A project in the middle group of dows on the theme “little helpers.” Project activity “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Annual project in the middle group Ready project plan in the middle group of preschoolers


"Wild and Domestic Animals"

Educator: Morgun Galina Vladimirovna

“The more the child saw, heard, experienced,

the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, all other things being equal,

conditions will be his creative activity.”

L. S. Vygotsky.

Preschool childhood is a very inquisitive age. The endless questions prove this. What happens if a pet is released into the wild? Why did man domesticate animals? They live in a house, so they are pets?

The animal world is incredibly diverse and attractive to children.

Even in very early childhood, many of the children have the necessary opportunity to contact domestic animals - cats, dogs.

Animals become as integral a part of childhood as your favorite toys.

Various situations of communication with animals provide a large stock of ideas about their characteristics and habits, awaken interest and curiosity, and develop the skill of interacting with them.

That is why the project “Wild and Domestic Animals” was compiled (educational, long-term, thematic).

The project provides each child with the opportunity not only to gain knowledge, but also to develop creative abilities, develop communication skills, and form the initial prerequisites for research activities.


Create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities during the project.

Project objectives

  • To give an idea about the wild animals of the forests of Russia, their way of life, food, housing, and how animals in the forest prepare for winter.

  • Develop the ability to understand and learn about the world around you

  • Stimulate children's desire (with the help of an adult) to acquire knowledge from different sources

  • Activate and enrich children's vocabulary through nouns (hollow, den, lair, hole); adjectives (prickly, shaggy, clumsy, cunning, angry, hungry); verbs (hide, hunt, hide, look out, etc.)

  • Develop coherent speech through writing descriptive stories about animals.

  • Instill a love of nature, cultivate a desire to help animals.
In the process of project activities, all key competencies will be developed:

Social– children interact with each other.

Communicative– children communicate, ask questions, participate in conversations, read poetry, and write stories.

Information– receive information from different sources.

Active– select materials and tools to create a product.

Health- saving– play outdoor games on this topic.

Project duration: long (September - May).

Project participants:

Children of the middle group, teachers, parents, music director.

Expected result of studying the topic.

Children will learn:

That animals are living organisms, beings with the ability to move and feel;

That the habitat of animals can be water and land.

All animals are different in structure, size, color, method of movement, ability to defend themselves from enemies, breed offspring, build a home, get their own food;

That wild animals need protection and protection from extermination;

That everything in living nature is interconnected

Will learn:

Group animals by habitat, external characteristics, methods of movement and protection from enemies, structure of the home, size;

Use in speech the names of animals, parts of their bodies, habitats, characteristic features, and actions.

1.Initial stage

  • Selection of illustrative material on the topic, board and printed games, educational games, toys for domestic and wild animals, materials for games.

  • Selection of methodological literature, fiction for reading, riddles on the topic, audio recordings, presentations.
Selection of fiction:

Fairy tales:“The Tale of the Whacked Goat”, Russian folk tale

"Cat - gray forehead, goat and ram";

S. V. Mikhalkov “How an old man sold a cow”;

K. Ushinsky “Blind Horse”, “Animal Dispute”;


Proverbs: Toys for the cat, and tears for the mouse. A cow in the yard means food on the table. A dog is a man's constant friend. The horse runs - the earth trembles. Beating a cow with a stick means not drinking milk. An old dog doesn't bark in vain. Even a horse cannot gallop through force.

Puzzles about pets;

Physical minutes:“Cow”, “Goat”, “Cat”, “Kitty”;

Finger gymnastics: “Two little goats”, “Piglets”;

Counting tables:“A goat walked along the bridge”, “A zealous horse”, “A pig walks through the forest”;

Nursery rhymes:“I’ll tie the goats to the white birch tree,” “Oh, how I love my little cow!”;

Didactic games: “I know 5 names of domestic animals”, “Who says what”, “What will you do”, “Cow with a calf”, “Who eats what”, “The third one is extra”, “Domestic or wild animal”, “ Beloved children”;

Outdoor games:

“The Sly Fox”, “At the Bear in the Forest”, “The Cat and the Mice”, “The Shaggy Dog”.

Problematic questions formulated:

How would we live without pets?

