Belly lying down at 14 weeks of pregnancy. Photo of the fetus, ultrasound, photo of the woman’s abdomen and video. Tests and medical examinations

The first joys and anxieties that you experienced upon learning about future motherhood are already behind you. The first trimester flew by completely unnoticed, unless you were suffering from toxicosis. But this unpleasant phenomenon finally subsided. The time has come to feel noticeable changes in the body, and very soon you will feel the first movements that your baby will make (14 weeks of pregnancy is a period when the baby is very active, but it is still difficult for the mother to hear him).

Beginning of the second trimester

The 14th week of pregnancy begins. Feelings in the abdomen during this period do not cause discomfort. Left behind are toxicosis, flatulence and other unpleasant companions. At the same time, the baby is not too heavy yet, so the lower back does not suffer. No wonder they call it the “golden period of pregnancy.” Mom’s body managed to fully adapt to the changes, and her hormonal levels returned to normal. I stopped being plagued by irritability and drowsiness. The baby is actively growing and developing, his size still allows him to actively tumble, which is what he does.

The mother’s psychological state also changes noticeably. She has already gotten used to the thoughts of future motherhood, and worries have given way to joy; she can’t wait to see, if not see, then at least feel the baby. By the way, for some mothers, the time of the first movement is precisely the sensations in the abdomen may still be weak, and it is difficult to distinguish them from banal bloating. But those who are not carrying their first baby will be able to recognize its movements now.

The expectant mother becomes more confident in herself, because the most dangerous period has passed. Now the outcome of pregnancy is more likely to be favorable, you can breathe easy and change your wardrobe, as your round belly is already becoming noticeable.

Medications are considered the most dangerous, so let your doctor evaluate the need to prescribe a particular drug. Even the most harmless at first glance remedies, such as Analgin, should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Alcohol, drugs and nicotine are not retained by the placenta, and the child will feel the full consequences. In addition to the direct effect on the baby’s body, they cause placental insufficiency. That is, the placenta is no longer able to fully provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. Hypoxia and lack of vital substances can lead to both death and severe developmental defects. Moreover, keep in mind that passive smoking causes no less harm than active smoking. Pregnancy of 13, 14 weeks is not a reason to relax; you need to avoid smoky rooms and people with a smoking cigarette in their hands.


It's too early to tell who's in your tummy: a boy or a girl. But this is an important study that will tell us how pregnancy develops (14 weeks). You can supplement the photo of the abdomen in the album with an ultrasound image. What parameters do doctors evaluate? These are the standard sizes with which your baby's performance is compared:

  • Coccygeal-parietal size (baby's height from crown to tailbone).
  • Biparietal - transverse size of the head.
  • Head and abdominal circumference.
  • The length of the hips of both legs.
  • Additionally, an ultrasound specialist evaluates the development of all long bones, feet and hands, as well as internal organs.


This is an examination that allows you to timely identify and detect chromosomal abnormalities and fetal development abnormalities. The first screening is scheduled at 12-13 weeks, at which time a biochemical blood test and an ultrasound examination of the fetal collar zone are performed. This allows us to reliably exclude congenital anomalies of the baby. The second screening is done a little later: at 16-18 weeks.

Tests at 14 weeks

These are the most common procedures for a pregnant woman. By the 14th week you need to undergo a gynecological examination, take blood and urine tests, and consult a therapist, otolaryngologist and dentist. There is a specific examination during this period. This is a blood test for hCG levels. In the first trimester, its indicators are overestimated, and then, having reached a peak at week 9, they begin to decline. Therefore, the optimal period for examination is 14 weeks of pregnancy. What happens if the readings are higher than normal? This may indicate chromosomal pathologies of the fetus, which requires verification using research

To do this, under ultrasound guidance, a hollow needle is inserted into the uterus, through which a certain amount of amniotic fluid is taken. This allows us to accurately predict the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities.


So, at 14 weeks of pregnancy, what happens in the mother’s body? It continues to adapt to the rapidly increasing size of the uterus, and the woman begins to experience back pain, as well as migraines. The first ones are usually associated with uncomfortable shoes - it's time to give up high heels and slow down the pace of your working days a little. Further they will only become stronger due to increasing weight and a shift in the center of gravity.

Headache is a consequence of nervous stress, anxiety, overwork and poor diet. Now you can’t go hungry for a long time; even at work you need to find time for a full meal. Agree with your boss about transferring to light work, try to avoid stress, as well as stuffy and smoky rooms. Painkillers should be avoided until the last minute. It’s better to try lying down in a dark, well-ventilated room and massage your temple area.

What does the tummy look like?

