What to cook for a pearl wedding. Pearl wedding scenario. Fun competitions for parents

On the 30th wedding anniversary, a man traditionally gives his wife a necklace of thirty selected pearls. Each bead symbolizes a year lived together. The gift is presented with words of love and gratitude. The necklace is traditionally accompanied by a luxurious, originally designed bouquet of callas. The calla flower, shaped like an open pearl shell, is also a symbol pearl wedding which took place 30 years ago.

What to give your wife for a pearl wedding

On the pearl anniversary of the 30th wedding anniversary, men give their wives jewelry with natural pearls:

  • rings;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets;
  • pendants;
  • earrings

Fur products embroidered with pearl threads or artificial pearls are in trend.

What to give your husband for a pearl wedding

On the day of celebrating 30 wedding years, a woman can give her husband a collection set - a tie clip and cufflinks with pearls.

Car accessories decorated with artificial pearls or pieces of mother-of-pearl are considered a good gift.

Gifts for such a significant date as 30 years life together, expensive and meaningful ones are selected. Fishing enthusiasts will be pleased with a new spinning rod, photographers will be pleased with a professional camera, and home craftsmen will be pleased with high-quality power tools.

How to celebrate a pearl wedding

The pearl anniversary of 30 years of marriage is celebrated among friends, relatives, children and, possibly, grandchildren. The celebration is usually held outside the home, renting a banquet hall. If the anniversary date falls during a warm period of the year, tables are reserved in a cafe by the water, where spouses can traditionally throw pearls or coins and make a wish.

According to traditions, clothing prevails light shades. There are a lot of pearls and mother-of-pearl in the jewelry. A men's suit for the 30th wedding anniversary is usually made in any shade of pearl color - ivory, cream or white. For women - in pale blue, light blue or soft turquoise tones.

The dining table for the pearl anniversary of 30 years of marriage is decorated in nautical style. For serving, trays and plates in the shape of sea shells are used. Fish dishes are served on the table in the form of edible pearls. Traditionally, to celebrate 30 years of marriage, a meat or fish pie is served.

What to give to friends or parents for their 30th wedding anniversary

On the occasion of 30 years of marriage, friends are presented with memorable gifts. As a rule, they become small and medium-sized Appliances:

  • hair dryers;
  • multicookers;
  • bread machines;
  • mixers;
  • Food processors

Gift packaging and cases are decorated with imitation pearls or artificial mother-of-pearl, emphasizing the importance of the event - the 30th anniversary of the couple's wedding. There are no restrictions on gifts. An original surprise will be a gift certificate for a visit to a balneological resort or a trip to a sea cruise for two. It is considered good form to give lush bouquets with sincere congratulations to friends who have lived together for 30 years.

Married couples have many holidays, including birthdays and New Year, but one of the main ones can be considered the wedding day. An anniversary is a celebration of love and family, mutual respect and patience, and a pearl wedding is no exception. Over the course of many decades, the couple has already learned everything about each other, but this does not interfere, but helps to love and appreciate each other even more.

And in sorrow and in joy

A pearl wedding is the 30th anniversary of marriage, it is called so because every happy or difficult, long or short year is strung, like pearl beads on a thread, into the life of each spouse. Pearls are a symbol of purity, love, fertility; some believe that spouses who have lived together on this date should already have grandchildren.

How and where to celebrate the holiday

To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of marriage, a country house, restaurant or cozy apartment of the spouses is suitable. Each option has its own advantages and features, but in any case, you need to accept congratulations from children and friends with comfort and fun.