Why keep animals in the house?

What happens if we release a pet into the wild?

Why did man domesticate animals?

If they live in a house, does that mean they are home?

True friends or helpers?

How to care for pets?

Who cares for wild animals?

What animals can be called pets?

What animals should not be kept at home?

What is the role of wild animals in people's lives?

What can we give to pets?

Albums with images of domestic and wild animals are designed, the purpose of which is to help children remember the appearance of the animals, their names and the names of the cubs.

  • Technological stage.
Long-term plan for working with children.



1. Looking at pictures of animals


2. Conversation about pets (appearance)

3. Conversation about wild animals (appearance)

4. Reading poems

5. D/I “Whose cub? »

6. Sculpting your favorite animal

1. Review of encyclopedias about animals


2.View presentations about animals

3. Drawing animals (cats, snails, hare)

4. Compiling stories about animals based on paintings

throughout the entire project

P/I “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Cat and Mice”

throughout the entire project

Riddles about animals


Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Musical leisure “Who is preparing for winter”

View the presentation “Who Lives Where”

Reading fairy tales about animals

Reading N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat.”


P/games “Fox in the hen house”, “Horses”.

modeling “Animals of the forest”

Theatrical sketches “Wild animals with cubs”.

Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".


Working in a corner of nature: looking at models of domestic animals.

Board game "Wild Animals".

Fox and bird applique

Didactic game “What animals do we know?”

Watching the educational film “My first animals”


Reading the children's encyclopedia "About everything in the world"

P/i "Geese", "Wolf"

5 A theatrical play based on the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf.”

Reading stories by E. Charushin about animals


Watching cartoons about animals

Drawing a fox, a dog

D/I “Find similar ones”

Cognition"Animals of Hot Countries"

View presentations "Animals"


Conversation on the topic “Birds”

Watching the film “My First Animals”

Application “Our Birds”

Final lesson “Little Brothers”


Quiz "Wild and Domestic Animals"

3. Reflective stage

Quiz “Domestic and wild animals”, the goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge about animals.

Release of an album of drawings “Our younger friends!”

Mini museum in the group “Domestic and wild animals. What are they?”, the goal is to show parents, children, and teachers their work over the entire period of the project.


As a result of the work, preschoolers understand and know:

that animals play an important role in nature and in human life,

how to care for pets.

As a result of our work, we noted:

Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic and wild animals.

Active inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten.

The project is aimed at expanding children's knowledge about the characteristics of animals, their role in human life, and at developing in children the skills of grouping natural objects according to the following characteristics: domestic - wild.

This project opened up the wonderful world of pets. He contributed to thinking about the relationship between people and animals, that is, we are for them or they are for us.

Helped answer the questions: What place do pets occupy in our lives?

How do animals prepare for winter? What do pets bring to our lives?

What can we give to animals? Where do they live? And to many other questions.

This project made it possible to develop the creative thinking of preschoolers, the ability to acquire knowledge from various sources, analyze simple facts, express their own judgments, and draw simple conclusions and conclusions.

We can conclude that thanks to the classes, conversations, and play activities, children’s knowledge on this topic was consolidated and improved.

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution No. 1 “Kindergarten “Ryabinka”


formation of ideas about work

in children 4–5 years old

on this topic:

Prepared and carried out:

Teachers of secondary "B" Group "Cherry"

Grechko Elena Vladimirovna and

Krasilnikova Iya Nikolaevna

Smt. Palana

June 2018

Project Information Card


Children are always a “mirror of society” in their games and thoughts.

Preschool childhood is a period of a child’s life when the boundaries of the family expand to the limits of the street, city, and country. If during infancy a child, being in the family circle, received the necessary conditions for his development, then in early preschool age the range of his interests expands. The child discovers the world of human relationships, different types of activities of adults. He feels a great desire to join adult life and actively participate in it.

The work of preschool children is the most important means of education. The entire process of raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. Treating work with love and seeing joy in it is a necessary condition for the manifestation of a person’s creativity and talents.

Full project name: "Little Helpers"

Project duration:

short-term (3 weeks: from 06/11/2018 to 06/29/2018).

Project type by number of participants: group.

Type of project by dominant type of project activity: informative.

