Natural face cream. Do-it-yourself whitening emulsion How to make an emulsion

Anyone, even a novice metalworking specialist, knows that when performing turning work on a machine, it is necessary to use cutting fluids (coolants). The use of such technical fluids (their composition may vary) allows you to solve several important problems simultaneously:

  • cooling of the cutter, which is actively heating up during processing (accordingly, extending its service life);
  • improving the surface finish of the workpiece;
  • increasing the productivity of the metal cutting process.

Types of coolant used in turning

All types of coolant used for turning operations on a machine are divided into two large categories.

Water-based coolant
Oil based coolant

Such liquids remove heat from the processing area much worse, but provide excellent lubrication of the surfaces of the workpiece and tool.

Among the most common coolants that are used in metal processing on lathes are the following.

  • A solution of technical soda ash (1.5%) in boiled water. This fluid is used when performing rough turning on a lathe.
  • An aqueous solution containing 0.8% soda and 0.25% sodium nitrite, which increases the anti-corrosion properties of the coolant. It is also used for rough turning on a machine.
  • A solution consisting of boiled water and trisodium phosphate (1.5%), almost identical in its cooling effect to liquids containing soda ash.
  • An aqueous solution containing trisodium phosphate (0.8%) and sodium nitrite (0.25%). It has improved anti-corrosion properties and is also used when performing rough turning on lathes.
  • A solution based on boiled water containing special potassium soap (0.5–1%), soda ash or trisodium phosphate (0.5–0.75%), sodium nitrite (0.25%).

  • A water-based solution containing 4% potassium soap and 1.5% soda ash. Coolants containing soap are used when performing roughing and shaped turning on a lathe. If necessary, potassium soap can be replaced with any other soap that does not contain chloride compounds.
  • A solution based on water, to which emulsol E-2 (2–3%) and technical soda ash (1.5%) are added. This type of coolant is used in applications where high demands are not placed on the cleanliness of the machined surface. Using such an emulsion, workpieces can be processed on a machine at high speeds.
  • An aqueous solution containing 5–8% emulsol E-2 (B) and 0.2% soda or trisodium phosphate. Using such a coolant, finish turning is performed on a lathe.
  • An aqueous solution containing emulsol based on oxidized petrolatum (5%), soda (0.3%) and sodium nitrite (0.2%). This emulsion can be used when performing rough as well as finishing turning on a machine; it allows you to obtain surfaces of higher purity.
  • An oil-based liquid containing 70% industrial oil 20, 15% 2nd grade linseed oil, 15% kerosene. Coolant of this composition is used in cases where high-precision threads are cut and workpieces are processed with expensive shaped cutters.

  • Sulfofresol is an oily cutting fluid activated by sulfur. This type of cutting fluid is used when turning with a small cut section. When performing rough work, characterized by active and significant heating of the tool and the workpiece, the use of such coolant can be harmful to the machine operator, since it emits volatile sulfur compounds.
  • A solution consisting of 90% sulforesol and 10% kerosene. This liquid is used for thread cutting, as well as for deep drilling and finishing of workpieces.
  • Pure kerosene is used when it is necessary to process workpieces made of aluminum and its alloys on a lathe, as well as when finishing using oscillating abrasive bars.

Features of the use of cutting fluids

In order for the use of coolant to be effective, several simple rules should be taken into account. The flow rate of such a liquid (regardless of whether it is an emulsion or an aqueous solution) should be at least 10–15 l/min.

It is very important to direct the flow of coolant to the place where the maximum amount of heat is generated. When turning, such a place is the area where the chips are separated from the workpiece.

From the very first moment of turning on a machine, the cutting tool begins to actively heat up, so coolant should be supplied immediately, and not after some time. Otherwise, when something very hot is cooled sharply, cracks may form in it.

More recently, an advanced cooling method has been used that involves applying a thin stream of coolant from the back surface of the cutter. This cooling method is particularly effective when a lathe requires a tool made of high-speed alloys to process a workpiece made of difficult-to-cut materials.

It should be borne in mind that coolant is not used when turning materials that are highly brittle (cast iron, bronze, etc.), during which small chips are formed. Such chips, when mixed with the cutting fluid, can clog the caliper elements, carriages and frame guides, which leads not only to their premature wear, but also to failure.

Any cream, balm, mask, conditioner consists of LIQUIDS AND FAT. The main difference between these products is the proportion of fat and liquid. For example for cooking masks or creams take up to 30% fat and 70% water. Content fat in ointments or fatty winter creams reaches 70%. For cooking balm or conditioner depending on hair type take from 1 to 10% fat. But since fat and liquid do not mix, we need EMULSIFIER. One of the most important components in the cream is ASSETS- vitamins and other useful supplements that directly nourish your skin and hair. Well, the last, also important component is ESSENTIAL OILS, which not only give a pleasant smell, but also actively affect the skin and hair.

You can read more about each block of components in other articles in this section:

Juices, decoctions, hydrosols or distilled water are used as liquids. Very important for emulsification is quality of the aqueous phase, which should be distilled or soft drinking water, since hard water makes emulsification difficult and can contribute to the separation of components after stopping mixing.

As fat: oils are used depending on the desired effect, which you can read about in the article about.

Emulsifiers are of two types depending on the desired fat content of the cream

1) DIRECT (oil in water)- little oil and a lot of water. The water part reaches 80%. This cream, balm, mask, conditioner is light and absorbs well without leaving an oily sheen, but direct emulsifiers can attract water and can lead to skin dehydration over time, so it is better not to use them for dry, mature and thinned skin.

