How to cut bangs yourself? Theory and practice. How to cut your own bangs and do it beautifully

Tired of your hair? Do you want to change your style? Find out how to cut your own bangs and feel free to add a fun twist to your boring hairstyle.

Which bangs are right for you?

When choosing bangs, you can’t rely only on fashion or taste. The main thing is to find the right form. To do this, you need to take into account your face shape and hair structure:

  • Round face – you won’t have any problems with bangs, since almost all shapes suit a round face. A short one will add enthusiasm, bangs to the middle of the forehead will make you more feminine, while an oblique one will visually narrow your face. And you shouldn’t give up long thick bangs!
  • Oval face – cannot boast the same versatility as the previous option. This type of face requires long straight or graduated bangs;
  • Square face – go for a slightly asymmetrical shape, it will correct a heavy chin;
  • Triangular face - the thickest bangs down to the eyebrows are ideal for you;
  • A narrow small face with small features - give preference to shortened bangs with milled or torn edges;
  • Wide cheekbones - sparse medium-length bangs will help soften its features;
  • Curly hair – you can cut your bangs, but be prepared for daily styling with a straightening iron and hairspray;
  • Thin and sparse hair – choose an option that starts at the crown and covers the brow line. Such bangs will make the styling more voluminous.

Haircutting tools

To cut your bangs yourself, you will need several special tools:

  • Ordinary scissors - their quality affects the result. Ideally, the scissors should be professional grade. As a last resort, arm yourself with the sharpest ones;
  • Thinning scissors - necessary for creating interesting effects;
  • Fine-toothed comb or comb. It will be just great if you can get a double comb. On one side there are sparse teeth, on the other – frequent ones;
  • Crabs, clips, elastic bands are needed to hold hair in place.

Technique for cutting straight bangs

How to cut bangs at home so that they remain straight?

  1. Separate your future bangs from the rest of your hair. Stab her with a crab.
  2. It is advisable to collect the remaining hair in a ponytail so as not to interfere.
  3. Take one strand in your hand, pinch it between your fingers and pull it down.
  4. Cut the length slightly below the eyebrow line. Hold the scissors at a 45⁰ angle, otherwise the blades will slip off the hair.
  5. We repeat the procedure with the remaining strands, focusing on the cut length. Make sure that the bang line is strictly horizontal.
  6. Gently comb your bangs with a comb.
  7. Remove kinks by holding the scissors at a 90⁰ angle.
  8. Press your bangs to your forehead and check their evenness.
  9. Blow dry your hair and style with a round brush.

Watch the video for important points:

Technique for cutting side bangs

How to cut side-swept bangs yourself? It's very easy to do with our tip!

Step 1. Separate the future bangs from the main body of hair. Stab her with a crab.

Step 2. Gather the remaining hair into a ponytail.

Step 3: Comb your hair thoroughly and cut it on the side. Cut from bottom to top, holding the scissors at a 45⁰ angle.

Step 4: Blow dry your bangs.

Do you know the most important mistake when cutting hair? Watch the video:

How to make thinning correctly?

With the help of thinning, you can achieve interesting effects, make your bangs airy and make them easier to style. To perform thinning you will need special scissors. Their blade consists of small teeth, thanks to which not all hair is cut from a strand, but only a small part.

  1. Remove excess hair from your face.
  2. Divide the bangs into separate strands.
  3. Twist the strand into a light rope.
  4. Using thinning scissors, make a cut approximately in the middle of the strand and at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ends.
  5. Treat the remaining strands in the same way.

This is exactly how experts advise doing thinning:

There are several other thinning methods. You can go through the ends of the hair, holding the scissors strictly horizontally, or you can turn them vertically and make several cuts diagonally. In the latter case, the bangs will turn out torn.

Important to remember!

When you decide to cut beautiful bangs, listen to our useful tips:

  • When cutting your hair for the first time, do not cut off too much. It is better to give preference to elongated options - if you don’t like the bangs, you can pin them up and they will grow faster;
  • The width of the future bangs is equal to the size of the forehead and is limited by the temporal hollows - it should not go beyond them;
  • Should you moisturize your hair before cutting? There is no clear answer here. When cutting bangs “dry”, they will not turn out perfectly straight, especially on curly or wavy hair. If you wet the bangs, the final length will jump by about 1 cm.

