Face mask made of rolled oats and honey. Effective rejuvenation at home using oatmeal. For combination skin

Since ancient times, oatmeal has been recognized as an effective and useful product nutrition. Today, oats have found a new use as a cosmetic product. Hercules masks for the facial skin have a universal effect: they eliminate many problematic issues and are harmless for all skin types. The preparation method does not differ in the complexity of the process, the cost is affordable for all levels of the population, and the effectiveness is comparable to salon procedures. Hercules gruel for the face rightfully occupies an important place among methods of caring for the condition of the skin and the fight against wrinkles.

For the face, the effect of using this cereal becomes noticeable after two or three applications. The effect of oatmeal has three directions - cleansing (the pores are qualitatively freed from impurities), moisturizing (the water balance of the skin is restored), softening (the tone is restored). Such a facial product effectively replaces expensive procedures carried out in specialized beauty salons.

Porridge flakes have real life-giving properties due to their high content of important microelements.

The structural basis of the skin is strengthened thanks to many beneficial minerals and components contained in rolled oats.

Contaminated pores that have turned into blackheads are completely released, microscopic inflammatory processes are eliminated, keratinized areas are carefully washed off along with the mask, and the work of the sweat gland is normalized. Don't panic if after the first therapy session all the problem areas of your face come out. This skin reaction is quite predictable. This indicates that regeneration and cleansing occurs at a deep level.

Any home cosmetics from oatmeal interacts with the skin in a complex manner, activating the action of each component included in the porridge. The effect of the product for each skin type depends on this. Experts recommend using cereal in the following situations:

As you can see, rolled oats flakes truly have a universal protective and restorative effect. Depending on the supplements of auxiliary action that fill it, grain turns out to be useful for everyone.

Cautions for use

People diagnosed with celiac disease (pathological immunity of the body to cereals) are not recommended to consume oatmeal. However, this ailment relates exclusively to the digestive system; the effect of porridge on the face remains as harmless as before.

Numerous studies and experiments by scientists in the field of cosmetology have been unable to identify specific warnings for using a homemade mask.

You should be careful with cereals that contain additional ingredients. They should not provoke an allergic reaction in the body. Then the cosmetic recipe will not cause complications, but will lead to the desired transformations on the face, ridding it of acne and wrinkles.

Recipe for an effective mask

For dry skin, a mixture of gruel and honey is ideal. The recipe is characterized by active moisturizing and nourishing properties, being an excellent method for eliminating fine wrinkles.

Making the drug at home is quite simple. A large spoon of rolled oats is poured into a glass of heated milk, then time is given to infuse. The porridge should be completely covered with liquid. After about 10 minutes, add a little honey and mix thoroughly, the mask is ready for use. The dry surface receives maximum hydration, gentle cleansing of pores, and elimination of acne. The mask should cover the surface of problem areas with a good layer. For greater effect, it is recommended to gently massage your face with your fingers. After 20-25 minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water.

You can increase the effectiveness of the method of combating wrinkles and acne by adding new ingredients to the previous mask recipe. A combination of oatmeal, honey, and other ingredients will be an excellent way to moisturize a dry face.

To prepare medicinal cosmetics at home you need:

  • sour cream (tbsp);
  • fatty cottage cheese (tbsp), if it is very thick, the mixture should be diluted in warm milk;
  • olive oil (tbsp);
  • teaspoon of honey;
  • butter (tbsp);
  • banana or persimmon (tbsp. pulp);
  • raw egg yolk.

A mask with the addition of honey or another ingredient listed above covers the face for about half an hour. Then rinse off with warm running water. It is an effective recipe against acne and wrinkles.

Hercules and honey are natural resources and storehouses of health. They are used to prepare natural cosmetics. For example, a mask with oatmeal and honey helps smooth out wrinkles and cleanse the skin.

Hercules and honey

Honey is often used to make cosmetics. It prevents skin aging, enhances epidermal regeneration, reduces inflammation, and suppresses pathogenic microorganisms. The composition of rolled oats includes a large number of macro- and microelements that help protect and nourish the skin. A mask made from these components is suitable for women of all ages. Most often it is used for:

  • acne, teenage acne;
  • dry skin;
  • aging;
  • lifelessness and dullness of the skin;
  • skin fatigue.

Attention! The composition can also be used as a scrub, occasionally massaging the facial skin with it. It can be used to exfoliate dead cells of the upper skin.

