How to sew socks from an old sweater. Sew socks from an old sweater. Leg warmers from an old sweater

Useful tips

The time has come when we all start to warm ourselves up and pull sweaters out of the closet.

But if you notice that your old sweater has lost its former brightness, no longer fits you or is out of fashion, do not rush to throw it away.

Instead, try using it to make a variety of items, from hats and scarves to blankets and pillowcases.

Read also: Hand knitted scarf in 30 minutes and other snood scarves

Hat made from an old sweater

This hat is very easy to make and takes about 10 minutes.

1. You will need: an old sweater, scissors and an old hat that you usually wear to measure your size.

2. Cut the bottom half of the sweater to the desired length.

3. Cut this part of the sweater along the seam.

4. Use an old hat to measure the size you need and cut off what you don't need.

5. Fold the resulting part into 3-4 layers.

6. Cut an arc at the top.

7. Sew the two edges of the hat.

8. Sew the top arcs.

9. Trim off the excess along the seam, turn it over and the hat is ready!

Here is a video instruction on how to make such a hat from an old sweater.

DIY decorative pillows from a sweater

· Turn the sweater inside out. Place the pillow on the sweater.

· Cut a square or rectangle from the sweater, leaving a seam allowance. Sew the sides of the pillowcase together, leaving room for the pillow to slide through. Turn the pillowcase inside out.

· Thread a pillow through your sweater pillowcase and hand stitch the open hole.

· Decorate as desired. To do this, you can use buttons or flowers from the remaining sweater fabric.

Mittens for beginners

· These mitts are very convenient for using a smartphone in winter.

· From chrome For the sweater, cut a rectangle 30 cm high and 20 cm long. Cut along the seam so you have two pieces.

· Fold both pieces lengthwise with the right sides facing inward. Mark a hole about 6 cm wide for the thumb using pins, 5 cm from the edge.

· Then stitch, leaving a hole for the thumb and making a hem at the bottom.

Blanket made from old sweaters

If you have a lot of old sweaters, you can make a blanket out of them that will keep you warm on cold winter evenings.

· Cut the sweaters into square pieces and sort them by color. Arrange them in any order.

· Using a sewing machine, sew the squares. You can do this gradually, sewing two parts at a time, then 4, and then connecting larger pieces.

· Once all the pieces have been sewn, you can cut the lining, for example from flannel, the same size as the front of the blanket.

· Sew the edges of the blanket with a buttonhole stitch.

DIY mittens from an old sweater

It's easy to make warm mittens from an old sweater. One trick: when you make a mitten pattern, your thumb should be positioned slightly to the side so that your mittens are comfortable.

Just sew the cut pieces together and the mittens are ready.

How to remake a sweater? Pet bed

This comfortable bed will become your cat's favorite place.

DIY bag made from a sweater

To make this handy bag you will need an old sweater, scissors and thread.

· Make the handles of the bag by cutting off the sleeves and neck of the sweater.

· Place the material so that the side seams are in front.

· Pin the bottom of the sweater together, right sides facing in, and stitch to join the two sides together.

· Turn the bag inside out.

If you want to make the handles more durable, fold each handle and stitch.

Knitted leg warmers

These leg warmers are very easy to make from an old sweater. All you need to do is cut the sleeves off the sweater and hem the edges, and you're ready for fashionable and warm legwarmers. You can wear them under boots to protect your tights from arrows.

Dog clothes made from an old sweater

Dress for a girl from an old sweater

To sew such a dress for a girl, you will need a children's dress, based on which you can make a new one.

Place it on top of the sweater and cut it off at the neckline, making sure to add seam allowances.

Cut off the corners at the top.

For the first time I saw and bought knitted sewn socks for foot care. Do not think that this is an advertisement, I want to draw your attention to their price and delivery costs. And there are many varieties of cosmetic socks.

My article not about how to buy socks, but about how to sew socks yourself from scrap materials without buying anything extra for this.

But the socks turned out to be extremely comfortable and since then I periodically sew such socks not only for cosmetic and health procedures with my feet, but also successfully wear them at home so as not to walk barefoot and especially in slippers.

You need a lot of these socks for your home. They wear out to holes within a few months, especially if after water procedures you lubricate your feet with apple cider vinegar to prevent fungi and sores.

