How to weave figures from rubber bands on a machine and without it. Weaving figures from rubber bands, video. How to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a Monster Tail machine? Bracelets made from rubber bands on a monster tail machine

The emergence of such a craft as weaving takes its roots from ancient times. Having a minimal supply of knowledge and materials, ancient people could easily build things and interior items using only one weaving technique. If you are wondering how to weave a three-dimensional figure from small elastic bands yourself on a special machine, then this article is for you!

Weaved from everything that came to hand. They made a variety of crafts that were useful not only in everyday life, but also as clothing. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised by the various variations of weaving techniques and basics.

The ancestor of all the basics of weaving is the macrame technique. It consists of knots and is performed using various types of materials, mainly strong threads. Modern needlewomen make products using this technique quite often. From time immemorial, craftsmen have been performing light and not so simple crafts almost every day. Even for beginners, many weaving techniques may seem simple, because in reality they are.

Today, such a technology of weaving crafts as making them from rubber bands is gaining momentum. According to the famous American entertainment channel, multi-colored rubber bands were recognized as the most popular toy in the world for 2013. It seems that nothing new happened with the birth of such a miracle, but still, the world will no longer be the same without their existence. This article will most likely be useful to parents, first of all. Because children have long been aware of what technologies, what crafts can be done with their help.

An activity such as weaving from rubber bands has a number of undoubted advantages. Thanks to the specific properties of making crafts from them, the child develops attentiveness, perseverance, fine motor skills and memory.

Thanks to this process of weaving crafts, you can reveal the child’s potential; he chooses the color, shape, and pattern of the product when creating his own product.

The slingshot is used as a machine for making crafts. It helps to quickly build the necessary crafts and make the children’s work easier. With this machine you can make animals, fruits, vegetables and cartoon characters. Perhaps the most common are products in the form of animals and fictional characters, but this applies to more complex production.

Even without a large machine, it’s easy to make simple crafts from rubber bands; you can try to make 3D bracelets from this material for beginners. In this master class you will learn how to independently weave a three-dimensional figure from bright elastic bands on a machine special for the job.

There are several types of machines:
  • Large machine
  • Small machine
  • Mini machine.

All of the listed types are perfect for making crafts from rubber bands with your own hands. There is a special set of elastic bands for braiding, called a monster tail, designed for this hobby. But its package does not always include tools for work. Therefore, when choosing sets, you should pay special attention to its contents. On the Internet you can study photos and videos of making various kinds of crafts from rubber bands.

How to weave a figure from rubber bands on a machine quickly and easily

And our master class will teach you how to weave an easy craft on a machine, in the form of a simple bracelet.

So, you will need:
  • Set of rubber bands
  • Machine.
Step-by-step instructions for making a bracelet:
  1. Attach the rubber band in the form of a figure eight to both posts of the slingshot.
  2. You put on 2 more rubber bands on top - everything is simple and easy, because at the beginning the technique is very similar to a fishtail.
  3. Just like in the fishtail, we shoot both sides of our figure eight.
  4. Put on the next elastic band. Weave from the left column, removing the middle elastic, and from the right - the bottom.
  5. Add another rubber band and change sides.

Your rubber band craft is ready. Enjoy it!

Weaving with rubber bands is a simple and straightforward task. It's surprising that no one thought of doing this before. According to legend, one father noticed his daughters weaving with rubber bands. He quickly figured out how to adapt this game into life and earned a lot of money, thereby glorifying this craft. The very first chains of them were so simple that it did not suit my father’s imagination at all. He built a loom for girls, teaching the children to weave more complex figures on it.

We will be incredibly happy if this master class helps you in mastering such a craft as elastic weaving. After all, with a little time and desire, you can get crafts of extraordinary beauty.

Video on this topic of the article

Children all over the world enjoy weaving various bracelets, toys and original figures from Rainbow loom bands. In order to do this type of needlework, in addition to the rubber bands themselves, you need a hook and a special machine. The pattern of the finished product depends on the type of machine, so in this article we decided to tell you what types of machines are there? for weaving from rubber bands. If you choose the right machine, your children will be able to confidently compete with others in their weaving skills.

Machines for weaving bracelets from rubber bands

  1. . This machine is ideal for beginners or small children who find it difficult to remember the various alternations of rubber bands. The slingshot can consist of only two columns or be double-sided (for example, there are two columns on one side and four on the other).

How to weave on a slingshot? If you are right-handed, take the slingshot in your left hand. The side with the notches should be facing towards you. With your right hand, put the elastic bands on the posts. In this case, the first elastic band is put on as a figure eight, and the subsequent ones are simply pulled over two columns without twisting. After this, start weaving. Hook the lowest of the three elastic bands and remove it from the post to the center on both sides. After that, put on the next rubber band and take off the bottom one again.

What can you weave on a slingshot? You can easily weave a fishtail bracelet or a French braid on this mini-loom. She can make a beautiful ring with a flower that matches the color of the bracelet.

  1. . It is similar to a professional one, only smaller in size and does not have removable parts. Most often, this machine is included in children's kits for weaving Rainbow loom bands.

