Formation of healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. Interaction with subjects

Irina Khirnaya
Work experience on the topic “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children”

Childhood is a unique period human life, during which health is being formed. Everything that a child acquires in childhood is retained for life. life. You can teach a child to run, jump, ski well, but if he does not have a motivated need for this, all these skills will be useless in life. life. It is important to teach your child to understand how valuable health for a person and how important it is to strive for healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle- this is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a style life, adequate behavior in various situations.

« Health is not everything, but all without health is nothing“- humanity has been repeating after the sage Socrates for more than two thousand years. Modern society, the colossal pace of its development, informational technologies urgently place higher and higher demands on people and their health.

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve health children in the process of education and training. Formation of a healthy lifestyle should start already in kindergarten.

Habit to healthy lifestyle is the main thing, main, vital habit; it accumulates the result of using the available means of physical education for children preschool age , in order to solve health, educational and educational tasks. That's why preschool institution and family are called to preschool childhood, lay the foundations healthy lifestyle using various forms of work. And it is in the family, in the children's educational institutions at an early stage of development, the child should be helped to understand the intrinsic value as early as possible health, realize its purpose life, encourage the baby independently and actively form, preserve and increase your health.

To actively influence the child’s position in relation to his own health, we, educators, need to know, first of all, that the term itself « health» is defined ambiguously. Concept « health» has many definitions. But the most popular, and perhaps the most capacious definition should be recognized as given by the World Organization health: « Health"is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

That is why any educational institution, (and primarily kindergarten) should become "school healthy lifestyle» children. Where any of their activities will be health-improving- pedagogical orientation, and contribute to the development of their habits, and then the needs for healthy lifestyle, formation skills for making independent decisions regarding maintaining and strengthening one’s health.

Relevance experience is to solve the problem of preserving and strengthening health of preschool children. One of the solutions is an integrated approach to health improvement children through the use of , without which the pedagogical process of modern kindergarten. Their implementation is based on formation the child's conscious attitude towards his health, which, in turn, should become system-forming factor in the modernization of physical education health activities of a modern kindergarten.

Scientific validity

The idea of ​​education healthy human has deep historical roots.

Philosophers of Ancient Greece studied the connection health and human behavior. The works of Pythagoras, Plato, Demosthenes, and Socrates contained recommendations for strengthening health, as well as prescriptions of a preventive nature, which have not lost their importance for maintaining healthy lifestyle: daily routine, work and rest routine, proper nutrition, home hygiene, preventive measures.

Follower of Hippocrates and Galen Aulus Cornelius Celsus (1st century AD) proclaimed healthy lifestyle basis for disease prevention.

The works of the Roman Marcus Fabius Quintillian (1st century AD) reflected the pedagogical views of that time, based on the need to educate children taking into account age and individual characteristics, adherence to methods training: imitation, instruction and exercise, as well as a reasonable combination of activities, games and rest in order to avoid overworking children and preserve their health.

A number of philosophers (A. Smith, K. Helvetius, M. V. Lomonosov, K. Marx and others, psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, V. M. Bekhterev and others, medical scientists (N. M. Amosov, V. P. Kaznacheev, Yu. P. Lisitsyn, M. M. Buyanov, I. I. Brekhman, and others, teachers (L. G. Tatarnikova, V. V. Kolbanov, V. K. Zaitsev, S. V. Popov and others) tried to solve the problem health, promoting a healthy lifestyle in children. They developed and left numerous works on the preservation health.

In recent years, there has been enormous interest in the problem of individual human health, which is confirmed by a large number of studies by leading scientists in Russia and the world.

The importance of the chosen topic made it possible to determine the purpose and objectives of the organization of pedagogical work based on this experience.

Target: formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers through the use of specially organized forms training and implementation of innovative health-saving technologies.


Study and test a system of methods and techniques aimed at developing an understanding of health in preschoolers as the most important value;

Implement in educational modern process health technologies, contributing to the preservation and strengthening children's health;

form children have a need for healthy lifestyle;

Create conditions for interaction with the families of pupils to introduce them to healthy lifestyle; involve parents in educational process of preschool educational institution, aimed at formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Novelty (innovativeness) represented pedagogical experience.

Novelty experience is to implement innovative health-saving technology throughout your stay preschooler in kindergarten:

Introduction of innovative health-saving technologies(sand therapy, relaxation, fairytale therapy, communicative games, cryotherapy, Marbles pebbles);

Using valeological teaching and development techniques to motivate healthy lifestyle;

Using ICT to demonstrate benefits more clearly healthy lifestyle;

Education and training must become truly « maintaining health» .

Modern preschool institutions can and should have a significant impact on recovery children in the process of education and upbringing, as well as throughout child's lifestyle. An important condition for successful health maintenance work children is understanding that « healthy lifestyle» should become a style life.

Technology experience.

"The baby is so real

that everything he does is influenced by his actions,

which he sees, repeating what

that in fact he notices himself around him,

he develops his habits from this,

under the influence of this his type is formed"

P. Lesgaft.

According to the Law "About education in the Russian Federation» health children is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. Therefore, every teacher faces questions:

How to effectively organize educational - educational process without harming the health of preschoolers?

How to develop children's interest in physical activity, the need for healthy lifestyle?

Helped me answer these questions self-education work on the topic« Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children».

Within the framework of this topic in 2011. I was program developed"Safe health» , the purpose of which is to create the need for a healthy and safe lifestyle in preschool children.

Job was built taking into account diagnostics, which includes the following sections healthy lifestyle:

Personal hygiene;

Optimal motor mode;

Healthy eating;


I am human. (Annex 1)

After analyzing these diagnostic results, I was convinced that expediency chosen topic and the need to organize a focused working with children, because children had some knowledge that was acquired as they accumulated life experience: in cognitive and motor activities, when communicating with adults, but this knowledge was superficial, not deep, a high level was almost absent.

Mostly children interpreted the concept « health» as a condition recovery after illness, could not name the causes of the diseases, had a partial understanding of the parts of the body and their functions. But the children are fine formed cultural and hygienic skills, they have ideas about the daily routine and healthy habits. Since children should receive not only theoretical knowledge about healthy lifestyle, but also practical skills, I decided to conduct work in this area in the process of specially organized training, joint activities of the teacher with children, and independent activities of children.

system work built taking into account the age, psychophysical and psychological characteristics of children preschool age.

IN work I adhere to the following principles:

Availability (accounting age characteristics, adaptability of material to age);

Systematicity (repetition of learned rules and norms);

Subsequence (from simple to complex);

Visibility (taking into account the peculiarities of thinking);

Dynamism (integration of the program into different types of activities);

Differentiation (creating a favorable environment for each child to learn the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle);

Job with children involves different forms, means and methods formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle. Main forms are: classes, leisure time, routine moments, sports competitions, holidays.

Specially organized training is educational activities; they are included in the section "Cognitive Development" 1 time per month. Goes to class formation children's ideas about man, his body and health, dependencies human health from lifestyle, about safe behavior in everyday life and nature. I introduce children to basic knowledge about the external structure of a person, internal organs, and the basics of first aid. When getting to know the human body, I try to bring children to the understanding that people should take care of their bodies.

I talk to children about Topics: "If you want to be healthy» , "Our true friends", “Cleanliness is the key health» and others.

I use different types throughout the day with my children. games: active, role-playing, didactic, as well as games with massage elements. Outdoor games help to foster activity, independence, and initiative in children. They allow children to optimally alternate between intellectual and physical activity throughout the day.

When playing games with massage elements, there is a targeted effect on biologically active points of the skin, but the child is not just « works» , but plays with his body. He crumples, smoothes, "sculpts" your body, like a sculptor, as if creating it anew, according to the laws of beauty. When a child sculpts a beautiful face, he strokes the forehead, cheeks, wings of the nose so that the skin is elastic, presses with his fingers the active points of the bridge of the nose, the middle of the eyebrows, smoothes the eyebrows, eyes, pats the cheeks, twitches the nose. Full confidence that he is really creating something new and beautiful contributes to the development of a feeling of love for his own body, an attentive and careful attitude towards it.