Project type by content: educational - playful.

Project participants: teachers, children, parents.

Children's age: 45 years.

Problem: Children have the least developed interest in the work of close adults; this is important, since at this stage the child is developing personal qualities, skills and desire for work.

Objective of the project: Give the concept of work in the general sense of the word: adults, peers through observation, through work activity, through conversations and games.

Project objectives:

For children:

Develop hard work and a desire to help.

Develop cognitive abilities.

Develop communication skills.

Teach children to recognize and name some labor actions.

Form different ideas about tools.

For the teacher:

Ensure the psychological well-being and health of children.

Involve children in the learning process.

Involve children in joint activities with adults.

For parents:

Intensify the desire to look for ways to introduce their children to work in

family + assistance to relatives (including children).

Form of the final project event:

- collection of photographs “Little Helpers”.

Project products:

For children:

Materialized –drawings, buildings, cleanliness in the group,

replanting plants, clean linen for dolls….

Non-materialized –knowledge about the work of adults and children.

For the teacher:

Gaining experience working with preschoolers for 4–5 years in the field of labor education.

For parents:

Obtaining new knowledge about the labor education of children in the family and in kindergarten.

Expected results for the project:

For children:

Knowledge about labor in general for both adults and children.

Developing hard work and a desire to help.

For the teacher:

- Teach to respond emotionally to an adult’s request for help.

Enrich and activate the vocabulary: broom, dustpan, mop, rag, sweep, clean, wash, wipe, etc.

For parents:

Arouse interest and desire to work together with the teacher and children.

Integration of educational areas.
Speech development.Social and communicative development.Artistic and aesthetic development.Cognitive development.


Collection of material necessary for the implementation of the project.Development of outlines of activities to familiarize and attract children to work.Production of manuals and preparation of necessary material for labor and productive activities.Organization of a subject-specific development environment for independentchildren's activities in play centers.


    work with children:

    Joint activity - excursion to the laundry “Adult Labor - Laundress” (visit

kitchen, laundry,

    literature (“Spikelet”, “Fedorino

grief”, “What is good and what is bad”).

and children's toys.

    Washing doll clothes.

    Forming an aesthetic sense through neat, beautiful folding

and arranging children's literature on a bookshelf.

    Productive activities (application, manual labor). (papier mache).

    working with parents)



    Photo report.

Expected results:

Project implementation plan:

    A conversation with children about the work of a junior teacher, after the conversation the task was set: to find out why our group is so clean? Children will receive an answer to this question as a result of the project.

    Conversation “Don’t sit with your hands folded - this way there will be no boredom.”(see Appendix 1)

    medical office, workers' warehouse...).

(see Appendix 2)

    Observations (of the work of adults).

    Looking at illustrations, reading fictionliterature and riddles about professions (“Spikelet”, “Fedorino’s grief”, “What is good and what is bad”).

(see Appendix 3)

(from waste material and paper). Handmade “Plate for our cooks”(papier mache).

In conclusion, I would like to note that this activity was carried out by us for the first time and we believe that the goals and objectives were successfully achieved by us, the children took an active part in the implementation project .

The result has been achieved!

Information project passport for topic: "Little Helpers"

for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Project type

    By dominant activity in the project:informational.

    By content:information-practice-oriented,

    educational - playful.

    By number of project participants:group (15-20 people).

    By time:short-term (3 weeks).

    By the nature of contacts:child and family, within the preschool educational institution.

    By knowledge profile:multi-subject.

    By the nature of the child’s participation in the project:member from birth

ideas until results are achieved.

Composition of the project team:

Project leaders – educatorsGrechko E. V. and Krasilnikova I. N. .

Children and parents of the middle group.

Objective of the project:

Involve children in carrying out work assignments.

Project objectives:

1. Introduce children to the items necessary for work.

2. Expand children’s knowledge about the professions of parents and adults working in preschool educational institutions.

3. Arouse interest in the results of labor actions.

4. Encourage children to want to participate in completing work assignments.

5. Form ideas about caring for indoor plants: replanting, watering, care.

6. Providing an opportunity for every child to participate in caring for plants.

7. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about keeping the group, toys,

books, etc.

8. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about helping adults in the group and parents in the family.

