Uterine tone at 25 weeks of pregnancy causes. Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms, increased cervical tone. Reasons for increased uterine tone

Today, modern medicine is already at the level where a child can be born even in the second trimester of pregnancy, while remaining alive and healthy. The main reason childbirth during this period of pregnancy is a high tone of the uterus in the second trimester.

Doctors call the second trimester of pregnancy the period from 13 to 27 weeks. During this period of pregnancy, the woman still has a relatively small belly, due to which the load is almost not noticeable in comparison with the third trimester. At this time, the baby is fully formed, while he, as before, is developing extremely actively, becoming longer and gaining the missing weight. At the beginning of this stage of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus ranges from 300 to 500 grams, but during the second three months of pregnancy, its size doubles and its weight approaches one kilogram.

Uterine tone at 17, 18, 19 or 20 weeks of pregnancy is a particularly alarming signal. It is for this reason that any visit to a gynecologist must include palpation of the abdomen. This action can show whether the uterus is in good shape or everything is normal.

The main causes of hypertension

  • strong physical activity. Long trips, housework, improperly performed sports activities, and heavy lifting all cause tension in the uterus. It is extremely important that in the second trimester of pregnancy a woman completely eliminates all physical activity, tries to rest as much as possible, and takes an afternoon nap;
  • at 21, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 weeks of pregnancy, uterine tone can be caused by various TORCH infections, among which the most popular are toxoplasma and cytomegalovirus. In order to prevent a pregnant woman from developing hypertonicity precisely because of the presence of an infection, doctors advise regularly taking tests in the hospital to determine the presence of causative agents of these infections in your body;
  • emotional disorders and stressful situations. It is highly undesirable for women who find themselves in an interesting position to cry, since it is during this action that involuntary contraction of the muscles of the uterus occurs. Such an action can cause hypertension, thereby harming both the expectant mother and the unborn child.

How can you independently understand that the uterus is in good shape?

Most often, uterine tone in the 2nd trimester is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • the uterus becomes incredibly hard, it seems as if it is “turning to stone”, it may seem that it is contracting directly from the inside, and your baby simply does not fit in it;
  • pain may occur in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by tension and heaviness;
  • discomfort may occur in the back and pubic area;
  • pain occurs, which in its nature may vaguely resemble the onset of contractions.

Uterine tone 16-27 weeks of pregnancy, what to do?

To remove the tone of the uterus means to relax it, thereby reducing its activity. A pregnant woman can get the desired result only if her state is peaceful and calm. It is for this reason that all pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor, this makes it possible to be sure that everything is being done correctly. The most important thing is not to worry; uterine tone at 25 weeks of pregnancy, if not removed, can cause premature birth. After consulting a doctor, a woman may be advised to stay in bed at the onset of hypertension; in addition, she should also drink all sorts of sedatives that can reduce spasms of the uterine walls. If there is high uterine tone, the pregnant woman can be sent to a hospital in order to prevent the possibility of abnormal development of the fetus. Often, to reduce uterine spasms, doctors can prescribe a remedy such as Magne B6, which can normalize metabolism in a woman’s body, thereby increasing immunity and maintaining a normal nervous system.

Even those who have never carried a child under their hearts have heard it. This condition, unfortunately, occurs so often that it would not hurt both pregnant women and those planning to conceive to know about it.

What is increased uterine tone?

To answer this question, let's first figure out what kind of organ it is. The uterus is a hollow, contractile, muscular organ, the basis of which is the myometrium. Naturally, it increases during pregnancy. At the same time, each muscle fiber lengthens 10-12 times and thickens 4-5 times. Nature has arranged it so that normally, for 9 months, the muscles of the uterus are in a calm (relaxed) state. This allows you to carry the child to term. Also, normally, the uterus contracts slightly at times; this happens closer to the expected date of birth. Such contractions are called training contractions. This is like a dress rehearsal before the main event - the birth of a baby. But it happens that during a long period of pregnancy (in some cases, throughout the entire gestation period), the muscles of the uterus are in an excited, contracted state. The muscle layer of this organ contracts (its tone increases) - the pressure in the uterine cavity increases. Unfortunately this pathological condition requiring appropriate and timely treatment because it is a symptom of a threat or

Causes of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

As a rule, the occurrence of increased tone (hypertonicity) of the uterus is facilitated by fear, overexcitation or overstrain of muscle fibers caused by excessive physical activity.

