Rh factor incompatibility between spouses. There is no sexual incompatibility among loving couples. Psychological incompatibility of spouses

It happens that both spouses are completely healthy in terms of childbearing, but conceptions fail one after another. Miscarriages and unformed embryos darken married life and often cause divorce. One of the reasons for such situations is the incompatibility of partners. About 30% of all cases of family infertility lie precisely in the incompatibility of sexual partners.

Before diagnosing incompatibility, all other tests are carried out to exclude diseases or pathologies of each partner. Only when tests show that each of the partners (separately) is quite capable of conceiving a child can we talk about the incompatibility of partners at conception.

Incompatibility of partners at conception, signs of it can be observed by the couple long before a medical diagnosis is made in the case when the child is desired and expected. A striking example is the absence of pregnancy during a year of active sexual activity without contraception.

Important! Sometimes women feign incompatibility when conceiving a child. This manifests itself in the secret taking of birth control pills, antiseptic hygiene of the genitals after sexual intercourse, and other manifestations.

It happens that men also take drugs that reduce sperm activity in order to avoid pregnancy of their partner. In such cases, it is very difficult for a couple to get ready for examination at a medical center.

The second most important sign of incompatibility between partners during conception is multiple miscarriages, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, after pregnancy, the fetus is rejected by the mother's body. Also, there is a strong burning and itching of the genitals of partners, due to incompatibility of the microflora.

How to overcome partner incompatibility?

Overcoming the problem of incompatibility of partners during conception depends on the reason that caused it. There may be several such reasons.

Immunological (in conclusions they often write biological) incompatibility

Its frequency is about 10% of all diagnosed cases. The mechanism by which incompatibility of partners occurs during conception is most similar to the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the female body. The immune system attacks sperm with antibodies and kills them even before conception. Such incompatibility at conception is determined by the amount of antibodies produced by a woman to a man’s sperm. In a man, the number of active and dead sperm is determined.

Pathological incompatibility of partners during conception

Its signs are very similar to the biological form, with the only difference being that the cause of sperm rejection is the man’s low immunity, when the cells cannot withstand the first wave of antibodies. This also includes indolent diseases that cause complications or directly affect the genitourinary system. Frequent sexual intercourse with different partners, without sufficient contraception.

Incompatibility at conception due to Rh factor

It is considered the most difficult case of incompatibility as such, since a reliable way to overcome it has not yet been found. The Rh factor itself is a protein compound. If it is present in blood R-F positive if there is no R-F negative. In the case when women have R-F +, and man R-F- no problems arise, but when it turns around - the female body produces antibodies to this protein and kills the sperm, the embryo and the embryo, if it comes to it throughout the entire pregnancy.

In this case, incompatibility during conception according to R-F will manifest itself more and more with each subsequent attempt at conception. Carrying out tests will allow us to determine the extent to which signs of incompatibility between partners are manifested during conception and decide whether it is possible to save the pregnancy by taking immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory drugs or whether it is better to abandon pregnancy altogether and turn to the services of a surrogate mother.

If a couple still risks maintaining a pregnancy, they should be prepared for the fact that the child may be born defective or with deformities. To prevent sad consequences, the couple should be tested for the Rh factor and determine compatibility. It is important to do this not at conception, but long before it, so that if compatibility is negative, the doctor can prepare the female body in advance.

Microflora incompatibility at conception

These manifestations are recorded least often. Only 2 - 3% of those examined receive a similar diagnosis. The whole problem is in the too aggressive environment of the female body, which for some reason does not change at the moment of ovulation of the egg and continues to mercilessly suppress sperm, considering them viruses or other pathogenic microorganisms.

At the time of preparation for ovulation, the hormone progesterone changes the mucus in the vagina to a composition that does not suppress, but maintains sperm activity. Sometimes, the cause of suppression is the pathogenic microflora of the vagina, formed as a result of the development of microorganisms. Cure is possible after taking mucus samples for analysis, determining sensitivity to antibiotics and a course of treatment.

Can the incompatibility of partners at conception be genetic?

Maybe. Conception is impossible in such cases due to the fact that the egg carries an antigen (leukocyte). This antigen scans the man’s genetic material and if the similarity is too great, the process of producing antibodies is triggered to kill the conception. A special analysis helps identify the possibility or impossibility of conception due to genetic incompatibility.

There is a solution to the problem; conception is possible by artificial insemination, as well as by in vitro fertilization. Both methods are implemented after a special training program.


