Volkov's ambiguous diet: features, controversial issues. Doctor Wolves: myths and reality Excess weight is not always caused by poor nutrition; there are also hormonal disorders. What if it's a problem with the thyroid gland?

In the “What’s new?” section The Village speaks to people who know better than others what is happening in different areas: in education, in the labor and real estate markets, in the culture and personal lives of city residents. In this issue, The Village correspondent Alexandra Sheveleva spoke with the famous Moscow nutritionist Anatoly Volkov about what to eat so as not to be painfully ashamed.

About losing weight

- Surely women come to you and say: I want to lose five kilograms by summer, what should I do? What do you answer them?

First I talk to them. Being overweight happens for a reason, and it's important because it has to do with health, not the number on the scale. The reason is an overload of the internal environment; its contents are stored in subcutaneous fat so as not to poison the blood.

- Do women lose weight faster than men, or vice versa?

Differently. It depends on the weight a person is losing weight from: from 250 kilograms to 90 he will lose weight in a year, from 85 to 75 kilograms he will lose weight in six months, but he will lose weight slowly. If you add sufficient physical activity to this, weight can increase and volumes can go away. Weighing is the most pointless action. If you are thin, but cannot get out of bed, then your weight loss has nothing to do with your health.

- What's wrong with scales?

Your scale shows a kilogram - is it a kilogram of lard or a kilogram of meat? What did you weigh when you looked at the scale? Weighing makes sense only when its object has the same density throughout its entire volume. If fat people were made of fat, they could not be drowned. They have garbage, protein, metabolic waste in their bodies. That's the problem. Everyone struggles with fat, and we need fat.

About diets

- No matter who you ask, everyone has their own theories of proper nutrition. What is this connected with?

I think this is the displacement of some problems. Instead of taking care of themselves, people are engaged in food, all sorts of Vedic cooking, which is very funny, because our climate is absolutely not suitable for Vedic cooking.

- Do you mean the Ayurvedic theory of dividing people into types? Vata, pitta, kapha? Doesn't it work for us?

Our air temperature is always lower than body temperature, but in India it is almost always the same or higher.

- So the Ayurvedic theory does not suit us?

She doesn't suit anyone at all. In addition, dividing people into even ten types is a thankless task. It’s easier to work with everyone individually. And then you understand exactly who you are dealing with, and he realizes what he needs and what he doesn’t need.

Calorie counting- This
absolute myth that exists, to limit the choice

But why? Don't eat any nasty stuff.

The problem is much broader than drinking or eating habits. What I do is not exactly dietetics, because today's way of discussing the nutritional content of foods has nothing to do with the person, it has to do with the products. Entry into the body is the prerogative of the body itself; it itself determines what it needs and what it doesn’t, so discussing the properties of products is pointless.

- Does it make sense to count calories?

This is completely pointless. The calorie content of food is determined by burning one hundred grams of the product, then the amount of heat released is calculated. There are no such processes in the body. Our intestinal temperature is, roughly, 38 degrees; at this temperature, nothing burns. Calorie counting is an absolute myth that exists to limit choice: you only have so many calories and you don't need any more. In addition, we are all different, so a product that is extremely useful for one person can kill someone else outright, for example, with anaphylactic shock.

- How do you feel about the separate power supply system?

Proteins and carbohydrates require different digestive conditions. This means that these products should not be combined, otherwise there will be problems, such as rotting. Combining carbohydrates with sugar will start the fermentation process, so it is obvious that sugar, fruits and vegetables need to be separated. I won’t even talk about dairy and meat, it’s such a well-known fact.

About drinks

- Now European countries are abandoning packaged juices, which Russians are very fond of. Are they really harmful?

Dahl's dictionary says that the word “drink” refers exclusively to clean water. Everything else was “eaten” more than 150 years ago. You can’t drink food, the body doesn’t have time to understand what it is. If you didn’t chew your food, your body wouldn’t understand what happened. You turn on exclusively defensive reactions: this is the expenditure of water, energy, and what you drank must be removed, since it is something uncertain. You don't need to drink juices, you need to eat food. The only option for fresh juices is when you squeeze them in your mouth.

- Okay, let's exclude juices. What else?

This also includes teas, coffee and fruit drinks.

- What about our favorite green tea?

Have you seen how the Chinese drink tea? They play it. It's a game. Straw diluted 28 times. They drink hot water.

- It turns out that you only need to drink clean drinking water?


Milk is a product that does not exist in nature. There is milk as long as there is a baby and mother. Most people have very little tolerance for dairy products. About three-quarters of the world's population does not use milk at all. For China, Japan and East Asia, this is an unprecedented product; now they have been taught to drink milk, and they are faced with diseases that they have never had before. Milk is a product that does not go well with any other food. This is why in all mammals the transition from breastfeeding to solid food is always very short, otherwise it is fraught with trouble. Cow's milk is intended for a calf; it has a different structure than human milk, so it must be broken down (fermented) and only then consumed.

About flour and sugar

- What else is definitely harmful that you shouldn’t eat? Floury?

All refined foods naturally contain white flour. If peeled grain with the germ removed is given to chickens, they quickly die. They cannot digest this grain. But these grains are well stored in the form of flour. Baking is not considered a food product at all, because it contains refined flour and sugar. Do you remember how mash was prepared in Rus'? Grain, sugar, water - ferments on its own, you don’t even need to add yeast. Fermentation is always evil.

