How to quickly learn letters. How and when you can start teaching your child the alphabet. Electronic poster “Talking ABC”

NOTE: After reading some of the comments, I realized that I did not accurately convey the essence of what was written below. To avoid further misunderstanding, let me clarify.

The games and activities that I talk about in this post are not aimed at learning letters directly. An indirect subgoal, of course, flashes by, but the main goal of these games is not to learn letters, but to develop the child’s attention, memory, and thinking, to develop fine motor skills and sensory perception. Letters are only an auxiliary means in achieving the primary goal. And in each game (with the exception of fishing and lotto) they are given no more than 30 seconds of time. Indeed, “in between times” I mentioned/wrote/showed/named it and then we continue to play.

Suppose we sculpt different figures from plasticine, try all sorts of techniques. And the child rolled a “sausage”, I show what can be done with it: cut it into pieces in a stack, flatten it, roll it up like a rose, make a ray of sunshine, mold it geometric figure(triangle, square, etc.), or you can wrap it in a ring and get the letter O. In this game, we stretched our fingers, fantasized, remembered the shapes and, “in the meantime,” got acquainted with the letter.

Another example. We play in the sandbox, do a dozen exciting activities: pour, sculpt, sift, bury, dig, pour through our fingers, draw with a stick or fingers in the sand... and, again “in between,” I write one or two letters with the same stick, name, what they sound like. I ask my daughter to show this or that letter. All this takes a few seconds. And again we sift, mold, bury... Was our sandbox game aimed at learning letters? Of course not! This is simply COMPLEX DEVELOPMENT!

Good mood to you all!

And now the post itself:

I’ve wanted to write for a long time, but I never had time.

Mothers pay a lot of attention and time when learning letters with their children. They devote whole days or even weeks to this topic. I confess to you, I did not dare to do this. Despite the fact that “Letters” is quite an important topic to study, I never attached much importance to it. To put it in simple language, I “forgot” the letters.

I never purposefully taught letters with Anyuta, however, at two years old she knows all the letters of the alphabet. What's the secret? In a nutshell, the secret is “in between.”

For example:

We sculpt with her from dough or plasticine, in between times I’ll mold some letter

Glue the sticker letters

We are doing sand therapy, I will draw a letter with her finger

I read fairy tales, I'll show you some capital letters

We play with sensory boxes, and there is some bright letter showing off

We play magnetic fishing, instead of fish there are letters

If you wanted to play lotto, you played alphabet

Wanted to put together puzzles - letter insert puzzles

We are looking for paired pictures - I throw up paired letters

We work with counting sticks - we lay out letters from them

We play bulk games - we’ll also pour the letter “fill”

Assembling a mosaic pattern in the form of a letter

We draw and don’t know what to draw, we scribble letters

Sometimes before going to bed we look through the alphabet book

We walk on the street, I’ll write a letter with chalk on the asphalt, or with a stick in the snow.

How did you teach children letters?

P.S: print out two copies, cut one, the letter lotto is ready


Greetings friends!

When should you start learning letters? Then when you notice the child's genuine interest.

I am not a supporter of early and persistent teaching of a child.

At the same time, I try to give the child a lot during the game. After all, if you don’t show and don’t offer, you can simply miss the moment... without offering, you won’t know what the child is interested in. Therefore, almost from birth, we began to read to Anyutka, different ones, including the alphabet. Closer to the year, we bought wooden cubes with letters and built towers from them.

It is important to create a developing and proactive environment for the child. So, to understand and see what is really interesting to a child at different stages of development.

Here's what we use for learning letters :

  • ABC with pictures and short poems;
  • magnetic letters;
  • talking alphabet;
  • cubes with letters.

I believe that until the age of four or five, there is no need to conduct special classes with a child to learn letters or learn to read. Just play with the kids and give them new information as you play. How? Because it is interesting for your child. Some children love having books read to them, others like to draw or sculpt, others like to build, etc. Knowing the interests of your children, you can always figure out how to present the necessary information.

Important: When you learn letters, be sure to name the sound, not the letter (i.e. V, not Ve). This will make it much easier for your child to learn to read in the future.

I will share with you the games with which Anyutka learned her letters, perhaps you will find some interesting ideas for yourself.

How to learn letters? Let's read the alphabet!

We read a lot to our daughter. She, like her mother, is a big book lover. And in different period We have always held the ABC in high esteem. Here is a detailed description of how to choose an alphabet for a child and how to practice using it. I completely share Angelina’s opinion on this issue. But we read such books. Examples, including those with stickers.

The very first alphabet

How to learn letters? Let's play with the "Talking ABC" electronic poster!

I really like electronic posters, I think they are good. Of course, the child does not always play with the poster, but it is always in sight, there is an opportunity to come up at any time, turn it on, listen or complete tasks.