Honey and rolled oats contain the following beneficial components:

  • minerals that support proper metabolic processes that promote cell renewal;
  • ascorbic acid, which supports the protection of the epidermis;
  • vitamin E, which helps eliminate fine wrinkles;
  • vitamin B, which ensures even skin tone, elasticity and smoothness;
  • vitamin A with a healing effect, helping to dry out inflammation, preventing acne from appearing;
  • aneurin, which improves skin regeneration and collagen production.

Collagen production

It turns out that thanks to the composition of the mask, the skin becomes tightened and moisturized, and wrinkles disappear.

Cooking recipes

Honey and rolled oats are base products for various cosmetic products. With other ingredients, their properties gain a wider spectrum of action. You can get acquainted with some modifications of the honey-hercules mixture.

Oatmeal and honey mask

To prepare the classic recipe take:

  • a small spoon of honey;
  • a large spoon of rolled oats;
  • a little water to soak the flakes.

Place Hercules in the water. Place warmed honey here. Apply the mixture to your face and keep for fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water. mineral water. Thanks to the product, inflammation, acne are eliminated, and whitening occurs.

To improve complexion

This mask contains:

  • a large spoon of rolled oats;
  • dessert spoon of honey;
  • small spoon of raspberries.

spoon of raspberries

Grind the flakes, pour boiling water over them (must cover them completely). Wait for the oatmeal to swell. It is better to use liquid honey. If this is not the case, then you can heat the existing one in a water bath. Mash the raspberries in it. Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied thickly to the face. Avoid application to the area around the eyes. Keep for fifteen minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water.

Honey-oat mask with olive oil

For preparation use:

  • yolk;
  • 3 tablespoons of rolled oats;
  • a small spoon of olive oil;
  • a small spoon of honey.

Oil, yolk and honey are mixed in a small container. Oatmeal is added to them, and the composition is mixed again. The mask is applied to the face and kept on for fifteen minutes. This product moisturizes and softens aging skin.

Ingredients for the product

Smoothing mask

To prepare it you will need:

  • a tablespoon of rolled oats;
  • dessert spoon of honey;
  • 3 drops essential oil lavender;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E.

The flakes are crushed and poured with boiling water. As they swell, the honey melts. When it cools down a little, ether and vitamin are added to it. All components are mixed. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. You need to relax. Fine and deep wrinkles will become less noticeable. The mask should be used once a week.

Lifting mask with cream

Thanks to it, the skin will become tightened. Have to take:

  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • 100 ml heavy cream;
  • 1.5 small spoons of gelatin;
  • 2 tablespoons glycerin.

2 tablespoons glycerin

Gelatin is added to warm cream for half an hour. Honey and glycerin are added to the resulting composition. The mask is applied in a warm state for half an hour. With its help, the skin will be saturated with vitamins and will look younger.

Firming mask

Prepared for it:

  • egg;
  • a large spoon of rolled oats;
  • a small spoon of honey;
  • half a banana;
  • almond oil - 2 small spoons.

The flakes are ground in a coffee grinder and poured with boiling water to swell. Melted honey is mixed with butter. Mash the banana with a fork. The white is separated from the yolk and beaten. All components are mixed until smooth. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and washed off. Apply once a week.

Bananas for a mask

Whitening mask with honey, oatmeal and lemon

You should prepare in advance:

  • protein;
  • a small spoon of honey;
  • a tablespoon of cereal;
  • a small spoon of milk;
  • 1.5 small spoons of lemon juice.

The protein is thoroughly beaten and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied for fifteen minutes and washed off with warm water. Promotes whitening and smoothing of facial skin, saturating it with vitamins and beneficial components.

When using masks with these components, you need to be aware that allergies may occur to the products. To ensure that the composition is safe, apply it to a small area of ​​skin. The mask will help maintain youth during aging skin and will help improve appearance, will help nourish her, and the woman will forget about expensive facial cosmetics.

Cereals are not only healthy and nutritious food, but also a wonderful skin care product. Oatmeal is very popular among women who prefer natural cosmetics. It is most convenient to use it in the form of the familiar rolled oats flakes. Why are these flakes so useful and how can they be used for facial care at home?

There is probably no person who does not know about the benefits of oatmeal. Many adherents healthy image They happily eat this porridge for breakfast. And women also make face masks from it.

