Experience in implementing a dress code using the example of an emergency hospital. Appearance of a nurse Uniform for engineering and technical services

The appearance of a medical worker, first of all, must meet the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards.

Federal law does not describe what a doctor or nurse should look like at work.

The main thing in the article

Requirements for the appearance of a health worker

The appearance of a medical worker must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, however, this issue is not resolved in SanPiN, which is basic for medical institutions.

Since the coordination of health care issues is under the joint responsibility of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, requirements for the appearance of a medical worker may be contained in regional legislation.

If laws at the regional level do not have regulations on the appearance of a nurse or doctor, we recommend developing a local act. It should indicate what requirements the organization places on the appearance of employees.

The appearance of employees is important for many departments of a medical institution, for example, for the emergency department.

When developing a local act, you can be guided by the general principles of ethics and deontology of health workers, because reference to these principles is contained in Art. 73 Federal Law “On Health Protection”.

Hygienic standards

The appearance of medical personnel must first of all comply with the requirements of SanPiN

It states that the clothing of doctors and nurses should help maintain sterile conditions in a medical institution and represent a kind of barrier that protects the employee from the penetration of contaminants, including microbiological ones.

A health worker's clothing must meet the requirements of state standards for sanitary clothing, for example:

  • GOST 24760-81 and GOST 25194-82 (medical gowns for men and women);
  • GOST 9896-88 and GOST 9897-88 (men's and women's sets of sanitary clothing);
  • GOST 23134-78 (medical headgear).

How to Achieve Excellent Hand Hygiene Practices

To take into account all the requirements, the head of the medical institution must develop an SOP for hand hygiene or download a ready-made one from the “Chief Nurse” magazine.


The company's dress code is a direct continuation of the company's corporate culture and an important part of its brand. Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, so a client’s trust in an organization begins with trust in its employees, whose appearance plays an important role in this. But we should also not forget that the Dress Code is not a uniform and it does not exclude individuality in clothing and does not prevent a creative attitude towards one’s appearance. These are just “laws of the genre” that exist in any type of activity.



Common mistakes even in the absence of an office dress code: women wear bright makeup, dresses that are too elegant, skirts that are too short, lace tights, shiny sandals, and an abundance of jewelry. Men wear the same sports sneakers, worn torn jeans, and stretched T-shirts.


Hairstylemust be neat, hair must be in perfect condition. As studies show, uncolored gray hair sharply reduces the business rating of women, in contrast to men, for whom gray hair even adds respectability.

Makeup. Both too bright makeup and its complete absence are undesirable.

Manicure. The optimal colors of varnish are light and flesh-colored, French manicure. The shape of the nails is round, the maximum length is no more than 5 mm.

Jewelry are allowed, but without excesses. As a rule, it is customary to wear no more than three jewelry together, for example: earrings, ring and chain; brooch, earrings, ring; bracelet, earrings, ring.


Shoes gives completeness to the entire appearance, it is the first thing people pay attention to. Classic shoes with thin soles, without flashy elements, made of genuine leather, preferably black or dark brown, are suitable for business style.

The administration and trade union committee of Gomel City Clinical Hospital No. 1 invited young specialists who have joined the team over the past 2 years (6 doctors and 11 nurses) to a round table. The conversation was about adaptation at the first job, about the problems that newcomers face.

And then they held a celebration of initiation into the profession. The baton of loyalty to his favorite work and the traditions of the team was passed on to the young by a labor veteran - anesthesiologist-resuscitator Valery Skoblya; he has been working at City Clinical Hospital No. 1 for more than 30 years.

At school - mentors

In the clinic, every 4th of 480 employees is under the age of 31, noted head physician Oleg Yadrentsev (in the top photo in the center). - There are all conditions for the professional growth of young people and advanced training; We help you get used to the team and solve social and everyday issues; involve us in public life. There is a mentoring school; We have extensive experience in preparing for independent work.

On the eve of the mentioned meeting, traumatologist-orthopedist Abed Isam Mustafa, nurses Anna Lugina, Maria Pisarik, Valentina Feskova, Svetlana Saykova, Yulia Tishkova (young specialists came in August 2013) and the senior colleagues assigned to them took an exam before the mentoring commission. Deputy chief physicians Ekaterina Anikhimovskaya, Alexander Dovgyalo, chairman of the trade union committee Lyudmila Sergeenko, chief nurse Sofia Timoshenko, senior inspector of the OK Natalya Ivakhnenko were interested in what they had succeeded in over the year, how they were growing in the profession, whether they had good relationships in the team.

