Children's drawings for Mother's Day template in pencil. How to beautifully and easily draw a mother with a pencil and paints: a step-by-step master class for children. What to draw for mom for her birthday, Mother's Day, or just because. Options for pictures with beautiful inscriptions for the Day

At the end of November, when the weather outside is not pleasantly warm, and nature has already given up all its bright colors, we celebrate one of the brightest and kindest holidays - Mother's Day. This relatively young holiday for Russia is gaining more and more popularity every year, bringing into our lives good mood and a great reason for congratulations. It is on the last Sunday in November that the children of our country, including those who have already become adults, strive to express words of gratitude and love to the dearest woman in the world. They choose beautiful and touching congratulations in poetry and prose, pictures, and even make videos with messages for their mothers. In kindergartens and schools they prepare whole holiday concerts for mothers and grandmothers, the scope of which is not inferior to similar events on March 8. And the women themselves, who have known the happiness of motherhood, are happy to congratulate their friends and acquaintances on this wonderful day. In our article today you will find different pictures of Happy Mother's Day 2017, including those with congratulatory inscriptions, which can be downloaded for free, even to your phone. We hope that the options good congratulations from the following selections will help you please dear mothers on their main “professional” holiday.

Beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures with poems for kindergarten, free

As a rule, in kindergartens for Mother’s Day, children prepare beautiful pictures with congratulations in poetry and prose with the help of teachers. These can be either small handwritten pictures, personally addressed to each mother, or whole congratulation posters for all. Often, when creating the latter, educators are inspired by ready-made beautiful pictures with congratulations on Mother’s Day from the Internet. You can also use panels from various children's drawings, which are complemented by beautiful congratulatory poems. Next, you will find a selection of pictures with beautiful poems for Mother’s Day 2017, each of which can be used to decorate children’s congratulations in kindergarten.

Beautiful pictures with congratulations in verse for Mother's Day 2017 for kindergarten

Touching pictures of Happy Mother's Day 2017 with poems for children

Almost any congratulations in pictures with poems for Mother's Day performed by children can be called touching and sincere. After all, children's emotions are the most sincere! And it’s easy to convey them with the help of beautiful holiday pictures. Touching pictures with poems for Mother's Day, which you will find below, are suitable for children different ages. They can be used as ready congratulations or templates for your own creations. Don’t forget that the verses in such pictures can be changed in a photo editor if desired.

Pictures with touching poems for Mother's Day 2017 for children

Pictures of Happy Mother's Day 2017 with beautiful inscriptions for children, options with photos

If you want to use a picture for Mother’s Day 2017 as an addition to the main greeting, then pay attention to the following options with beautiful inscriptions for children. Despite the fact that such pictures are decorated with only one short congratulatory inscription, they carry a lot of warmth and positivity. Add congratulations orally or in writing to such pictures to make your congratulations for your mother even more festive and interesting. Also, remember that the options for greeting pictures presented below are examples. You yourself can make similar versions of congratulations by adding colorful inscriptions to any images you like, which can easily be found on the Internet.

Options for pictures with beautiful inscriptions for Mother's Day from children

Happy Mother's Day 2017 picture with congratulations in verses from children to school

Children also prepare original greeting pictures with poems for Mother's Day in schools. Most often, they use such congratulations when decorating holiday posters and wall newspapers. You can also print out pictures for Mother’s Day with congratulations in verse and give them as a postcard to teachers. After all, many teachers themselves are mothers, and they will be very, very pleased to receive such a small sign of attention on Mother’s Day. Beautiful and touching pictures with congratulations and poems for Mother’s Day for school are collected in the following collection.

Congratulations with poems in pictures for Mother's Day 2017 to school from children

Cool pictures of Happy Mother's Day 2017 for grandma, photo free download

Not only mothers, but also grandmothers deserve cool congratulations in pictures for Mother’s Day 2017, some of which can be downloaded for free below. Despite the fact that their own children have long been adults and have become parents themselves, grandmothers deserve warm words on this day. After all, if you think about it, grandmothers give a lot mother's love and care for your grandchildren. It is not for nothing that they say that with the advent of grandchildren, a woman relives the joy of motherhood, but with redoubled strength and invaluable experience. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate your dear grannies on Mother’s Day and choose cool congratulatory pictures from our next selection for this purpose.