  • Restaurant. If spouses want to invite a lot of friends, and their children also have families, it is worth considering an option like a restaurant; the costs of such an event will increase somewhat, but there will be less hassle, and there will be enough positive emotions for everyone. For an entertainment program, it is worth inviting a host or toastmaster, who will propose a holiday scenario and adjust the nuances for certain people. You will need to agree on the menu with the kitchen and chef of the restaurant, express your preferences, and warn about allergies.
  • Having a country house opens up opportunities for a cozy evening at home with family and friends; if there is no house or it is not suitable for the season, it makes sense to rent it. The table can be set by the hero of the occasion, or you can bring food from a restaurant or order catering. You can also combine: cook some yourself, and make some to order.
  • An apartment, like a house, does not imply a magnificent, numerous celebration. It is also not advisable to set the table too much; it will be enough to prepare snacks and dessert for tea. Homemade jam and pies or cake are perfect for dessert.

Pearl wedding cake

A holiday dessert can also be a gift from children or friends. Today, pastry chefs work wonders by making whimsical and symbolic cakes with dates and initials. The cake can be shaped like a shell with a pearl or decorated with mother-of-pearl; the treat can also be designed in the style of family leisure activities, such as hiking.

Decoration of the room for a pearl wedding

  • Wedding decoration with pearls. In addition to the fact that pearls are a symbol of the holiday, they also look very gentle, elegant and solemn, and different variations of this decor will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • Decorating with balloons always looks festive; this option is inexpensive and suitable for any celebration venue.
  • You can also decorate a hall or room with paper pompoms, this is a trend in modern weddings, and you can make pompoms at home yourself.
  • Decorating with flowers is always relevant and elegant and is suitable for any setting. Plants can simply be arranged in identical or similar vases, and compositions can also be made from different types colors. Flowers can be combined with other types of decor, such as candles. Small lights, like nothing else, create an atmosphere of comfort and romance, just what you need for an anniversary!

  • Decoration with ribbons and fabric is an integral attribute of any wedding celebration, even if it lasts thirty years.
  • A hall, house or room for a pearl wedding can be decorated with LED garlands; they can create a festive mood and a feeling of magic.

What to give for your anniversary

  • The husband presents his beloved with pearl beads, the number of which corresponds to how many years the wife has been together, for her patience, support and shed tears. The wife gives her husband cufflinks and a tie clip with pearl elements as a sign of love and gratitude.
  • Guests can give something made with their own hands or from pearls; a lamp in the shape of a pearl or some cute little things are also suitable: vases, bowls, candlesticks. It would be nice if the gift was decorated with pearls or mother-of-pearl.
  • A portrait painted from a joint photograph, an album with old photos, or a presentation accompanied by beautiful music or a family song are suitable as a memorable gift.
  • Experienced families will not mind gifts with a certain meaning that are useful in everyday life, for example, household appliances: a mixer, a multicooker, a bread maker or a coffee maker. Also, beautiful and high-quality textiles, pillows, bed linen, blankets and bathrobes will please anyone.
  • Inexpensive but cute gifts will also appeal to the “newlyweds”; these could be: a key holder, a figurine, a watch of any configuration, a set of cups or dishes, and don’t forget about flowers.

Are your parents preparing to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary? Help father and mother organize this holiday. This round anniversary is a great occasion to gather loved ones together. During the warm season, you can all go out of town together, renting a cozy house or cottage. In cooler times, it is better to celebrate your anniversary in a cafe or restaurant.

What should be the design of a pearl wedding? The thirtieth anniversary of marriage is called a pearl wedding. To decorate a room for this holiday, appropriate decorative elements are used: threads with artificial pearls, shells, starfish, sealed bottles with sand or messages on “papyrus” paper.

Think over the holiday menu, be sure to include seafood dishes. Create a scenario for celebrating a pearl wedding with various games and competitions.

Scenario for a pearl wedding anniversary

Prepare a family wall newspaper with photos of your parents and congratulations on their anniversary. Or you can design a poster and invite all guests to write their wishes on it. Warm words will lift your parents' spirits and help create a festive atmosphere on this day.

The scenario for the 30th wedding anniversary can begin with a speech by the host, who can be one of the invited friends:
- Dear anniversaries,
Friends and family are waiting for you!
We ask you to come to the table
Along the pearl path.
To start a feast and fun for us,
Anniversaries, come through
Pearl necklace!

