The magic of sapphire: description, types, colors, characteristics, properties. Appearance of sapphire, its types and properties What color is sapphire

Sapphire is one of the varieties of corundum. It is believed that the stone got its name from the word canipriya, which translated from ancient Indian means “beloved by Saturn.” In ancient Greek, the word σάπφειρος (sappheiros) was used to describe any valuable blue stone. That is why, until the 13th century, it was known as lapis lazuli or azure yacht. In Tsarist Russia, blue corundum, like other blue stones, was called baus. Only in the 18th century did the Swedish chemist G. Vallerius propose calling transparent blue corundum sapphire.

Sapphire is truly a royal stone. They were traditionally used to decorate the crowns of kings. The most famous St Edward's sapphire adorns the pommel of the British crown, in the heart of the cross.

A stone weighing 200 carats is placed in the power of the Russian Empire, a sapphire twice as large is inserted into the brooch of an Indian maharajah, and a necklace from Harry Winston includes 36 large sapphires with a total weight of 196 carats. Queens of the Netherlands can show off a whole pair of family sapphire jewelry from a tiara, necklace, earrings, bracelets, pendant, brooch.

But modern people primarily remember not the great crowns, but the engagement ring of Princess Diana, now adorning the hand of the wife of her eldest son, Kate Middleton. A fairly ordinary 10x8mm, 1.8 carat set surrounded by 14 diamonds, chosen by a once unloved princess from a £28,000 catalogue, it became a style icon and is still incredibly popular.

Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands

Kate Middleton

Stone magic

They have always had special value. According to beliefs, the royal mineral was considered a symbol of hope, fidelity, purity and chastity. Sapphire has long been one of the most expensive precious stones and is second in price only to diamond. The sky-colored stone was considered the embodiment of calm, contemplation and tranquility. In Ancient Rome, rings with cornflower blue sapphires were worn only by the priests of the Temple of Jupiter. In India and Judea they decorated the vestments of clergy. Blue sapphires sparkled even in the crown of Cleopatra herself.

In Europe, blue corundum was considered a symbol of honesty, virtue and modesty. In Eastern countries, sapphire was called the “talisman of the wise.” These days, the precious mineral is symbolized with confidence, success and victory. According to astrologers, wearing a headset with sapphires has a beneficial effect on health.

In the sky, sapphire is patronized by Jupiter and Saturn. For Leo, this is a stone that will help curb pride and selfishness and channel energy into a creative direction. For Sagittarius, sapphire is their haven; it will help them find stability and find harmony in difficult situations. Aquarians who have jewelry with sapphire will be able to better understand themselves, strengthen their decisions, and gain strength and courage. The stone will also be a good talisman for changeable Pisces and restless Libra.

The sapphire wedding is celebrated after 45 years, celebrating the wisdom and virtue of the spouses with sapphire gifts.

From the bowels of the earth

Nature has generously gifted us with sapphire deposits. Deposits of blue corundum are found on five continents of the Earth, with the exception of Antarctica. Now the world leaders in the production and export of sapphire are Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, and Burma. Active sapphire mining is carried out in Madagascar, Australia, Brazil, the USA, and most African countries.

Smaller deposits of stone are found in some European countries (France, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland). In Russia, sapphire was discovered on the Kola Peninsula (Khibiny) and in the Urals.

Interestingly, sapphires from different deposits have their own unique color. Based on this feature, experts can determine the “homeland” of each stone with the naked eye.

Australian deposits are famous for their blue-black sapphires, which darken under artificial light. Thai sapphires are of high quality and differ from corundums from other countries by their greenish tint. Minerals from Montana (USA) are known for their pale blue ice color. Ural sapphires, which have absorbed the colors of the Russian winter, most often have a gray tint, and corundums from the Kola Peninsula have a cornflower blue hue.

The oldest deposit of sapphire is the island of Ceylon. It is not surprising that the island's inhabitants consider sapphire their national stone. Corundums of rich blue shades have become the hallmark of Sri Lanka: from ultramarine to dark blue. In addition, yellow and orange sapphires (padparadscha), and even cat's eye sapphire, are found on the island. It was in Sri Lanka that one of the largest sapphires in the world was found, weighing about 19 kg!

Many deposits of precious corundum known today were discovered in the 19th century. Thus, in 1880, in the Indian Valley of Kashmir, as a result of a mountain collapse, a rich deposit of unique sapphires was discovered. The stones had a deep cornflower blue color with a slight purple tint. Until now, Kashmir sapphires are considered an example of the quality of a unique precious mineral.

