What does the Muslim holiday mean on September 1st? Eid al-Adha is the Muslim festival of sacrifice. Sacred nights, days, months

Published 09/01/17 08:41

Kurban Bayram in Moscow 2017: festive prayer takes place in the Moscow Cathedral Mosque.

Eid al-Adha 2017: what date?

On the first day of autumn in 2017, Muslims all over the world celebrate one of the most important holidays - Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha).

This holiday began to be celebrated under the Prophet Muhammad. The day is the second largest after Ramadan Bayram. It is always celebrated on the seventieth day after Eid al-Adha. Kurban Bayram is a holiday of sacrifice and worship of Allah. On these days, and the holiday is celebrated for three days, Muslims make sacrifices, visit relatives, and pray intkbbee about the dead.

Kurban Bayram: what kind of holiday?

From Arabic, Kurban is translated as sacrifice or sacrifice, and Bayram means holiday. According to Old Testament tradition, when Abraham was preparing to sacrifice his son Isaac to God. Among Muslims, Abraham has the Arabic name Ibrahim, and his son Ismail.

Allah rewarded Ibrahim for his loyalty and devotion by replacing the sacrifice with a lamb at the very last moment. With this in mind, Muslims annually make a symbolic sacrifice - they slaughter lambs or other cattle. However, there are different requirements for different sacrificial animals. For example, a goat must be at least one year old, and a cow must be at least two years old.

How Eid al-Adha is celebrated

Believers begin to prepare for Kurban Bayram 10 days before its onset. Muslims observe fasting, and women carry out general cleaning of their homes.

Early in the morning of September 1, even before dawn, Muslims performed ablution and went to namaz - holiday prayer.

You should not eat before the first prayer on the holiday. After prayer, you can have breakfast and later return to the mosque and listen to a sermon about the history of the holiday and its meaning. During it, the Prophet Muhammad and Allah are glorified, and then the imam explains the origin of hazhd and tells in detail about the ritual of sacrifice. Then the believers begin the main part of the holiday - the sacrifice. It is interesting that the meat of the sacrificial animal is divided into three parts - one is given to the poor or to orphanages, the second is distributed to guests and relatives, and another third is kept for themselves and their family.

The Muslim festive table on Eid al-Fitr includes sweets, homemade bread, pies, flatbreads and biscuits. On the first day, dishes from the liver and heart are prepared, the second day must begin with soups cooked with lamb heads and legs. Meat is also roasted or stewed, and beans, vegetables or rice are used as a side dish. On the third and fourth days, Muslim tables include soups made from lamb bones, fried lamb ribs and, of course, traditional manti, lagman, shish kebab, pilaf, beshbarmak, chuchvara.

On Kurban Bayram, Muslims visit loved ones, pray for the dead, and give alms.

Places to offer prayers on Eid al-Adha

On September 1, 2017, holiday prayers will be held in all mosques in the country. In Moscow, the main sites for prayers will be:

  • Moscow Cathedral Mosque (Prospekt Mira metro station)
  • Historical mosque (Novokuznetskaya metro station)
  • - Memorial Mosque “Shuhada” on Poklonnaya Gora (metro station “Park Pobedy”).

In addition, three additional temporary sites will be open:

  • in the Eastern District, in pavilion No. 2 of Sokolniki Park
  • in the South-Western District, on the site near the Izumrudny sports and recreation complex
  • in the Southern District, on the site near the Southern River Station building.

At all temporary sites, the holiday prayer will begin at 7.00 and last until approximately 8.00.

As Izvestia writes, believers began to take seats in the prayer halls of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque at 4 am. Now all the halls there are filled.

The celebration of Kurban Bayram 2017 began with the traditional address of the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia (CMR) Ravil Gainutdin. From 7.00 after the welcoming sermon there is a prayer.

It is noted that law enforcement officers controlled the passage of believers to the mosque from the Prospekt Mira metro station. Assistance was provided by volunteers of the Council of Muftis who speak foreign languages. They answered people's questions and helped them get their bearings.

On September 1, 2017, traffic in Moscow was partially limited. In total, over 300 thousand people are expected to take part in the celebration in Moscow.