Don't be afraid of stylish changes, try to be different, and bangs will help you with this!

What representative of the fair sex does not want updating your appearance, of course every one!

One of the experiment options is hair. Girls create different hairstyles and haircuts to give their appearance a new look.

Even bangs can change your appearance, giving your face youth and mischief. This can also be done if it is not possible to visit the salon.

How to cut bangs with your own hands?

It all depends on what type of bangs you want. This is why you need to dance, as they say.

Straight bangs

To cut the straight version, you need to separate the strand, which will later become the bangs. You can designate it in the form of a triangle parting or as the letter P. Each girl has the right to choose the width at her own discretion, but as a rule, this is determined by the outer lines of the eyebrows. It is better to change your appearance in three sections. It is very important to do this if the direct option is required. When thinking about a thin one, you can do it in two stages.

First you need to select a strand that will be a bang, and collect or pin the remaining curls so that they do not interfere. Visually, the bangs must be divided into three horizontal sections. The first one is closer to the forehead; to do this, use a comb to comb it down.

Once the separation is done, you will need sharp scissors. They should be parallel to the eye line, this must be monitored. Next, the hair is cut to the desired level.

After this, you need to comb out the second section and do the same as in the first case. But it shouldn't be much longer. This will make it easier to style your hair later.

Read also:

And when the first two stages are completed, the third final stage remains. The actions are the same as in the second stage. Now the bangs are almost complete, all that remains is to dry them and trim the flaws.

Side bangs

In order to make your own oblique bangs, it is important to have sharp, or better yet, professional scissors, nothing will work out simple. To start cutting, you need to separate a strand and wet it a little.

Then you should determine desired length to highlight the haircut line. Afterwards, the hair is properly combed and pinched, not pulled too far at the desired angle. This is how you get beautiful oblique bangs. After drying it, you need to inspect it for flaws and, if there are any, correct them.

Torn bangs

As already written above, cutting bangs yourself is not such a difficult task. Required to have in stock professional scissors and those used for thinning. Without them, such a result cannot be obtained.

First you need to select a strand of hair, which will later become a bang, and collect the rest so as not to interfere. The future bangs need to be slightly moistened. Then it needs to be made even. Afterwards the hair is divided into several parts.

In order for the updated hairstyle to become torn, it is necessary to cut each strand with a straight cut and dry it.

Now you can start thinning. The bangs need to be trimmed with these scissors, so they will become more voluminous and voluminous. How to use this tool depends on the degree of thinning. On scissors, you can use the main surface or just the tips. And don’t forget, no matter what kind of bangs are cut, they rise a little after drying.

This article described three options for cutting bangs yourself at home. By the way, it can not only add attractiveness to the image, but also hide flaws. The result you want is not always achieved the first time.

Don't despair, for any activity training needed. After all, even professionals, when they studied and mastered this skill. If possible, you can practice with friends. In order for your hair to be healthy and look beautiful, it is useful to make additional special masks.

Regardless of age, every woman wants to look beautiful and young. If in youth this does not require any effort, then the older a woman becomes, the more pressing this problem becomes for her. If you wish, you can lose several years without resorting to such radical measures. You can make changes to your appearance very simply. A correctly chosen hairstyle will transform your appearance and add piquancy. Without any special investment, it is possible to create a completely new image, surprising your surroundings. And most importantly, these changes in your appearance will be done with your own hands.

Hairstyle is of great importance in this matter. Try changing it up by giving yourself bangs. Leading stylists believe that if you choose it correctly, it will rejuvenate a woman better than all expensive cosmetic procedures. The whole effect is to change the proportions of the face. The right type of bangs enhances the emphasis on the eyes. We want to offer you several ways to create bangs that suit your face type and style.