You can play with the poster together with your mother: for example, look for pictures at your mother’s request. The child looks for a picture, and the mother pays attention to the letter next to it. When naming an item, be sure to focus on the desired letter.

We hung “Talking ABC” at home when our daughter was one year old. In our alphabet, in addition to the alphabet and picture names, you can listen to short poems, tongue twisters, numbers and animal voices. Anyutka loves to play with the poster: listens to poems, looks for letters, pictures and repeats the words after “aunt”.
When choosing a sound poster, choose a phonetic one, i.e. one in which the speaker pronounces the letters as sounds.

How to learn letters? ANDLet's play alphabet cubes!

What child doesn't love building towers out of blocks? Alphabet blocks are a great material for learning letters. Anya remembered most of the letters thanks to playing with cubes. First, stacking the cubes into a tower, I named the letter and showed it to my daughter before placing the cube in its place. And a little later we came up with two interesting games that captivated Anyutka for a long time.

Feeding the animals

This is the one we built the house for. The house always had a bed, table and chairs. My daughter loves to feed little animals and people and then put them to bed. This is a whole ritual for her. So I came up with the idea of ​​using letter cubes as chairs.

Anyutka seated the animals on chairs, and I commented: “the cow will sit on chair A,” the kitty will sit on chair “Y,” etc.

A little later, having placed two letter chairs, I asked the question: “Who will sit on Yu’s chair?” Anyuta joyfully answered: “dog” and sat the dog on the desired letter. Gradually I increased the number of cubes, making the choice more difficult. When choosing letters for the chairs, I chose ones that were well known to my daughter and a couple of new or unfamiliar letters.

When I saw that Anya was confusing some letters (for example, I with N), I put them side by side and first we sat the animal on one letter, then on another.

Train made of cubes

Similar to the previous game, we build a train and ride animals on it. I name the letter car in which the character will travel, and Anyutka places the passengers.

Good afternoon, dear parents! How often do we, wanting to give our children the best, consider it our duty to instill a love of reading from the very cradle. The idea is good, but you shouldn’t escalate the situation around it and turn it into a “fad.” It is more important to turn reading into an enjoyable pastime. And for this, let's find out how to teach a child the alphabet easily and naturally?

It makes sense to start learning the alphabet when the child is independently interested or needs to be prepared for school. This should not be dictated by the personal ambitions of the parents: “My Petya is 2 years old, and he already knows the alphabet!”

At what age do you learn letters? “At 3-4 years old, a child should not remember letters,” says Maryana Bezrukikh, director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education. “At this age, the structures responsible for distinguishing letter characters have not yet been formed in the brain.” At best, you can only develop a conditioned reflex.

If parents do not rush the natural course of events and give at each stage what is needed at the moment, then interest in reading will be a harmonious continuation of its development. The main way for a preschooler to understand the world is play, so classes should be held in a fun way, and not in the form of an educational process.

On the contrary, attempts to force events have the opposite effect. They develop tics, logoneuroses, and coordination disorders. You've probably heard about Doman cards and other early development methods. Experience shows that early learning does not guarantee good results in the future. By the age of 5-6, sometimes by 4, children themselves become interested in signs and inscriptions on the street, which is a sign of the physiological maturity of the brain, its readiness to perceive this information.

Reading First

It is important for parents to remember that learning to read begins before memorizing the alphabet. It is important to create interest so that the child himself wants to learn to read. To do this, we talk to him a lot, teach him nursery rhymes, and broaden his horizons.

At the first stage, when “woof-woof”, “moo-moo”, the foundations of his phonemic hearing are laid. Then he repeats rhymes and retells fairy tales.

We start learning letters with vowels. Then you can move on to consonants, just don’t forget about important rule: we learn sounds, not names. As soon as you have learned the vowels and started consonants, start learning syllables. We explain to the child that the letter “k” cannot sing, but only with friends – vowel letters: “ka”, “ko”, “ku”. Then we add another one and start reading simple words- “cat”, “juice”, “kar”.

7 ways to get to know the alphabet

Electronic poster “Talking ABC”

As soon as the baby touches the letter, he pronounces it. There is one secret here. To hear a sound, press not the letter, but the button number. For example, to hear “K”, press the number “12”. The magic poster will also sing a song and recite poems.

Fridge magnets

Buy several magnetic alphabet sets. Start learning with the most important word for your baby - his name. If the name is Timofey, at first he can only pay attention to “T”. After this, he can move on to other words that are important to him, such as “mom”, “dad”, and the names of brothers and sisters. There is no need to rush to master the letters, 3-4 in a few days is enough.

Puzzle rug "Russian alphabet"

It will be a pleasant playground, soft to crawl and fall on. Thanks to the thermal insulation properties of the material, the baby will study on it warmly and comfortably, regardless of the time of year.