One of the unconventional methods health improvement is the use of Marbles pebbles.

The purpose of playing with Marbles is physical and mental development. Job with pebbles evokes positive emotions, joy, and a smile in children. These bright helpers will also help restore their psycho-emotional state.


form and secure the correct grip of the ball;

Exercise in consistent changes in the tone of the muscles of the child’s arm;

Develop fine motor skills hands

In his work I use pebbles "Marbles" for hand massage water:

Rolling between palms;

Rolling between fingers;

Rolling along the back of the right hand with the left palm and vice versa;

Transferring two fingers of both hands from one basin to another.

To keep children interested, each game is accompanied by a literary word. For example:

Pebble-small ball

I roll the ball in circles, (pebble between palms)

I drive him back and forth, (change of hands)

I'll stroke them palm,

It's like I'm sweeping away crumbs (change of hands)

And I'll squeeze it a little,

How a cat squeezes its paw (change of hands)

I'll press with each finger.

In a educational board game "Valeology" I reinforce hygiene rules with children that help preserve teeth, ears, eyes healthy, discuss the actions of children, find out the causes of the disease, give examples from our own life.

Children should freely express their emotions and be able to communicate in a group. In role-playing games, communication with peers is manifested, personality is improved, a situational business form is being formed communication with other children. Through game exercises I teach children to recognize emotions. Joy - "New toy", "A good mood", astonishment - "Mirror", anger - "The Pugnacious Sparrows", feelings of guilt, shame - "Broken Vase", fear - "Fishermen and Fish". We practice mimic and pantomimic movements in dramatizations and dramatization games.

Using relaxation exercises helps relieve tension from the muscles of the face, arms, legs, and torso. Communication games "The Ship and the Wind", "Butterfly", "Storm", "Ant" develop the emotional sphere of the child.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills in sensitive moments involves formation habits of properly washing, drying oneself, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and behaving correctly when coughing and sneezing. Each routine moment for me is a temporary guide to a gradual change in activity. At the same time it is a system unique health and educational activities for children. For children, this is simply a necessary and exciting activity, as a result of which my students begin to realize: why exactly is it necessary to wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your hands, why do you need sleep and exercise, walks, why do you need to stand and sit straight, eat carefully, use a napkin, rinse your mouth. To consolidate knowledge about healthy lifestyle, I use ICT (presentations, cartoons "Moidodyr", "Oh and Ah", "Greasy girl").

Hardening is an important means of strengthening health and is a specific system that is easy to implement and meets individual needs children's health and development. In my group I use the following hardening methods: How: sucking frozen cranberries, foot massage and walking barefoot on massage mats in the group room, walking barefoot on wet paths, lightweight clothing during naps.

An innovative find was the use of one of the non-traditional health-saving technologies – cryotherapy (games with ice). These games require a container in which you can put small toys and mix them with pieces of ice to make it more interesting for the child to sort through the pieces of ice and find toys there. To be safe, it is better to use ice balls as they do not have sharp edges. You can also make colored ice. But it should be remembered that cryotherapy, like any hardening measures, is carried out according to a certain scheme and has its own contraindications. To have wellness The effect on the body of exposure to cold should be dosed and carried out periodically. Cryotherapy is carried out according to scheme: one procedure every 1-2 days for a month. The impact of ice on the child’s body should begin with 10-15 seconds, gradually increasing the exposure time. This organization of hardening does not require special conditions, time. And most importantly, systematic, daily implementation of hardening procedures becomes a norm of behavior and a need for the child.

In joint activities with children, we consolidate knowledge about health through productive activities (modeling, applique, drawing): “Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods”, "Hygiene items", "Winter walk", “Get ready to exercise!” etc.

Leisure activities, joint holidays health, theatrical performances contribute to the creation of conditions for children’s emotional perception of information about healthy lifestyles, consolidation of received ideas and their systematization: “Let's help the doll Andryusha”, "Visiting the Fairy of Purity", "Journey through the stations health» , “The good doctor Aibolit will heal us, heal us!”.

I include the following in my walks: health activities - outdoor and sports games, physical education classes, in the warm season - games with water, cryotherapy, self-massage, walking barefoot on the sand.

Children's fiction contributes to the development of cognitive interest in a person, his health. Children enjoy listening to and discussing fairy tales "Magic Walrus", "Colds and health» , "Save Veronica", learn poems, solve riddles, get acquainted with proverbs and sayings. A conversation with children after reading a book deepens its educational impact; children establish a connection between the story and their own experience, make simple generalizations.

Working on this topic, collected material on use health-saving technologies, developed card indexes of games and exercises, released folders - transfers, compiled instructions for parents.

In progress work accumulated a certain experience, which I shared with teachers on the issue formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle among preschoolers at teacher councils, seminars, RMO, open classes.

Through a methodological event "Kaleidoscope of Projects" presented a project on promoting a healthy lifestyle in children"Your nutrition and health» , delivered a message for educators on the topic "Northern outdoor games". Together with the teacher cognitive development developed and held a seminar-workshop “Integration of motor, play and cognitive activity in physical education classes."

No one doubts that the teacher alone can achieve the solution of all problems aimed at strengthening health child and his physical education is almost impossible. Therefore, one of the main directions health work with children is joint Job with the family in addressing issues of strengthening health.

For this I used various forms:

Group parenting meetings: « The health of children is in our hands» , “We will strengthen health in a kindergarten setting";

Questionnaire « Your child's health» , "Family and healthy lifestyle";

Joint promotions: sports entertainment, days health.

Folders - transfers, booklets from the series "Steps health» ;

Children's exhibitions works on artistic activities on the topic of healthy lifestyle;

"Library"- special literature on health for parental information;

Joint production of non-standard equipment and attributes;

Along with educational work involved parents in educational process. Within "Open Day" parents were present during the actual educational activities: "Be healthy, "Land of Happiness", the purpose of which is to introduce children to the senses and their significance for humans; formation ideas about dependence health, about physical activity, hardening, hygiene and cleanliness; fostering a desire to take care of one's own health.

Sports were organized and held jointly with parents entertainment: “Mom and I are a sports family”, "Good Soldiers", leisure "Visiting the Clown", "The whole family is ready to start" (by ski).

In the family, in communication with parents, children receive their first lessons life. As a result of the child’s communication with close adults, he acquires action experience, judgments, assessments, which is manifested in his behavior. Positive examples of father and mother behavior are of great importance, such as role model, as well as the parental word as a method of pedagogical influence. The main thing is that the words of the parents, their example, real manifestations, as well as assessments of the children’s behavior coincide and thereby reinforce the child’s ideas about "What is good and what is bad". Therefore, I explain to parents that at home it is important to reinforce the demands placed on children with personal behavior, to specifically demonstrate samples hygienic culture, to achieve unity in approach to the child. And thanks to this close cooperation preschoolers master basic cultural and hygienic skills (washing, brushing teeth, food culture, personal safety rules, as well as basic rules healthy lifestyle.


Working in kindergarten, and organizing classes and various activities with children formation children's ideas about healthy lifestyle, I realized how important and relevant this is today. The main task is to prevent a decrease in the existing level child's health. It can only be accomplished if there is a clearly thought-out system that includes recreational activities, hygienic regime, psychological climate, individualization of all regime moments. Non-traditional forms of work In kindergarten, traditional ones are not denied, but they are improved, modernized, and supplemented. And they are created at the moment in accordance with the requirements of the time. What corresponds to the tasks set at the state level, as evidenced by the modernization concept education. When you use it in your something new at work, interesting - you get carried away yourself, and, accordingly, you get carried away by the children, and when this activity brings tangible, visible results - it’s doubly interesting and exciting

The experience helped to take a fresh look at the problem formation of a healthy lifestyle. Further work on the topic« Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children"will continue.


1. Alyamovskaya V. G. "How to raise healthy child» M.; 1993

2. Vlasenko N. E. 300 outdoor games for preschoolers M. ; 2011

3. Values ​​education healthy lifestyle in children 3-7 years old: planning, activities, games / author. – comp. M. R. Yugova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2015.