And cravings for sugar is a symptom of thirst. People who drink enough water they don't want sweets

- What's harmful about fermentation? It will wander and hatch.

This is acidification. The fermentation process starts where there is not enough oxygen. Where is there no oxygen? Where there is not enough energy.

- So everything floury is harmful?

White flour - yes.

- Can’t you eat pasta too?

If the pasta is made from normal, whole flour, real homemade pasta, then you can.

- What about sugar? There is such a big controversy with sugar: there was a big article in the New York Times that sugar is addictive, almost like a drug.

Attachment is caused by the way the need for sugar manifests itself. Sugar itself, in my opinion, protects the blood from dehydration. And sugar cravings are a symptom of thirst. People who drink enough water don't crave sweets .

About the keto diet

- What do you think about the fashionable keto diet, in which people almost completely eliminate carbohydrates and eat large amounts of fats and proteins?

This is an exotic suicide attempt. The contents of the duodenum do not depend on what a person has eaten. This means that at the level of the stomach, the missing components from the body are added there. If you eat protein foods, then, accordingly, fats and carbohydrates should be added, and these are your vital resources. But protein, which is a waste product of metabolism, is not excreted because protein is already there. In other words, waste is left in the body, but resources are removed. The body begins to use itself as a resource. The keto diet can be compared to traveling on a train, which moves for only one reason: the passengers are burning in the stove.

- People on the keto diet lose weight quickly.

Naturally. To die even faster, you can hang yourself. And this method of suicide is extended over time.

Look at how all herbivorous animals feed: they walk all day and chew. Cows, antelopes, hippos - everything. What do predators do? Ate and fell asleep. If you want to fall asleep at three o'clock in the afternoon, then eat meat for lunch . If you have some other daily routine, then meat should be your last meal.

About vegetarianism

- How do you feel about vegetarians?

The bad: we have to heat ourselves for most of the year, so pure vegetarianism is not very suitable for a country with such a harsh climate. You don't have to eat meat, but you definitely need to eat fat.

- But fat can be of vegetable origin.

It cannot be, because there are not enough unsaturated fatty acids, we need saturated ones, and these are animal fats (meat, fish and butter).

- What are the consequences of long-term vegetarianism?

Look: the working surface of the lungs is fat, brains are fat, bone marrow is fat, sex hormones are fat, color vision is fat, cell membranes are fat. Do you understand the dangers of low fat?

- Is there no way to replace animal fat?

Hindus, who live without meat for many years, eat countless amounts of butter. An adult does not need protein; he needs fat as a consumable. By the way, adult polar bears, which feed mainly on seals, eat the skin and fat, and give the carcass (meat) to children.

About baby food

- Children's vegetarianism is a controversial topic, because, as far as I understand, there are no reliable scientific studies on its benefits yet.

Children need protein to grow.

- It is not clear what to rely on in your decisions about your own diet. Scientific evidence is constantly changing and disproves one theory after another.

Try to rely on two things: what your body wants, and how you feel when you followed its advice.

- This doesn’t work with children: if a child is allowed to eat what he chooses, it will be bread with jam, pasta with sausage and chocolate chip cookies.

A person chooses from what food requirements his parents formed. It’s crazy when parents say: “You can’t drink while eating because...” - what follows is a set of crazy clichés. Although all children want to drink while eating. It is necessary to drink while eating, because already on the third piece of food the sense of taste decreases. This sip of water returns the sense of taste, thanks to which the body reacts to your actions much more accurately.

- So what to do with the children? They love flour and sweets.

Where do they get flour, tell me. Do they bake it themselves? Or do parents still bring it?

- There is still bread in the house.

Why can’t there be real grain bread in the house? Porridge, bread, pasta - if it is done correctly, then there is no problem, let them eat.

- Then the eternal question of parents: how to get a child to eat vegetables?

Why do you need to force it? You can simply cook them deliciously. Did you enjoy eating this tasteless mess of everything as a child? Prepare vegetable soups, for example, with lamb fat or chicken fat. Not with broth, but with fat. Better yet, grill vegetables.

If organism
speaks"I want to eat",
need a drink glass of water

- There is an opinion that the benefits of soups are overestimated, because vitamins are destroyed during cooking.

The amount of vitamins that a person tries to cram into himself is not necessary for him. Vitamins are triggers, information structures, their costs are very low. Moreover, all the vitamins we need are produced by bacteria in our intestines if they are working properly. Humanity has survived without taking vitamins.

- How do you feel about dietary supplements?

I prefer food rather than supplements. In my opinion, it is much better to eat a piece of mackerel or halibut than fish oil in a capsule, even the most environmentally purified one. In the body, everything interacts in context, and not as separate components.

- Pediatricians have the custom that semolina porridge is healthy and should be given to children in the morning. Now it seems that it is becoming clear that this is not the healthiest food.

Semolina porridge is not healthy at all. This is the same cleaned crushed grain. Bulgur, crushed sprouted wheat, is much healthier because it contains the germ.

About drinking water

- I read that you recommend drinking four liters a day. I try to drink a liter and a half, and it’s difficult for me.

