What to do before planning a child. When and where to start planning a pregnancy? Basal temperature measurement

Pregnancy is a very important moment in the life of a woman, and the family as a whole. It brings not only the joyful anticipation of a child, but also serious psychological and physical stress for the body. Therefore, in order to avoid problems and stress, you need to prepare in advance for bearing a baby. Moreover, this must be done responsibly by both parents – both men and women. How and what you need to know when planning a pregnancy – we’ll talk about this further.

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Preparing to conceive a baby

Modern means help plan pregnancy correctly and thoroughly prepare for bearing and the birth of a baby.

Experts give useful tips when planning a pregnancy, which it is advisable to listen to.

What a woman needs to do before pregnancy, what to take care of.

Start planning pregnancy follows psychological and physical measures:

  • decide on the desire to have a child so that it does not come as a surprise to partners;
  • find a good doctor;
  • get rid of negative habits;
  • measure basal temperature in the vagina and keep an ovulation calendar.

It is important to understand that the presence of unresolved problems before conception can lead to serious pathologies in the child, problems with the health of the mother, premature birth and even miscarriage.

note! If the mother has not had rubella, it is necessary to be vaccinated against it, since infection with it during pregnancy can lead to his death in the womb.

Advice on pregnancy planning involves checking with specialists:

  • dentist - to solve existing problems;
  • ophthalmologist - eye problems can be the main indicators for
  • genetics – to exclude genetic mutations or obtain appropriate treatment;
  • endocrinologist - to exclude all hormonal disorders.

Conceive and give birth to a child - not an easy process, it carries so many pitfalls that it is best to be prepared for anything and do everything possible before conception to ease the pregnancy period and prevent unwanted problems.


There are certain stages of pregnancy planning. This process can be divided into several important periods that both partners must adhere to.

How to plan a pregnancy.

First of all, you should get rid of bad habits:

  • eliminate alcohol and nicotine at least 90 days before conception;
  • It is best for a woman to do so one year before pregnancy;
  • eat right, include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet in the right proportions so that the body receives all the necessary substances and microelements in abundance. At the same time, you need to monitor your weight and general condition health;
  • The diet must include: milk, meat and fish, cheese, bran bread, herbs, fruits, fresh vegetables;
  • play sports: women whose bodies have been toned and physically trained endure childbirth much easier and recover faster.

It is useful to take vitamins: the child’s organs and skeleton are formed in the first weeks after conception.

By the time a woman finds out that she has become a mother, her baby is already about 3 weeks old, so she needs to take the necessary vitamins 1-1.5 months before planned conception.

It is best to take multivitamins - this is a vitamin complex that includes all the necessary substances, although in case of allergies or lack of finances, you can limit yourself to folic acid.

The choice of doctor is also of great importance. Not only the health of the mother, but also her baby often depends on the professionalism and skill of the specialist, so it is worth choosing a good gynecologist in advance for the next 9 months. It is worth remembering that an expensive doctor may not always turn out to be a good practitioner.

Do necessary vaccinations is also important, since some diseases can be destructive for a child in the womb if the mother did not suffer from them in childhood.

The list includes:

  • chickenpox,
  • rubella,
  • Hepatitis B,
  • flu.

A complete medical examination will allow you to:

  • have your reproductive system checked by a gynecologist;
  • be tested for sexually transmitted infections, antibodies to viral diseases and toxoplasmosis (AIDS and hepatitis are a must!);
  • determine the Rh factor (the father also tests);
  • check the amount of iron in the blood;
  • examine the endocrine system, hormonal levels, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, take tests for cholesterol and insulin;
  • treat any bad teeth by visiting a dentist, and take extra vitamins to maintain normal calcium levels in the body so that tooth enamel is not destroyed during fetal development.

Stick to the data planning stages very important. Only timely preparation can ensure the birth of a healthy baby without complications, and will also allow partners to prepare psychologically.

Preparing the future father is just as important as preparing the mother. After all, he is an active participant in the creation of a child, and a lot also depends on him. A man should stop drinking alcohol and nicotine.

note! A healthy man has about 30% pathogenic cells in his sperm, but their number increases significantly with regular smoking and drinking alcohol.