Congratulations in funny pictures on Mother's Day 2017 for grandmothers

Happy Mother's Day 2017 picture for a friend with funny congratulations in verse

They say that with the advent of children, a woman opens up as much as possible and learns her true essence. How true this statement is can only be known through personal experience. But it’s definitely impossible to deny the fact that having children and raising them changes a woman’s life. Therefore, if among your friends and close acquaintances there are mothers, then be sure to choose congratulations for them in funny pictures for Mother’s Day. Believe me, even such a small sign of attention will be especially pleasant for them. There are many options for cool pictures for Mother's Day for girlfriends with poems below.

Pictures with funny congratulations in verse for Mother's Day 2017 for a friend

Original picture of Happy Mother's Day with congratulations in verse from children

Original picture with congratulations on Mother's Day with poems - good way show attention not only to children, but also to adults. This method is especially relevant if it is not possible to congratulate your dear mother in person. That’s when you can send such a picture by email or message on a social network. Even an SMS with a congratulatory picture for Mother’s Day can be an original and pleasant surprise from children. You will find various interesting options for original congratulations in pictures with poems for Mother’s Day in the selection below.

Original congratulations on Mother's Day in pictures with poems from children

Congratulations in prose on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures, free download

Congratulations in prose are no worse than similar wishes in verse and are suitable for holiday pictures for Mother’s Day 2017. You can easily download several universal pictures with wishes in prose for free and use them to congratulate your familiar mothers. Also, among such pictures with prose, you can choose the most beautiful picture for your beloved mother. Next, we tried to put together for you a selection of original pictures with congratulations in prose for Mother’s Day, which are well suited for the format of messages in in social networks. You can also download the congratulations below for free and print them in the form of postcards.

Download free pictures with congratulations in prose for Mother's Day 2017

Download free Mother's Day greetings in pictures for your phone

You can download Mother's Day greetings in pictures for your phone for free from the following collection. The small format of such pictures and their original design will help you create an effective wish right on your phone. Use variations of the following images for Mother's Day to congratulate your family and friends in popular instant messengers. Let such an accessible, but very pleasant sign of attention give a smile and bright emotions to the most important women in your life!

Pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day for your phone, free download

You can have different attitudes towards the fashion for congratulations in pictures, which is becoming more and more popular every day. But regardless of whether you prefer congratulations in paper or electronic format, everyone always enjoys receiving beautiful pictures with funny inscriptions. Especially if they carry good wishes and make even an ordinary day happier and warmer. The Happy Mother's Day 2017 pictures with sincere wishes that we have collected in this article are direct confirmation of this. Bright, original, kind and so versatile, they are perfect for congratulating the most important women in our lives. Use this simple method to congratulate your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, girlfriends, colleagues, teachers and women you just know who bear the proud title of mother. It’s so easy to download your favorite picture for free and send a congratulation to the desired recipient in a couple of clicks. In addition, such pictures can be used in kindergarten and school when designing holiday wall newspapers and posters.

You can draw a gift for mom on anything! But if, due to childhood, the artist has little experience, it is better to go the proven route, using traditional cardboard or thick paper. The optimal size of the “canvas” is an A4 sheet - kids can conveniently place their creations on it, teenagers and adults will be able to fill it with a funny story on a popular holiday theme. In order for your Mother’s Day drawing to be successful, you should choose paints or pencils as a working tool. You also can’t do without a ruler, eraser, brushes and other office supplies. Having determined the “field of activity”, it is certainly worth developing a concept for the drawing. For a school competition or an exhibition in kindergarten dedicated to mother's holiday, it is recommended to draw bouquets of flowers, fairy-tale characters with gifts and cakes, beautiful landscapes, etc. The main thing is that the drawing for Mother’s Day should be created from the heart. For the rest, our step-by-step lessons with photos and videos will help you cope with the task.

Step-by-step pencil drawing for Mother's Day for an exhibition in kindergarten - photo and video step by step

Any cute craft created by a baby’s hands will warm a mother’s heart and add to her collection of pleasant children’s little things. At the same time, there is absolutely no point in creating amazing masterpieces from expensive and hard-to-find materials. As a gift for your loved one on Mother's Day, you can present an ordinary pencil drawing with a funny holiday plot. Made with boundless childish love and non-standard approach to the point, any parent will definitely like it. Moreover, such a step-by-step pencil drawing for Mother's Day is ideal even for a thematic exhibition in a kindergarten. Read more below!