A large number of options for incompatibility between partners should not frighten a family when it comes to conceiving a child. It is far from a fact that your couple is incompatible with you. Moreover, as can be seen from the material, almost all manifestations of incompatibility can be modeled and treated, which will lead to the birth of a child. The main thing is not to panic and be prepared.

Natalia Ilyukhina

When dating, falling in love and starting a family, people rarely think that they have different blood types and Rh factors. The birth of a child is taken for granted, and people do not understand how lucky they are - especially if one of them has group 4, and the other has group 1, and their Rhesus numbers do not match.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, they begin to look for the reason for this. Why nature does not notice in some cases the incompatibility of the blood groups of partners, while for others this becomes an obstacle to conception is unclear. However, modern medicine has already learned to help such families.

Signs of incompatibility of partners during conception

There are special tests - their name is postcoital. In order to be tested, some preparation is required.

So how is the incompatibility of spouses for conception determined?

  • A reliable indicator is determined if self-examination is carried out during the ovulation phase;
  • It is necessary to abstain from sexual activity for 3 days;
  • Before sexual intercourse, you need to wash yourself thoroughly - without using perfumes for intimate hygiene;
  • After sexual intercourse, you need to lie quietly on your back for about half an hour, placing a pillow under your pelvis to preserve as much seminal fluid as possible;
  • There is no need to wash before visiting a doctor - otherwise the analysis will show an incorrect result;
  • After 6 hours - no later than 10 - you need to visit a gynecologist.

The doctor won’t do anything terrible, it won’t hurt. A smear is taken on a gynecological chair, as during a routine examination.

A smear - a secretion from the vagina in which female secretions and sperm are mixed - is placed under glass and examined under a microscope.

During the study it is necessary to determine:

  • mucus crystallization rate;
  • consistency of the secretion;
  • acidity – pH value;
  • extensibility.

The activity - mobility - of sperm is detected - it is classified into 4 degrees:

  • A – high progressive;
  • B – linear and nonlinear, slow;
  • B – non-progressive mobility;
  • D – sperm are not viable.

If the detected sperm motility is grade B and D, the cervical mucus is thick and viscous, quickly crystallized, the environment is acidic, this means that the spouses are incompatible at conception. To plan a family in this case, you need to turn to specialists for help.

Blood group incompatibility at conception

The onset of conception is also affected by the incompatibility of the partners' blood. Although it is believed that the most dangerous mismatch of Rh factors is, blood groups also matter.

Group 1 blood is considered the most favorable for motherhood. If the mother’s blood is also Rh positive, then to the question: “ Can there be incompatibility of partners during conception?” they answer firmly - NO.

Antibodies to a foreign object are not produced, sperm are not rejected, and subsequent pregnancy - if there are no other factors influencing its course - proceeds normally. Whatever the group difference between the spouses, this does not interfere with conception.

If the blood of the parents matches the Rh factor - even if the groups do not match - then the long-awaited pregnancy can be on time. In this case, pregnancy proceeds easily - the child inherits the Rhesus of the parents, no problems arise.

If, in case of a mismatch in groups or Rhesus, the fetus has maternal indicators, signs of incompatibility will not arise. Both organisms do not have agglutinin in the blood, and then the woman carries the pregnancy safely.

Incompatibility at conception is called immunological infertility. In this case, the partner’s immunological cells are perceived by the female body as a foreign body and are destroyed.

A woman's blood produces antibodies that kill sperm at the stage of fusion with the egg. If conception does occur, this usually happens when, due to a decrease in immune status, antibodies cease to be produced.

But at the embryonic stage, the body already mobilizes all its forces to fight the “enemy”, and the mother’s red blood cells, penetrating the placenta, destroy the fetal red blood cells.

Until medicine knew how to treat incompatibility during conception, couples remained infertile, and even if they managed to “deceive” nature, the long-awaited pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

For the mother's body, this struggle did not end with the rejection of the foreign element. The woman had to recover for a long time, as the liver worked “for wear and tear”, significantly increasing in size. This caused the development of anemia - anemia.

If a woman did carry the pregnancy to term, then the baby – who had been fighting for survival for all 9 months – was born weak. He was diagnosed with physiological jaundice, which had to be treated for a long period, and sometimes with dropsy of the brain and even mental retardation, since physiological abnormalities at the embryonic stage affect the state of the brain and central nervous system.

Risk zone by blood type

Conception easily occurs if the blood type of a woman and a man are the same, or if a woman - if we consider the digital factor - has a lower group.

It is most difficult for a woman with blood group 4 to become pregnant; she needs to meet a man with the same group and - preferably - with the same Rh factor.

