Best New Year wishes for mom. Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to mom. Congratulations from several children

Tinsel glitters all around,
The table is solemnly set,
On this holiday I wish, mom,
May you be the most beautiful!

Have fun from the heart
After all, there are familiar faces around,
Come on, mommy, let's dance together
And let's celebrate New Year's Eve with a song!

Mommy, happy New Year!
Let life sparkle with success,
Let the whole house shine with joy,
Let there be a lot of laughter around.

May gifts please you,
All wishes, all smiles.
Let a sea of ​​happiness and goodness surround you,
Let no mistakes happen.

Mom, dear mommy!
Happy New Year,
I love you and hug you tightly,
I wish you to enjoy life!

Always in a good mood
Great happiness and luck,
Love as big as the sea
May you never know grief!

The old year has gone, burning bridges,
The New Year is in a hurry and coming.
May it be for all of us, dear mother,
Will bring joy and happiness!

Congratulations, mom, Happy New Year!
And I wish you peace and goodness,
And, of course, festive weather -
Happy morning sunshine!

The New Year is coming!
Let him help you
Live a fun, active life
And very positive.

Let everything that is negative
Will disappear forever.
Everything will be just wonderful
My mommy!

Happy New Year
I wish you, mother,
Let kindness and love
He hugs you by the shoulders.

Let the children's care warm them
Native parental home,
Let your windows be for us,
They shine with inviting fire.

May the New Year bring
Joy, smiles and laughter,
I wish you, mommy,
To be the happiest person in the world.

Winter's tale, my dear
Let it happen for you!
My good, dear mother,
Let the miracle happen again!
May he take away all your sorrows,
We will have a joyful New Year!

Happy New Year,
Dear Mommy,
May the year be bright, sweet,
Like raspberry jam.

Let happiness flow like a river
Or a ringing song,
Let there be a place in life
For everything wonderful!

Frosty morning, snowflakes from heaven,
Gifts under the Christmas tree, time for miracles!
Mommy, dear, Happy New Year to you
I want to congratulate you and give you a big hug.
May the year be bright and kind for you,
I wish your eyes to shine brightly!

To my beloved mom
I hasten to say this in the New Year.
From my young heart, thank you
And wish you a lot of happiness.

Shine and sing, you are our miracle,
And with every new winter
You only become more beautiful
Everything is better and wiser in soul!

Mommy, may the new year bring you new and bright moments that will remain forever in your soul. May Santa Claus fulfill your wish on New Year's Eve. The main thing is to believe in it and everything will happen!

I wish you good, good health, patience and an unrealistically good mood. Don't be nervous about trifles! Remember that they are not worth your health and your nerves. May winter give you your favorite snowy weather and may your soul be filled with new strength, new ideas and desires for the New Year.

Mommy, remember, a new year means a new life. Therefore, start it with some changes, and you will see that everything will definitely change and, most importantly, for the better. Changes always bring benefits and moral satisfaction. Don't be afraid of change! Have a nice and happy holidays! Let a smile always sparkle on your face no matter what! Remember that you have someone to live for, because you have me! And I will do my best for you. After all, you are the dearest person to me.

May all your wishes come true in the New Year, and I will contribute in every possible way. Good mood to you, obedient students, patience at work, luck and warmth outside and inside.

May the New Year bring you new achievements, new ideas, new achievements. I wish you health, family well-being, peace and quiet in your home and at work. Don’t be nervous about trifles, and then everything will definitely be fine.

How wonderful it is that there is an amazing holiday filled with magic, during which absolutely all wishes come true! Mommy, I so want all your plans and dreams to come true! Let the feeling of a fairy tale never disappear, and let miracles happen at every step! Happy New Year, my dearest!

Adults, just like children, are looking forward to the approach of the New Year with great impatience, because it is this holiday that immerses everyone in a feeling of a sincere, bright, happy state! Mommy, I sincerely congratulate you on this amazing New Year, and I wish you to receive the most positive, brightest emotions from this holiday, as well as to be recharged with vigor and a wonderful mood for the whole year!