Relevance of the problem:

Children’s acquisition of knowledge about work in the general sense of the word: adults, peers through observation, through work activity and fiction, through conversations and games. Ability to engage in teamwork with group peers.

Project implementation stages:

Preparatory –organizational .

Basic -practical .

Final –summarizing .

Meaning project for all its participants:

    Children: receive and put into practice the rules of work, adult assistance and safety.

    Teachers: continuation of mastering the methoddesign - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.

    Parents: expand opportunitiescooperation with your children , prepare material for teaching their children.

Estimated distribution of roles in project team :

    Educators: organize educational situations, joint productive activities, and counseling parents.

    Children: participate in educational and play activities.

    Parents: prepare material for teaching children, consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in practice.

Security project activities:

Methodical :


Material for productive activities

Expected resultproject

Children willingly performwork assignments .

Implementation of the project in stages:

    Preparatory stage

    Defining a themeproject .

    Formulation of goals and definition of tasks.

    Selection of materials on the topicproject .

    Drawing up a plan for the main stageproject .

    Main stage

    Distribution of educational activities by day and time.

    The final stage

    Summary of the project in the methodological office.

    Exhibition of children's works on productive activities on the theme of the project.

    Photo report.

Expected results:

    The children understood what professions there are in preschool educational institutions and what they are needed for.

    We realized that we have to work hard to make it clean, beautiful, aesthetically pleasing...

    Respect for the work of adults appeared.

    We learned to navigate the preschool premises.

    We learned to work together, sharing responsibilities with peers in the group.

    The children's friendship and unity with each other has strengthened.

Stages of project preparation and implementation




- Introducing parents to the project (individual conversation with each parent).

- A conversation with children about the work of a junior teacher, after the conversation the task was set: to find out why our group is so clean? Children will receive an answer to this question as a result of the project.

- Conversation “Don’t sit with your hands folded - this way there will be no boredom.”

- Joint activity - excursion to the laundry “Adult Labor - Laundress” (visit to the kitchen, laundry, medical office, workers' warehouse...).

- Observations (of the work of adults).

- Looking at illustrations, reading fiction literature (“Spikelet”, “Fedorino’s grief”, “What is good and what is bad").

- Organization of didactic and role-playing games.

- General cleaning of the group “Wash, wash clean, clean...”.

- Children are on duty in the group dining area (assisting the nanny).

- Instilling self-care skills (let's put the lip napkins into vases).

- Preparing pots with soil for replanting indoor plants.

- Transplanting indoor flowers into pots with soil.

- Together with the teacher, washing the group’s play material and children’s toys.

- Washing doll clothes.

- Cleaning up after toys after independent play.

- View the presentation “In the world of professions”.

- Formation of an aesthetic sense through neat, beautiful folding and arrangement of children's literature on a bookshelf.

- Consultation “Work education of a child in the family”
- Recommendations for cultivating hard work “Little Helper”


- Manual labor “Let’s give the nanny a beautiful bucket and broom”(from waste material and paper)
- Handmade “Bowl for our cooks”(papier-



- Photo report “Little Helpers”.


- Exhibition of children's work on productive

activities related to the project topic"Little Helpers"


in kindergarten"Guidelines

to the program of education and training in kindergarten

garden /ed. Vasilyeva M. A., Gerbova

V.V., Komarova T.S., M., Mosaic-synthesis, 2007



Conversation with children topic:

“Don’t sit idly by - this way you won’t get bored”

K. Ushinsky called hard work the greatest wealth that parents can leave to their children as an inheritance.

In the fifth year of life, the game lays the foundations for socially useful activities and improves self-service skills. Gradually, preschoolers begin to view work as a serious activity, approved and encouraged by their parents and educators. This attitude towards work should be supported in every possible way.

During conversations, the teacher tells children about the importance of work in a person’s life, its usefulness and significance; introduces preschoolers to various professions; using specific examples, he shows that work, even the simplest, requires some effort.

Don’t sit idly by – this will prevent boredom (4–5 years)

During the conversation, the teacher tells the children about the usefulness and importance of work.

Do you ever get bored? – the teacher asks the children. – How do you get rid of boredom?