It is still quite small, neat, but quite noticeable. It's time to think about choosing clothes for pregnant women. It is comfortable, convenient and does not restrict movement, and also allows you to look quite stylish. We are all different, and for some, the belly may already reach an impressive size, while for others it is not yet noticeable at all, but still, the 14th obstetric week of pregnancy is a turning point when it is worth reviewing your wardrobe. One day you won't be able to zip up your favorite pants.

The second point is skin care. It needs to start now, when the skin itself copes well with the changes. Further, the stomach will grow more intensely, which can lead to ruptures. Every day you need to use special creams, lotions or gels for stretch marks. If you are worried about allergic reactions, then use the simplest recipe: add almond and olive oil to baby cream. Transfer the resulting mixture into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Every day after a shower, lubricate your stomach, thighs and chest with it, a light massage will also be beneficial.

Various discharges

In this regard, the 14th obstetric week of pregnancy is not much different from all previous ones. Light, moderate, uniform discharge is considered normal. A slight sour smell is also a normal option. Any changes should be reported to your doctor immediately. If the discharge has changed color or consistency, has mucus or pus, cheesy inclusions in it, or is accompanied by itching and burning, this is a signal of the presence of infection. At this time, the doctor already has a large number of approved medications in his arsenal, so treatment can be carried out in a short time.

The most alarming sign is the presence of red, bloody discharge. It doesn’t matter whether they are accompanied by abdominal pain or not, you should immediately consult a doctor. And a very ominous sign is heavy bleeding, usually accompanied by cramping pain, that is, the uterus pushes the fetus out. In this case, doctors must urgently decide what can be done and whether it will be possible to maintain the pregnancy.

Mom's diseases

The 14th week of pregnancy begins. The sensations at this time are usually amazing: the woman feels light and good, pregnancy has not yet made any adjustments to her daily routine, and the euphoria from the fact that a small miracle is growing under her heart increases day by day. Now it is no longer so dangerous to get sick, even the flu virus no longer threatens serious consequences for the development of a child, so you can afford to go to public places. However, a high temperature can be dangerous for the baby even during this period, but only a doctor should prescribe medications to bring it down.

But at this time there is another danger. The most common inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract during pregnancy occur. This is facilitated by a decrease in immunity and changes in the functioning of the genitourinary system. This is a serious problem that threatens the development of many complications, so the doctor will closely monitor your condition and send you for tests several times a week. This is the only way to avoid missing an exacerbation and admit the woman to the hospital on time.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

There should be a regular, nutritious and varied diet. You don’t need to eat for two; remember that your baby still weighs only 50 grams. Excess calories, especially if they come from sweets, smoked foods and chips, contribute to rapid weight gain and complications during pregnancy. In addition, such products will definitely not provide a set of vital substances. You should be careful with allergens. These are honey and citrus fruits, eggs and caviar, milk, chocolate and canned food. It is better to switch to lean meats and vegetables, but not fried, but boiled or baked in the oven.

Sexual relations

Not contraindicated. At this time, women often feel a surge of sexual energy. Men begin to treat their partners especially carefully, which brings real harmony to their relationship. You cannot harm the baby in any way; he is reliably protected by the uterus and the water cushion.

There are many more ways to express your affection towards each other and your unborn baby. He is already able to assess his surroundings, despite the fact that you are only 14 weeks pregnant. Photos taken while jointly drawing a portrait of a child on the mother’s belly will allow you to remember the magical atmosphere of this period for a long time.

Read in this article:

The 14th week of pregnancy is one of the most important and favorable stages of the 9-month journey towards the appearance of a baby in your life. At this time, people are already beginning to guess about your little, dear secret. The expectant mother has a neat, but already noticeable belly. The mother is feeling good, but the baby is already demanding communication with her, succumbing to the influence of a good mood.

What's happening to the baby?

The 14th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the so-called second trimester. This time is considered a turning point in pregnancy. From this moment on, you can be less and less afraid of the occurrence of pathologies in the child. The development of the fetus continues, its length is already about 9 cm, and its weight is about 35 g. From the 14th week, the child can already frown and grimace, begins to suck his finger and distinguish the taste of what his mother eats. The child's kidneys begin to produce urine, and the child begins to develop eyebrows and eyelashes.

At the same time, the child’s vocal apparatus is formed, which will allow the mother to hear the first joyful cry of the new little person. At the end of the 14th week, the child’s genitals begin to form, but they are still something between the genitals of girls and boys, so it is almost impossible to determine gender. Under the protective lubricant that covers the child's body, a light fluff called lagoon is formed, and the child's skin becomes sensitive. Now, if the fetus touches the abdominal cavity, it can push away. True, the fluctuations are very insignificant, although many expectant mothers begin to feel how their baby begins to move and even “become mischievous.”

The 14th week of pregnancy is the time when the fetus begins to look like a person, or rather, a very tiny person.