Socks for guests (instead of slippers)

Recently I thought of another purpose for such socks (it’s necessary!!!) - for guests!

As you know, it is not customary for us to wear shoes around the house. And walking barefoot or in tights while visiting is not at all pleasant. Offering your own slippers is not hygienic. So I came up with an idea, why not have a supply of such slippers for guests!? You can even make them personalized! And give it as a final gift.

And on New Year's Eve, if you have time, you can make socks with a festive design. These socks can be given to mothers and grandmothers. The gift is inexpensive, but warm in every sense of the word.

Socks made from leftover knitwear and unnecessary items

Important dignity The great thing about these socks is that you don’t need to buy fabric for them. Suitable for sewing socks

knitted items that have become small (for example, children's pants) or you simply stopped wearing them (T-shirts, sweaters);

scraps left over from sewing knitwear

The advantage of sewn socks over knitted socks is that

  • There are few things made from yarn that can be put in the wash; for example, you can’t wash them with socks;
  • for hygienic reasons, socks made of cotton knitwear are much nicer than socks;
  • You can sew several pairs of these socks at once in an evening.

Let's make the socks pattern ourselves

It is more convenient to make the pattern on tracing paper. Why, you will find out from the video when you start building it with me
Making patterns and cutting socks from leftover knitwear or unnecessary knitted items

Sewing socks

To sew socks we only need a sewing machine.
Sewing socks from leftover knitwear or unnecessary knitted items.


Sewing socks is a very good exercise for beginner dressmakers. You may not find your first socks easy to sew. But once you get the hang of it, you will sew socks very quickly. In addition, it’s good practice - even hopelessly damaged ones can be worn, and systematically sewing socks will develop you excellent sewing skills later.

Good luck, dear readers, in mastering a new type of knitwear product. you can view all our sewing courses and trainings. Many of them today have a discount of up to 50% for you. If you are afraid to sew knitwear or have had a bad experience working with it, sign up for the training “Knitwear Boom - Apprentice”

We hope that our idea of ​​​​sewing socks from leftover knitwear hit the spot for you! Share information and socks with your friends! They will be pleased, just as we will be pleased to receive your comments after the article.

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Discussion: 13 comments

    Thanks for the idea: as always, clear, short, to the point. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Health, prosperity, peace in the family. With respect and admiration Noskova A.I.

    Thank you very much for another very useful lesson. Simple, uncomplicated, but so necessary in everyday life. I usually knit socks and footwear, but sewing according to your method, Irina, is much faster.

    I admire your efficiency, congratulations on the upcoming New Year holidays and further success to you.

    Irochka, thank you very much for the lesson and the idea! Now timelessness has just set in for me, when work on the ground has ended, construction and repairs have also stopped for now, I really want to spend my time actively somehow. I’m knitting socks and various other little things as gifts for the holidays, and now I’ll rummage through the wardrobe, I’ll probably find forgotten, long-unworn knitted items, and I’ll clean out the closets and make some gifts. Thank you very much for the idea! I love your site and your Anfisa’s site, you are both such talented girls! Your lessons, ideas, notions, everything is really very utilitarian, vital, thank you very much for this, dear!

    Natalya, you're welcome!

    Thank you. I haven’t dealt with gifts yet. Just our socks for the New Year. I will provide for everyone. It’s a pity that I had time to throw away the knitted sweater - holes appeared here and there. But I didn’t think of that myself.

    Very interesting. So much knitwear is thrown away. Thank you very much for the idea. I will definitely use it.

    Thanks for the idea! I don’t like to knit, but this is for me. Happy New Year! All the best to you and success.

    Bravo! They say that everything ingenious is simple. But there are not many geniuses... But there is a sea of ​​discarded knitwear. All the best to you, Irina, in the New Year!

    Irina, thank you very much for the great idea, I immediately wanted to cut all the leftover scraps into socks. But it turned out that everything was not so simple. I’ll tell you, maybe someone will find it useful, about my difficulties. You need to take very stretchable knitwear, like lycra, otherwise how will you stretch 20 cm to 30 (and my instep is all 32 cm in girth). Or for such an instep, some other pattern is needed. But I’m not strong in this, I can’t come up with it myself. And when sewing on an overlocker, make allowances of at least half a centimeter - after all, the seam takes a lot. Something like that.