If the tone occurs on early stages pregnancy, this may be caused by hormonal disorders, in particular, decreased production of progesterone. As a rule, increased uterine tone in the second trimester usually appears due to overload at work or poor lifestyle. In addition, hypertonicity can occur due to inflammatory and structural changes (uterine fibroids, endometriosis). Increased tone can be caused by overstretching of the uterine muscles, which occurs due to multiple pregnancies or a large fetus. Moreover, increased uterine tone can occur as a result of a history of acute respiratory infections or other diseases (influenza, sore throat, pyelonephritis), previous abortions, bad habits (smoking, etc.). In the third trimester of pregnancy, increased uterine tone can lead to premature birth.

How does a woman feel in this state?

  • unpleasant squeezing or aching pain in the lower abdomen (can be either barely noticeable or severe); often they are similar to those experienced by a woman before or during menstruation;
  • abdominal tension (it becomes hard, as if made of stone);
  • often - unpleasant or lower back pain;

In some cases, pain may be accompanied by bleeding. If this happens, go to the doctor immediately. Also urgent medical care requires a condition when a woman experiences cramping pain at intervals of several minutes.

What if you don’t see a doctor? What could be the consequences?

Unfortunately, not the best. Increased tone can lead to spontaneous abortion at any stage. If this happens in the first trimester, they will talk about a miscarriage, in the later trimester - about premature birth. In addition, increased uterine tone threatens with another complication: the risk of pregnancy fading.

Even if the tone is not so significant as to lead to such sad consequences, then this is not the best way will affect the baby's health. The fact is that a frequent increase in the tone of the uterus provokes oxygen starvation, since the blood supply is disrupted.

Treatment of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

You should inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about the occurrence of this condition as soon as possible. He will tell you how to behave in order to reduce the risk of complications, and, if necessary, prescribe medication.

Fortunately, increased uterine tone is highly treatable. The first thing the doctor will require is to ensure a calm regime and normalization of the patient’s psycho-emotional state. Now, more than ever, it is very important for a pregnant woman to establish a normal work and rest schedule, proper sleep, sufficient time in the fresh air, and feasible physical activity. With increased uterine tone, bed rest is often prescribed and sexual activity is completely prohibited. If necessary, the woman is hospitalized and treated in a hospital setting. Drug treatment is also used for this condition. To relieve stress and provide psychological comfort, sedatives (tincture of motherwort and valerian) are prescribed. If these drugs are not effective in a particular case, Sibazol, Nozepam, Trioxazine, etc. are prescribed. To relax the uterine muscles, antispasmodics (No-shpu, Papaverine) are used. Magne-B6 is often used. If the reason for the increase in tone is insufficient progesterone, use the drugs Duphaston and Utrozhestan (up to 16 weeks). Drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus (for example, Ginipral) and calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine, Corinfar) have proven themselves to be effective. To stop bleeding, hemostatic medications (Dicinone, Sodium Etamsylate) are prescribed. In addition, if increased uterine tone is diagnosed on later pregnancy - a woman is prescribed IVs. Intravenous administration of a 25% solution of sulfuric acid and 10% alcohol can alleviate the situation. In addition to the above treatment options for increased tone, a fortified diet is used, as well as physiotherapy, acupuncture and psychotherapy.

If the spasms began suddenly and are very severe, then you can take 2 tablets of No-Shpa or put a suppository with Papaverine. The next step in this case is to immediately consult a doctor. Even if the pain has passed, do not ignore this issue and do not ignore a visit to the antenatal clinic.

Remember: how you behave in this or that case depends not only on the health of your unborn baby, but even his life.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

The tone was strong from the 26th week, it was kept in storage until the 38th week, then they had a cesarean procedure. The tone was so frequent, literally within 5-10-15 minutes. Mostly I lay down, injected ginepral, magnesia, drank B6 and motherwort, of course. Tone is no joke, while I was in the maternity hospital I heard a lot scary stories from girls whose tone led to premature birth. So, take care of your children, and if something happens, call an ambulance and go to the emergency room!!! I wish everyone the birth of healthy children!!!

girls, 25th week, the uterus is toned (often), although ultrasound does not confirm this. what medications were prescribed to you... and I got the best answer

Answer from ЂА$ьКа[guru]
Throughout the pregnancy I was in good shape due to nervousness. In the butt Papaverine, in the mouth No-shpu or Drotaverine, which is absolutely the same thing, but cheaper. You can take valerian in tablets, 1 piece per day, it will relieve nervousness and you will be happy. I gave birth to an absolutely healthy girl at 41 weeks, and I wish the same for you. (Well, I don’t know who it will be, a boy or a girl))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: girls, 25th week, the uterus is toned (often), although ultrasound does not confirm this. what medications were prescribed to you...

