Photos of older women. Women over forty who look absolutely divine! Beautiful older women

I don't believe in growing old gracefully. The withering process is not pretty. However, I believe that it can be pushed back. And move it back significantly.

When I watched the series “The Leftovers,” I was happy: how great Liv Tyler looks for her 45-48 years.

Yesterday I found out that Liv is 38, and at the time of filming the series she was 36.

What do you think of 36-year-old Liv?

But there are other women. They are over 40, over 50 and even over 60. “Growing old gracefully” is not about them. They don't age.

Let's look at these unfading creatures?

Elle Macpherson, 51 years old.

Photo: sipa press, Instagram,

Carmen Electra, 43.

Photo: Galore, Instagram, pininterest

Lisa Rinna, 52.


Jane Seymour, 63.

Photo: AKM-GSI,

Christie Brinkley, 62.

Photo: Santi

How long you will remain beautiful and sexually attractive is not genetics, not money, not luck or luck. It's a choice. It's entirely your choice.

Opting for dumplings instead of broccoli? Candy instead of carrots? Wine instead of water? Gatherings with friends instead of working out? Then wear cellulite on your ass, breeches on your hips, and fat on your stomach.

But just do it honestly: don’t blame your disgusting torso on your villainous fate.

Everything you see in the mirror is the result of your daily, hourly, every minute choices between the desire to be beautiful and the desire to eat delicious food.

What do you choose: the body or the pleasure of food? Body or torment during training? Why is this your choice? Can you explain?

Every woman should strive to look stylish at any age. For mature ladies, this task becomes a real challenge. Some women, trying to follow fashion trends, often dress inappropriately for their age, while others, with unsuccessful attempts to look stylish, put on shapeless robes. This article will help mature women 40-50 years old to choose stylish looks that will make them irresistible. Pay attention to the photo.

Stylish looks for mature women 40-50 years old

How to create a basic wardrobe correctly

We need to rely on the classics. But it is also worth considering the lifestyle that the lady adheres to. If she spends most of her time at the workplace, then you should opt for an elegant style. Straight-cut trousers, classic jackets, pencil skirts and sheath dresses are ideal options. But age still allows for the addition of bright colors, which may be quite appropriate for an office dress code.

Ladies who lead an active lifestyle, for whom convenience and comfort in clothing are important, will appreciate the urban style. Its peculiarity is the mixing of classics and casul.

For ladies holding leadership positions, Chanel will be the most suitable style. Classic cut clothes made from expensive materials will add status and chic to your look.

Must-haves that every woman over 40 should have

According to many stylists, a basic wardrobe should contain a certain number of items, which will make it possible to easily combine them. The wardrobe should have:

  • 3 pairs of trousers for a special occasion;
  • 3 pairs of casual trousers;
  • 2 pairs of jeans;
  • 2 casual skirts;
  • 2 skirts for going out;
  • 2 elegant dresses;
  • 4 casual dresses;
  • 2 evening dresses;
  • 2 jackets;
  • 2 Cardigans
  • 2 blouses;
  • 2 tops;
  • 2 warm sweaters.

The clothing style also adheres to classics and femininity, but the color schemes become more restrained. Elegant, feminine suits become the main element of the wardrobe.

If the choice is between a suit with a skirt and a trouser set, then it is better to choose the first. A woman over 50 should remember that feminine things should prevail in her wardrobe. Pants, at this age, become inappropriate.

When choosing clothes in a store, you should not pay attention to seasonal trends; it is better to choose something that will never go out of fashion.

Choosing quality material for clothing

It is advisable that clothes for ladies over 50 be made of expensive and high-quality materials. It should also fit perfectly. But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find things in stores that would 100% meet all the requirements, so many women resort to the help of tailors. With the help of an individual approach, it becomes possible to create ideal sets of clothing that can meet all the requirements and wishes of the client.

Clothing of poor quality and made from cheap material is not the best choice for a stately lady. Laconic and formal clothing adds chic and sophistication to a woman, and the effort spent on creating an image will be worth it.