You will need to undergo the necessary tests, as well as change your lifestyle, take care of your wife, who will need special attention during the period of bearing the baby.

A man should have his reproductive system checked.

Usually, young healthy guys undergo only general tests and additional tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (hepatitis, syphilis and HIV).

Besides, necessary:

  1. check for the presence of antibodies that can resist viral diseases; if they are absent, get vaccinated;
  2. find out the Rh factor in order to exclude a conflict of Rhesus factors: if they are different, then the woman needs to receive a special injection;
  3. cure all foci of chronic infections, especially caries, since it is a source of accumulation of staphylococcus and streptococcus;
  4. A spermogram should be taken only if the couple has been unable to conceive a baby for more than a year or the partner has already had miscarriages.

If a man has chronic diseases or regularly takes medications, he should consult with his doctor. In addition, it is highly advisable to consult a geneticist.

Important! What should you drink to plan pregnancy?


No less important is the diet of the future father, since the quality of his sperm directly depends on what he eats. His body needs vitamins and essential microelements for fertilization to be successful.

Pregnancy planning specialists advise to exclude from the menu:

  • fast food,
  • canned food,
  • fatty foods
  • seasonings,
  • smoked meats

And vice versa, consume more:

  • vegetables and fruits,
  • meat,
  • fish,
  • seeds and nuts,
  • liver,
  • caviar and oysters.

If a man overweight, you should engage in physical exercise, since fat deposits promote the production of female sex hormones and block the production of male hormones, the level of which determines the level and quality of sperm.

A man should take care of his diet and include foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Required substances:

  • folic acid (400 mg per day) – significantly reduces the incorrect number of chromosomes in sperm, thereby increasing the chances of conceiving a healthy baby;
  • B vitamins – have a positive effect on metabolic processes and improve sperm activity;
  • vitamin E – improves sperm quality and prolongs sperm viability;
  • selenium – promotes the removal of heavy salts from the body and helps sperm to renew regularly;
  • zinc – stimulates the production of testosterone, and in case of it low level a man's risk of infertility increases.

However, the most important thing is to love the woman with whom the man plans to have children. If there is love in the relationship, then the birth of a child will be a happy event for both.

What is important for an expectant mother

What needs to be done before pregnancy, where a woman should start.

Despite the fact that conception depends on the couple, bearing a child falls entirely on the shoulders of the woman, and this forces her to be more attentive to her health.

Where to start: you should visit a gynecologist and conduct a thorough examination.

This is especially true for those who have previously had abortions or miscarriages, or experienced pelvic inflammation or infections.

The clinic usually prescribes the following tests:

  • general blood test,
  • for sugar
  • Rh factor,
  • hormones,
  • urine,
  • vaginal smear.

The tests will allow the doctor to get an initial idea of ​​the state of health and prescribe treatment, if required.

Vitamin preparations

What drink when planning pregnancy. It is very important to support the body with the appropriate vitamins so that it is ready to accept a child and has enough strength to bear it.

You should definitely take vitamins:

  • C - for immunity and health maintenance, as well as good absorption iron and anemia prevention;
  • E - for efficient work reproductive system and prevention of miscarriages in the first weeks;
  • group B - for better absorption of nutrients by the body.

Folic acid is important for the body, as it contains all the necessary microelements for the full development of the child and strengthening the female body. It is found in fresh greens, peas, bran, nuts and beets.


Particular attention should be paid give food Yu, because from it a pregnant woman receives all the necessary substances, passing them on to the child.

What you need to eat and include in your daily menu:

  • vegetables and fruits in any form (fresh, frozen and dried);
  • dairy products that are rich in calcium (yogurt, kefir, cheeses);
  • protein products (eggs, fish, meat, poultry);
  • foods that are rich in iron (whole grain mixtures, salad leaves, green vegetables, legumes).

You should avoid the consumption of carbonated drinks, caffeine, as well as the amount of cocoa and chocolate consumed. You should not get carried away with flour products, fatty foods and smoked meats; in addition to heartburn, such products increase toxicosis and cause obesity, which is dangerous to health.

Pregnancy planning is extremely important, it not only allows future parents to prepare for the meeting with the baby, but also ensures good health.