Large blue corundums are quite rare. When this happens, they are given their names just like . The most famous “famous” sapphires are “St. Edward”, “Stuart” (104 carats), “Star of India” (536 carats), “Midnight Star” (116 carats).

Sapphire kaleidoscope

Sapphire is an aluminum oxide that is second only to diamond in terms of hardness. One of the main features of the stone is its rich palette of shades. The shade of sapphire depends on the presence or absence of titanium and iron impurities in it. Moreover, all “colored” sapphires (except blue ones) are called “fancy”. Some of these gemstones, such as Australian and African ones, are dichroic and combine two colors: dark blue along the crystals and green across the crystals.

But if the only impurity is chromium, then the stone has a red tint, from pale pink to a rather rich wine color.

Golden sapphires are found with a mixture of iron and chromium, and can also have a very thick hue.

Impurities of iron (Fe) and chromium (Cr) together produce the color of golden and orange sapphires. To change color, blue corundums are often heat treated. This method allows you to enhance, weaken or even out the color of the stone. As a result, a blue-gray sapphire can turn bright blue. The interaction of iron oxides enhances the blue tint of the stone, while the diffusion of iron and nickel colors the sapphire red and orange.

The next feature of blue corundums is asterism. Thanks to this optical effect, the outline of a star appears in the center of the sapphire. Sapphires of this kind are called “star” sapphires. Such an amazing stone looks truly mysterious, so it is very highly valued. The largest “star” crystal was discovered in 1966 in Burma (Southeast Asia). The weight of the stone reached 63 thousand carats, that is, 12.6 kg!

Hydrothermal sapphires

Modern technologies make it possible to grow sapphires in laboratory conditions. This sapphire is not a fake; its properties are almost identical to a natural stone.

The essence of the technology is to reproduce the natural process of stone nucleation, which makes it possible to obtain pure and homogeneous corundum.

Eternal Value

Products with precious sapphire inserts have been highly valued at all times. Today, leading jewelry houses use corundum both in individual products and in entire collections. Sapphires with step or diamond cuts, as well as “star” stones with cabochon cuts, look especially elegant. When combined with topazes, amethysts and emeralds, blue sapphires acquire new colors.

The classic combination of sapphires and diamonds, which has become a symbol of luxury, is still relevant. Blue sapphires always look spectacular when set in white or yellow gold. At the same time, complemented by a combination frame, the classic duo of precious stones sounds fashionable and modern.

The trend is for models with “fantasy” sapphires in delicate shades, which give the products a special sophistication. The combination of many bright “fantasy” stones in one piece allows you to bring to life the most daring design ideas.

A piece with sapphires is not only a stylish addition to any look, but also an indicator of impeccable taste. Kate Middleton, Penelope Cruz, Carrie Underwood, Heidi Klum, Jessica Simpson, Katie Holmes and others shine in jewelry with these precious stones.

Sapphire stone: properties, who is suitable according to their zodiac sign, and who is not? Such questions are relevant not only for those who are planning to purchase jewelry inlaid with this stone in the near future, but also for those who are simply admired by the appearance of sapphire and its characteristics.

Magnificent jewelry with sapphires

Magic stones of blue and cornflower blue colors have long been familiar to humanity. Only those who had power and decided the fate of people were allowed to wear sapphire. For this reason, crowns were often encrusted with the gem; it was believed that a blue crystal would make the ruler wise and fair.

Characteristics of the stone

Sapphire is a type of corundum and is classified as a precious stone along with diamonds, rubies, emeralds and alexandrites. In terms of its characteristics, it is not much inferior to diamond; the hardness of the stone is estimated at 9 points on the Mohs scale.

The history of sapphire is very interesting; it has been known to mankind for quite a long time; it is difficult to say in what language the word “sapphire” first appeared.

There are many legends that surround this gem. Sapphire is a stone that people have invariably associated with wealth and power; they said that the mineral harbors the power of the sky, the power of Zeus. He is ruled by Jupiter. The blue color of the stone only added to its mystery. There is a legend that says that blue corundum is nothing more than a frozen elixir of immortality. God turned this drink of eternal life and youth into stone so that no one could use it.

The properties of sapphire attracted people, but not everyone could capture the wisdom and experience of this mineral.

If we talk about history, King Solomon had a sapphire seal. Princess Diana loved jewelry inlaid with blue corundum. She had impeccable taste and always chose exquisite jewelry inlaid with this particular stone. Most of the items that Diana owned were inherited by her son's wife. Kate Middleton is the proud owner of a ring inlaid with a pink sapphire. It was this jewelry that Prince Charles presented to Diana on her engagement day.