4. Vavilova E. N. Develop preschoolers agility, strength, endurance. - M.: Education, 1981.

5. Glazyrina L. D. "Physical Culture preschoolers» "Vlados" M.; 2001

6. Healthy baby: Program health improvement children in preschool educational institutions / ed. Z. I. Beresneva. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2004.

7. Kartushina M. Yu. Green Light health: Program preschool children's health improvement. – M.: Sfera shopping center, 2009.

8. Basics of safe behavior preschoolers: classes, planning, recommendations / author. – comp. O. V. Cheremshantseva. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008

9. Poltavtseva N.V. We include preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2012.

Subject:Formation of rules

healthy lifestyle

in preschoolers


A healthy lifestyle is for children what the foundation is for a building. The stronger the foundation, the higher the building can be built; The more care you take about a child’s physical education, the greater success he will achieve in general development, in science, in the ability to work and be a useful person for society.

At no other age is health so closely connected with general education as in the first seven years. During the period of preschool childhood (from birth to seven years), the foundations of health, longevity, comprehensive motor readiness and harmonious physical development are laid in the child.

Research by domestic and foreign scientists has long established that human health depends only 7-8% on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle.

A great contribution to the development of issues related to a child’s healthy lifestyle was made by I.I. Brekhman, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, N.K. Krepskaya, E.N. Weiner, Ya.L. Markhotsky, V.A. Shishkina and many others.

Caring for the health of children and their physical development begins with instilling in them a love of cleanliness, neatness, and order. “One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, - to instill in children skills that strengthen their health. From early childhood, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat from a separate plate, walk clean, cut their hair, shake out their clothes, wipe their feet, not drink raw water, eat on time, sleep on time, be more in the fresh air, etc.”

The main tasks in creating a healthy lifestyle are protecting and strengthening the child’s health, developing the child’s ideas about himself, the structure of his body, feelings and thoughts; training in knowledge, skills, and habits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle; teaching the child to objectively evaluate the positive and negative phenomena of our life to act depending on the situation; hardening of the child's body; formation correct posture, vital motor actions and cultural and hygienic skills and abilities, achieving full physical development.

Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task not only of parents, but also of every preschool institution, since children spend most of the day there. For this purpose, physical education classes are provided, which should be structured in accordance with the psychological characteristics of a particular age, the availability and appropriateness of exercises.

That is why the outstanding Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky so rightly noted: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly form a healthy lifestyle at this age, which will allow the baby’s body to accumulate strength and ensure in the future not only full physical, but also mental development.

The significance of this issue is that the harmonious development of any state is impossible without strong, comprehensively developed people who make up its society. And such important human data as strength, will, endurance, health, cheerfulness, physical activity are instilled precisely in childhood, no matter how beautiful a flower is, if it is not watered in the bud, it will never be destined to bloom.

Thus, the health of children is of great importance for the future of the entire society and therefore the goal of my work is to study issues related to the problem of creating a healthy lifestyle.

states using facial expressions and gestures; appreciate your body; know the basic rules of caring for him; establish connections between the structure of an organ and its purpose, between one’s condition and ways of caring for oneself and the world around us. Learn to dress and undress independently, fasten buttons, lace shoes, carefully fold and put clothes away; politely ask a peer or adult for help.

2. Continue to form a stable habit of physical activity; tell that a person is a living organism, in order to live, it is necessary to actively move, this is what human organs are designed for: legs, arms. Torso, head. Talk about health (how you can know and change yourself, how to find your path to health); introduce disease prevention: self-massage, hardening, proper breathing, alternating active movement and rest.

3. With the help of an adult, establish a connection between the actions performed, habits and the state of the body, mood, and well-being. “I will run like my dad to stay healthy and strong.” “I brush my teeth properly every day, which means they won’t hurt.”

4. Develop perseverance and determination in caring for your body, physical education and health activities.

5.Talk about the Rules of the Road.

6.Talk about the rules of first aid for injuries and frostbite: if your face is frozen in the cold, rub it lightly with a scarf, but not with snow; your feet are cold - jump, move your toes; If you wet your feet, change into dry clothes.

7.Talk about the culture of food, the rules of behavior at the table, the sequence of dressing, washing, and hygiene rules; teach rational methods of self-care. Learn to wash your hands, face, and neck yourself; After washing, rinse off soap suds from the sink and tap.

8. Tell them how to sit at the table, how to use a fork and spoon correctly. Eat carefully. Don’t rush, don’t get distracted, don’t play with cutlery. Don’t stuff your mouth, don’t talk with your mouth full, don’t slurp your bread. Cookies from a shared plate, but do not change what you took; do not disturb other children; use a napkin. Calmly leave the table and say “thank you.”

9. Talk about germs. Demonstrate the need to use soap and water. Teach to take care of the health of others: cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing and coughing; if you are sick, do not go to kindergarten.

Senior group.

1. Expand the child’s knowledge about himself, his name, surname, age, hereditary characteristics of the body, body type, gait, reaction to certain foods; tell what the heart is for, why it beats, what ears are needed for. Eyes as we move. Let's breathe. We communicate with other people. Represent in general terms human development: baby, preschooler, schoolchild, mother, grandmother, distinguish gender by appearance.

2. Treat your body with care, be aware of the purpose of individual organs and the conditions for their normal functioning. “I have a wonderful skeleton assistant, it helps me stand, sit and protects the internal organs: heart, liver, lungs from damage, so I need to take care of it, learn how to fall correctly on skis and skates.

3. Introduce different types of hardening, breathing, and corrective gymnastics. Using examples of literary heroes, show ways to take care of your health and body. Talk about the mode of activity and rest, the need to plan your time, about health-improving gymnastics, walking in any weather conditions. Consciously perform physical exercises, understanding their importance for health.

4.Tell that you should not throw stones and snowballs on the street, or walk near houses when the snow is melting (icicles may fall off); You can’t tease animals, you need to beware of stray dogs and cats.

5.Form a system of ideas about the culture of human life; introduce the basic rules of etiquette, behavior, nutrition, and communication at the table.

Preparatory group.

1.Form a positive assessment and self-image; pay attention to your appearance.

2.Talk about ways a person can take care of his body, about the troubles that await a person who does not follow the rules of life safety. Introduce children to the feelings and moods of a person, show how they are reflected on his face (fear, fatigue, resentment, joy, fear, laughter).

3. Talk about rational rest, develop a strong habit of sports, physical education, and exercise.

4.Talk about the basic rules of safe behavior on the street and indoors.

5.Talk about human qualities: neatness, sociability, pugnacity, kindness, perseverance, politeness, good manners, talent, strength.

6. Learn to take care of yourself, monitor your well-being after physical activity; independently follow hygiene rules, control the quality of washing hands, feet, necks; be able to rest and relax; eat correctly and gracefully, sit comfortably at the table, do not lean back in the chair, do not place your elbows, and use cutlery.

This differentiation of tasks guarantees accessibility for children and the creation; Thus, the environment is favorable for every child to learn the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To form a healthy image in preschoolers, special exercises that strengthen the health of children and a system of physical education are necessary. For this purpose, morning exercises are carried out daily in kindergarten groups, the purpose of which is to create a vigorous, cheerful mood in children, improve health, develop dexterity, and physical strength. Morning exercises and special physical education classes in the gym are accompanied by music, which “has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere senior preschooler, promotes good mood children, shapes their ideas about a healthy lifestyle.”

Outdoor games are of great importance for the formation of preschool children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. They are carried out in groups, in special classes, during walks and at intermediate intervals between classes. Outdoor games are necessarily included in music classes. Games for younger preschoolers are organized by the teacher, and at older ages such games are most often organized by the children themselves.

In addition to daily morning exercises, special physical education classes are conducted for preschool children. Their goal is to teach children the correct execution of movements, various exercises aimed at developing body coordination and increasing independent motor activity. Classes are held in a special hall and are accompanied by music. The formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children is closely related to the protection of their life and health. The rules for protecting the life and health of a child are set out in special instructions and methodological letters for preschool workers. In the kindergarten, medical monitoring of children's health is constantly carried out, and preventive measures are taken to strengthen it.