Kurban Bayram 2017 in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the holiday prayer, which began at 7 a.m., could also be performed at the Cathedral Mosque, located in the Petrogradskaya district (Gorkovskaya metro station). Let us remind you that on September 1, due to the holiday, from 5.30 to 10.30, traffic will be closed on the section of Kronverksky Prospekt from Kuibysheva Street to Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, as well as on adjacent lanes. In addition, on this day the Gorkovskaya station may be closed or entry restricted from 6.00 to 10.00.

The following places for sacrifices have been identified: the village of Novosergeevka, Shushary (Shkolnaya St.), Koltushi (the village of Tokkari), Maloe Karlino.

Kurban Bayram 2017 in Tatarstan: how we relax for the holiday

Eid al-Adha in 2017 is celebrated on September 1. It's Friday. And it was this day that was made a day off for the entire working population for a five-day working week.

As for schoolchildren in Tatarstan, the assembly dedicated to September 1 will take place, and this is not considered any obstacle to the holidays. Immediately after the morning activities in schools, children will go home and can join in the Eid al-Adha celebrations.


This year, Friday, the first of September, will combine two celebrations - the Day of Knowledge and the holy Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated by Muslims all over the world.

The festival of sacrifice, Kurban Bayram (or Eid al-Adha), is part of the Muslim rite of pilgrimage to Mecca.

The holiday is celebrated in the Mina Valley near Mecca on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar Zul-Hijjah and lasts 2-3 days.

Of course, not all Muslims can perform the Hajj to Mecca, participate in the main Muslim holiday and personally make a sacrifice in a sacred place, therefore the canons of Islam require Muslims to perform the culminating part of the ritual not only in Mecca, but wherever Muslims may find themselves.

The mythology of this holiday goes back to the famous biblical story about the attempt by Patriarch Abraham (in Arabic - Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son Isaac to God. However, in the place of the biblical Isaac, the Muslim tradition puts Ismail, considering him the eldest son, and Isaac, according to Muslim ideas, is the second son of Abraham. For this devotion and virtue, the Almighty rewarded Ibrahim by replacing the sacrifice of Ismail with a lamb.

At first light, Muslims go to the mosque for morning prayer, but first they must perform a complete ablution, put on new and neat clothes, and, if possible, anoint themselves with incense. It is not recommended to eat before prayer.

At the end of the morning namaz (prayer), believers return home, and then, if desired, gather in groups on the street or in courtyards, where they sing the praises of Allah (takbir) in chorus.

Then they go again to the mosque or to a specially designated area, where the mullah or imam-khatib delivers a sermon.

At the end of the sermon, Muslims usually go to the cemetery to pray for the dead. Returning from the cemetery, they begin the sacrificial ritual as a sign of readiness to serve God.

To make a sacrifice, Muslims specially fatten the chosen animal. A Muslim, having performed the slaughter, should not skimp on food; it is imperative to feed the poor and hungry.

Ritual treats - khudoyi, sadaka - are also arranged to avoid all kinds of misfortunes and illnesses.

People try to give gifts to loved ones, friends and relatives on holidays.

In the days following the holiday, visits are usually made to relatives and close friends, since visiting sacrifices on the days of the holiday is considered blessed and desirable.

Eid al-Adha is officially a public holiday in Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkari And, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan and Chechnya e.

In 2014, the command of military units of the Russian Armed Forces for the first time provided Muslim military personnel with a special day off to visit the mosque. The exception is for military personnel on combat duty or on guard duty.

In Muslim countries, Eid al-Fitr is a holiday. In some countries, Eid al-Adha is celebrated for 3 days.

Very soon, Muslims all over the world will celebrate one of the greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Adha - Eid al-Fitr. For some, this Eid al-Fitr was especially significant, as they made a pilgrimage to the holy land for the first time in their lives. In any case, every holiday of sacrifice for Muslims is a tribute to the story of the prophet Ibrahim and his love for Allah.

If you want to congratulate believers on the street, then you can tell them: “Eid Mubarak!” (emphasis on the last syllable). Translated from Arabic, this means “Happy Holidays!”

If you meet Tatars, Bashkirs, or people from the Central Asian republics, then you can say “Kurban Bayram Belen!” The last word in Turkic languages ​​means the preposition “with”. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to congratulate the believers in Russian.

On Eid al-Adha, it is especially important to remember other people, repent for sins committed and reflect on the future.