Useful video: starting to plan your pregnancy

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There is an opinion that a family begins at the moment when the spouses first decide to try themselves in the role of mom and dad. Where to start planning your pregnancy? First of all, with a reasonable and responsible approach to the future status of parents. It is important to plan pregnancy before it occurs in order to eliminate all risks and dangers, thereby increasing the chances of conception, development and birth of a healthy child.

A strong desire to become parents a few decades ago was that spouses simply stopped using contraceptives when planning a baby. Currently this is not enough. Most spouses have to take serious steps towards improving their body, since the unborn child is formed precisely from their genetic material.

When planning for a baby, future parents should take care of his health in advance. To do this, they need to rely on the following key points:

  1. Rejection of bad habits. This rule applies to both parents. It is important to eliminate alcohol and nicotine at least 1 month before trying to get pregnant. As for drugs, the body must recover from them for at least 3 years, regardless of who took the drugs - the future father or mother. You cannot get pregnant at this time.
  2. Healthy eating. A nutritious diet is important only for women. It is recommended to eat protein foods, vegetables and fruits daily so that by the time of conception the body has enough microelements and vitamins.
  3. Visiting a gynecologist for an examination, prescribing all types of tests and ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. If gynecological diseases, genital infections and inflammatory processes in the intimate area are detected, you will need to undergo an appropriate course of treatment.
  4. Vaccinations. Before planning a pregnancy, your doctor may recommend vaccination against potentially dangerous infections such as rubella. This disease can lead not only to fetal malformations, but also to its death.
  5. Genetic consultation. An examination by a geneticist is never superfluous when planning a child. A specialist, using a blood test from both parents, will be able to calculate in advance the likely risks of fetal pathologies and, based on them, give recommendations for planning and carrying a pregnancy.

When should you start preparing for conception?

You can plan a pregnancy at any time, but experts recommend approaching this task responsibly and starting preparations at least 3 months before possible conception. Both spouses need to go through the preparatory stages. Infantile behavior on the part of a man, which is often encountered in this matter, can subsequently negatively affect a future pregnancy, becoming a kind of risk factor.

Once the pregnancy has occurred, logically its planning comes to an end. But there is another point of view. If, during preparation for conception, many women sometimes allow themselves a sip of wine or a few puffs of a cigarette, then during pregnancy such “disruptions” should be prohibited. Therefore, even after planning is completed, you need to understand that your lifestyle will remain the same for 9 months.

Necessary tests

Every woman who decides to become pregnant must undergo the following laboratory tests:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • determination of the Rh factor and blood group (it is recommended to test both spouses);
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test and smear for sexually transmitted infections (taken to both spouses);
  • blood test for antibodies to chlamydia, herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis;
  • blood sugar test;
  • coagulogram;
  • colposcopy.
  • a blood test for sex hormones, which is indicated for all women with a disorder menstrual cycle, problems with conception and a history of spontaneous miscarriages;
  • blood and urine tests for thyroid hormones (if there are endocrine problems);
  • immunological study.

What medications should I take?

Modern doctors are confident that there is no need to take multivitamin complexes when planning pregnancy. Even in the cold season and with a meager diet, the embryo will have enough vitamins and other useful substances for formation and growth. But taking some microelements will still be useful. Let's take a closer look at them.

Folic acid

For the full synthesis of DNA structures and division of embryonic cells, the body of the expectant mother must have enough water-soluble microelement - folic acid. If it is deficient, the fetus may develop abnormalities in the development of the neural tube, malformations of the spine, cleft lip, etc.

No food product contains folic acid in the required amount. Therefore, doctors recommend starting to take synthesized folic acid at least one month before the expected conception. After pregnancy, the drug is taken for another 4 months. You can buy folic acid at the pharmacy.

Potassium iodide

Potassium iodide is also important for the health of the unborn child. It is contained in such drugs as Iodomarin, Iodine Active, etc. Before and after conception, it is recommended to take 200 mcg of iodine per day. Your doctor may also recommend replacing regular salt with iodized salt.

This microelement has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Taking potassium iodide improves the condition of the female reproductive system, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception. In addition, it prevents pathologies of mental and mental development in the unborn child that appear due to chronic iodine deficiency in the mother’s body.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E or tocopherol prevents pregnancy complications, including early spontaneous miscarriage. Vitamin E also has a positive effect on the functioning of the female body, promoting the maturation of healthy eggs.