How often do we, standing in front of the mirror, pay attention to the wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows. They age us more than any other wrinkles or wrinkles. They are often difficult to remove even in a beauty salon. In this case, changing the length of the hair in the frontal part will come to our rescue. This will hide the signs of fading of the facial skin, and only the ray wrinkles that appear when you smile will remain visible.

Bangs will help correct the proportions of your face and add expressiveness and sexuality to your look. Even if you don't like changing the length, color and volume of your hair, changing your bangs will help you look fashionable and stylish. There are many types of it and it will not be difficult to choose exactly the one that will make you beautiful and desirable. Such diversity implies daring negligence, classical severity, and complete openness of the image.

Choosing bangs according to your face shape

The type of bangs should be selected taking into account the shape of the face. Every woman, having seen her reflection in the mirror many times, has already decided what her face shape is and what she would like to change about it. If not, then this is done very simply. It is enough to outline your mirror image with lipstick and the resulting contour will correspond to a certain face shape.

For a triangle-shaped face, the most acceptable style would be an elongated bang style, light straight or side asymmetrical. Long bangs will help hide most of the forehead, and asymmetrical side bangs will balance out the sharp angles of the face.

For women with a long, rectangular face, straight, wide bangs that reach the eyebrows or below the eyebrows, as well as asymmetrical ones, are suitable. It will hide and visually reduce a long chin.

Any type of bangs will suit an oval face. In this case, everything will depend on your preference and mood.

Women with a round face shape will not go wrong if they give their preference to long oblique or torn bangs. Thus, they will be able to cover most of the forehead, and an oblique cut of hair in the frontal part will visually lengthen the face, giving it an oval shape.

If your face has a square shape, thin side bangs will be most suitable for you. With its help, you will neutralize the impression of a heavy chin, and the shape of your face will visually take on a slightly oval shape.

What types of bangs are there?

  1. Graphic. Graphic bangs are still at the peak of popularity. It is thick and smooth, has a length that reaches the eyebrows and has clear contours. It is ideal for women with an oval face shape.
  2. Asymmetrical. The most universal was and is asymmetrical bangs. Its length varies depending on the desire of the woman. It can be of medium length, or it can reach almost to the chin. It can be worn not only by women with braids, but also by those who have a bob or pixie. It looks great on both straight and curly hair. When styling such bangs, you can play with them in different variations, giving your appearance flirtatiousness and mystery: pin it up, comb it, curl it, braid it. Everything will depend on the woman’s imagination.
  3. Torn. Bangs, suitable for a woman with any face shape, add sexuality and at the same time boyish enthusiasm and elegance. Straight, asymmetrical with torn edges or torn bangs look very impressive on short haircuts, which visually helps to shed a couple of years.

Fashionable accents

There are several ways to get a trendy hairstyle correctly:
  1. The bangs can be very thick, have volume or backcombing, the length and width can vary. It can start almost from the back of the head, which will decorate a face with small features.
  2. The bangs can be styled either perfectly smooth or carelessly.
  3. You can make a combination of textures and have wavy, curly curls with short-cropped hair in the forehead area. Do not overuse very short and graphic bangs if you have curly hair.
  4. In some cases, coloring looks great.
  5. Sharma will add the use of ribbons, clips, and hair brooches. Straight hair is a fertile field for imagination. Women who have been blessed by nature with a low forehead are not advised to wear bangs at all.

Instructions for creating bangs

To create your chosen bangs at home, you will need a hair brush, sharp scissors and a fine-tooth comb. Don't forget to place newspaper under the mirror before cutting your hair. Look in the mirror and decide on the length. To avoid making people laugh in the future, try not to rush. The proverb “Measure twice, cut once” has never been more relevant. After all, you can’t glue back what’s cut off. Comb your hair and imagine how your hairstyle will look with bangs.

You know the nature of your hair very well. Before you do bangs on manageable hair yourself, you should wash it well. If the hair is unruly, it is more advisable to cut it on the second day after washing. In this condition, the hair is more manageable and lays down better. In cases where additional washing of your hair is not required, comb it thoroughly with a brush. Lightly moisten the hair in the area of ​​the future bangs. If the entire mass of hair has been washed, it should be combed thoroughly. Next, use a towel to dry them and continue combing them until they are as smooth as possible.