Fashionable shoes: heels and lasts are trending

Often older women forget about shoes with heels and choose rough and sloppy shoes. It is quite possible that high-heeled shoes will no longer be comfortable, but a small, stable heel and an elegant, comfortable last shape should be a prerequisite when choosing shoes, especially since a large assortment gives you the opportunity to choose.

Which handbag is suitable for 40-year-olds?

There is probably not a single woman who does not have a handbag. The choice of this practical accessory must be approached carefully, especially if it concerns women over 40 years old.

First of all, mature women should avoid bags with youthful prints and studs. Small shoulder bags are also not the best option. A medium-sized bag with a classic model and discreet color is the best thing a mature lady can choose.

What kind of jewelry will look stylish on mature ladies?

You need to give up jewelry once and for all; it may be more affordable, but it doesn’t look respectable. It is not necessary to wear gold with diamonds; you can choose silver jewelry with a semi-precious stone.

Decorations should be neat, for example, an unusual design, but not flashy or pretentious. Pearl jewelry would be an ideal option, especially for beads and earrings.

A woman at any age should look beautiful, choose suitable clothes according to her figure and age. But don’t forget about individuality. The clothes that a lady chooses should emphasize her existing taste and status.

The principles of creating an image for a mature lady are simple. You just have to remember the main rules for creating a basic wardrobe and choose elegant, classic clothes according to your age. For those who are far from fashion, this article and examples with photos will help in creating a style.

That, what does a woman look like at 20 years old, it is a gift of nature, and at 40, it is the fruit of her efforts. For some reason, it’s customary in the CIS countries that you need to take care of yourself in your youth: put on beautiful makeup, go to fitness, have a hobby, learn something new... But already somewhere after 30, or even earlier, women sacrifice themselves everyday life and go into the shadows, they say, where already at that age.

Yes, we can say that to maintain beauty and youth of spirit you need a lot of money, time, and then there is a husband, children, problems, worries. But look, for example, at French women: it feels like they are life after forty it's just beginning. They are well-groomed and have some kind of elusive attractive energy.

Editorial "So simple!" I decided to figure out what I need to do to age gracefully. After all, right now, when old age is only your future, you can do everything possible to one day enter this state with your head held high.

Beautiful older women

Many people believe that aging gracefully- this is a myth, and years are not beautiful for anyone. But before you are numerous examples of people who look sexy both in their sixth and seventh decade. And here are a few secrets that set them apart from the majority.

Secrets of aging gracefully

  • Food as religion
    We are what we eat. According to a number of doctors, nutrition affects the condition of the skin and age-related changes, since a person receives a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals from food, and not from nutritional supplements. Eat foods with naturally vibrant colors more often, as they are rich in vitamins A, C, E, D and K.

    Turn food into a cult, and it will bring you, in addition to satiation, joy. Indulge yourself with beautiful and sometimes gourmet dishes, and you will notice that cooking is no longer a burden.

  • It's not about the quantity, but the quality of clothes
    Even women with average incomes buy themselves expensive and comfortable things - cashmere, silk, good shoes and at least one expensive bag. All this together adds up to the elegant style of mature women, which is so admired by others.

  • Social life does not decline with age
    Unlike our women, who often choose TV series and sleep instead of social life, French women, especially in large cities, are becoming more active. The children have grown up and don’t require constant attention, life is settled - it’s time to go to parties, guests, good bars, movies, and so on.

    An active social life keeps you in good shape - cutting, styling, well-groomed hands, beautiful clothes for going out and definitely comfortable high-heeled shoes.

  • There are no age limits for sexuality and sex life
    It is generally accepted that after forty comes second youth- a lot has been achieved, learned, it’s time to enjoy the still good physical shape and experience. After all, a woman can only be beautiful when she feels desired.

  • Openness to new things
    Every day it is advisable to learn something new and maintain interest in life. All this rejuvenates a person and makes the eyes glow with a youthful sparkle. Learn foreign languages, master technology and new programs.

  • Only forward
    It's hard to move on if you're always looking at the past. Learn from your own mistakes and stop regretting things that cannot be changed. Meditation or yoga classes, as well as dreams and the desire to change, will help you cope with this.