A cooperation agreement is concluded between a mentor and his mentee,” said Lyudmila Sergeenko. - There are individual training plans, there are criteria for mastering professional skills; all this is taken into account in the test. Doctor Abed Isam Mustafa and head of the trauma department Alexander Kravtsov received high praise from the commission members.

After the test, an employment contract was signed with the young doctor.

Dress code for a nurse

It happened that nurses at the first workplace received comments. For violation of the dress code - painted nails, untied hair; and compliance with the norms of deontology in practice turned out to be difficult. But that’s why senior colleagues are nearby - their experience and attitude towards patients is more convincing than any lectures.

For 22 years at City Clinical Hospital No. 1, she gave a start to the profession to several generations of mid-level specialists. He is happy for those who are not looking for an easy life and, despite great physical and psychological stress, extreme situations, remain to work in the ICU.

Irina Aleksandrovna is pleased with her current ward, ward nurse Anna Lugina.

Anna graduated from Gomel State Medical College; competent, diligent, the first in the department to pass the test in all sections of nursing activities,” says the mentor. “Our patients are serious—of the 12 intensive care and intensive care beds, half are occupied by burn victims. Anna has mastered caring for them and complex manipulations. Not far behind her are nurses Elena Starovoitova and Kristina Dubovskaya, also graduates of the State Medical University, who came last year.

It was not easy for nurse Maria Pisarik to become a nurse. At first, it seemed that it could not withstand the intense rhythm of the emergency department, especially on “emergency days,” when the ambulance delivered cardiac, therapeutic and neurological patients from all over the city - sometimes up to 100 people a day. But in difficult situations, a mentor is always nearby - head nurse Elena Tsarenkova.

When the girl gave a report to the mentoring commission and was asked if she was going to change departments - there are quieter places - she replied that she liked the work.

Valentina Feskova, a nurse in the cardiology department, was not disappointed in her chosen profession; her organizational skills are also in demand: she is the secretary of the primary branch of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union in the clinic. Yulia Tishkova and Svetlana Saykova, nurses in the burn and trauma departments, successfully mastered the skills.

Svetlana does her job well, and during the head nurse’s vacation she also copes with her responsibilities,” added Sofia Timoshenko, head of the nursing service at City Clinical Hospital No. 1.

The commission members rated the report of the nurses and their mentors as excellent.

Questionnaire - a mirror of success

Before inviting young specialists to the conversation, we conducted a survey,” says the chairman of the trade union committee, Lyudmila Sergeenko. - And we found out how the guys adapted, how their relationships with colleagues and department heads develop, what kind of help they receive from mentors, whether they are satisfied with the work and its evaluation, including financial ones.

It is gratifying that all young doctors and nurses feel the support of their colleagues and mentors and are satisfied with the attitude of the administration and heads of departments. 40% of respondents have not yet fully adapted to the work rhythm and neuropsychic overload. 20% noted that they are not always trusted to work independently. Questions arose regarding the schedule (especially in the CDL), and I would like a higher salary.

Everyone is improving their professional level: adopting the experience of colleagues, looking for information on the Internet, reading literature in their specialty. 70% want to continue their education: doctors - to go to residency, nurses - to university; 50% expect career growth.

But only a third of young specialists intend to stay in the clinic after completing their two-year training. Half are ready to change jobs under more favorable professional and financial conditions. Only 30% want to participate in the social and cultural life of the team. There is a great potential for attracting people to amateur creativity and sports.

The mentoring commission presented proposals for improving adaptation in the team to the administration of City Clinical Hospital No. 1.

The results of the survey are information for action,” summed up chief physician Oleg Yadrentsev. - We will take into account the comments and will do everything to ensure that young specialists continue to work in the clinic.

Recent graduates of the State Medical University, anesthesiologists and resuscitators Sergei Podolsky (center) and Anatoly Shchuchko (right), still have a whole year before their report. Their mentor, the head of the intensive care unit Vladimir Kovalev (left), likes the dedication of the students, their interest in the profession, and the desire to improve; mastered the skills of working with children - over the past year, the department treated 89 small patients who suffered from burns; They are on duty a lot, doing science. Sergey is researching the combined use of local anesthetics in regional anesthesia. Anatoly became interested in the specialty not without the influence of his older brother Andrey (he has been working in the intensive care unit for several years).

Over the year, Maria Pisarik (on the right) has grown professionally and mastered methods of providing assistance in emergency situations. She has excellent computer skills, which is important for creating a patient database,” senior nurse Elena Tsarenkova (in the center) characterizes her ward.