Necessary materials for a pencil drawing for Mother's Day for an exhibition in the kindergarten

  • white sheet of A4 paper
  • sharpened pencil
  • paints or colored pencils
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for drawing in kindergarten for Mother's Day for an exhibition - photo and video

  • Draw some eyes just above the muzzle. Paint over the nose and eyes, leaving small highlights. Add eyebrows, mouth and ears to the bear. Erase the auxiliary curve, draw a line for sewing the head (in the same place, except for the areas from the top of the muzzle to the nose and from the mouth to the bottom of the muzzle).

  • Working from the head down, draw the character's body. Then gently bring both legs. At the chest level of the bear on the left side of the body, draw a plate for the cake.

  • On the finished plate, draw three tiers of the cake: a wide bottom, middle and narrower top. Erase all lines that appear on the cake with an eraser. Stepping back slightly from the right contour of the body, draw one paw of the bear towards the cake.

  • Complete the image of the cake. Draw falling streams of icing and a ball on the top tier in elongated waves. Behind the right paw, draw a small fragment of the left paw.

  • Draw vertical stitching lines along the central part of all parts of the bear (torso, arms and legs). Add a dotted line where necessary. Complete the background with balloons or soap bubbles. If you wish, you can color the congratulatory bear with colored pencils or watercolors.

  • DIY drawing for Mother's Day for school for a competition (step-by-step photos and videos)

    Flowers can be seen on the canvases of many world painters: Van Gogh and Claude Monet, Henri Matisse and Salvador Dali, Paul Cézanne and Pierre Renoir. Why not follow the example of great artists? Get inspired and feel free to create! Give your precious mom a floral design for Mother's Day or create a fresh bouquet of roses for a school pageant.

    Necessary materials for DIY drawing for school for Mother's Day

    • sheet of white A4 paper
    • pencil
    • eraser

    Drawing step by step drawing for Mother's Day to school with your own hands - photo and video

  • In place of the future bouquet, draw buds with ovals. From each of them, draw a line down - a stem. In the space intended for the bow, sketch out some details. Give the bottom of the vase a rounded shape.

  • Add clarity to each rose bud, make the shape geometrically irregular, draw lines. Thicken the stems with a second auxiliary line. Outline the outline of the vase more clearly, maintaining more or less symmetrical proportions.

  • At this stage, bring all the buds to the final form. Inside each of them, draw the lines of the petals, and under the buds - the sepals. Add outlines of leaves to the stems. Clearly draw the curls of the bow.

  • Make each leaf thicker, add more greenery. Don't forget to add spines on the stems. Leave any fancy pattern on the vase. Erase all unnecessary lines. Your DIY Mother's Day drawing for a school competition is ready!

  • Do-it-yourself step-by-step pencil drawing for Mother's Day for beginners (photo and video)

    A step-by-step pencil drawing for Mother's Day is always a worthy gift or addition to it. But even more worthy of praise and admiration is the mother’s portrait, made for the holiday by the hands of a child. Of course, drawing people is not an easy task. But with our step-by-step photo tutorial, you can make a stunning image that your mother will certainly love and is perfect for display at school and kindergarten.

    Draw a pencil portrait of your dearest woman for her holiday, surprise all your family and friends with your artistic achievements.

    Pencil Drawing Supplies Needed for Beginners for Mother's Day

    • sheet of white A4 paper
    • sharpened pencil
    • eraser

    We draw a step-by-step drawing with a pencil with our own hands for mom on her Day - photo and video

  • Draw a horizontal line on your face at eye level. Using oblong lines, determine the location for each eye and the distance between them (must correspond to the size of the eye). Draw the nose area in the same way. The distance from the wings of the nose to the central part of the eye should correspond to the size of the eye.

  • Mark the location of the future mouth and sketch out the rest of the face: eyes, nose, chin, eyebrow line. Try not to make too rough lines, otherwise it will be difficult to erase them.

  • Sketch the lips. Draw the eyes clearly. Draw round pupils with a sharp pencil.