2)REVERSE (water in oil)- little water and a lot of oil. The oil part of such a cream reaches 60-70% of the volume. Reverse emulsifier protects and nourishes the skin. This cream and mask is very greasy and takes a long time to absorb. Emulsifiers in such cases are wax, lanolin (consists of fat removed from sheep wool during washing, lime carbonate and potassium chloride), lecithin (an ester of phosphoric acid and alcohols, soy lecithin is common - a mixture of natural phospholipids and soybean oil).

Smell in cream remains from oils and esters. The smell of hydrosols disappears or a thin, thin trace remains! Sesame oil smells especially strong!

Homemade face cream


1. One glass container for the aqueous phase, but it is not for storing the finished cream and the fatty phase will be poured here

2. Glass container for the fatty phase (including both solid and liquid oils, they will heat up well together)

3. Glass container for assets (because plastic is not recommended, especially for essential oils)

4. Jar for the finished cream

5. Pupsik spray with vodka or alcohol (for disinfecting cream jars and vessels, spoons that are involved in the process)

7. Mixer or small fork for whipping.

8. Fatty phase, aqueous phase, emulsifiers, actives, esters.

9. Water thermometer.

10. Scales, cut-off syringe for measuring liquid.

You can use a proven one or, or come up with a recipe based on the advice given in this article and information about the properties of oils, actives and other ingredients by clicking on the above links.

What are ZhF and VF

Fat phase(f) - base and flower oils and, if included in the recipe, vitamin E.

Aqueous phase(wf) - consists of water or hydrolate, or decoction, water-soluble active substances, such as allantoin.
You can also introduce into the aqueous phase to lower the pH level. malic acid(increases skin elasticity), lactic acid, citric(stimulates collagen production), total weight up to 0.5%

How does an emulsifier work?

Some sources write that the emulsifier is dissolved in a dispersion medium (what more) and after complete dissolution and bringing both phases to the same temperature, the fat is mixed with liquid, and if a direct oil-in-water emulsion is prepared, then the oil is gradually poured into the water with an emulsifier and vice versa, to obtain a water-in-oil emulsion, water is introduced into the oil with an emulsifier. In fact, where to dissolve the emulsifier and what to pour into what does not really matter, because obtaining a homogeneous oil-in-water or water-in-oil mixture depends on the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance of the emulsifier.

To obtain a direct emulsion (oil in water), you need a hydrophilic emulsifier (HLB from 8 to 15), and a reverse emulsifier - a lipophilic emulsifier (HLB from 3 to 8). Here's an example of an emulsifier formula: The formula has a "tail" that can be hydrophobic or hydrophilic. If there are more hydrophobic (oil) tails, the less ability to hold more water, and vice versa, if there are more hydrophilic (water - OH) tails, the greater the opportunity to hold a lot of water, this will result in an emulsion oil-in-water.

That is, when choosing an emulsifier, you need to be guided by the properties of the desired cream, its fat content (water in oil or oil in water) and the properties of the emulsifier. The description of the emulsifier usually states the percentage of input and the temperature at which it dissolves (usually 50-70 degrees) and for what emulsions it is intended.

Active ingredients in cream

Active substances may include elastin, plant active substances (for example, aloe vera, meristem extract), flower extracts, and D-panthenol (a synthetic analogue of vitamin B5.) Normalizes skin metabolism, regenerates cells, penetrating inside the hair, enveloping it with an elastic film and giving flexibility and hair elasticity and shine), silicones added to almost finished cream after it has cooled to hand temperature. The same applies to essential oils. If the assets are water-soluble, you need to cast a small part of the VF, dissolve the assets in it and add them to the slightly cooled cream, then they will mix well with the cream.

Example of calculation of aqueous and fatty phases.

On EXAMPLE OF CREAM oil (30%)-in-water (70%) volume 50 ml.

Fatty phase (LF) = 50*70%=15 ml.
1. Select oil and water for the emulsifier for the cream. The percentage of emulsifier input is usually written on the packaging. Let's take 3% for example.
50*3%=1.5 ml.
2. Actives (vitamins and other additives), although introduced at the end of cooking, belong to the fatty phase. Let's say we take 0.8 ml. assets.
3. Essential oils - take 0.2 ml.
4. So, from 15 ml. 15-2.5 = 12.5 ml left. - this is how many base oils we will take to prepare the cream.

Aqueous phase (WF) =50*70%=35 ml.

1. Count water-soluble gelling agents, thickeners, if they will be used. Let's take guar 1% - 50*1%=0.5 ml.
2. The remaining part is liquid - 35-0.5 = 34.5 ml.

If we add preservatives, then they also need to be taken into account in one of the phases. The percentage of input and in which phase to dissolve is written on the packaging. We recommend using preservatives natural:

Propolis - dry propolis substance should be poured with a small amount of oil and heated to 60 degrees in a water bath. After propolis has dissolved in the oil, you can add it to the cream or mask. The proportion of propolis in the finished product should not exceed 5%.
- grapefruit seed extract - 0.1-1% of the total weight of the cream
- beeswax is both a preservative and an emulsifier, up to 5% in the cream
- malavit - 15 drops per 50 ml of cream
-walnut leaf extract.
Walnut extract can be an excellent preservative both due to its own properties and due to the fact that the composition also contains alcohol, which is also a preservative. The leaves and shells of walnuts contain juglone, an antibiotic with great bactericidal activity. Even in the smallest concentrations, juglone suppresses the vital activity of bacteria, including microorganisms. The extract is added to creams and lotions for facial skin, shampoos and hair care products, pre- and after-shave preparations, as well as tanning products.