Guests forming a living corridor will raise balloons into the air. The anniversaries will walk along the pearl corridor and take their seats at the festive table together with the guests.

Then, according to the pearl wedding scenario, another beautiful ceremony will begin for the parents.

– It is believed that pearls represent the relationship of a married couple, which over three decades has been “polished” and become like this precious stone. Its name comes from the Latin word “pernula” - “sea shell”.

– At all times, pearls adorned the crowns of emperors and were used to make jewelry for the highest nobility. In Greece and India it is a symbol of marriage, in China - fertility, and in Europe - the longevity of relationships.

– This powerful amulet helps preserve love throughout your life. Therefore, I ask the heroes of the day to put pearls in glasses of champagne and then drink wine. Jewelry will later be made from these pearls, which will become a talisman for their union.

According to this pearl wedding custom, the celebrants drink champagne, exchange pearls and seal the ritual with a kiss.

– Friends today congratulate
Family harmonious duet,
They call a pearl wedding -
You've been together for thirty years!
So be sure to save it
Warmth of hearts and affectionate words,
After all, that priceless union is strong,
When love reigns in him!

– Now let’s congratulate the heroes of the day and wish them all the best.

Relatives and friends will congratulate the couple and present them with gifts.

The 30th wedding anniversary scenario may also include showing a video about the history of the family with wishes from friends and relatives or a slide show of joint photos of a married couple from the time they met to the present day.

– Shells keep pearls for many years,
Shielding yourself from the muddy waters.
You probably also have a secret,
A pearl wedding is not an easy one!
And we will read with our gift together
warm to you, simple congratulations
So that your world is not too small for each other!
We wish you love, happiness, respect!

– Over thirty years, many joyful events have happened in the life of the spouses that should not be forgotten. Therefore, I invite you to look into the past and remember the most important milestones along this path.

Games and competitions for a pearl wedding

The celebration of the pearl wedding anniversary will continue with the “30 years later” competition. Spouses must remember what happened in their lives on a given day. One of the heroes of the day leaves the room, the other remains.

They are asked the same questions separately: for example, under what circumstances did they meet, what movie did they watch together for the first time, etc. Their words need to be written down. Then the spouses are invited to the festive table and the answers are read out to the applause of the guests.

– Like pearls, marriage is beautiful and durable,
Your connection can no longer be broken!
And today we are very glad to see you
Happy wedding anniversary!
Thirty years is a considerable amount of experience for a family,
There are many different days behind us -
Good and bad. But it’s immediately obvious
That you have only become more in love!
On your holiday, wonderful spouses,
We sincerely want to wish you
Live long and please each other,
And continue to love as before!

Don’t forget to include various games and competitions for guests in your pearl wedding scenario. Participants in the “Collect a Pearl Necklace” competition are divided into two teams, which must quickly string “pearls on a string” - “sew” team members to each other.

Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a thread, ribbon or twine is tied. You can “string” guests onto it through clothing details - straps, shoulder straps, loops on trousers, etc. The team that completes the task faster will win.

After this, at the celebration of the 30th wedding anniversary, a competition will be held in which several married couples will take part.

Each of them will be given a plate of small white candies resembling pearls or peanuts in white glaze, as well as Chinese wooden sticks. The spouses will have to feed each other. The couple that completes the task the fastest will be the winner.

Then the dance program will begin. The presenter announces:
- The hour has struck for the pearl wedding,
And the wedding waltz begins!
A thread of happiness, a thread of pearls
You were able to save for each other...
Let there be many, many pearls,
As much as you want, as much as you need.
So that the thread lengthens over time
And it turned into gold for you!

The newlyweds will perform a dance. Everyone will join them.

At the end of the celebration in honor of the pearl wedding of the parents, you can bring out a chic cake in the form of a shell with a pearl or with figures of the bride and groom on top.