  • Draw the eyes completely: clearly draw the line of the upper eyelid, form a specific pattern on the pupils, draw eyebrows and eyelashes. Mark all recessed and shaded areas with shading.

  • The intended light source is located at the top right, so the left half of the face will be darker. Don't forget about this when drawing a portrait of your mother. Clearly draw the lips, chin and cheekbones.

  • Outline the neck and shadow of the head. Draw the hair, depicting my mother's hairstyle. Add all the clarifying details (moles, scars, cheekbones), light and shadows. Erase all auxiliary lines. Mom's portrait for Mother's Day is ready.

  • Beautiful drawing for Mother's Day step by step with paints - step by step photos and videos

    Mother's Day is one of the most beautiful autumn holidays. Why not take advantage of this and paint a colorful landscape as a gift for your beloved mom. The theme of the illustration can be a living picture of a nearby forest with a lake or a fantasy sketch of luxurious autumn nature. With the help of our master class with photos, a beautiful drawing for Mother's Day step by step with paints will be a success even for beginners.

    Necessary materials for painting with paints for mom on her holiday

    • sheet of white A4 paper
    • ruler
    • pencil
    • eraser
    • brushes of different thicknesses and hardness
    • watercolor or gouache paints
    • glass of water
    • cotton fabric

    We draw a beautiful picture with paints for Mother’s Day with our own hands - step-by-step photos and videos

  • In the background, sketch a green forest, bordering what will later become a lake. Use a pale ink color to paint over the tree trunk in the foreground. On the one hand, make its color more saturated. Draw a blue-green reflection of the tree in the pond.

  • Mix ultramarine with blue and paint the wood texture in the foreground. Add a touch of autumn to your landscape by adding orange trees in the background.

  • At this stage, try to depict the burgundy shadows of the trees on the water as accurately as possible. Use orange to indicate the shape of the tree crowns in the background, and dark brown to indicate their small details.

  • Mix brown with green and draw wavy lines on the water surface. By changing the pressure on the brush, add a more realistic texture to the lake. Make sure that the brush is not too wet. Blot it hour by hour with a cloth.

  • Using green and marsh colors, use a semi-dry brush to paint in streak-like movements the sparse grass under the tree and in the background.

  • At the last stage, bring the drawing to perfection. Add the same blue shades to the lake and sky, darken the tree crowns, detail the grass in the foreground and the branches of the main tree. Use a minimal amount of water.

  • Children's drawing for Mother's Day with paints or a pencil - a magnificent, sincere and sincere gift for any parent. A beautiful image, drawn step by step with your own hands, will decorate the competition at school and complement the exhibition in kindergarten. For the holiday, make a drawing on a popular topic using our master classes with photos and videos - please your beloved mother with a creative approach to congratulations.

    Mother's Day in Russia has not yet become mega-popular national holiday, but at the same time, it has long been actively celebrated in kindergartens and schools. In particular, on Mother’s Day, children’s educational institutions traditionally hold festive concerts, exhibitions and creative competitions. Most often, for such events, children prepare pictures with their own hands dedicated to this wonderful holiday. Such a drawing for Mother’s Day can be made with both paints and pencils - the choice depends on the child’s creativity and his desire. But the themes of the pictures must certainly resonate with the main idea of ​​the holiday. In our article today you will find several step-by-step master classes with photo drawings for Mother's Day, including for beginners. We hope that from them you will not only learn skills on how to draw this or that picture step by step, but also be inspired to create your own masterpieces!

    Drawing for Mother's Day in kindergarten, master class with photo

    First of all, we present to your attention a master class in drawing for Mother's Day for kindergarten students. Of course, such a drawing is unlikely to be suitable for participation in a competition, but for a gift to mom it will be 100% suitable. But the main thing is a very simple drawing for mom for Mother’s Day in kindergarten, which even kids can do with the help of adults.