By the way, sapphire stone is not only blue; the palette of shades of this mineral is quite diverse. In nature you can find corundums of various shades, and only red crystals are called rubies.

The division occurred in the 19th century, it was at this time that blue corundums began to be called sapphires, and red corundums began to be called rubies. But not only blue and cornflower blue minerals are called sapphire. It was awarded to all corundums that are orange, green and even black.

A flawless sapphire is a rarity in the world of jewelers; this stone has a bright blue color, is distinguished by the absence of defects and is large in size. But what makes corundum unique is not only its size and the absence of defects; some gems become special due to the fact that they are rare in nature. An example is an orange-pink sapphire called padparadscha.

Ring with white sapphire

However, even those gems that are not distinguished by a rare color are still not cheap. There are not so many precious stones, and they all became so for one reason - they are mined in limited quantities.

Along with diamonds, rubies, emeralds and alexandrites, cornflower blue sapphire is rarely found in nature. Large crystals are very expensive and difficult to find in a store or boutique. Such stones are put up for auction, where rich and famous buyers compete for them.

Place of Birth

There are only a few countries that mine corundum on an industrial scale. Among this list is Russia. Small crystals are mined in our country and are of good quality.

In addition to Russia, sapphires are mined in a number of countries.

  • Australia is rich not only in deposits of corundum, but also in fancy-colored diamonds.
  • In Sri Lanka, they mine orange-pink gems called padparadscha.
  • The most valuable are sapphires mined in Kashmir (India). Kashmir corundums are distinguished by their bright shade and high quality.
  • Minerals are found throughout the United States. They are mined in limited quantities, only in a few states.

Fake or alternative?

The properties of sapphire stone make it unique. As you know, demand creates supply, and in order to cope with the shortage, humanity began to refine stones. Technologies have long been known that made it possible to change the color of sapphires, making them bright and attractive to buyers.

Naturally, in nature there are most often stones that have no color at all or have a faint tint. Such sapphire is relatively inexpensive; to increase its value, experts process the crystals. They heat them to a certain temperature, which allows them to give the gem a bright and rich shade.

In addition, after processing, sapphires can acquire the effect of asterism; such stones are called star-shaped because a star is hidden in their structure.

Interspersed with rays extending to the side resemble a celestial body. In sapphire such inclusions look especially impressive.

Stones that have gone through the refining procedure cannot be called fake. After all, it is still the same sapphire, it’s just that the color was given to it not by nature, but by the hand of man. Not only temperature, but also radiation can change a crystal.

Such stones are no different in characteristics from their counterparts that were discovered in the bowels of the earth. Even an experienced jeweler cannot recognize the creation of human hands.

However, refined sapphires are still stones that were created by Mother Nature and slightly “modified” by specialists. But on the market you can find crystals that were created in a laboratory and have nothing to do with precious stones.

An assessment of their structure will help to recognize such “gems”. The stone must be examined under a magnifying glass, and if inclusions (gas bubbles, small dots) can be found in the structure, this means that the sapphire is of natural origin. It was found in the rock, and not created within the walls of a laboratory.

Star sapphire

Only those crystals that were mined from the depths of the earth have magical and healing properties.

Magic properties

The meaning of sapphire stone is known to magicians and sorcerers; they have studied the properties of the mineral for many years and came to the following conclusions:

  1. Blue corundum will help you cope with doubts.
  2. Will endow the owner with wisdom and tranquility.
  3. Helps improve family relationships.
  4. It will be a good talisman for travelers.
  5. He will teach you how to subjugate people.

Doubts, disagreements and even disputes disrupt a person’s spiritual harmony. The stone has the ability to dispel doubts and resolve disputes. It can help you find meaning in life or identify a goal. The crystal accumulates energy and directs it in the right direction.

It has been proven by magic that sapphire can endow a person with calmness and wisdom. It neutralizes negativity and changes the owner’s worldview. Helps him take a philosophical look at problems and difficulties.

Due to its properties, corundum is a good talisman for a family. It helps restore good relationships and establish contact between spouses. If we talk about pink sapphires, they are perceived as a symbol of fidelity. If you present the bride with such jewelry as a gift, then she will wait for her beloved and will never betray him.

In ancient times, explorers and travelers took blue crystals with them on their journeys. They believed that the stone would save them from difficulties on the road and help them return home.