The presenter will read the poems:
“There are countless grains of sand at the bottom of the ocean.”
Everyone has a secret desire -
Get into a shell with an undercurrent
And there you become a precious pearl.
Even if it takes years, it doesn’t matter,
Years turn sand into pearls.
And your love was like a grain of sand
Light and bright, good, but small.
But many days are behind us -
Pearly, you are celebrating your anniversary.
Let there be a lot - both joy and sadness,
But let there be much more! Let it go
Fate gives you many sunny days.
Call us for the next anniversary!

Today we are talking about the anniversary of 30 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is celebrated, what to give to the spouses, what traditions to observe. This milestone is called the pearl wedding, which represents purity, chastity and fertility. By example loving people They have already proven to everyone that their union is built on love and respect, otherwise it would have fallen apart long ago.

Where did the name anniversary come from?

Almost all over the world, with rare exceptions, the 30th anniversary of marriage is called a pearl wedding. In the USA it is called diamond.

As you know, pearls, which are rightfully considered a unique creation of nature, take decades to mature. It comes from a small grain of sand, but over the years it takes on perfect forms. Likewise, a three-decade-long marriage is the result of the painstaking, persistent work of two people who once decided to unite their destinies.

A married union with an impressive length of service really evokes associations with pearls. Each pearl, signifying a year of marriage, is strung on a thread of fate one after another, forming a magnificent necklace of 30 long years of happy life together.

Pearl wedding in the old days and now

30th anniversary family relations, just like any other significant date, has long been accompanied by folk rituals.

How to celebrate 30 years of marriage

A pearl wedding is an anniversary, a significant date that is usually celebrated widely and on a grand scale. Usually children, grandchildren, close relatives, faithful friends who have been with the spouses over these many years come.

The celebration can be entrusted to the toastmaster, but it is likely that one of the active guests will want to take on this honorable duty and entertain the guests. Since there will be a lot of children at the holiday, it is better to invite an organizer of children's leisure activities, who will make sure that the children do not get bored.

Spouses who have crossed a significant milestone family life, are no longer young. It is quite possible that they will prefer the idea of ​​spending this wonderful day together, relaxing, enjoying each other’s company, than having fun in a noisy company. An excellent solution would be a romantic trip, a walk along the coast, a candlelit dinner in a restaurant, or just a trip to the countryside.

If the weather permits, you can organize a picnic; spiritual gatherings in nature with a barbecue will be quite appropriate. In cool weather, it is better to celebrate the celebration in a close family circle over dinner, in the preparation of which all family members participate.

During the meal, the spouses tell the children the story of how they met, remember the most significant events of their life together, and share tips on how to overcome difficulties together. This warm celebration dedicated to the 30th wedding anniversary will be unforgettable for everyone!

Pearl wedding decoration

Precious pearls are born in the sea and are inseparable from the water element, so the best option for holding a celebration would be to celebrate in a cafe, restaurant on the shore of a reservoir, or in an establishment whose interior matches the marine theme.

Guests will be pleased to receive elegant invitations to an event before their 30th wedding anniversary, decorated with artificial mother-of-pearl pearls, which can be half beads. They are very convenient to attach to invitations and other festive printed products, for example, a wedding menu, a photo album.

At first
you need to decorate the room, and then start setting the festive table. Based on the name of the wedding, the main shades of the color scheme that will be used in the decor will be white, soft blue, pink, and cream. You can hang balloons and garlands in the form of sparkling mother-of-pearl pearls on the windows and ceiling, which will look simply charming.

Special attention is paid to table setting. It must be covered with a white tablecloth; in this case, it is better to use pink or blue napkins. This will create a festive, solemn mood and emphasize the sophistication of the atmosphere. Next to each plate you can place a transparent glass, which will contain a lovely composition made with your own hands from pearls and branches of artificial seaweed.

