The ideal girl - who is it? What a real woman should be like What an ideal girl should be like for a guy

What kind of woman can be called ideal for a man? Which one will make him look for not just one night’s entertainment, but a relationship that will last, perhaps, a lifetime? Should she have some special appearance, clothes, figure, spiritual qualities, etc.? What do men look for in women?

Even though everyone claims that there are no ideal people, and that each person has his own shortcomings and advantages, society is still trying to find and understand what an ideal girl should be like. Smart and beautiful? Understanding and caring? Which?

If we start to study the opinions of many men on this issue, we will quickly understand that each man is looking for something different. Of course, men love with their eyes, which means they will really like a girl who is attractive in appearance. But is it possible to find the ideal? One wise man once said: some people like dark ones, others like fair ones, and still others like red-haired ones. But everyone likes these, and others, and others. This means one thing: beauty is definitely not the determining factor in a relationship.

You probably understand that for men of different ages, the ideal girl will be completely different. Young guys who have not yet reached the age of twenty usually do not mind their beloved drinking and smoking. But time passes, and it is the girl’s moral qualities that come to the fore. After all, now a man views her not just as a companion for parties and other things, but as the keeper of his family hearth.

Does the ideal girl have to be smart? On this issue, men's opinions are slightly divided. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to admit that he likes the type of blonde that people love to tell jokes about: beautiful, but stupid as a plug. Of course, anyone will be more interested in a girl who strives to be educated, well-read and intelligent.

But unfortunately for us, there are a lot of young people who say that it is enough that a girl is a little smarter than a tree. Some guys feel extremely uncomfortable with an educated girl, because you don’t know what to expect from them. If there is such a stereotype that beautiful girls All they need is money, fame and universal adoration; what smart girls need is far from easy to understand.

Of course, it is impossible to derive some kind of algorithm that will definitely make a girl ideal for absolutely any young man. Everyone has their own ideal. Therefore, girls should understand and support only their man, take care of him and contribute to the growth of not only him, but also themselves. It is very important for men that they can never blush for their soulmate. Even if she is a housewife, does not work and runs the household, in any case she must remain well-groomed and beautiful woman, with whom you can talk about everything.


Young people pay great attention to the fact that their ideal girl should always be faithful to them. They absolutely do not need to check the feelings of their chosen one, but they must clearly understand that she is not capable of betrayal.

In addition, men really don’t like it when women delve into his earnings and wallet, trying to find out how much his friends and relatives earn. This is very unpleasant for them. After all, when a man doesn’t earn enough, he himself understands this very well and tries with all his might to change this situation. Therefore, you never need to irritate him again with your reminders and lectures.

How long the love between a man and a woman will last mainly depends on the two of them, on the understanding and interests of the two people. As it turned out, many men want their girlfriend to share their hobbies: she watches football, can carry on a conversation about all makes of cars, and always allows her to go fishing or hunting with friends.

Quite often, the main factor that men pay attention to when choosing a wife is the presence of hobbies that are interesting to both. But what is noteworthy is that many young people are ready to exchange a football fan just like them for an expert in the culinary arts. Do you think that the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is greatly exaggerated? It's not like that at all! Every man who feels like the breadwinner in the family really wants a delicious dinner to always be waiting for him when he comes home.

A rather important factor is the first impression a girl makes. Representatives of the stronger sex believe that she simply must be bright, so that everyone in the crowd will look at her. Someone said that if a person is attracted to a girl whom he sees for the first time, this can naturally be called love at first sight, but most likely it is nothing more than a combination of gestures, facial expressions and smells. And the subconscious interprets them in its own way and gives the brain a signal about whether he likes the girl or not.

Men definitely don’t like girls with makeup on them, but at the same time they won’t like the so-called gray mice. So strive for the ideal - something in between the first and second options.

In general, it doesn’t matter at all what qualities a girl has. After all, each of them is an ideal for a specific man who is looking for her. And it doesn’t matter whether she’s blonde or brunette, tall or short, cheerful or serious. The main thing is that she does not pretend to be something that she actually is not. When a man loves, the weight and length of his beloved’s legs are not very important to him.