Sapphire is a symbol of power; it can make the owner a leader. The stone will teach a person to lead or rule. He will give him wisdom and the ability to make decisions, acting not only in his own interests, but also in the interests of other people.

But not only magicians and esotericists valued the gem for its properties. Astrologers also admired the mineral, although, in their opinion, it is not suitable for all zodiac signs.

Who is suitable for sapphire according to their zodiac sign, and who is not? If you believe astrologers, the mineral has favorites, among them are:

  1. Aquarius.
  2. Sagittarius.

Aquarius is a zodiac sign whose element is air. By nature, they are very emotional, they live by feelings and at the same time are afraid of responsibility. The childish behavior of Aquarius attracts people who do not have good intentions. Sapphire will endow the representative of this sign with wisdom and teach him how to cope with responsibility and emotions. Under the influence of the stone, Aquarius will mature, he will learn to be responsible for his words and actions, he will be able to make real friends and get rid of ill-wishers.

Sagittarians, whose element is fire, are very energetic. Representatives of this sign are literally bursting with ideas. It is difficult for them to concentrate and direct their energy in a certain direction. Sapphire will help Sagittarius make the right choice, cope with emotions and irrepressible energy, and understand themselves.

But among the 12 zodiac signs there are those for whom the mineral is not suitable. Wearing jewelry inlaid with sapphire is not recommended for Capricorns. By nature they are endowed with a certain wisdom and calmness. Blue corundum will not make Capricorn even wiser; it will plunge him into depression, make him apathetic and indifferent to everything that happens.

Ring with yellow sapphire

It is worth noting that the stone will help all other zodiac signs. But sapphire does not like dishonest people, deceivers and liars. It will be a good talisman for those who are distinguished by their nobility and ability to care for their neighbors.

Medicinal properties

People wearing a pendant inlaid with sapphire on their chest need not worry about the condition of their heart and blood vessels. The stone also has a positive effect on the endocrine system.

But not only does the blue crystal affect the heart and metabolism, it helps in the treatment of insomnia and mental disorders. In order for the gem to relieve sleep disturbances and nightmares, it should be placed under the pillow before bed.

But mainly the mineral affects the mental state of a person. It increases his intellectual abilities. Gives the owner a thirst for life, teaches him to cope with neuroses and depression.

And sapphire is the stone of those people who live long. It protects the owner from brain diseases, helps maintain clarity of mind until old age and live a long and happy life.

Modern medicine casts doubt on the ability of minerals to treat certain diseases, but the experience of our ancestors proves the opposite.

Jewelry inlaid with sapphires is chosen to last forever. They become a family heirloom and are passed on from generation to generation. Products such as good wine become more and more expensive every year.

It is called the messenger of heaven, the embodiment of the highest spirituality, the stone of nuns. All these words are about the beautiful sapphire - a symbol of fortitude, purity and boundless loyalty. In ancient times, not a single sorcerer could do without it, and adherents of meditation use it even today. Blue and blue sapphires are considered the most beautiful types of gems.

Historians claim that the very first crystals were found in southeast Asia and got their name from the Greek word meaning “blue.” In ancient Babylon, minerals were called “scratching”. When these gems came to Europe, the French began to call them sapphires. And the Russian people are an azure yacht.

The modern jewelry market is replenished with gems from:

  • Republic of India. In this state, the most valuable and expensive specimens of cornflower blue are mined in a place called Kashmir. Among the world's reserves, Kashmir sapphires account for only 6%.
  • Burma. This country is in second place in terms of cost of blue and light blue sapphires.
  • Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. This island country supplies expensive blue gems called "Ceylon".
  • Commonwealth of Australia. Not the highest quality samples are mined here.
  • Russian Federation. On the territory of the Khibiny - the largest mountain range on the Kola Peninsula - geologists found blue gems.

Composition and physical properties

The stone is an opaque aluminum oxide, which is also called corundum. The formula of the stone is presented as: Al2O3. The most common impurities are titanium, iron and manganese. It is the presence of certain additional chemical elements that determines the color of the specimen. Thanks to the high iron content, brownish stones are born, manganese - pink and purple sapphires, titanium - luxurious dark blue crystals.

Among the properties are:

  • Change in shade under the influence of temperature or x-rays. For example, a blue-colored specimen can turn into a blue sapphire, and a colorless mineral can turn yellow.
  • The presence of a regular crystal lattice.
  • Really high hardness. According to this indicator, the stone is second only to diamond.
  • Birefringence, due to which light entering the crystal changes its direction.
  • Density up to 4 grams per cubic centimeter.

