Nutrition in sports presentation. Project: Sports nutrition. Comments from the Internet on the topic of sports nutrition


PREPARED BY: student of class 10A of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7, Chulman village Daria Starkova

FC teacher: Vlasova N.V.

In physical training, in addition to rationally constructed knowledge, the organization of proper nutrition is of great importance, ensuring the acceleration of recovery processes after training loads and the high performance of those involved. The diet should be approached from a rational perspective.

BASIC NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS:-The food consumed should not be heavy -Food should have high taste -Food should be complete and varied -Food intake should be regular, fractional, and at the same hours -Food should correspond to the calorie standard -Food should be rich vitamins and microelements

Food contains energy-rich nutrients, proteins, vitamins, salts, microelements, fiber, water and other components necessary for normal life. Energy in food is contained in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Conventionally, all the nutrients that we consume in food can be divided into 3 main components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJC). The optimal proportions of BJC for the average person look like this:


However, it is worth noting that the diet of athletes, especially those working out in the gym, should contain noticeably more protein than for the average person. Therefore, for athletes, the amount of protein should be shifted upward and this will be done at the expense of fat. It should also be taken into account that 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is considered ideal for gaining muscle mass for men. For women, the amount of protein should be reduced to 1-1.5 g. The final result for athletes will look like this: Proteins: 20% Fats: 15% Carbohydrates: 65%


Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 20% 15% 65%

The importance of proteins in the nutrition of athletes: -For the formation of muscle fibers;

To restore tissue after injury;

For metabolic processes, the intensity of which is especially high in athletes;

For normal functioning of the immune system;

To regulate hormonal processes;

For a complete supply of oxygen to the body.

The importance of fats in the nutrition of athletes: -To improve metabolism -For strength, endurance and reaction speed -To supply tissues with oxygen and nutrients -To prevent hypervitaminosis

The importance of carbohydrates in the nutrition of athletes: -For muscle growth and stimulation -The main source of energy in the body -For the coordinated functioning of the gastrointestinal tract -To restore strength after training -To improve the general condition of the body


Vitamin C

Plays one of the most important roles in the athlete’s body. Provides the formation of new connective tissue substance. Improves metabolism.

Vitamin B6

Participates in all processes of muscle tissue growth. Important for proper absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Vitamin D

Vitamin B2

Helps increase endurance. Reduces signs of fatigue. Helps absorb elements important for muscle contraction.

Vitamin E

Regulates muscle fatigue, improves protein metabolism. Indispensable for serious physical activity

Participates in almost all metabolic processes. Relieves symptoms of overexertion and anemia. It should be used especially during periods of high psychophysical stress.

Protein Important for compensating for general protein deficiency and active muscle building

Protein bars The most convenient source of protein and carbohydrates. They satisfy hunger well and suppress appetite for a long period of time.

Gainer A combination of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. Helps to quickly gain weight, provide increased energy and easy recovery after

BCAA The three most important amino acids. Helps you lose as little muscle as possible when burning fat.

Glutamine The main source of glutamine in the body. Protects the immune system and promotes active recovery of the body

Complex amino acids A source of amino acids in case of their deficiency in the body. Combination of the most important amino acids for the body


When compiling a sports menu, you should definitely follow the nutritional rules and calculate the calorie content. Particular attention should be paid to the list of products, the peculiarities of heat treatment, and the development of special dishes. All of the above must correspond to the requests and needs of the athlete’s body.

All food is usually divided into 6 main groups: - Fermented milk products - Animal products - Bakery and flour products; sources of fast carbohydrates (sugar) -Fats -Vegetables -Fruits and berries In sports nutrition, preference should be given to animal products as sources of protein, as well as vegetables and fruits as sources of vitamins and minerals. But at the same time, the athlete’s menu should not be overloaded with one or more food groups; products from all groups should be consumed in relatively equal proportions. Fried foods and fast food should be excluded from the diet. You should also reduce your consumption of baked goods and foods with excessive starch content.