Answer from Tatyana Ryzhova[guru]
tone is not a disaster. this is the activity of the uterus. contractions and compressions. but shpu is possible. one tablet a day. or even 2 pieces a day is possible if you have a strong tone. Take vitamins, relax more often + sexual rest is desirable.

Answer from tata[guru]
the first was a premature birth... when leaving the maternity hospital, the doctor advised me to drink wine... which saved me next pregnancies.. children were born on time... .well, it’s clear that the measure is reasonable....

Answer from Ksssyu[newbie]

Answer from Alexandra Bikuzina[newbie]
TONE CAN BE CONFUSED WITH FALSE CONTRACTIONS, they are also called “Braxton Hicks contractions.” They appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or rather, before the woman simply does not feel them, which, however, is individual and depends on the threshold of sensitivity to pain. An increase in uterine tone occurs quite often during the day, but a woman is busy with household chores or other activities during the daytime and does not notice these short-term and not very painful contractions of the uterus. The incidence of false contractions increases with increasing gestational age, but training contractions are not regular and their duration often does not exceed 2 minutes. Most pregnant women describe false contractions in approximately the same way: for a short time the stomach tenses, hardens, turns to stone, contracts, then releases. To reduce the frequency of false contractions, their pain, and even the possibility of the baby being born prematurely, the following recommendations must be followed: 1. False contractions occur more often when a pregnant woman engages in even light physical activity. If training contractions cause severe discomfort, it is recommended to lie down or vice versa, get up and take a light walk, in any case change your activity, drink a glass of water, take a warm shower. 2.Do not stand on your feet for a long time; if possible, sit and rest. Ensure yourself proper rest and adequate sleep. But don’t go to extremes; don’t lie down all day. The occurrence and intensification of training contractions can be caused by lifting or carrying heavy weights. 3.The early occurrence of false contractions, which can lead to premature birth, is facilitated by smoking, drinking alcohol and certain medications. 4. A sharp increase in physical activity can provoke the appearance and intensification of false contractions.

Answer from Alyona[guru]

Answer from Annushka[guru]
Everyone has long known that it is Magnesium that helps relieve muscle hypertonicity. Well, maybe not for everyone.... I just went in for sports and knew this fact from my training days :) I was not surprised when I was diagnosed with hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus at the 6th week (it PASTED THE WHOLE PREGNANCY) and was prescribed Magne B6, however This drug is not cheap and I found an absolute analogue at an affordable price, "Magnelis B6"

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]

Answer from Olga Golubenko[guru]
I went through my entire pregnancy with good health. In the early stages, Magne B6, Reabal, Viburkol suppositories or No-shpa were prescribed. From the 27th week they began to prescribe verapamil, and after 30 minutes Ginipral (that’s how they are taken), sometimes droppers with magnesium. There was some relief, but sometimes the tone was repeated until the birth. You need to see a doctor, you need the doctor to palpate the abdomen and determine the tone. And the doctor will prescribe treatment. You cannot take any of the medications without a doctor.

Answer from MomDasha[guru]

Answer from Victoria Vishnevskaya[newbie]

Answer from Џshka[guru]

Answer from tata[guru]
the first was a premature birth... upon discharge from the maternity hospital, the doctor advised drinking wine... which saved the following pregnancies... the children were born on time... .
Well, it’s clear that the measure is reasonable....

Answer from Ksssyu[newbie]
Even a doctor can determine the tone of the uterus during palpation, without any ultrasound. It is advisable to get plenty of rest and not put stress on the body. But only doctors can prescribe medicines; this is generally not the case. antenatal clinic and in the maternity hospital they prescribe it, you can sign up for a day hospital, there in a week you will be relieved of the tone before the end of your term, contact a doctor.