It is necessary to strictly observe the ratio of ingredients in the recipe and the amount of emulsifier. Just don’t confuse grams with milliliters, because... the density of substances is different, and 1 g. does not correspond to 1 ml.

How to make cream

Measure out ingredients You can use a medical syringe or at the rate of 1 ml - this is an average of 20 drops. You can also use a spoon to measure:
1 tbsp. - 20ml
1 dessert l. - 15ml
1 tsp - 5ml
1 coffee l. - 2.5ml
1ml=20 drops, 1drop=0.05ml.

In a 5 ml measuring spoon (1 standard teaspoon):
glyceryl monostearate (full spoon) 2.9 g;
wheat emulsifier - 3.2 g;
emulsifier Planta-M - 3.4 g
zinc oxide -3 g.

The smallest spoon (1/4 teaspoon) from the set contains:
Guar 0.7 g (regular and cosmetic)
Chitosan 0.2 g
Marine DNA 0.4 g
Oat silk 0.6 g
Vitamin C 0.7 g
Potassium sorbate (without slide) - 0.4 g
Salicylic acid 0.5 g
All spoons without a slide!
Caffeine in 1.25 ml (smallest spoon) - 0.9 g.
Cetyl alcohol in 1.25 ml 0.7 g.
Sucrose stearate in 1.25 ml 0.9 g.
Stearic acid in 1.25 ml 0.6 g.
Titanium dioxide in 1.25 ml 0.4 g
Hyaluronic acid in 1.25 ml 0.3 g

And finally, creating the cream

1. Heat the fatty phase and the aqueous phase in a bathhouse in separate containers.

2. Guar, xanthan or other gelling agents are dissolved into the aqueous phase to create a gel-like emulsion.

3. In the fatty phase we dissolve the emulsifier, the description of which usually states the percentage of input and the temperature at which it dissolves (usually 50-70 degrees). If the emulsifier is wax, then it is better to melt it separately and then pour it into the oil, because it melts at temperatures above 70 degrees, and oils at this temperature can lose their properties.

4. After the emulsifier has completely dissolved and both phases have been brought to the same temperature, mix the fat with the liquid.

When mixing phases, be sure to stir in one direction. You can stir with a spoon or a mixer, then the cream will cook faster.

5. When the cream acquires the consistency of sour cream, continue to stir, cool the cream by placing it in a container with cold water. The emulsion will become more stable.

6. When the emulsion has cooled to 35-40 degrees, add assets and ethers to it. Stir again and cool.

7. Determine with indicator strips (normal is about 4).

If the pH is greater than 5, add a solution of citric acid, lactic acid or lemon juice drop by drop to the desired acidity level.

The cream is ready! Keep refrigerated

Problems that may arise:

1. When adding xanthan, stickiness appeared. This happens in case of xanthan overdose.
2. In case of an overdose, guar can turn into lumps.
3. Water flakes off if the water-fat-emulsifier ratio was not maintained, or if the cream was poorly mixed, or if the cream was cooled sharply. It’s better not to put it in the refrigerator right away. Try stirring again, if it doesn’t help, revise the recipe and make a new one.
4. The cream turns out exactly like shaving foam... Airy, fluffy, light consistency with bubbles... When you whip, you capture a lot of air. Try lowering the mixer deeper so that the cream mixes deeper. Reduce speed and whipping time
5. When I melt ZF together with emulsion wax, first it melts, and then some white flakes form on top - and they just float on top, there’s no way to get rid of them. - the liquid phase has been brought almost to a boil, you need to test the temperature by touching your wrist with a fork, with which I stir the phases. It should be well warm, but not to the point of burning.
6. The cream came out in grains, like semolina - the wax was not melted enough. Water should be poured into the bath to the level of the liquids in the cups.

1. It is not necessary to use a mixer; you can beat with a small dessert fork. Moreover, the creams are completely different depending on the proportion of liquid and solid oils and the emulsifier used.

2. When you make creams with red extracts, the color of the cream is somehow faded and not pink or white, but when you add a few drops of lactic acid, the color immediately becomes so refreshed, so lively and becomes specific - either white or pink .

3. Lactic acid, as an acid, is incompatible with xanthan and destroys its structure, so it is better not to use this combination.

4. It is better to add alcohol extracts to the finished cream while adding all the assets so that the cream does not become liquid.
Option 1: add the extract to the aqueous phase and then combine with the oily phase = liquid cream
Option 2: make a cream from the water (hydrolate only) and fat phases, beat it, i.e. bring to the desired thickness and whiteness, and then add the extract to the already cold cream, so the cream does not liquefy.

5. For oily and oily-prone skin, it is better not to use solid oils in creams. You can only use Mango butter, and even then only a little in winter creams. Grape seed is positioned for oily skin, hazelnut oil. So, for oily skin - no butters; and in general the oil phase needs to be smaller; It is better to add guar/xanthan to the aqueous phase; in MF, together with emulsifiers (to reduce fat content), add cetyl alcohol to face creams, and stearic acid to body creams (hands and feet).