Characteristics of the mineral (video)

Processing methods and price per carat

Sapphires of heavenly and blue shades cannot be processed using standard methods for all jewelry stones. When cutting a gem, craftsmen try not to reduce its size. Therefore, each stone turns out to be individual, different from the other.

To make the color of the mineral brighter and richer, jewelers use heat treatment.

Cornflower blue sapphires are considered the most expensive among azure yachts. For such samples, the price per carat can reach more than $1,000. A sapphire from Burma costs less - about $90. And for Ceylon and Madagascar scratching stones you will have to pay less than $80 per carat. Russian dark blue sapphires, which appear black, are considered the cheapest. Their price does not exceed $50.

Blue sapphire (25 photos)


Jewelry with blue sapphire is created from different precious metals. They will undoubtedly attract the attention of others to their owner. The stone itself deserves special admiration.

  • Earrings with blue sapphire inserts will look perfect on a young girl. They will demonstrate its freshness and attractiveness.
  • An exclusive ring with blue sapphire can become an exquisite decoration for the fingers of a business woman. It is also suitable for a female politician and a lady who holds a high position.
  • A pendant in which two hearts are connected - one of blue gems and the other of diamonds - will win the heart of any lady, regardless of her age. And cutting from noble silver will highlight the color and shine of the stones.
  • Thin carved bracelets with blue and cornflower blue stones can complement a feminine silk outfit. The shine of this material will perfectly match the shine of gems.
  • The ring with a blue stone is strict in shape. It will suit a fair, strong-willed and self-confident man.

Magical and healing abilities

The gem boasts really strong magical properties. Many magicians advise giving your significant other a ring with cornflower blue sapphire so that feelings of love do not leave the couple for many years. In addition, lovers will receive peace of mind, and there will be much less quarrels.

Shamans believe that this mineral is a symbol of reconciliation with higher spiritual forces. It is the yachts that grant the opportunity to contact long-dead ancestors or ask a question about the future to one of the powerful otherworldly creatures .

Among the medicinal properties of sapphires are cornflower blue, blue and light blue. we can note getting rid of:

  • back pain;
  • kidney diseases;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • heart ailments.

It is also recommended to wear blue sapphire products for those who suffer from diabetes, asthma or insomnia.

Astrologers' opinion

Crystal is not suitable for constant wear by all representatives of humanity. The mineral has the most beneficial effect on:

  • Streltsov. Men will have strong nerves. Even with strong excitement, the owner of a cornflower blue sapphire will be able to control the storm of emotions. Girls will be able to find inner balance. They will live in harmony with themselves and with their lover.
  • Aries. Blue and light blue sapphires will help develop hidden talents. People born under this zodiac sign will forget what embarrassment is. The goal of their life will be self-realization.
  • Aquarius. Since this zodiac sign is inextricably linked with water, blue sapphire will especially help such people. Once seeing a soul mate in Aquarius, the mineral gives the owner of the talisman a sense of self-worth throughout his life.
  • Taurus and Virgo. They are guaranteed career growth and business success.

Only Capricorns should not get involved with sapphires of blue shades, otherwise their lives will be filled with grief and suffering.

People have long believed that blue sapphire was sent to Earth by powerful gods. Hearing people's prayers for long life, higher powers sent a downpour, part of which consisted of the elixir of immortality. Reaching the soil, droplets of extraordinary rain turned into precious gems. In those places where a large amount of magical liquid accumulated, dark blue crystals formed. Where there was not much elixir, soft blue or lilac sapphires appeared.

Despite the fact that the stone has been known to mankind for a long time, the largest blue sapphire was found only in the middle of the last century. He was found by a doctor from the American state of North Carolina. The man did not immediately realize that this was a real treasure. Imagine his surprise when such a find was valued at several million dollars.

How to determine the authenticity of a blue sapphire (video)

Blue and dark blue sapphire is not only an excellent gift that any female representative dreams of. An extraordinary gemstone is also a symbol of longevity, an amulet, a cure for many ailments, and even a guardian of the family hearth.

Sapphire- one of the varieties of the mineral corundum, a gemstone of different shades, mainly blue. In mineralogy, sapphires are exclusively blue corundums, in the jewelry industry - any colors except lilac-red (such stones are called). The blue color of sapphire is caused by the presence of impurities of titanium (Ti) and iron (Fe). In the old days in Russia, sapphire, like other valuable blue minerals, was called baus. In technology, the name sapphire (leucosapphire) is often understood as colorless synthetic corundum single crystals containing 0.0001% impurities.