An ideal is a fickle thing that changes with the passage of years and the acquisition of experience. Appearance, intelligence and character are just fickle and temporary criteria that are not nearly as important as the internal content and connection between a man and a woman.

In a word, you realized that it is impossible to create a portrait of an ideal girl. But one thing is important for all men: that a woman loves him not for any specific qualities, such as materials, moral or physical, but simply because he exists and lives in this world.

Hello everyone, friends. Today I will try to talk about what an ideal girl should be like in the eyes of a man. . This article will be useful for both boys and girls. I'll tell you what kind of young lady a real man dreams of.

A few months ago I wrote an article about what a bitch is. If you haven't read it, be sure to read it.

Well, now let’s return to our topic and consider what it should be ideal woman. And the first thing I want to say with confidence is that there is no girl on the planet who will be ideal for all guys. And it doesn’t matter who this woman is - a Hollywood star or a toilet cleaner.

From here we can draw another conclusion: every man sees the ideal of a woman in his own way. And even if he says that he likes a young lady who weighs 120 kg, or who is 20 years older than him, he will be right. And no one has the right to criticize or condemn him. Everyone represents their ideal differently. And the girl who seems ideal to me will not be ideal for another guy.

A single man should know which young lady he considers ideal for himself. He must decide for himself who he wants to find. I wrote about this in the article: “This needs to be done before you start dating!” If you have not yet done the “My Quality Girl” exercise, which I described in this article, then be sure to do it.

What should be the ideal girl for a guy?

1 The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl if he doesn't feel sexually attracted to her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

Many men say: “I need a smart woman,” “I need a girl who will understand me,” “I need a girl who will develop,” this is all true, but he does not say the main thing: “I need a girl who will love me.” satisfy in bed." Well, how can he say that? It will look stupid from the outside.

I would like to ask a question to a man who says this: Just imagine, right now: you found a smart girl who is developing, who understands you, but the mere thought of having sex with her makes you feel bad. Will you date her? Of course not. You will tell her: “Sorry, you are a very good and correct girl, but you are not my type.”

This is our nature, and any man, first of all, looks at the figure of the young lady, and only then at other things. And there is no stereotype of a good or bad figure, again, to each his own.

2. The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should only have sex with one guy in her entire life and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, not that important. But if she has already chosen a guy for life, then she must remain faithful to him all the time. That's what I think, and I think most guys will support me.

3. An ideal woman should develop herself and not be fooled by a guy’s money.
Here it is also not necessary that she earn a lot. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, try to provide for herself, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work? I will find myself a husband who will provide for me.” If a young lady thinks so, then she is no longer an ideal option for a man.

4. An ideal girl should think about her health and the health of her future children.
Nowadays, many guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. And indeed, I myself am disgusted when a woman stands with a cigarette. Well, okay, she doesn’t care about her health, but what about her children? Okay, let’s do without criticism today...

5. An ideal woman should understand and support a man.
When you want to do something, sometimes even you yourself are not sure that you will succeed. And it is very important that in difficult times your loved one has faith in you. And if a girl doesn’t care what you do, if she doesn’t believe in you, laughs, criticizes, then she will no longer be an ideal option for you.

These are the qualities that the ideal woman that guys dream about should have. Of course, a few more points could be added here, but I didn’t go into details, but wrote what is important for almost any guy.

And what do you think? What should an ideal girl be like?

I have very little time lately, I will try to make at least some short notes than nothing at all, which is better. Today, I will again talk about the main female quality No. 1 - fidelity.

Female fidelity is needed so that a man can be sure that his woman = only him, so that he can be sure that no matter what happens, quarrels, scandals, time away from each other, or a flight, a business trip, the army , financial problems, injuries, health problems, etc., etc. = a woman will be devoted (faithful) all the time to the end, that she will not leave for another, if something happens, this is the first thing.