Second day:

breakfast– oatmeal with milk with dried fruits, nuts, 2 boiled eggs, a glass of milk or kefir;

lunch– low-fat kefir, several bananas, orange;

dinner– boiled chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, juice;

afternoon tea– a sandwich with ham and low-fat cheese, a glass of milk;

dinner– assorted vegetables, chicken or beef chop, a glass of milk.

The first day:

breakfast– muesli with milk, a couple of boiled eggs, juice;

lunch– cottage cheese with pancakes, a glass of milk;

dinner– borscht, pilaf with meat, cocoa with milk;

afternoon tea– fruit slices from bananas, oranges, apples, kiwi, a glass of yogurt;

dinner– boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, juice.

Day three:

breakfast– roast with cheese in a pot, orange, glass of milk;

lunch– meat pie, yogurt or kefir;

dinner– pea soup with meat, jacket potatoes, stewed vegetables, juice;

afternoon tea– cauliflower in batter, a glass of milk;

dinner– boiled chicken breasts with broccoli, banana, juice.

Nutrition at low temperatures Energy intake from food must be increased by 3-5% for every 10°C below the average temperature, starting from +10°C. When training in low temperatures, athletes make some changes to their diet. Due to increased energy expenditure, the calorie content of food consumed should be increased by 15-25% - primarily due to animal fats, as well as the protein content in the diet. Consumption of vitamins C and B should exceed the norm by 30-50%. On the recommendation of a doctor, additional vitamin D intake or ultraviolet irradiation are possible. Complex fortification should be carried out.

Nutrition at high temperatures The amount of salt and spices in food should be increased to stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is significantly reduced at high temperatures. It is recommended to reduce the amount of protein consumed and increase the amount of carbohydrates; animal proteins and fats will be especially useful at high temperatures and should be taken in liquid form (for example, milk). It is recommended to monitor and promptly increase the level of vitamins such as A, group B, C, PP. In conditions of elevated temperatures, the calorie content of the diet should be reduced due to the consumption of fat.

Nutrition for athletes before competitions: When planning nutrition before a competition, it should be taken into account that food taken 12 hours before the competition is especially important; food taken, for example, 4 hours before the competition, is unlikely to play an important role. Before competitions, it is recommended to eat more potatoes, bread, sauces, rice and other sources of carbohydrates in the body. You should eat very little fat and be very careful with spices and table salt. Before competitions, food should contain as little fiber as possible, so you should avoid eating vegetables and fruits. The last meal before the competition is recommended to be taken no later than 4 hours before the start of the competition.

Nutrition for athletes during competitions:

On competition days, it is recommended to eat breakfasts that include strong broth, boiled chicken with rice or meat with a small amount of boiled potatoes, soft-boiled eggs, white bread, compotes, tea. At a distance (marathon running, race walking, skiing), food should be exclusively liquid or semi-liquid, pleasant and slightly sour in taste, food should be warm. During competitions, you should never change your usual diet. You should stick to dishes that have a high energy value in a small volume.

Nutrition for athletes after competitions:

Within 3-4 days after the competition, you should reduce the amount of fat consumed in your diet. It should be enriched with an increased amount of carbohydrates and foods containing lipotropic substances. During the recovery period, you should consume foods such as cottage cheese, milk, lactic acid products, meat, liver, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. 30% of the fat consumed during this period should be given to vegetable fats. Particular attention should be paid to vitamins.


Fish and seafood


Chicken breast

CONCLUSION: Proper sports nutrition is an important component of the life of any athlete. Such a diet must comply with the norms and rules, be balanced and selected individually. Athletes’ food should be selected taking into account the KBJU for people involved in physical activity. The diet largely depends on the stage of the athlete’s training and individual needs. Nutrition for an athlete is the basis for a beautiful body, strength and increased endurance.


