Gulliver actresses. Does enormous growth interfere with their love and career? Diet of Maria Shukshina

My helpers for maintaining health and beauty are natural remedies based on herbs and plants; I really love various syrups with vitamins, useful infusions of medicinal plants, including: for example, chamomile and tea with thyme. When my children were little, I bathed them in the bath with the addition of a series, it is very useful. If we talk about a specific recipe, then this is “beauty porridge”: the recipe is simple - pour kefir, dried fruits for several hours and a wonderful breakfast is ready. It perfectly cleanses the body and, by the way, improves your mood, because... oatmeal contains the hormone of happiness and this is a scientifically proven fact.

2. What are the main notes of your favorite fragrances?

In general, I love the smell of cinnamon with apple and amber. I prefer bitter, spicy, herbal aromas to sweet ones.

3. You have a completely extraordinary, snow-white smile. What helps you take care of your teeth?

Now more and more people are returning to natural natural remedies, both for medicinal purposes and in daily self-care. That's why I choose mouthwash Colgate Altai Herbs– a mandatory element of care for those who monitor oral health. Toothpaste Colgate Altai Herbs combines herbal extracts with effective fluoride and calcium to promote strong teeth and healthy gums.

4. A situation familiar to many: You fell asleep in the morning, but you need to get up early and look great at the same time. What does Maria Shukshina do in this case?

Whenever possible, I try to follow a routine, but due to my busy work schedule, my desires do not always coincide with my capabilities. For such moments, I now have a huge number of different teas in my arsenal for all occasions, including tonic ones. They perfectly help to cheer up and give energy.

5. Do you think a famous woman can afford to go out in public without makeup? Do you always wear makeup in everyday life?

On days off from work, I don’t use decorative cosmetics at all and give my skin a break.

6. Did you have any idols in your youth - women whom you really wanted to be like?

Lyubov Orlova

Apparently I haven't had it yet :)

8. Do you limit yourself in nutrition? Do you follow any special diet?

The only way, as Maya Plesetskaya said, is “Don’t eat.” For me, of course, food is stress eating. I try to stick to my diet, especially when I have the right incentives like roles where I have to look good. I do not accept strict rules in food, I simply observe fasts. Moreover, when I started fasting many years ago, I noticed a trend during fasting: when you don’t eat meat, you lose weight. In general, I am an omnivore, I love all the cuisines of the world, I like to try everything.

9. They say “beauty requires sacrifice.” Indeed, many beauty procedures are quite painful (for example, hair removal), others require strength and endurance (sports), and others you just do because it’s customary. What sacrifice would you never make for the sake of beauty? What's your least favorite thing to do to maintain your appearance?

For me, it is a professional necessity to take care of myself, my health, my appearance, my beauty. I am not against modern methods in cosmetology. With age, the skin becomes dehydrated and needs certain care. From time to time I did mesotherapy with, these procedures moisturize and nourish the skin very well. But there is a minus: within 3 days after the procedures, traces remain. Due to filming and a busy schedule, I don’t have these 3 days to recover and this is the biggest inconvenience.

For the sake of beauty, a woman is capable of much, but it’s better without sacrifices. The concept of external gloss does not exist for me, rather internal.

10. Maria, you are a real Russian beauty. Did your bright Slavic appearance help you, as an actress, in your creative activity, or, on the contrary, hinder you?

I am always open to everything new, but regarding hair color, unfortunately, I cannot radically change my image. This is primarily due to my work in the “Wait for Me” program on Channel One; I do not have the right to change my hair color. I wanted to change my hair color for my role in the TV series “Stanitsa”, I talked about it with the producers, but then I decided that changing my hair color every time for different roles and programs was a strain on my hair, so I decided to abandon this idea. Of course, it gets boring to wear the same look all the time. But, on the other hand, the length of the hair allows me to do different hairstyles all the time, which often helps me out for different roles.

Maria, thank you very much for your answers!

Biography of Maria Shukshina

The daughter of famous parents - Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, actor, director, writer, and actress Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina - independently built a successful career, achieved a lot in life and can be proud of herself.