However, blood groups still matter much less than the Rh factor, and they begin to “do” it only if the spouses cannot fulfill their dream of having a child for a long time.

What to do if there is incompatibility during conception?

You need to start planning your pregnancy in advance - doctors will help you calculate best time for conception, the introduction of immunoglobulins will prepare the mother’s body for the implantation of the fetus.

Medicine has given a definition to this phenomenon - incompatibility at conception. It can be detected by many signs, but most often the signs of incompatibility of partners during conception are expressed in the following:

  • It is impossible to get pregnant for a long time. If, in the absence of constant sexual activity, you cannot get pregnant within twelve months, then this is a reason to contact a doctor.
  • Miscarriages that occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. The woman's body rejects the embryo. In this case, it is also necessary to contact the antenatal clinic as soon as possible.

But don’t despair - modern medicine knows ways to get pregnant if spouses are incompatible.

Types of couple incompatibility during conception

Medicine distinguishes two types:

  1. Genetic. This species can lead to genetic abnormalities in the fetus. They, in turn, can provoke the appearance of various pathologies, such as Down syndrome.
  2. Immune. In this case, the male sperm is rejected by the partner’s body. This phenomenon occurs due to Rh conflict. Those. partners have different Rh factors. In this case, even if a woman manages to get pregnant, there is a high chance that the pregnancy will be terminated by a miscarriage. To minimize this likelihood, a pregnant woman should be under the supervision of doctors throughout the entire period of gestation.

Features of immune incompatibility

This type of incompatibility of partners for conception is not a verdict against pregnancy. But a woman should not be careless about her health. If, then you need to immediately contact your doctor so that he can fully monitor all stages of pregnancy and adjust it if necessary. Otherwise, there will be a high risk of miscarriage.

This incompatibility manifests itself in the fact that the partner’s sperm is perceived by the female body as a foreign body that needs to be isolated and destroyed, which is what antibodies do. There are frequent cases of an allergic reaction to a man's own sperm. This causes male anti-sperm antibodies to block all attempts by sperm to fertilize a woman's egg.

To determine incompatibility, both partners must be examined. This test detects the antibodies produced. Thus, it avoids miscarriage and prevents fetal growth retardation. In addition, the cause of such incompatibility may be inflammatory processes in one of the partners.

Treatment methods for immune incompatibility

Every year medicine is gaining more and more opportunities to identify and treat immune incompatibility between spouses. Most often, the following methods are used for this:

  • You must use condoms during sexual intercourse for several months. This should reduce the woman’s body’s reaction to her partner’s sperm.
  • Treat with immunostimulants.
  • Take medications to suppress immune system reactions.
  • Intrauterine injection of semen.
  • Take antihistamines.

The decision on how to get pregnant and how to preserve the fetus is made by the doctor. He selects a whole range of methods with which possible problems will be eliminated. And the woman, for her part, must strictly follow all the doctor’s advice and be attentive to her body.

Features of genetic incompatibility

This type of incompatibility leads to rejection of the fetus by the woman’s body. This is due to the different Rh factors of men and women. Moreover, the blood type does not play any role - the main thing is that there is the same Rh factor. If one partner is negative and the other is positive, then the chances of having a sick child increase.

But with genetic incompatibility, miscarriages often occurred. At the same time, it was found that the chances of having a healthy child are high for partners whose blood type is greater for the man than for the woman.

Treatment methods for genetic incompatibility

To conceive a child with a different Rh factor, constant consultation with a doctor is required. To prevent the negative consequences of pregnancy in such conditions, a specialist administers immunoglobulin at the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy and a few days after birth. If incompatibility reaches a critical level, then you have to resort to blood transfusion.

The subtlety of this type of incompatibility is that conflict can only arise during childbirth, when the blood of the mother and father are mixed. If the doctor is informed about such incompatibility, then eliminating it is not difficult. Signs of genetic incompatibility appear during the second pregnancy. Therefore, all parents should carefully consider this issue and consult a doctor.

For modern medicine, infertility associated with incompatibility of partners is not incurable. The most important thing is to complete all procedures on time and follow all doctor’s recommendations. If their parents want, they will succeed.

Sometimes a completely healthy married couple cannot conceive a child for a very long time. Perhaps the culprit for this situation is the genetic incompatibility of husband and wife. In this case, the antigens of the future parents are very similar to each other. Oddly enough, such similarity from a genetic point of view is a negative factor.

This deviation in the interaction of antibodies does not allow carrying a child to term even in the case of successful fertilization: the pregnancy is terminated in the very early stages.