This means you are doing something wrong, drinking water at the wrong temperature. In the morning, one and a half liters can be easily drunk in an hour. .

- How to distinguish bad water from good?

Give it to the dogs to drink. They would rather drink from a puddle than tap water. Boiled - the same as tap water, but also dead.

- That is, you separate boiled and unboiled water. It’s just that the chemical composition is the same.

Water is not a chemical solution of salts. If you take distilled water, add salt to it, make the chemical composition of sea water, put a fish in it, then it will live there for about thirty seconds and die. But when the water stands for two or three months, stones lie in it, bacteria multiply, flora starts to grow, then you can safely fish, and they will live. This means that water is different from one another.

- So how to eat properly: three times a day or five times a day?

Hunger is indistinguishable from thirst. If the body says “I’m hungry,” you need to drink a glass of water. If you are really hungry, he will say, “Now let’s eat.” And if he was thirsty, and you gave him food, after half an hour he will say: “Now give it again,” and you again give him a piece of food, but he actually wants to drink. This is how you will continue to eat pieces all day long, swelling in size and not understanding why you are gaining weight.

About alcohol and vegetable oil

- What to do with alcohol? To drink or not to drink? How often?

A healthy person does not need alcohol, and a person does not need it at all. It's anesthesia. Why does a person need anesthesia? We need to find out what kind of life a person who drinks has, and why he does it?

- I don’t mean a chronic state of alcoholic intoxication. But the same guilt is an unambiguous evil?

I didn't say it was evil. I said that the body does not need this. In general, he doesn’t need much of what we do to him.

- They also say that you need to consume a lot of vegetable oils. But, on the other hand, corn oil is considered unhealthy.

Olive oil, if we talk about average benefits, is useful because it is bitter. This is a choleretic. This is just a cleansing of the gallbladder, some stimulation of the intestines.

- Are you talking about refined or unrefined oil now?

Refined is not oil at all. This is a fuel and lubricant. I wouldn't eat it, to be honest. It doesn’t even burn in a frying pan: oil is what burns.

About evolution

- Why are there so many allergy sufferers now?

An allergy is an attempt by the body to get rid of waste in a non-standard way. The main task of the body is to be clean inside. All technologies are aimed at making it clean: phlegm, mucus, rashes - this is all an attempt to cleanse yourself.

“Twenty years ago there weren’t so many allergy sufferers.”

Twenty years ago there was not such a quantity of nasty things that people consume in the form of colorful foods, medicines, electronic ether, bad water.

- Scientists who study human evolution say that our body was formed ten thousand years ago, when a person walked 10-15 kilometers a day and did not eat anything sweeter than carrots. Therefore, now, when we use our body in a completely different way than it was intended, we suffer from diabetes and oncology.

The human body ten thousand years ago smelled, saw, heard and ran much worse than any dog. This means that it is not adapted for life in the wild. But our head has a fundamentally different energy supply than that of animals. This means, most likely, that our body needs our head to work, and not vice versa.

- Do you still think that the body has somehow adapted?

Of course, we are very flexible.

- But, relatively speaking, we didn’t grow a third leg, and the blood didn’t move differently.

Evolution is not the transformation of a person into someone else, it is the accumulation of various kinds of possibilities. Information in the population is constantly being mixed up, and we, accordingly, acquire new technologies. It is quite easy to kill a person living outside modern civilization with the usual flu, but we no longer die from the flu. This is the mechanism of our civilization.

photos: Zarina Kodzaeva

Today I read an article by nutritionist Anatoly Volkov...here are some excerpts: “In this issue, The Village correspondent Alexandra Sheveleva talked with the famous Moscow nutritionist Anatoly Volkov about

What's wrong with scales?

Your scale shows a kilogram - is it a kilogram of lard or a kilogram of meat? What did you weigh when you looked at the scale? Weighing makes sense only when its object has the same density throughout its entire volume. If fat people were made of fat, they could not be drowned. They have garbage, protein, metabolic waste in their bodies. That's the problem. Everyone struggles with fat, and we need fat.

About diets

No matter who you ask, everyone has their own theories of proper nutrition. What is this connected with?

I think this is the displacement of some problems. Instead of taking care of themselves, people are engaged in food, all sorts of Vedic cooking, which is very funny, because our climate is absolutely not suitable for Vedic cooking.

Do you mean the Ayurvedic theory of dividing people into types? Vata, pitta, kapha? Doesn't it work for us?

Our air temperature is always lower than body temperature, but in India it is almost always the same or higher.

That is, the Ayurvedic theory does not suit us?

She doesn't suit anyone at all. In addition, dividing people into even ten types is a thankless task. It’s easier to work with everyone individually. And then you understand exactly who you are dealing with, and he realizes what he needs and what he doesn’t need.

Counting calories is
an absolute myth that exists to limit choice
- So it turns out that there is no universal advice for everyone?

But why? Don't eat any nasty stuff.

Do you recommend changing your drinking regime?

The problem is much broader than drinking or eating habits. What I do is not exactly dietetics, because today's way of discussing the nutritional content of foods has nothing to do with the person, it has to do with the products. Entry into the body is the prerogative of the body itself; it itself determines what it needs and what it doesn’t, so discussing the properties of products is pointless.