  • Physical exercise
    Cardio exercise is good for losing excess weight, but as we age, we need strong muscles rather than a thin waist. Shortly after 30, you begin to lose muscle mass (about 5% every 10 years), and it is necessary to maintain it. This is why aging gracefully requires strength and endurance exercises.

  • Makeup
    Many people mistakenly believe that as a woman ages, she needs more cosmetics. In fact, this is a big misconception, and there is a risk of overdoing it with makeup, which will make you look unnatural and not at all young. But it must be present in order to hide skin imperfections and draw attention to the advantages.

  • A sense of humor is a powerful antioxidant
    Treat life with a positive attitude, let only its bright side pass through you. Make jokes, and not only about what surrounds you, but about yourself. After all, laughter, as you know, prolongs life.

  • Age is not a disease
    The most important thing is awareness and acceptance of yourself. Don't regret the lost years, create your history and memories now. Each period of life has its joys and advantages. Expect bright and unforgettable moments from every day, and this will certainly give you vital energy and remove a few wrinkles from sadness.

  • Age should not be a barrier to beauty! As you can see, you don’t have to spend a lot on cosmetology and plastic surgery; it all starts with your thoughts and attitude towards life. The choice is yours: sit in a rumpled robe in front of the TV or open up to this world.

    This story cannot help but begin with the first issue of the magazine, published in December 1953. Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy, started his business right away in a big way: Norma Jeane Baker, known to the whole world as Marilyn Monroe, graced the pages of the newborn publication. This photograph (see below) was taken back in 1949 - Hefner bought the rights to it cheaply, since it was considered too indecent and everyone refused to publish it...

    01) Despite the fact that Marilyn Monroe is an exceptional person of the 20th century, her body is quite standard for that time: wide and slightly plump (according to today's ideas) hips; a pronounced belly that had to be pulled in so that the ribs stuck out; breasts, against the background of such a body, seem not so big.

    02) For example, Bettie Page (January 1955) - although a person on a smaller scale than Monroe, but also a recognized symbol of the fifties. As you can see, the body is almost the same as that of the famous blonde: Girls “in the body” with retracted bellies and protruding ribs will remain the standard of beauty for almost 20 years, until the early seventies.

    03) A characteristic feature of Playboy of those years was the relative modesty of the photographs. The sexual revolution of the sixties is still ahead, so for another ten years it will be normal to hide even breasts on the pages of a magazine. Exposing the “bottom” was then out of the question. RustyFisher, April 1956 - for the current Playboy this is more than modest

    04) Jean Jani, July 1957: what panties she has, huh?! This is the kind of underwear that the icons of sexuality of those years wore.
    05) Another thing you think about when you look at these girls is that they look much older than they actually are. Either because of the powerful forms, or because of the old-fashioned (by today's standards) hairstyles, or because of the bright cosmetics... For example, Elaine Reynolds, October 1959. I would boldly give her forty years, but she is only 20 here

    06) Or Elaine Paul, Miss August 1960. You can't tell she's only 22 years old here

    07) Compared to them, Judi Monterey, January 1963, looking exactly 19, looks very unusual

    08) Racism is racism, and breasts are on schedule! On July 2, 1964, racial segregation was officially abolished in the United States, and less than a year later, in March 1965, Jennifer Jackson, the first black woman on the pages of Playboy, became the girl of the month. However, dark-skinned beauties subsequently appeared in Playboy not often - once every few years.

    09) The dominance of voluminous old-age (by our standards) hairstyles was diluted in September 1966 by 19-year-old Dianne Chandler. A miracle beauty by today’s standards, however, she has a figure in the style of the same fifties and sixties: a retracted belly and protruding ribs.

    10) Joey Gibson, June 1967. As you can see from some of the previous photographs, traces of a swimsuit on the model’s body, unthinkable for today’s glossy magazine, were then an absolutely normal phenomenon. Moreover, this situation will continue for more than thirty years, right up to the beginning of the 21st century.

    11) At the end of the sixties, fashion, established since the post-war years, is finally slowly changing. Slender figures begin to be appreciated, hair straightens. Some photographs from those years may well pass for modern ones - their age is betrayed only by the same traces from a swimsuit (Melodye Prentiss, July 1968)

    12) Another trend in photo shoots of this time is a movement towards exposing the pubic area. So far, only a few hairs have been shown to readers, but I’m sure the photos were a success (Gloria Root, December 1969)

    13) Sisters Madeleine & Mary Collinson on the pages of Playboy in October 1970 symbolize the advent of the era of long-legged skinny women. Girls in the style of Marilyn Monroe are still found in the magazine, but every year they become less and less common.