A nurse is a model of cleanliness and neatness. A nurse has constant contact with patients in any medical institution, so she must constantly monitor her appearance.

What is the appearance of a nurse:

Constant body hygiene. Clean body, to avoid unpleasant odors, clean hands. The nurse must constantly monitor his hands. Wash your hands after eating, going to the toilet, after any procedures, regardless of the fact that the procedures are done while wearing medical gloves. The nurse's nails should be cut short and without polish. If dry skin occurs, it is advisable to lubricate your hands with cream or oil. But basically, in medical institutions, health workers wash their hands with a special liquid soap, which contains glycerin and ammonia.

  • Nurse's clothes. This is the established uniform according to hospital standards, a robe or pantsuit, and must be kept in perfect condition. Clean and ironed uniform, comfortable and silent replacement shoes.
  • Hair must be clean and hidden under a cap. And in the treatment room, in addition to the cap, there is also a mask and medical gloves.
  • Moderation in cosmetics and perfumes. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum; rings and bracelets are removed at the beginning of the work shift. At work we work, not show off.
  • The nurse should not emit any repulsive odors. Be it the smell of tobacco, perfume or food. There are patients in whom this can cause an allergic reaction.

In general, everything in a nurse's appearance should embody neatness and smartness in order to inspire the patient's trust and allow him to feel calm in the hands of such a nurse. I think it’s unlikely that a person who smells bad or looks unkempt will be liked. The appearance of a nurse is a stronghold of a medical institution and the trust of patients.

There are certain requirements for the appearance of a nurse:

  • Hygiene (nails, scents, perfumes and cosmetics). Nothing should irritate patients.
  • Cloth. The robe or pantsuit is in perfect condition, the robe should be long enough to cover the clothing underneath, and the sleeves of the robe should reach the sleeves of the robe.
  • Clothes under the robe should be made of cotton and easy to wash. Hair is clean and under a cap. In the treatment room there is a mask on the face.
  • Light and clean shoes, easy to disinfect and silent.
  • The nurse is required to store outerwear and overalls separately.
  • Should not leave the hospital premises in protective clothing.

All these requirements for the appearance of a nurse are clearly visible in any medical institution. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a reprimand or even dismissal. The nurse must comply with all requirements regarding appearance. A nurse is the face of a medical institution; she is constantly in contact with patients, both those undergoing treatment and those newly admitted. And you can tell a lot about the entire hospital by the appearance of a nurse.


The profession of a medical worker is classified as a public one, requiring constant communication. Therefore, style and image should maximize the confidence of patients. The patient does not have the opportunity to evaluate the experience and skills of the doctor, so he judges them by his own impression. There are many ways to attract attention, for example, competence, professionalism. But the first is appearance, where clothing plays an important role.

Medical work has a strict dress code that has developed over centuries. The traditional white robe and cap did not appear as a tribute to fashion or a sign of specific difference. Obstetricians have noticed that boiling a robe before and after childbirth significantly reduces the mortality of mothers and children. Even now, for doctors, special clothing is a mandatory element of sterility and hygiene. For all other people, a white coat evokes a subconscious feeling of trust and hope, which is why it is so important for perception.

Over time, the traditional white robe has undergone changes, turning from simple and shapeless into stylish and beautiful clothing. Today you can choose options with different sleeve lengths, collar shapes, types of fasteners and pockets. Contrasting decorative inserts are used as decorative elements. The robe can vary in length and is sewn separately for men and women. For sanitary and hygienic purposes, headwear is also used - medical caps, caps and scarves of various shapes and sizes, designed to hide hair during manipulations and operations.

A mandatory addition to special clothing is shoes for medical workers. It also has certain requirements that it must meet. First of all, it is lightness and noiselessness, so as not to create unnecessary interference in work. Also, the simplicity of the models, the complete absence of decoration, so that the surface, if necessary, can be easily treated with special preparations.

Along with the robe, suits consisting of trousers and a blouson or jacket are very popular. Men's and women's versions have differences in cut and color. There are models with and without a collar, with different types of fasteners, shape and number of pockets. The suits are designed for surgeons, nurses and orderlies. In addition, there are separate options for emergency workers. They are light suits for the warm season, insulated trousers, vests and jackets for the cold season.

Gowns and suits are required for medical institutions of all types - from inpatient to sanitary, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation. To sew workwear, I use calico or fabrics with different cotton contents. Such a variety of medical clothing is an important component of the employee’s image. It also determines the style of the institution and the general perception of it by its visitors. Therefore, very often workwear is decorated with logos, corporate badges and inscriptions.

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