This is completely pointless. The calorie content of food is determined by burning one hundred grams of the product, then the amount of heat released is calculated. There are no such processes in the body. Our intestinal temperature is, roughly, 38 degrees; at this temperature, nothing burns. Calorie counting is an absolute myth that exists to limit choice: you only have so many calories and you don't need any more. In addition, we are all different, so a product that is extremely useful for one person can kill someone else outright, for example, with anaphylactic shock.

How do you feel about the separate power supply system?

Proteins and carbohydrates require different digestive conditions. This means that these products should not be combined, otherwise there will be problems, such as rotting. Combining carbohydrates with sugar will start the fermentation process, so it is obvious that sugar, fruits and vegetables need to be separated. I won’t even talk about dairy and meat, it’s such a well-known fact.

About drinks

Now European countries are abandoning packaged juices, which Russians are very fond of. Are they really harmful?

Dahl's dictionary says that the word “drink” refers exclusively to clean water. Everything else was “eaten” more than 150 years ago. You can’t drink food, the body doesn’t have time to understand what it is. If you didn’t chew your food, your body wouldn’t understand what happened. You turn on exclusively defensive reactions: this is the expenditure of water, energy, and what you drank must be removed, since it is something uncertain. You don't need to drink juices, you need to eat food. The only option for fresh juices is when you squeeze them in your mouth.

Okay, let's exclude juices. What else?

This also includes teas, coffee and fruit drinks.

What about our favorite green tea?

Have you seen how the Chinese drink tea? They play it. It's a game. Straw diluted 28 times. They drink hot water.

It turns out that you only need to drink clean drinking water?


About flour and sugar

What else is definitely harmful that you shouldn’t eat? Floury?

All refined foods naturally contain white flour. If peeled grain with the germ removed is given to chickens, they quickly die. They cannot digest this grain. But these grains are well stored in the form of flour. Baking is not considered a food product at all, because it contains refined flour and sugar. Do you remember how mash was prepared in Rus'? Grain, sugar, water - ferments on its own, you don’t even need to add yeast. Fermentation is always evil.

And sugar cravings are a symptom of thirst. People who drink enough water don't crave sweets
- What's harmful about fermentation? It will wander and hatch.

This is acidification. The fermentation process starts where there is not enough oxygen. Where is there no oxygen? Where there is not enough energy.

That is, everything flour is harmful?

White flour - yes.

Can't you eat pasta too?

If the pasta is made from normal, whole flour, real homemade pasta, then you can.

What about sugar? There is such a big controversy with sugar: there was a big article in the New York Times that sugar is addictive, almost like a drug.

Attachment is caused by the way the need for sugar manifests itself. Sugar itself, in my opinion, protects the blood from dehydration. And sugar cravings are a symptom of thirst. People who drink enough water don't crave sweets."

After reading the article to the end, I realized that he scolds almost everything, but does not give specific recommendations!!!

Dermatologist, cosmetologist-esthetician, honored author of Evehealth


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

The development of a method for losing weight and improving the health of the body at a scientific level, supported by the results of laboratory blood tests after exposure to various components of products, is the essence of the Volkov diet.

Basics of the Volkov diet

Being a general practitioner by training, Dr. Volkov spent a long time studying the changes that occur in each specific human body after eating a particular product. As a result of long-term work, he observed that the blood test results of different people who ate the same diet were completely different.

In addition, research was carried out to study the activity of various organs (in particular the organs of the digestive system) during the processing and assimilation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates separately and if they are part of one dish. In the latter case, it was revealed that the organs are under enormous stress, leading to disruption of their activity and the occurrence of various diseases. The mechanisms of action of carbonated water, vitamins and various drinks of natural and non-natural origin were also studied.

Based on the results of all the data, a system was created based on the principles of separate nutrition and selection of products suitable for the individual as a result of selection according to the blood reaction. Subsequently, Dr. Volkov’s diet became recognized by nutritionists around the world and began to be widely used in practice. Nowadays, a modified version of it is quite often used, when individual selection of products is not carried out due to the duration and high cost of the procedure, but only some rules of the technique are followed. This approach does not guarantee good results and health safety.


Based on Volkov’s author’s methodology, every person has allergic reactions to a certain product and dishes prepared from them or in which it is an integral ingredient. Some, for example, have chicken and cabbage, while others have pork and peas.

Therefore, it is prohibited:

  • there are products and their derivatives from the red list established during testing;
  • there are products that have not passed testing;
  • There are foods that cause fermentation - yeast, mushrooms, fermented milk products.

As mentioned above, the main principle of this nutrition system is the individual reaction of a person to a certain product, so there is no clear menu for the Volkov diet, but there are rules for creating a diet that are the same for everyone. Some approaches to organizing meals are directly opposite to the traditional ones that are well known to all of us.

Results and reviews

By adhering to such a nutritional system, you can lose weight without strong restrictions and grueling physical activity. The body will find a way to get rid of the excess on its own, as soon as it creates optimal conditions for functioning.

Regarding the Volkov diet, reviews are mostly positive, if we consider the assessments of people who used the methodology in its entirety, starting with determining the red and green lists of products. Users consider the only difficulty to be the process of organizing the course (taking tests).

Among the main advantages of the technique are improved well-being, a general healing effect, and relief from many chronic diseases and obesity.