Answer from Alexandra Bikuzina[newbie]
TONE CAN BE CONFUSED WITH FALSE CONTRACTIONS, they are also called “Braxton Hicks contractions.” They appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or rather, before the woman simply does not feel them, which, however, is individual and depends on the threshold of sensitivity to pain. An increase in uterine tone occurs quite often during the day, but a woman is busy with household chores or other activities during the daytime and does not notice these short-term and not very painful contractions of the uterus. The incidence of false contractions increases with increasing gestational age, but training contractions are not regular and their duration often does not exceed 2 minutes. Most pregnant women describe false contractions in approximately the same way: for a short time the stomach tenses, hardens, turns to stone, contracts, then releases.
To reduce the frequency of false contractions, their pain, and even the possibility of the baby being born prematurely, you must follow the following recommendations:
1. False contractions occur more often when a pregnant woman engages in even light physical activity. If training contractions cause severe discomfort, it is recommended to lie down or vice versa, get up and take a light walk, in any case change your activity, drink a glass of water, take a warm shower.
2.Do not stand on your feet for a long time; if possible, sit and rest. Ensure yourself proper rest and adequate sleep. But don’t go to extremes; don’t lie down all day.
The occurrence and intensification of training contractions can be caused by lifting or carrying heavy weights.
3.The early occurrence of false contractions, which can lead to premature birth, is facilitated by smoking, drinking alcohol and certain medications.
4. A sharp increase in physical activity can provoke the appearance and intensification of false contractions.

Answer from Alyona[guru]
My uterus was also often in good shape. I was in conservancy 3 times, got injections of drataverine (but spa), physical therapy room, pills (I don’t remember which ones). It’s not good if the stomach hurts, the walls of the uterus are pressing on the baby, you need to relax. Gave birth at 41 weeks)

Answer from Annushka[guru]
Everyone has long known that it is Magnesium that helps relieve muscle hypertonicity. Well, maybe not for everyone.... I just played sports and knew this fact from my training days :)
I was not surprised when I was diagnosed with hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus at the 6th week (it PASTED THE WHOLE PREGNANCY) and was prescribed Magne B6, but this drug is not cheap and I found an absolute analogue at an affordable price, Magnelis B6.

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]
same story, papaverine, everything ended well - my son was born at 38 weeks

Answer from Olga Golubenko[guru]
I went through my entire pregnancy with good health. In the early stages, Magne B6, Reabal, Viburkol suppositories or No-shpa were prescribed. From the 27th week they began to prescribe verapamil, and after 30 minutes Ginipral (that’s how they are taken), sometimes droppers with magnesium. There was some relief, but sometimes the tone was repeated until the birth.
You need to see a doctor, you need the doctor to palpate the abdomen and determine the tone. And the doctor will prescribe treatment. You cannot take any of the medications without a doctor.

Answer from MomDasha[guru]
I drank Magne B6 when I was toned up and gave birth on my own without any problems at 39 weeks

Answer from Victoria Vishnevskaya[newbie]
The uterus was in good shape from the 20th week. I was constantly nervous. Throughout the pregnancy (because of this there was tone) I gave birth at 40 weeks. 3 days

Answer from Џshka[guru]
tone that occurs as a result of any factors - sudden movements, stress, after sex, etc. and which goes away within a few minutes is a normal phenomenon and you do not need to take any pills.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here are other threads with similar questions.

More than 60% of pregnant women experience diagnosis of “uterine tone”. Why does the uterus become toned during pregnancy? Doctors say that hypertonicity is not a disease at all, but a symptom that signals that certain processes are occurring in the body of a pregnant woman.

Western doctors are even more loyal to the tone of the uterus: they believe that muscle tension is physiological in nature and does not need adjustment. Both Western and our doctors agree on one thing: if increased tone is detected, additional research must be carried out in order to prevent possible deviations and threats.

What does a toned uterus mean during pregnancy? Before we talk about the definition of the concept of “uterine tone,” let’s understand the structure of the uterus itself.

The uterus consists of three layers: perimeter, myometrium and endometrium. The middle layer, the myometrium, is muscle tissue. The myometrium is responsible for the tone of the uterus. During pregnancy, it stretches and relaxes, creating the most comfortable conditions for the baby. On the eve of childbirth, the myometrium begins to actively contract, helping the baby to be born.

Unauthorized contraction of the myometrium is the symptom called “uterine tone.” If, for various reasons, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract out of schedule, doctors talk about hypertonicity. Don’t be upset when you hear about this diagnosis: very often hypertension occurs for natural reasons. For example, a woman may become nervous during a gynecological examination, and the doctor will feel uterine contractions.

Short-term muscle contractions are not dangerous. But prolonged hypertonicity, as well as the presence of additional symptoms, such as a feeling of discomfort, cessation of fetal movements, may be a reason to prescribe additional studies.\

Prolonged hypertension is dangerous. The consequences of uterine tone differ in name, but do not differ in essence. In the 1st trimester, muscle contraction can lead to cessation of development and spontaneous termination of pregnancy, death of the embryo.

Special danger The tone of the uterus is present in the early stages of pregnancy. It is at this time that contraction of the uterine muscles can prevent the embryo from attaching to the surface of the endometrium, and pregnancy “will not take place.”