Organization of work in preschool educational institutions to promote a healthy lifestyle


Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world. Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in children’s health. In kindergarten, a child lives a third of his preschool life. And this life is organized by the employees of the preschool educational institution. And the health status of children depends to a large extent on how it is organized. Preschool teachers createdevelopment environment for children. For the full physical development of children in preschool educational institutions, the following conditions have been created:

*sports and music hall

*sports ground mini-stadium

*motor angles in groups

Non-standard equipment (balls, hoops, sandbags, skis, ropes, skittles). All this allows you to include a large group of children in the work, which ensures high motor density of classes. The territory of the kindergarten is equipped with: sports, volleyball, basketball courts, color markings are applied to increase the motor activity of children during walks.

I introduced into the practice of my work massage paths made from buttons of different sizes and polyethylene plugs.

The development of interest in various sports is carried out throughsports work:

*morning exercises

*corrective gymnastics after sleep

*sport games

*sports activities, holidays

*outdoor games while walking

Strengthening health and hardening the body goes through different types ofhealth work:

* breathing exercises

*corrective gymnastics (flat feet, posture)

A variety of physical activities have a positive effect on physical development children;



*walk hike

*relay competitions

Creation of a physical education and play environment determined by the program objectives of comprehensive education of children. The variety of physical education equipment makes it possible to productively use manuals in physical education classes different types, in organized games and exercises while walking, during gymnastics after a nap. One of the important requirements for the selection of equipment is to ensure the safety of children when using it. Each benefit must be strong and stable. To prevent injuries during physical education, the equipment is well secured and there are gymnastic mats.

With the help of equipment and aids, the correct implementation of various physical training complexes is ensured, as well as the targeted formation of various physical qualities.

The equipment is located in such a way that children can easily approach it and use it independently.

Combining different benefits into specific complexes: obstacle course, play and massage paths, fences, houses. Creating novelty by changing portable equipment and using new aids. The development of movements and the education of motor activity of preschoolers is carried out during walks. At our preschool institution, we have well-equipped areas where children spend time. Each walk can have a specific content. So, for a walk, I am planning a series of outdoor games, a relay race, collecting natural material for further work with it in a group, and competitions. I carry out work on developing a healthy lifestyle for children in preschool settings, through classes, routines, games, walks, individual work, and independent activities.

The following are usedmethodological techniques:

* stories and conversations of the teacher;

*memorizing poems;

* modeling of various situations;

* examination of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters;

* role-playing games;

* didactic games;

* games-trainings;

*outdoor games;

*finger and breathing exercises;

* physical education minute


The main goal of modern society is the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, the creation of all necessary and favorable conditions starting from preschool age for the future formation of a healthy and physically strong personality.

Thus, it is necessary from an early age to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle through family and public education, to develop in the child the skills of protecting personal health and caring for the health of others.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop in preschoolers knowledge of how to maintain and strengthen their health, healthy lifestyle skills, and the ability to carry out physical education and physical activity. At the same time, it is necessary to purposefully work with children to instill value orientations towards the spiritual and physical development of the individual, a healthy lifestyle, the formation of needs and desires to improve their health, since the most valuable thing a person has is life, the most valuable thing in life is health.

Caring for the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in a child should begin with ensuring a clearly established daily routine, creating optimal hygienic conditions, proper nutrition, performing daily morning exercises, hardening the body, which contributes to the correct formation of the physical qualities of the child’s body, and the prevention of various diseases.

Teachers working to develop healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers should work in close collaboration with the child’s family and organize activities to encourage healthy lifestyles in such a way that children find it interesting.

The educational process should be considered in parallel with the health process, since harmonious development, along with the realization of the intellectual potential of the individual, forms the spirituality, orientation and physical health of the individual.


1. Valueology: Textbook / Ya.L. Markhotsky. - Mn.: Higher. school, 2006.

2. To kindergarten - for health: a manual for teachers providing preschool education / V.A. Shishkina., 2006

3. Weiner E.N. Valeology: Textbook for universities. - M.: Flinta: Science, 2001. -

4. Fundamentals of valeology and school hygiene: Textbook / M.P. Doroshkevich, M.A. Nashkevich, D.M. Muravyova, V.F. Blueberry. - 2nd edition - Mn.: Higher. school, 2004.

5. Narskin G.I. // Physical rehabilitation and health promotion of preschool children: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. 2002..

Authors: Petukhova Elena Semenovna, Dubovskaya Evgenia Vitalievna
Job title: educators
Educational institution: MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 241"
Locality: Novokuznetsk
Name of material: methodological development "Be healthy, baby"
Subject:"Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschool children"
Publication date: 13.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 241"


Petukhova Elena Semenovna,


Dubovskaya Evgenia Vitalievna,


Novokuznetsk city district, 2017


Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

Motor development environment………………………………..

Model of interaction between subjects to form

preschoolers' ideas about healthy lifestyle………………

Used Books………………………………………...


in the 21st century confronts us with many problems, including






health. Over the past decades, the problem of forming






(A.I. Antonov,






health and 50% from lifestyle. Doctors, parents and teachers

lags, delays, violations, deviations are everywhere noted,

non-compliance with norms in the development of children, inferiority of their health. By




carried out




prevalence of musculoskeletal pathology among children,





speech therapy






significant quantities: functional disorders from the gastrointestinal

intestinal tract are found in 52% of children, cardiovascular system -

in 28%, nervous system – in 20%, 20% of children had ENT pathology




attitude towards your health and strengthening it from childhood. In this regard

there is a need for children to actively study their body, its

opportunities. Children need to know the basic principles of recovery





maintaining a good level of functioning of all organs and systems.

Due to their age, preschoolers have formed ideas about healthy lifestyle

not enough.

This can be explained by the lack of an integrated pedagogical system

work in this direction, the specific difficulties of mastering these








coordination of movements, etc.). In this regard, there was a need for





life in preschool children, based on close interaction between medical

workers, teachers, parents and preschool specialists. After all, preschool






habits, which, combined with training in methods of improvement and

maintaining health will lead to positive results.

It was suggested that if the necessary

A model for developing a healthy lifestyle in children has been developed and implemented;

A comprehensive plan for interaction between the teacher and parents has been drawn up

and specialists from preschool educational institutions;

Didactic support provided,



formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children,

will become a means of self-expression, self-preservation and self-realization of the child

V different types activities.

This system of work is aimed at solving the problem of inclusion

preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle.

Purpose benefits





developed, socially active, creative personality.


Create conditions for preserving the health and development of the child in

conditions of preschool educational institutions and families.

Increase the effectiveness of the child’s adaptation mechanisms for

through the development of physical, mental and social-moral

To create motivation for a healthy lifestyle in all subjects










Make every child have basic knowledge

on hygiene, anatomy, human physiology.

Solving the tasks requires defining a methodology, based on

on the basis of which content and familiarization technology can be developed





specific scientific approaches.

A systems approach that views the knowledge system as two





(N.N. Poddyakov).





accurate, what is the main focus in classes, on the other hand -

the opposite process of transformation of clear and









serving as a powerful stimulus for the child’s cognitive activity in




the basis of self-development and creativity of children.

The dialectical approach ensures the formation of primary

those around



change and development. Preschoolers develop a general understanding


present, future. Thus, children develop the ability





Children's mastery of the initial forms of the dialectical approach to

those around





In the future, a worldview is formed.

The basis for developing content and technology for introducing children to

the foundations of a healthy lifestyle were based on specific principles:


scientific character



offered to preschoolers, based on scientific facts and personal experience

and sensory sensations of children.

Principle comprehensive





carried out












completion of each type of work and monitoring of results.

Principle activity and consciousness– formation of subjective

child’s activity in terms of awareness of the impact of various factors

on health and the need for behavior aimed at strengthening


Principle speakers




are selected



is happening

gradual complication, taking into account the specifics of the change

social experience of children of different preschool ages

Principle conformity with nature


ideas about healthy lifestyle in preschoolers are determined on the basis of a holistic

psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the child, the characteristics of his development

cognitive sphere.






carried out in three directions:

Work on introducing children to the basics of a healthy lifestyle is distributed three


information block: processing of theoretical materials for

presentation to children;


r az r a b from ka

con s p e who in

za n i t i y

using developmental teaching methods;

Organizational block: creation of a subject-development environment.




technologies for introducing preschoolers to the basics of a healthy lifestyle


I v i l i s methods,


S.A. Kozlova

N.N. Poddyakov.