And secondly, a man must be sure that children from this woman = HIS (this man), that this is his family, his offspring, his genetic line, that he will educate, invest resources, etc. in his own piece, into his “flesh and blood”, and not into the offspring of some Kolya, Vasya, Petya, pYkaper, etc. from this category. Do you understand, darling? These are extremely important things.

I can’t even convey how important it is for a man, a woman’s 100% devotion (loyalty) to only one man and the upbringing, etc. of her genetic line (offspring).

That's why, female quality No. 1 is LOYALTY (DEVOTION). A worthy woman = first of all = a faithful (devoted) woman. If there is no fidelity (devotion) = this is not a worthy woman.

Understand, I’m not making this up, I’m making it up, etc. What do I need? I’m just telling it as it is, in fact, without lies and falsehood, pink snot, fairy tales and other bullshit. I tell it like it is. I'm telling the truth. Understand...

For a successful tandem (union) between a man and you, a woman, you must be faithful (devoted) to your man. And that's the minimum. This is the most basic thing, you know? A man should have a different quality (in short, this is RESPONSIBILITY). This is the only way an alliance (tandem) can be successful.

Union (tandem) between a man and a woman = what is it? Think and answer for yourself...

In fact = this is a deal. Agreement. I know you don’t think so, it’s all a bummer. But, in essence, this is really true. A man should and does one thing = a woman should and does another.

A woman must be at least (attention, at a minimum) faithful to a man, and give him his children (offspring), = this women's responsibilities in a transaction, and the man, in turn, must feed, clothe, protect, care for, support the woman and offspring (children), these are male responsibilities in the transaction.

Something like that. This way the union will be successful. Without these primary (most basic) qualities, a full-fledged relationship (union, marriage, tandem) simply will never exist. It is a fact!


Loyalty (devotion) is the most basic thing a girl/woman should have. Unfortunately, in our time - most girls / women = alas, do not possess this quality.

Probably every young lady considers herself worthy = reading these lines, well.. without further ado. I don’t want to rub anyone’s nose, read lectures, gloat, push anything around, etc., etc. I don’t give a fuck. Again, I’m just saying it as it is, according to statistics, 70% of women cheat on their men. Fact!

We live, in a sense, in a terrible world in which moral standards, moral principles are completely absent, there is no corresponding worldview, ideology, etc. and so on.

Previously, women had a corresponding worldview that a woman should be faithful (devoted) to a man. There was a certain ideology, but now what? There is no specific ideology as such, it is absent or very blurred, so many girls/women at the level of worldview = do not have any restraining beliefs (factors) (that you need to be devoted).

To be fair, a girl (woman) should be well-educated, with moral principles, and this largely depends on her upbringing, on her parents, how the parents raised her, what they invested in their girl, and whether they invested at all. Understand? And not only parents decide in this matter, but also society, the school there, people around, university, college, the Internet, friends, even my articles, etc. and so on. everything influences a person’s worldview, and as a consequence his subsequent behavior.

After all, who doesn’t know, worldview = determines actions. Do you understand? So, all this investment in the child’s head = puts into the head a certain idea of ​​​​what is good / what is bad. Well, as I said earlier, there is no specific ideology (NOW IN OUR TIMES) (or it is very blurred). That's why modern girls/ women (most of them) = they have no limiting factors regarding devotion (loyalty) (no specific worldview) so we have what we have... in other words, sex is very, well, just very easily accessible, a lot easily accessible girls, incl. married, nothing holds anyone back, a lot of skins, etc., whores, etc.

Therefore, it is extremely important for men to choose the right partner for themselves. From my own experience, which is not yet very extensive, I will say that the most difficult thing is to find exactly the right woman. A worthy woman. Which will be suitable not only for this one parameter (fidelity), but also for many others. But, as I already said, even the elementary (loyalty / devotion) = is difficult to find, because there is a shortage...

By the way, in order to be with a worthy woman, you yourself need to be a worthy man. What I mean is that many of us men look at women and evaluate them, but at the same time forget about ourselves. And this is a key point that is fundamentally wrong. To be with WHAT a woman = you yourself must be WHAT a man. It simply cannot be otherwise. Remember this like our father.