When cutting your bangs, hold the hair with your hand and make the cut in one smooth motion without stopping. An “unauthorized” stop can lead to a failure from the chosen line, and as a result to a crooked haircut. You need to work without haste, confidently.

If you intend to give yourself an even bang, the scissors must be held strictly horizontally, without tilting your hand to the side.

If you want to have side bangs, you need to cut your hair at an angle. If you don't want it to become wavy or zigzag, make sure your hand is steady and not shaking. Otherwise, it will have to be trimmed several times, which risks losing the intended length.

When you've finished cutting your bangs, comb them. If individual strands stand out from the overall length, moisten and trim them using scissors.

Having given your hair the look you intended, dry your hair and comb it thoroughly. Don't forget that dry bangs will be shorter. Therefore, when deciding on its length, take this point into account. After all, even if your hair grows quickly, cutting your bangs too short can ruin the entire intended effect.

If you decide to cut your bangs at home for the first time, and are not entirely confident in your abilities, ask for help from your loved ones whom you trust. In the most “painless” way, a master in a beauty salon will cope with this task.

After cutting your bangs, profile the ends - this will help maintain their shape for a long time. Thinning is carried out with special scissors, deflecting the hair by 30%. The scissors should be pointed vertically upward and their tips should make several cuts on the hair. You can easily do this at home yourself in just a minute, and the playful effect will last for 2-3 weeks.

When styling, cut hair in the forehead area must be moistened with foam and dried with a hairdryer from top to bottom, which will give it amazing volume.

Let your bangs hide possible skin imperfections and reveal a unique highlight in your face!

Bangs will always be in fashion. They give any hairstyle a more youthful and fresh look. When choosing bangs, you should take into account your hair type and facial features. Voluminous bangs are not suitable for coarse and thick strands. Sparse curls will be decorated with bangs from the top of the head. Straight strands can be complemented with asymmetrical or traditional straight bangs. The chosen option requires special care and the ability to style your hair. Useful recommendations from stylists will help you solve the problem and understand how to beautifully style your bangs. For proper installation you will need special devices and styling products.

Choosing the right bangs is not such an easy task. There are a huge number of interesting options to explore. Before choosing a specific option, you should think about how to style your bangs and what methods there are for styling the selected option.


Hair near the forehead, beautifully and evenly cut, looks stylish in hairstyles and with loose curls.

This is a classic option, the length of which is at eyebrow level or slightly higher. Especially recommended for girls with an oblong face shape. When deciding how to style bangs of this shape, you can choose milled curls.

The photo shows good installation methods. However, you should not choose this option if your face shape is square or trapezoidal, which will make your face look rougher and more angular.


Special methods will help you decide and make it clear not only how to style long bangs, but also how to do it all stylishly and beautifully. This option falls over the eyes and covers the eyebrows. Long bangs should be chosen by girls with an elongated and regular oval face.

The long shape can be made for both thick and profiled hair. A cascading haircut can be complemented with profiled bangs. At the same time, the weaving looks beautiful. You can use hairpins or lay them on one side using gel.

Long bangs should not be used by those who wear contact lenses or glasses.


The oblique version of the bangs allows you to soften the sharp features of the face, as well as lengthen the oval of the face and disguise a heavy chin. The photo shows the original options.

Before laying the bangs, the oblique element is made using a stepped cut of the strands at an angle.

In this case, the length of the bangs can be different. You can choose oblique short bangs.


Short bangs should not be done on curly hair. This option is not suitable for all women. Ideal for round, oval or triangular faces.

To cut this option correctly, the ends of the hair can be in the middle of the forehead or even higher. In the video you can see how to style long or short bangs.

When choosing short bangs, you should consider the following options:

  • straight bangs are suitable for short haircuts: bob or bob;
  • arched harmonizes with long hairstyle;
  • torn short bangs fit perfectly with small facial features;
  • with the help of a profiled one you can remove excess volume.


The question is especially acute: how to style bangs if they are torn. Layered bangs look careless. Torn bangs cut straight are suitable for girls with thin hair. The video shows how graduated models allow you to correct the oval of your face. This option can be beautifully laid on its side.