How to weave a Rainbow Loom monster tail on a loom? The elastic bands need to be put on four columns at once, and then each of them should be wrapped with this elastic band. After this, other elastic bands are put on four columns, but are no longer twisted. You can use all columns at once.

Watch this useful video: Weaving rubber bands on a monster tail machine

What can you weave on a Monster Tail loom? Most often, quarterfish bracelets are woven on such a loom; you can weave a bauble with butterflies, and if you use only part of the loom, you will get a fish tail. With a little more effort, you can create an original lipstick case or other accessories.

  1. . In appearance it resembles a rectangle and consists of three rows of columns. The entire machine is used when weaving complex products, for example, a cap for a pen, a case for a tablet. You can also use part of the machine, and also remove the middle row so that there are two left.

Weaving from rubber bands on the machine video MK

How to weave on a professional loom? First, decide on the type of product. It is not necessary to weave only bracelets on such a machine; you can significantly expand the range of handicrafts from Rainbow loom bands. Rubber bands are put on the posts around the perimeter. The first elastic bands are twisted in a figure eight, and the next ones are simply pulled on top. The principle of weaving is the same - the bottom elastic band is pulled with a hook through the post and removed.

What can you weave on a professional loom? The bracelet will look original, since it, unlike the Fish Tail, is wider. Some needlewomen managed to weave a dress from Rainbow Loom elastic bands.

If you plan to improve in the art of weaving, then buy a professional machine. Finished products made from rubber bands look quite original, and if you do everything correctly with your own hands, the cases and various accessories will be quite durable.

Everyone affected by the “rubber epidemic” knows that you can weave bracelets from rubber bands both on special machines and on any handy object - a slingshot, and even. But the most interesting and unusual bracelets made from rubber bands are made on a small machine, also called “monster tail”. Let's say right away that weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a small machine is somewhat more difficult than using other methods, but the result is worth it.

Making a “Double Fishtail” bracelet from rubber bands on a small machine

Let's take a closer look at how to weave bracelets on a monster tail loom. And let’s do this using the example of a weave called “double fishtail”:

  1. Let's prepare everything you need for work - a small machine, a hook and, of course, multi-colored silicone rubber bands. Their number depends on the desired length of the finished product. What’s so convenient about weaving on a small loom is that you can weave a bracelet of absolutely any length on it, because it in no way depends on the size of the loom itself.
  2. We twist the first green elastic band in a figure eight and put it on two pegs.
  3. We put a second green elastic band on the adjacent two pegs in the same way.
  4. In the second and subsequent even rows, we will put the elastic bands on the pegs without twisting them. In this case, they must be placed diagonally between the four involved pegs. We put on the first elastic band of the second row.
  5. We also place the second elastic band of the second row diagonally.
  6. In the third row, as in all subsequent odd rows, we put on two untwisted elastic bands, placing them parallel.
  7. The next step is to throw the elastic bands of the first row into the center of the weaving.
  8. As a result, our weaving looks like this:
  9. We put on the elastic bands again, crossing them.
  10. We throw the elastic bands of the second row into the center of the weave.
  11. We put on two elastic bands, placing them parallel.
  12. We throw the elastic bands of the third row into the center of the weave.
  13. We alternate putting on crossed and parallel elastic bands until the bracelet reaches the desired length.
  14. Let's start finishing the work. We put elastic bands on the pegs in parallel and alternately throw all the elastic bands remaining on the pegs through them into the center of the weaving.
  15. Carefully pick up the elastic band remaining on one of the pegs and throw it onto a peg located diagonally. We repeat the same manipulation with the elastic band on the second peg.
  16. Now we only have two pegs involved in our work, each of which has 2 elastic bands.
  17. We leave one elastic band on each peg, throwing the second one to the center of the weaving.
  18. We connect both elastic bands and thread a C-shaped fastener into them
  19. We thread the other end of the clasp on the other side of the bracelet.

What else can you weave on a small loom?

In addition to the “Double Fishtail” bracelet discussed above, you can weave many other bracelets, jewelry and three-dimensional figures on the “monster tail” loom. Here are some types of bracelets that can be woven from rubber bands on a small machine:

  1. “Slingshot” bracelet, for which you will need approximately 60 elastic bands of different colors.
  2. “Double chain” bracelet, the weaving of which uses about 80 elastic bands of pink and blue colors.
  3. “Fishtail” bracelet with a chain around the edges, which differs from the usual “Fishtail” by the presence of a single-color edging.
  4. A very impressive and unusual “Double Infinity” bracelet, the elastic bands of which are twisted in figure eights.
  5. "M" bracelet consisting of intertwined letters "M".
  6. “Ladder” bracelet, which is also convenient to weave from rubber bands on a small machine.
  7. “X” bracelet, the elastic bands in the outer layer of which are intertwined in the form of the letters “X”.
  8. Bracelet with pompoms
  9. You can use figurines woven on such a machine as decoration:

The Monster Tail rubber band machine is the second most popular set from the American company Rainbow Loom. This is a mini version of the standard braiding device, which is convenient to take with you on the road.