In men, tocopherol has a positive effect on the composition of seminal fluid. For the effect to appear, it must be taken at least 3 months before possible conception.


Sometimes taking vitamins alone is not enough to conceive a baby. In some cases, a woman, if she cannot become pregnant for a long time, needs to normalize the menstrual cycle and correct hormonal levels.

One of the remedies used in such a situation is Inofert. This is a non-hormonal drug that regulates a woman's menstrual cycle. It normalizes the production of prolactin, luteotropin and testosterone, which are necessary for normal egg maturation.

If this is not enough to normalize the condition and achieve pregnancy, hormone-containing drugs are used: Duphaston, Utrozhestan and others. Their prescription, selection of dosage regimen and optimal dosage should be handled by the attending physician.

How to increase the likelihood of pregnancy?

Typically, conception occurs between the end of the second and the beginning of the third week of the menstrual cycle. It is at this time that most women normally ovulate.

2-3 days before ovulation, it is recommended to take a break from intimate relationships, give up alcoholic beverages, visit the sauna, and even take a hot bath. It is undesirable to experience stress and conflict with your spouse. Male reproductive cells - sperm can lose their natural activity even against the background of a mild stress factor, but alcohol has the most negative effect on them, reducing the chances of conception by 15 times!

You should not douche the vagina before sexual intercourse, as this can change the acidity of the mucous membrane. As a result, sperm may die without reaching the goal if the chemical composition of the environment does not correspond to the norm. For example, even saliva has a negative effect on them.

After ejaculation, a woman can increase her chances of conceiving by remaining in the supine position for some time, with a pillow under her lower back.

Pregnancy planning for the expectant father

The future father's health is no less important for the child than the mother's. Unfortunately, men's reproductive health is discussed in exceptional cases, especially if a woman does not have problems conceiving.

It must be taken into account that male sperm can not only fertilize, but also contain various pathogenic microorganisms, including pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. Not all men know that they suffer from chronic prostatitis, since for a long time this disease occurs in a latent form.

Some pathologies suffered by young men back in adolescence, can negatively affect reproductive health.

Also, for modern men, general and reproductive health is almost 75% dependent on the environmental situation, lifestyle, economic and social conditions, which together often leave much to be desired. The remaining 25% is made up of medical aspects, including human genetics.

That is why a man should undergo an examination by a urologist or andrologist before planning a pregnancy with his wife. In addition, it is advisable for a man to have a spermogram - a complete sperm analysis that allows assessing a man’s ability to fertilize.

Over time, married couples think about having a child. They approach this issue responsibly, trying to think through and plan everything. Due to inexperience, not everyone can do it. Therefore, I will tell you where to start planning pregnancy for a woman and a man.

Pregnancy planning helps to detect health risks for the expectant mother and newborn child in advance. It is not always possible for a married couple to conceive a child without preliminary preparation, but after carefully working through the issue, they manage to achieve the goal.

Medical examination

  • See your therapist first . Discuss chronic diseases with your doctor and determine treatment options. Take a urine and blood test, diagnose your body for infections that contribute to the development of hepatitis B, herpes and rubella.
  • Determine Rh factor and blood group . This is important, since different Rh factors are the reason for the incompatibility of young parents. If a child inherits his father's Rh, a Rh conflict may occur between the baby and mother.
  • Visit an ophthalmologist and have your retina checked . The results of the study will show whether the child can be born naturally.
  • Dentist. If you are worried about toothache, get rid of it before pregnancy. Consult your dentist in advance and have your dental problems addressed. If you leave it unattended, they will remind you of themselves at the most inopportune moment.
  • Endocrinologist's office . Get an ultrasound, check the level of thyroid hormones, TSH, T3. It is possible that in order to conceive a baby you will have to undergo hormonal therapy, since improper functioning of the endocrine system will interfere with bearing a child.
  • Doctors advise the couple to visit a geneticist . The doctor will detect chromosomal abnormalities. They are often present in people who at first glance appear healthy. It is better for all parents whose age has crossed the 35 year mark to undergo the procedure.
  • Urologist and gynecologist . Both partners should visit a urologist and gynecologist to ensure the health of their reproductive organs. During the examination, the doctor will examine the genital organs, detect defects, determine the absence or presence of sexually transmitted diseases, and prescribe treatment.