Video about the Volkov diet

Video about Dr. Volkov's clinic

Video about Dr. Volkov's diet

Dr. Volkov's diet allows you to lose weight without food restrictions or heavy physical activity. This approach may seem unrealistic to many, but those who have tried it claim the opposite and boast of their amazing results. By following the principles of the Volkov diet, you can lose a decent amount of weight in two to three months. The doctor has developed a special system, which is based on many years of observations of digestive processes.

Read in this article

Who is Dr. Volkov

As soon as an author’s diet appears, many people immediately wonder what kind of person he is, and on what basis he developed his system. And Doctor Volkov is just a mysterious person. He doesn’t like being photographed, and to get an interview, journalists have to work hard.

Doctor Volkov

But this is really a real person. He is a pediatrician by profession, a graduate of the Moscow State Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov in 1981.

In the same specialty, he worked as an intern in the children's department of the Dzerzhinsky hospital, and in the late 90s he began to engage in scientific activities.

Dr. Volkov has patented a system for determining suitable and contraindicated foods based on the body’s sensitivity, as well as a method for correcting nutrition to improve the health of the body and get rid of excess weight. In addition, the doctor published two books dedicated to diet and nutrition, called “The Logic of Health” and “8 Principles of Health.”

Now, for more than twenty years, Dr. Volkov has been conducting private activities related to dietetics. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Ecolabmedtest clinic has been operating under his management, where everyone can undergo an examination and find out which foods are suitable for them and which are prohibited.

Among his patients are many famous, popular and wealthy people working in various fields.

Diet features

The diet according to Dr. Volkov is based on the principle of separate nutrition. During his many years of practice, he studied how different foods affect the body of an individual person. Two people can have opposite reactions to the same dish.

In addition, he conducted research on how the gastrointestinal tract works if proteins and carbohydrates are contained in one dish. It turned out that they have a very strong adverse effect, which contributes to the development of serious diseases. Carbonated drinks have the same effect.

But the main difference between the Volkov diet and the separate principle of creating a diet is that it does not provide general recommendations and advice. The weight loss program is compiled individually in each case. The patient must take a blood test. The author of the diet claims that the digestion of different foods requires special enzymes and their own time. So it is important to take this into account when creating dishes and menus.

It is possible to determine which foods you can eat and which you cannot with the help of a serological blood test, which is carried out at Dr. Volkov’s clinic. An extract of the product is added to the sample, then the specialist measures the rate at which red blood cells settle within an hour during the experiment, and then at the end of it, that is, during control.

Find the difference, which must be divided by the time obtained after completion of the reaction. If the indicator is higher than 0.2, then the person is highly sensitive to this product, and therefore should not eat it. Eating such food leads to disruption of the immune system, and this disrupts all other systems of the body. As a result, the person begins to gain weight. Unsuitable foods take energy away from the body.

Thus, the client receives two lists of products, which are called “red” and “green”. The first one should not be eaten for the next three to four months. And the product from the second is subject to “cleaning”, that is, flour products, sweets, alcoholic beverages, honey, and yeast are crossed out.

Further, the permitted ones can only be eaten separately, that is, water cannot be combined with food; fish and seafood should be eaten 2 - 3 hours after the fruit. And also vice versa. In addition, it is best to choose fruits and cereals for breakfast, lunch with foods containing proteins (for example, eggs, fish, cottage cheese), and dinner with meat.

Another important point is that after three to four months you need to do a control - donate blood again and determine the list of products.

But, despite the statement that Volkov’s diet helps you lose weight without exhausting workouts, cardio exercises are a mandatory component of the program. In addition, every evening you need to harden yourself, that is, douse yourself with cold water.

Watch Dr. Volkov’s diet in this video:

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any method, the Volkov diet has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to take them into account if you plan to start losing weight using his system.

The advantages of the Volkov diet are:

  • good system results;
  • Few products are prohibited, and only truly harmful ones;
  • the ability to independently organize the menu;
  • improving mood and well-being;
  • general positive and healing effect on the body;
  • ability to control appetite.

However, there are some significant disadvantages:

  • First of all, clients will have to constantly take a blood test to determine healthy and “poisonous” foods. And it's not cheap. This will have to be done every four or five months.
  • A complete refusal of dairy products can affect the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and liver.
  • Also, excluding broth from the diet disrupts the functioning of the digestive system.
  • It is important to understand that when going on this diet, you will have to change your eating habits radically.


There are also cases when Dr. Volkov's diet should be used with caution or is not advisable at all. Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menopause;
  • The Volkov diet should not be followed by children, adolescents and the elderly;
  • after operations, transplantations;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • oncology;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious and other ailments that cause weakness and poor health;
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Before you start following the Volkov diet, you need to consult your doctor and hear an independent opinion.