At later stages, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the same consequences of uterine tone during pregnancy are called differently: spontaneous abortion and premature birth. In other words, a woman may lose her child.

Prolonged uterine tone is harmful to the fetus. The muscles of the uterus contract and compress the placenta. The placenta does not deliver the required amount of oxygen. A fetus that does not receive enough oxygen may experience oxygen starvation— . Consequences of hypoxia: development and growth delay.

In later stages, uterine tone may be due to natural causes. The uterus is “training” and prepares for future births. Just as an athlete squeezes and unclenches his muscles to test their strength, so the uterus contracts and contracts, testing its own readiness for the upcoming “work.” The so-called occur in some pregnant women after 20 weeks.

Causes of uterine tone during pregnancy

Since hypertonicity is not a diagnosis, but a symptom, determining the causes of this condition is the primary task of a specialist. Only after determining the cause can treatment be prescribed.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity:

  • Hormonal disorders. It is responsible for the process of preparing the endometrium for the “implantation” of the fertilized egg and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus. A lack of progesterone in the body leads to the fact that the muscles of the uterus are too dense and prevent implantation of the embryo.
  • Rhesus conflict. The reason for the occurrence of Rh conflict is the difference in the Rh factor of the mother and father. The maternal organism with a positive Rh factor reacts to the fetus received from the father negative Rh factor as if it were a foreign body. As a result of Rh conflict, hypertonicity occurs.
  • Infections and inflammatory processes– a common cause of uterine tone. Untreated or occurring after pregnancy infectious diseases lead to the fact that the uterus “loses peace.” Inflammation is accompanied by additional symptoms: itching, pain, discharge.
  • Severe toxicosis. promotes the development of uterine tone for physiological reasons. Severe vomiting leads to a sharp contraction of many muscles, including the muscles of the uterus. It is impossible to get rid of toxicosis, but its consequences can be minimized with the help of a special diet and medications.
  • Uterine distension. The uterus can stretch excessively during multiple pregnancies, too large sizes fetus
  • Medicines. Taking any medications during pregnancy should be treated with extreme caution. You simply may not be aware of the side effects of some medications. Even the most harmless means can lead to increased muscle tone.
  • Stress– one of the most “popular” causes of tone. Pregnant women should not be nervous! In a stressful state, pressure rises, the muscles of the uterus contract, and the child suffers from a lack of oxygen.
  • Abortion. Abortions preceding pregnancy often lead to the appearance of synechiae - intrauterine adhesions. In this case, pregnancy may occur with complications: uterine tone,...
  • Gas formation. During pregnancy, changes occur in different systems of the body, including the digestive system. Increased gas formation and impaired peristalsis sometimes lead to hypertonicity.

How does uterine tone manifest during pregnancy? Very often, the presence of uterine tone is detected during a gynecological examination or. Interesting fact: Sometimes the causes of hypertension lie in the woman’s condition on the eve of the examination. The pregnant woman gets nervous and the uterus contracts.

In hospitals where pregnant women are placed “for preservation”, the following trick is used for the purity of the experiment: a morning examination in bed. The doctor approaches the woman who has just woken up and quickly palpates her stomach. The pregnant woman does not have time to get scared, and it turns out that she does not have any hypertension.

Signs of uterine tone appear depending on the duration of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy (1st trimester), symptoms of uterine tone - nagging pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region. In the 3rd trimester, as a symptom of uterine tone during pregnancy, a woman experiences tension, feeling of heaviness. The abdomen seems to turn to stone, becomes dense, and changes shape.

Diagnosis of uterine hypertonicity

Hypertonicity of the uterus can be a symptom of threatened miscarriage or premature birth. To avoid problems, you don’t need to be afraid, but you need to see a doctor regularly. Timely diagnosis can prevent the onset of dangerous consequences for the mother.

Hypertonicity of the uterus is determined on the basis of medical examination and ultrasound. By palpation, the obstetrician-gynecologist through the anterior abdominal wall can understand whether the uterus is in good shape. Also, to determine the tone of the uterus, a device is used blood pressure monitor, the sensors of which are attached to the pregnant woman’s belly.

How to treat and what to do for uterine tone during pregnancy? With “normal” uterine tone, doctors most often do not prescribe hospitalization.

We are talking about inpatient treatment if hypertension accompanied by additional symptoms: pain or bleeding. In this case, you must agree to hospitalization. You can’t provide yourself with bed rest at home, can you? It’s better to lie quietly in the hospital and let your family learn to cope without you for a while.