And I’m telling this so that men understand in many ways that a woman’s loyalty (devotion) depends not only on her moral principles, ideology, upbringing, but also on what kind of man you are.

In short, if a woman has moral principles, she is well-educated, with a certain ideology, loyalty/devotion to a man, and AT THE SAME TIME you are completely satisfied with her as a man = she will not cheat. Will be faithful/devoted. Therefore, men, firstly, you need to choose the right partner for yourself (if you don’t have experience in these matters, with women, it will be difficult for you to understand how and what, you need experience), and secondly, upgrade yourself to the level of high-ranking worthy men, otherwise you will lose to more fit males in natural selection, I hope you know what natural selection is and how it works... and thirdly, you need to work on your relationships, work with your woman, close her efficiently and regularly needs. A complete list of women's needs is in this article:). Study it.

Oh, and yes, the funny thing is that many men even consider themselves worthy. In general, no further words here. You need to evaluate yourself objectively, otherwise this evaluation will be meaningless. And anyway, why lie to yourself? Think about it.

I have my shortcomings, and mistakes, and gaps here and there, and I admit it. There are no ideal people, everyone has their own cockroaches, viruses, problems, shortcomings, etc., etc. don’t think that I’m special and spared from everything since I’m telling you a lot of really useful (sensible) things.

My most important message now is that I try to take everything into account, analyze everything = don’t stand still, I’m developing in all areas, moving forward, becoming better. And this is my message to you; I recommend the same to you. Develop yourself. Pump up. Get better. Good luck to you.


For women

Women's quality #1 = fidelity. A woman without fidelity (devotion) = not a worthy woman. A worthy woman = first of all, a faithful (devoted) woman, she has certain moral principles, she has the right good upbringing, a certain ideology (worldview) that cannot be changed, categorically, that one must be faithful (devoted) - because this is really correct - this is how it really should be. There are very few such girls/women in our time. Jokes aside. Units. But this is quality No. 1. worthy woman.

You understand, each creature has a pair and they get what they themselves are. If you don’t even have loyalty (devotion), then dreaming of a prince on a white horse is stupid. This will never happen. Worthy men = need worthy women, and worthy women = first and foremost, faithful women.

I am now trying to plant the right beliefs in you. In women. In girls. In girls. If you want a successful tandem (union) with a man and a worthy man = you must be a worthy woman, and I will repeat more than once - first of all - you must be faithful (devoted).

That's the minimum. This is the basis. Base. Without this, nothing will happen. Dot.

For men

  • 1) You need to choose the right woman for yourself (well-educated, with moral principles, highly moral, with the right worldview, ideology - you cannot change, you need to be faithful (devoted) - because this is really right - this is how it should be).
  • 2) To be WHAT a man (worthy, high-ranking) (more details:)
  • 3) Work on your relationship (with your woman) (that is, satisfy all women’s needs, more about them in the article:).
  • 4) Only in this case, everything will be ok.

Congratulations, administrator.

Lately, from several completely different women I heard that the pressure on women in society has increased. Pressure carrying the message: "Most modern women are wrong as women. You must learn to be a proper woman."
This message is broadcast from television, the press, glossy magazines, and the Internet.
I decided to take a look and typed the phrase at random into Google: what a woman should be like. A lot of texts “what a real woman should be” instantly pops up.
Here are 3 lists as an example," what a real woman should be like": taken at random, from the top ones in the search. It seems that their authors are men.
What do you think of these lists?

List one:
A real woman should be:
- kind
-wise and patient
-a good psychologist
-be able to be defenseless and strong
- be able to be different.

List two:
-pretty inside and out
- neat in everything
-uninhibited, but not vulgar
-to love and respect you (a man means)
-you should be interested in together, she should be able to listen to you
- must be special, with a twist.

List three:

What should be the ideal girl for a guy?