6. Shea Butter, if you work with it cold, it is also an emulsifier. The principle is this: you need to grind it, without heating, with a spatula until it becomes creamy, then beat it with a whisk. You need to beat for a long time, otherwise the cream may separate. When the texture is soft, add liquid oils and water, and aloe gel a little at a time. Beat well, add vitamins and esters. If the skin is oily, then add corn or rice starch (up to 5%).
The proportions should be like this
2 parts shea
1 part liquid oil
1 part water

7. Aloe gel is easier and better to make yourself. Real aloe gel is very expensive, but it is of poor quality and may well cause an allergic reaction. The highest quality gel is definitely the most prepared one, you know for sure that it is natural. It is very beneficial for the skin and is often used in recipes. We cut the aloe kept in the refrigerator into pieces, pass it through a meat grinder, and then through a sieve. What remains is pure juice. Place in the refrigerator for a day. Then strain through a sieve again, add vodka (25% of the juice) and then eye guar until thickened.

The simplest cream formula:

(1/3 oils + 2/3 water) in a total volume of 120 ml, 1 tsp. emulsifying wax, 1/3 tsp. xanthan.
The result is a wonderful cream with a delicate and pleasant texture, close to industrial creams. The cream is perfectly absorbed and stable.

Makeup remover emulsion...


True, I prepared it a little - only one liter.

This is, count, 10 jars in total - for me and for gifts for my girls.

I’ll make it for sale tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when new jars arrive... otherwise I have about 20 pieces left somewhere for 100 ml...

I don’t want to bother with 10 jars for sale...

Already checked it myself:

It removes makeup just perfectly!

True, I had to paint my eyes with dark gray shadows specially-)))

And the skin after it is soft and soft... and no cream is needed - it is perfectly moisturized, matte, clean, breathable

and there is absolutely no greasy shine!

I didn’t skimp on components -)))

I will now use it instead of a light day cream!

So, make-up remover emulsion for delicate sensitive skin


cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, restoration, softening, anti-edematous and anti-allergic effect, regulation of water balance, protection from ultraviolet rays, even out complexion, mattifying the skin

Composition BY XANA SURAY:

lavender hydrolate



almond oil

emulsifier BTMS

phenyl trimethicone

pearl powder

preservatives: potassium sorbate and benzyl alcohol


Lavender water cleanses and nourishes the skin well, moderately moisturizes it, relieves irritation, inflammation, redness, and peeling. Suitable for caring for any skin type. Makes the skin elastic, prevents the formation of wrinkles, relieves pain and burning from sunburn.

Lavender water has pronounced bactericidal activity and antiseptic properties. Lavender water lotions treat acne and eczema. In gynecology, douching with lavender water is recommended for leucorrhoea. Compresses with lavender water heated to 38-40 degrees are effective for joint and rheumatic pain.

A bath with lavender water is a strong sedative, relieves mental and physical stress, relieves irritability and excitability.

Lavender hydrosol is great for children. When caring for newborns, it can be added to the bath, used to cleanse the skin, and used in combination with chamomile for skin rashes. Spraying lavender water in the child's room and on parents' clothes will help the child sleep better. Use it to cleanse cuts, scrapes and wounds (including those on adults). For irritability and anger issues, you can add lavender water to your bath or spray directly onto your bedding for better sleep.


Allantoin is widely used in the cosmetics industry as part of various creams; it has a dual effect on the skin: it softens the stratum corneum, promoting the separation of dead cells, and stimulates tissue regeneration. It is included in cosmetic products to tighten pores and soften the skin, including those intended for the care of chapped or sunburned skin. Allantoin has a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin and hair, tightens pores, and also stimulates wound healing and renewal of epidermal cells. When in contact with skin, allantoin has a keratolytic effect. It softens the stratum corneum, helping to remove dead cells. Thanks to this property, allantoin effectively prevents clogging of pores, the formation of comedones (blackheads) and inflammatory elements. It has antioxidant activity, which means it is an effective component in anti-aging products. The drug is especially recommended for skin care in conditions of increased environmental aggression (wind, sun, frost, significant changes in temperature and humidity, in high altitude conditions, etc.).


Natural (sugar) betaine is a completely natural product. It is found in plants and animals, especially crustaceans. Our Natural Betaine is a pure, purified raw material obtained from sugar beet juice. It belongs to the class of amino acids and has a wide range of cosmetic properties, the main of which are active moisturizing, conditioning and relieving skin irritation.

Betaine is used in skin care as a humectant and stabilizer due to its unique moisturizing properties. It also protects cell membranes. Because of its highly noticeable ability to improve (condition) the appearance of skin and improve the flow of formulations, betaine is ideal for a wide range of cosmetic products.

Natural betaine, obtained using patented Finnish technology, also contains another natural substance - inositol. Inositol belongs to a class of sugar alcohols with vitamin characteristics. Inositol is a structural part of cell membranes and, when used in cosmetics, stimulates skin respiration at the cellular level.

Recent studies on the osmotic strategy of betaine in human cells support the leading role of betaine in maximizing skin hydration. Betaine also increases the aqueous solubility of active formulations, allowing formulations with salicylic acid and allantoin to be created at room temperature.


D-Panthenol is a component created on the basis of B vitamins that have moisturizing properties. Promotes restoration of skin cells and tissue regeneration, normalizes cellular metabolism, increases the strength of collagen fibers.

Restores damage to the integrity of the skin caused by mechanical, chemical, temperature factors or after surgical interventions: - burns of various origins (including sunburn); scratches, abrasions, wounds; bedsores. Inflammatory processes on the skin.

Used for the treatment and prevention of the consequences of adverse effects on the skin of environmental factors (cold, wind, dampness), cracks and inflammation of the nipples of the mammary gland in nursing mothers.