The most important element of the festive table are glasses for spouses. They should be decorated in accordance with the theme of the wedding, then the toast “To the health of the young!” It will be doubly pleasant to pronounce.

Chairs can be decorated satin ribbons delicate tones using pearl decoration.

Decor options

What should be on the holiday table

The menu must include seafood - fish, seafood, seaweed, caviar. A feast would not be complete without sweet desserts, the main one of which would be a magnificent wedding cake. The husband and wife, as on their first wedding day, must cut it into pieces and distribute it to all guests.

Birthday Cake Ideas:

  1. A shell with two large pearls inside.
  2. A heart decorated with a half-opened shell, inside of which there is a photo of the “newlyweds.”
  3. A large mother-of-pearl pearl placed on a gold plate.
  4. A real work of confectionery art will be a funny cake in the shape of a sea coast with two figures - a sailor in a vest and a seductive mermaid.
  5. Cake in the shape of a lake with goldfish swimming in it.

How to dress for anniversaries?

According to established tradition, on this day the wife puts on an outfit that matches the color of the sea element: blue, light blue, turquoise. The dress and hairstyle can be decorated with small pearls; this will add elegance and unique charm to the image.

The groom's suit should be associated with pearls and can be in ivory, cream, light beige or traditional white.

Gifts for pearl anniversaries from guests

Gifts of pearls are desirable, but not required. As a rule, guests give their anniversary friends various decorations, souvenirs, as well as hand-made gifts. Stones in jewelry and costume jewelry can be anything, but they must be light, mother-of-pearl, reminiscent of pearls.

Here Several gift options that spouses will appreciate:

  1. Photo album decorated with beads imitating pearls. Inside are photos of a husband and wife captured at moments that were especially significant to them.
  2. Wedding glasses reminiscent of the first wedding day.
  3. Portrait of the spouses, painted to order.
  4. High quality jewelry.
  5. Caskets.
  6. Frames, mirrors.
  7. Watch.
  8. Cases for glasses, powder compacts, filled with artificial pearls.
  9. Interior items made in a marine theme, for example, lamps.
  10. Souvenir sea shells.
  11. Rarity items.
  12. The dishes are in delicate pastel shades, reminiscent of the color of pearls.
  13. Beautiful cake.
  14. Silk is a magnificent imitation of pearl luster. Any product made from this fabric will work.

What else can you give for a pearl wedding? On this day, the hero of the day will receive many flowers. Bouquets can be decorated with lace braid and pearls, which will give them a special charm and touchingness.

When choosing a gift for a pearl wedding, you should think that its value is determined not by cost, but by the warmth and sincerity of congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary.

Gifts from children

Naturally, the gifts that children prepare for their parents for the celebration will differ significantly from the gifts given to guests. For your beloved mom and dad you can:

As a humorous gift, give them a wall newspaper with poetic congratulations and funny photographs, perform a song of your own composition, order a banner or poster.

But the most expensive gifts for a pearl wedding to parents are the love and sincere gratitude of their children.

What do spouses give each other for a pearl wedding?

Few people know that pearls are not only white. It can be of different shades, each of which has a meaning for both women and men, this should be taken into account when choosing a gift.

For the spouse:

  • white - a gentle and touchingly pure image of the bride;
  • blue - realizing your dream in marriage;
  • orange - good spirits, positivity, vitality;
  • green - positivity and hopes for a bright future;
  • gray - years lived in marriage;
  • brown - the warmth of the hearth;
  • black - the road that the married couple still has to go through.

For spouse:

  • lilac - rich inner world;
  • pink - faith in the future;
  • bronze - stability;
  • golden - love for your wife;
  • black - confidence in the strength of marriage, long family life.