    14) Another timeless photograph (Ellen Michaels, March 1972). A new trend in the filming of “Playboy”, which influenced the strawberries of subsequent decades: the natural touching and embarrassed smiles of the models of the sixties disappeared. A pose expressing assertiveness and confidence, a direct and hard gaze - a completely different, new woman looks out from the pages of the magazine; a woman to be reckoned with.

    15) Ta-dam! In March 1973, there was a revolution in Playboy: a girl showed off her bare pubic area to readers for a month. The revolutionary's name is Bonnie Large; however, her charms can hardly be called “uncovered” - nothing can be seen behind these thickets. But that was exactly the fashion back then.

    16) After Bonnie Large, Playboy models began to expose their most intimate parts one after another. Touchingly not ideal: a tummy (like from the sixties) and newfangled thinness (Martha Smith, July 1973)

    17) Denise Michele, Miss April 1976 - a rare example for those times of trying to do something with the hair on her pubic area:

    18) The rest left everything as is (Salma Hayek, Karen Hafter, December 1976)

    19) And they even showed off the eared thickets with some pride (Debra Peterson, June 1976)

    20) At the end of the seventies, the emancipation of society is reflected in the pages of Playboy. Models take increasingly depraved poses. Rita Lee, November 1977

    21) Christina Smith, March 1978

    22) Gail Stanton, June 1978

    23) Big hairstyles are in fashion (Candy Loving, January 1979)

    24) The eighties were the time of fit, athletic women. Fitness and aerobics are wildly popular, and this cannot but be reflected in the appearance of the girls of the month (August 1980, Victoria Cooke)

    25) However, girls “in body” are still held in high esteem. Karen Price, January 1981

    26) The eighties were the time of fit, athletic women. Fitness and aerobics are wildly popular, and this cannot but be reflected in the appearance of the girls of the month (August 1980, Victoria Cooke)

    27) But still, athletic beauties set the tone (Heidi Sorenson, July 1981)

    28) A quick question: when did stockings and girdles come into fashion as an outfit? Playboy gives the answer to the nearest month: June 1981 (Cathy Larmouth). However, I’m not looking at the underwear here, but at the glasses - that’s what people found sexy.

    29) Fashion, as we know, turned out to be eternal. Now you can't go anywhere without a belt and stockings (Miss October - 1981, Kelly Tough)

    30) Two years later - the same thing. Alana Soares, March 1983

    31) Fitness has sometimes led to strange results (Roberta Vasquez, November 1984). Rambo with boobs turned out to be some kind

    32) November 1986, Donna Edmondson: stockings and girdle - forever!

    33) No, this is not Sharon Stone, although Sandy Greenberg looks like her. The photo deserves attention with a new fashionable hairstyle, as well as a hitherto unprecedented degree of frankness. Now, since June 1987, more and more such provocative photographs will appear in Playboy

    34) By the time the nineties arrived, nothing much had changed: athletic and curvy women were still in fashion (Kerri Kendall, September 1990)

    35) But after a couple of years, everything began to change. The famous Anna Nicole Smith (Anna Nickole Smith) in May 1992 became the last playmate “in the body”

    36) After her, the typical Playboy girl began to look like this (Ashley Allen, August 1992)

    38) And here, if I’m not mistaken, is the first silicone breast in Playboy: March 1994 - Neriah Davis. It was 15 years ago, that is.