These congratulations will inspire and encourage you and your loved ones on this sacred day!

1. May Allah bless you today and always! Eid Mubarak!

2. May Allah bless you with hope, faith and joy on the Eid and always! Eid Mubarak!

3. Kurban Bayram is a holiday of sacrifice and obedience to the orders of the Almighty. May Allah bless us in everything and help those of us who are worried and need His help and mercy. Happy holiday!

4. My wish for you on this day is that peace and joy descend into your life during these blessed days and stay with you forever. Eid Mubarak!

5. On this Eid al-Adha, which celebrates Hajj, may happiness fill your life and may Allah bless every step of your life's journey. Eid Mubarak!

Kurban Bayram, called Eid al-Adha in Arabic, is one of the most important Muslim celebrations. To find out what date Kurban Bayram 2017 is celebrated and what kind of holiday it is, it is best to refer to the history of Islam and the Koran or talk to a mullah. On this day, believers congratulate friends with postcards signed with poems, suras and prose. They send SMS to friends and loved ones living in other cities and even countries. To all the relatives gathered at the generous table in the evening, they wish peace, prosperity in their homes, obedient healthy children and strength of faith.

Kurban Bayram 2017 - What date does the celebration begin?

Exactly 70 days after Eid al-Fitr, which comes after Ramadan - a summer fast with strict abstinence from food and drink, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr. In 2017, the celebration falls on the first day of autumn. Thus, on September 1 of this year, schoolchildren who believe in Allah celebrate a double holiday - Eid al-Adha and Knowledge Day.

What date is Eid al-Adha 2017 celebrated?

The date of the onset of Kurban Bayram is determined by the lunar calendar and depends on the day of celebration of Eid al-Adha. In 2017, the celebration is celebrated from September 1 to 3. The day begins with morning prayer and ends with major holidays in the community and families. These days, hundreds of thousands of believers perform the Hajj to Mecca.

What is Eid al-Adha

Kurban Bayram is the most significant celebration for Muslims. To understand what kind of holiday this is and to feel its true meaning, you should go back to the past, to the time of the prophet Ibrahim. Every year Ibrahim distributed meat to the poor and hungry, and those around him were amazed at his generosity and philanthropy. Once the prophet swore endless loyalty to Allah. He said that if necessary, he would even sacrifice his son for him. Time passed, and the Lord decided to test the strength of the believer’s word. He ordered Ibrahim to kill his child, and he, washing himself with tears, climbed the mountain with his beloved child to sacrifice his son to the Almighty. Seeing the man’s despair and his holy faith, Allah sent an angel to him to stop the sacrifice. Instead of the boy, God ordered a ram to be placed on the altar. Since then, Muslims, remembering the prophet’s endless devotion to the Lord, celebrate the holiday of Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha). In 2017, followers of Islam will meet him on September 1.

Kurban Bayram - What kind of holiday is this?

Kurban Bayram is a holiday of Muslims’ great faith in Allah, a day when every follower of Islam shares food with others, treats the poor to pilaf, donates lamb or camel meat to the community, and welcomes children with sweets and gifts. Every person who is interested in what kind of celebration this is and why at this time it is customary for Muslims to invite all passers-by to dinner, needs to turn to the Koran and the history of Islam. These sources tell us about the prophet Ibrahim and his devotion to the Almighty. A man who was ready to sacrifice his son to God was stopped by Allah. The Lord found out that the prophet loved him limitlessly. Instead of a child, a lamb was sacrificed. Since that time, followers of Islam have honored Ibrahim and followed his example - they believe, observe the laws of Islam, and help their neighbors.

Eid al-Adha in 2017 - Greeting cards with poetry and prose

On the morning of September 1, 2017, Muslim men will go to prayer, and their wives and sisters will remain in their houses to prepare dishes for the festive table. Housewives usually spend the whole day preparing for the holiday. They know that their men will return from the mosque with guests: this is customary in Islam. Each of them, as well as every passerby who accidentally looks into the house of a true believer, should be treated and given food for the journey. Children wait for Kurban Bayram with special impatience - in memory of Ibrahim and his son Ismail, every child is treated to sweets, given toys, clothes and money. In the morning, loved ones are given postcards signed with beautiful poetry and prose. The congratulations speak about the importance of faith in Allah and his prophets, about the generosity and kindness of true believers.