What child doesn't like cookies sometimes? Your baby can learn while he eats. Bake a batch of letter-shaped cookies using alphabet cutters and your favorite recipe. He can help mix ingredients and apply icing to treats.

Discuss the alphabet while you bake: “We put butter in the cookies, Anne. What letter does “butter” begin with?” Make "P" cookies for dad, "M" for mom, and for each relative's name. Don't forget about your budding little baker!

Online training

On the Internet you can find many educational videos for mastering the alphabet with cartoon characters, such as “Luntik learns letters”, “Fun alphabet for children” or “ABC for kids”.

Application "Talking ABC"

It can be downloaded from Google Play Market or App Store. An interactive way to learn letters, where each letter is represented by a cheerful animal in plasticine style. A total of 6 games aimed at developing memory and reading skills.

Children's educational computer

It will help you learn not only the alphabet, but also contains many other educational games. Their screens are black and white and small in size, so they are safer for children.

Don't worry too early about whether your little one can read. Better show him how much interesting there is in books, stories, songs and ditties. Discuss fairy tales and stories you have read. Use different voices and intonations so that he wants to repeat after you. At the end, ask him which episode he liked best. Rely not on your expectations, but on his capabilities, and then in the future he will not have difficulties with reading.

If you liked the suggested tips, share the information with your friends!

All the best to you, dear readers!

Many parents often ask questions about what the alphabet does for young children and why they should teach it. Despite the fact that almost the entire first grade is devoted to studying this topic, it is worth starting to learn the alphabet at an early age.

Why? - you ask. The whole essence of the learning process is expressed by the phrase “The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.”

Without knowledge of the ABC (alphabet), a person will never become literate, will not learn to write letters, leave messages online, read literature, or retell it correctly.

The alphabet is needed not only for this - with the help of alphabetic signs people transmit knowledge to each other. In order for a child to grasp information on the fly, to be smart and quick-witted, it is worth starting the process of learning the alphabet as early as possible.

Training can begin from infancy (Glen Doman's method), but this approach in practice turns out to be ineffective. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, early development methods create obstacles to the natural development of the child. Remember - everything has its time: if you see that the child is not ready yet, he is not able to concentrate, does not speak or even make sounds, put the idea aside for a while and return to it as soon as you notice that the time has come.

To make it easier for your child to master the alphabet, pronounce not only the letter itself, but also the words starting with it.

For example, teach the letter A - name the words watermelon, bus, orange, and also show other objects around the child that begin with this letter.

It will be much easier for children to remember the alphabet if the learning environment is properly created at home.

A “talking” game poster, a magnetic alphabet for the refrigerator, pictures and letters cut out from magazines, entertaining half-pictures with words, sewn sensory letters, cubes with letters, lotto, books, primers, a puzzle mat with letters will concentrate the child’s attention on learning this Topics.

The most effective way to teach the alphabet is not a primer, but a game. Children learn information better if it is presented through playful activities. The child is not yet ready for this form of learning where he is taught, and the only way to teach him anything is to play with him.

Games with which you can easily and quickly learn letters with your child

Let's play hide and seek

This game is great for both little and older children.

Take a medium-sized homemade letter (not small), hide it well and ask your child to find it.

You can offer your help and try to look for the letter together.

When your child finds it, don’t forget to remind him what the letter is called. The game will bring a lot of fun to both you and your children!

Playing "magic bag"

Take a bag and put a magnetic alphabet or homemade letters in it. Tactile bags in the shape of letters are perfect for this game. Having placed the child's hand in the bag, ask him to take one figurine and examine it by touch; let him name which letter will be in his hand. Then pull it out and check it together.

We pick up an object and name it loudly and clearly

During the game, the child must listen carefully to how the word sounds, and then answer the question whether the desired letter is present in the words. For example, when asked whether there is a letter “p” in the words “tractor”, “crane”, “truck”, the child should answer yes.

We find letters in the objects around us

Let your child carefully examine the objects around him. Discuss with him what letter toys and objects in everyday life and on the street resemble. A construction set house looks like the letter D, a rocket looks like the letter A, a ball looks like O, a mushroom looks like T, a butterfly looks like F, etc. Feel free to use your imagination!

Colorful alphabet

Matching the letters

Write one letter or word on paper and ask your child to find the corresponding letter(s) in the magnetic alphabet. You can ask them to compare large and small letters of the alphabet.

Creativity in learning the alphabet

Make learning the alphabet an interesting, creative, fun process.

Write letters with your children and say them out loud. You can write with pencils, pens, wax crayons, a brush with gouache, finger paints, crayons on asphalt or on a special board, move a stick along the sand, earth, snow, write letters in small grains (semolina, millet, rice, buckwheat are good), draw with a felt-tip pen on a magnetic board, etc.