Before styling your bangs in an arched shape, you should use a styling product. This model is combined with a heart-shaped or oval-shaped face. Length may vary.


The video shows asymmetrical options. They look good on curly hair or straight strands.

Before you decide how to style your bangs beautifully, you should choose smooth or jagged edges.

Bangs with torn edges need not be specially styled. To create the effect of negligence, just distribute a little mousse on the strands. On straight strands you can use ironing or brushing.

Products and tools for styling bangs

Before you lay your bangs, you need to prepare special tools. You can put your bangs on the side or lay them straight. This is best done using tapes, clips and other available materials. Having chosen long bangs, you should prepare thermal devices.

You can see in the photo how to properly curl your bangs to the side. Invisibility pins and small clips will help you style your hair beautifully. For elongated strands, you can choose a hair dryer or curling iron.

The following tools will help you decide how to style your bangs:

  1. Curlers and a hairdryer will allow you to curl your chosen bangs and make them fuller. Special round combs are used together with a hairdryer. After completing the hairstyle, the result is fixed with spray or varnish. Using a hairdryer you can style your hair straight. This is shown in the photo.
  2. Using an iron, you can curl your bangs or make them straight. Correctly perform straightening only on dry hair.
  3. Before you beautifully lay your bangs on the side, you should prepare your hairpins. Colored accessories look stylish.
  4. Long bangs can be styled with a variety of ribbons, hoops and headbands. These accessories are matched to clothes, gloves or a bag.

They will help you decide how to style your bangs on the side using different styling products. Styling compounds help to fix the hairstyle well. The photo shows how to style bangs using hairspray, mousse, spray and gel.

How to style bangs: step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

Special recommendations will help you on how to style your bangs. A simple styling method begins by dividing your bangs into two parts. At the same time, the lower part is dried and slightly curled using a round comb. Then the top part is lifted with a hairdryer. The result obtained is fixed with varnish.

Before styling, you must wash your entire hair. When drying the strands, you need to move the hair dryer from side to side so that the bangs dry evenly.

How to style long bangs?

Before you style your bangs, it’s worth considering suitable options. For long bangs you can try the following methods:

  1. The strands are treated with gel. A little product is distributed onto long bangs, and then varnish is sprayed on top.
  2. The strand in the form of curls looks beautiful. In this case, foam is applied to the hair and it is wound onto a curling iron.
  3. A long strand can be wrapped on its side. The mousse is applied to damp strands. Then it is dried with a hairdryer, as shown in the photo.
  4. You can try to pull your long bangs back beautifully. The backcombing is done with a thin comb and the strands are lifted back. The top layer is easy to comb.

How to put bangs on the side?

You can choose from different ways to style your bangs on the side using our photo and video tutorials. The following techniques are worth trying:

  • the bangs are laid on the side, curled with a curling iron and secured with a hairpin at the temple;
  • the curl is crimped and then pinned at the crown or temple;
  • a braid is made from the bangs and placed behind the ear;
  • the bangs are combed and laid on the side in the form of a wave;
  • a long strand can be wrapped on both sides, having previously twisted them into strands.

You can try curling long bangs using large curlers. This can be done at night. For bangs, a little backcombing is done.

Styling with an iron looks beautiful. The strand is pulled to the side where it will be laid. There is an option for two sides. Similar models can be seen in the photo.

Long bangs on the side can be done in combination with a high ponytail. The hairstyle looks beautiful in variations with different braids. You can try a similar option with the effect of wet hair.

How to style bangs when growing them out?

Many people are interested in the question: how to style bangs when you grow them. The following options are worth trying:

  1. When you grow short bangs, you need to wear them until they grow to 8 cm.
  2. In the photo you can see how to style medium bangs when you grow them out. It looks beautiful if it is pulled back with a backcomb and secured with a hoop or hairpins.
  3. When you grow long bangs, you can pin them up at the top of your head. If the strand has grown to the middle of the ear, then it can be parted along with the rest of the curls.

