Arm tattoo for girls: beautiful female motifs and images. Tattoo ideas for girls: places of application Tattoos on the inner side of the arm for women

In this article we will look at all kinds of tattoo options on women's hands. Each of these pictures has its own meaning, which may help you make your choice.

Did you know that tattoos in some countries are not just decoration, but a tradition? For example, in the Balkans, such a tradition is still alive - for example, tattoos there are predominantly a female attribute, which is placed on the hands.

They are believed to have healing powers, and less superstitious people simply read information about them - about marriage, the number of children, widowhood. However, you can also try to tell about yourself with the help of tattoos on your hands.

Places for tattoos for girls on arms

  • Wrist from the inside- considered one of the most popular places for girls to get tattoos. Firstly, the application procedure itself in this case will not seem painful, and secondly, the image can always be hidden if desired using a sleeve, watch, glove or bracelet. A short phrase or a small picture in this place is what you need

IMPORTANT: If you want to get a quick-healing tattoo, then the wrist is perfect.

  • Palms- this option is used quite rarely, and at the same time mainly by people who belong to some organization. In addition, getting a tattoo on the palm is quite painful, but if you wish, you can

  • Fingers- most often they prefer to decorate them from the side. This method is chosen by coquettes, because they can display the decoration in this case if they wish. However, you can start a drawing on your finger and finish it on your hand.

  • Inner side of biceps - a relatively painless method, since this area is a kind of pillow. Your muscles may ache for a while, but not for long. The tattoo looks impressive, but it can only be hidden with sleeves - an option for brave ladies

  • Brush- a good choice for those girls who want to emphasize their strong character. You can choose any pattern you like, but geometric patterns and animals look more impressive

  • Forearm- if you really want to get a tattoo on your arm, but at the same time make it look feminine, you should opt for this idea. Of course, it’s not always possible to hide a picture, but a small, elegant tattoo can fit into any look.

  • Shoulder- a tattoo in this place will look masculine, not all girls agree to have it. But floral patterns are quite capable of smoothing out this effect.

  • "Sleeves"- an attribute of brave women. Of course, the pattern from the shoulder to the fingers will immediately catch your eye. Therefore you can choose half sleeve(shoulder to elbow, elbow to wrist) or even quarter(half forearm)

Sketches and drawings of tattoos for girls on their arms

Mini tattoos for girls on arms

  • Heart on your wrist is a good example of a small tattoo. It symbolizes love, fidelity, harmony. This tiny decoration will not attract much attention, but at the same time it will tell others about the tenderness and amorousness of the owner

  • Cat paw prints- denote self-confidence, inner strength, grace. However, they can simply say that the woman adores representatives of the cat family

  • Star- a fairly ancient symbol that was used in many cultures. A shooting star has always symbolized the fulfillment of desires, success, good luck

Actress Eva Longoria has a small star tattoo on her arm.
  • Infinity sign does not take up much space, but is quite symbolic. By the way, you can clarify what exactly infinity is meant by adding some similar small icon to the inverted figure eight. For example, the heart depicted here will tell you about the eternity of love.

  • Martin- speaks of warmth, happiness, attachment to home. The Celts believed that this bird served as a talisman against death and other misfortunes, and Christians considered it a symbol of the soul

IMPORTANT: If a girl wants to talk about her independence, this can also be done using an image of a swallow. It is enough to draw it hovering over the nest.

  • Cross- The ancient Chinese believed that two intersecting lines were a staircase leading to heaven. It can also denote faith, although Christians and Catholics are, in principle, against depicting anything on the body

  • Rose— a small image of this flower can easily fit on your finger. It speaks of beauty, purity, love, memory, eternal life. In addition, the rose has always been a kind of symbol of romantic natures

  • Zodiac sign looks great on the arm as a small tattoo

  • sailboat- speaks of the owner’s adventurism. This theme mainly applies to men, but a girl can also afford to decorate her hand with a tiny sailboat. A yacht rushing rapidly with inflated sails serves as an excellent symbol of well-being and determination.