Principles of creating a menu for every day

To create a diet for every day, you should follow the following nutritional rules:

  • You cannot combine proteins and carbohydrate-containing foods.
  • Meals should be taken every two to three hours. It is during this time that the food will have time to be digested, but dangerous starvation will not occur. You need to want to eat no longer than 20 minutes.
  • Drink as much water as possible throughout the day. Up to approximately 2 liters. Moreover, juices, tea and others are not included in this amount.
  • You can drink half an hour before or after meals.
  • For nutrition, try to choose foods without chemical additives.
  • Cooking on the Volkov diet should consist of minimal heat treatment: boiling, steaming or grilling.
  • The daily menu should be varied.
  • Every time after eating you need to carefully monitor your well-being. If discomfort or heaviness appears, then the body gives a sign that these products are not suitable. This is the Volkov diet.
  • After 6 pm no fruits and berries.
  • You should not eat broths or dishes based on them.
  • According to the Volkov diet, you should start the day with almost a liter of clean water half an hour before breakfast.
  • You should not eat smoked, salted, canned or fried foods.
  • The diet should contain proteins, for example, meat without fat, poultry, fish and seafood, cereals and cereals, vegetables and fruits, herbs, berries, and whole grain bread.
  • You cannot eat fast food, processed foods, as well as all sugar- and starch-containing foods.
  • Animal milk should be avoided. The human body cannot digest it.

When planning your daily menu, it is important to consider the number of calories. It should be 200 - 300 units lower than the required amount to maintain shape.

It is also necessary to chew as long as possible, for example, 20 - 30 times.

An example menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast should be porridge (millet, barley, oatmeal) plus a plate of sugar-free muesli with pieces of fruit or an omelette with cheese and herbs.
  • After a couple of hours, have a snack with an apple, a slice of whole grain bread with jam, a fruit salad with unsweetened yogurt dressing or cottage cheese.
  • You can dine on fish, meat or chicken fillet, and side dishes include brown rice, al dente, and vegetable salad.
  • For an afternoon snack they eat fruit, cottage cheese or casserole.
  • Dinner should include a variety of lean meat dishes with vegetables and herbs.

Thus, the amount of protein should prevail in the diet over carbohydrates.


Before deciding on the Volkov diet, everyone wants to be sure of its effectiveness and safety. Moreover, in this case, a person sacrifices not only health, but also finances. Of course, there are results of losing weight on the Volkov diet. People share their great results. On the Internet you can meet those who have lost up to 25 kilograms in four months or 7 kilograms in just a week. There are practically no negative reviews.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to say that Dr. Volkov introduced any revolutionary methods. This system is quite effective, since it does not contradict the fundamental principles of general dietetics. Any specialist, even every sane person, knows that it is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of sweets, alcohol, baked goods, fried and smoked foods, pickles and semi-finished products. And also exercise regularly.

But in this case you have to pay for this “secret” of losing weight. Moreover, every six months you have to take an expensive test. Perhaps the awareness of a significant investment pushes people more towards achieving the desired result than a free prescription from a local doctor.

In addition, an experiment was conducted by journalists under the guise of clients. They took tests and received a list of products. The trick is that Volkov's diet was based on the fact that it contained a lot of fiber, but few carbohydrates. Therefore, the process of losing weight is simply inevitable.

Expert opinion

On the one hand, Volkov’s diet is based on well-known principles of nutrition. Therefore, it cannot bring much harm to the body. But, at the same time, it has no scientific basis. According to the chief hematologist A. Vorobyov, the products do not cause the appearance of antigens. In addition, the rate at which red blood cells are deposited indicates the presence or absence of inflammation in the body. But this does not indicate an allergy.

In addition, Volkov's diet was not approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. If the author claims that his method is a treatment, then he must obtain permission. But a license to operate a clinic can be issued without this permission if Volkov’s diet was not specified when submitting the application.

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences also did not work with the Volkov diet and did not check its effectiveness and safety. And the attitude of leading employees is extremely skeptical.

Moreover, the Volkov diet is based on the principle of separate nutrition, developed by Dr. Hay in the 30s of the 20th century. Then it was finalized by G. Shelton. But these principles of diet were refuted by classical dietetics.

The main argument is that, apart from eggs, sugar and sunflower oil, no other products contain protein, carbohydrates and fats in their pure form. Everything is a mixture, sometimes more of one, sometimes more of another. All products are a mixture of protein, fat and acids. So there is no point in separating them. In addition, the human body is adapted to produce the necessary enzymes for different types of food at the same time.

And finally, experts have doubts about evening hardening - dousing with cold water. After all, this procedure has a tonic and invigorating effect on the body, which is extremely undesirable before bedtime. What the meaning is is not entirely clear.

Losing weight is a complex and long-term process. Methods that promise rapid weight loss raise doubts among experts. Volkov's diet is based on the principles of healthy eating. If you follow general recommendations, it is possible to lose weight without undergoing an expensive blood test.

Dr. Volkov's diet is quite popular, its adherents glorify Dr. Volkov and advertise the unprecedented results of his diet after just three months of its use. What exactly is its difference from dozens and even hundreds of other diets? And who is Dr. Volkov himself, who does not allow himself to be photographed, practically does not give interviews and does not meet with journalists?