1 The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl if he doesn't feel sexually attracted to her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

Many men say: “I need a smart woman,” “I need a girl who will understand me,” “I need a girl who will develop,” this is all true, but he does not say the main thing: “I need a girl who will love me.” satisfy in bed." Well, how can he say that, it will look stupid from the outside (C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C).

I would like to ask a question to this man who says this: But imagine right now: “You found a smart girl who is developing, who understands you, but the mere thought of having sex with her makes you feel bad.” You will date her ? Of course not. “You will tell her: “Sorry, you are a very good and correct girl, but you are not my type” (C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C).

This is nature, and any man, first of all, looks at the figure of the young lady, and only then at other things. And there is no good or bad figure here, again, to each his own.

2. The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should only have sex with one guy in her entire life and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, not that important. But, if she has already chosen a guy for life, then she must remain faithful to him all her life. I think so, and I think most guys will support me.

3. An ideal woman should develop herself and not be fooled by a guy’s money.
And here, too, it is not necessary that she earn a lot. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, provide for herself with food, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work, I’ll find myself a husband who will provide for me.” If a young lady thinks so, then she is no longer an ideal woman for a man.

4. An ideal girl should think about her health and the health of her future children.
Nowadays, many guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. And indeed, I myself am disgusted when a woman stands with a cigarette. Well, okay, she doesn’t care about her health, and the children, what about them... Well, okay, let’s do without criticism today...

5. An ideal woman should understand and support a man.
When you want to do something, sometimes even you yourself are not sure that you will succeed. And it is very important that in difficult times your loved one has faith in you. And if a girl doesn’t care what you do, if she doesn’t believe in you, laughs, criticizes, then she will no longer be the ideal girl for you. Now, these are the qualities that the ideal woman that guys dream about should have. Of course, a few more points could be added here, but I didn’t go into details, but wrote what is important for almost any guy.

List four:

What do men want from women? A woman must be:

1. First of all, for a man: There must be a woman.

Even if he thinks that he doesn’t love them and he doesn’t really need them, but without a woman, ANY man cannot live. And not even exist.

For nature does not provide for same-sex life, as such.

2. A woman must be a Woman.

That is, she must be a creature COMPLETELY opposite to a man - everything about her must be different from a man. Starting from physiology and ending with the last smallest thought or feeling.

Because why do we need what we ourselves have?

3. A woman should be a female - sexy from the tip of her hair to the nail on her little toe.

Otherwise, how will we be excited by it and dream of owning it?

4. She must be Human.

We don't need a monkey in a skirt, even a very beautiful and passionate one.

For a man, as a person, wants to communicate with his own kind.

5. She should not enter into a fight with a man.

It doesn't matter what, how or why. Because the relationship between a man and a woman is love, sex and respect.

Everything else is from the evil one: Evil is unnatural, bitter and unhappy.

What do men want from women?

6. A woman should be able not only to talk to a man, but also to listen and hear him.

For it is humiliating for a man when he speaks and is not listened to or heard.

And this from a woman is not only humiliating, but also simply drives a man to white heat. And, of course, until the appropriate reaction to it.

7. She should not blame the man for anything.

For by this she kills the male spirit in a man, and without it a man can no longer be a Man.

8. A woman must either love or respect a man, or not be near him.

Because there is no other normal relationship: everything else is problems in the relationship between a man and a woman.

9. She must take care of the man: prepare food, clothes, maintain cleanliness and comfort in the home.

Because how else can she show her attitude towards a man? And why, then, is it still needed: Just for sex?

10. A woman should appreciate good attitude men to themselves.

For this suggests that he chose her among others. But he might not have done it. Or he may choose another one, leaving this one without his attention.

11. She should perceive a man as an integral personality and person, and not as a carrier of a “wallet”, a father of her children, a lover, an intelligent, professional, “ good man", and so on.

For a man can be a man only when he is holistic in his properties, qualities, thoughts and feelings.

Otherwise, he will be a person “without a king in his head”, not permanent, not independent and not self-sufficient - a creature not suitable for normal relationships with a woman and for life in general.