    Necessary materials for drawing in kindergarten for Mother's Day with your own hands

    • album sheet
    • finger paints and brush
    • felt-tip pens
    • wet wipes

    Instructions for drawing for mom in kindergarten with her own hands step by step

    1. Mentally divide a sheet of paper into two equal parts horizontally. In the lower part, use a felt-tip pen or a simple pencil to draw an inverted trapezoid. This will be the base for the flower pot.
    2. Then on top of the trapezoid we draw a narrow rectangle with rounded corners. We also draw the volume of the pot, as in the photo below.
    3. Now we take green paint and brushes and draw the stem and leaf of the future flower for mommy.
    4. Let's move on to the most interesting part - the bud. We will paint it using finger paints and palms. To do this, apply a thin, even layer of paint on your palms and transfer the image to paper. With paint of a contrasting color, we repeat the same thing, but with the palm of the second hand.
    5. We wipe our hands and let the paint dry a little. Add a congratulatory inscription. Ready!

    DIY drawing for Mother's Day for school, master class

    Our next step-by-step DIY drawing master class for Mother's Day is perfect for both a gift and a school exhibition. Despite the rather simple idea, the final image is very effective and cute. This DIY drawing for Mother’s Day for school is suitable for students in grades 4-5 and for older students.

    Necessary materials for drawing for Mother's Day at school with your own hands

    • album sheet
    • watercolor paints
    • tassel
    • simple pencil

    Instructions for drawing for school on Mother's Day step by step

    1. In this master class we will draw a Tree of Hearts - a very touching symbol of tenderness and boundless love for mother, who, like a tree, grows more and more every year. First of all, using a simple pencil, make a sketch of the trunk and color it with brown watercolors.
    2. Now let’s decide on the crown palette, which will consist exclusively of hearts of different shades and sizes. The following colors are best suited: red, pink, purple, lilac, blue. Using these shades we make small strokes that imitate tree branches.
    3. Let the sketch dry a little and move on to the hearts. You can first draw hearts with a simple pencil, and then decorate them with paints. Or you can immediately paint with watercolors. We try to distribute the hearts evenly and make them of different colors and sizes.
    4. We wait until the picture is completely dry. Add a congratulatory inscription and a couple of hearts at the base of the tree. Ready!

    Pencil drawing for Mother's Day, master class for beginners with photos

    You can also draw a very beautiful memorial card for your mother using pencils. Our next master class for beginners with photos will show you how to quite simply and quickly draw a tulip for Mother’s Day with colored pencils that your mother will definitely like. This is a pencil drawing for Mother's Day in our opinion step by step master class for beginners with a photo will decorate any postcard, poster or wall newspaper.

    Necessary materials for drawing for Mother's Day with pencils step by step

    • paper
    • colour pencils
    • simple pencil
    • eraser

    Instructions for drawing for mom with colored pencils step by step

    1. First of all, let's sketch a tulip. To do this, in the middle of the piece of paper, using a simple pencil, draw an inverted trapezoid and a long line intersecting it.

      Important! We draw all the lines with a simple pencil smoothly and without pressure. This will make it easier to remove them with an eraser during the drawing process.

    2. We round the corners of the trapezoid and draw the tulip petals.
    3. Carefully remove the extra lines with an eraser. Draw the stem of the flower.
    4. Now we make the outline of the flower clearer, while at the same time removing unnecessary strokes with an eraser. Draw a tulip leaf.

    5. All that remains is to decorate the flower: we decorate the bud in red and add a little yellow tint at the base, and fill in the stem and leaf with a green pencil. Ready!

    Drawing with paints for Mother's Day, step by step

    You can draw a very delicate and original drawing for Mother’s Day with your own hands using watercolors. Moreover, to make the picture even more expressive, you can use the technique of layering several shades in stages, as in our master class. Next, we invite you to master a watercolor bouquet for your mother in stages, which is suitable for kindergarten, school, a thematic exhibition or competition. The theme of flowers is one of the most relevant for children's pictures with both pencils and paints. But it is the drawing with flowers made with paints for Mother’s Day that looks more tender and touching. Our master class is quite simple and suitable even for beginner artists.