Listen to what Sveta did when she was bored (S. Baruzdin “When You’re Never Bored”).


The guys played and began to get ready to go for a walk. Svetlana remained in the group.

“You’re coughing today, you better sit in the room,” said Zinaida Fedorovna. - Play, and we'll be back soon.

Svetlana stood in the middle of the room, sat on a chair, walked from corner to corner, and she became so bored! I want to go outside!

I don't cough at all! Why didn't they take me for a walk?

The nanny Nina Markovna came and began to clean the room. You need to arrange the chairs in order, sweep the floor, wipe the glass.

Nina Markovna has a lot to do! You can't manage it alone.

I will help! – says Svetlana. - Let's clean up together.

And they began to work together. Svetlana is arranging chairs, and Nina Markovna is sweeping the floor. Sveta is folding books, and Nina Markovna is making beds in the bedroom...

Hurry up,” says Svetlana, “otherwise we won’t have time!”

Quicker! – says Nina Markovna. “We need to clean everything up before the guys arrive.” The clock on the wall is ticking, the hands are moving: five, ten, fifteen minutes... Time flies quickly, and work goes even faster. As soon as Nina Markovna and Sveta finished cleaning, it began to rain outside and all the guys ran home. We entered our group and looked... The room was clean, cozy, good!

Well, weren't you bored? – Zinaida Fedorovna asks Sveta.

No,” Svetlana answers, “Nina Markovna and I worked!”

What was Sveta’s mood when everyone went for a walk?(She was bored and wanted to go outside with the guys.)

How did Sveta find something interesting to do?

Who did Sveta help? What did she do?

What did the guys see when they entered the group?

What did the girl say in response to the teacher’s question: “Well, weren’t you bored?”

Which one of you likes to work?

What do we call a person who loves to work and benefit others?(Hardworking, industrious.)

Tell us about what you can do.

Explain the proverb “Don’t sit idle, and you won’t get bored.”


Joint activity – excursion in the middle group:

“The work of adults is a laundress.”


    continue to introduce children to the work of kindergarten staff;

    show children that kindergarten staff care about children;

    to form in children an idea about the content and structure of a laundress’s work, about the nature of the washing labor process (purpose, material, household appliances, result);

    talk about the dangers of household electrical appliances and careful handling of them;

    to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of the laundress, to make their work easier (work in the laundry is very difficult, and if children wash their hands well, it will be easier for employees to wash towels).

Progress of the event:

    Conversation “Who washes our clothes?”

Educator: Guys, listen, I’ll read you an excerpt from a poem you know, try to remember it:

The blanket ran away

The sheet flew away

And the pillow is like a frog,

Jumped away from me...

- What is the name of this work? (“Moidodyr.”)

- Yes, this is a work by K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

- Who remembers why things ran away from the boy? (He was dirty.)

- Our group is not dirty, but still, sometimes some guys can stain a towel if they don’t wash their hands very well.

- Who makes sure that the children have clean towels? (children's answers.)

- Each of you has not only a towel, but also bed linen: a sheet, a duvet cover, a pillowcase. They also change them often for you - they put them in clean ones. Besides, it cares so much about you? (laundress)

- What does a laundress do in a kindergarten?

- Who needs clean linen and why?

    Imitation game: “Washing clothes.”

Children imitate all the components of washing clothes (at a signal from the teacher): pour water into a basin, wash, wring out, shake off and hang, iron.

    Excursion to the laundry.

Educator: Today we will go with you to the laundry room of our kindergarten, where they wash clothes for all the children in the kindergarten, and we will see how the laundry workers manage to wash so much linen.

-Where are we going now? (to the laundry room)

- What are the names of the laundry workers? What is the name of the profession?

- Don't forget to say hello when you come to the laundry room.

In the laundry room .

- Where did we come, guys? Who works here? Let's meet the laundry workers. This …. And now …. will tell you how they manage to wash so much laundry. Look how much laundry there is. (Shows the laundry ready for washing.)

A laundry worker's story about his work showing his actions.

    Compiling a story.

Children are offered a diagram of the labor process of washing clothes: children tell the sequence and post pictures.

Game "Can or can't".