Areas of work

I am human:

what do I know about myself


person and


Healthy image

life in conditions

big city

Man is like a living thing


Conditions required

given to him for life;

Basic needs

External structure


States and feelings;

Health and illness

Human lifestyle;

The rhythm of life


Psychological com-

Correct and useful

Health addiction

from lifestyle

Features of life in

big city;

Environmental factors

Ingredients of healthy

th way of life

Methods that increase cognitive activity:

Elementary and causal analyzes (causal connections);


Modeling and design;

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods that stimulate emotional activity:


Surprise moments;

Elements of novelty.

Methods to facilitate the establishment of connections between different

types of activities:

Suggesting and teaching how to establish communication between different

types of activities;






Methods of teaching and developing creativity:

Emotional intensity of the environment;

Motivating children's activities;





phenomena in motion - past, present, future);

Gaming techniques;

Problem situations and tasks;

Questions asked by children;

Vague knowledge, guesses, assumptions.

It is advisable to include the proposed methodological techniques both in

classes and in the free activities of the preschooler. This is due

an integrated approach to the process of teaching children healthy lifestyle skills.








the importance of physical exercise in the daily routine, lecture for parents






practical part, which provides the basic knowledge to children and parents about










carrying out





carry out self-assessment of various parameters of influences and sensations,

They themselves determine the time of the procedure, perceive the temperature more subtly

water and air, regulate the volume of these procedures depending on these

sensations, understand the benefits of walking barefoot, etc.

carrying out

physical education

are being created

emotional and psychological comfort of children and adults: carried out




stationary sprayer, elements of auto-training and yoga are used.

Classes are conducted as in traditional

and in an unconventional form:

Types of motor mode organization

child activity








Morning exercises

Physical education minutes

Dynamic pauses

Physical education and



exercises after sleep

Sports holidays

Sport games

Outdoor games on

air and indoors

Sports activities

Health days





children's activities in

indoors and on


story-based, training, control, complex, relay games, etc.





The principle of alternating vigorous activity with exercises is used










organically included in the structure of classes, contributing to the expansion of knowledge

children about human structure, the effect of physical exercise on the body,

life safety.




For preschoolers, the play method is dominant among all methods.


turning on



self-massage, health exercises, hygiene of postures and movements, first

medical care that they can provide to themselves and their loved ones. WITH

At an early age, children learn to take responsibility for their health,

treat it with care, distinguish between what is useful for them and what is harmful. IN

During the game, children are relaxed, can freely express their emotions,





are carried out

at a free pace, without coercion. The dosage depends on the age of the children and

mood at the moment. Morning exercises, physical exercises, invigorating

Gymnastics after sleep improves mood and muscle tone in children.





M e d i c i n s k i m

w o t n i k a m ​​i


are used





vitamin prophylaxis.



presented to them in a playful way, are easy to master, leave room for




sequence of actions, but also the ability to feel your body.


An important role in instilling healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers


organization motor



there are certain requirements:

She must give the child freedom;

Influence health, well-being, and attitude;

Must be convenient, expedient;

It should set you in an emotional mood, create an image of this or that

another process;





the surrounding world.

A motor development environment created taking into account these requirements

is a set of conditions organized by the administration of the preschool educational institution, all

by the teaching staff with the obligatory participation of parents.


physical education



exercise equipment,

gymnastic walls, ladders and inclined boards, rings,

gymnastic benches, mats, climbing frames of different heights, boards

ribbed, gymnastic sticks, skipping ropes, multi-colored flags and ribbons,





ring throwers,



targets, soft modules, massage tracks, etc.



stands out


mini environment,

which consists of corners of physical self-development, corners of solitude.



are used

various paths, braids, snakes, for crawling - arcs. In groups

There are manuals for the prevention of flat feet, for outdoor games and


general developmental








material for replenishing physical education corners. Minor physical education

equipment is placed so that it is accessible to children.

The main components of a healthy start - rest and movement - must

fit correctly into the child’s daily routine. Therefore, groups were created




the buildings

tent houses,





“call” mom on the phone, look at photos, just lie on

soft beautiful pillows and rugs.

In order for the subject-development environment to encourage the child to

new physical activity, contributed to the strengthening of his health,




repeatedly change the environment and design of the room. All available in the group

benefits and materials are always at the disposal of children.

To solve the problem of mental health of children in kindergarten

a psychological relief room has been created, in which there are benefits for





rain", light fountain, water column, benefits for the development of small

motor skills and sensory skills, etc. The psychological relief room is divided into

zones: educational, gaming, relaxation. A special place is occupied by gaming and





equipment that allows you to quickly change the game situation, soft

rugs, knitted toys, pillows with soothing herbs,

audio cassettes



Educational psychologist





preschoolers learn to manage their emotions.

To form the basics of safety in children in road traffic situations

traffic there is a “GAICHKIN GORDOK”, which is equipped with various

types of cars, large traffic lights, floor and chest road

signs, wall and tabletop educational games, posters on

traffic topics, etc.

To carry out preventive measures, a medical office

equipped with special equipment: quartz and bactericidal lamps,

inhaler, foot baths, quartz tube, Chizhevsky chandelier, etc.




comfortable environment, rationally organized and rich

a variety of equipment and materials.


health care





parents, at which decisions are discussed and made on the most


vital activity



healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and at home. Meetings are held as





varied: “Dad, Mom, I am a healthy family”, “How to become healthy”,


a pedestrian"

are used


thematic exhibitions, competitions (crafts made from waste materials

“Cars on our street”, “Layout of our area”), survey.

Parents learn to see the complex, multifaceted process of raising a child.


physical education




workshop for parents of children with poor posture

exercises at home.







information is used in parent corners and in sliding folders

“Movement is the basis of health”, “Winter walk”, “How to dress a child for

walk”, “Brush your teeth correctly”, etc.





improving the health of the child's body.












Maintain interest

child to formation

To make a conditions



Create conditions for the formation of children’s ideas about



surrounding reality


ideas about

importance for healthy lifestyle

development of creative




creating conditions











Form ideas about

various conditions and

a person's feelings about

human needs for

communication, psychological


Build skills

general motor skills;


physical qualities


Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B. Security: Tutorial


vital activity


preschool age. - St. Petersburg. "CHILDREN'S PRESS", 2003.

Bannikova L.P. Children's health improvement program in preschool education

Institutions: Methodological manual. M.: TC Sfera, 2007.

Preschool pedagogy. Publishing house "CHILDREN'S PRESS", 2005.

Druzhinina V.R., Paranicheva T.M. Daily routine of a preschool child. - M.:

Ventana-Graf, 2004.

Ezushina A.V. The ABCs of proper nutrition. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

Healthy baby: Children's health program in preschool educational institutions / Ed. Z.I.

Beresneva. - M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 4-5 years old.

M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

Methodical manual “Attaching preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle

life" - Moscow 2012

Scientific and methodological journal "Physical Education Instructor" 2010.

Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle

for preschoolers - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009.

11. A manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Formation of ideas about healthy

lifestyle of preschool children", Moscow 2010.

Learning to eat right. For preschool teachers working in

program “Talk about proper nutrition” / author. - comp. Yu.P. Klimovich.

Volgograd: Teacher, 2000.


















Interaction with subjects

educational process


"I am human"


ideas about

person as one of

Living creatures,

inhabiting the earth.

Expand and consolidate

ideas about

elementary structure


Educational psychologist

Conversation “Me and other people”

about the similarities and differences of people.

Relaxation exercise

"Journey to the Magic Forest"

Purpose: removal of muscle and

emotional stress,

development of imagination and fantasy.