It is also used to treat and protect dry skin as a source of neutral fats and dexpanthenol.


Light nourishing oil. Contains vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant that slows down cell aging and eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as vitamin F, which normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and prevents pore enlargement, promotes hair growth and maintains its elasticity and shine.
Gives the skin a healthy, beautiful color
Contains a lot of oleic acid, thanks to which it is easily absorbed and distributed over the skin. It softens the skin well, but in its pure form it can be comedogenic.
It has anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, nourishing, moisturizing, anti-burn, analgesic and softening effects.


Emulsifier BTMS is a herbal emulsifier with a conditioning effect for hair and skin. Exceptionally soft, it is obtained from natural vegetable oils of rapeseed and palm trees. Typically, commercial hair conditioners contain very aggressive conditioning additives (ammonium compounds) that have a high irritant and toxic profile. That's why we chose an environmentally friendly air conditioner that is non-irritating.
BTMS offers innovative features - natural composition, softness for the skin, emulsifying and conditioning properties. Skin creams and milks prepared with this emulsifier leave a soft, powdery feeling on the skin. Due to its exceptional softness, it is used in leave-in hair conditioners, which make hair shiny, manageable, and make it easier to style and comb wet hair.
BTMS can be used as the sole emulsifier for the preparation of creams and milks. Another unique feature is that this emulsifier can emulsify large quantities of silicones (up to 50% in the recipe).

Cosmetic properties:
- plant origin and exceptional softness for the scalp and face
- multifunctional: emulsifier and conditioner for hair and skin
- conditioning effect on skin and hair, leaves hair soft and silky
- thanks to its affinity with hair keratin, it removes static electricity from hair
- hair is easy to comb
- emulsions with a silky structure, leaving a soft and powdery feeling on the skin
- does not irritate skin and eyes when recommended dosages are followed
- the best harmless and natural alternative to industrial hair conditioners that can irritate the skin and is not environmentally friendly


Used as a water repellent additive (tanning lotions)
- used as an active substance in sunscreens, increases the SPF factor
- used to reduce stickiness and stickiness in skin creams and lotions (creams, shaving lotions)
- promotes uniform distribution of active ingredients over the skin surface
- prevents the whitening effect of deodorants - the appearance of whitish stains on the skin and clothes
- sweat inhibitor (reduces sweating)


Pearl powder and pearl powder are crushed natural pearls and mother-of-pearl, formed in the shells of some bivalves.
Pearl powder is used for cosmetic purposes, to whiten and strengthen teeth, as well as to treat skin inflammations, burns, faster wound healing, etc.

Cosmetic effect of pearl powder:

Moisturizes, restores and nourishes the skin

Enriches skin with essential nutrients

Has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and anti-allergic effects

Regulates skin water balance

Protects against ultraviolet rays

Stimulates blood circulation, promotes active cell regeneration

Protects against the formation of age spots and whitens them

Evens out complexion, mattifies

When using pearl powder, the skin becomes firmer, fresher, more elastic, matte, silky, a healthy glow appears, and wrinkles are smoothed out. At the same time, pearl powder helps treat burns, wounds, inflammation, itching, and removes pigmentation.

If you want to make your own skin creams, this article is for you. In it you will learn how to select ingredients and how to combine them correctly to create a homogeneous emulsion.

The content of the article:

Every woman who takes care of herself uses face cream. Based on the fact that not all products are able to cope with one or another skin defect or such products are not cheap, the owners of the fair sex are thinking about making cosmetics with their own hands. Moreover, this process can easily turn into a hobby.

Walking around the World Wide Web, you can come across blogs and people’s comments about supposedly “miracle healing” remedies made from sour cream, honey, milk, kefir and other food products. But a full-fledged cream should not contain the above ingredients. In order for the mixture of components to be similar to the cream from store shelves and have a shelf life of more than a month, its formulation must consist of aqueous, fatty and active phases.

The fatty phase includes oils, the aqueous phase includes distilled water, hydrolates and decoctions, the active phase includes vitamins, as well as powerful substances that are truly aimed at eliminating skin defects. It should also be understood that oil and water cannot be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. For this purpose, an emulsifier must be used. And in order for the cream to be stored not for a couple of days, but for a couple of months, preservatives are used.

All the necessary ingredients can be purchased at online cream making stores. To make skin care products, you should also order heat-resistant bowls, jewelry scales and a special thermometer. Don't forget to go to the "inventory" and "cosmetic containers" categories before placing your order.

Before you start making the cream, you need to create its recipe. If this is not done, the prepared product will separate and will be unusable. Then the fatty phase and emulsifier are placed in one container, and the aqueous phase in another. Both phases are heated in a water bath to 65-70 °C, then mixed, stirring thoroughly with a glass rod (about three minutes) or a cappuccino maker (almost 30 seconds). To begin adding active ingredients to the mixture, you must wait until it has cooled to a temperature of 40 °C. At the end of preparing the cosmetic product, a preservative is added and must be mixed again with other components of the cream. The finished emulsion is placed in a clean bottle. The shelf life of such a product is usually from a month to six months. The cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

What does homemade cream consist of?

Base oils, forming a fatty phase, have the following advantages:
  • Nourishes the skin, saturating it with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial elements.
  • They moisturize the skin well, regulating the water balance.
  • Makes skin softer and smoother.
  • Prevent the occurrence.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds and cracks.
  • Improves blood circulation and complexion.
  • Protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Cleanses pores and regulates skin oiliness.