    Necessary materials for painting with paints for Mother's Day in stages

    • thick sheet of paper
    • watercolor paints
    • tassel

    Instructions on how to paint a picture for Mother's Day step by step

    1. First of all, we note that when working with watercolors there is no need to rush, especially if you layer shades, as in our master class. It is very important to let the paints dry before applying a new coat. So, take red watercolor and make light drop-shaped strokes, forming flower petals.
    2. Fill the center of the flower with yellow paint. There is no need to try to completely fill all the space inside the petals. A more beautiful effect can be achieved by leaving small bald spots.
    3. Using the same principle, fill the entire sheet with flowers. We make flowers in different shades and shapes to give the picture a more original look.
    4. We wait for the first layer to dry completely and begin to layer the shades. We change the intensity from the center to the edges, which will create a more voluminous, slightly faded effect.
    5. While the flowers are drying, draw a few leaves and twigs, filling the space between them.
    6. We add more volume to the finished bouquet by layering shades and drawing details.

    Aphorisms, quotes, sayings about mom. Drawings for Mother's Day

    October 20th, 2015 admin

    A mother's heart is the deepest abyss, at the bottom of which you will inevitably find forgiveness (O. de Balzac). Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her. Aren't these “golden” words? And these: “Not a single gift to mom will be equal to the gift she gave us - life!”?
    I bring to your attention beautiful quotes, sayings and aphorisms about mom.

    The art of motherhood is to teach a child the art of life (E. Haffner).
    God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers (Jewish proverb).
    I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights (T. Guillemets).

    There is only one most beautiful child in the world, and every mother has one (Chinese proverb).
    Mom is the person who, seeing 4 pieces of pie for 5 eaters, will say that she never wanted it (T. Jordan).
    Mom will always make us feel like people of a higher class than we really are (J. L. Spalding).

    Funny sayings about MOM

    The hardest thing for a mother is to agree that other mothers also have the best children.
    * * *
    For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. (S. Harris)
    * * *
    You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother (S. Jayet)
    * * *
    If evolution really works, then why do moms still have two arms? (M. Burley)
    * * *
    Deciding to have a child is no joke. This means deciding to let your heart walk outside your body from now on and forever. (E. Stone)
    At first she could not object, so that the child would not be born nervous, then - so that the milk would not dry up. Well, then she got used to it. (E. Meek)
    * * *
    Caring is when you think about others. For example, one woman shot her husband with a bow so as not to wake up the children. (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
    * * *
    The Milky Way of our life begins from the mother's breast. (L. Sukhorukov)
    * * *
    One day your daughter will follow your example rather than your advice.

    Philosophical thoughts, quotes, statements about MOM

    The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (D. Brower)
    * * *
    Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life. (Sophocles)
    * * *
    A woman's greatest right is to be a mother. (L. Yutang)
    * * *
    A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time selfless. It doesn't depend on anything. (T. Dreiser)
    * * *
    Women are so unhappy on the slope of their beauty only because they forget that beauty is replaced by the happiness of motherhood. (P. Lacretel)

    And now interesting sayings about children

    The best way making children good is making them happy. (O. Wilde)
    * * *
    Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood. (A.P. Chekhov)
    * * *
    Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. (J. Labruyère)
    * * *
    There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips. (V. Hugo)
    * * *
    A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do and to insist on your own. (P. Coelho)
    * * *
    Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least. (E. Bombeck)
    * * *
    The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society. (R. Orben)
    * * *
    A child who suffers less insults grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity. (N. Chernyshevsky)
    * * *
    Young children have a lot in common with intellectuals. Their noise is annoying; their silence is suspicious. (G. Laub)
    * * *
    If people say bad things about your children, that means they are saying bad things about you. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

    Drawings for Mother's Day

    Read more:

    How can a child please his beloved mother? Any handmade craft will warm a mother’s heart and add to the collection of pleasant little things that every mother carefully keeps. At the same time, it is not necessary to create masterpieces from expensive and hard-to-find creative materials.

    You can also give a drawing as a gift, especially if you design it in an unusual way.

    Every child and teenager wants to give a beautiful drawing to their mother on Mother's Day. Exhibitions of such paintings are often held, and competitions are created in schools and kindergartens. It’s now easier than ever for beginning artists to try their hand and learn how to draw original paintings with their own hands. From the proposed master classes with photos and video tips, you can create a real work of art. You can draw images with paints or pencils. How to draw a picture for mom on Mother's Day is described step by step in the proposed master classes for kids, students in grades 3-5 and high school.