Musical director

Leisure “Cleanliness and Health”

Goal: consolidation of ideas

about the health implications

sanitary and hygienic


Working with parents

Consultation “Protective

regime in kindergarten"

"Vegetables, berries and

fruits are the most



Introduce children to

main sources

vitamins - fruits,

vegetables and berries and their

significance for


"Health and


Clarify views

children about health and

painful condition

person; to uncover

the reason for some

diseases caused

compliance with sanitary

hygiene rules



human organs"


to form in children


ideas about

the human body, its

internal organs and their


Educational psychologist Relaxation

"Rest pose" exercises


Purpose: relaxation, calmness

"Communication with other people"

Goal: to form a concept about

the need for human communication

with other people.

Musical director

Entertainment "Adventures"

Timoshi in the city of big guys"

attitude towards one's own



"Which mushroom is better"

Goal: reinforce ideas

about dangers to human health


Prince Oxygen"

Build knowledge about

internal structure

nose, respiratory

human systems.


job idea

individual organs and

body systems

person as one


mushrooms, about the rules of safe

behavior in the forest.

"Edible and


Teach children to distinguish

mushrooms by appearance

Working with parents


"Self-preservation behavior in



"Our assistants

(ears, nose, eyes)"



ideas about

the human body, its

sense organs and their


Teacher speech therapist

Learning riddles about teeth

Musical director

Game "Compliments"

Game "Magic Wand"

Working with parents

Consultation "Representations"

children about health and healthy


Consultation “Hardening scheme

Drawing competition “My favorite

day off"



Consolidate knowledge about



habits, rules

use of objects

"Caries and its



children's ideas about

need for care

teeth and oral cavity.


"I live in

big city"


children's ideas about

environmental factors

big city environment,


on human health.


safety rules

behavior on the street.

Educational psychologist Relaxation

Exercise "Star Breathing"

Goal: mastery of skills

conscious control over

respiratory process;

relaxation and improvement

emotional tone

Musical director

Puppet show

“Where did Timosha look for health?”

environmental influences

big city for health,

rules of safe behavior

Working with parents

Consultation “What happens

Consultation “Prevention

flat feet in children"

"Walk for



ideas about

health significance

man of the place

walks, organizations


activities during

walks, thermal


"Child at Home"


children's ideas about

household items

everyday life, which are


Educational psychologist

Conversation “Meetings on a walk”

Purpose: to form ideas

children about possible dangerous

situations when in contact with

"If you want to be

Instill healthy lifestyle skills,


attitude towards your

to the body; give a concept

Musical director

Listening to a music album

“Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky

about healthy products

Working with parents

Practical lesson “Let’s play”

together with the child"


"The role of vision in

human life"

Show the role of vision in

human life,


structural features

eyes. Learn to care


"I'm a pedestrian and



children's ideas about

importance of transport for

big city,

transition rules

streets and behavior in


Educational psychologist

Conversation “On the playground”

Purpose: to form ideas

children about sources

potential danger on

playground, about the rules

safe behavior on


Musical director

Entertainment "In the city"

big guys"

Goal: to form a conscious

attitude towards one's own

health, cultivate desire

takes care of your health

Working with parents

Consultation “TV and

computer - friends or enemies"

Consultation “Correct posture

child is the key to good

physical development"

"Dangerous areas

on the pedestrian

parts of the street"

Introduce children to

dangerous situations,

arising on

pedestrian part of the street


computer and



children's ideas about

harmful effects on

computer health and

TV; introduce

with ways to care for

health at


computer and



"Healthy image

life in the big

Formation in children

ideas about


take care of

your own health, about

components of a healthy

lifestyle and

leisure activities in

big city.

Educational psychologist

Situational game with elements

theatricalization "Cat and the Hedgehog on

swing", "Machine", "Help

little squirrel"

Teacher speech therapist

Poetry dramatization

Working with parents

Consultation “Influence

psychological climate of the family

for the child's health"

Sharing cooking experience

healthy dishes “Tasty, healthy,




children's ideas about

signs of health and

illness; reasons


and the role of hardening


"Daily regime"


idea of ​​the regime

day and its meaning in

human life. Learn


relationship between

time of day and

human activities


"Trip to

country of health"

Learn to take care of

your health, avoid

situations causing

harm to health

Educational psychologist

Situational story game

“Incident in Raspberry”, “Toffee”

Goal: enrichment with experience

effective interaction in

situations of conflict of interests

Teacher speech therapist

Preparation of posters “Healthy

lifestyle", "Vitamin


Musical director

Leisure “Who Lives in the Forest”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about

rules of safe behavior in

in the forest when meeting strangers

animals, about careful

attitude towards nature



"Like nature to us


be healthy"


picture of

health significance

natural factors

"Where to find

vitamins in spring"

Introduce children to

vitamins; give

picture of



products - sources



behavior on

Teach children the rules

behavior on the street, where

you can and cannot walk,

so as not to cause harm

to your health

Educational psychologist

Relaxation “Beach and sunshine”

clearing", "Stretched -


Goal: muscle development

control, elimination



Teacher speech therapist

Learning roles with children

theatrical production


"Plants around


ideas about


medicinal plants,




some of them.


game "Hospital"


ideas about


health promotion with

with the help of physical

exercises, spot

massage, gymnastics for

Forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is an important pedagogical task. However, its solution is hampered by the insufficient development of the system of pedagogical influences, means and conditions under which the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is adequately ensured. Not enough attention is paid to planning the work of teachers, working together with families to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and implementing the role of an adult in this process. There is also a lack of developed recommendations for organizing the subject-spatial environment, and corresponding methodological support.

The habit of a healthy lifestyle is the main, basic, vital habit; it accumulates the result of using the available means of physical education for preschool children in order to solve health, educational and educational problems. Therefore, the preschool institution and the family are called upon to lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, using various forms of work, and it is at an early stage of development that the child needs to be helped to understand the intrinsic value of health as early as possible, to realize the purpose of his life, to encourage the preschooler to independently and actively form, maintain and increase your health.

The art of living long consists, first of all, in learning to take care of your health from childhood. What is missed in childhood is difficult to make up for. Therefore, it is very important to maintain and strengthen the health of children, to develop healthy lifestyle skills in them at the early stages of development.

It is very important today to form in preschool children motives, concepts, and beliefs in the need to preserve and strengthen them by introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

The priority direction of the kindergarten’s work should be the physical development of the child and the preservation of his health. The problem of improving the health of children is not the action of one day and one person, but the purposeful, systematic, planned work of the entire teaching staff and, of course, parents. All life activities of a child in kindergarten should be aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, therefore the goal of teachers’ work is to formulate children’s ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life. It is necessary to teach the child to make the right choice in any situation, only those that are beneficial to health and the rejection of everything harmful.

This goal is achieved through the following tasks:

To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value, the state of their own body, to get to know their body, to teach them how to take care of their health and take care of it;

Help children develop healthy lifestyle habits and instill strong cultural and hygienic skills;

Expand children's knowledge about healthy and wholesome food, proper nutrition, and its importance;

To form positive qualities of the child’s personality, moral and cultural behavior - motives for promoting health.

These tasks in preschool educational institutions are solved thanks to a holistic system for preserving the physical, mental and social well-being of children, promoting familiarization with values, and above all, the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. Physical development and health are given leading positions.

Taking into account the influence of fiction and children's books on preschool children, fairy tales, short stories, nursery rhymes, jokes, and songs on the topic of a healthy lifestyle are used in educational work.

In a playful, fairy-tale form, children should master self-massage techniques, breathing exercises, eye exercises, and develop motor skills. They become familiar with the structure of the body, the significance of each vital organ for humans, etc.

Children really like physical education classes in the form of role-playing musical and rhythmic games.

It is also necessary to conduct conversations with children dedicated to healthy lifestyle - morning exercises, hardening, outdoor games. Funny poems and fairy tales arouse interest in sports activities and contribute to the formation of healthy habits.

Children's fitness is an excellent opportunity for a child to throw out pent-up energy, have fun and usefully spend time in kindergarten. When using children's fitness classes, it is important to approach each child individually, to select exercises that children feel most comfortable performing, because all children in the group are different. Some people love outdoor games, some people like dancing, some people like theatrical performances.

A preschool child does not develop autonomously. He is completely dependent on the adults who surround him and set him a positive or negative example with their behavior.