Oatmeal is rich in such useful substances as iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, manganese, chromium, vitamins C, A, B, E, K, H, PP, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and minerals.

Thanks to this composition cosmetic mask made from rolled oats has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, nourishing and saturating it with all the necessary elements. If you regularly use oatmeal to prepare homemade masks, you can achieve very good results.

The result of using oat masks

  • the skin becomes firmer and tighter, its elasticity increases;
  • cells are saturated with moisture, as a result of which dryness and flaking disappear;
  • oatmeal accelerates the process of cell regeneration and rejuvenation;
  • through the pores of the skin, all kinds of toxins that accumulate during life are removed;
  • the face takes on a fresh and healthy appearance, its color improves;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out, and large ones become less noticeable;
  • the skin becomes amazingly soft, smooth and velvety;
  • oatmeal accelerates the healing of microcracks, tightens pores, removes oily shine, helps fight pimples and acne;
  • After using the masks, the skin is deeply cleansed and breathes better.

The positive effect of oatmeal masks on the skin is due to the properties of the beneficial substances that make up oatmeal.

Vitamin C tones the skin, helps it maintain elasticity, has a lifting effect, and protects against harmful ultraviolet rays. Vitamin A helps heal acne and rashes and makes skin glowing. Vitamin B1 treats acne, smoothes wrinkles, and prolongs the youth of the skin.

What skin type are oat masks intended for?

Oatmeal masks can be used by women of any age. They are equally beneficial for young and mature skin. Oatmeal will become indispensable cosmetic product for teenage girls who are plagued by acne, as well as for mature women who want to preserve the beauty and youth of their faces longer. Also, Hercules is suitable for skin care of all types, you just need to select additional mask components for your type.

Face masks with rolled oatmeal can be used for dry, flaking-prone skin. After using them, the dermis is saturated with moisture and softens. Using oatmeal masks for oily skin will help remove excess oil and tighten pores. After such masks, problematic skin is cleared of acne, pimples and various redness. Herculean masks can tighten aging skin and restore its elasticity.

How to properly use rolled oats to make masks?

To prepare masks, take fresh oatmeal. Store them in a closed container to prevent pests from infesting them.

Mix the ingredients of the masks in a glass or ceramic bowl. It is not advisable to use metal utensils, because in contact with metal beneficial features products are quickly lost.

Before using the prepared mixture, test your skin for allergies. Place some mixture on inner side wrist or elbow bend. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off. If your hand does not turn red, then you do not have an allergy.

Before using the mask, do not forget to cleanse your face. Remove your makeup and wash your face. To enhance the effect of the mask, you can first hold your face over the steam for several minutes or apply a terry towel soaked in hot water or herbal decoction to the skin. After such exposure, the pores will expand and the beneficial components of the mask will penetrate deeper into the skin.

Keep the mask on your face for 15–20 minutes. During this time, the oatmeal will dry out. Rinse the mixture with water at room temperature or slightly warm. After the procedure, apply a cream suitable for your skin type to your face. Hercules masks can also be used to eliminate bags under the eyes.

After the first procedure, you will notice that your face has become much cleaner and fresher, the skin has tightened, become soft and velvety, and the pores have narrowed. If you want to consolidate the result and make it more visible, treat with oatmeal masks in courses. Do the procedures 2-3 times a week for a month.

Recipes for homemade oatmeal masks

To prepare masks, rolled oats can be combined with different natural products. After mixing the components, immediately apply the composition to your face. Do not leave the finished mask in the air, otherwise it will lose its properties.

So let's look at a few effective recipes oat masks for different types skin.

For dry skin

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of flakes and grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. Mix ground flakes with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil and let the mixture sit for a few minutes.
  • 1 tbsp. Melt a spoonful of fresh honey in a water bath, and then combine it with the same amount of ground rolled oats.
  • Mix oatmeal, ground to flour, in equal proportions with cucumber juice. If you don’t have juice, strongly brewed green tea can replace it.
  • 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of strong black tea with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Mix well until the honey is completely dissolved. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting liquid. spoons of rolled oats. Stir the mixture well and heat it slightly in a water bath.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal 2 tbsp. spoons of hot milk. Wait a few minutes for the mass to swell, and then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Mash half a banana with a fork and combine with the rest of the ingredients.