Sports nutrition is a special group of food products produced primarily for people leading an active lifestyle, involved in sports and fitness. Taking sports nutrition is aimed, first of all, at improving athletic performance, increasing strength and endurance, strengthening health, increasing muscle volume, normalizing metabolism, achieving optimal body weight, and, in general, increasing the quality and length of life. In Russia, sports food is classified as dietary supplements. Sports nutrition is developed and manufactured on the basis of scientific research in various fields, for example, in physiology and dietetics and, most often, is a carefully selected concentrated mixture of basic nutritional elements, specially processed for best absorption by the human body. Sports nutrition has nothing to do with doping, although some supplements contain caffeine, the consumption of which in large quantities is even prohibited in some sports. Compared to regular food, which can take hours to digest, sports supplements require minimal time and digestive effort to break down and absorb, and many types of sports nutrition have a high energy value. It is important to note the following: experts classify sports nutrition specifically as a supplement, since its proper use is an addition to the main diet consisting of regular products, and not a complete replacement for them.

Food selection

The choice of the required type of products for consumption is made depending on the goals set when drawing up the training program. For example, to reduce body weight, take fat burners, L-carnitine, which accelerate the utilization of fats in the body and also improve the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria. If you need to gain muscle mass, then use sports supplements that fall into the categories of gainers, proteins, amino acids, and testosterone boosters. Also, in the range of sports nutrition there are many complex products that can restore strength and energy, improve overall metabolism and many body functions. Sports nutrition cannot be classified as a drug; its correct use is safe and non-addictive. You can select the necessary products and purchase them, for example, in one of the specialized online stores selling sports nutrition. It is advisable to select sports nutrition necessary for training in accordance with the recommendations of qualified specialists in this field.

The basic principle

The main principle of nutrition is balance and achieving a specific sports goal. The required composition is selected according to need and ease of consumption. The energy for each cell is the hydrolysis of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), which is synthesized by the cells of the body from carbohydrates. Thus, in human nutrition, carbohydrates play an important role in providing energy for life. Food proteins are used by body cells as the main material for the construction of tissues. They can be sent to produce ATP, but at the expense of more energy. Proteins are absorbed by the body's cells using the biochemical "food" signal provided by the hormone insulin. Insulin is reflexively produced by the pancreas when carbohydrates enter the digestive tract. The ratio of protein and carbohydrate intake should not exceed one quarter of protein in relation to carbohydrates, then the amount of insulin produced will be enough to absorb protein. The optimal amount of protein a person consumes per day may be approximately 0.7 g per kilogram of a person's dry weight. The total amount of protein that an athlete should consume is approximately 1 g to 1.5 g per kilogram of weight.

Absorption rate

Different foods are digested at different rates, and this rate is often independent of their calorie content. Before physical activity, they usually consume quickly digestible foods, and during sleep, slowly digestible foods. In general, carbohydrates have the fastest absorption rate, followed by proteins, and lipids (fats) take the longest to digest. Preparations containing protein are classified according to the rate of absorption, depending on the type of protein included in their composition. Whey protein has a maximum absorption rate; casein protein (curd protein), on the contrary, is a “slow” protein. Quite often, in sports nutrition, separately produced proteins and amino acids are mixed with carbohydrate-containing products.

How to choose the best protein?

A good protein contains at least 60g of protein per 100g (equivalent to 20g of protein per 33g serving). Always compare protein not just by price, but by protein content per hundred grams of product.

Let's sum it up

Bodybuilding has its own laws and rules, non-compliance with which will result in a lack of results. The most important rule is a special diet. A high-protein diet for an athlete is the key to success, because it is thanks to protein that rapid gains in muscle mass occur, burning subcutaneous fat and protecting muscles from self-destruction.

Sports nutrition classes



Chapysheva Yu. V.
Diyankova A. V. Introduction
Requirements for quantitative and qualitative composition
athletes' diets.
Energy and quality side of nutrition.
Features of the diet of athletes.
Nutrition during normal training sessions, during
intensive training and competitions.