Tattoos for girls on the wrist: inscriptions, birds, crown, bracelet, flowers and their meaning

  • Inscriptions on the wrist they give a girl some mystery, and they also look quite elegant for this part of the body. At the same time, they should be concise, since, naturally, large text will not fit on the wrist. For example, this is what you could write: "Cum deo"("With God blessing"), "Fecit"(“Did, fulfilled”)

  • Pigeon- as you know, the bird of peace. Also symbolizes love, goodness, purity of soul
  • Flock of flying birds is the embodiment of freedom, dreams, fortitude, joy, beauty, vitality and aspirations for something more

IMPORTANT: If you want to make it more specific, you should depict not the contours of birds, but some specific birds striving upward. Thus, the swan embodies tenderness, love, fidelity; the eagle embodies independence, foresight, and pride.

  • Crown- suggests that the owner of the image seeks to dominate someone or something, and maybe even belongs to the elite. However, they rarely think about the latter when they want to get such a tattoo. If you draw a crown next to another symbol, you can use it to emphasize the importance of this symbol

  • Bracelet- a rather creative and stylish way to decorate your hand so that this decoration looks natural. This is not at all necessary flirty decoration should carry meaning - it can consist of bows, beads, ribbons, hearts. But, however, Celtic patterns will fit perfectly into the image of those girls who prefer to get tattoos with subtext

  • Gladiolus- a unique combination of tenderness and strength. Despite the fact that the flower is quite fragile in appearance, its name translates as “sword”. Ancient warriors believed that an amulet in the form of a gladiolus would give dexterity and also protect in battle
  • Poppy- loneliness, craving for solitude. However, if such a tattoo is given to two lovers, it will symbolize their affection and constant interest in relation to each other

IMPORTANT: Poppy is not a popular tattoo, but don't let that scare you. The fact is that not everyone may like the symbol of loneliness. But if you are an introvert who feels comfortable in this state, feel free to order such an image.

  • Lotus- suggests that the owner of the tattoo is always ready to overcome obstacles. And it is not surprising if we remember that this beautiful flower grows in swampy areas. And even despite the swamp, the lotus blooms every time

Tattoos on the shoulder and forearm for girls: inscriptions, patterns, panther, flowers and their meaning

  • Panther- speaks of the grace and graceful beauty of the owner. Such qualities in this animal have captivated people since ancient times. However, at the same time, treachery, danger and sometimes even rage are associated with the panther.

  • Wildflowers- they are perfect for a girly shoulder tattoo. They embody femininity, pure beauty, youth. An ideal option for those girls who want to decorate their shoulder, but are afraid of a too massive and rough tattoo

  • Lily- a very popular option for women's jewelry. And it is not surprising, because it is considered a symbol of calm, harmony, nobility, tenderness, and peace. Christians associated the lily with meekness and humility, the Romans depicted this flower on coins as the embodiment of hopes, the French used it to show respect

IMPORTANT: You can convey additional information to others using the color of the lily. So, white speaks of wealth, yellow - of pride and inaccessibility, orange - of originality and independence, pink - of tenderness, a flower of dark shades - of passion.

  • Magnolia- quite popular symbolism, especially in the East. Associated with femininity, tenderness, fragility and uniqueness. Ideal for women with good feeling style, creative nature

  • Sakura- the embodiment of beauty and youth. Sometimes it is interpreted as the transience of life, since sakura blooms only once a year and not for long. Often in the form of a tattoo, it flaunts as the embodiment of all stages of human life - growth, flowering and withering

  • Shoulder and forearm for inscriptions fit perfectly - there is room to place any philosophical thought, motto or names of loved ones. Alternatively, you can use the following sayings: "Audaces fortuna juvat"(“Fortune favors the brave”) "Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito"(“Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it”), "Vivere militare est"("Live means fight")
Angelina Jolie has the word Determination in Arabic inscribed on her forearm.

  • Among the patterns It is especially worth highlighting those that belong to to the Celtic group. The traditions of Celtic images were largely influenced by the culture of the lands that were conquered - Indo-Aryan, Byzantine, Christian. This means that in the interweaving of such patterns one can notice various motifs, but most often they tell the story of infinity

IMPORTANT: You can easily get lost in the multitude of Celtic patterns, so it is recommended to give preference to the sun - an image that will look great on the shoulder. The symbol itself is intended to endow its owner with positive energy.

Tattoos for girls on the fingers: rings, inscriptions and their meaning

  • Lettering between fingers quite popular among girls. This tattoo is shown to others at will. Of course, such an inscription cannot be long.