    Beautiful drawing for Mother's Day in pencil - step by step with photos and videos for beginners

    Making an original drawing for Mother's Day with a pencil is usually difficult for beginners. Therefore, the simplest solution would be to redraw the photo. It is necessary to prepare a beautiful image of the bouquet, including diverse elements. It is easier to depict them without first applying a “frame” with a simple pencil; the work is carried out using only colored pencils.

    Materials for the master class "Beautiful bouquet": drawing for Mother's Day for beginners

    • A4 sheet of paper;
    • set of colored pencils for 18 colors;
    • photo of the bouquet.

    Step-by-step pencil drawing "Beautiful bouquet" for Mother's Day for beginners

    This master class will tell you step by step how to draw a rose with a simple pencil and how to correctly add shadows:

    Step-by-step drawing for Mother's Day - step by step drawing a card with flowers (for middle school)

    An original drawing for Mother's Day with paints can be turned into an unusual card. For example, draw flowers on the inside spread and put a beautiful signature on the outside. Such a craft can also be entered into a drawing competition for Mother’s Day: an unusual piece will help you win.

    Materials for a master class on drawing on a postcard "Poppies and daisies"

    • thick paper or double-sided white cardboard;
    • acrylic white, ivory;
    • spatula brush, thin brush;
    • regular pencil;
    • watercolor paints;
    • thin felt-tip pen.

    Bright card "Poppies and daisies" for Mother's Day to school in stages

    A simple do-it-yourself drawing for Mother's Day with a photo - for students in grades 3-5

    The standard theme for Mother's Day designs is floral arrangements. But for students in grades 3-5, creating a large image is a challenge. Therefore, a small flower branch will be an excellent alternative to a lush bouquet. This work can be used for an exhibition of drawings for Mother's Day or for giving to your beloved mother for her holiday.

    Materials for DIY work according to the master class "Red Flowers"

    • thick A4 paper;
    • pearlescent acrylic paints: green and red;
    • thin brush.

    Unusual drawing "Red flowers" for Mother's Day with your own hands - step by step with photo

    You can paint beautiful flowers using paint in another master class. The attached video will show bright poppies in just 10 minutes:

    On Mother's Day, celebrated on November 26 in 2017, children can give their mother a beautiful drawing or postcard made with their own hands. If a child 8-9 years old or younger does not yet know how to draw a mother, let him do the work step by step with a pencil or paints. This is very easy to do - you need to consistently follow the instructions described in the master class. Daughters and sons can give such gifts to their mother on her birthday, or just like that. Dad can tell them what to draw for mom, after reading our tips and tricks to the end.

    How to beautifully and easily draw mother with paints step by step for 8-9 year old children

    Typically children are 8 - 9 years old, paints help to draw my mother beautifully and very easily - gouache is better. Such drawings turn out bright and convey all the love of a daughter or son. Let the child step by step follow all the steps described in the master class, and everything will work out just fine!

    Drawing mom - Master class for children 8-9 years old

    By publishing here a master class on how to draw a mother, we are sure that it will help you understand how 8-9 year old children can draw their mother beautifully and easily with paints. Help your child portray his beloved mother by telling him the sequence of actions.

    Get to work together, having prepared in advance the paints, a soft brush, a sheet of paper and water in a glass (for rinsing the brush).

    How to draw a mom, dad, daughter and son with a pencil: step-by-step instructions

    A real strong family is loving friend friend's parents and their children. Draw on paper a happy moment - all family members on a walk or holiday together. Understand, How draw a mom and dad with a daughter and son with a pencil, using a pencil they will tell you step by step instructions.

    Drawing a family with a pencil - Master class with step-by-step steps

    In order to learn how to quickly draw a mother, father, daughter and son with a pencil - you will find step-by-step instructions on this page - read the detailed master class to the end. By following all its steps step by step, you will get a very realistic drawing.

    1. First, draw auxiliary lines with a pencil - the outline of the drawing. Here you see circles - blank images of the head of a father and son - and lines, legs and arms of the future drawing.
    2. Draw the head of the child and the man, depicting hair and ears.

    3. Continue drawing, drawing the boy's body as shown here.

    4. Draw the child’s legs and the man’s arms.

    5. Draw the details of the boy's dad's clothes - the shirt collar or the neckline of the T-shirt.

    6. “Dress” dad in trousers as you see in the image.