See also:


The crystal structure of Al 2 O 3 is depicted in the figure in the form of Al 2 O 3 groups at the corners of two rhombohedrons that make up the unit cell. Despite its apparent complexity, it has a fairly simple structural diagram. Oxygen ions are in a dense hexagonal packing and are arranged in sheets perpendicular to the triple axis, superimposed on one another. Al cations are located between two such sheets in the form of hexagons (with an unoccupied center), filling two-thirds of the octahedral voids (i.e., the voids between six oxygen anions, three of which belong to one, and the other three, rotated relative to the first by 180°, - another sheet of oxygen ions). In this case, the groups of every three oxygen ions form a common face for two adjacent octahedra in adjacent sheets. It is characteristic that the oxygen sheets are superimposed on each other in such a way that in each column of octahedra two occupied ones also alternate with one unoccupied one, and the pairs of occupied octahedra form helical triple axes vertically.


Sapphire is characterized by high hardness (Mohs 9) and high brilliance. The refractive index of light is 1.762-1.778. Melting point 2040 °C. The blue color of sapphire is due to the impurities of titanium and iron in the Al 2 O 3 matrix.

Sapphires have a rich range of colors: in addition to classic blue stones, there are also colored (so-called “fancy”) sapphires - specimens of jewelry-quality corundum in orange, pink-orange (lotus color, so-called “Padparadscha”), garnet-red (with pleochroism effect), yellow, green and pink colors, as well as colorless stones (leucosapphires). “Star sapphires” are highly prized - varieties of stone with a well-defined asterism effect. However, what is most valued in sapphire is its cornflower blue, velvety color of moderate intensity. Dark-colored sapphire, in contrast to deep-colored emerald, is less valuable.

The mineral cordierite, similar in color to sapphire, is sometimes called “water sapphire” (an obsolete term).


It occurs in the form of barrel-shaped, dipyramidal and tabular pseudohexagonal crystals, separately disseminated grains and granular aggregates. The faces of prisms, dipyramids and pinacoids are often covered with rough oblique shading. Typically, fairly well-formed barrel-shaped, columnar, pyramidal and lamellar crystals are observed, sometimes reaching large sizes (up to a decimeter in diameter). The most common faces are hexagonal prism (1120), hexagonal bipyramids (2241), (2243), rhombohedron (1011) and pinacoid (0001). Often the faces of prisms and dipyramids, as well as the faces of the pinacoid, are covered with oblique hatching, and in other cases, hatching is observed in the horizontal direction due to twinning along the pinacoid.


The most famous sapphire deposits are confined to pegmatites or placers and are located in the USA, Australia, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Burma, Thailand and China. In Russia there are no large deposits in which sapphire can be mined on an industrial scale: its finds are confined to manifestations of blue corundum, in which transparent stones suitable for cutting are also found. Blue sapphire is found in the Urals and on the Kola Peninsula (Khibiny). Ural sapphires, as a rule, have a grayish tint, while Kola sapphires have a peculiar greenish tint with a deep cornflower blue color.

It is likely that the largest blue sapphire mined in nature was a stone accidentally discovered by radiologist Steve Mayer in the United States in the mid-1960s. While exploring abandoned quarries near the town of Canton (North Carolina) with a friend, he discovered a large fragment of bluish rock crystal. Mayer brought the stone to work, where he began using it as a paperweight. A few months later, one of the patients noticed the stone and advised Mayer to show it to a gemologist or jeweler. To the radiologist’s surprise, experts determined that a simple “piece of crystal” turned out to be a huge crystal of blue sapphire weighing just over three and a half thousand carats.


Blue transparent sapphires are used in jewelry in the form of cuts. Star sapphires are usually cut as cabochons.
Synthetic leucosapphires are used as raw materials for the manufacture of ophthalmic scalpels and eye lenses; for the production of high-strength optically transparent elements (windows for space stations, protective glass for optical equipment in rockets and aircraft, protective glass for screens in mobile phones, watches and cameras in the highest price segment); as substrates in microcircuits; in dentistry - for the production of aesthetic braces, in industry - for the production of nozzles for water jet machines.
Unlike quartz, leucosapphire does not react with alkali metal vapors up to the highest temperatures, which is why high-pressure sodium lamp burners are mass-produced from artificial leucosapphire. Leucosapphires are also used in various fields of laser technology.
Synthetic sapphire, activated by Ti 3+ ions, is used as active elements in titanium-sapphire lasers.