Food is a vital human need. Basic nutrition tasks
consist in providing the human body with energy, plastic
(construction) substances and biologically active components.
Any deviations from adequate body supply
food substances can cause significant damage to health,
lead to a decrease in resistance to adverse factors
environment, deterioration of mental and physical performance. For
athletes striving to achieve high results, questions
rational nutrition are of particular importance because
The relationship between nutrition and physical performance today
no doubt.

Competent construction of an athlete’s diet with mandatory
replenishing energy costs and maintaining the body’s water balance is an important requirement when organizing the training process. At the core
nutritional strategies for athletes are based on the general principles of healthy eating,
however, there are also special tasks. They consist of increasing
performance, delaying the time of onset of fatigue and accelerating
recovery processes after physical activity.


The key to physical performance is
optimal energy supply for muscle activity.
It is believed that to meet increased needs
athletes, it is enough to increase their protein intake by 50-125%
compared to generally accepted standards. There are the following
Recommendations for daily intake:
1.2-1.4 g protein per kg body weight for athletes whose physical
the activity is related to endurance;
1.7-1.8 g of protein per kg of body weight and 1.6-1.7 g per kg of body weight in strength training
types of sports;
up to 2 g per kg of body weight (1.4-2.0 g/kg).

Currently, scientific views on the problem of satisfaction
increased protein needs of athletes have moved away from ideas about
the benefits of diets with very high content. results
modern research indicates that with an increase in the number
protein in the diet up to 2.4 g/kg body weight further increase synthesis
protein no longer occurs. In this regard, this amount of protein is already
considered redundant. In general, any symptoms of excess
protein intake in a healthy person is extremely rare, if not
say more sometimes.


most people, including athletes,
is provided
Basic recommendations for athletes regarding
carbohydrate consumption:
1. In order to maximize muscle recovery
optimization of its reserves before competitions
an athlete should consume 7-10g daily
carbohydrates per kg body weight.
2. 1-4 hours before physical activity/competition,
especially when it comes to long-term
physical activity, it is recommended to use
carbohydrate-rich foods in the amount of 1-4g carbohydrates per
kg body weight.
consumption of carbohydrates in the amount of 30-60g per hour.
4. During the first 30 minutes after completion
physical activity, athletes are recommended to take
carbohydrate-rich foods that provide
at least 1g carbohydrates per kg body weight.

If we talk about the amount of carbohydrates, then take more than 1-1.5 g
carbohydrates per kg of body weight does not increase glycogen synthesis, but
may lead to gastrointestinal problems
tract, in particular, nausea and diarrhea.
If we talk about the form in which carbohydrates should be supplied
into the body after completing physical activity, then, from the point of view
muscle glycogen recovery rate, liquid form
no more preferable than solid.


Fat as a source of energy has some
advantages: high density (9 kcal/g for
stearic acid compared to 4 kcal/g for
glucose) and more adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) per fat molecule (142 compared to 38 for

High-fat diets and adaptations to them

At present, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. A sharp increase in the amount of circulating fatty acids does not
has a noticeable effect on physical performance,
associated with endurance.
2. Short-term use of high-fat diets (
3 -5 days) leads to a deterioration in endurance compared to
using high carbohydrate diets.
3. Adaptation to a high fat diet combined with
training for 1-4 weeks does not affect the associated
endurance performance when compared with high-carbohydrate
diet. By increasing the duration of exposure to 7 weeks
There are clear benefits to eating a high-carbohydrate diet.
4. Switching to a high-carbohydrate diet after adapting to a diet with
high fat content does not provide benefits compared to
high carbohydrate diet.