Mom, on this magical New Year I hasten to wish you to be healthy, to be loved, and of course, to be happy! Let your innermost wish, made during the exciting chiming of the Chimes, come true with lightning speed! I love you, my golden one! Happy New Year and Happy New Fabulous Happiness!

Mamusik, even though I’m not around right now, and I don’t have the opportunity to congratulate you personally and hug you tightly! But I really want you to smile on New Year’s Eve, rejoice at the magic that is in the air and believe in miracles! Happiness and goodness to you! Happy New Year, my dear and closest person!

My precious mother! Happy New Year to you, with new hopes, new dreams and happiness! Let the kind wizard Grandfather Frost give you gifts, and let your friends and loved ones surround you with care, warmth and attention! Congratulations on this extraordinary, fabulous holiday!

On New Year's Eve, everything around seems magical and fabulous! Dear, dear mother, I want you to believe that miracles happen! May all your plans come true, may the people dear to you always be by your side! All the brightest, kindest and most beautiful things to you in the coming New Year!

Happy New Year, mom! The brightest moments, happy moments, an ocean of new impressions, as well as many, many pleasant surprises and gifts! Joy, health, happiness, love! All sorts of blessings, both worldly and spiritual! I love you immensely, mommy! With new happiness!

Mommy, may every snowflake that falls into your palm fulfill all your wishes and dreams! May the coming New Year bring with it only pleasant worries and troubles, prosperity, success and prosperity! May all your plans be realized! With new happiness! Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness in the New Year, I wish you comfort and warmth of the hearth! Good health, this is very important! You can’t live without love! Mommy, by all means, everything will be wonderful for you! All the best to you in the coming New Year! Hearty and warm congratulations!

Mommy, I really want to wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you to celebrate this holiday with your family, loved ones and friends, because the New Year is a family celebration! Let there be no shortage of care and attention! All the best and pleasures to you, dear! Happy New Year!

Other congratulations

  • Heartfelt congratulations to the guy on his birthday

    With all my heart, at this most wonderful moment, I wish you to always stand firmly on your feet, not be afraid of life’s difficulties, and be open and friendly to your family and friends.

Regardless of age, many people congratulate their mother first on New Year's Day. Warm wishes in your own words will be pleasant not only in the form of a dinner speech, but also in SMS, if for some reason it is not possible to be there. The main thing is that the congratulations be sincere and touching for a particular person.
Choose who will congratulate:

Congratulations from several children

Such texts are relevant for pronunciation at the table or via video call, when one child speaks on behalf of all children.

Our dear mother, may the chimes, counting down the last seconds of the passing year, take away former worries and troubles forever! Let only pleasant surprises and a cheerful mood await you ahead! And we will always be there, ready to support you and admire your kindness and care!

Happy New Year, our dear mother! In the coming year, we wish you that all your plans will come true, that your work will always be successful, and that any difficulties will always turn into new valuable ideas!

Dear mother, please accept our common congratulations on the New Year! We wish you fulfillment of your dreams, new discoveries and good health! Let the changes of the new year be only for the better!

Our beloved mother, accept our general congratulations on the New Year and wishes for all the brightest and kindest in the coming year! Remain as open, cheerful and responsive, and may the symbol of the year protect you from all adversity!

Dear mother, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you to reach even greater heights in the coming year, implement your plans and easily cope with all difficulties!

Dear mom, Happy New Year to you! May the cherished wish made this night certainly come true and bring happiness in the coming year! We wish you health, success in all your endeavors and new creative ideas!

Happy New Year, our dear mother! We wish you to meet the coming year with joy and optimism, forgetting about all the misfortunes of the outgoing one. May every day please you with pleasant surprises, useful acquaintances and new successes!