The child exhibits the characteristics of his parents. The child will be similar to the one whose gene will dominate. The bones of his small skeleton continue to grow, the first ribs appear, and the head stops falling on the chest because the neck muscles have already developed. He begins to move his diaphragm in a way that resembles the first breaths. Thus, the child begins to prepare for his birth.

What changes occur in the expectant mother?

I'll start with good news: at the 14th week you can forget about toxicosis! But at this time, headaches and back pain may appear. Why does your back start to hurt? It's no secret that many women love to wear heels, and if in the first weeks of pregnancy this is permissible, then at the 14th week it is no longer possible. Another cause of headaches may be the additional weight a pregnant woman gradually gains, shifting the center of gravity. Headaches can be similar to migraine attacks. To prevent them, you just need proper rest and nutrition, and a calm environment. You should not take painkillers so as not to harm the baby.

The 14th week is the moment when pain in the mother’s tummy begins. What is the reason? This stretches the ligaments that hold the uterus in place. Sometimes there are attacks of aching pain - a sign of uterine hypertonicity. It is very bad if abdominal pain appears simultaneously with lower back pain and bleeding vaginal discharge. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a possibility of miscarriage or fetal death. But this is not in danger for you!

Mother's feelings and appearance of the belly at 14 weeks

As mentioned above, week 14 is the end of the toxicosis that has tormented you for so long. During this calm time, the young mother’s mood improves and there are no longer any threats to her baby. True, at this time certain difficulties may arise due to a lack of nutrients in the body. Therefore it is necessary proper nutrition and constant replenishment of your body’s supply of nutrients and vitamins. After all, there are already two of you, so taking care of yourself and the baby should double.

Now let's move on to mom's belly. Week 14 is the time when the mother’s belly is already quite rounded. The belly, although small, is noticeable, so mom can start admiring it. A dark stripe may appear leading from the navel down and dividing the mother's belly into two parts. There is no cause for concern here - this is a temporary phenomenon, indicating that a lot of melanin has accumulated in the skin.

We all know that during pregnancy, the child grows every day, therefore, the uterus grows along with it. This is why the belly grows. The upper edge of the uterus rises above the pubis, so it can be felt, for which the woman simply needs to place her palm on her stomach. If pregnancy proceeds normally, then discharge that was its companions before continues to appear in the vagina. As a rule, they are light in color and have a sour smell. If pus and discharge appear in them, accompanied by a burning sensation or slight itching, it’s time to sound the alarm - it’s an infection.

Main risks at 14 weeks of pregnancy

14 weeks is the time when a pregnant woman may develop diseases such as thrush and vulvitis. These diseases need to be treated urgently so as not to infect the baby. It was previously noted that when pain and bloody discharge occur, there is a risk of premature termination of pregnancy. Blood can appear without pain, for example after sex - this is a sign of cervical erosion.

The appearance of bleeding in the fourteenth week is an alarming sign of a possible miscarriage, the main symptom of which is cramping pain occurring in the uterus - the uterus pushing out the fetus. In this case, immediate medical assistance is required. Even minor discharge with blood is a reason to consult a doctor, because this can prevent miscarriage and save your child’s life.

Any illness during pregnancy can harm the baby. Diseases accompanied by high fever can be very dangerous. A pregnant woman who has a cold needs strict bed rest and rest; it is also advisable to refuse medications, as they can negatively affect the baby. And no self-medication! We always remember that we can harm the baby.

Nutrition and lifestyle

I don’t think anyone needs to explain how important proper nutrition is during these 9 months. Food should be, first of all, healthy. You should also avoid foods that cause allergic reactions. It is best to eat boiled and stewed dishes. It is advisable to avoid fried and smoked foods. You should eat dietary meat and avoid fatty meats. Fish will be very useful, as it contains a lot of phosphorus. It is never harmful to consume dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables. In general, wholesome and healthy food is what you need for 9 months.

It has already been noted that the 14th week is the period of disappearance of toxicosis, drowsiness, and with them the mother’s bad mood. Therefore, making love is not only not harmful, but also useful, as it increases the overall emotional background. If there are no contraindications, then having sex is not prohibited, but a man needs to be extremely gentle and sensual so as not to harm to the expectant mother and the baby. At this stage of pregnancy, it is useful to exercise: gymnastics, swimming pool and yoga will help you stay in good shape and give you positive emotions.

The 14th week is a new step in the ladder of 36 weeks. Despite various difficulties in the form of toxicosis, pain, bad mood, your reward will be the birth of a small miracle, your baby, the fruit of your love with your husband. I am sure that your baby will be born healthy and strong and will become a good man, because his mother, like a wise woman, from the very moment he appeared in her tummy, read a huge pile of useful literature on how to do everything right. Each of you will have the best baby, the best because he is yours and only yours. Be sure to take a belly photo this week of pregnancy to leave a memory of a wonderful period of your life.

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