Tattoo on the finger in the form of an inscription from the singer Rihanna

  • Quite an interesting option - several tattoos on the sides of the fingers. This way you can add the lyrics of your favorite song or an interesting quote.

  • Inscription on the side of the fingers is a great idea and for couples tattoo. For example, you can capture the date of a wedding or meeting

  • Another interesting option for a paired finger tattoo is image of a lion and lioness. At first glance they look like rings. These animals symbolize calm strength, loyalty, readiness to fight for one’s own.

  • popular, but, as a rule, they do not carry any special meaning. Just the option when the image serves only as decoration

  • Some newlyweds like this tattoo as a replacement wedding rings

Sleeve tattoos for girls and their meaning

  • Sleeve tattoos for girls may not contain any secret meaning at all, since representatives of the fair sex sometimes just want to decorate themselves with something non-brutal. And, for example, sweets images may well be suitable for this

IMPORTANT: However, when creating sleeves, it is extremely desirable that even images that do not carry any special meaning are somehow connected with each other.

  • A popular type of sleeves among women is canvases with flowers. Roses are most often depicted as symbolizing passion. At the same time, you can apply something else associated with a blooming garden - the birds that sing in it, the camera with which all this beauty is photographed

  • If we talk about nature, then you can apply a luxurious tree to your entire hand. Or you can have several, thereby forming forest. The forest talks about how the girl is in search of her path. Moreover, such a pattern will be uniform, which makes it very convenient for application around the arm - the tattoo will please the eye at any point of observation
  • Ship- a symbol of self-determination, a desire for a change of scenery. Since ancient times, sailors painted this symbol when they crossed Cape Horn, and later the ship became, in principle, associated with overcoming obstacles. You can also depict a girl sitting on the shore with a lantern, which seems to illuminate the way
  • Sleeves are a great idea if you want to depict portraits

Tattoos on the hands cause concern among some girls - what if they look too brutal and unfeminine? However, with skillful approach, even the hand can be decorated in such a way that grace and grace are preserved. Moreover, these qualities can be emphasized.

Tattoo on inside hands are one of the most ancient ways of self-expression. They have long been considered a demonstration of a certain social status, as well as a reflection of a person’s tribal affiliation. Today such tattoos are used

A tattoo on the inside of the arm is one of the most ancient ways of self-expression. They have long been considered a demonstration of a certain social status, as well as a reflection of a person’s tribal affiliation. Today, such tattoos are very popular due to their aesthetic appeal. It is the hands that are the most open part of the body, so the drawings applied to them will be most noticeable to others.

Features of a tattoo on the hand

Modern tattooing techniques allow you to decorate the body with any images with minimal discomfort for the client. Looking at catalogs with photos of tattoos on the inside of the arm, you can choose a variety of designs that will suit any taste. In addition to small images or inscriptions, there are also large sleeve tattoos that cover not only the inner, but also the outer part of the arm from the wrist to the shoulder.

What designs can be made on the inside of the arm?

Tattoo artists often tattoo various popular expressions in Russian, Chinese, Japanese or Latin on their clients’ hands. They use all kinds of fonts, allowing you to write in any desired area. Ethnic or fantasy ornaments look impressive and original on the inside of the hand. In addition, tattoos in the style of “biomechanics” are trending, suggesting a combination of elements human body and fragments of artificial mechanisms implanted into each other.

You can get one tattoo on the inside of your arm or several tattoos combined into one group. Miniatures on the wrist look unusual, as if they are hidden from prying eyes, but at the same time they look intriguing and exciting, giving their owner a certain charm.

Tattoo on the inside of the arm - decoration or way of self-expression

On men's photos There are tattoos on the inside of the arm, made in a variety of styles. They come in large and small, colored or plain. Men often print on their hands images of birds of prey and animals, upward-moving flames, zodiac signs and complex fantasy patterns. To apply a tattoo, modern coloring pigments are used, which are characterized by increased durability, as well as first-class equipment, allowing the procedure to be carried out quickly and painlessly.

By combining several different elements, artists create tattoos containing deep meaning. They skillfully focus attention on this or that color, and also apply images that convey the mood or certain feelings characteristic of each specific person.

A tattoo is not just a design on the body, but also an opportunity to express your individuality. It can reflect information about some event in life or simply serve as decoration. The most popular and in demand are tattoos on the arm. They are made in both color and black and white.