It was not only not customary to show off a famous surname, but it was also directly forbidden by parents: it was shameful and obscene. But, having a father who is a director and a mother who is an actress, it is difficult to remain in the shadows. 5-year-old Masha and her younger sister Olya can be seen in Vasily Shukshin’s film “Stoves and Benches” in the roles of the Rastorguev sisters. And Maria first appeared on screen at the age of 1.5 years in the film almanac “Strange People” (short story “Brother”). At the age of 6, Masha starred in Sergei Nikonenko’s film “Birds over the City.” However, the mother constantly told her daughters that the acting profession is difficult and unstable, and, having heeded the warnings, Maria decides to get a more predictable specialty. She graduated from the translation department of the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez, having mastered English and Spanish. After university, Shukshina worked as a translator and broker at the Russian Commodity Exchange. But the work did not bring satisfaction and Maria increasingly began to think about following the example of her parents and trying her hand at cinema.

Olga and Maria Shukshin. Photo: Global Look

In 1990, she and her mother, Lydia Nikolaevna, starred in Karen Shakhnazarov’s film “Eternal Husband.” Then there was a long break, and already 1995 was marked in her acting biography with two bright films at once - “An American Daughter” by Shakhnazarov and “What a Wonderful Game” by Pyotr Todorovsky. The actress never received any special education. She learned everything on the set, and her mother gave her basic acting lessons.

At the celebration of Shukshin’s 70th birthday in his homeland, Altai, the ORT producer invited Maria to try herself as a TV presenter in the “Wait for Me” project. The actress found the offer interesting, and since 1999, for 15 years, she has been the face and soul of the program.

Always on top, or Why you shouldn’t worry about “extra” centimeters

We recently told you how ours lives. But what about those whose height is 180 and above? Read and be surprised!

Dreams of ballet (180 cm)

The biggest frustration about my height is Ravshana Kurkova(nee Matchanova) due to the fact that she could not become a ballerina.

I dreamed of pointe shoes and tutus. But in the three studios where I went with my mother to watch, I heard only one thing: “With your height, girl, nothing will work out in ballet,” Ravshana sighs.

“Big! Stick!" - the now famous 36-year-old actress constantly heard such insults addressed to her during her school years. And even now, haters write caustic comments to the star under posts on social networks. The actress now, of course, does not react to rudeness.

Photo by Larisa KUDRYAVTSEVA/website

I accept myself as I am. When, as a child, I had complexes about my appearance and was worried, especially because boys were embarrassed to be friends with me, my grandmother uttered the golden words: “It doesn’t matter how long your legs are. There are three things a woman has that men pay attention to: hair, teeth, skin,” says Kurkova.

Creature from another planet (180 cm)

Olesya Zheleznyak has only bonuses from its height. For example, she got into the movies thanks to her long legs and somewhat awkward appearance.

This is exactly the kind of funny bigot we needed Tigran Keosayan for the main role in "Silver Lily of the Valley". “He saw me in the corridor of Mosfilm and immediately stopped looking for the heroine,” said the 42-year-old actress. - And husband ( with an actor Spartak Sumchenko Olesya has been married for 18 years and has four children; Spartak's height is 185 cm. - K.B.) first of all drew attention to my height. “You seemed to me like a creature from another planet, an alien - it was impossible to take your eyes off,” he later admitted to me.

Actress with her husband and children - Agafya, Prokhor and Savely

Even at school she did not suffer from her great height. Vice versa. Olesya was seated at the last desk so that her head would not disturb anyone.

Write off and mind your own business - that’s where it’s at!

Beauty is not about long eyelashes (180 cm)

IN adolescence everything irritated me: from my nose and eyebrows to my knees,” recalls the 50-year-old Maria Shukshina. “And when I began to stand first in the line at physical education, it seemed that life had not worked out at all. But with age I began to understand that size does not matter. Neither short nor tall height will make you happier. And the beauty of a woman is not in long eyelashes, a thin waist and large breasts, but in her mind. If everything is in order with your head, then even the most ugly one (by some completely stupid standards invented by I don’t know who) will be able to present herself in such a way that not a single man will pass by without looking back.


The TV presenter is convinced that the main thing is to find YOUR man:

And it doesn’t matter what height difference you have. If you look in one direction, then all these little things will not matter.

Say no to the black one!