Poems and prose about Kurban Bayram 2017 - Examples of greeting cards

Kurban Bayram is a day when a person is given the opportunity to respond to the mercy and generosity of Allah by sharing food and clothing with others. On September 1, 2017, all Muslim families will gather around a huge table to share a meal with family and guests. Many believers will give cards to brothers and sisters, parents and children with words of congratulations in prose and poetry.

On the glorious and bright holiday of Kurban Bayram, I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect of others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always thirst for good deeds.

Kurban Bayram is sacred again!

Treats on the tables!

May your priceless family

Allah will be merciful!

Be healthy and rich!

Just don't forget

May your path be bright!

Kurban Bayram has come to our house!

Praise be to Allah! Peace be with you, brothers!

Today to all of us the Almighty

Open with your grace!

Don't chase wealth -

Live in prayer and humility!

And a blessing awaits you!

Joy visited us all -

Kurban Bayram has arrived!

The sun illuminated the earth,

Warming our souls!

And Allah with his love

From the sky generously bestowed

All who sacrificed blood

He confirmed his loyalty!

SMS congratulations on Kurban Bayram 2017

Examples of SMS congratulations on Kurban Bayram 2017

Muslims who want to congratulate as many friends and relatives as possible on the holiday of Kurban Bayram can send them sincere wishes for the strength of faith and prosperity in their families via SMS. Short messages sent to the phone will truly delight people celebrating the big holiday of Eid al-Adha on September 1, 2017.

Muslims have a holy holiday -

Kurban Bayram, and a feast!

Friends are all waiting for their loved ones to visit,

To treat you to delicious food!

Warmth everyone! Peace! Understanding!

May Allah protect you all,

And let the bright holiday leave

A pleasant light in our hearts!

Today is a great holiday -

Today is Kurban Bayram!

Greet him with a bright prayer

And give the sacrifice to Allah!

We wish you peace in your home,

Peace and love in the soul.

Let your prayers be heard.

Let all doors be open to goodness

Today they will be on earth!

Congratulations, Muslims,

Happy great day Kurban Bayram,

And may Allah be with you,

Giving love and happiness to you!

May your loved ones be healthy

Let the children sing joyfully

And let it be under your roof,

Light of kindness, warmth, comfort!

Eid al-Adha holiday 2017 - Congratulations in your own words

Preparations for Kurban Bayram begin a few days before its onset. Housewives clean their houses, buy new clothes for the special day, and buy food for the table. After spending the night before the holiday in prayer, communicating with Allah, early in the morning the faithful, having performed ablution and changed clothes, go to prayer. Women always stay at home. From the sacrificial meat of a ram or a young camel they prepare pilaf, shish kebab, biryani, kyufta, and shawarma. Rice, vegetables, and unleavened flatbread are served with the meat. For dessert, oriental sweets are always baked - baklava, sweet pies, honey cakes, cookies with nuts, raisins and dates. After all family members and guests of the house sit down at the table, they congratulate everyone gathered for the holiday in their own words and wish their loved ones bright faith in Allah and peace in their land.

Kurban Bayram 2017 - Congratulations on the holiday in your own words

Kurban Bayram begins with prayer in the mosque. Later, having gathered with the whole family at the table on a festive evening, Muslims congratulate every faithful follower of Islam on the great holiday of sacrifice. Celebrating Eid al-Adha on September 1, 2017, they will wish their friends and family to feel the joy of faith in the Almighty and see happiness in their homes.

On Kurban Bayram, I sincerely wish that Allah sends you abundance of life, grace and health. May your path be good, may your mercy share the sadness of the disadvantaged, may your prayer certainly be heard, may your life be a bright, happy story.

May the mercy of the Almighty be with you. On this day I wish you spiritual purification, humility and awareness of the truth of existence. Let the true spirit of faith and worship of the Almighty live in your homes. Let your actions not produce sins, but only benefit your immortal soul. I wish you to preserve the mercy of Allah and his forgiveness. May your hearts be open, may the Almighty keep you unsealed. Remember that everything around you is temporary, hurry to do good deeds.


The festival of sacrifice, Kurban Bayram (or Eid al-Adha), is part of the Muslim rite of pilgrimage to Mecca. The holiday is celebrated in the Mina Valley near Mecca on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar Zul-Hijjah and lasts 2-3 days.