Following a long-standing tradition, on the day of the 30th wedding anniversary, the husband gives his wife a pearl necklace consisting of 30 pearls. Thus, he asks for forgiveness for all the insults caused to his beloved woman and the tears she has shed over the years. In addition, the husband presents her with a luxurious bouquet of white and pink chrysanthemums, roses, tulips, lilies, orchids or calla lilies and recites poetry, preferably of his own composition. An alternative to flowers can be a bouquet of sweets, especially suitable for those with a sweet tooth.

The wife should make a return move by giving her husband a gift in the form of pearl jewelry, cufflinks or a tie clip. And the fisherman husband will certainly appreciate his wife’s efforts to please him with the accessories that are necessary for fishing - fishing rods, tackle, spinning rod.

The exchange of gifts for a pearl wedding can take place both in an intimate setting and during the celebration and be accompanied by romantic music and approving applause from the guests.

Thirty years of marriage is a pearl wedding. Such an anniversary clearly proves that a strong union is not fiction or a utopia. After so many years, the spouses will definitely not divorce or quarrel.

Congratulations on the 30th wedding anniversary, like gifts, should be special. We can say that this is a holiday not only for the heroes of the day, but also for their children and grandchildren. This is a big family celebration that needs to be celebrated on a grand scale, so that after many years the invitees and the “young people” remember this day.

Noble symbol of pearl wedding

It’s not hard to guess what the symbolism of a pearl wedding is. Of course it's a pearl. It is associated with impeccable relationships, which over the many years lived together have been polished and become a real jewel.

Pearls grow from a small grain of sand. And the longer it grows, the larger and more valuable it becomes. So the love of the spouses, so fragile at first, has been tempered after so many years and now will never fade, regardless of weather conditions and life’s difficulties.

A pearl wedding is a big date, so it is advisable to celebrate it on a grand scale. It is very important to choose the right place for the celebration. It is best to plan a holiday near the water: on the seashore or on a terrace by a lake or river. A home pond in the yard is also suitable. In extreme cases, a swimming pool will do, which will need to be decorated and the lights turned on in the evening. If the celebration falls during the cold season, you can build small fountains with pearls at home or in the banquet hall.

Like any wedding anniversary, a pearl anniversary is best celebrated in a narrow family circle. Congratulations from loved ones are always pleasant for the newlyweds, especially on such a significant day.

Traditions and rituals of celebrating the 30th wedding anniversary

It’s impossible to count how many rituals a pearl wedding has brought into modern times. We suggest choosing the ones that you like most:

  1. On this day it is worth visiting the church and celebrating the liturgy. Especially if you are married. It is advisable to confess and receive communion on the same day, thus renewing your souls, throwing off the burden of sins and reconciling with God. In church you need to pray to the Holy Trinity and the Mother of God, thank them for the years you have lived, and ask for health and family well-being.
  2. If there is a lake or river not far from your house, at dawn of a significant day, go to the reservoir and throw a pearl into it. Pearls live for half a century, which means that after your pearl wedding you will definitely celebrate your golden one. Then come back and accept congratulations from your loved ones.
  3. How many years have you lived together? Surely you have accumulated complaints, and, possibly, grievances. A pearl wedding is an excellent occasion to get rid of this burden. You need to stand in front of the mirror, holding hands, and ask each other for forgiveness. In ancient times it was believed that mirrors could not lie. That means you too will be sincere. Then swear your love to your partner again and seal the vow with a kiss.

You can also conduct a comic, but symbolic ritual of transferring happiness. After all, the heroes of the occasion have children who may have already started their own families, or are planning to get married in the near future. To carry out the ceremony you will need a blank album sheet, a pencil, a rope, a 2 m ribbon, a plate and coins.

First, parents give children a blank sheet of paper and a pencil so that they can write down on it all the good things that they expect from family life. Then they tie their legs with a rope and ask them to walk along the ribbon to a plate, which is filled with coins as the hobbled couple moves forward. Young people keep these coins all their lives until they decide to “pass on” happiness to their children.