To reduce the tone of the uterus without the use of drugs in a hospital setting, following procedures:

  • endonasal galvanization;
  • electrophoresis with magnesium;
  • electroanalgesia;
  • electrorelaxation.

If, from the doctor’s point of view, manifestations of hypertonicity are not so dangerous, then outpatient treatment with mandatory bed rest. To reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, antispasmodic and sedative drugs are prescribed: “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”, “Magne-B6”. If the cause of hypertension lies in a lack of progesterone, hormone-containing drugs are prescribed: or.

How to relieve or slightly reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy at home? Lie down, calm down, forget about your household chores. Delegate housekeeping responsibilities to your husband. Take motherwort or valerian tincture. Remember that the most important thing for you now is the baby’s health, relax and finally get some sleep. As a rule, timely rest and taking natural or medicinal drugs (Magne-B6, for example) have the desired effect. Hypertonicity recedes and life gets better!

Your task is to prevent an increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. First of all, find out about your health problems before you conceive.

Get tested, cure infectious diseases, correct hormonal levels. Modern medicine knows and can do a lot, but it needs your help. Timely identification of health problems will help avoid unpleasant “surprises” during pregnancy.

Do not be nervous. Remember that your baby’s health is in your hands. Shield yourself from troubles and do not react to negative phenomena. Don't be shy about asking your loved ones to help you. If you have the slightest ailment, rest. According to your doctor's instructions, go to the hospital. Not so much to get treatment, but to get rid of problems at home. Doctors are well aware that they won’t let you rest at home, so they often prescribe hospital care “for prevention.” Take advantage of your position.

A pregnant woman instinctively feels what she needs. Trust your body, remember your intuition. Do you want fruit? This means your body needs. Need a rest? Immediately drop everything and “collapse” on the sofa.

  • Adjust your diet to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
  • If doctors have prescribed bed rest for you, do not act as a hero to the detriment of your baby. You need to lie down - lie down!
  • Do not neglect medications prescribed by your doctor. The drugs will relax the muscles and bring the uterus back to normal.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid water per day, unless a large number of fluids are contraindicated (polyhydramnios).
  • Take a walk, do exercises for pregnant women.
  • Avoid unnecessary physical activity. Pregnancy is not the time for lifting weights and sprinting.
  • Change your wardrobe. Put away tight clothes and instead buy special trousers with elastic at the top and a “blouse-blouse”.

Video about uterine tone during pregnancy

We invite you to watch the video in which you will find answers to many questions. Why does increased uterine tone occur? In what cases is this considered the norm, and in what cases is it not? Why do some women not have this diagnosis in early pregnancy?

Dear mothers, present and future! We all know what a huge responsibility lies on your shoulders. Let's help each other: Let's share our experience. Don't be shy, tell your stories, ask questions, argue. Let your advice and recommendations help other pregnant women understand their condition, overcome fear and turn into calm mothers beaming with blissful smiles.

The 25th week of pregnancy is already the seventh month! You have been gone for a full six months, however, obstetric months, which consist of 28 days or 4 weeks. This is a lot, but there are still 15 weeks ahead, so be strong and patient.

Let's see how our baby is doing at the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy?


He has already grown enough: at the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs about 700 g, its size from the crown to the heels is on average 34.5 cm. The baby’s development does not stop for a second! He is becoming more and more like a newborn, although he is not yet ready to show himself to this world. And, nevertheless, if for some reason the birth occurs next week, then the doctors will already be fighting for his life.

The lungs are preparing to take the first breath: the alveoli are beginning to mature, but they are not yet lined with surfactant, which will prevent them from sticking together during breathing. The auricle also continues to form - by its condition, doctors will judge the degree of full term of the child in the event of a premature birth.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the functions of hematopoiesis, as expected, are completely taken over by the bone marrow (previously they were performed by the liver and spleen).

At this stage, the baby’s sense of smell is already highly developed. He is also able to sense his mother's mood swings, and even feels pain like a newborn, smiling with joy or wincing with displeasure!

The child begins to actively grow muscles, bone tissue becomes stronger, so his movements and tremors will become more and more noticeable. On the ultrasound you can already see how he plays with the umbilical cord, sucks a finger, deftly grabs a leg with his hand, covers his face with his palms - the child’s movements are already well coordinated, moreover, the leading hand has been determined. The ultrasound specialist will also be able to determine the sex of the child, because the external genitalia have long been formed. Now, at the 25th week of pregnancy, the boy's testicles descend into the scrotum, and the girl's vagina takes shape.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of pregnancy

The ultrasound specialist will first of all assess the condition of the fetus and compare its size with the established gestational age: a large discrepancy will be a reason for additional research to exclude developmental delays.