Knocked on our doors
Our bright Kurban Bayram.
This holiday is the most important of all,
Both family-friendly and warmer.
Congratulations to all the people
Let everyone have more fun.
We wish everyone happiness,
Only friendship, peace, brotherhood,
Live in peace and without troubles
Many long, long years!

Muslims have a holy holiday -
Kurban Bayram, and a feast on the mountain!
Friends are all waiting for their loved ones to visit,
To treat you to delicious food!
Warmth everyone! Peace! Understanding!
May Allah protect you all,
And let the bright holiday leave
A pleasant light in our hearts!
I want to wish you well,
Joy and health to you.
Congratulations on the great day,
Peace to you on Eid al-Adha,
Feed the poor today
Pray for your loved ones:
About those who have gone into the beautiful world
Pray for the living.

On the glorious and bright holiday of Kurban Bayram, I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect from others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always thirst for good deeds.

Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish that in your life there was the strongest thing - family, the brightest thoughts - thoughts, and the most real thing - love. Be sincere, take care of your loved ones and always have faith and hope!

Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a happy and prosperous life, in which your heart will always be ready to sacrifice anything in the name of light and love, goodness and honor. May your path be illuminated by the bright sun of hope, may your sincere prayers certainly be heard, may the reward for your mercy and dedication be the good health of your entire family and prosperity in your home.

Congratulations to you and your family on this glorious holiday! We wish you that the generosity and wisdom of Allah descend on your home, so that prosperity, wealth and cheerful laughter do not dry out in it.

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, we congratulate you on the holiday of Kurban Bayram. Goodness, prosperity, peace to you and your families! Be healthy and rich, do not forget to share your happiness with your loved ones.

Congratulations on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish that all the best thoughts and good intentions accompany your path all year. Let not only this occasion, but many others, contribute to the unification and cohesion of your large family. I wish you peace, prosperity and bright hopes!

Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram. May your thoughts be as bright as clothes on this day, may your bins be rich, like a festive table, may people be kind to you, as Allah is kind to all of us, may all your efforts, deeds and donations be rewarded with good health and true happiness .

Kurban Bayram is a great holiday,
I congratulate you on it!
And there are many different wishes
Today I give you:

Let happiness knock on your home,
And let love shine in your heart,
The soul will be filled with warmth,
Illuminating everyone with your light!

I want to wish you well,
Joy and health to you.
Congratulations on the great day,
Peace to you on Eid al-Adha.

Feed the poor today
Pray for your loved ones:
About those who have gone into the beautiful world
And about all your living ones.
The morning prayer will be completed,
Fill your soul with light
Kurban Bayram for Muslims,
Sacred, pure, bright!

May Allah grant each of you
Will give peace and tranquility,
And having accepted all your sacrifices,
Saves you from troubles!

Congratulations, Muslims,
Happy great day Kurban Bayram,
And may Allah be with you,
Giving love and happiness to you!

May your loved ones be healthy
Let the children sing joyfully
And let it be under your roof,
Light of kindness, warmth, comfort!

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Views: 990

The government of the Moscow region, in partnership with the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Moscow Region, divided the holiday events of the Day of Knowledge on September 1 and Kurban Bayram in order to respect the interests of all residents of the region. This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Elmira Khaimurzina on Monday.


“This year, on September 1, we have two big holidays - the secular Day of Knowledge and the Muslim Eid al-Adha. Eid prayers will begin at 6:30 am and end before 8 am. Thus, the flows of believers and schoolchildren will not intersect,” Khaimurzina was quoted as saying in her press service.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov congratulated the residents of the region on the holiday:

Dear friends!

Congratulations to all Muslims of the Moscow region on the holiday of Kurban Bayram!

This centuries-old holiday has a deep meaning. It serves to affirm high spiritual and moral ideals, helps bring people closer together, and strengthens family and friendships.

Muslim communities of the Moscow region play an important role in preserving the best traditions of different peoples, in educating young people in the spirit of respect for universal human values, and making a real contribution to the development of interethnic and interfaith dialogue.

May this holiday bring prosperity, peace and joy to your homes.

I wish you good health, happiness and success in all your good deeds!