    In Soviet times, socks of this pattern were sewn at the Marat knitting factory in Tallinn. And I sewed using a pattern taken from them from old woolen items. But you can also improve it by sewing a knitted elastic band on top of the sock, it will be warmer and look more complete. The lower part can be made double or you can sew a “footprint” of leather or felt, and beautifully trim it with a figured seam along the edge, and you will have slippers

    And on socks that are to be thrown away, I cut off the upper elastic (cuff) with a margin and “wrap them up.” After all, they cannot be demolished. Now, they can be sewn onto the top of the socks. You can play with practicality and color.

    You don't have to know how to knit to have warm wool socks at home. You can, of course, buy them at the market or ask someone to make you two soft paws. But a real life hacker is used to correcting life’s imperfections on his own, using improvised means. Warm socks can be easily made from the sleeves of an old sweater.

    Fashionable, cozy and fun pillows

    One of the simplest and most efficient sweater transformations. Such an accessory will definitely not be superfluous in your apartment. By the way, knitted textures in the interior are especially fashionable now.

    Although how can they not be in trend? After all, “sweater-like” pillows look great and save their owner from the problem of what to do with an old sweater that you’d hate to throw away and won’t wear again.

    One pillow for yourself, the other for a friend. Four-legged. Old sweaters make great pet beds.

    @photo , ,

    Case for laptop, iPad, Kindle

    Why spend money on a plastic shell made by no one knows where or by whom, when you can make your own masterpiece. DIY from your favorite old sweater. And extra protection against scratches won’t hurt your gadgets.

    @photo , , ,

    You can also do without thread and needle:

    Warming blanket

    What could be cozier and warmer than a winter sweater? Only a blanket made from it! If you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary jumpers, sweaters, pullovers, feel free to put them to use.


    As popular wisdom says: your feet need to be kept warm. We're all for it. These stylish slippers are the perfect solution for those who hate cold floors. As a base, you can use insoles, leather fabric, slippers and any other flat-soled shoes.

    Photo lens case

    Photographic lenses are quite sensitive and delicate devices that should be protected from shock and shaking. Not completely, but partially, a cover made from a sweater sleeve will cope with this task. Plus, he looks very cute.

    Soft backpack

    A very easy to use backpack. Looks stylish and gives maximum comfort. Compact - when folded, it takes up little space. Can be washed.

    New life for old things: 10 warm and cozy things from an old sweater - 2

    A familiar situation - the closet is packed to capacity, there’s nowhere to even stuff socks, but all you can wear out of it is a pair of jeans, an oversized cozy sweatshirt, two simple sweaters and a T-shirt bought a hundred years ago?

    Because, no matter how beautiful and elegant a thing is, we will always be drawn to coziness and comfort.

    And that is why some new clothes, after their only release, lie untouched for years, and some are worn out to holes. Then they become “household”, patched, trimmed and worn a little more... And then more or less “living” flaps are cut out of them and used as potholders, kitchen towels, etc.... Conclusion - with your favorite thing as with It is very, very difficult to separate from a loved one! So I suggest reviewing your wardrobe for “no five-minute throwaway items” and giving them a second chance! After all, how many useful, beautiful and original things can be made from the same sweater!

    1. Bag

    Unusual knitted bags can be easily made, even if you don't like to knit! You can use a ready-made knit of an unnecessary sweater - just cut out two pieces of the desired size and shape, sew them together, attach the handles, make an inner cover with pockets for your favorite little things, and the new thing is ready!

    A soft and cozy winter bag is very easy to make.

    We cut out the sleeves slightly larger than the armhole and the neckline - as shown in the picture

    Place the material so that the side seams of the sweater meet at the front. Pin the bottoms of the sweater together and sew in a straight line to join the two sides. We make a hem along the top and on the handles. Turn the bag inside out. Ready!

    Unusual knitted bags can be easily made, even if you don't like to knit! You can use a ready-made knit of an unnecessary sweater - just cut out two pieces of the desired size and shape, sew them together, attach the handles, make an inner cover with pockets for your favorite little things, insert a zipper or button if necessary, and the new thing is ready!

    To prevent the bag from looking like a shopping bag, decorate the bag.