For oily and problem skin

  • Whisk the egg white in a bowl. Add 1 tbsp to it. spoon of cereal and squeeze the juice from a lemon wedge.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of rolled oats, the same amount baking soda and 10 drops of boric alcohol. Mix all ingredients, diluting the mixture with a small amount of water or chamomile decoction. Apply to face, massage skin. Keep the mask on for no more than 5 minutes to avoid causing irritation.
  • 1 tbsp. Combine a spoonful of chopped oatmeal with the white of one egg and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, massage for 5 minutes and rinse.
  • Combine oat flakes ground into flour in equal proportions and coffee grounds. Dilute with water or herbal decoction until smooth.

For combination skin

  • Take equal amounts of oatmeal and corn flakes. Grind them in a coffee grinder and pour in heated olive oil. Cover the bowl with a lid and let the mixture sit for a few minutes.

For wrinkles

  • Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of cereal with the same amount of milk and add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture.
  • Mash half a banana with a fork to make a puree. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of oatmeal with boiling water, let it swell, and then combine with banana puree.
  • Grind the yolk of one egg, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and olive oil. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. spoons of ground oatmeal.
  • 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of oatmeal with a small amount of milk. Let cool slightly and add 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of ground rolled oats with 1 teaspoon of sour cream and the same amount of olive oil.

For acne

  • Stir 2 tbsp. spoons of rolled oats with 1 tbsp. spoon of soda and dilute the mixture with a small amount of water to obtain a semi-liquid paste. Apply this paste to your face and massage the skin intensively, then wash.
  • 2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of cereal with boiling water and let it swell. Whisk the egg white in a bowl and mix it with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, and then add the already brewed rolled oats.
  • Mash one yolk in a bowl and combine it with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of rolled oats ground into flour. Rub the mixture into the skin with massaging movements.

Skin cleansing scrub

If you don’t have time to prepare and keep a nourishing, moisturizing or rejuvenating mask on your face, but you need to quickly tidy up your face and give your skin a healthy look, you can use a simpler recipe - an oatmeal scrub. It's very easy to make - just pour a couple of tablespoons of rolled oats with hot water and let it sit for a minute.

Apply the resulting product to damp skin of the face and neck and do a light massage, and then rinse off the remaining oatmeal with water. If you have very delicate skin, first grind the flakes in a coffee grinder; if not, you can use them in their original form.

Oatmeal gently exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, cleanses pores, and refreshes the skin. Facial cleansing with rolled oatmeal can be done 1-2 times a week.

As you can see, such a simple and affordable product as oatmeal can be an excellent assistant in facial skin care.

2151 09/06/2019 6 min.

Oatmeal for the face is one of the main products for health and beauty. It is natural, inexpensive, and provides invaluable benefits to the body when used internally and externally. Oats will make hair and skin healthy, soften the epidermis, improve blood circulation and speed up regeneration processes. With oatmeal you can make decoctions, masks, scrubs, use regular flakes or Hercules. Further we'll talk about popular recipes, their features and application. Oatmeal masks are suitable for all skin types, so we recommend them.

Benefits for the face

Oatmeal has a rich mineral and vitamin composition and will be beneficial for dry and oily, young problem and mature aging skin. They moisturize, nourish, smooth out wrinkles, and eliminate inflammation. Oatmeal is not used in its pure form; it works much better in combination with excipients.

Masks should be made in courses, applied only to cleansed, steamed skin.

Unique properties of oatmeal for skin:

  • zinc removes toxins, cleanses, saturates with valuable microelements, this is a real beauty elixir for oily skin;
  • iron– a source of moisture and vitamins, saves fading, dry epidermis;
  • manganese– treats problematic skin, eliminates rashes, accelerates the healing of damage after burns, bruises, wounds;
  • magnesium– accelerates regeneration, is indispensable for aged, tired skin, and is good for whitening and rejuvenation;
  • vitamin E– restores dry epidermis, accelerates rehabilitation after peeling;
  • B vitamins– indispensable for pigmentation, maintain skin health.

Choose cereals without additives - there is simply no point in using sugar or dried fruits for cosmetic purposes. Such masks are not applied to the skin of the eyelids and lips. The average operating time of the products is 20 minutes; for better toning, it is advisable to wash your face first with warm, then cool water. It is necessary to apply cream or gel after completing the procedure.