However, modern medicine has found ways to solve this problem. Therefore, when planning to conceive, it is imperative to consult an experienced geneticist. The doctor will prescribe genetic tests and, if necessary, appropriate treatment. After it, most spouses successfully become parents.

What is genetic incompatibility of spouses, what danger does it pose during conception? In order to answer this question, you need to know some structural features of human cells. Each of them has a special antigen on its surface - a protein called HLA. This abbreviation stands for human leukocyte antigen.

When pathogenic bacteria, viruses or even cancer cells enter the human body, the proteins immediately send a signal to the immune system. The immune response manifests itself in the immediate attack of “enemy” microorganisms with antibodies, the purpose of which is to eliminate harmful bacteria.

When conception occurs, the female body reacts to the fetus as a hostile element, because it also contains the genes of the father. However, simultaneously with this process, the expectant mother’s body triggers the production of antigens, which serve as reliable protection for the placenta and embryo from the “army” of maternal immunity.

This protection scheme only applies in case of genetic compatibility, that is, if the genes of the parents have different structures.

If the husband’s leukocyte antigen is the same or very similar to his wife’s cells, then the female body does not produce protective bodies. Moreover, the presence of an embryo is perceived by him as his own “low-quality” cell, so the “army of defenders” does everything possible to get rid of the foreign object. This is the essence of genetic incompatibility.

Pregnancies that occur due to genetic incompatibility very rarely end successfully. Most often it does not last more than 4 days. That is, a woman may not even suspect that conception has occurred, and takes the bleeding that occurs during a miscarriage as the beginning of the next menstrual cycle.

The genetic compatibility of spouses is fixed if the parents' chromosomes differ from each other. The more differences, the higher the chances of successfully conceiving and bearing a child. And, conversely, the more similar the chromosomes are, the more serious the issue of genetic incompatibility will be.

Is incompatibility curable?

There are very few cases where a complete gene match was diagnosed. And doctors have already learned to regulate the interaction of partially similar genes.

A timely genetic study when planning a pregnancy will allow you to identify disorders and begin to correct them. In this case, therapy is carried out before conception, during it and during the first months of pregnancy.

After testing for genetic compatibility is completed, the doctor will analyze the results and prescribe the desired type of therapy. It will allow you not only to get pregnant quickly, but also to carry your baby to term without complications until birth.

The nature of the treatment will depend on how similar the genes are in the future parents. Sometimes it is assigned to both spouses, and in some cases it is enough to undergo it only to the expectant mother. Medications administered intravenously to a woman help the immune system recognize foreign chromosomes and not kill them.

IVF or ICSI procedures may be offered as alternative treatments. However, you need to understand that each organism is individual, so you need to solve the problem in this way after consulting a geneticist.

Tests and genetic consultation

A consultation with a geneticist when planning a pregnancy necessarily includes an interpretation of the results of genetic tests. After all, only they can confirm or refute the diagnosis.
When planning a pregnancy, genetic tests are carried out about two weeks. For the study, you will need venous blood from two spouses.

Leukocytes are isolated from the blood using special reagents, because they contain the largest number of antigens. In this case, geneticists use the polymerase chain reaction method, which allows one to accurately determine the HLA phenotype.

Once the DNA analysis of each spouse is completed, they are compared. The presence of already two matches can become a factor that provokes permanent terminations of pregnancy or the inability to conceive.

Only a specialist in the field of genetics can decipher the results of such analyzes and draw conclusions about the presence of genetic incompatibility.

In medicine, there are cases where couples with genetic incompatibility successfully gave birth to healthy children without drug treatment. That is, if a woman managed to get pregnant and carry the baby for at least the first trimester, most likely she will give birth to him safely.

However, with such a diagnosis, it is better not to take risks, because very similar genes can cause various pathologies in the development of the fetus and lead to the birth of a sick child. Therefore, a full-type genetic blood test performed while planning a pregnancy can protect you from possible unpleasant surprises.

Treatment methods

Doctors learned how to safely maintain a pregnancy in such an unusual situation more than 30 years ago.
Several methods were used for this.

For example, a small piece of skin tissue was excised from a man and “implanted” into the body of his pregnant wife. The woman’s immune system continued to attack foreign cells. Only in this case, the role of the “stranger” was not the developing fetus, but the skin of the spouse. Also, to maintain pregnancy, the woman’s blood was “cleansed” of antibodies or the immunity of the expectant mother was reduced.

Modern medicine has in its arsenal safer and effective ways solving the problem of genetic incompatibility. One of the most popular methods is immunocytotherapy.