When you grow your hair, it requires certain care and the intake of special vitamins. It is worth limiting the use of various styling devices.

Many women know that when growing hair, you need to massage the scalp using your hands or a brush.

How to style overgrown bangs?

When deciding how to style your overgrown bangs, you should prepare a variety of accessories. The strand can be laid on its side or braided into flagella.

A long strand can be beautifully decorated with hairpins, clips or headbands. Overgrown bangs can be processed with special thinning scissors, and can also be made in the form of a cascade or even.

Mousse or foam is applied to the strands. They are dried with a comb and lifted from the roots upward. This creates a large volume. Overgrown bangs can be pinned or combed up.

How to style side bangs?

For oblique bangs, you need to use a hair dryer, hairspray and comb. The long strand needs to be moistened and dried a little. A small amount of foam is distributed through the hair. Using a comb, the curls are combed in the desired direction. You need to blow the air stream from the roots to the ends, that is, from top to bottom. Finally, the bangs are secured with beautiful hairpins. Gel is good for side bangs.

Top most fashionable options

Fashionable and stylish bangs can be fluffed, combed back, curled with curlers or fixed with a variety of accessories.

Whichever of the modern bangs you choose, any haircut with them will look more advantageous.

It is worth considering the following bangs options:

  • long bangs look great with cascading hairstyles;
  • short bangs open up most of the forehead and have a rejuvenating effect. The trend is short bangs with a bob haircut;
  • straight bangs are always in fashion, they can be complemented with thinning or graduation;
  • oblique bangs help change the geometry of the face;
  • asymmetrical bangs look great with loose strands, along the edges of which there is an original wave. Smooth bangs with asymmetry also look stylish;
  • graphic bangs are distinguished by expressive contours and defined lines;
  • bangs in the shape of a concave arc look original. This option is suitable for haircuts in a retro style or with a bob;
  • torn bangs are always in trend, as they allow you to disguise the shortcomings of weakened and thin strands.

Fashionable options include highlighted and colored bangs. Highlighting allows you to emphasize the shape of your bangs and give it visual volume. For long bangs, coloring of 3-5 shades is suitable.

Bangs are considered an important element that allows you to highlight all the beautiful features of its owner. Stylists recommend choosing bangs, taking into account the following rules:

  1. If a round face is complemented by a high forehead, then an elongated version of the bangs is selected.
  2. It is recommended to select oblique and asymmetrical models depending on their length and shape; they can both narrow the face and make it wider.
  3. Girls with large features should consider short and straight options.
  4. Arched bangs allow you to cover small defects on a round face.
  5. For a face with delicate features, front strands that are cut in a cascade are suitable.

Girls with a triangular face type should grow bangs. In this case, the strand can be combed at the level of the back of the head. If you have a square face, you should use asymmetrical strands. The oblique version of bangs is suitable for chubby girls. It will allow you to slightly elongate your face and hide your massive cheeks.

A wavy version of bangs can be made using a variety of styling products. For hard and straight strands, you need to choose long bangs.

The right choice of bangs will create a stylish and original look. By choosing the right styling options, you can create a new hairstyle every day.

Bangs suit everyone, you just need to choose the right type. A popular and almost never goes out of style bangs are oblique bangs of different lengths and textures.

It looks great with both long and short haircuts, and looks harmonious on light and dark hair.

Even on capricious curly strands, a good hairdresser will cut it so that it does not stick out in different directions, but looks organically as part of a neat hairstyle.

But I really want to know how to cut side-swept bangs for myself at home using a free video, it’s time to figure out this issue.

Oblique bangs are universal and can be combined with any haircut, both smooth classic and creative youth with “torn” strands and dyed in different colors and shades.

Her easy to transform into other forms by changing the parting or removing it from the rest of the hair mass, tucked behind the ears or pinned with a beautiful hairpin. Removing bangs is also easy with a hoop, headband or scarf.

Tip: if you find it difficult to choose the type of bangs, try on several types of wigs with different bangs in the store. This method will clearly show which haircut and bangs suit you best.

To choose the right option, we suggest you consider, and a huge assortment will help you choose the ideal one for you.