Who is Dr. Volkov

Doctor Volkov. Photo: YouTube

The mysterious Doctor Volkov is a real person of flesh and blood. He is 63 years old and a doctor. Anatoly Volkov graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov in 1981, specializing as a pediatrician. He completed his internship in pediatrics at Children's Hospital No. 9 named after. Dzerzhinsky. For more than 11 years he worked as a visiting pediatrician at the State Healthcare Institution of the Moscow City Executive Committee. Since 1997 he has been engaged in scientific work. He has a patent for invention No. 2152616 “Method for diagnosing the individual sensitivity of the body to food products” dated 05.19.1999, as well as a patent for invention No. 2185178 “Method for Correcting and optimizing the nutrition of patients to improve the health of the body and reduce excess weight (IgG4)” dated 2001 . Author of the book “The Logic of Health” and “8 Principles of Health”. And for about 20 years now, Volkov has been successfully engaged in private nutritional practice, and even created his own clinic, “Ekolabmedtest”, in 2000 with the help of grateful patient sponsors. Among his clients are deputies, governors, actors, and representatives of Russian show business. His name has been passed on to each other as a precious recipe for a healthy life for the second decade.

Features of Dr. Volkov's diet

The Volkov diet is one of the varieties of separate nutrition systems. It does not contain general recommendations on the choice of products; the diet is compiled individually. According to its author, different types of food require special enzymes and different times to digest. Therefore, you should not mix products that differ too much in the specified parameters in one go. Volkov's diet rules:

  • protein and carbohydrate foods are not consumed together;
  • You should eat only when you feel hungry;
  • You can choose any diet, but at least 2 hours must pass between meals;
  • You need to drink 3 liters of water per day, with the first liter before breakfast;
  • You can only drink water or green tea with meals. Other drinks are allowed 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after it;
  • eat only environmentally friendly products: subject foods only to minimal heat treatment, cook as quickly as possible;
  • prepare dishes using dietary methods - boiling, steaming, baking in the oven and grilling;
  • the diet should be as varied as possible;
  • you need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction to food, refusing foods that make you feel worse after eating them;
  • regularly take a biochemical blood test to monitor the body’s reaction to certain foods;
  • you need daily physical activity, dousing yourself with cold water before going to bed.
  • At Dr. Volkov’s clinic, each patient undergoes a serological blood test. An extract of a food product is added to the whole blood sample of the subject, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate per hour is measured in the experiment and in the control, the difference between the first and second is determined, divided by the sedimentation rate in the control and, if the value obtained is more than 0.2, hypersensitivity to this is diagnosed. food product.

Based on the characteristics of the erythrocyte reaction, so-called immunoantagonist products are identified. The patient is given a “red list” - he is now prohibited from eating these foods for three to four months. Recommended products are included in the “green list”, but here, too, everything is not so simple. Volkov himself or one of his employees will certainly cross out from there all types of sugar, honey, grapes (and therefore wine), yeast (and therefore beer) and almost always wheat (and therefore vodka). Then a diet is drawn up: in the morning - fruits and cereals; during the day - cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, fish; in the evening - meat. It is strictly forbidden to mix proteins and carbohydrates. After some time - re-analysis and new lists.

Everything that the patient is allowed to eat according to the results of the analysis must be eaten strictly separately. For example, if you drank water, don’t eat right away; if you ate fish, don’t think about fruit. Breaks between meals range from half an hour to two. However, there is no strict ban on eating after 18:00, although the food offered is very unappetizing. Smoked, salty, fatty, fried and sweet foods are excluded.
“The situation when medicine fights the body,” says Volkov, “is fraught with the fact that it can be accidentally defeated. What happens next is clear. My tasks are simple. Firstly, the patient must change some of his eating and culinary habits, since they have already led to unsatisfactory results. Secondly, he must learn to listen to himself, and not lustfully study the menu in a restaurant. Thirdly, force your own body to remember that it can self-regulate. Losing weight is not a goal, but only a side effect of overall health. And it happens the faster the more excess weight has accumulated. My patients lose tens of kilograms without the slightest harm to their health. The excess water just drains away.”

All products allowed for consumption are divided into six types, each of which cannot be eaten together under any circumstances. The principle of separate nutrition, which underlies the Volkov diet, was developed by the American Herbert Shelton. The first group includes dairy products, the second - meat and fish, the third - vegetables and legumes, and the fourth - fruits and nuts. Watermelon and cantaloupe form two separate groups. The doctor recommends that everyone, without exception, avoid fried, smoked, salted foods, foods with preservatives (including juice in packages), dyes and other additives. You should even give up chewing gum. You should not eat stewed meat, fish, or drink coffee before meals.

A rare patient, after reading Shelton’s works, will have enough willpower to independently refuse prohibited products. The attractiveness of Volkov’s technique is based on the fact that, according to the doctor, the diet for each client is strictly individual, it is developed based on the results of a blood test. Each person who donates blood has a personal consultant doctor who monitors how the recommendations are followed and supports the patient at a time when he has doubts about the correctness of the chosen path.

Lawyer Andrei Makarov became the face of the Doctor Volkov brand. Galina Volchek and many actors of the Sovremennik Theater, Valentina Matvienko, Larisa Rubalskaya, Olga Bakushinskaya, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Anatoly Chubais, Mikhail Lesin, Mikhail Shvydkoy, Dmitry Rogozin and many others spoke about the fact that they are “losing weight according to Volkov.” Among his followers are the clientele of World Class sports clubs and Azbuka Vkusa supermarkets.

What is the secret of the popularity of the Volkov diet?