Sapphire - Al 2 O 3


Strunz (8th edition) 4/C.04-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.CB.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.6.1

Sapphire is a precious stone, a real dream of all lovers of beauty. Jewelry with sapphire looks appropriate and attractive in any situation: at work, during important meetings, at festive events and even in a familiar home environment, when everyone at home gathers with each other to share a pleasant atmosphere. The word “sapphire” itself accurately reflects the appearance of this gem - it is translated as “blue stone”. In general, sapphire has different shades - green, pink, orange, lilac, even transparent. But in mineralogy, this word means exclusively blue varieties, that is, we can say that they are the classic representatives of this precious stone. About what kind of person a sapphire might be suitable for, what magical properties this stone has - right now.


Sapphire is mentioned several times in the Bible. For example, it is described as one of the 12 stones that adorn Heavenly Jerusalem - a city to which, according to legend, God will once take all who believed in him and lived a morally pure life.

It’s hard to take your eyes off the photo with the sapphire. Despite the rather cold blue color, this stone is unlikely to cause indifference or even rejection in anyone. Blue yacht, as it is also called, is an unusual gem, moreover, special. The point is not only its rarity (the stone is considered precious), but also its exceptionally strong influence on the owner. To figure out who is suitable for sapphire based on their zodiac sign and other characteristics, first of all, you need to have a good idea of ​​what magical and healing properties this mineral has:

  1. Sapphire is a stone of fidelity and chastity. The rich blue color of the sky, which means it symbolizes enduring spiritual values. Epochs change, entire worlds and generations pass, but there is something that every earthly person strives for. These are the heavenly laws of beauty, wisdom and love. The blue color generally symbolizes faith, loyalty, and reliability of a person. Therefore, sapphire gives a very powerful mood specifically for these waves.
  2. Thanks to such magical properties, the stone is able to fill the life of a lonely person with a whole sea of ​​joyful emotions. Sapphire attracts new acquaintances with clean, decent people. The gem allows you to literally turn over all the uninteresting pages and start life from scratch. After all, love is very closely related to faith. Indeed, if you do not believe in your own strength, in the triumph of beauty, in life itself, it is hardly possible to love someone with all your heart.
  3. For established people who have found their happiness, this gem will allow them to fill their relationships with inspiration, pleasant emotions, as if with a second youth. After all, blue is the color of rebirth, spiritual cleansing. Sometimes it is useful for all of us to arrange something like a small repentance to simply remove the burden of disturbing thoughts. And the removal of precisely this burden leads to the strengthening of relationships, their true development based on unconditional trust in each other.
  4. For believers, as well as those who are interested in spiritual practices, sapphire will be happy to help establish strong connections between the earthly and the heavenly. The stone can be used as a talisman during prayer and meditation. Having a beneficial effect on a person’s energy, sapphire cleanses it of unnecessary thoughts, disturbing emotions and, in general, of everything unnecessary.
  5. The stone has not only spiritual, but also protective properties. It will become a very powerful amulet in any decoration - in the form of a pendant, bracelet, brooch or necklace. It is believed that with the help of this mineral you can protect the entire house from negative emotions. You just need to wrap it in a light-colored linen bag and put it under the threshold.
  6. The gem is very suitable for people who, due to their line of work, must constantly make responsible decisions. This mineral develops leadership qualities, allowing a person to reveal their best abilities. It helps a lot in learning and in implementing creative plans, so it will certainly be of interest to people in the bohemian circle, for whom it is very important to work in an environment of inspiration.
  7. But the healing properties of sapphire are so diverse that it can really be called the cure for all ills. The gem has a positive effect on blood flow and heart function. It counteracts all types of skin lesions and fights asthma. Excellent for treating disorders of the nervous system, epilepsy, and neuralgia. It has a good effect on vision, promotes wound healing, improves the functioning of the kidneys and reproductive system of men and women.


If, after a long working day spent at the computer, your eyes are very tired, the sharpness of your vision has decreased, you just need to apply a sapphire to your eyelid. Regardless of the size and color of the stone, it will have a positive effect - in a matter of minutes it will become much lighter. Before this procedure, it is recommended to immerse the stone in a vessel with cold water for literally three seconds.