Our beloved mother, happy holiday to you! May the New Year's fairy tale continue for you throughout the next year and bring you a sea of ​​smiles, pleasant surprises and fulfillment of desires! Remember, miracles happen to those who believe in them!

Dear mother, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you to look forward confidently, so that difficulties on the path to what you want will recede from your path, and good luck will help you in everything!

From kids to beloved mother

When little children begin to make their first cards for their relatives, it is important to help them complement the craft with an appropriate and affectionate congratulation.

My beloved mother, may Grandfather Frost fulfill all your wishes, and may everything be fine for you next year at work and at home! I wish you to be less sad and smile more!

Happy holiday, mommy! I wish you many, many pleasant surprises in the new year, so that you will be as joyful and sweet all year as you are today! And so that you don’t get sick and wake up happy every day!

My dear mom! I wish you to smile and rejoice every day in the new year as if it were a holiday! Let your dreams come true and let your problems pass you by!

Mommy, Happy New Year to you! May your face light up with a smile more often in the new year, because I promise to behave well. And I wish you to be healthy and happy!

Happy New Year, my beloved mom! I wish you more free time in the new year, fulfillment of your wishes and that no one upsets you!

Dear Mom! Happy New Year! I wish you to forget all the bad things that happened this year and greet the coming year with joy. May the wish you made on New Year's Eve come true!

Mommy, Happy New Year to you! I wish you to remain as beautiful, smiling and happy! May there be no bad news in the coming year, but instead lots and lots of love, good luck and health!

Mommy, Happy New Year to you! I wish you to receive many gifts and flowers in the coming year. Let all the bad things pass you by, and let good luck and happiness rush towards you!

Happy New Year, mommy! I wish you in the coming year to do what you want, and not to do what you don’t want, or only a little! Remain as beautiful, loved and caring!

From a teenager or adult child

Dear, dear mother, I congratulate you on your holiday! May the new year bring you only pleasant worries, less grief and more joyful moments! Be healthy, successful and cheerful!

My dear, Happy New Year to you! Let all sorrows and worries fly away with the snow blizzard, and let the coming year begin with new plans, joyful anticipation and achievements! I wish you to remain as optimistic, friendly and energetic!

Happy holiday, my dear! May the new year have as many reasons for joy as possible and as few reasons for sadness as possible. I wish you health, good luck and undying optimism despite everything!

Regardless of age, on the main holiday of the year, many people congratulate their mother first. Warm wishes will be pleasant not only in the form of a dinner speech, but also in SMS, if for some reason it is not possible to be there. The main thing is that the congratulations be sincere and touching for a particular person.

Happy New Year, Mom! I wish you next year that good luck accompanies you in your work and creativity, that your health remains strong, and that your friends remain loyal. May only pleasant surprises and new achievements await you!

Dear mother, happy holiday! Forget this night about all the hardships of the past year! May only joyful news, pleasant acquaintances and successful endeavors await you in the future!

Happy New Year, dear! With new happiness! May the symbol of the year give you many joyful meetings, good luck in business and happiness in your personal life! I wish you to remain as smiling, caring and sensitive, and most importantly, healthy all year round!

Dear mother, Happy New Year to you! Let all the bad things remain behind, and only success, prosperity and new discoveries await you ahead! I wish you to achieve everything you have planned, meet many interesting people and live in harmony with your heart!

Happy New Year, mom! I wish you to achieve everything you plan in the coming year, find time to relax and continue to delight those around you with your radiant smile and kindness! I love you!

Mommy, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! May all your best wishes come true and your plans come true! First of all, I wish you health, if you have it, then everything else will follow!

Dear mom, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I wish you that your hands always remain warm and affectionate when you hug me, and that your lips open in a smile as often as possible.

I really want all your dreams to come true as quickly as possible and give you the most desired thing in this world!

I wish you as much love as possible from our dad, so that he brings you huge armfuls of flowers and many gifts. I promise to give my love every day, and not just on holidays.