    7. Do not forget about the eyes, nose, mouth of each drawn character.

    8. Next to the image of the father with his son on his shoulders, draw the outlines of the future drawing of the mother and daughter.

    9. Work on the hairstyles of girls and women, giving your daughter a ponytail and stylish curls for your mother.

    10. Draw with a pencil the faces of the characters in the family portrait.

    11. After drawing the hands of the daughter and mother, “hand” the school bag to the girl.

    12. “Dress” both beautiful ladies in dresses.

    13. “Put” women’s shoes on your daughter and mother—the photo will tell you how to do this.

    14. You will get a realistic black and white image of the whole family.

    15. Color it and admire the finished drawing! Choose the color of paints or pencils at your own discretion.

    How to draw a beautiful portrait of a mother holding a child on Mother’s Day: master class step by step

    It is impossible to imagine two closer people than a mother and her child. Hundreds and even thousands of years ago, artists idolized motherhood by depicting the Madonna and Child in portraits. Modern painters continue to follow these long-standing wonderful traditions. However, is it possible for a person far from art to learn how to draw a portrait of a mother with a child in her arms on Mother’s Day? How to please mommy on November 26, 2017? You will need professional advice.

    We draw a mother and child step by step - Video explanations

    If you decide to find out how to easily draw a beautiful portrait of a mother holding a child on Mother’s Day, be sure to watch this video. Here the artist explains in detail and shows all the stages of depicting a portrait in gouache.

    Gifts made by children are especially dear to a mother's heart. When choosing what to draw for your mother's birthday from her daughter, pay attention to our selection of drawings made by children of different ages. In them you see mothers at work, on vacation, with their families. Yes, some works look very simple, but is drawing technique really that important? All these drawings have one thing in common - love and sincerity.

    Drawing for mom's birthday

    It is still difficult for preschool girls or elementary and middle school students to make intricate gifts with their own hands. The easiest option for them to surprise their beloved mother is to give her a simple and cute drawing, signing it with kind words and wishes. What can you draw for your mother for her birthday from her beloved daughter? You will find out the answer to this question by looking at a selection of drawings made by girls of different ages.

    What to draw for mom just like that, but from the bottom of my heart

    In order to please your beloved mother, you don’t have to wait for an occasion - a holiday or celebration. A drawing given to a mother at any time is the most precious thing her child can give. Look at our selection of drawings and find out what to draw for your mom just like that, but from the bottom of your heart. You can use everything in your work - from pencils and crayons to professional acrylic paints. The main themes for the drawings should be “Family”, “My parents and I”, “Our holiday with my mother”, “Mom’s profession”, etc.

    Simple drawings for mom - gifts for no reason

    What should I draw for my mother for no reason, just like that, but from the bottom of my heart? The most important thing for mothers is to know that their children love and appreciate them. A drawing given to mom for no reason—birthday or name day—will lift mom’s spirits and let her know that she is truly the “beloved and only” for her child.

    How to draw a card for mom with your own hands - A great gift for Mother's Day

    With the approach of the main, bright and kind holiday of all Russian mothers, coming in 2017 on November 26, children are thinking: how to draw a postcard for mom with your own hands - an excellent gift for Mother’s Day? Of course, you can take half a landscape sheet and depict flowers, the sun and a mother with her son or daughter on it. However, the souvenir can also be made voluminous by gluing a bouquet on paper, clutched in a child’s palm.

    Postcard to mom for Mother's Day - Master class for children

    Do you want to know how to quickly and beautifully draw a card for your mom with your own hands and give her a great gift for Mother’s Day? Be sure to pay attention to the selection of our drawings - they depict all the brightest things associated with the name “mother”: the sun, flowers, smiling children, nature. Also, watch the tutorial on how to create voluminous postcard. Its step-by-step instructions will help you create unusual gift on November 26, 2017. To work, as you will understand after watching the video, you will only need colored and white paper, glue, scissors, markers and a lot of love in your heart.

    Now you know how to draw a mother beautifully and easily, and you can help children 8-9 years old and younger congratulate their mother on her birthday or just please her with a pleasant surprise. Show your child a selection of our drawings, photos; Watch a video with your daughter or son on how to make a Mother's Day card with your own hands. Not only dad, but also our master classes will tell you what to draw for mom for the holiday.

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