To get the result medical examination not enough. Planning pregnancy at home includes reviewing the lifestyle of a man and a woman, making a number of adjustments to the daily diet.

Video tips

To prevent the baby from developing pathologies, parents should start by giving up bad habits. A woman should stop taking birth control and switch to vitamins.

Vitamins and diet

Pay attention to vitamin “E” and folic acid, the deficiency of which negatively affects the development of the fetus. Remember, folic acid is found in large quantities in beef, buckwheat, green vegetables, seeds, cabbage and cheeses. Vitamin E is present in vegetable oil, spinach and broccoli.

Don't forget about vitamin C, which neutralizes toxins and strengthens the immune system. Citrus fruits, rose hips, sweet peppers and black currants are considered natural sources of the vitamin.

A woman needs iodine to prevent painful abnormalities of the thyroid gland and normal development of the child. This important element is found in many products, but the largest amount is concentrated in fish and seaweed.

Many women take these vitamins in tablet form. This approach is not prohibited, but with caution. An excess of vitamins will worsen your health during pregnancy. Doctors recommend relying on balanced and proper nutrition.

For the expectant mother It wouldn’t hurt to work on your abs, pumping up your muscles. As a result, it is easier to carry and give birth to a child. Constant physical activity will increase your endurance.


There are women whose bodies have little progesterone. Lack of female hormone leads to miscarriages. If tests confirm a deficiency, the doctor will prescribe medications that stimulate pregnancy.

  1. Utrozhestan. Represents natural progesterone prescribed to women who have had miscarriages. It is also recommended for women whose bodies have excess testosterone, a male hormone that prevents pregnancy.
  2. Duphaston. Synthetic progesterone. Helps increase hormone levels in the body.

I hope the knowledge gained will be useful. Avoid stress. Sometimes physical or mental tension can hinder conception. To achieve your goal, relax and forget about your problems for a moment.

Video instructions

By adhering to the above tips, a child will appear in the family in the coming year.

Where to start planning a pregnancy for an expectant father

Doctors say that the baby’s health depends on the state of the body of both partners. But not all men take these words seriously. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, your dad should also participate in the preparation.

This is not about conception, but about preparation for it, which should begin in advance. There is nothing complicated about it. Work a little on yourself, rethink your approach to life and change some things.

  • The expectant father is advised to start planning a pregnancy by giving up bad habits, including alcohol and tobacco products. It wouldn't hurt to even give up drinking beer.
  • Alcohol toxins and nicotine have a bad effect on the quality of semen. Remember, it takes at least three months for the seminal fluid to completely renew. Therefore, you need to start fighting bad habits as early as possible.
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Take vitamins along with folic acid. Vitamin “E” prevents the formation of low-quality sperm in male sperm, characterized by an incorrect number of chromosomes, and vitamin “C” accelerates the renewal of sperm and has a positive effect on the motility and vital activity of sperm.
  • When planning a pregnancy, beware of colds, stop taking antibiotics and potent medications, and forget about coffee for a while.
  • A guy preparing for fatherhood is advised to take several measures that will improve the quality of semen and contribute to the successful conception of a child. Avoid strenuous physical activity, carrying a cell phone in the front pockets of your pants, overheating the scrotum, tight underwear, and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • To achieve the effect, take vitamin complexes, eat natural products, give up processed foods and preservatives, and strengthen your immune system. Water treatments, moderate physical activity and tanning will help you do this.
  • Get rid of chronic diseases that are the source of a life-threatening infection for the child. Otherwise, no one will guarantee that the fetus will develop normally.

At first glance, it will seem that what is written is complete nonsense. You can do without it, but a man who wants to become a caring dad will listen to the advice.

In conclusion, I’ll talk about planning a pregnancy after the birth of a child. As practice shows, some couples, after the birth of their first child, immediately begin to think about the second. Contrary to their wishes, they wait, since it is unknown how much time must pass after childbirth for the female body to prepare for pregnancy.