Symbolic presents and gifts for the 30th wedding anniversary

Almost all over the world, the 30th anniversary of family life is called a pearl wedding. Only in the United States is it called diamond. What's a wedding without gifts? In Russia, it is customary for spouses who have lived together for 30 years to give:

  • Products made of pearls or their imitation. Sometimes high-quality costume jewelry looks even better than third-rate mother-of-pearl.
  • Boxes, frames, jewelry inlaid with pearls.
  • Marine themed items.
  • Hand made items decorated with images of sea shells or pearls.
  • Various gifts for home use, made in white, pink, black pearlescent tones.

The most significant gift on this day is a pearl necklace given by a husband to his wife. Some couples still cannot decide how many pearls it should contain - based on the number of years lived or the age of the wife. The choice remains with the married couple. Well, the wife, as a congratulation, gives her beloved husband cufflinks or a pearl tie clip.

Ideas for competitions for pearl weddings

To prevent a pearl wedding from turning into a banal feast, you need to think through an entertainment program. Here are a few competitions that will help diversify the evening and spice up the congratulations and toasts.

  1. Get to know your wife. When guests get a little bored, you can hold this easy and fun competition. Several women will be needed, among whom will be the “young” one. The “newlywed” is blindfolded, and he will try to find out from his hands/ears/knees which one is his wife. If he succeeds, he deserves the most hearty congratulations, like a husband who recognizes his betrothed in any situation.
  2. "30 years later." A host is selected from among the guests and asks “tricky” questions to the wife in the absence of her husband. Then the “newlywed” enters the room and also answers. For every discrepancy, he must fulfill the desire of his other half. Then the spouses change places. At the end, they accept congratulations from relatives who appreciated their knowledge of each other.

On such a significant day, the main thing is not to give in to despondency, but to have fun as if you were 20 years old again. And let the heartfelt congratulations of your loved ones ring in your home!

Congratulations on a pearl wedding in verse

    The holiday on this day is fine -
    You've been together for 30 years!
    Increasing your happiness
    Two hundred percent!

    We wish you to live richly,
    And spend more
    Rake pearls with a shovel,
    Happy anniversary, by the way!

    Let the grandchildren frolic in the house,
    Nimble, like fish.
    And a pearl necklace
    Smiles will bloom!

    Pearl wedding - big anniversary
    For the two closest, happiest people.
    We congratulate you! We wish you well
    And may you always be happy!

    We wish you to live comfortably all your years,
    To love each other as madly as before,
    And at a wise age you won’t have any troubles!
    Good health to you, so as not to get sick!

    On this day we suddenly understand -
    Our days are strung on a thread of life.
    Don't close this wonderful circle.
    We wish you kisses more often!

    And having overcome 30 years, they were able to
    Fill you with mutual understanding.
    We wish you to walk without growing old,
    In your life, because love attracts everything.

    Your union is wonderful -
    You are your soulmate's hearts.
    Thirty happy years
    We lived without a hitch.

    Happy Pearl Wedding Day
    Congratulations today.
    Happiness, peace in the house,
    We wish you prosperity!

    Thirty years since you lived together,
    Your wedding was colorful;
    The groom gave happiness to the bride,
    And fate brought good things to them.

    Pearls came to you in an instant,
    Illuminating your path with a bright light;
    God's blessing is with you -
    There is nothing for you to reproach each other with.

    Feelings will be as bright as before
    If you are a mountain for each other;
    Never lose hope
    It may be difficult for you at times.

    Let them sparkle like pearls
    Mischievous smiles
    Spouses sitting here,
    The kids are like something out of a postcard.

    Since we've been together for thirty years,
    And we know each other better,
    Your feelings are great
    Glorious odes are worthy.

    Good health!
    Joy, warmth!
    May luck always notice you!

    You've been together for three decades
    Give love to each other.
    Relatives and friends all know
    That you will grow old together.

    All because the light is from you,
    Like flashes in the fireplace.
    Live in affection every hour,
    And the flame will not cool down!

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