    39) Since the second half of the nineties, the fashion for densely overgrown pubes has finally begun to change in the industry. At first, the vegetation began to be shaved off a little around the edges (November 1996, Ulrika Ericsson)

    40) Then they started making stripes, although they were quite spiky: Miss August 1997, Kalin Olson

    41) However, there was no consensus yet (Natalia Sokolova, April 1999)

    42) Tishara Lee Cousino, May 1999

    43) The year 2000 turned out to be eventful. Playboy has introduced total photo retouching :-(. In this photo from the March issue with Nicole Lenz, you can see every hair on the model’s skin

    44) And then in the photographs in the magazine, these seemingly lifeless dolls firmly established themselves (Buffy Tyler, November 2000). By the way, in this photo one can see the first appearance of such a widespread fetish as navel piercing

    45) December 2000 - the last girl of the month with swimsuit marks (Cara Michelle). Less than 10 years have passed - but now it seems that there have never been models with an uneven tan

    46) In 2001-2003, neat stripes on the pubis (as well as complete hair removal) finally defeated the “thickets” that had dominated for almost 30 years on the pages of Playboy. The latter sometimes returned (February 2005, Amber Campisi), but these are isolated exceptions. Amber is generally some kind of “playmate from the past” - she even has traces of her swimsuit, in the previous few years there were none

    48) Spencer Scott, October 2007. "Save the cheerleader girl!" (With)

    49) 2008 is the time of big (albeit athletic and fit) pop (Kayla Collins, August 2008). It seems to me that this is the influence of the recently growing (since 2006) popularity of music stars famous for a similar build (Shakira, Beyoncé, Rihanna)

    “Post from the past”: “What is her secret? “ is the first thought that comes to mind when looking at each of them. “The recipe for her youth,” of course, is different in each case: from a good to a positive worldview. Some of them look unbelievably young, some are quite appropriate for their years, and some even make you believe that age is just an illusion. And it’s not even about wrinkles or their absence, but about the fact that all these women are beautiful and amazing.

    (Total 48 photos)

    The First Lady of American TV. Unprecedented fees, phenomenal fame, his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “Her interviews with world leaders chronicle the latter part of the twentieth century.”
    Regarding appearance - yes, it’s plastic, and everyone knows that it’s plastic. And yet, still... “But, damn it, Holmes, how?!”

    When she began working as a fashion model after World War II, the term “supermodel” did not yet exist. Now it’s clear that it was worth inventing at least for her sake. She started going gray at age 40, and since then, snow-white hair has become her signature feature. One of the most beautiful women in the world will soon turn eighty years old, and she still works as a model, showing off her outfits on the catwalk and posing for photographers.
    “I have not yet convinced myself that I will be the first person to live forever, but I want to live in happiness, not in fear. I want to die in high heels!”

    At the age of 72, the Italian diva posed for the Pirelli calendar, and not because she needed to prove anything to anyone, but because she was finally persuaded.
    “I don’t have any special secrets for fighting old age. You just need to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, remain calm, serene and balanced, do not forget about the joys of life and take care of yourself - eat normally, dress nicely, play sports and sleep for 7-8 hours, no less.”

    Once upon a time she was the screen Mary Poppins, and since then she has remained a little like that - ironic and not completely understandable. Or completely incomprehensible: after all, she is the only one in the world who combines the status of an ideal nanny and a gay icon.
    In response to questions about how she manages to look like this, she laughs: “I’m an optimistic lady.”

    Actress, political activist, model, writer, fitness guru - it's as if she lived several lives in one. She spoke out against the war in Vietnam and against a sedentary lifestyle, traveling around the Galaxy in a metal mini-dress and carrying plastic weapons.
    Now he is successfully fighting old age, continuing to actively engage in fitness, and not without the help of plastic surgeons.
    “I wish I was brave enough to do nothing, but instead I choose to be a glamorous grandma.”

    Her image in “One Million Years BC” became iconic, and since then she and Ursula Andress have shared prizes in the charts of the sexiest girls in bikinis, putting Halle Berry and other current beauties who claim the same laurels to shame.
    She no longer wears swimsuits in public, but at the age of 67 she starred in an advertisement for the cosmetics brand MAC and is still the “ultimate pin-up bombshell,” albeit a little plastic.

    In order to become a film legend and one of the icons of beauty, she only had to star in one film – “Doctor Zhivago”. There were, of course, other roles, she still appears in films, mainly to grace the screen with her short presence, and how can you ask for more from a legend?
    She has resorted to plastic surgery more than once, and the work done on her face is considered exemplary for professionals.