    2. Warm leggings

    These bright and warm socks are sewn in one sitting from the sleeves of an old sweater. You just need to cut a piece of the sleeve to the desired length and carefully hem it at the cut site so that the edge does not fray.

    The most affordable way to use an old sweater. Cut off the sleeves and you're done. Can be worn under or over clothes and shoes.

    These socks look very stylish under high boots or on top of ankle boots.

    3. Warm socks

    As you already understand, you don’t have to know how to knit to have warm wool socks at home. You can, of course, buy them...
    But a real needlewoman is used to correcting life’s imperfections on her own, using improvised means. Warm socks can be easily made from the sleeves of an old sweater.

    And an old sweater that no one wears anymore, as a rule, is in every home.

    Let's add scissors, safety pins, yarn and a large gypsy needle to it.

    Take your measurements.

    Decisively, without sparing the sweater, we cut out the insoles of future slippers according to the template. The main thing is not to touch the sleeves yet.
    Because we will need them for the upper part of the slippers.

    Cut to the required length.
    Now we fasten the sole and the “boot” with safety pins so that our parts do not move when sewing.

    Now we need a large needle. Using it, we sew the “sole” to the upper part using an overcast stitch. For beauty, we add a similar seam along the upper edge of the slippers.

    Ugg slippers:

    Using the patterned sleeves of an old sweater will help you make another cute winter socks for cold days.

    How to make socks from an old sweater

    4. Scarf-snood
    You can easily and quickly sew a snood with your own hands from an old sweater. For this we need:

    • 2 unnecessary sweaters (you can take scarves)
    • scissors
    • sewing machine

    Everything is done extremely simply:

    • Cut off the bottom of each sweater. Choose the width you want to get the snood.

    • Cut one side of each piece to create long strips.
    • Now sew all the sides together, leaving a small opening.

    • Turn the snood out through the remaining gap and sew it to the end.

    Another option on how to make an original designer scarf with your own hands.

    You will need:

    • An old sweater made from acrylic yarn (try to avoid 100% cotton materials, because they are poorly suited for these purposes due to their properties)
    • Scissors
    • Sewing machine or thread with a simple sewing needle
    • Measuring tape

    Step 1: Start by cutting the sweater just below the sleeve line on all sides.
    Advice: The original size of the sweater will determine the dimensions of the finished scarf. The larger the sweater, the larger the scarf you can make.

    Step 2. Decorative edge processing
    Use a sewing machine or hem the edges of the product by hand with beautiful decorative stitches.

    Step 3. Cut out pieces from the sweater and form blanks for the future scarf

    Step 4. Finish altering the clothes with your own hands.
    The scarf is almost ready. Now sew all the sweater pieces together. You can leave small shreds at the ends by cutting the edges into strips with scissors. This way you can create the effect of a real scarf.

    5. Dickey

    The obvious thing that can be made from a sweater is a bib by simply cutting off the neckline. If you know how to knit, you can tie the shirtfront around the edge. By making a hat from the same sweater and decorating it with beads, you will get a stylish set.

    6. Socks-slippers

    If you washed a sweater and it came down to child size, then don’t be upset. Armed with scissors and a needle, you can make beautiful new slippers that will keep you warm in winter.

    As popular wisdom says: your feet need to be kept warm. These stylish slippers are the perfect solution for those who hate cold floors.

    What we need:

    • sweater
    • pattern paper
    • scissors
    • sewing threads
    • needle
    • hook
    • Knitting thread

    Make patterns for the leg.
    Patterns should consist of 2 parts for each leg - one solid, the second with a hole in the middle.

    Cut taking into account the seams.
    Sew together, turn inside out and crochet the edge.

    7. Soft slippers

    Excellent warm soft slippers made from an old sweater will warm your feet

    You will need

    • unnecessary sweater
    • felt (20 cm x 30 cm) or ready-made insoles
    • A4 cardboard sheet
    • pencil
    • scissors
    • double sided adhesive tape
    • needles and threads
    • tailor's chalk
    • sewing machine


    It is cheaper and easier to buy ready-made insoles. But, if anything, they can easily be made from felt. To begin, trace the contours of your leg on cardboard.

    Then cut out a template from cardboard.