For dry skin, you can take apricot, sesame, olive base oil, shea butter, avocado or walnut oil. If you have oily skin, grape seed oil, hazelnut oil, black cumin oil will suit you; if you have sensitive skin, sea buckthorn oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil or black cumin oil will suit you. The recipe can include one oil or several. If you decide to use oils for skin care in their pure form, be sure to take into account their comedogenicity and ability to clog pores. So coconut oil and cocoa butter are better suited for use as the main ingredients of hair masks or body cream, but not for the face in their pure form.

To make skin care products, you can use liquid oils and butter oils, that is, solid ones. The second option includes shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado, mango, coconut, etc. When choosing a butter, pay attention to unrefined, cold-pressed oils.

As for emulsifiers, an emulsifier in the form of beeswax or guar gum is suitable for dry skin, sucrose stearate or cetyl alcohol for oily skin, and stearic acid or sodium alginate for sensitive skin. There are also other emulsifiers, including Olivem 1000, a product made from a complex combination of fatty acids that are chemically similar to the lipid composition of the skin. The more emulsifier, the thicker the consistency of the cream. Olivem 1000 is usually taken at a dosage of 5%.

When developing the recipe for the future cream, be sure to follow the correct dosage of ingredients. If you decide to prepare a nourishing night cream for dry skin, the oily phase should be a maximum of 50%, oily or normal - 20%. For day care, use a moisturizer, where the oil phase reaches 5% (for oily skin), 15% (for normal) or 35% (for very dry skin).

Never use tap water as the water phase! The best option is distilled water, purchased at a pharmacy or ordered through an online store. Sometimes hydrolates, that is, floral waters, are added to this phase in the amount of 10–50%. For dry and sensitive skin, hydrosol of rose, celandine, cornflower, calendula, ylang-ylang, cucumber, linden, lavender is suitable; for oily skin - chamomile, mint, parsley, plantain, hibiscus; for normal skin - celandine, calendula, chamomile, linden, mint , currants, roses, jasmine, for a combination - lemon, viburnum, juniper, rosemary, cucumber, parsley.

Face cream can be made without using active ingredients, but if you want to get rid of age spots, acne marks, wrinkles and other skin defects as quickly as possible, such components are simply necessary! There are many assets, here are some of them:

  • For wrinkles: hyaluronic acid, AHA acids, Algo"boost, Bio-remodelant, caffeine, elastin, Relax"rides, royal jelly, ginseng extract, red grape extract.
  • To moisturize the skin: hyaluronic acid, NUF, squalane, Fucocert, Honeyquat, royal jelly, cucumber extract, aloe vera gel, urea.
  • To reduce inflammation and nourish the skin: allantoin, bisabolol, Fucocert, provitamin B5, royal jelly, cucumber extract, Sang du dragon extract, almond milk.
When introducing active ingredients, be sure to follow the dosage. If one oil can be replaced by another in the same quantity, then in the case of assets, this should not be allowed. If you are making cream for a girl under 25 years old, the amount of the active phase should be from 5 to 10%, for a woman from 25 to 35 years old - 10–15%, 35–35 - 12–15%, 45–60 - up to 15%, 60 - up to 17%.

As a preservative you can use Cosgard, Phenonip, Suttocide A, vitamin E, Leucidal. Typically, the dosage of this component in the cream is 0.6-1%. As for essential oils (0.3–1%), they are not an obligatory component in the cream, but create an additional effect and aroma. If you have dry and sensitive skin, essential oils of blue chamomile, rose, jasmine, lavender, and sandalwood are suitable for you. Dry skin may also be accompanied by rosacea in the form of a vascular pattern on the face; in this case, add essential oils of rosemary, cypress, or verbena to the cream. For oily skin, use grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, and rosemary oils. Clove, chamomile, pine, tea tree, and eucalyptus oils work well against acne.

If you plan to seriously engage in cream making, be sure to read the relevant literature. The fact is that an effective cream is one that is balanced in fatty acid composition.

Pros and cons of homemade cream

When making skin care products at home, you may encounter the following difficulties:
  1. If you do not follow the correct dosage, you can get severe allergic reactions, especially when increasing the amount of essential oils and actives used. To prevent this from happening, test the resulting product on your wrist.
  2. Oily oils can clog the pores of the face, which can lead to pimples, acne, and blackheads. To prevent this situation, perform regular cleaning procedures.
  3. Do-it-yourself cream can only be stored in a cool place, otherwise its shelf life will be significantly reduced.
  4. To make even one cream, you will need to purchase various ingredients, as well as equipment.
  5. Due to errors in calculations, the cream may separate.
If, despite the difficulties described above, you still want to learn how to make home care products, you have a number of advantages:
  1. You know exactly what ingredients are contained in the cream and how they are useful. The same cannot be said if we are talking about a product from store shelves.
  2. You don’t have to believe the notes written on the packaging of products, because you yourself are the creators of your own cosmetic “masterpieces”. Today you can prepare an anti-aging cream, in two weeks - with a skin whitening effect.
  3. Homemade creams are much cheaper than high-quality store-bought products.
  4. Cream making can become your hobby, and you will probably already know what to give to your friends and relatives.

Homemade anti-wrinkle day cream recipe

Regardless of your skin type, your face needs to be moisturized with cosmetics. Moreover, if there are any problems on the skin (freckles, spider veins, age spots, peeling, etc.), the choice of ingredients for making the cream should be taken more carefully so as not only not to aggravate the situation, but also to correct the defects . Most often, women are interested in how to prevent the occurrence of wrinkles and how to smooth them out if they have already appeared. Read the review.