    Hereditary aristocrat, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire and “sex symbol of intellectuals,” as critics called nee Elena Mironova in those days when actresses with large breasts did not necessarily have to conflict with an intelligent face.
    Since then, everything has become even more harmonious - breasts, clothes, and obviously thoughts, because with bad thoughts in your head it is impossible to remain so dazzling in your seventies.
    Beauty secrets are to sleep a lot and not worry about age. I haven’t done any plastic surgery, although in theory I have nothing against it: “All methods are good to feel beautiful and happy!”

    One of the most famous blondes in the world was friends with Andy Warhol, starred with Peter Greenaway and David Cronenberg, became a style icon and performed music that not only became a symbol of the era, but still sounds relevant three decades later.
    At the age of 57, Blondie was very convincing as Elijah Wood's sexual fantasy in the film "Seventeen" and has not changed much since then.
    “Everyone knows that I had plastic surgery. There are a lot of terrible things that happen in life, why make it worse and worry about getting older?”

    One of the highest paid TV presenters who started working in the Nixon administration and now interviews all the stars and politicians.
    Presidents come and go, but she remains, and is said to look twenty years younger than her age thanks to a special diet of cabbage soup.
    For those interested, the recipe:
    “- Green onions
    — green pepper — 2 pcs.
    - tomato
    - celery
    - bulb onions
    - cabbage
    Vegetables are chopped and filled with water. Boil for 10 minutes. Next, reduce the heat and continue cooking until the vegetables are tender. Add salt, pepper, parsley, etc. to taste.
    Eat as much soup as you like on any day of the week (in reasonable amounts).”

    A red-haired beast who played her main roles after forty years, including two very attractive witches. Last year, she broke up with her long-term partner Tim Robbins, whom she did not marry as a matter of principle, preferring a civil marriage, and stated that she was still not planning to get married, although perhaps she would think about it when she was closer to eighty.
    Leads a healthy lifestyle and eats foods rich in antioxidants. Or perhaps running naked through the dew and flying on a broomstick.

    One of the two original stars of the series “All My Children,” which has been on American TV since the 70s. A fan of plastic surgery, whose achievements make it seem like the seventies weren’t that long ago.

    The dawn of her television career came during the filming of the series “Hipster Squad,” which was a big hit on TV from the late sixties to 1973. She performed as a singer, met Elvis Presley and Paul McCartney, appeared in Twin Peaks, survived colon cancer and acted on television during a period of remission.
    The actress's daughter claims that Peggy owes her appearance to her fanatical moisturizing of the skin with creams and oils, but, apparently, sometimes there is only one explanation - a miracle.

    A legendary model that has become one of the symbols of the mod era. Leads an unusually active lifestyle, doing business and participating in social events.
    And, even if there really was something there that pricked my lips and cheeks, it first of all clearly illustrates my own words: “I think that real beauty is the radiance that comes from within.”

    The star of the original “Charlie's Angels”, who has been combining a television career with a successful career as a clothing and furniture designer for twenty years.
    Most likely, she resorted to plastic surgery, but then all that remains is to admit that the work was done successfully.

    A country diva who won an awful lot of Grammy awards and wrote the music for “Brokeback Mountain.”
    For unknown reasons, she becomes more and more beautiful every year, including thanks to her amazing platinum gray hair.

    A blonde with her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, who danced one of the most famous dances in cinema history with Travolta and voiced all those lovely songs in Disney’s “The Little Mermaid.”
    She survived breast cancer, but even taking into account the possibility of a facelift and eyelid surgery, she looks radiant and surprisingly young.

    She made her debut with Woody Allen in “Annie Hall” and two years after that she entered film history as Lieutenant Ellen Ripley. As a child, due to her tall stature and awkwardness, she was ridiculed by her classmates, who, perhaps, were later smart enough to found the society of “Idiots and Cretins,” when the public recognized the actress as a sex symbol.
    He is categorically against any intrusion into his face, because he believes that, firstly, real attractiveness comes with age, and, secondly, that Botox injections will negatively affect facial mobility and, as a result, its expressiveness in acting.

    The whole country is following the series of plastic surgeries of the pop diva, but the singer is not shy about resorting to the help of surgeons to maintain a blooming appearance and, probably, has a lot of fun over the fact that some attribute his appeal to magicians and sorcerers.