12. A woman should know: What do men want from women?

For if you don’t know what they want from you, how can you give it?

13. If a woman is free from another man, she should meet a man, if she likes the man and paid attention to her.

Because what if it’s her and his destiny to live together?

14. A woman, if she likes a man, should respond to his caresses and, ultimately, have sex with him.

For there is nothing worse than what is possible but not received - a desire without its fruition.

15. A woman should not, under any pretext, have sex with a man if she has no desire and does not like him.

For sex without love and desire is debauchery or prostitution. And a slutty woman and a prostitute are not women for a man, but a way to quench his lust.

Also: a wife is stupid who has sex with her husband without desire, turning him away from sex with her.

16. A woman should worry about means of birth control herself.

Because it is not the bee’s fault that apples appear on the apple tree - she can only help it.

17. For a man, a woman should be one in three forms: a caring mother, an ardent, faithful lover and a good housewife.

For this is its essence and purpose.

18. A woman should not force a man to communicate with his relatives and friends if he does not want it.

Because he started a relationship with her, married her, and not her mother. And her relationships with friends are her relationships, not his. And he may not like them.

19. A woman can take initiative in conducting joint financial and economic affairs, but not show independence.

For, if she herself can decide everything around the house and with money, why does she need a man?

20. A woman should not bother a man with her conversations and problems.

She must choose the moment for this and wait until the man himself pays attention to the woman.

For a woman is not an annoying fly, and a man should not listen to her verbosity and solve her problems, which she must solve herself.

Because in a relationship between a man and a woman, no one is anyone’s babysitter.

21. A woman should be the mistress of the house, but never touch without permission a man’s things that he himself has put somewhere, be it a newspaper.

For the man is also the master of this house and has the right to rule in it. A woman should not kill the master in a man.

22. A woman should serve a man the kind of food that he likes, and not her or the owner of the culinary site.

For a well-fed and satisfied man is better for a woman than a sick and dissatisfied man.

Well, list five.
1. Physically healthy. She can walk 15 km at a brisk pace and after that she will be ready to make love.
2. No bad habits. Any bad habits are limitations, straws that a flawed person grabs at, or a way to relieve stress for people who believe in circumstances and are unable to cope with the situation on their own.
3. Loves to dance and is flexible. Flexibility of the body gives rise to flexibility of the mind. Dance has a positive effect on health, it is positive, useful and safe way relaxation, stress relief and “extra” energy. People who don't like to dance have low level internal energy. By the way, according to researchers, the average Ukrainian spends an average of five hours a day watching TV! Such people cannot boast of success in life.
4. Intellectually developed. Mind is the amount of information stored in the head, like the number of megabytes. By itself it is useless. Reason is the ability to analyze this information. However, the mind analyzes only on the basis of this volume, and often the information stored in the mind does not work, is already outdated and has a negative connotation. But intelligence is the ability to analyze plus intuition: to feel, create new associative connections, create, generate, invent. To look at the root, sometimes, without paying attention to reason.
5. Knows how to not only dress tastefully, but also speak beautifully. Yes, beauty, which, as they say, will save the world, has many different manifestations, including graceful speech. Remember Ellochka the cannibal. Such women quickly get bored.
6. Develops spiritually, improves himself, and does not remake other people. People often break up because someone in the couple has stopped developing. People are interested in discovering something new in their partners. This new thing can be created simply by comprehending it.
7. Sexually attractive. Sensitive to any partner's reactions. Knows how to create an atmosphere in which it is easy to cause excitement.
8. Good in bed. Knows the technique of stopping ejaculation in a man. Can experience an energetic orgasm without insertion of the penis or touching the genitals. Masters the technique of raising energy upward.
9. Expressive, lively and fiery look. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Professional geisha could stop a man with a glance.
10. Financially free. Economical. A woman who saves every penny of her man will take all his millions. Saving his money is respecting his work. This does not mean that she does not need anything, and she limits her needs. But she does not allow financial shrinkage. There is no need to limit her if she wants a Mercedes. And if, having bought it, you park it haphazardly - this is a waste of money. Money is just a resource. We live in the city, and money is to us like water to fish. If there are few of them, the person “breathes” every other time. How can you create something if you breathe every once in a while?