Happy New Year to you, dear mother, remember that I will always love you and you will forever remain in my heart as the best role model and the person with the widest heart.

Happy New Year, dear mom! May every day be filled with happiness and love for you. Let Santa Claus and Snow Maiden bring you a whole bag of precious gifts at the strike of the clock at twelve at night. And let this bag be so huge that it can contain all my love for you and immense respect for your ability to move through life, avoiding obstacles and making all desires and dreams come true.
I want you to remain as beautiful and sweet, so that our dad never takes his eyes off you. So that your work brings only pleasure and helps to reveal all your talents.

Happy New Year, dear mommy,
Sweet, sincere, kind,
Good health to you, happiness,
Let all bad weather pass by!

Thank you for understanding me perfectly,
For always being ready to listen,
You will always give wise and valuable advice,
There is no better mother in the world!


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Create a postcard

Be healthy!

I wish that in the New
Coming Year
You were always healthy
Because I love you so much!

Let there be a smile more often
Shine on your face
So that people can see
What a happy mother you are!


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Create a postcard

Happy New Year, mommy!

In the first minute of January,
I hasten to congratulate you, mommy!
I wish your dreams come true
Happy New Year, smile!

May your mood always be great,
May luck accompany you
Good health to you,
And selfless happiness!


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Create a postcard

Happy New Year to you, mom!
Happy new, joyful times!
With colorful lights
Let him come to your home

This holiday will grab
Let your laughter come with you!
May the heavenly one come in handy
White, clean, good snow!

May you be about change
He will notify the best!
And all year long let it be sure
Happy music sounds!


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Create a postcard

Happy New Year, mom!

Mommy, dear,
Happy New Year to you!
I wish you happiness and warmth,
May the years be long!

Good health and love,
May your dreams come true
Let spring bloom in your soul,
You are the best in my world!


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Create a postcard

Happy New Year, mommy!

On this fabulous, beautiful day,
I wish you, mommy, with all my heart,
Love, warmth and happiness,
Always stay cheerful like this

Happy New Year, mommy, you,
Let fun and joy
They'll always be there,
So that grief and need never come!


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Create a postcard

Happy New Year, mom!

I wish you happiness in the New Year,
To you, my mommy,
Go forward and don't give up
Rejoice and laugh more!

You are my closest person
Live in abundance for a whole century,
Great happiness to you,
All the best in fate!

Happy New Year greetings to mom, short, SMS

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Create a postcard

Happy New Year, Mommy!

On this beautiful day in January,
Happy New Year, mommy!
May your cherished wishes come true,
Health, happiness, prosperity to you!

Thank you for your tenderness, care and affection,
Let your life be like a fairy tale
You deserve the best from me,
The most beautiful, my mom!


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A tear will freeze in the corners of your eyes - and this world will brighten, the sun will peek through the window - and joy will settle in your soul! Mom, all this this night is just for you! And also - a bright sky, warm earth, bright smiles, the whisper of leaves, the song of the winds, the sound of the surf! I am ready to give everything for the minutes spent with you! Be lucky, happy, friendly! And be stunningly beautiful, as always!
I wish you well, unforgettable experiences and many kind words! May heaven favor you and all paths be open! Wisdom, mother, long life, excellent health, prosperity! Be cheerful and smiling! Know: I love you! Very!

Dear, sweet, only, golden, beloved, dear Mom! Happy New Year! What a blessing to have a mother like you. You will always support, console, encourage, help, and give wise advice. You are the most important person in my life. Mommy, I wish you health for many years to come, a spring mood, and more joyful events. Thank you for everything you do for me!

We all live on this earth only thanks to our mothers. It was they who raised and raised us as we are, and, I dare say, not bad at all, since the world still exists. I owe my life and destiny to you, mom. Happy New Year, my dear, live long and bright, warm us with your warmth and we will return the warmth to you a hundredfold!

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