    Star of 1970s blackploitation films, whose comeback came in Tarantino's Jackie Brown and established himself with his role in the TV series L Word (Sex and Another City). Back in 1988, doctors diagnosed her with cancer and gave her only 18 months. But Pam coped, survived and remains the same incredibly luxurious woman.

    A French diva over whom time has no power. Many of her screen and life partners have passed away or turned into ruins, but she is still beautiful, as she was many years ago.
    Washes his face in the morning with ice cubes, drinks a glass of celery juice a day, eats two large carrots and one apple. I've never been to the gym in my life.

    Possibly the greatest actress of our time, a figure that allows you to play heroines who evaluate young beauties as “fat girls without a sense of fashion and style.” But it looks best running barefoot along the seashore to “Abba.”
    Plastic surgery, botox? Why, when Streep, jumping on the bed to the sounds of “Dancing Queen”, and so makes you believe that old age does not exist.
    Among all her beauty secrets is her love for swimming and Tracie Martyn skincare products.

    The permanent editor-in-chief of American Vogue since 1988, the most important person in the fashion world and the very devil in Prada, played by Streep.
    He doesn’t hide his wrinkles and, just like that, he’ll bring them into fashion too.

    Prolific career: “Dr. Queen,” the original version of “Batterstar Galactica” and the role of 007's girlfriend. Well, once a James Bond girl, always a James Bond girl.
    She remains incredibly attractive and young with the help of blepharoplasty, minor bust enhancement and Botox.

    Born Lisa Najeb Halabi, the widow of the late King Al-Hussein of Jordan, who became a political activist after the death of her husband in 1999. Participates in peace conferences around the world and looks like the most stunning Hollywood movie star.
    Incredibly smooth skin hints at Botox, but, of course, no one knows for sure.

    An actress and singer whose real life is more interesting than her film career. Being Italian by birth, she married the Italian director and aristocrat Lorenzo Salviatti, who came from the legendary Medici family. Then she lived with famous director Neil Jordan, whom she left for Oscar-winning Batmobile designer Anton Furst, who committed suicide after their separation. After that, she dated Al Pacino, with whom she gave birth to twins, at the age of almost 50 (!) years. Now Al Pacino is abandoned, which means that soon someone will have their heart broken again.

    Wonder Woman. It was, is and, without a doubt, will be.
    And her super powers give her eternal youth.

    The first black model to appear on the cover of American Vogue in 1974, paving the way for a future generation of models of color in fashion and advertising. She produces a popular line of wigs and hair care products, which she herself advertises. Proud mother of plus model Anansa Sims, twenty-five years old (pictured with her daughter). When asked if there are opportunities for a model over the age of thirty, she replies that a model over the age of fifty also has opportunities.
    Apparently, she couldn’t resist the idea of ​​lifting, but the sparkle in her eyes is still there.

    It's hard to imagine that this intelligently beautiful actress was once married to the insane Malcolm McDowall, but apparently that's saying something. After all, Mary was good as both the adorable nerdy teacher in Back to the Future 3 and the sexy bitch in What's Eating Gilbert Grape?'. She has only blossomed with age, and now looks better than ever in her life.

    Supermodel of the 70s, who owes her exotic looks to her Japanese mother. Married to iconic fashion photographer David Bailey, she ran her own lingerie line and produced television programs. At the age of 55, she posed for the cover of Vogue for the seventh time, at 56 she reached, according to her own statement, the sexual peak in her life, and at 57 she posed for an advertisement for Agent Provocateur immodest lingerie.

    One of the most beautiful and famous movie blondes, who became a real celebrity thanks to the erotic hit “9 and a half weeks”. At fifty-four, she starred in an advertisement for anti-aging cosmetics Lancaster, in which, due to the designers’ passion for Photoshop, she looked much worse than in life, with all her wrinkles around her eyes.
    I have consulted plastic surgeons several times and exercise for an hour and a half every day.