Stone by zodiac sign: who suits sapphire

You need to purchase a sapphire wisely, because a stone is bought for life, and then passed on to children, grandchildren and other relatives by inheritance. Therefore, the first place to start choosing is to figure out who the sapphire is suitable for according to their zodiac sign. Astrological compatibility is a very important indicator, because each sign is governed by a certain element, which affects its mood, thinking style and personality traits. In the case of sapphire, the best relationships will develop with the following representatives:

  1. First of all, sapphire is perfect for representatives of the air element. It will help Aquarius develop eloquence and skills in conducting important negotiations. This sign is generally considered one of the most sociable. Any Aquarius has often found himself in a situation from which he emerged victorious solely thanks to his communication skills. And sapphire will help strengthen external contacts and gain greater self-confidence.
  2. The gem will help Libra become more decisive, as it will reveal a whole world of inner wisdom - the very qualities that we call intuition and the gift of foresight.
  3. But for twins, the stone will become like a spiritual mentor and help them discover true spiritual values ​​that will make life rich and much more interesting.
  4. Sapphire is perfect for Sagittarius - perhaps the most changeable and at the same time assertive, purposeful sign of the zodiac. These people always have a couple of fresh ideas and two in stock. But they only realize half of it. And all because Sagittarius sincerely strives to do what no one has done before, and achieve what no one has ever achieved. The stone will help you decide on your life priorities and understand your true desires.
  5. The mineral will help Aries to curb their uncontrollable emotions and become more prudent. It is no secret that representatives of this sign often give in to their feelings and can become very stubborn when it comes to something important to them. Sapphire will help you look at the situation differently and find a suitable compromise.
  6. For Leo, the stone will also help stabilize the emotional sphere, and in addition will help make the right decisions and positively influence people. Leo's desire to command is a completely normal phenomenon, and sapphire will help direct this energy in the right direction: in the end, both the boss and his subordinates will win.
  7. The gem will play a similar role for Scorpios. In addition, it will help them get rid of depressing thoughts about the past and normalize their constantly fluctuating mood.
  8. The stone protects Pisces and Cancers - it develops tender, sentimental feelings, stabilizes the emotional sphere and allows you to better feel your soul and body.

Who should refrain from purchasing sapphire?

For other representatives of the star circle, sapphire is also quite suitable - they can choose a stone based on their own taste preferences and intuition.

Only astrologers do not recommend purchasing this precious gem for Capricorn. The fact is that representatives of this sign are distinguished by a rational, pragmatic approach to life. Capricorns will measure seven times and cut once. Sapphire is more focused on the spiritual development of a person. Therefore, those Capricorns who have already realized their main plans, and at this stage of life decided to engage in their own development, can add a stone to their collection.

Stone by name: how to make the right choice

Along with the fact that it is important to know who the sapphire is suitable for according to the horoscope, you can take into account the connection of the energy of the stone with some names. Sapphire is suitable for almost all people, but in some cases the positive effects of this mineral will be especially strong. We are talking about representatives of the fair sex named:

  • Larisa - for her the mineral will become an invisible psychotherapist: it instills a wave of calm, good nature and gentleness;
  • for Antonina, sapphire is a symbol of modesty, fidelity and will also help her find true love;
  • and in Rose’s life, the stone can play a fateful role, because it will allow her to take rather difficult steps that will lead to her cherished goal.

And finally: how to enhance the beneficial effects of sapphire

  1. Sapphire with a star-shaped structure has special powers due to its magical and healing properties. If 3 or 6 rays intersect on its surface, the beneficial effects of the stone increase significantly. It is believed that by combining the power of the triad (number 3) or double triad (number 6), sapphire connects with the energy of three great forces - faith, hope and love.
  2. You should not use a “foreign” sapphire that was previously worn by another person. Surprisingly, the stone becomes attached to its owner and will protect him even from a distance. The exception is those cases when jewelry with this mineral was worn by one of your ancestors or close relatives: similar energy waves will work great both for that person (if he is healthy) and for you. The energy of one stone is enough for a whole family, so there is no need to buy jewelry for everyone. Households can choose other stones for themselves.
  3. And the most important thing. Under no circumstances should you purchase sapphire with noticeable defects. Of course, “ideal” products are very rarely found in nature, but still there should be no obvious deformations in the body of the stone. Perhaps you can save money on this, but such a stone is unlikely to become a talisman - it will not work correctly. It's like a piano with one key out of tune - you can play a melody on it, but you will always feel false.

A stone from heaven, a small drop that seems to have fallen and frozen right in your hands - sapphire can become a true friend and invisible patron. The main thing is to tune in to its wavelength and sincerely believe in good changes and the inevitability of success.

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