The size of the tattoo also depends on the client’s personal preferences. Previously, tattoos on the hand were of great importance, as they reflected the sphere of activity of a person or his social status. In the modern world, tattoos are in much greater demand than before. They are applied to almost all parts of the body, but most often they are tattooed on the arm. The hand is incredibly mobile, has many bends, which provides enormous scope for creativity.

Depending on the chosen body art, the tattoo can be applied to one part of the arm, several, or cover the entire arm.

Finger tattoos

On the fingers you can often find hieroglyphs, letters of the Latin or Russian alphabets, simple patterns or signs, and laconic inscriptions. Mostly these are Traditional black tattoo, dotwork tattoo, blackwork tattoo.

Tattoos on girls' fingers

Finger tattoos for men

Tattoos are more common on men's fingers. Not every girl will decide to put a tattoo on the open visible part of her arm. Although not many men have such tattoos. The reason is the same.

Palm tattoo

Drawings or inscriptions are often depicted on the outer side of the palm that reflect the individuality of a person, characterize his character traits, or attract attention, since this part of the hand is always visible.

Often there are dotwork, blackwork, old school, new school.

As you can see, the majority of boys paint mandalas and other designs on the outer side of their palms, although girls, of course, too. Just like the fingers, they are the visible part of the hand.

On the outer side of the palm there are different motifs in different tattoo styles.
The most popular are Old School and New School motifs, such as roses.

Skull tattoos are often found on the outside of the palm.

Chicano motifs and lettering are common.

There are also a variety of motifs in different tattoo styles.

Tattoo on the inside of the palm

The inner side of the palm is also relatively small in size, and the images chosen as a tattoo should be succinct and neat. These can be inscriptions or symbols, small ornamental compositions, geometric or floral patterns, symbolic images of animals. As a rule, such tattoos are made in Traditional Black Tattoos with sometimes Dotwork elements.

If you wish, you can apply such a tattoo yourself, without a machine, but observing sterility and the rules of tattoo care!

Of all the places on the hand, tattoos on the inside of the palm are the least common.

Wrist tattoo

Wrist tattoos for girls

Tattoos on the wrist are more common than on the fingers and hand. From the collection of photos of these tattoos it is clear that eighty percent of girls have such tattoos.

These are laconic tattoo inscriptions of one to three words, or miniatures of any style of tattoo.

Tattoos on the wrist for men are also minimalism in different styles, bracelets Traditional black tattoo, dotwork tattoo, blackwork tattoo, etc.

Mandalas, cobwebs, and Polynesia are often chosen for the elbow.

The ulnar part of the hand is rarely decorated with a single design; often the image extends to the forearm.

The forearm of the hand gives us a lot of room for imagination, thanks to the presence of space. Both girls and men choose the forearm for tattoos. Men naturally prefer masculine themes: fire, wild animals, skulls, etc. Women choose flowers, runes, Celtic patterns or stars.

Drawings are often applied to the forearm, which are designed to decorate the body and do not carry much meaning. A great place for both sexes to take portraits. The forearm gives a lot of scope for imagination and allows you to realize many ideas in all tattoo styles.

Great place for Portraits Realistic tattoo. Both in black and gray and color tattoo.

Forearms with Chicano style tattoos look gorgeous.

Many colors are found in photos of forearm tattoos, especially in Minimalism.

Japanese tattoos on the forearm are presented both singly and in composition with other elements that extend into the sleeves.

As mentioned earlier, tattoos are applied to the forearm in all known styles: Old School tattoo, Dotwork tattoo, Linework tattoo, Polynesian tattoo, Biomechanical tattoo, Realistic Trash polka tattoo, etc.

The shoulder is considered a universal place because any tattoo can be applied to it. A huge flight of fancy. In any style of tattoo. The shoulder is the most common place for tattooing.

Tattoo sleeve

In addition to single tattoos on the arm, you can apply the design to the entire arm. This type of tattoo is called a "sleeve". It is a continuous image that occupies the entire space of the arm from the shoulder to the hand. “Sleeve” is chosen not only by men, but also by women. This is a unique way to show your uniqueness and character traits. Depending on the format, the “sleeve” can be of two types:
Long sleeves involve applying a pattern to the entire arm from shoulder to wrist.
Half – The image takes up half of the arm, either from shoulder to elbow, or from elbow to wrist.
As a rule, this type of tattoo carries a certain meaning. Various inscriptions, hieroglyphs or images that have special meaning for a person are woven into the pattern.