Children stand in a circle. The teacher calls

some action. Which child will he throw the ball to?

he answers whether it is possible or not:

- children turn on the iron;

- play with the control lever of the washing machine;

- iron your own laundry on an ironing board;

- Should children wash their clothes in a washing machine?



Riddles about the professions of adults

1.You teach letters to add,

Grow flowers and catch butterflies,

Look at everything and remember everything,

And love everything native and Russian. (educator)


I'm busy with the kids,

I spend all my days with them.

I'm never angry

For the kids' tricks.

I go for walks with them

I put them to bed.

And, of course, I love

I am my profession. (educator)

2. We get up very early,

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning (driver)

3. Who in days of illness

The most useful of all

And cures everyone of everyone

Diseases? (doctor)

4. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he... (artist).


Today I played Baba Yaga

And tomorrow the Snow Maiden

I can play. (actress)

5. He will direct the glass eye,

He clicks once and remembers everything. (photographer)

6. Who sits at the patient’s bedside?

And how he is treated, he tells everyone;

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk. (doctor).

7. We teach children

Love nature

Respect old people. (teacher)

8. Shovels snow

Sweeps the yard with a broom.

Did you guys guess?

Who monitors the cleanliness? (street cleaner)

9. We must fight fire -

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

People really need us,

So who are we? (firemen)

10. If a flame swirls,

The smoke is pouring out in a column,

“Zero – one” we will dial,

Let's call him for help. (firefighter)

11. Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron with paint,

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted. (painter)

12. He hurries to his car,

To start the engine.

Doesn't like to sleep long in the morning

The light is getting up a little... (driver)

13. By taxi and dump truck,

On the fire brigade and ambulance -

Of course, you recognized them -

They work all day... (driver)

14. Tomorrow morning our mother

Takes flight

Because our mother

It's called... (pilot)

15. We get up early

After all, our concern is

Take everyone

In the mornings to work. (chauffeur)

16. Every day early in the morning

He takes the steering wheel in his hands.

Twists and turns this way and that,

But he won’t eat it! (chauffeur)

17. Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

Are all breakfasts and lunches? (cook)

18. He is standing on the bridge

And he looks menacing

Controls the ship.

And he always has binoculars with him. (captain)

19. His coming

Everyone is happy

When there is a waterfall in the kitchen. (plumber)

20. Among the clouds on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it. (builders)

21. Putting dexterous two hands

Heels on shoes,

And heels -

Also the work of these hands. (shoemaker)

22. At work, a day - a day

He commands with his hand.

That hand raises

A hundred pounds under the clouds. (crane operator)

23. This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes, not paints,

And a comb and scissors.

She has mysterious powers:

Who will touch

He will become more beautiful! (hairdresser)

24. He brought us a telegram:

“I’m coming. Wait. Mother."

I brought my grandfather a pension,

At least not Santa Claus.

He's been on his feet since dawn.

Who is this? (postman).

25. I sewed a shirt for a bear.

I'll sew some pants for him.

Tell me quickly, who am I?

Well, of course... (seamstress)

26. He will heave away the log deftly,

He will make frames, a canopy,

He has resin overalls

The forest smells like pine. (a carpenter)

27. Adds numbers

Subtracts numbers.

Income and expenses

The report presents.

Here is income, and here is expense.

Nothing will be lost! (accountant)

28. We are the defenders of the country,

Trained, strong.

Border guards, tank crews,

Sailors, artillerymen,

We serve everywhere:

On land and on water. (military personnel)

29. If there is a flood

Or an earthquake,

He will always come to our aid

And he will save us from death. (rescuer)

30. He’s been in our dining room since morning

Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (cook)

31. From sifted flour

He bakes us pies

Buns, buns, biscuits.

Who is he? Guess what! (baker)

32. He is wearing overalls,

He paints frames deftly.

He whitewashed the ceiling

He helped us make repairs. (painter)

33. He will cure measles,

And bronchitis and sore throat,

Prescribe pills and vitamins. (doctor)

34. Hairdryer, brush and comb

He will deftly do his hair. (hairdresser)

35. He looks serious

He keeps order.

On a clear day, sometimes at night

Protects our peace. (policeman)

36. He has mountains of goods -

Cucumbers and tomatoes.