Overall, there is no reason
to increase fat percentage
in the diet of athletes. On
practice rations
athletes often
characterized by an excess
fat, although it is desirable
so that their number does not
exceeded 25% of the total
calorie content. Fine
it is a known fact that
long-term use
foods with high
fat content
provokes many

Diet preparation according to the authors’ method

The following diet option is intended for individuals who regularly
enduring physical activity. Dietary formula: proteins -
15% of total energy, fats - 25%, carbohydrates - 60%. To save
this ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is necessary so that
grain products accounted for 50% of the diet's energy, bread - 15%,
meat - 15%, dairy products - 13-15%, vegetables and fruits - 5-7%.

The athlete's diet should provide:
energy needs taking into account sports activity;
maintaining the athlete's optimal weight and fat content
water and electrolyte balance;
rapid recovery after physical activity
replenishment of nutritional deficiencies. Energy consumption at
playing sports depends on gender, age, body weight, type of sport
and other factors.
the ratio of the main nutritional components in the daily food intake
The diet is as follows: 9 – 13 grams of carbohydrates: 2 – 2.5 grams of protein
: 1.6 – 2.3 grams fat.
if the training takes place in the morning, then for breakfast
accounts for 30–35% of the daily energy value of the diet,
for lunch - 35 - 40%, for afternoon tea - 5%, for dinner - 25 - 30%.
if the training falls in the second half of the day, then the percentage
the ratio of diet distribution changes: 35 – 40% - by
breakfast, 30 – 35% for lunch, 5% for afternoon snack, 25 – 30% for dinner.
The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences recommends five meals a day with
inclusion of restorative means (before and after training) with
the energy value of each dose is up to 10% of the daily value
diet, the distribution of the diet is as follows - 25% - for breakfast,
35% for lunch, 20% for dinner.

Designate three types of nutrition for athletes:

1. Nutrition during normal training. Refers to
main type of nutrition and includes products that provide
the body with carbohydrates and proteins. Recommended for use
veal, beef, pork, lean lamb, rabbit, chicken.
It is advisable to include fresh foods in your diet every day.
fruits and vegetables, which should provide at least
15 – 20% of daily energy.

2. Nutrition during intense training
classes and competitions. At this time it is worth
limit the consumption of smoked and fatty foods
meat, fried foods, sauerkraut, legumes
and etc.
Time interval between training sessions
activities and the next meal should
reach 30 – 40 minutes in order to
circulatory function was restored after
strenuous physical activity.

3. Food
in conditions of long-term sports
competitions (at a distance). With this type of nutrition it is necessary
take sugar and glucose in combination with other nutrients
or in its pure form, in addition to this, consume chocolate, especially
its special samples in which sugar is replaced with glucose. During
high load this provides the athlete’s body with ease – and
quickly digestible substances that are included in metabolism
without the strain of the digestive system. Besides,
It is useful to consume glucose and sugar after finishing a competition with
with the aim of restoring the performance of the heart muscle and
prevent fat deposits in the liver. On the day of the competition you cannot
eat later than three and a half hours before they start.


Sports nutrition is completely harmless if you take it
Sports nutrition falls specifically into the category of supplements,
since its correct use is
addition to the main diet consisting of regular
products, and not their complete replacement.
The vast majority of sports nutrition products are not
has nothing to do with doping.


Rogozkin V.A., Pshendin A.I., Shishina IM. Nutrition for athletes. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1989.
Lemon P.W. Effects of exercise on protein requirements // Journal of
Sports Science. - 1991. - 9. - P. 5 3 - 7 0.
Lemon P.W.R. Effects of Exercise on Protein Metabolism // N u t r i t i o n
in Sport / M a u g h a n , R. M. (Ed). - Blackwell Science Ltd., 2000. -P. 1 3 1
- 1 5 2.
Rogozkin V.A. Principles of athletes nutrition in the Russian Federation
//World Review of Nutrition and Diet - 1993. - 7 1. - P. 1 5 4 - 1 8 2.
Fern E.B., Bielinski R.N. & Schutz Y. Effects of exaggerated amino acids and
protein supply in m a n // E x p e r i e n t i a . - 1991. - 47. - P. 168-172.
Tarnopolsky M.A., Atkinson S.A., MacDougall J.D., Chesley A., Phillips
S.M. & Schwarcz H. Evaluation of protein requirements for trained
strength athletes // Journal of Applied Physiology. - 1992. - 73. - P. 19861995.
Volgarev M.N., Baturin A.K., Gapparov M.M. Carbohydrates in the diet
population of Russia // Issues of nutrition. - 1996. - No. 2. - P. 3 - 6.
Batyrev M., Batyreva T. - Sports nutrition – 2005
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Prepared by: Novikova M.A., biology teacher