If your child still has trouble writing letters, take his hand and together trace the letters with your finger along the outline or draw using stamps and stencils.

Lay out letters from various objects: objects of different sizes are suitable for this: cubes, Lego blocks, clothespins, stones, wooden sticks, magnets, buttons, mosaics, pasta, beans, cereals, etc.

Make applications. Glue the letter blank onto cardboard or A4 paper, decorate with threads, beads, sequins, pieces of colored paper or plasticine, and now your applique is ready. By making a similar applique every day, within a month you will make the alphabet with your own hands. The finished alphabet can hang in a prominent place in the apartment, from time to time you can lay it out on the floor and ask the child to jump on the letters, as if on letter islands.

Letter K made of plasticine

Make letters from plasticine or play dough. By molding not one, but several figures, you can play the game “alive letters”. Having connected with each other, parents should say that the letters have become friends, have become inseparable, they now walk hand in hand everywhere and are read like a syllable. For example, M, having become friends with A, began to be read as MA. This game will allow you not only to quickly learn the alphabet, but also.

Keep an album where you will paste images of various objects and letters. with which they begin. You can paste words on a specific topic into the same album. For convenience, use capital letters from the headlines of magazine articles.

The methods we have listed are enough to quickly learn the alphabet with your child.

But if this is not enough for you, then watch educational films - there are many educational and educational films on the Internet where characters teach children the alphabet (for example, “Luntik teaches letters”).

Listen and memorize songs, read poems and riddles, use books with stickers, applications on your phone, pantomime the alphabet, cook food in the form of letters, jump over the abyss on imaginary “islands”, collecting letters.

Use your imagination and come up with your own teaching methods!

You can often hear that a child does not want to learn the alphabet. What should parents do in this case? The most important thing is not to insist and respect his wishes.

Try to change the methods of teaching the alphabet from day to day, offer new forms - draw, sculpt, read, sing, depict, listen and most importantly - praise more, because praise stimulates interest, affects internal motivation and makes the child happier and more confident !

Video on the topic

Do you want to know about the most effective way to teach your child letters and learn the alphabet in the shortest possible time? With our recommendations, it will not be difficult for you to teach your child the alphabet at 3-6 years old. In just a month of short lessons, you can learn vowels and consonants with your child and start reading.

Why teach your child the alphabet?

Before introducing your child to the letters of the Russian alphabet, answer yourself the question WHY you want to do this right now. Is your child 5 or 6 years old and you want to prepare him for school? He is 2 years old and you want to brag about the little genius’s successes to your friends and relatives? Your baby is 3 years old and you want to “invest the maximum in him” in every way possible so as not to miss the optimal moment for all-round development? What?

Of course, you can teach a child the alphabet at any age. You can show cards with letters from the cradle, but... Let's put parental ambitions aside and focus on the object - the child. Why does he need to know the letters? Right to read! Are you sure that right now he is READY to learn the basics of reading? Read what conditions are necessary in order to teach a child to read in our articles and only after that make the right decision:

Any knowledge must be applied in practice. You must clearly understand that learning letters and the alphabet is followed by teaching a child to read. Otherwise there is no point, there are a lot of others effective ways develop memory, thinking, speech. To do this, it is not necessary to learn letters with a one and a half year old toddler who is not yet able to pronounce them correctly. If you start introducing the alphabet too early, there is a high chance that the child will simply forget the letters by the time he is ready to learn to read. Or the second, more “scary” moment. Having learned “be”, “ve”, “de”, a child will not be able to read, because when reading, other rules apply. To merge syllables and turn them into words, you need to pronounce sounds in a completely different way. Retraining is always more difficult. Be careful when choosing talking toys and books: they don't always pronounce the letters correctly!

Knowledge of the alphabet in itself will not give a child anything. He will simply memorize it like a song or rhyme, but this will not teach him to read. Therefore, leave learning the alphabet for children 5-6 years old, who will need it at school, and with kids just learn the letters without adhering to the alphabetical sequence.

  • The alphabet is not just all the letters, it is the letters in a CERTAIN sequence.
  • The alphabet is the basis of any language.
  • The alphabet is the key to all dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias and other documents where order and systematization are important.
  • Knowing the alphabet saves time.

Learning letters: where to start

In what order should I learn the letters? Do you need to learn the alphabet? Should I start with vowels or consonants?

Let's be clear, so:

1. There is no need to learn letters in alphabetical order.

2. Don’t learn letters mixed up: vowels and consonants.

3. Be the first to learn 10 letters representing vowel sounds with your child.

The most important thing at this age is to pay attention to CORRECT SPEECH. If necessary, contact a speech therapist to help you put in the correct sounds, because success in learning at school directly depends on this.

A common problem at this age is sound. R. You can work with your child yourself by regularly doing.

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