List of holiday venues

1. Balashikha, microdistrict. Zheleznodorozhny, Sobolikha village, st. Novoslobodskaya, 15 (DC "Rassvet")

2. Balashikha, st. Parkovaya, 1 (Ice Palace "Balashikha Arena")

3. Volokolamsk district, Rozhdestveno village, Microdistrict-2, no. 14

4. Voskresensk, st. Chapaeva, 1 (Cementnik House of Culture)

5. Dmitrovsky district, Yakhroma, st. Sandy deadlock, 9a (house of worship)

6. Domodedovo, microdistrict. Vostryakovo, st. 2nd Clubnaya, 1

7. Yegoryevsk, st. Paris Commune, 1B, building 2

8. Zvenigorod, st. Novaya, 29 (mosque)

9. Istra city district, village. Kuchi, 39g

10. Kashira, st. Lenina, 2 (MAUK "City Park")

11. Klinsky district, village. Teterino, country recreation club "Klinskoye Zaozerye"

12. Kolomna, Oksky Prospekt, 17 (DK "Kolomna")

13. Korolev, st. Tereshkova, 1 (Kalinin House of Culture)

14. Krasnogorsk, st. Vokzalnaya, 25a (sports complex "Krasnogorsk")

15. Lobnya, st. Kiovo, 100 (JSC Krasnopolyanskoe)

16. Lyubertsy city district, village. Malakhovka, Teatralny proezd, 1 (culture and recreation park)

17. Mytishchi, st. Silikatnaya, 12 (square near the regional Youth Palace)

18. Naro-Fominsk, st. Volodarskogo, 123 (mosque)

19. Noginsk, st. Yuzhnaya, 35 (mosque)

20. Noginsk district, Staraya Kupavna, st. 2nd Razina, 62 (house of worship)

21. Odintsovo, st. Marshala Zhukova, 22 (Volleyball center)

22. Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Lapina, 28 (mosque)

23. Podolsk, Domodedovskoe highway, 35 (house of worship)

24. Podolsk, st. Gaidara, 11a (manege CYUSSHOR “Leader”)

25. Pushkino, st. Embankment, 8 (Pushkino Sports Palace)

26. Ramensky district, Rodniki village, (territory of the city cemetery, mosque on the Muslim site)

27. Roshal, st. Fr. Engelsa, 24/8 (house of worship)

28. Ruza, st. Gladysheva, 63 (Urozhay stadium)

29. Sergiev Posad, st. Dolgokuevskaya, 52a (house of worship)

30. Sergiev Posad, st. Institutskaya, 15 (Salut sports complex)

31. Sergiev Posad district, Krasnozavodsk, st. Gorkogo, 2 (house of worship)

32. Serpukhov, st. Kaluzhskaya, 128a

33. Solnechnogorsk, st. Ekaterininskaya, 7 (mosque)

34. Khimki, microdistrict. Planernaya, possession 1 (LLC "Olympic training and sports center "Planernaya")

35. Chekhov, Venyukovo microdistrict, st. Gagarina, 19b (Trud stadium)

36. Shchelkovo, st. Sovetskaya, 10 (mosque)

37. Elektrogorsk, st. Nekrasova, 34

38. Elektrostal, st. Karl Marx, 7 (gym of the Vasiliev Palace of Culture)


places of the ritual of sacrifice on the day of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha in the Moscow region on September 1, 2017




Balashikha city

village of New Miletus

village of Purshevo (meat processing plant)

Domodedovo city district

village Starosyanovo, st. Sadovaya, 4 (farm)

Zvenigorod city district

Novaya str., 29

D. Clock (slaughterhouse)

Istra city

village Manikhino, OPH "Manikhino"

Kolomensky district

With. Gorodets (farm)

Leninsky district

With. Sukhanovo (farm)

Noginsky district

Psarki village (farm)

Pushkinsky m.r.

Metropolie village (slaughterhouse)

Ruzsky city district

village Mars (farm)

Sergiev Posad district

village Mishutino (farm)

Solnechnogorsk district

Ozhogino village

Khimki city

Left Bank (slaughterhouse), 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road

8-926-427-60-90, 8-903-714-62-46

Shchelkovsky m.r.

Bolshiye Zherebtsy village, SPK "Romashka"

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