The set includes:

  • 600 rubber bands of various colors,
  • clips,
  • plastic hook, not metal, as in a regular set,
  • mini-loom for weaving simple bracelets.

There are many options for weaving products using a Monster Tail machine from rubber bands. In addition to bracelets of various shapes, these can be keychains, toys and various jewelry. Let's consider several options for manufacturing products. It is worth remembering that when twisting the elastic band in a figure eight, the direction should always be the same: away from you or towards you.

Weaving from rubber bands on the Monster Tail machine: master class “Ice cream on a stick”

For example, let's try to create a small keychain in the form

For the figurine you will need:

  • 7 yellow rubber bands for an orange “stick”,
  • 9 white rubber bands for the creamy layer,
  • 34 rubber bands of the main color for the ice cream itself (for example, pink).

The process of creating a keychain begins with the design of the stick:

  1. Open the Monster Tail weaving kit and prepare everything you need. We will weave the product on three columns of the top row and 3 columns of the bottom.
  2. First we will make a stick on two central posts. To do this, take an orange elastic band and place it on a post in the bottom row of the machine. Then we make a figure eight and put the bottom loop on the post. We repeat all the steps again. There should be an elastic band on the post, twisted in three turns.
  3. Now we take two rubber bands: place them on top and stretch them onto the opposite column in the top row. They should be one above the other, without twisting or intersecting with each other. Next, we will throw on two pieces each time.
  4. Then use a crochet hook to remove the elastic band twisted in three from the post. It is more convenient to throw off one or two loops.
  5. We lower the elastic bands lower and take the next pair. We throw it over two columns in the middle row and throw off the elastic bands located in the bottom layer, first on one side, then on the other.
  6. Throw on two more elastic bands and take off the elastic bands of the bottom layer.

Making a “creamy layer”

We continue weaving the “Ice Cream” keychain using the “Monster Tail” machine from rubber bands. We begin to make the “creamy layer”.

Main part of ice cream

Weaving the “Ice Cream” keychain from rubber bands on a “Monster Tail” machine is moving into the final stage - creating the main part. We put on rubber bands of the color that we chose for the product.

  1. We stretch one elastic band over three columns of the bottom row.
  2. Then we put two elastic bands on all the columns: two on the right, two on the left and in the middle.
  3. After this, first we remove the bottom pink rubber band from the posts, then all the white ones. We lower the elastic bands lower.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3. We finish throwing off the rubber bands of the bottom layer. We go through all the steps three more times. All that remains is to fasten all the rubber bands together.
  5. At the final stage, we put elastic bands only on the outer posts. The rubber band, which we stretch horizontally over three columns, is twisted in two turns.
  6. We put two rubber bands on the right and left.
  7. We throw off the horizontal elastic band twisted in two and the bottom layer from the outer posts.
  8. We secure the elastic bands by throwing them from the outer posts to the central one. We press our finger on the elastic bands on the right column and transfer them to the adjacent one. We repeat the same with the left column. For convenience, you can stretch them into two columns and throw them off the extreme one. We turn the machine and repeat all the steps starting from the left column.
  9. We throw one elastic band over two posts in the center. We throw off all the rubber bands under it, starting with the top two, then the middle two and, lastly, the bottom two. We turn the machine and repeat all the steps.
  10. We make a knot from the remaining loops. To do this, we transfer the elastic band from the lower column to the upper one, turn the machine and throw off the lower elastic band. You will get a knot; you need to carefully tighten it, pulling the remaining elastic upward. Remove the finished keychain from the post. Tighten the top again and straighten the product so that all the elastic bands fall into place.

Flower made from rubber bands for a bracelet

New ways of weaving bracelets on a round Monster Tail loom are constantly emerging. But you can, without using complex techniques, decorate an ordinary “fishtail” or “sea serpent” with flowers made from rubber bands. For one flower you will need rubber bands of three colors, for example, 8 red for the petals, 7 white for the middle and 2 green for the leaf. This master class will not contain information about how to use the Monster Tail machine - only the process of making a bud.

How to weave a flower from rubber bands

We prepare the necessary tools and materials: rubber bands, a machine and a hook. We will weave on 6 posts in the center.

Center of the flower

We continue weaving on the “Monster Tail” machine from flower elastic bands:

How to finish a rubber band flower

  1. At the next stage of weaving on a “Monster Tail” machine from flower elastic bands, we do not add a new elastic band, but discard the bottom layer.
  2. When there is one rubber band left on each column, we reduce the number of columns used from 6 to 3. To do this, we connect adjacent loops: from the right column of the bottom row to the middle, from the left column of the bottom row to the top, from the right column of the top row to the middle.
  3. The last white elastic band remains - we throw it over three columns and throw off two elastic bands of the bottom layer. We connect two adjacent loops on the lower posts, moving the right elastic band to the left.
  4. We take two green rubber bands and put them on two columns on top and throw off all the white rubber bands.

Remove the flower from the hook and straighten it, pulling it to the sides. You can use them to decorate rubber band bracelets or a ring woven on a Monster Tail loom.

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