The frequency of masks depends on the type of epidermis - for dry skin once a week is enough, for oily skin it is recommended to do two or three. The flakes can be pre-boiled or simply poured with boiling water. Porridge goes ideally with eggs, honey, and fermented milk products. More variety of homemade masks.

Difference between oatmeal and Hercules

There is a difference between oatmeal and Hercules, and let's figure out what it is. Oatmeal is a minimally processed whole grain that is very healthy. It takes a long time to cook. Hercules is a commercial name; it often refers to crushed cereals, which are simply poured with boiling water. Both options are suitable for masks, but you need to take into account their hardness and preparation features. There is usually no point in paying more for an imported product - both are just oatmeal. The main thing is that it is natural and does not contain unnecessary additives.

The scrub is made from oats, the mask for dry skin is made from Hercules. You can also make flour from whole flakes.

What to choose is a matter of taste, since both options work, improve the condition of the skin, remove impurities, nourish, and moisturize. It’s easier to prepare masks with Hercules.

Recipes for the best oatmeal face masks at home

Let's look at the most popular recipes for oatmeal masks at home that may interest you. Use only fresh products, make masks for one use - this way the results will be optimal.

Rejuvenating with Hercules and protein for tightening with olive oil

It’s easier than ever to rejuvenate and you won’t have to pay through the nose for procedures – after all, there is natural Hercules and egg whites for tightening. Cook porridge or steam instant cereal with water, milk, cool, combine with protein, a teaspoon of olive oil. You can enrich the mask with rosemary ether. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, apply to the face and lie down. The duration of action is 30 minutes, when it wears off, wash your face and apply your favorite cream. This is an excellent remedy for age-related changes, loss of elasticity, wrinkles. Any are aimed at enhancing skin nutrition, which makes them incredibly useful.

Moisturizing oatmeal with milk for wrinkles

Oatmeal is not a panacea for everything, but it helps with wrinkles quite well, smoothing out wrinkles and improving the condition of the epidermis. The recipe will appeal to those with dry skin who are bothered by a feeling of tightness, constant peeling, and redness. Pour milk over the cereal, cool, combine with a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of sour cream. Take liquid honey or melt candied honey in a water bath. Sour cream can be oily or not very oily - it all depends on the type of skin; only dry skin needs additional nutrition. You can also add a teaspoon of melted butter to the mixture. butter. Use only high-quality products, otherwise you risk harming your skin. Keep the mask on for half an hour, wash your face and carry out beauty treatments according to the standard regimen - toning, nutrition or moisturizing. More masks made from sour cream and other dairy products in.

Whitening for blackheads with baking soda

Oatmeal perfectly cleanses blackheads, and does it as gently as possible, without irritating even delicate, sensitive, dehydrated skin. To make a peeling gommage, use cereal, kefir or yogurt. Yogurt should be strictly without additives and of medium fat content. You will also need to add a teaspoon of table soda to the mixture.

Place the flour in a small bowl, add baking soda, and mix everything thoroughly. Warm the kefir in the microwave or in a water bath until it reaches room temperature. Combine everything, beat with a fork or whisk until smooth. Apply the mask to your face and leave until dry. Rinse thoroughly with water and wipe your face with herbal decoctions. Since the skin may turn red after cleansing, it is recommended to do it in the evening before going to bed. You can also try blackhead removers, which perfectly clean pores.

Made from oatmeal and sour cream for combination skin

Oatmeal and kefir will improve the condition of the combined epidermis - even out the tone, narrow pores, and reduce the volume of sebum secretion. Pour berry and other sour juice over the oats, add a tablespoon of kefir. Before applying the mass to your face, you need to let it sit. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water, then wash with cool water. Apply cream. Two procedures per week will be enough for you. You can also try chocolate masks collected in.

The composition is quite neutral and well tolerated.

With kefir anti-inflammatory for acne

If you are tired of fighting small pimples and pustular inflammations, try this mask. It is inexpensive, highly effective and quickly improves skin condition. Take 40 g of oats, a pinch of celandine, chamomile, string, a couple of aspirin tablets, a little hot water to make a creamy mixture. First, mix the dried herbs, pour boiling water over them, and let them brew for half an hour. Add oatmeal to the container and mix. Crush the aspirin first, then add the mask. The mass is applied to the entire face or only problem areas. It is enough to carry out the procedure a couple of times a week; when applying the mixture, avoid sudden movements. They also work well with other pharmaceutical products for rashes.