Immunocytotherapy for genetic incompatibility

The immunocytotherapy technique was developed and put into practice by Russian doctors. For many years now, with its help, many married couples have realized themselves as parents. The undoubted advantage of the technique is its effectiveness and the absence of complications after implementation. Moreover, it does not cause pain.

How does the procedure work?

To carry out the procedure, you will need the spouse’s venous blood, from which leukocytes are separated. The resulting material is injected subcutaneously into the expectant mother.

Red blood cells, which are removed from the husband’s blood, are responsible for determining the blood group and its Rh factor. The remaining leukocytes do not carry such an information load; they are neutral. Therefore, these indicators are not important for the procedure.

After the injection, a woman may feel slight redness and itching at the injection site. After a few days, the symptoms will disappear on their own.

As soon as the spouse’s lymphocytes penetrate the blood of the expectant mother, her immunity begins to intensively supply antibodies. They will become reliable protectors of the fetus and placenta from death in the future.

Stages of immunocytotherapy

Immunocytotherapy is carried out in several stages, each of which is necessary for an effective result.
First, the introduction of leukocytes is carried out according to the doctor’s recommendation;
The second injection is carried out 7 days after the first. Immediately after the procedure, the spouses need to begin conceiving;
The third stage of introducing the solution is carried out only when conception has occurred;
The last two injections will be prescribed individually by the gynecologist during the first trimester of pregnancy.


The immunocytotherapy procedure is safe and suitable for almost everyone.

The exception is couples who have suffered infectious diseases. For example, a spouse with a history of hepatitis will not allow this procedure to be performed. But even in this case, do not despair. An experienced doctor will not only tell you about possible contraindications to immunocytotherapy, but will also suggest others, no less effective methods elimination of genetic incompatibility.

We can safely say that genetic incompatibility is not a death sentence. With the help of modern medicine methods and timely examination by an experienced geneticist, you can successfully become happy parents.

A healthy sexual relationship is an essential part of a healthy relationship between a man and a woman. If for some reason sex brings discomfort to one of the partners, then serious problems can arise both with the person’s health and in the relationship.

Normally, each person has various bacteria living in the genital area, which create a healthy microflora. If a microflora disorder occurs in the body of one of the partners, this can lead to incompatibility. Let's consider why incompatibility of the microflora of partners occurs, and whether it is possible to get rid of it.

Men and women have different bacteria living in the genital area: beneficial and pathogenic. Beneficial bacteria maintain normal health and keep harmful microbes from multiplying. If the immune system fails to cope and the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, dysbacteriosis may occur.

Only healthy microflora in both men and women can be completely compatible. Therefore, the main reason for microflora incompatibility is considered to be an imbalance in the body of one of the partners.

The following negative factors can cause microflora incompatibility:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • physiological hormonal changes, for example, during menstruation, pregnancy;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • candidiasis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • vaginal dysbiosis caused by antibiotics;
  • improper intimate hygiene;
  • postpartum period.

To identify the cause of discomfort during and after sexual intercourse, a couple must consult with specialists: a gynecologist and a urologist.


As a rule, when changing a sexual partner, adaptation to its microflora necessarily takes place. If the man and woman are completely healthy, then this process does not bring any unpleasant sensations. But if there is a violation, the following symptoms of incompatibility of the microflora of partners may occur:

  • constant itching and burning in the genital area;
  • unusual discharge, for example, too thick or very thin, yellow or green, with an unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse and immediately after it;
  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • microcracks may appear on a man’s penis;
  • a woman does not enjoy sex because of unpleasant sensations.

At the initial stage of the pathology, the symptoms may be quite mild, but if left untreated, the condition only worsens. Thus, incompatibility of microflora can cause serious discord in relationships and even separation. And in some cases, problems with microflora became the cause of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs and even infertility.


If symptoms of incompatibility between the flora of partners appear, you should definitely visit a doctor. The doctor will order tests and make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct therapy. Timely treatment will help quickly eliminate the cause of the unpleasant symptom and restore normal sex life.

If the cause of microflora incompatibility is inflammation, fungal or bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or antiprotozoal drugs for use by both partners. After which it will be recommended to use lactobacilli to restore the microflora. During the treatment period, you can only have sex with a condom.

Treatment of microflora incompatibility is quite lengthy. It is not enough to just take the prescribed medications; the couple is advised to reconsider their lifestyle. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the genitals; it is better to use special gels for intimate hygiene.

It is also very important to strengthen the immune system. To do this, you need to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and exercise. If your doctor recommends, you can take vitamin complexes. In any case, treatment should be comprehensive and long-term; stopping it prematurely is not recommended.

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