Horror tattoo sleeves

Is the tattoo procedure painful?

This question plagues everyone who decides to get a tattoo for the first time. The process of needling cannot be called pleasant, but the pain sensation largely depends on the pain threshold. Each person has his own.

Applying an image to the hand is not the most painful on a scale of ten, it is about 4 out of 10. Depending on the area where the image is applied, the pain will vary. The least painful sensations are caused by tattooing on the outer surface of the shoulder and forearm. The inner side of the shoulder is more sensitive, so the pain will be felt more acutely. The most painful sensations on the arm are caused by tattooing on the hand.

This is due to the fact that there is no fatty layer on it and there are a great many nerve endings. However, regardless of the application area, than larger size images, the more discomfort a person experiences.

At all times, tattoos carried a certain meaning, distinguished their owner from the crowd and were considered a manifestation of fortitude. Today, nothing has changed; by choosing a design with meaning, getting a tattoo on the hand, a person strives to stand out, reveal his character traits and show his uniqueness.

Tattooed girls –

Gorilla tattoo, realism photo from:

Tattoos on the biceps are a priority among men. This is due to muscle structure and the fact that representatives of the stronger half of humanity more often devote time to increasing shoulder mass.

The drawings are placed on the inside of the arm. Here the image is protected from fading and looks attractive. In addition, the image is easy to hide if you do not want to attract outside attention to it.

Pros and cons of bicep tattoos

The advantage of a tattoo on the biceps is a flatter surface structure with a fairly wide space. This structure is determined by how the muscle transfers loads. On toned arms, the biceps area is doubled, which gives room for the location of the sketch.

In this area it is convenient to perform graphic work in black and white. They look expressive and beautiful, because the skin does not wipe and peel off. In addition, the sketch is protected from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. What prolongs the life of a tattoo.

The biceps area loses elasticity and tone over time. Age-related changes they do not spare their hands if the tattoo bearer has stopped playing sports. The formation of subcutaneous fat affects not only the shape of the pattern, but also affects the color.

A relatively negative feature is considered to be an individual feature of the muscle structure. If a person continues to increase the mass of his biceps, he does not always have a beautiful oval shape. Genetics and exercise choices can change the shape and stretch or shrink the image.

Tattoos for men

Tattoos on the biceps for men on the inside are divided into images and inscriptions. Both types are equally popular. Slogans or single words look good even on thin and emaciated hands. The images are more suitable for people with toned muscles.

Options for interpretation of men's tattoos:

  • watch, dial - immortality, power over time;
  • wing - protection of an angel;
  • a kraken entwining a ship - the inevitability of fate;
  • Wind rose - the right course in life, life support;
  • - perseverance, strength, fearlessness;
  • dragon - dominance;
  • Olympic rings - victory, championship;
  • skull and playing cards - excitement, wealth, fame, luck;
  • dove - messenger of God, blessing, good news;
  • the face of the Virgin Mary - protection of maternal love;
  • rose - passionate love;
  • silhouette of mountains, landscape - pleasant travel, etc.

The aesthetics of a male tattoo lies in the composition that highlights the volume of the arm. The themes are most often related to overcoming difficulties, the joy of victories and finding oneself.

Many works with a humorous nature are associated with the area of ​​​​the back of the hand. Tattoos can be easily hidden from view or demonstrated if necessary.

Celtic, Maori, Haida, Polynesian or dotwork tattoos look good. Steady lines and compact sketches decorate the hand, creating a beneficial visual effect. Organic, baroque, realism, graphics and watercolor have similar advantages.

The inscriptions are a separate topic. Proximity to the heart area makes the reverse side of the biceps best place to create a message to the owner's spirit. Lettering allows you to create beautiful picture using the structure of letters. The topic for the inscription can be a philosophical saying or a short slogan-creed of a person.

Tattoos for women

Bicep tattoo designs for girls are filled with aesthetics and visual effects. The purpose of a woman's tattoo is to decorate the body. That is why the most expressive ones are selected geometric shapes or images.

The gamut of the pattern plays a key role. In color, the design will stand out against the background of light skin, emphasizing the tenderness of the wearer. Black and white works look convincing and original. Most of the works are associated with symbolic images for the girl.