Only what is brought up in the family can truly take root in a child. Parents, in the presence of a child, must control their every step and carry within themselves the ideals that they would like to instill in the child. In order for a child to grow up healthy, a conscious attitude towards their own health should be formed first of all by parents.

A special place in a preschool educational institution is given to working with parents. The family plays an important role; together with the kindergarten, it is the main social culture that ensures the preservation and strengthening of children’s health, introducing them to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

To work more effectively with parents, we in kindergarten use both traditional and non-traditional forms of working with families of pupils. These are conversations and consultations, recommendations from doctors and medical staff, a mini-library on the topics of introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle, and videos on this topic.

In the kindergarten, open days can be held, when parents are invited to the kindergarten to watch the physical education and health work done by teachers and leaders of clubs in the area of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

Much attention is paid to organizing daytime sleep for pupils. Various methods are used to fall asleep: lullabies, listening to classical music and fairy tales. After a day's rest, gymnastics is performed in combination with a play massage. In the evening, when the children are a little tired, they spend “minutes of relaxation”, “minutes of pranks”, “minutes of laughter therapy”.

All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. The basis is weekly educational, physical education and integrated classes, partner joint activities of the teacher and the child during the day. The goal of health work in preschool educational institutions is to create a sustainable motivation for the need to preserve one’s own health and the health of others.

Therefore, it is very important to correctly design the content of the educational process in all areas of child development, to select modern programs that ensure familiarization with values, and above all, with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle.

Rational mode.

Proper nutrition.

Rational motor activity.

Hardening the body.

Maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state.

The regime is usually understood as a scientifically based routine of life, providing for a rational distribution of time and the sequence of various types of activities and rest.

When followed correctly and strictly, a clear rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed. And this, in turn, creates the best conditions for work and recovery, thereby promoting health. The daily routine must be observed from the first days of life. Health and proper development depend on this.

When carrying out regime processes, the following rules should be adhered to:

Complete and timely satisfaction of all organic needs of children (sleep, nutrition).

Careful hygienic care, ensuring cleanliness of the body, clothes, bed.

Involving children to participate as much as possible in regime processes.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Emotional communication during routine processes.

Taking into account the needs of children, the individual characteristics of each child.

A rational regime must be stable and at the same time dynamic to constantly ensure adaptation to the changing conditions of the external social and biological environment. The more this regime is based on the characteristics of the “biorhythmic portrait” of the child, the more better conditions his physiological systems will be affected, which will certainly affect his health and mood.

In childhood, the role of nutrition is especially great, when a food stereotype is formed and the typological characteristics of an adult are laid. That's why it's correct organized meals In childhood, the state of health largely depends.

Basic principles of rational nutrition:

· Ensuring balance

· Meet the body's needs for essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

· Compliance with diet.

Rational nutrition of children is one of the main environmental factors that determine the normal development of a child. It has a direct impact on the child’s life activity, growth, and health, and increases resistance to various adverse influences.

A culture of health and a culture of movement are two interconnected components in a child’s life. Active motor activity, in addition to its positive impact on health and physical development, provides psycho-emotional comfort for the child.

The motor culture of preschool children begins with the formation of the structure of natural movements and the development of motor abilities, creating conditions for children to creatively master the standards of movement in various situations, the formation of motor imagination, and the ability to emotionally experience movements.

The main conditions for the formation of a motor culture are:

Raising in children a conscious attitude towards performing motor actions.

Development of imagination when performing motor actions.

Inclusion of sensory systems in the development of motor culture.

Creating optimal conditions for each child in the process of mastering motor experience.

Nurturing a motor culture is a mutually directed process; for its success, it is necessary to organize a purposeful system of upbringing and education in kindergarten and family.

In the process of educating motor culture, the child acquires the knowledge necessary for conscious motor activity, masters methods of activity and experience in their implementation, and the child’s creative activity develops, his cognitive abilities, volitional qualities, emotional sphere.

Hardening helps solve a whole range of health problems. It not only increases stability, but also the ability to develop compensatory functional capabilities of the body and increase its performance. To develop the process of hardening the body, repeated or prolonged action on the body of one or another meteorological factor is necessary: ​​cold, heat, atmospheric pressure. Thanks to the repeated actions of hardening factors, conditioned reflex connections develop more firmly. If hardening is carried out systematically and systematically, it has a positive effect on the child’s body: the activity of its systems and organs improves, resistance to various diseases increases, and, first of all, those of a cold nature, the ability to withstand sharp fluctuations in various environmental factors without harm to health is developed, in particular, meteorological ones, the body's endurance increases.

Experts note that the psychophysical health and emotional well-being of a child largely depends on the environment in which he lives and is raised. Mental health is an integral element of health and is considered as a set of mental characteristics that ensure dynamic balance and the ability of a child to perform social functions.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions that ensure the psychological health of a preschooler, providing a humane attitude towards children and an individual approach taking into account their personal characteristics, psychological comfort, and an interesting and meaningful life in kindergarten.

Protecting and promoting health, instilling healthy lifestyle habits are a primary task for teachers. In this regard, it is necessary to organize diverse activities aimed at preserving the health of children, implementing a complex of educational, recreational, treatment and preventive measures at different age levels.

The implementation of this direction is ensured by:

The focus of the educational process on the physical development of preschool children and their valeological education (as a priority in the work of a preschool institution);

A set of health-improving activities during the day depending on the time of year;

Creating optimal pedagogical conditions for children to stay in preschool educational institutions;

Formation of approaches to interaction with family and development of social partnership.

The systematic preservation and development of health must be carried out in several directions.

Therapeutic and prophylactic (disease prevention, national calendar of preventive vaccinations, vitaminization, etc.).

Ensuring the psychological safety of the child’s personality (psychologically comfortable organization of routine moments, optimal motor mode, proper distribution of physical and intellectual stress, the use of relaxation techniques in the daily routine, the use of the necessary means and methods: elements of auto-training, psycho-gymnastics, music therapy).

Health-improving orientation of the educational process (taking into account hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education, creating conditions for health-improving regimes, valeologization of the educational space for children, caring for the child’s nervous system: taking into account his individual abilities and interests; providing freedom choice, creating conditions for self-realization, focusing on the child’s zone of proximal development, etc.)

Formation of the child’s valeological culture, the foundations of valeological consciousness (knowledge about health, the ability to save, maintain and preserve it, fostering a conscious attitude towards health and life).

Physical development and health are given leading positions, therefore, to create a pedagogical health system in a preschool institution, it is necessary to adhere to the following main directions:

Create conditions for physical activity, emotional, intellectual, social and moral health of the child and qualified medical care to improve the health of children;

Organize a system for improving the qualifications of personnel to work in conditions of health-saving pedagogy;

Create a targeted system for interaction with parents;

Develop a motor regimen for each group, taking into account its specifics and age;

Together with medical personnel, organize preventive, health-improving and therapeutic (if necessary) work;

Provide balanced nutrition.

To organize and conduct various types of activities for preschoolers, it is necessary to use a flexible, developmental, non-oppressive system for the child, the basis of which is an emotionally comfortable living environment and a favorable regime for organizing the life activities of children. All this is presented in the form of well-developed methodological recommendations.

Current practice preschool work shows that not all teachers and parents know the features of the psychophysiological, emotional and intellectual development of a preschool child, and have little knowledge of the techniques of health-saving pedagogy. The use of workshops, conversations, consultations, and trainings for teachers and parents will allow:

Determine common approaches to organizing nutrition, sleep, means of hardening, developing cultural and hygienic skills, ensuring sufficient time for children to spend time in the fresh air, establishing emotional contact (communication with the child);

Involve parents in active participation in solving both organizational and pedagogical problems;

Increase (if possible) the pedagogical culture of parents.

Conclusions on the first chapter

In the first chapter of the work, we examined the theoretical aspects of the role of a preschool educational institution in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers in the psychological and pedagogical literature and came to the following conclusions:

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is not only a biological, but also a social category, i.e. health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being

The effectiveness of raising and teaching children and adolescents depends on health. Health is an important factor in the performance and harmonious development of a child’s body.

There are several components (types) of health: somatic health, physical health, mental health, moral health.