Now let's discuss in detail how to remove beautifully grown bangs; many variations await you in.

If you haven’t found the right one, there is a separate article telling you how to properly style long bangs, look at the photos and video instructions.

How to prepare bangs for a haircut?

In the salon, hair is moistened with water when cutting. When wet, they become more elastic and stretch more.

If you make bangs yourself on wet hair and even pull the strands tightly, the result will be several centimeters shorter than expected.

Preferably cut on dry hair, which has been washed the day before.

Fresh and very clean hair “scatters” and is poorly fixed with your fingers; because of this, the bangs will come out crooked or irregular in shape, and it is easy to make a mistake with the length.

If your hair is still very slippery, you should lightly spray it with a fixing spray or hairspray. The strands will become a little stiffer and it will become easier to work with them.

Experienced professionals cut dry bangs, thereby bringing them as close as possible to the finished bangs, in order to prevent them from “bouncing.”

The bangs are made with very sharp scissors or a razor. At home, you should prefer scissors, since using a razor on your own will be difficult and dangerous, and there is a risk of causing serious injury to yourself.

Important stages of cutting

The wealth of options for oblique bangs makes it possible to match it to any hair type and various haircuts.

There are oblique bangs:

  • short;
  • long;
  • smooth;
  • milled;
  • single-layer;
  • multilayer;
  • creative.

Different types of bangs combine perfectly with each other, forming new options, for example, “torn” bangs can be both long and multi-layered.

At home, you can cut long oblique bangs on your own in a straight line or with a torn edge. It is easy to complicate the relief of the bangs with the help of additional thinning with special scissors or twisting the strands.

How to cut side bangs yourself? Let's start by defining its shape.

Determining the shape

Determine what kind of bangs you want to get as a result of your haircut. To do this, prepare a fine-toothed comb and a mirror.

Lightly moisten your bangs with a spray bottle with water or wet them and then lightly dry them.

Now determine the width of the bangs and its shape. To do this, use a comb to run the comb from ear to ear and pull it into a ponytail or comb it back.

We also remove the side zones that you do not plan to cut.

All that remains is the bangs, now we try 3 options for bangs at once:

  • U-shaped bangs;
  • triangular parting;
  • parallel to the forehead.

Why is this so important? Depending on the option you choose, your bangs will have different shapes, so experiment first.


When choosing side bangs, often cut in a triangle with the apex in the STRAIGHT parting, but this option has one main disadvantage.

The hair will not be styled in the middle parting, but in the parting they are more accustomed to; as a result, after the haircut, individual long strands will fly into the bangs, which will make the haircut option not very comfortable and beautiful.

Sequence of cutting oblique bangs from Artem Lyubimov:

Video from Artem Lyubimov about mistakes when cutting side bangs:

Haircut methods

There are several ways to do this work at home:

  1. Pull to the opposite side.
  2. By turning the strands over.
  3. Twisting the bangs into a braid.
  4. Smooth sliding of scissors.

In salons, masters use various techniques, but at home they perform the simplest and most affordable options.

Haircut in 6 steps on your own with a pull to the opposite side

Prepare: comb, scissors, hair dryer, round comb for styling, mirror, tucks.

  1. Moisten hair and comb.
  2. Separate the part along the highest part of the eyebrow and make a part along it.
  3. Use a comb to separate the desired area of ​​bangs.
  4. Dry your bangs using a hairdryer and a large round styling comb.
  5. Pin up the sides of your curls so they don't get in your way.
  6. Comb your bangs on the opposite side of the extension.
  7. Holding your fingers in the place of the desired cut, cut off the unnecessary ends with scissors.
  8. Comb your bangs and style them according to your preference.

The video will show you how to cut side bangs yourself in 6 steps:

Rotating the strand

Strand turning method makes it easy to cut bangs that will flow from left to right, otherwise you will have to do it with your left hand, which is very difficult for a right-handed person.

Prepare: scissors, elastic band, comb and mirror.