Strict - 182 cm. Stefanenko - 185 cm

“It’s pointless to dream of becoming a miniature brunette: it will never happen anyway” - this is the motto the TV presenter lives by Tasha Strict(according to passport - Natalia Frolova). There were periods when she was complex and envious of girls with standard height: they say, boys want to take care of such people, and if you are far from a baby, then they treat you as “their boyfriend.”

After a while, I realized that such an attitude is much more valuable than short-term affection,” says 43-year-old Tasha. - There were problems with clothes before. Now they sew taking into account maximum height. Yes, I am a designer myself. When I became a mother ( at 37 Strict gave birth to twin boys. - K.B.) and suddenly at some point I looked back, it became funny because I was worried about my appearance. I want to appeal to all the girls who are embarrassed because of the “extra” centimeters. These are such little things! Natasha Stefanenko (co-host of Tasha on the program “Take it off immediately!”. - K.B.), who is three centimeters taller than me, walks freely and in heels. He says: “It’s men who have to worry about how to reach me!” Be confident. Never slouch or hide behind caps with large visors. Say no! black and shapeless. And women's happiness will definitely overtake you!

Nice to kiss (180 cm)

If rumors are to be believed, then the romance of the “Comedy Woman” participant Catherine Barnabas And Dmitry Khrustalev began with Katya’s phrase: “Aren’t you too young to follow me?” It is no wonder - Khrustalev is 14 centimeters shorter than Barnabas. At the same time, many considered this couple harmonious and sweet.

Katya and dancer Kostya MYAKINKOV got married in early June. We went to Rome on our honeymoon

A small man and a tall girl are very erotic, don’t you think? - 32-year-old Varnava smiles. - Here is Dima Khrustalev - our one and only man. What do you think Mitya was doing in “Comedy Woman” among so many women? He is small, agile and funny - a real conqueror women's hearts! In general, I noticed that short men are much more talented and successful than those whose height exceeds the mark of 190 - 195. In general, of course, people with short stature have a more difficult time, because throughout their lives they look at the world with their heads slightly raised - Your neck will hurt. But for us, tall ones, kissing is always pleasant.


Lose weight with lemon rice (181 cm)

“Long-legged Heron” - that’s what the singer was nicknamed Varvara(real name - AteEna Tutanova) classmates from Gnesinka. And at school the future artist was dubbed the Ostankino Tower. Therefore, Varvara had the habit of walking with a stoop. But in the basketball section, Alena was a great success. The complexes regarding height finally disappeared while working as a model at the Fashion House. Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

It pays to be high on stage, but in life... I can’t afford to wear shoes with beautiful, elegant heels - I’ll just knock down all the ceilings! - says the 43-year-old singer. - You need to carefully monitor your weight. If, with such growth, you are also a donut... Once a week I arrange a fasting day: kefir, buckwheat or apple. Recently I tried a new diet: boiled rice sprinkled with lemon juice, and grapefruit with egg white.

The acting and television crowd froze in amazement - the former common-law husband of the famous actress Maria Shukshina made a scandalous statement that the host of the “Wait for Me” program stole their common children from him - twins Foma and Foku! What could be worse when children are forcibly deprived of one of their parents?! Why did this happen in the Shukshina family? What is behind this high-profile conflict? We talked to the heroes of life's drama.

Independent lady

Actress Maria Shukshina is famous for her difficult character and tough disposition, apparently inherited from famous father. Shukshina, self-confident, strong personality, was never afraid to be alone and left her men herself. She was married twice (she has two older children from two husbands), after which she promised herself not to tie the knot again. And the fact that Maria knows how to keep her word was confirmed by her third, common-law husband, lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, who never persuaded the star to walk down the aisle with him. A chance meeting with the beautiful Maria - she and her mother came to choose a country house that his company was building - literally turned the life of a successful businessman upside down. He admitted that he simply lost his head over Shukshina, went crazy about her, was as if bewitched, thinking only about how to win this femme fatale. Fur coats, diamonds, travel - everything was thrown at the beauty’s feet. Their dizzying romance had barely begun when Maria informed Boris about her pregnancy. Before meeting Shukshina, Vishnyakov lived for more than ten years in a civil marriage with one woman, to whom he was forced to admit that he fell in love with another. He left his ex most of his property - just to be forgiven and calmly marry Shukshina. However, Maria made it clear that she did not want to get married. Vishnyakov still hoped that they would have a good family...