Ingredients: distilled water (69.07%), mint hydrolate (2%), emulsifier Olivem 1000 (5%), rice oil (12%), apricot oil (4%), relax'rides active (3%), natural moisturizing factor (2%), vitamin E (0.33%), aloe vera gel (2%), Cosgard preservative (0.6%).

Let's say you decide to prepare 50 g of cream. To figure out how much distilled water you need to make your facial moisturizer, multiply 69.07 by 50 and divide by 100 to get 34.54 grams.

  • Rice oil often used to make a daily remedy for dry, rough, dehydrated skin and those that have lost elasticity and firmness, and instead become sagging. This oil does not clog pores, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and is wonderfully absorbed into the skin.
  • Apricot oil included in products to improve complexion. Vitamin C, which the oil is rich in, makes the skin more elastic, vitamin A is responsible for elasticity and hydration, vitamin F helps accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, and B vitamins have a good effect on the condition of the epidermis.
  • Relax’rides asset immediately after application it reduces micro-contractions of the skin without paralyzing the facial muscles. This substance fights wrinkles, reducing their depth and smoothing them out.
  • Natural Moisturizing Factor includes glucose, dextrin, alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, fructose and sucrose. The active protects the skin from moisture loss, improving the properties of the epidermis.
  • Vitamin E fights the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles, tightens the skin and improves blood circulation. This antioxidant also promotes cell regeneration.
  • Aloe vera gel It has long been recognized as a miraculous elixir, because it gently and deeply cleanses the skin, protecting it from the negative influence of the environment. Aloe vera gel normalizes metabolic processes, moisturizes, nourishes and restores the stratum corneum. Thanks to lignin, which is part of this ingredient, healing substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.
Heat the fatty phase (rice and apricot oil) and the emulsifier, as well as the aqueous phase (distilled water, mint hydrolate) in a water bath to 65-70 °C. Then pour the water phase into the fat phase, constantly stirring the ingredients for about three minutes. After the future cream has cooled to 35-40° C, add actives (relax’rides, natural moisturizing factor, vitamin E, aloe vera gel) and preservative. Mix everything well one by one.

Other homemade skin cream recipes

A wide variety of ingredients for cream making, presented in online stores, allows you to create products that eliminate various skin problems.

Cream for normal skin:

  • Vanilla macerate - 15%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 3 - 3.5%.
  • Distilled water - 79.9%.
  • Coenzyme q10 - 1%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Apply the prepared product daily to previously cleansed facial skin. The cream nourishes the skin and improves its tone, and the delicate aroma of vanilla lifts your mood for the whole day.

How to make a cream for combination skin:

  • Prickly pear macerate - 10%.
  • Sea buckthorn vegetable oil - 5%.
  • Emulsifier Olivem 1000 - 5%.
  • Damask rose hydrolate - 30%.
  • Distilled water - 46.7%.
  • Rosewood essential oil - 0.4%.
  • Blue cypress essential oil - 0.1%.
  • Algo"boost Jeunesse asset - 2%.
  • Vitamin E - 0.2%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Cream for combination skin gives the face freshness and smoothness; its ingredients have regenerating and rejuvenating properties. The emulsion has a slightly orange tint due to the sea buckthorn oil it contains.

Making cream for oily skin at home:

  • Papaya vegetable oil - 10%.
  • Buriti vegetable oil - 1%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 3 - 5%.
  • Witch hazel hydrolate - 79.3%.
  • Natural pineapple flavor - 2%.
  • Active Bacti-Pur - 2%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
  • Soda ash - 0.1%.
Use the prepared product daily on cleansed skin. Instead of pineapple flavor, you can use any other flavor you like. Soda ash is present in the recipe to regulate the pH of the cream.

Cream for dry skin:

  • Shea butter - 5%.
  • Sweet almond vegetable oil - 20%.
  • Vanilla macerate - 32%.
  • Emulsifier Olive Protection - 9%.
  • Cetyl alcohol - 4%.
  • Distilled water - 29.4%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
This product will perfectly protect your face from the negative effects of the environment during the winter season. Store the cream in a dark and cool place so that its shelf life exceeds one month.

Making your own acne cream:

  • Thyme hydrolate - 15%.
  • Distilled water - 58.48%.
  • Jojoba oil - 10%.
  • Emulsifier Olivem 1000 - 6%.
  • Aloe vera gel - 6%.
  • Cranberry powder - 2%.
  • Lemon essential oil - 0.9%.
  • Manuka essential oil - 0.6%.
  • Rosemary essential oil - 0.3%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Each ingredient has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and takes part in the fight against such a common skin problem as acne. The cream should be applied to the face and neck at night.

Recipe for rosacea cream:

  • Calophyllum oil - 8%.
  • Safflower oil - 10%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 2 - 7%.
  • Distilled water - 68.8%.
  • Red grape extract - 5%.
  • Essential oil of Italian immortelle - 0.4%.
  • Vitamin E - 0.2%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
This cream helps in the fight not only against spider veins, but also against acne. To eliminate rosacea, also follow proper nutrition and take Ascorutin.

Video tutorials on cream making.

Emulsions in a pharmacy are prepared by weight, regardless of their concentration. To prepare oil emulsions, GF XI recommends using peach, sunflower, castor, vaseline and essential oils, as well as fish oil, vinylin and other liquids that do not mix with water.