According to doctors, reproductive ability returns after the first menstruation. If the mother does not breastfeed, this moment will come a quarter after the happy date. At the same time, physiologists do not recommend rushing. It is better to have a child in a few years. This time is enough for the female body to recover, replenish its supply of nutrients and rest. Pregnancy puts a lot of strain on the internal organs, immune and nervous systems.

According to the results of a global survey conducted in 2014, 4 out of 10 women know what it is, the remaining 6 don’t even know where to start. But doctors are skeptical about these data. According to experts, only one in ten has correct ideas about preparing for pregnancy. The truth is somewhere out there, but at the planning stage, a doctor’s examination really won’t hurt.

Most problems associated with pregnancy can be completely neutralized if you find out about their existence before the test shows two lines. Agree, it is completely ridiculous to detect chlamydia or syphilis during pregnancy, then take antibiotics, tormented by fears and doubts. There are no good solutions in such situations. Even the dimmest of minds are struck by the thought: what prevented you from taking these tests a couple of months ago?

Where to start planning your pregnancy? From a visit to the gynecologist

In the first lines, I want to urge all those planning: do not hide the true purpose of your visit from the doctor. To the question “What worries you?” You must answer honestly and openly that you are planning a pregnancy. If a patient reports that she just needs to be looked at, most likely she will just be looked at. Perhaps they will do a PAP test and a regular smear. This is not enough to prepare for pregnancy, but telling later that “nobody told me this” is pointless.

In such cases, one should start with a family history. If there are hereditary diseases, relatives have had children with developmental defects or chromosomal abnormalities, or there have been cases of prolonged infertility or miscarriage in the family, this must be discussed at the first appointment.

Thrombotic history is no less important - if your closest relatives had strokes, heart attacks, thromboembolism, deep vein thrombosis at a young age (approximately 60 years of age), inform the specialist about this. This seemingly completely unrelated information can be key.

A chairside examination is a mandatory part of the visit. The mandatory program will include a routine gynecological smear, a PAP test and a PCR test for infections. Eliminating the inflammatory process in the pelvis before pregnancy allows you to avoid the most common cause of miscarriage - infectious. If you have never had an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, you can conduct this study for the first time at the preconception stage to exclude developmental anomalies.

Comprehensive health assessment

It is worth entering into pregnancy in optimal health. Our bodies are so exhausted by civilization that a young healthy woman turns into a museum rarity. If there are chronic diseases at the time of pregnancy planning, consultation with a specialized specialist is necessary.

We will not discuss situations where pregnancy is simply contraindicated because it can kill the woman. Such pregnant women appear in antenatal clinics closer to the 20th week and present the attending physician with a fait accompli. Yes, they have the right to risk their lives, but it would be better if they came earlier, then we would at least be able to correct and prevent something.

In diabetes mellitus, optimization of control is necessary, including revision of insulin therapy regimens. In case of arterial hypertension, before conception, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, and thiazide diuretics should be replaced with drugs that are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

In women with epilepsy, it is necessary to review therapy, exclude teratogenic doses of drugs and take folic acid at a dose slightly higher than the standard - 1 mg per day. Excessive supplemental doses of folate may lead to increased seizure frequency due to decreased plasma levels of anticonvulsants. For deep vein thrombosis, replace coumarin with heparin. In patients suffering from depression or anxiety, benzodiazepines should be excluded from drug therapy.

In order to quickly assess the state of health, a simple examination is carried out: a general analysis of urine and blood, a study of basic biochemical indicators, serological tests for infections - HIV, syphilis, hepatitis groups B and C. You can assess iron reserves in the body by studying the level of ferrokinetic indicators . This is important because anemia in pregnant women is epidemic in nature, and the territory of our country is recognized as an endemic region for iron deficiency. Latent iron deficiency is easily corrected with the help of multivitamin complexes or prophylactic doses of iron-containing drugs.

At the preconceptional stage, you should definitely evaluate the level of TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are nonspecific, so “incidental” findings are not uncommon. The maximum TSH level, “accidentally” detected by me at the stage of preconception examination, was 34 µIU/ml (with reference values ​​in the laboratory for the general population of 0.4–4.0 µIU/ml).