With rice and yolk-based flakes for dry

You will need to make flour from rice cereal - a matting, nutritious component that improves the condition of the epidermis, normalizes the fat balance, and reduces sebum secretion. Rice flour is also useful for dry skin - it gently cares for it and normalizes the moisture content in cells. Soak the oatmeal in water or boil it, add a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of rice flour, dilute with water or green tea. Beat the mixture until smooth, apply to your face for half an hour, lie down and rest. All you have to do is wash your face and enjoy the reflection in the mirror. You can try other options or with flour from other cereals.

If the epidermis is dry, enrich the mixture with yolk and a spoonful of olive oil.

Nutritious with pumpkin

A good mask for all skin types. It nourishes, moisturizes, evens out tone, gives a fresh tone, rejuvenates and tightens. Steam the oatmeal with milk, add a teaspoon of pumpkin juice or a tablespoon of pulp crushed in a blender. It is also recommended to add honey to the recipe, chicken yolk, dry skin will be grateful for sour cream, oily skin for kefir. Mix everything and apply to face for half an hour. Instead of pumpkin, use apple, kiwi, banana, and avocado. More of their pumpkin masks by.

Cleansing with bran

A gentle cleanser for all skin types with bran. The mask is especially suitable for dry skin, but those with other types of epidermis can also use it. First, grind the flakes in a blender or coffee grinder, do the same with the bran - take the components in equal proportions. Then add a teaspoon of liquid honey and a couple of tablespoons of kefir to the mixture. Apply to face along massage lines, massage for a couple of minutes and leave to act. For oily skin, it is recommended to add a little cinnamon powder or oil extract to this peeling.

Made from oatmeal for oily skin

Masks made from oatmeal effectively normalize sebum secretion processes, tighten pores, and remove oily shine. Pour berry juice or kefir over the oats, add chopped oatmeal, and let stand for 15-30 minutes. Then apply the paste to the skin without touching the eyelid area. Keep it on for 20-30 minutes and rinse off. Repeat the procedure every 3-4 days until the condition of the epidermis normalizes.

The effectiveness of the procedure will be increased by contrasting washing, using a cream or gel according to your skin type.

With clay for oily

Cosmetic clay and oatmeal are a great cocktail for oily skin. The clay usually used is white, blue or green, but other varieties will work too. Take a tablespoon of clay, the same amount of rolled oats or oatmeal, mix, add water. The mass should be homogeneous. Add a little low-fat kefir, a couple of drops of lemon or orange oil if you are not allergic to it. Apply to cleansed facial skin, distribute evenly, and leave to dry. Wash your face with warm, then cold water, wipe your face with tonic or herbal decoction, apply cream. More masks for oily and problem skin.


Useful video with another recipe and process for preparing an oatmeal mask


  1. Masks with oatmeal are suitable for all skin types - they regulate the balance of oily skin, soften and nourish dry skin.
  2. The cereal produces a soft scrub-gommage that can be used for daily washing or deeper cleansing.
  3. The main auxiliary components are honey, oils, chicken eggs, sour cream, kefir, fruit juice. You need to choose them taking into account your skin type. The ingredients rely specifically on this factor.
  4. Make masks 2-3 times a week, more often is not necessary. For dry skin, one procedure is enough.
  5. Cleansing recipes can cause irritation and redness, so they are recommended to be used before bed. After washing, be sure to apply cream.

Hello, my dear! Lyudmila Redkina is with you. I am sure that every woman is a unique flower created by God with her own beauty. This flower is so unique that it combines fragility and strength, hardness and softness, determination and femininity, rigor and care. To combine such qualities, women have to be nervous and take on great responsibility.

All the troubles in life affect our health and are visible on our face. New wrinkles appear, the skin becomes dull and rough. But it doesn’t matter if there’s spring in your soul! Wrinkles and dullness can be effectively dealt with by using a unique product - oatmeal. Below we will look at how a rolled oatmeal face mask helps with such problems.