  1. To do this, using a thin “tail” of a comb, the bangs are highlighted, its boundaries are clearly defined and the selected strand is carefully combed. We select the boundaries of the bangs according to the highest points of the eyebrows. Carefully follow the straight lines.
  2. The strand is pinched with your fingers and turned over as if it were about to be twisted into a bundle. In this case, the side on which the oblique cut will be made is opened for cutting on the right side.
  3. The required length is carefully cut with sharp scissors, the bangs are combed and trimmed a second time. The cutting line is drawn in a straight line or slightly rounded, depending on the cutting requirements.
  4. If you need a smooth edge, then the procedure is over, the hair is ready for styling. The resulting bangs are carefully combed several times, and individual stray hairs are cut off.

The video shows how to cut side bangs at home by turning the strand:


For embossed bangs, step-by-step milling is carried out, separating narrow strands, and processing the edge with scissors. This is done with a special tool or ordinary sharp scissors, holding them vertically and cutting thin strands of varying lengths. For youth haircuts, the edge of the bangs is decorated with deep asymmetrical cuts.


By twisting your hair into a loose rope, you can cut short or medium-length bangs yourself.

Scissors easily slide along the surface of the strand from top to bottom, making a cut. This technique requires certain skills in working with tools and self-confidence.


Glide cutting requires a steady hand.

The strand selected for the bangs is smoothly combed and pulled between the fingers, and a soft sliding movement is made with scissors from top to bottom. Sharp scissors “shave off” the stretched hairs, forming a beautiful, even cut line.

If your hand shakes, it’s easy to ruin the haircut, but in this case, thinning will come to the rescue.

We cut a wide, thick haircut

We will need: regular and thinning scissors, elastic band, comb and spray.

  1. Part your hair from ear to ear. Tie with an elastic band.
  2. Moisten with spray and comb. We remove excess strands behind the ears.
  3. We part the entire bangs into thin parallel partings and begin cutting to the desired length, directing the strand towards you and holding it between your fingers. We cut with teeth, placing the scissors at an angle of 90C to the hair.
  4. Repeatedly try on the length of the shortest part of the bangs, letting go and looking at yourself in the mirror, to get an even descending line.
  5. Using thinning scissors, we thin out the ends of the bangs.
  6. We lower the entire bangs to the front and align them with the already cut strands.
  7. We thin out the largest part of the bangs with thinning scissors.
  8. If you want the side strands to frame your face, then cut off the strands in the temporal area from the short part.

The video will teach you how to cut thick side bangs at home:


Multilayer bangs are performed in several stages. The hair is divided into layers horizontally, the top one is pinned up.

First, the longer bottom layer is cut, then it is pinned to the side and the shorter top layer is shaped. This is quite a difficult job; without haircutting experience, it is better to entrust it to a professional.

Advice: if you don’t want to “miss” with the length of your bangs, first cut off a little less hair than necessary - you can always remove the excess, but excessively short bangs will have to be grown out for several months.

There are various situations when you need to literally grow bangs in a matter of days.

Let's discuss the option when the haircut in the salon did not go the way you wanted and now you need to know so as not to suffer. Many ideas will help you cope with such a situation and emerge victorious.

A hair mask with honey and mustard accelerates growth and makes it more voluminous and shiny; read about it in detail with the recipe.

Ideal for accelerating the growth of bangs, hair masks with egg, especially for dry and brittle hair, see this link

What can be corrected?

Correctly chosen oblique bangs can visually correct facial features, hiding an excessively high forehead, unsightly hairline, wrinkles, folds and pigmentation on the forehead, reducing cheeks and correcting the oval of the face.

Thick and fluffy bangs distract attention from an overly long nose, while short ones fix the gaze on beautiful eyes and emphasize a clear line of eyebrows.

Long oblique bangs along with softly flowing strands easily correct the pentagonal shape of the face with heavy angles of the lower jaw, making the oval softer and the facial features gentle.

A beautiful and neat haircut with bangs looks modern and fashionable, suitable for women of all ages and face types. A well-chosen bang shape will correct facial features, hide defects and emphasize advantages, making your appearance fresh and youthful.

Now you know how to cut side bangs at home and you can do it. We wish you good luck!

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