot be excluded. At the same time, if the ovum is located in the uterus, you need to start treatment as early as possible.


Anna Grigorievna, thank you very much for your answer. On your advice, I took the hCG test again on December 3, the result dropped to 434 mIU/ml. What could this mean? That the pregnancy did not last and I had a miscarriage? The discharge continues, but no longer a spotting, but like during menstruation, not profusely, without any clots. From 14 d.c. Every month I insert 200 mg of utrozhestan into the vagina for 10 days. Yesterday I put it in overnight, and in the morning I discovered that all the daily fluid was in my blood, before this I had never had this happen overnight. The lower abdomen is tense, as happens during menstruation. I do not know what to do. Should I continue taking Utrozhestan? And what can you advise me? Should my discharge be considered menstruation?

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin. Without it it is impossible to bear a child. It is this indicator that indicates the presence of pregnancy. By the way, when a woman takes a pregnancy test, what does the second strip show? To an increased level of hCG, which is required during pregnancy. But, unfortunately, the treasured second stripe may never appear for some. Therefore, the girl decides to stimulate ovulation, which will lead to the release of the egg and its speedy fertilization. One of the methods of stimulating pregnancy is an injection of hCG. The article will discuss this injection and its effect on the female body.


Why is an HCG injection given?

According to the latest statistics, only 50% of women can become pregnant in the first three months after starting planning. About 75% percent become pregnant within six months and as many as 90% of women receive the coveted stripes within a year. As you can see, if a woman really wants to get pregnant in the near future, then she needs to stimulate the ovulation process.

So, for pregnancy to occur, three things must happen in the body:

  1. Ovulation;
  2. Fertilization;
  3. Securing the fertilized egg.

As soon as the third stage occurs, the body immediately begins to produce hCG, the pregnancy hormone. If pregnancy does not occur, the doctor prescribes an hCG injection to the woman. In what cases does the doctor approve of stimulating ovulation with this injection?

  • The woman rarely ovulates;
  • Within 12 months. a couple cannot get pregnant on their own;
  • Over the age of 35, if pregnancy has not occurred within six months.

In order to accelerate the growth of follicles and the release of eggs from them, an injection of hCG is prescribed.

When should an HCG injection be given?

This injection is prescribed if ovulation has not occurred. From the first phase of the cycle, the doctor monitors the growth of follicles and at the same time prescribes estrogens to the woman for additional stimulation. Afterwards, when the follicle has reached a size of 25 mm in diameter, the doctor prescribes the administration of a drug containing hCG. After administration of the drug, ovulation will occur in 2-3 days. The best time to conceive is 2-3 days after the injection.

This injection should be given at the following points in the body:

  • Lack of luteinizing hormones, which are controlled by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  • With polycystic ovary syndrome, anovulation occurs.
  • Hyperandrogenism is a phenomenon in which a large number of male hormones develop in the female body, and, as a result, there are not enough female hormones.
  • Early ovarian failure syndrome, in which follicle maturation is not observed.
  • Another reason to get an HCG injection is to prepare for IVF.

Whether a woman should stimulate the ovulation process will be determined exclusively by a female doctor after a series of specific studies.

Is preliminary preparation necessary before the injection?

It is important to understand that after the injection the woman will most likely become pregnant. Therefore, it would be wise to start preparing several months in advance. Pay attention to your diet. It should be balanced and rich in vitamins. In addition, a woman should get enough sleep and take enough folic acid.

Immediately before the hCG injection itself, you need to undergo some examinations.

  • Check whether there is an individual intolerance to this drug;
  • obtain a statement from a therapist stating that the woman is able to bear a child;
  • do blood tests for the presence of sex hormones;
  • undergo a course of estrogen stimulation in advance;
  • get tested for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • vaginal smear to check for cleanliness and the presence of STDs;
  • diagnose the fallopian tubes and make sure that they are passable;
  • undergo a hysteroscope examination;
  • undergo an ultrasound examination of the female organs and mammary glands;
  • make sure there is no cancer;
  • take a sexual partner compatibility test;
  • and what is most important is that the partner submits sperm for quality. After all, if a man is infertile, then it’s not worth spending time on stimulating ovulation.

After all these tests, analyzes and checks, the doctor prescribes a drug that is suitable specifically for your case. The hCG injection has different dosages.

If a woman does become pregnant, then in some cases she is also given an injection of hCG. For what? To maintain an existing pregnancy. After all, this hormone has a positive effect to eliminate the risk of miscarriage.

Where to buy? Cost of the drug?

This solution can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. Usually it is released strictly according to the prescription with the specified dosage. After all, if you inject it without the correct dosage, and without any prescription at all, the consequences can be very serious. A woman can get an ectopic pregnancy, or her hormonal levels will become so disrupted that she will no longer be able to have children.

The price depends on the pharmacy, brand and manufacturer of the drug. The average price in Russia is 1000-1500 rubles per dose of hCG.

So, injection of hCG is an excellent way to stimulate ovulation and get a quick pregnancy. However, it is important to remember that without prior testing and consultation with a gynecologist, this drug can cause irreparable harm.

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