If there is no oil designation in the recipe, the emulsion is prepared using peach, olive or sunflower oil. In the absence of instructions on its concentration, to prepare 100 g of emulsion, take 10 g of oil. If the emulsifier is not specified, then the pharmacist has the right to choose it. The amount of emulsifier is determined by its emulsifying ability, and the amount of water to obtain a “primary” emulsion is determined by the solubility of the emulsifier in water. So, for 10 g of oil take 5 g of gelato, and water - half the amount of the total amount of oil and emulsifier (7.5 ml).

When using other emulsifiers per 10 g of oil, take accordingly:

2 g Tween-80 (in 2-3 ml of water, and then add oil dropwise until completely emulsified);

1 g methylcellulose (20 ml 5% gel);

0.5 g sodium carboxymethylcellulose (10 ml 5% gel);

1.5 g of T-2 emulsifier, which is melted in a water bath, is poured into a heated mortar, where there is a 10-fold amount of water heated to 60-70 ° C and mixed thoroughly. The resulting creamy mass easily emulsifies the oil;

1.2 g lecithin;

1-1.5 g of phosphatides;

2 g of potassium soap (or 1 g of potassium soap in combination with 1 g of T-2 emulsifier in the form of a gel, for example, to obtain an emulsion with benzyl benzoate);

5 g starch (50 ml 10% starch paste);

2 g of polyoxyl-40-stearate (melt and mix in a warm mortar with 10 g of oil and 2-3 ml of water);

1 g of polyoxyl-40-stearate with 1 g of Tween-8 (mix in a warm mortar, add 10 g of oil, grind, adding 2-3 ml of water, obtain a “primary” emulsion, which is diluted with water to a total weight of 100 g);

10 g of milk powder (the emulsifier is mixed with 10 g of butter, 10 ml of water is added and ground in a mortar to obtain a “primary” emulsion, which is then adjusted with water to a mass of 100 g).

Oil emulsions can be prepared in one of three ways, which differ in some technological techniques.

1. Add an emulsifier to a dry mortar and grind it thoroughly. Then add oil and mix it with the emulsifier. Add half the amount of water to the resulting oleosol and continue to grind with uniform movements of the pestle until a characteristic crackling sound is formed and a creamy mass is formed. The readiness of the “primary” emulsion is checked by adding a few drops of water, which should not roll off, but spread over the oil surface. The resulting oleogel is collected from the walls of the mortar and pestle, thoroughly mixed, rotating the pestle in a spiral in one direction, and the remaining amount of water or an aqueous solution of the medicinal substance is slowly added in parts until 100 g of the finished emulsion is formed.

2. Grind the emulsifier in a mortar and then mix it with the calculated amount of water. With thorough and vigorous stirring, add oil dropwise. When all the oil has been emulsified, the remaining amount of water is added to the “primary” emulsion.

3. The calculated amount of water is weighed into a calibrated glass, onto which the oil is layered. The liquids are transferred to a mortar, where a thoroughly ground emulsifier is located. A “primary” emulsion is obtained, which is diluted with water or an aqueous solution of the substance.

If necessary, filter the finished emulsion through a double layer of gauze. To make the emulsions homogeneous, they are passed through homogenizers.

When using different emulsifiers, emulsions with different quality indicators are obtained.

Emulsions prepared with the T-2 emulsifier are of higher quality compared to emulsions where other emulsifiers were used (Table 15.3).

Emulsions are often used as a kind of basis for introducing medicinal substances with various physicochemical properties into the body. Some of them dissolve in water, others - in oils, and others - do not dissolve in any of the dispersed phases. Depending on these and some other properties of medicinal substances, the technology of emulsions is determined.

Medicinal substances soluble in water are administered in the form of an aqueous solution, for the preparation of which part of the water intended for diluting the primary emulsion is used. Tinctures and other liquids are added to the finished emulsion.

Medicinal substances soluble in oils (with the exception of phenyl salicylate and benzonaphthol, oil solutions of which do not have an antiseptic effect in the intestine), are pre-

Table 15.3

Qualitative indicators of peach oil emulsion obtained using emulsifiers (according to O.A. Ogorodnova and P.E. Rosenzweig)

jfe v " . " . "


jv Emulsifier

Amount of emulsifier per 100 g of emulsion, g iff! Stabil Thermal stability, h Mechanics
Gum arabic 5 2,85 6-8 3 5
Apricot gum 3 2,85 8 5 40
Gelatose 5 2,85 3-4 2 5
Starch paste 5 10,0 10 1,5 2-2,5
Powdered milk 10 2,85 5 4 10
Emulsifier T-2 1,5 2,85 90 6 60

but dissolved in oil, after which the oil solution is emulsified. The amount of emulsifier is calculated based on the amount of oil solution, not oil.

Drugs that are insoluble in water and oils are suspended in the prepared emulsion.

When introducing phenyl salicylate, benzonaphthol and other hydrophobic substances, it is necessary to add an additional amount of emulsifier (half the amount of the taken substances). When emulsifying male fern extract, an equal amount of apricot gum is added, and when emulsifying carbon tetrachloride, the amount of emulsifier is increased by 2-2.5 times.

Emulsions are stored in a cool place, avoiding freezing. They should be shaken thoroughly before use.

There is no doubt that the use of pharmaceutical emulsions in medical practice is very promising, and research in this area aimed at creating new emulsion drugs is relevant.

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