Human health primarily depends on lifestyle, which is largely personalized and determined by historical and national traditions (mentality) and personal inclinations (image).

The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle should be understood as typical forms and methods of daily human activity that strengthen and improve the body’s reserve capabilities, thereby ensuring the successful performance of one’s social and professional functions regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations.

One of the main conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children is physical education classes in a preschool educational institution.

The second most important condition for instilling in children the need for a healthy lifestyle is the presence of a special educational program in a preschool institution

The third condition for developing children’s need for a healthy lifestyle is mastering a system of concepts about their body, health and a healthy lifestyle.

The fourth condition for developing the position of creator of one’s own health is the creation by adults of countless situations for children to endlessly demonstrate their growing physical capabilities.

Forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is an important pedagogical task.

The priority direction of the kindergarten’s work should be the physical development of the child and the preservation of his health. The problem of improving the health of children is not the action of one day and one person, but the purposeful, systematic, planned work of the entire teaching staff and, of course, parents.

Lidia Kutyreva
Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve health children in the process of education and training.

Analyzing the state children's health, We noticed that that upon admission to preschool every year the number of children with disabilities increases health, the number of children with group III is growing health, frequently ill people. Main problem - low level of knowledge about the value of one's the health of parents and the health of their children. It is known that health, more than half, depends on lifestyle, a quarter - from the environment and much less it is connected with heredity and the state of health care in the state. If we, adults, understand this, and at the same time deliberately harm ourselves, then this is our and only our choice. Health of preschool children, a completely different question, it is entirely on our conscience. We are called to educate preschooler respect for one's own health and the duty to protect it.

The problem of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. It is known that preschool age is decisive in formation foundation of physical and mental health. It is during this period that there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the formation of basic personality traits, attitude towards oneself and others. Important at this stage form children have a knowledge base and practical skills healthy lifestyle, a realized need for systematic physical education and sports.

The direction of vigorous activity towards the conscious preservation and strengthening of one’s health allows our children to be physically, mentally and socially more prosperous during the transition from the artificially structured environment of kindergarten to the real world, everyday situation life.

Today under healthy lifestyle we understand the active work of someone who wants to be healthy aimed at maintaining and improving health. Components healthy lifestyle:

Proper nutrition;

Rational motor activity;

Hardening the body;

Development of the respiratory apparatus;

Maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state.

We must incorporate initial knowledge and skills in these components into the foundation of a healthy lifestyle for a child.

You have to start with yourself, with self-improvement: change your thinking to healthy lifestyle; replenish your own luggage with theoretical knowledge (anatomy, physiology, psychology, theory and methods of physical education, hygiene, etc.) It is necessary to master health-improving systems and technologies; acquire and consolidate practical skills healthy lifestyle(exercise, water hardening procedures, regular walking, breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastics, etc.).

It is necessary to pay great attention to working with parents (conducting workshops, consultations on issues health improvement(hardening, physical activity, nutrition, auto-training, respiratory systems, family competitions “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”, open days and other events.

Organization plays an important role health-saving space. To this end, we tried to create environmental and psychological comfort educational environment; created a subject-development environment that ensures safety children's lives, conditions for strengthening health and hardening the body of each of them. Exhibitions of specialized and children's literature, as well as posters made as a result of joint activities of children and adults, children's works on fine art activities on the topic of healthy lifestyle, informational stands for parents also contribute to familiarization with healthy lifestyle for children and parents.

In our work we use various forms, means and methods formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. Main forms works are games, creating situations, watching and discussing video clips, excerpts from films, cartoons, reading and discussing fiction, project activities, quizzes, productive activities, walking, days health, shows and competitions, sports events, leisure activities, special occasions.

In the daily routine and in continuous immediate educational activity we rationally use motor and emotional-psychological unloading (physical training minutes, minutes health, motor discharges, elements of relaxation).

Direct educational activities we use for formation children's ideas about man as a living being, his body and health; about lifestyle human and addiction health from lifestyle; about the influence of various factors on human health and lifestyle; O healthy lifestyle; about human behavior that contributes to health and healthy lifestyle.

During physical education health work we develop the physical, mental and moral qualities of children, foster independence and creativity.

Developing cultural and hygienic skills, we form habits of properly washing, drying, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and behaving correctly when coughing and sneezing.

Continuously direct educational We use fine arts activities for the implementation of productive activities preschoolers, facilitating the expression of their ideas about a healthy lifestyle in drawings, applications, and crafts made from plasticine, dough, and clay.

Musical educational We use activities to develop proper breathing in children.

Leisure activities and sports events help create conditions for children to emotionally perceive information about a healthy lifestyle, consolidate received ideas and systematize them. The use of problem situations makes it possible to activate children’s choice of solutions that correspond to a healthy lifestyle.

By means formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children are didactic and role-playing games, fiction, productive and subject-based practical activities. In role-playing games "Hospital", "Family" shaping behavior in preschoolers, promoting healthy lifestyle, on basis ideas about the meaning for health ventilation of the room, wet cleaning, washing clothes, limiting the time spent watching TV, working at the computer, using hardening measures, sanitary and hygienic procedures, and non-medicinal products for the prevention of diseases.

Practice has shown the need to use preschool institutions health-saving technologies.

In order for children to have the opportunity to systematically move throughout the day to fulfill their motor needs, we have developed a model of an optimal motor mode appropriate to the age of the children, which allows not only to satisfy the physiological need for movement, but also promotes development main motor qualities, maintaining performance at a high level throughout the day, week, provides a reasonable balance between physical activity and rest.

We use the following principles for building optimal motor regime: health-improving orientation, natural stimulation of motor and intellectual activity, individually differentiated approach.

To satisfy the child’s need for movement, we conduct health running according to the Yu system. F. Zmanovsky. We increase the load gradually by repeating the distance the child runs.

We include cyclic running exercises for children 4-5 years old in morning exercises, where after warming up children run at a slow pace for a distance of about 100 meters, and by the end of the year up to 200 meters. Kindergarten graduates can run 1.5 - 2 km without much effort.

Organization algorithm health running according to the Yu system. F, Zmanovsky

1. Warm up (squats, various types of walking, running in place).

2. Run at a given pace.

3. Running at a slow pace.

4. Walking while doing relaxation exercises.

Running according to the system of Yu. F. Zmanovsky is health product, it has a beneficial effect on all physiological systems and mental functions.

Creative implementation of principles health development education B. F. Bazarny was given the opportunity to the team preschool institutions to create a holistic system of raising children preschool age, make the following adjustments to the existing educational educational process:

Create a training system in the mode of dynamic poses with periodic changes in body position;

Change the traditional mode of visual work in conditions of near vision;

Carry out exercises with signal marks.

Work on the prevention of postural disorders and myopia has yielded positive results.

The use of non-traditional types of gymnastics plays an important role for health care for preschoolers. Awakening gymnastics helps to improve the mood and muscle tone of children, and also ensures the prevention of postural disorders. We do it after sleep.

By using breathing exercises Using the method of A. N. Strelnikova, we develop the breathing apparatus and teach children to breathe correctly.

For systematic training of fingers and hands, we use finger gymnastics complexes. The conduct of finger gymnastics is clearly defined in the regimen of each age group. To stimulate the muscles of the hand, self-massage of the hands and fingers is used. For self-massage we use pencils, walnuts, and toys.

Physiotherapy "Healing Sounds" M. L. Lazareva (program "Hello") improves the indicator of external respiration function, increases emotional tone. With the help of sounds, we teach children to treat colds, coughs, tracheitis, and relieve stress.

An important role for health preservation and health preservation reflexology plays ( wellness massage, self-massage mutual massage, acupressure, psycho-emotional technologies ( wellness breaks, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation, fronto-occipital correction, art therapy (music therapy, color therapy, fairy tale therapy, etc., aromatherapy, herbal medicine.

Usage health-saving technologies helped to shape conscious attitude towards one's health, primary knowledge about the basics of a healthy lifestyle, to develop in children an understanding of the structure of their own body, the purpose of the organs of the human body, to teach children how to care for their body, and the skills of providing basic assistance.

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