  • Tattoo with name

  • Rose and mandala tattoo

  • Tree and triangle tattoo

  • Realistic tattoo

  • Flower tattoo with inscription

  • Tattoo on the biceps, photo from:

  • Tattoo on the biceps, photo from:

  • Lettering and Roman numerals tattoo

  • Hedgehog tattoos disappear into the fog

  • Tiger tattoo on bicep

  • Barbed wire tattoo on bicep
  • cat or fox head - sexuality;
  • crown - undisputed primacy;
  • planets - cosmic energies;
  • eye, heart, red rose, Fatima's palm - protection from negativity;
  • bamboo branches - resistance to life's troubles, etc.

The absence of aggressive themes emphasizes the feminine principle, its vulnerability and attractiveness. However, the essence of the tattoo depends on the temperament of the owner, which affects the style and choice of composition.

In the lettering style, beautiful ladies are given more restrained and graceful letters. Thin stitches and slanted lines emphasize the charm, and the black and white color scheme looks fresh on light skin.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the bicep?

Getting a tattoo on the inside of your biceps is painful. Large veins and vessels pass here, supplying blood from the heart to the limbs. Because of this, the skin is covered with a large number of nerve endings. It is important for the master to select the part of the hand that has fewer nerves in this place.

When choosing parts of the hand for a tattoo, it is recommended to form the composition in places with a large volume of muscles. It is most painful to perform operations in the axillary area and in the crook of the arm. That is why strict placement in the middle of the biceps will reduce discomfort.

Video - tattoo on biceps, photo gallery

When deciding to get a tattoo on their arm, girls have to think hard. Hands are a part of the body that is mainly in plain sight and shown to others in all its glory. Fortunately, masters are ready to offer clients a lot of solutions that suit their character, lifestyle and personal considerations.

In general, girls prefer to “wear” delicate, neatly made patterns on their hands. The desire to have a permanent design on a prominent part of the body speaks of a girl’s desire to talk about her interests, views, and attitude towards certain phenomena. But sometimes everything is much simpler: for example, a tattoo in the form of an elegant bracelet around the hand is most likely caused by the desire to emphasize the delicacy and fragility of a girl’s hands.

Forearm tattoo

For this zone, most girls prefer medium-sized patterns, inscriptions and drawings applied to the inside of the forearm. At the same time, the weaker sex is no longer afraid large patterns, covering the entire forearm. For inscriptions on this part of the body, it is customary to choose monochrome, and drawings and patterns are mainly made in color. The most trendy sketches for the forearm include:

  • abstraction;
  • birds;
  • geometry;
  • Indian symbols;
  • snakes;
  • flowers;
  • National symbols;
  • ethnic graphics;
  • landscapes;
  • image of cosmic bodies.

Tattoos on hands

Tattoos for the described area should be chosen with caution. The hands are a collection of nerve endings, and fat layer extremely thin in this area. In order not to injure the skin, the masters insert the needle very shallowly. One of the favorite tattoos on women's hands is a bracelet. It can be made in the style of realism, visually resembling the real thing jewel. Also in demand:

  • feathers;
  • stars;
  • musical signs and symbols;
  • inscriptions;
  • birds;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • insects;
  • compass;
  • crown;
  • mehendi style patterns;
  • hearts.

Finger tattoos

Fingers are rightfully considered one of the most painful areas for tattooing. Fortunately, the session does not last long, because it is customary to imprint small-sized symbols and letters on the fingers. The trend today is side inscriptions made in English. Moreover, fingers are suitable not only for letters and symbols. You can increasingly see notes, pins, stars, flowers, anchors, a crescent and even a revolver on them.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the special love of girls for paired tattoos on their fingers, made in the form of wedding rings. They can be printed both in the classical style and in the form of ornament, abstraction, and interlacing.


A tattoo covering the arm from shoulder to wrist is the choice of not only men, but also brave girls. As a rule, such tattoos are chosen by creative individuals who do not attach significant importance to the opinions of others. Such girls are driven by their own philosophy of life, which dictates special rules. In the case of a sleeve, the master has a lot of room to expand: it can be portraits, Indian paintings, black work, flowers and plant plexuses, abstract compositions, comics, old school, watercolors, landscapes, biomechanics and much more.

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