The parameters of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy are approximately the following: head diameter - 62.3 mm, chest diameter - 63.1 mm, tummy diameter - 64.2 mm. An important indicator of a child’s vital activity is his heartbeat: now the small heart makes an average of 140-150 beats per minute, and its work is already so well audible that not only the doctor can hear the beat through a stethoscope, but if it is close to the abdominal wall, the dad can catch the mesmerizing rhythm , leaning his ear to his mother's belly.

The thickness of the placenta wall at the 25th week of pregnancy reaches 26.22 mm. If it was low, then there is a high probability that it will now begin to rise.

In addition, the ultrasound specialist is obliged to examine the condition and amount of amniotic fluid and the uterus - its size, surface and location.


At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the size of a soccer ball. Its bottom (that is, the upper part) rises above the pubis at a height of 25-27 cm. This indicator is very important, so the gynecologist checks the height of the fundus of the uterus at each of your visits. If the parameters diverge from the norms, then you will need to look for the cause of the violation. A smaller height and size may indicate a delay in fetal development, placental insufficiency; larger ones may indicate polyhydramnios or a multiple pregnancy.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow and is already training for childbirth, contracting from time to time. Therefore, you may feel mild cramping pains - they do not cause much discomfort and will soon pass. But if the pain intensifies and becomes more frequent, then you need to urgently go to the hospital.

The muscles that hold the uterus are constantly stretched and can also cause pain, especially when coughing, sneezing, sudden turns and movements.

Belly at 25 weeks of pregnancy

The abdomen gradually rounds, increasing in diameter by an average of 1 cm per week. It will seem to you that now the tummy will grow too quickly, which, in principle, is so: the baby is gaining weight.

Due to the growth of the uterus, fetus and abdomen, your gait, posture, and well-being change. The growing uterus puts pressure on the organs surrounding it, so shortness of breath, constipation and heartburn in the second half of pregnancy are not uncommon. Try to prevent these side effects from occurring. And if you fail, then learn to deal with them effectively. Pay attention to your diet (include one-day kefir, beets, prunes); if there are no contraindications to physical activity, do not stop it until the end of pregnancy.

Consult your doctor about wearing a prenatal bandage: it can greatly facilitate pregnancy and moderate the pain that may arise due to a large tummy.


In addition to the abdominal pain described, this is mainly pain in the back, lower back, sacrum, pelvic region, spine and under weight, possibly in the legs. These pains can be alleviated in many ways if you follow simple rules:

  • do not sit cross-legged or on a chair without a back;
  • try not to sit for long periods on hard surfaces;
  • learn to get out of bed and squat correctly;
  • Don’t be on your feet for a long time (don’t walk or stand a lot);
  • do not wear high-heeled shoes;
  • use a bandage and compression stockings;
  • do gymnastics for pregnant women.

You will have to endure pain in the hypochondrium, because the baby is growing faster and faster, and his legs are becoming stronger - so he pesters you with his blows. Try changing your position if the baby starts kicking.

Do not ignore pain in the anus. They may indicate developing hemorrhoids and are accompanied by itching, burning, and bleeding during bowel movements. If pain is felt during bowel movements, and a streak of blood is visible on the stool, then most likely it is from an anal fissure (the first thing you need to do is get rid of constipation).

If headaches often begin to bother you, then monitor the following symptoms: swelling of the hands and face, darkening of the eyes, whether the weight gain exceeds the norm, and whether the stomach hurts. The combination of these signs may indicate incipient preeclampsia, although it usually develops later in pregnant women.

Abdominal pain can also occur when there is a threat of premature birth or placental abruption, if it is accompanied by increased tone of the uterus (it becomes stiff) and spotting.


Normally, the discharge is transparent or whitish, liquid, sometimes copious, which can alarm a woman. They should not emit any strong odors or cause any discomfort. But sometimes it happens that water begins to leak in the second half of pregnancy. You need to clarify this issue with your gynecologist and make sure that everything is fine. Water leakage is dangerous, so in this case the woman is hospitalized. Water may leak in small portions, drop by drop, or pour out abruptly, wetting the laundry. Amniotic fluid have a yellowish color.