    Lay out the template on felt or other dense material (leather, thick batting, etc.), trace and cut out.

    You will need 4 identical insoles.

    Next comes the sweater! Transfer the patterns to the knitted fabric, but do not forget to make an indent of approximately 3 cm.
    Trace 2 identical outlines, then cut along the lines.

    Apply double-sided tape to the first insole and apply it to the right side of the fabric.

    Do the same with the other insole and place it on the wrong side of the fabric. It is necessary that the edges of the felt insoles match as much as possible.

    Now you need to sew the insoles and fabric. This can be done manually, although a sewing machine will still save your nerves and time!

    Let's do the upper part of the slippers! Measure approximately 13 cm, starting from the sleeve cuff, and cut.

    Sew up the cuffs and round the opposite side of the piece as shown in the picture.

    Now you have a piece of knitted fabric with insoles sewn on both sides and a cap. And there should be two such blanks!
    So finish it and get to the fun part - stitching the fragments together!

    Place the cap, which is also the future top of the slipper, on the front side over the sewn insole. Its top should coincide with the center of the rounded side. Sew the pieces at this point.

    Sew both pieces in the round, moving from left to right and evenly taking excess fabric around the insoles into the stitch. Thanks to the stitches already made, this will be easy to do.

    Turn the resulting structure inside out so that all the seams remain inside the sneaker, and make two cuts on both sides of the heel. It is necessary that the cuts end a few millimeters from the insole.

    To make the heels of the slippers, you need to form them from these three pieces of fabric.

    Then sew the part - you should get two vertical seams. Then sew the part - you should get two vertical seams.

    Finally, the slipper cuffs! Trim the bottom edge of the sweater. Fold the raw edge so that the width of the strip is approximately 5 cm. Cut it into 2 parts. Attach the tape as shown in the photo.

    Wrap the resulting knitted ribbon around the slipper, glue and secure with stitches. Do the same with the second tape. Made!

    These are such cute house slippers!

    Three new things from one old sweater

    If you have an old sweater lying around in your closet that has long gone out of fashion or is simply boring to you, then do not rush to throw it away. Resourceful craftswoman Olga Volkova claims that you can make three stylish new things from one old sweater.

    Firstly, you can make an original and stylish knitted bag. Such unusual bags have become very fashionable this season.

    Secondly, from the neck of a sweater you can make a very fashionable and original decor for a cup, which will give the interior more coziness, warmth and comfort. Moreover, in this case it is better to use a sweater with an ornament. If the sweater is plain, then you can decorate the cup with embroidery, beads, buttons, and bows - whatever your imagination inspires.
    When you make this decoration, do not forget to step back about 1.5 cm from the edge of the cup to make it comfortable to drink.

    Thirdly, you can use the sleeves of an old sweater to make stylish, but fun and warm knitted home boots. In this case, the sleeve cuffs will be at the top, and where the sleeve was sewn to the base of the sweater, there will be a sole. You can use ready-made insoles as soles or cut them from felt and felt.

    Don't look at the fact that your favorite sweater is already old. He's still wow!
    The opportunity to give it a second life is in your hands. I really hope that at least one thing from this top was useful to you!
    Based on materials from,,

    How to make socks if you don't know how to knit? I will answer this question in this article - I will tell you how to create socks from an old sweater without knitting needles or a hook! Everything is so simple that anyone, even a child, can sew them.

    So, how to make socks from a sweater. First of all, for this we need:

    • Old sweater;
    • Thick eye yarn needle;
    • Yarn;
    • Pins;
    • Scissors.

    The first step is to create a template of your foot. To do this, trace it on paper and cut out templates for both legs.

    Now we take an old sweater, attach our templates to it and cut out the marks.

    Cut along the contour of the foot.

    Using pins we attach the sole to the upper part.

    And we sew the edges with yarn using an overcast stitch. For beauty, you can also sew the top edge of the socks with the same stitch.

    As it turns out, sewing socks with your own hands is easy! The result is cozy homemade socks.

    New Year and other winter holidays are just around the corner, but you can still have time to buy something on a Chinese website to make your home feel festive and cozy. We have made for you a top selection of popular jewelry and other products that you just can’t do without these holidays. Let's see what interesting products you can order on the Aliexpress website this year.

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