Vishnyakov: “She gave me a choice”

Masha confronted me with a tough choice: either I continue my business career, or I take care of the children. I couldn't sacrifice my children for my career! - Vishnyakov told KP. - I chose family. I became completely involved with the children. After all this, my business collapsed. I devoted myself to taking care of Maria and our boys... I turned from a businessman into a nanny... I did everything for the sake of Masha and the children. It was a sacrifice that close relatives make so that another relative, loved one, can achieve what he wants in life. Masha was busy with her career. The children were on top of me. After breaking up with Masha, our twins, they were one and a half years old, moved to my dacha. For four years they lived with me, not with her. I talked about this on NTV in “Russian Sensations”.

- They say your children are being taken away from you?

My children were simply stolen from me! Although I brought the children myself to the apartment of their mother, Masha Shukshina, as she asked. I was told that they would be taken to rest for the May holidays. I was told that the children are in Gelendzhik. But in reality they were not taken anywhere. They are sitting at home. And Masha Shukshina doesn’t want me to meet with them... Moreover, it turned out like this: on April 30, I come to her to pick up the children at the dacha. They don’t give them to me, and on the night of the 1st, someone takes the wheels off my Mercedes, that is, they deprive me of transport! You see, everything is one to one. Of course, I went and bought the wheels. But the question is that these were holidays...

- When was the last time you saw your sons?

So I just went to Shukshina - I wanted to see the children. I managed to talk to Foma through the door. I saw Foma going into the kitchen and called him. I say: “Son, please come to the door.” And he: “Oh, dad, dad has arrived!” And he flew to Masha’s room to report. I see that he is afraid of disobeying his mother. Imagine, a person is afraid! He sits locked up in his apartment and is afraid that his own father wants to see his children. Absurd!

- Why did Shukshina treat you like that?

There are simply no reasons! For some reason, Shukshina decided that the children needed to be hidden from me! They lived with me for four years. And this is absolutely true. And there is no reason to take them away from me. She just decided it for no reason! Why, why, how?! No one can understand this now.

- How did Maria herself explain this to you?

She doesn’t explain anything at all... The housekeeper, on her instructions, came to the dacha and took out all the children’s things. I didn’t write a statement to the police because, you know, if a criminal case is opened, it’s impossible to close it. Even if the parties reconcile. But, if I can’t come to an agreement with Masha, I will sue. The person (meaning Shukshina - Ed.) never backs down, never admits his mistakes. But at the moment she is making a very serious mistake by not allowing me to see the children. Why am I fighting so hard for them? I love them very much, they are my family. And what I give to the children, she will never give them! You can host a good program “Wait for me”, but at the same time be a bad mother.

- Boris, what are you trying to achieve now?

I am not going to take away her (Shukshina. - Ed.) children - what she did. God forbid! I want only one thing: to be allowed to see my children freely without manipulating them. Give me the opportunity to prepare them for school for my money. And I want them to play sports. What she cannot give them because of pathological greed!

Maria Shukshina: “I don’t comment”

We called actress Maria Shukshina to find out her version of events, but the TV presenter was adamant, saying that she was not commenting on anything. Like, let her ex-husband do whatever he wants, and she won’t react to his attacks...

By the way, as they wrote in the press, one of her ex-husbands once stole a son from Shukshina, so Maria was forced to search for her child with the police. Perhaps the fear she experienced does not allow her to sleep peacefully. She probably sincerely loves all her children and worries about them. She is a wealthy woman and is not embarrassed by the role of a single mother.

However, to single-handedly - just because “I want it so” - to deprive children of their own father, and a caring and good one at that, is truly illegal, and most importantly, unfair. By law, parents have equal rights to their children. Apparently, only the court will be able to determine the future fate of the children of the famous actress.

We will tell you how events will develop in the next issues of the weekly.


The actress gave birth to her first child, daughter Anya, from her first husband, a college classmate Artem. The marriage lasted several years.

The second child, Makar, was born in marriage with her second husband, Alexei Kasatkin. When the couple separated, the father kidnapped his 2-year-old son Makar. Only after the intervention of law enforcement agencies did the boy return home.

The twins Foma and Foka were born out of wedlock (their father is lawyer Boris Vishnyakov). Maria admitted: “Children are everything to me. I live for them, take care of myself, work, develop, so that they won’t be ashamed of me.”

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