If there is a large amount of discharge, it has acquired a sour smell, has become cheesy and causes itching, burning and swelling of the genitals, then, obviously, your thrush has worsened. It must be treated before birth, since during the passage of the birth canal the child will also be infected. In the future, do not wear synthetic underwear and limit your consumption of flour and sweets.

The risk of developing other sexually transmitted infections remains high. You should be alerted to any changes in normal discharge. Consult your doctor for a smear if you have yellow, green, purulent, sallow, or brown discharge. A change in their consistency, appearance, smell and the appearance of additional alarming signs (discomfort, painful urination, increased body temperature, chills) should be a reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist.

Do not be alarmed by spotting or spotting that appears after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination and is not accompanied by abdominal pain. They, of course, are not the norm, but they do not indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy. Most likely, this is cervical erosion.


As you can see, a woman experiences many inconveniences at 25 weeks. But this is not all the sensations associated with pregnancy. Now the prevention of thrombosis is becoming relevant. If you are prone to varicose veins, then be sure to wear compression stockings. When the veins in the external genitalia expand, you need to lie down more. Your doctor may prescribe you medications to strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. Continue to walk and be active, but don't walk too much and put your feet up on an elevated platform at night.

At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s movements are no longer just noticeable, but can sometimes cause discomfort. to the expectant mother. This is due to the continuous growth of the fetus: there is less and less space left in the tummy, sometimes during revolutions you can observe how your stomach stretches, and the baby’s bone and muscle tissue strengthens enough to sometimes even cause pain to the mother. If you see that the belly has suddenly protested, then try to change the position of your body: perhaps it is uncomfortable for him or you have somewhere blocked the access of fresh blood to the placenta. For this reason, it is not recommended to lie on your back; the most physiological position for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.

Sex at 25 weeks pregnant

Don’t be confused by the fact that your child is already quite big and active. This is not at all an obstacle to having sex at 25 weeks of pregnancy, if there are no medical contraindications to it. Of course, many poses will no longer be available to you now. The most comfortable position for a large belly is the “dogi style” pose, or the cowgirl position. However, try to avoid deep penetrations and sudden rough movements.

It happens that a man is embarrassed by the fact that a child is in the womb of his wife. But if there are no threats to termination of pregnancy, then there is no need to worry: the child is reliably protected, and he is unlikely to be able to spy on and recognize sexual intercourse.

During this period, a woman can look at sex in a new way. It happens that only now is she able to experience an orgasm for the first time, or even several in a row. So don't miss this moment - enjoy it!


Now you should visit your gynecologist once every 4 weeks. Do not skip scheduled examinations and do not neglect the doctor’s orders for tests - general blood test, urine test, glucose test, blood coagulation test, hemostasiogram. They will help monitor the course of pregnancy and fetal development and promptly identify possible abnormalities and disorders.

If you have recently had tests and your pregnancy is progressing well, then at week 25 you may be able to take a break from visiting clinics and laboratories. But according to indications, the gynecologist may refer you for additional studies. This, for example, could be tests to determine the level of hormones, in particular hCG and progesterone.

Now you should be wary of developing anemia, so monitoring your hemoglobin level is also very important. A lack of iron in the body can be indicated by dizziness, weakness, pale skin, increased heart rate during physical activity, and darkening of the eyes. If you observe these signs in yourself, then you should take a blood test without waiting for your next trip to the doctor.


Will greatly help prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia proper nutrition at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Include iron-containing foods in your diet: prunes, bran, oatmeal, buckwheat, beets, boiled beef, liver. If the intestines react normally, then eat legumes regularly.

Remember that protein should predominate in your diet. Try to consume fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salty, sweet, floury foods in minimal quantities, or even eliminate them altogether. However, dietary recommendations remain the same. Drink enough water, make yourself compotes and fruit drinks. Eat only fresh food and carefully study food packaging in stores.

Try to eat smaller meals: every 2-3 hours, eat a half-cup portion. Don't overeat so as not to gain excess weight, but fasting during pregnancy is also unacceptable!

Weight at 25 weeks of pregnancy

Weigh yourself regularly once a week to monitor your weight gain and record all indicators. It is best to weigh yourself at the same time in the same clothes or better without them at all. For example, make it a habit to step on the scale every Sunday morning.

Not all women gain the same amount, but there are still average weight gain rates that you should focus on. At 25 weeks of pregnancy, your weight should ideally be 6.4-6.9 kg more than your original weight. A slight deviation from these figures should not be regarded as a pathology, but keep yourself within the following limits: overweight is fraught with the development of complications now and in the future, as well as the baby gaining excess weight.

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