Zucchini, cabbage, honey,

He sells everything to people. (salesman)

37. We work as a team,

They are bringing us sand and concrete.

We need to work together,

To build a new house. (builder)

Projects are divided by type of activity:

  • Creative and research projects that allow children to experiment and display the results visually in the form of wall newspapers, stands, etc.
  • Role-playing projects that allow you to solve assigned problems in a playful way in the form of characters.
  • Information projects that make it possible to collect information, analyze and display it on stands, stained glass windows, etc.

Finished projects

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Projects to improve the territory of kindergartens
  • Traffic regulations, road traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports

Showing publications 1-10 of 47635.
All sections | Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

Short project on the topic"Folk culture and traditions" in the pre-school group. Compiled by: Vonokova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna. Type project : -creative; - informative. Duration: short term. Participants project : children of the preparatory group,...

Creative and research project “My Small Motherland” Creative - research project"My little homeland" Performed: Teacher Yazykovsky kindergarten"Teremok" Shirokova L.V. Relevance An integral part of any education system is the education of patriotism. The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool...

Projects. Project activity in kindergarten - Project “Wild Animals” in the second junior group

Publication “Project “Wild Animals” in the second junior...” Project “Wild Animals” Children’s age is 3 – 4 years. Second junior group. The duration of the project is 6 weeks. Goal: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children. Objectives: To develop children's interest in this topic. Introduce children to the animals that live in our...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Project “Pets” for children 3–4 years old Project “Pets” Children’s age is 3-4 years. The duration of the project is 5 weeks. PURPOSE: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children. OBJECTIVES: To develop children's interest in this topic; Introduce children to pets; Fix the characteristic...

Educational project “Our strength is in unity” Department of Education of the Administration of Volgograd MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINDERGARTEN No. 367 OF THE KRASNOARMEYSKY DISTRICT OF VOLGOGRAD" Project name "Our strength is in unity" Author of the project: Kuznetsova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna teacher of the first...

performed by: Nadeeva A.A., Tutrinova L.A., teachers Syktyvkar, 2018. Relevance of the project The main feature of an object for a preschooler is color. Color affects the emotional sphere of the child, participates in the process of artistic activity, forms...

Projects. Project activity in kindergarten - Environmental project in the junior group “Animals are Our Friends”

INTRODUCTION: Problem: Children do not have sufficient understanding of the lifestyle, habits, nutrition and homes of wild and domestic animals; about how they prepare for winter. Children do not have a general concept. Project goal: -Develop sustainable cognitive interest in...

Svetlana Kartashova
Short-term project in the middle group “Experimenters”

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Kindergarten 12" Perm

Passport project« Experimenters»

Name project« Experimenters»

Institution where it is implemented project, name, legal address Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 12" Perm

614022 Perm, Sniperov street, 21

General information about project

Relevance project Children are explorers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, constant desire experiment, independently seeking new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior.

In accordance with project Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and with requirements for the results of mastering the basis of the educational program, presented in the form of targets at the stage of completion of the preschool level education: One of the guidelines is curiosity. The child asks questions regarding near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions. Tends to observe, experiment.

Research activities are of great interest to children. Research provides the child with the opportunity to find answers to questions himself. "How?" And "Why?". Research activity is the natural state of a child, he is determined to understand the world, he wants to know everything, explore, discover, study - it means taking a step into the unknown. This is a huge opportunity for children to think, try, experiment, and most importantly, express yourself.

Type project Informational and educational

participants educators groups, children middle group No. 2, parents,

duration short-term project February from 15 - 25

target project Activate the interest of parents and children in joint activities

Tasks project:

1. Increase the effectiveness of efforts to introduce children to experimentation in the interaction of all participants in the educational process.

2. Development of social and communication skills.

3. developing children's curiosity through experimentation.

Implementation stages project:

Preparatory – introducing parents to project, information for parents.

The main one is replenishing the corner experimentation material and algorithms for this material. Talking with children about how to work with the material. Conversation with children about the rules of behavior in the corner experimenting with materials. Demonstration of elementary experiments by children.

The final result is a demonstration by parents of educational experiments with different materials.

Expected results:

Active participation of parents and children in joint activities.

Practical significance project:

Replenishment of the center experimentation.