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Secondary school No. 3 named after. V. P. Chkalova" Arzamas

Let's consider athletes. They are determined and purposeful people, constantly moving forward. As a rule, people begin to engage in any kind of sport from childhood, constantly increasing the load. Let's prove this using an example from life.

  • Irina Slutskaya is a figure skater, two-time world champion, seven-time European champion, silver medalist at the 2002 Olympic Games. We can talk about her merits for a long time. Irina started figure skating at the age of 4. With hard work and heavy workload, at the age of 21, she achieved victory at the European Championship.

The most popular sports nutrition is protein, an easily digestible protein.

Increases the production of a hormone responsible for muscle growth. A person does not have to consume protein, you can simply add more protein to your diet, because protein contains various food flavors and taste enhancers, so you should not consume it in large quantities.


This is an essential amino acid necessary for the normal functioning of life processes. It participates in the protein synthesis of the body, improves immunity, and transmits impulses to the muscles. Glutamine is essential for athletes.

Necessary for muscle contraction (the more it enters the body, the more resilient the muscles become). Therefore, for effective training it is simply necessary. Creatine is included in almost all sports nutritional supplements. Among the best products for power sports, Mesomorph APS can be noted, which was able to combine all the unique technologies.

These are nutritional supplements that promote lean mass growth. They are used as additional sources of energy. The main purpose of using mass gainers is to build muscle. According to scientists, this sports supplement does not harm the body. Athletes can use it immediately after training. The Serious Mass gainer from Optimum Nutrition is considered the best.


They contain the following ingredients: caffeine, glucose, sucrose, theobromine and taurine, glucuronolactone and L-carnitine, Vitamins B and D-ribose, guarana and ginseng. Energy drinks also contain dyes and preservatives, which make the drink addictive. Therefore, do not spoil your health, find more effective and healthy ways to increase energy

Comments from the Internet on the topic of sports nutrition:

  • “I took sports supplements for some time (protein, bars, carnitine, energy drinks), but over time I realized that the body’s natural capabilities are much better revealed under the influence of proper nutrition and proper training, and not under the influence of sports supplements. Now I don’t use them anymore, and the results of my training make me even more happy!”
  • “Three years ago I went too far with fat burners. Two weeks of nausea. I visited every possible doctor. To no avail. No one even asked what I eat. As a result, I balanced my proper diet and realized what the problem was. It was a real nightmare."
  • “Yes, an excess amount of protein is harmful to the body, I go to a fitness club, there is a gym there, some of the men apparently drink protein shakes. The especially “large” ones have a huge number of “pimples” on their backs and faces; their muscles are of course gorgeous, but their skin spoils the whole effect.”

If you decide to include sports supplements in your diet, you must follow the following rules:

Each nutritional supplement has its own course of use; to start it, you need to take tests that will show you whether you can use sports nutrition (general and biochemical blood tests). Three months later, after the course ends, you need to donate blood again to be sure that the supplements do not harm your body. To be safe, the tests should be compared by a doctor.

  • The course of taking the popular energy drink creatine is designed for a month, other supplements can be taken for up to three months. After this, a three-month break is required.
  • Sports nutrition should not replace your usual diet. Of course, we can assume that supplements can provide all the necessary substances to our orgasm, but they lack elements such as fiber, vitamins and many (micro) macroelements. If the missing substances are missing, you may develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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