Dr. Volkov’s dietary recommendations do not contradict all previous achievements of classical dietetics. Frankly speaking, everything is quite banal. So what is the secret to the success of his method? Apparently, the realization that every three months they have to shell out quite a lot of money for “losing weight with the stars” forces patients to strictly curb their appetite and give up unhealthy foods in favor of buckwheat and vegetables. Any local doctor from the province can prescribe exactly the same diet with the same restrictions, and for free. But who will take his simple recommendations seriously and strictly follow them? Meanwhile, the same diet, which introduces one to the circle of the “chosen ones” through serious expenses, works wonders. The principle “what works is what works” was first voiced by Freud, who almost 100 years ago said that in order to achieve results, the patient must pay for treatment, and pay dearly.

Criticism of experts

According to the chief hematologist of Russia, director of the Hematological Research Center, Academician Andrei Vorobyov, Volkov’s diet has nothing to do with science and blood. “A food product in itself cannot be a source of antigens, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which “is an indicator of the tolerability of a particular product,” only indicates the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body and has nothing to do with allergic reactions. We can firmly say that all these fashionable dietary recommendations are one hundred percent devoid of any scientific or practical justification.”

Representatives of the Ministry of Health also have a negative attitude towards the practice of Dr. Volkov and other clinics that develop diets based on the results of a patient’s blood test. “The ministry has not considered the method development of a blood test diet and, therefore, is not permitted,” said Nina Pyzheva, head of the department for the implementation of scientific developments of the department of scientific research medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. — We cannot guarantee that it is safe for human health. According to the basic legislation of the Russian Federation, all treatment methods must obtain permission from the ministry.”

According to Nina Pyzheva, permission to operate the clinic was given by a licensing authority, which is not subordinate to the ministry: “Now any clinic can obtain a license without the knowledge of the Ministry of Health. In this case, the company simply could not indicate this method in the description of its activities. Therefore, the licensing authority did not require permission for it.”

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences treats such diets with caution. Leading researcher at the clinical nutrition clinic, Mikhail Gurvich, believes that “a blood test cannot be a leading factor in developing a diet.”

“There are a lot of techniques that help patients lose weight, but it is unknown how this affects their health,” says Gurvich. — At our institute, Dr. Volkov’s experience is unknown, so it is impossible to say how safe it is for patients. It is important to remember that no diet should worsen a person’s condition, even temporarily, as happens with Volkov.”

Are the benefits of separate meals a myth? Shelton and Volkov

Separate nutrition has long been included in the category of harmful myths about nutrition. Nature initially programmed the human digestive system for a mixed diet. A set of enzymes produced by the stomach and pancreas allows the simultaneous digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The myth of separate nutrition arose under the influence of the works of Dr. Hay in 1930, which were refuted by classical dietetics in the early 50s of the last century. In the West today, the most famous proponent of the theory of separate nutrition is Herbert Shelton, who devoted 40 years to the study of diet and orthotrophy (the science of proper nutrition). The “Bible” of separate nutrition, Shelton’s famous book “Proper and Harmful Food Combinations,” was first published on July 10, 1928, and is still very popular.

From the book Mazurkiewicz SA. Encyclopedia of misconceptions. Nutrition. Moscow, Publishing house "Eksmo", 2005:

“Shelton’s theory is also refuted by the fact that there are practically no products consisting of one protein (fat, etc.). Pure protein can only be found in eggs, fat in sunflower oil, and carbohydrates in sugar. Everything else is a mixture.”
The head of the department of metabolic diseases of the Institute of Nutrition of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu. P. Popova, notes: “Separate nutrition is not therapeutic. There is no physiological basis for it. Over centuries of evolution, the human digestive tract has been prepared for a mixed diet. In addition, there are very few monoproducts in nature. Just salt and sugar. Everything else is a combination of proteins, fats, and acids...”

Investigative experiment

Back in 2009, a group of journalists decided to conduct a kind of check at Dr. Volkov’s clinic. They asked the same person to be tested. But not after three months, as Dr. Volkov recommends, but after three weeks. And the journalists found themselves with two completely different lists of prohibited and permitted products. However, both the first and second diets contained so few carbohydrates and so much fiber that losing weight on either of them would have been inevitable. However, absolutely any diet recommends excluding fatty, salty, smoked foods, and also using less fast carbohydrates and more fiber in your diet, and it’s completely free.

Pros and cons of the Volkov diet

This diet certainly has its advantages. In essence, Dr. Volkov operates in a standard way: he returns his patients to healthy eating habits - the only real way to lose weight. His recommendations correspond to all the achievements of classical dietetics, so weight loss can be very significant.

There are quite a few disadvantages to this diet, and the most important of them is the price of the recommendations. In addition, most doctors consider drinking 3 liters of water daily to be excessive and more harmful to health than beneficial. Cold dousing, which Dr. Volkov recommends in addition to the diet, has a tonic (invigorating) effect, so the advisability of performing this procedure before bed is questionable.

Before starting a diet, you should prepare - find a nutritionist familiar with the Volkoff system, and a laboratory where you can regularly take blood tests. To create an individual diet, it is proposed to focus on the results of regularly taken biochemical blood tests, adjusting the menu depending on the indicators. Obviously, this requires a diet under the supervision of a specialist, which is not always convenient and also expensive. The Volkov diet is not recommended for kidney disease.

Employees of the Volkov clinic warn that at the beginning of the diet, a short-term exacerbation of some chronic diseases is possible. Therefore, you need to monitor your condition after starting a diet with special attention.

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