Publications on the topic:

Short-term educational and creative project for the middle group “The Magic World of Flowers” Topic: “The Magical World of Flowers.” Relevance: Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system that children experience.

Short-term project for children of the middle group: “New Year’s card” Relevance of the topic: paper card as a symbol of the holiday. For that,.

Short-term project on moral and patriotic education “February 23” in the middle group Project participants: group teachers, music director, middle group children (28 people, parents of students. Problem: -absence.

Short-term project in the middle group “Be Healthy” Problem: parents' disinterest in organizing their children's physical activity. Justification of the problem: - lack of awareness of parents.

Goal: to promote the creation of conditions for the formation of positive and friendly relationships between peers. Form ideas.

Short-term project in the middle group “Our six-legged friends” Relevance of the project Environmental education is the formation of environmental awareness, environmental culture, and ability in preschoolers.

Nomination: short-term projects in kindergarten in the middle group, project vegetables and fruits - healthy products.

Objective of the project: expanding the knowledge of 4-5 year old children about food (description of the product, its beneficial properties, method or place of obtaining it, preparing dishes from it).

Project objectives: develop oral coherent monologue and dialogic speech of children, expand and activate children’s vocabulary, exercise children in project activities, teach children to defend their projects, encourage children and their parents to create a joint family project, develop children’s creative imagination.

Relevance of the problem: insufficient development of oral coherent monologue speech of children 4-5 years old, insufficiently developed skills and abilities of children in project activities, insufficient level of knowledge about food in children 4-5 years old.

Problem situation: lack of sufficient information in the group about a variety of food products, creation of a family project “Healthy Foods”.

Planned result: children’s defense (presentation) of their projects.

Enrollment of pupils: subgroup, individual.

Number of participants: all children of the group.

Duration: 1 Week.

the date of the: September 2017.

Forms of joint activities:

  1. Classes in the sections “Cognitive Development” and “Speech Development”:
  • examining food products on posters and in children's encyclopedias;
  • conversations on the topic “What foods do we know?”, “Where can I find information about food?” (from books, from adults, etc.);
  • children's stories about their favorite foods and dishes;
  • guessing riddles about food;
  • reading articles about food from children's encyclopedias.
  1. Classes in the section “Socio-communicative development”:
  • Didactic games “Fruits and vegetables” (lotto), “Divide food into groups” (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, bread, etc.).
  1. Classes on the section “Artistic and aesthetic development” (consultation for parents):
  • design of the family project “Healthy Food”.
  1. Children's defense (presentation) of their projects.

Project Implementation Plan

1 day.

Teacher’s activity: formulation of the question “What food products do we know?” in front of children 4-5 years old, problem statement, conversation on the topic “Where can I find the necessary information about food? (sources); examining food products on posters and in children's encyclopedias.

Children's activities: answering a question, entering a problem situation, participating in a conversation, participating in examining a poster and children's encyclopedias.

Day 2.

Activities of the teacher: didactic game (lotto) “Fruits and vegetables.”

Children's activities: participation in a didactic game.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

Day 3.

Activities of the teacher: reading articles about food in the encyclopedia, conversation on the topic “My favorite foods and dishes.”

Children's activities: listening to articles, stories about their favorite foods and dishes.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

4 day.

Teacher’s activities: didactic game “Divide food into groups” (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, bread, etc.), riddles about food.

Children's activities: participation in a didactic game, guessing riddles.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

5 day.

Activities of the teacher: organizing the defense (presentation) of children’s projects “Healthy Food”, helping children defend their projects.

Children's activities: defense (presentation) of their projects.

Parents' activities: helping children create and design projects, preparing children to defend projects.

Results of the short-term project “Healthy Food”

  • Expanding knowledge about food in children of middle group No. 3;
  • Formation of skills and abilities of children of secondary group No. 3 in project activities (development of oral coherent monologue and dialogic speech, development of the ability to speak in front of peers and listen to speakers);
  • Participation of 17 children in the presentation of their family projects on the topic “Healthy food” (17 projects).

Nomination: project activities in preschool educational institutions, ready-made projects in the middle group, vegetables and fruits project in kindergarten.

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 278"
Location: Perm region, Perm city

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