And the last text:
Men, as determined by sociological surveys, identified three main qualities that an ideal woman should have:

The first is the ability to cook.

Men confirmed once again the truth that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

The second is her sexuality.

Looking for something new on the side deprives every man of sexual liberation and readiness for sexual experiments, combined with external attractiveness and a good figure.

Third, admiration for your spouse.

German experts noted that the men here showed themselves to be selfish children. He wants his wife to show maternal care to her husband, admire him, and compliment him.
As many men have stated, they will never leave a woman who has these 3 qualities.

But if we consider all the requirements of men for an ideal woman in more detail, it will look like this:

1. Undoubtedly, in the first place, men believe that an ideal wife should love her other half with all her heart and trust as herself. This is where they include sweet words and tenderness in relationships.

2. Men like it when the woman they love admires the intelligence, charm and appearance of her husband. They especially enjoy this attitude in front of other men.

3. An ideal wife should be interested in the business, profession of her lover, while putting his interests above her own affairs, as if relegating them to the background. Don’t try to seem smarter than your husband; he should see that she is an independent woman, but still always needs his support and support.

4. Men believe that an ideal wife will never behave rudely, reproach her man, argue with him, but on the contrary, should instill confidence in his strength, generosity and nobility.

5. An ideal woman will always adore her husband’s parents, especially his mother, and will try in every possible way to please them and show signs of attention.

6. According to men, the ideal wife will never talk about her ex-lovers and ask your husband about it with interest. She must live in the present and repeat to him that the most the best man- It is he.

7. An ideal wife should leave her man alone from time to time, alone with himself. Provide an opportunity to calmly take a break from each other, gather strength and thoughts.

8. Men find it terribly unpleasant when their beloved begins to flirt with other men, causing feelings of jealousy, making them nervous and panicking.

9. The ideal wife must have feeling. self-esteem, be moderately proud and never, under any circumstances, run after them or humiliate yourself.

10. With him, you always need to be in a great mood, in a good mood, smile, laugh, especially when he makes jokes.

But still, as many men exist, there are so many opinions about what a woman should be. Others will find what they want right away and spend their whole life turning it into an ideal. Another takes years, which he spends in search of the one and only. Each of them has its own standard and its own search criteria. The desire to have a wonderful home, a favorite job and the most best wife. Most of the talk is about a life partner. Every man's dream is to have the perfect wife, and it seems to each of them that he will get it. I wonder what qualities an ideal woman should have? What, according to men, she should be able to do, what character traits she should have, and what she should be like.

The vast majority of men want to see their chosen one as a beauty. A life partner should look like a luxury car. It’s nice for you and enviable for others. True, the criteria for this beauty may be different. You can look at a black square and see emptiness in the darkness, while others see it as a masterpiece. According to a man, the woman who is nearby should be smart, but not smarter than him. With an intelligent woman, you don’t need to look for a topic to talk about; she will suggest it herself. She has the power to advise and advise. A woman with an extraordinary mind has no problems making decisions; many men suffer from this. And most importantly, an intelligent woman will never show her superiority. Otherwise, a man has a desire to change his smart life partner, not for a fool, but for something simpler.

A woman should be calm and balanced. Do not throw tantrums or showdowns. No matter what her husband is, angry, jealous, walking around, she must endure everything and remain silent. A woman shouldn't be jealous. Ignore the lipstick on your collar. Be calm about nightly phone calls and innocent kisses from your companion and his classmate.

A woman who wants to be close to a man must have a sense of style. No one will like a person who resembles a traffic light, occasionally changing color. A woman should adorn a man and take care not only of herself, but also of his appearance.

The future wife must be sexy. Although this is a controversial issue. Sexuality in the candy-flower period is one thing. And after a few years life together, a completely different concept.

A woman should be kind and love animals. Be able to listen and talk a little.

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