There is data from the American Thyroid Association that recommends target TSH values ​​of less than 2.5 μIU/ml for the population of American women. The question remains to what extent these data apply to women. Russian Federation, remains open, since there have been no such serious studies in our country. However, if the TSH level is above 4.0 µIU/ml before pregnancy, you will need to consult an endocrinologist and undergo additional examination. During 6–10 weeks of pregnancy, TSH levels should be monitored, keeping in mind that lower normal limits are established for pregnant women.

Prevention of TORCH infections when planning pregnancy

TORCH infections - toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus, rubella and others - pose a serious danger during primary infection during pregnancy.

Remember the children's riddle: - How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? - One. Because the second will no longer be on an empty stomach.

It’s the same with TORCH infections. If primary infection has already occurred, antibodies - IgG - will be detected in the blood. These antibodies indicate that primary infection will not occur during pregnancy because it has already occurred. If there are no antibodies, then there is a risk of primary infection, therefore, it is necessary to discuss methods of prevention: vaccination, regimen, lifestyle, monitoring.

Sanitation of foci of chronic infection

Order No. 572 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, regulating the management of pregnant women in antenatal clinics, categorically requires that a pregnant woman be shown to a dentist, ENT specialist, therapist and ophthalmologist within 7-10 days after registration for pregnancy. It's right, but it's too late.

You need to go to a dentist, ENT specialist, gastroenterologist and other specialized specialists before conception. All correctable problems should be corrected before pregnancy. First of all, this relates to the condition of the oral cavity. Microbial contamination of the periodontium is absolutely equivalent to microbial contamination of the placenta, and fellow dentists continue to shy away from pregnant women, refusing to treat, remove, or anesthetize.

Folates, other vitamins and micronutrients

The need to prescribe folic acid in a dose of 400–800 mcg per day for the entire period preceding conception, preferably at least 3 months, is well known. This is a reliable way to prevent fetal malformations and, first of all, neural tube defects (anencephaly and spina bifida). For diabetes and epilepsy, the dose of folate should be increased to 1 mg per day; for women who already have children with a neural tube defect, high doses are recommended - 4–5 mg/day.

If the patient uses COCs fortified with folates (“Jess Plus” or “Yarina Plus”), taking medications with folic acid begins immediately after stopping the COC. If the patient uses conventional COCs, folate should be added in the last 2-3 months of taking the COC. The level of folate in the body increases slowly and reaches protective values ​​only by the 12th–16th week of intake.

Iodine prophylaxis is no less important: 150 mcg of potassium iodide daily when planning pregnancy and 200 mcg during pregnancy and lactation. According to WHO, 20 million people in the world have mental retardation due to iodine deficiency. You should not add to these numbers with your own children.

It is reasonable to coordinate with your doctor all dietary supplements, vitamins, powders for sports nutrition that you accept. Not all of them are harmless at the stage of conception. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of overdose of vitamin A (limit - 3000 IU per day) and D (limit - 400 IU per day). It is advisable to limit the consumption of foods rich in these vitamins: liver, brain, and cod liver.

Balanced multivitamin complexes are quite convenient. At the pregravid stage, Elevit and Femibion-1 are more than appropriate. The choice of a specific drug depends on the clinical situation.

A reasonable and balanced approach allows you to prevent most manageable complications of pregnancy, but, unfortunately, cannot guarantee a 100% result. Here you need a little luck, which I wish you.

Congratulations to you, women! Happiness and happy motherhood.

Oksana Bogdashevskaya

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

A real family begins when a man and a woman decide that it’s time for them to try themselves as parents. From now on they are not just loving couple, and future mother and father, which implies some responsibility. Starting to plan for conceiving a child in advance and preparing for pregnancy is the most reasonable and responsible approach to upcoming parenthood. This attitude will eliminate all possible risks and dangers and increase the chances of conceiving and bearing a healthy baby.

So, where to start planning your pregnancy? First of all, with lifestyle changes.

A healthy child - in a healthy body

If your intention to soon become parents is quite strong, then it is advisable to approach the matter with all seriousness. The first steps towards a healthy and smart child consist in improving the health of your own organisms, because your baby will be formed from your genetic material.

Start with the most basic:

When should you start preparing to conceive a child?

If you have chosen the path of conscious parenting with careful planning, then it is worth considering that doctors advise starting preparations for the arrival of your baby at least three months in advance, and preferably six months in advance.