    She was one of the brightest stars of the Ford Modeling Agency in the 70s, but on her thirtieth birthday she decided to pursue an acting career. She looked good in “Lethal Weapon” and even better in “The Thomas Crown Affair”, when the whole world almost for the first time realized that a woman over the age of forty could be a real sex bomb. Time has passed, and the actress has blossomed even brighter, and even outside experts claim that surgical intervention has nothing to do with it.

    The most famous model of the 80s, whose photographs in fashionable swimsuits from Sports Illustrated magazine became something of an erotic ideal of the era. The ex-wife of Billy Joel, who has had a total of four husbands, and mother of three children.
    He eats rejuvenating apples or takes Makropoulos, judging by his appearance.

    The universally beloved “Aunt Tanya,” whose bright image from the program “Good Night, Kids” became one of the most wonderful memories of our childhood. Still very charming and fresh. And an amazing correspondence with one’s own statement: “Femininity is calmness.”
    Sources report that twice a month Tatyana arranges fasting days for herself, sitting only on low-fat kefir or apples.

    The goddess who will never grow old.
    Among his beauty secrets he names:
    - constant use of sunscreen with factor 50 (on the advice of dermatologist Patricia Wexler, who once surprised the dark-skinned Iman with such a recommendation);
    — regular visits to cosmetologist Mamie MacDonald;
    — nourishing face masks SK-II Facial Treatment Mask.

    The most outrageous fashion model of the 80s, who invented the title “supermodel” and rightly crowned herself with it. She appeared on the cover of Vogue 37 times, dated only celebrities, and spoke in her autobiography about her bulimia, anorexia, alcoholism and plastic surgery experience. The most beautiful brawler in the world.
    “My life is sex and plastic surgery.”

    The Queen of France with eternally frightened eyes on her childish face.
    About fifteen years ago, she was credited with “golden threads,” like Catherine Deneuve, but whether she did them or not is unknown. It is known that she is a long-time client of the YSL beauty institute, regularly does facial massage, is interested in thalassotherapy, practices separate meals, does not eat sweets and drinks 1.5-2 liters of water a day.
    “The beauty of a person is when he can make you beautiful.”

    Who else could a girl from a family who was friends with Ingmar Bergman become? Only the actress who gained international fame with The Unbearable Lightness of Being and turned down the lead role in Basic Instinct.
    Doing Pilates under the guidance of Hollywood fitness guru Jillian Hessel

    Famous American television journalist, anchor of the morning news block on NBC. She owes her unusual appearance to her Japanese mother.
    Beauty secrets are regular facial massage, green salad (spinach, arugula, avocado, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, lemon juice, olive oil) and indestructible optimism.

    The 183 cm tall beauty was working as a model when she was noticed by Sydney Pollack, who invited Gina to star in a small role in “Tootsie”. As her subsequent career showed, it was a good start.
    Now Gina is married for the fourth time: her husband is of Iranian origin, 15 years younger than her and a plastic surgeon by profession. But don’t say: “Yeah, everything is clear.” Gina does not use the services of her husband - the abundance of wrinkles on her face is evidence of this. The secret of her beauty lies in her inexhaustible energy: the actress finally decided to have children with her current husband - the eldest was born when she was 46 years old, the younger twins - when she turned 48. She loves to have fun with them on the playground, very seriously plays sports and actively participates in social activities.

    The recently mentioned actress, who is pleased to once again admire and admire her amazing beauty and stunningly youthful appearance.

    A rare combination of outstanding beauty, talent and fragility, capable of transforming into the most dangerous madness, made her a star, whose radiance has not faded over the years and was especially clearly manifested (on the issue of stars and eternal youth) in “Stardust”, where the actress spent a couple of years ago she flashed a beauty that outshone her young co-stars.
    He answers questions about the secrets of youth lightly: “Everything is like everyone else: training, diet, happy family life and good genes. I quit smoking when I was thirty, it had a pretty good effect on me.”

    A former model who became a movie star not because she is such a good actress, but because it is difficult to resist her charm. A caring mother of three children, looking next to her daughters like an older sister (pictured).
    The main secret of beauty is living in the fresh air.

    The luxurious forms of the “bride of Chucky” have acquired even greater piquancy over the years. The lover of poker and diamond shopping, and the owner of one of the most unusual voices in cinema, has definitely come into her prime.

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