Oatmeal has long been recognized as a unique product. It not only has a beneficial effect on digestion processes from the inside, but also actively nourishes the skin from the outside. What important “ingredients” does rolled oats contain? I will list them and briefly describe what they are for:

  • Vitamin A – evens out skin tone, removes roughness, actively promotes collagen production, hyaluronic acid, elastin;
  • Vitamin E – prevents the aging process, helps absorb vitamin A;
  • vitamin K – tones the walls of small vessels on the epidermis, helps remove age spots;
  • retinol – actively used for acne, slows down aging;
  • ascorbic acid is the main “protector” of beneficial elements in the skin, protects incoming or produced microelements from the action of free radicals, fragility, and aging;
  • B vitamins (thiamine) – vitamins of “pep”, take part in all metabolic processes;
  • trace elements - iron, phosphorus, nickel, manganese, chromium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine, riboflavin, tryptophan.

It would take a long time to list the track record of oatmeal, but we will gradually move from theory to practice and find out what home remedies will help take care of your facial skin.

Purifying face mask

We are used to the fact that to make scrubs, an abrasive material is required to “rub” the face to the deep layers - there is no point in it getting dirty so often! But rolled oats are also suitable for cleansing the skin before applying a cream or substance with another purpose. So, how to prepare a cleansing mixture of rolled oats for the face?


  • rolled oats - 1 tsp;
  • saffron – 1 tsp;
  • chamomile – 1 tsp.

How to prepare: mix all ingredients, pour into a coffee grinder to grind. Dilute the resulting dry mixture with mineral water to the consistency of thick porridge.

How to use: Wash your face before applying, then apply with light massage movements. Leave it on for up to 5 minutes, then you can wash it off.

Result: this gentle cleanser carefully removes dead epithelial cells and sebaceous plugs. It is suitable for sensitive skin. As a result of application, you will get a fresh, rested face. It is recommended to use the product up to 4 times a week. Read more about oatmeal scrubs.

Fighting acne, blackheads

I already mentioned above that oatmeal is good for getting rid of acne. Below we will look at 2 options for such masks.

Ingredients of the first mask:

  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk – 1 tsp;
  • essential oils – eucalyptus, tea tree, 3 drops each.

How to prepare: mix the indicated substances in a container, then beat them in a blender.

How to use: Apply the resulting mixture onto your face with light movements, wait 15 minutes, then rinse.

Result: you will get rid of the annoying shine of the epidermis, and after a short period of time the number of acne will noticeably decrease.

Ingredients for the second mask:

  • crushed oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir or yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

How to prepare: mix ingredients.

How to use: apply to skin, hold for 10 minutes. Make sure your face is clean before applying. If the substance dries quickly, you can lightly exfoliate it, then wash it.

Result: since this is a scrub mask, you don’t need to use it often, once a week is enough. Actively fights acne and helps restore proper skin texture. Read more about remedies for acne and acne.

Fighting wrinkles and spots


  • wheat germ oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yogurt - it is better to use natural one, take 1 tbsp. l.;
  • crushed oat flakes - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.

How to prepare: mix all ingredients.

How to use: prepare the epidermis in advance - clean, apply the mixture for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse.

Result: the mask perfectly rejuvenates the skin of the face, restores metabolic processes, and helps remove age spots.

Rejuvenation with Hercules

Various mixtures, in which the main ingredient is rolled oats, will help against wrinkles and skin aging. Let's consider several options for anti-aging masks.

Ingredients of the first mask:

  • rolled oats - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • banana – 1 pc.

How to prepare: to prepare the mixture, you need to mash a banana or grind it with a blender. After this, mix the fruit pulp with oatmeal.

How to use: apply to face for 15 minutes. Then rinse or remove the thick mixture with a napkin.

Result: banana-oat substance lightens age spots, rejuvenates the skin, giving it a natural look, refreshes and restores microdamages. It is also actively used for lifting.

Ingredients for the second mask:

  • rolled oats - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • retinol – 15 drops.

How to prepare: grind the cereal in a coffee grinder, add sour cream. In another container, beat the egg and add retinol.

How to use: Apply the mixture evenly to your face, after cleansing it. The rejuvenation procedure can be completed in just 15 minutes.

Result: the mixture is effective for face lifting, improves tone, and restores elasticity.

Micellar water


  • rolled oats - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • linden – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • grape oil – 5 ml;
  • orange essential oil – 3 drops.

How to prepare: pour boiling water over linden and oatmeal and leave for 30 minutes. Then add oil.

How to use: the product poured into a bottle is used for washing.

Result: unique remedy When removing makeup, it gives a powerful strengthening, toning, refreshing effect.

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