During this period, both future parents need to take care: try to avoid colds and viral diseases as much as possible, and do not get too cold. If you have chronic diseases, they need to be treated in advance. In case of illness,

requiring antibiotics or other serious medications, it is better to postpone conception for several months.

Some drugs take a long time to leave the body. Various medications can affect not only the course of pregnancy, but also the development of the fetus. Treatment taken by the mother can lead to complex pathologies - from heart defects to disorders in the development of the brain and central nervous system.

A man's sperm is renewed in about 3 months; a woman's eggs are laid before her own birth, so they are not renewed. But, in any case, after intensive treatment, it is better to wait a while before conceiving a child.

In addition to such factors as putting your own body in order and treating chronic diseases, it is worth taking care of saturating the body with useful substances. For example: all expectant parents know that pregnant women are recommended to take folic acid. This vitamin ensures the proper development of the fetus and the normal formation of its nervous system and brain. Folic acid is a preventative against many pathologies of child development, such as hydrocephalus, anencephaly, rickets and others.

You need to know that doctors advise taking folic acid 3-6 months before the planned pregnancy. Such early measures significantly reduce the likelihood of congenital pathologies.

Women are often prescribed complex vitamins for planning and pregnant women, which prepare the body for bearing a child. It is also advisable to drink them not after you see two lines on the test, but several months before conception, especially for women who have obvious vitamin deficiency or hard work with a busy schedule.

For men, preparing for the process of conception may also include taking vitamins. Sometimes, based on the spermogram results, the doctor prescribes the husband to take various supplements or a special diet that can improve sperm quality or sperm count.

Selecting a consultant

Pregnancy planning is carried out by the woman's attending physician - a gynecologist. A man can seek advice from a urologist or andrologist, but the participation of “male” doctors will only be relevant if the man has serious health problems. The expectant mother needs to carefully choose a doctor who will examine and advise her. First of all, she must be confident in the professionalism of the doctor and completely trust his decisions. Personal mutual understanding between the doctor and the patient is also important; if you are not satisfied with the personal qualities of the doctor, it is better to find another with whom you will establish a trusting relationship.

If your gynecologist suspects adhesions in the fallopian tubes or if there were prerequisites for this in your medical history (severe inflammation, surgery, etc.), then you will need to check the patency of the tubes. This minimally invasive procedure is performed by a gynecologist under ultrasound or x-ray control on days 10-14 of the monthly cycle.

Checking the patency of the tubes will not only determine whether conception can occur at all, but also assess the risk ectopic pregnancy, which is especially high with partial patency and other problems with the fallopian tubes.

What tests need to be taken?

You need to start with general blood and urine tests, Rh blood tests for both spouses. A woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist and have a smear done. If the spouses have never (or in the last few years) been tested for HIV, different types hepatitis and TORCH infection, then it is worth taking them.

If conception does not occur within the year allotted by medical standards for pregnancy planning, where to start looking for the problem? First of all, you need to understand that doctors have not just set a minimum period of one year for trying to conceive. There is no need to panic if, after 1-3 months of active intimate relationships, the tests are still silent. For a healthy couple, a planning period of 10-12 months is absolutely normal.

However, if you have been actively working on the issue of replenishing your family for more than a year and nothing has worked out, then it’s time to think about a more detailed examination.

The following must be taken into account: before examining a woman, who can be prescribed dozens of different tests and studies, you need to examine her partner. A man usually undergoes only one test - a spermogram. If it is normal, then they begin to study the woman’s problems.

The fact is that a woman can be examined endlessly. Starting with problems of a “mechanical” nature, such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes or pathologies of the uterus, ending with tests for hormones of the reproductive system, thyroid hormones, ovarian reserve, and so on.

If both spouses are examined and the reason for the lack of pregnancy has not yet been identified, doctors check the couple for compatibility, conduct genetic studies and complex tests.

The diagnosis of infertility is made after at least a year and a half of unsuccessful attempts, so if you have just started planning a pregnancy, then you should just healthy image life, listen to your doctor's advice and remain calm.

Science has proven that if a woman is nervous about her inability to conceive, her body is in a state of stress and blocks reproductive mechanisms. So just enjoy life, love each other and wait for the baby to decide to come into your life!

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