How to properly organize a mother’s nutrition after childbirth. The first days after childbirth. Nutrition Food in the first days after birth

Mom and baby in her belly are one. Therefore, everything that is eaten in a day future mom, appears in the fetal body. But even after childbirth, her diet is no less important. After all, all the ingredients in a breastfeeding mother’s menu reach the baby along with the milk. A balanced and healthy diet in the first days after birth is an important basis for the child’s future immunity. Doctors say that it is on the first day that microflora begins to form in the baby’s small body. An unbalanced diet for a nursing mother can harm the baby and cause diathesis, bloating and poor appetite. How to behave correctly on the day of childbirth, what you can eat and drink, how to eat properly in the first days after childbirth - this is what we will talk about today.

Food on the day of birth: list of allowed and prohibited foods

Not so long ago, the question of what foods can be consumed on the day of birth simply did not arise. The thing is that most doctors simply forbade eating after the start of contractions. This prohibition was explained by the fact that the intestines should be empty on the day of birth. Upon arrival and admission to the maternity hospital, all women were given an enema, the intestines were emptied, and any food should be forgotten. Of course, a full stomach makes the birth process much more difficult. During pushing, involuntary bowel movements may occur. And even in the case of a caesarean section under general anesthesia (which was used before), a full stomach could lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Currently, the ban on eating on the day of birth has been completely lifted. Experienced obstetricians believe that a small snack won't hurt a woman . Moreover, general anesthesia is practically not used at present; in most clinics it has been replaced by epidural anesthesia. Modern doctors believe that, anticipating the approach of childbirth, the female body itself will provoke bowel movements.

However, lifting the ban on food does not mean at all that the bedside table in the prenatal ward should turn into a “self-assembled tablecloth” filled with all kinds of dishes.

What can a hungry pregnant woman who has just begun her first contractions eat?

  • Doctors recommend the lightest possible snack . For example, you can eat yogurt, biscuits, or a baked apple. You are allowed to chew dried fruits, which perfectly relieve hunger.
  • In no case You should not eat fatty, smoked, salty or sweet foods on the day of birth .

As practice shows, after the start of contractions, the desire to eat arises in women quite rarely. However, there are representatives of the fair sex who are attacked by a real “zhor” in stressful situations. Knowing this feature, it is advisable to include products - a couple of yoghurts and biscuits.

What can you eat and drink during contractions: what foods speed up and slow down labor?

You can drink during labor, but only take a sip. There is no need for excess liquid! If you really want to, you can add a small slice of lemon to the water. Drink in small sips, or even better, as they say, just wet your throat.

Under no circumstances should you drink carbonated drinks, sweet juices, strong tea, etc. Only ordinary clean water without gases!

Of course, any mother wants to see her baby quickly. But should we rush too much? The child himself knows when he will be born into this world. This process should be accelerated only for medical reasons and under the supervision of doctors.

And yet, many women are interested in the question: “What products can speed up labor?” Let's face it, such products exist.

The process of labor can be speeded up by:

  • boiled beets and beet juice;
  • regular parsley;
  • blackcurrant juice;
  • tea infused with raspberry leaves.

Many mothers are no less urgently interested in products that can slow down the process of childbirth? As a rule, they are afraid of premature birth. We would like to say right away that if you are at risk of premature birth, you need to immediately go to the clinic. Such women in labor are urgently hospitalized. At the clinic, they are prescribed strict bed rest and diet. This diet completely excludes the consumption of fatty, spicy, salty foods. Pregnant women should be clearly aware that no “special” products can stop the labor process that has begun.

Nutrition in the first days after childbirth: what can and cannot be eaten by a woman in labor?

The birth was successful, the baby was snoring happily at his mother’s side, what now? Now you can quench your thirst without any problems.

On the first day after birth, you are allowed to drink still water, dried fruit compote, weak tea, and unsweetened cranberry juice. Of course, after childbirth, the female body needs reinforcement, so doctors recommend that women in labor drink a cup of vegetable broth or snack on fruit puree.

I would like to once again remind young mothers that breastfeeding a child is a big responsibility, which imposes certain restrictions on their diet.

  • Breastfeeding women should not eat previously unfamiliar foods: no exotic foods.
  • You should temporarily avoid vegetables and fruits of bright colors.
  • Completely exclude from your diet foods containing artificial preservatives, mayonnaise, smoked meats, black bread, legumes, lard and fatty meats.
  • You need to forget about alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Approximate diet for the first 3 postpartum days

1 day

  • For breakfast, you can prepare oatmeal porridge with water. Neither salt nor sugar should be added to the porridge.
  • For lunch, unsalted vegetable soup.
  • For dinner: durum macaroni and cheese and a baked green apple.

On the first day after birth, the mother should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid. You can make compote from dried fruits, cranberry juice (not very concentrated) and brew weak tea. All drinks must be sugar-free.

Day 2

  • Buckwheat porridge cooked in water is perfect for breakfast. One green apple or banana.
  • For lunch: vegetable soup and a piece of boiled beef (100 g). Doctors recommend adding bran to soups, since many women suffer from constipation in the first days after childbirth.
  • For dinner: oatmeal porridge. Dried fruits compote.

Day 3

It's time to limit the amount of liquid you drink, since on the third day a woman's milk begins to flow. Doctors do not recommend that a nursing mother drink more than 700 ml. liquids. If you are very thirsty, you should drink water in small sips. Plain water with a slice of lemon will help cope with thirst quite well. But let's get back to the menu.

  • For breakfast, you can cook rolled oatmeal or buckwheat porridge in water, adding a piece of butter.
  • For lunch you can boil lean sea fish. Pasta can be a side dish for it.
  • For dinner, it is advisable to prepare a vegetable stew and a small piece of turkey meat, previously boiled without salt.

Advice on nutrition for women during the first time after childbirth

  • We would like to note right away that a breastfeeding woman should eat 5-6 times a day.
  • Therefore, portions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be divided into two.
  • In between meals, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • A nursing mother should not starve, but she also should not overeat. The first three days are the most difficult for a woman in labor in terms of prohibitions. As you may have noticed, you can’t eat practically anything.
  • Portions should be small, food should not contain any products that can cause allergies in the baby. His intestines are just “starting up”, starting to work in a new mode.
  • Some doctors allow the mother to eat a boiled egg on the third day. But the egg must be fresh.
  • In the first days after childbirth, it is necessary to completely eliminate dairy products.
  • It is not advisable for women after a cesarean section to consume it in the first week. pasta and black bread. These foods may cause flatulence.
  • Each new dish should be introduced gradually. For breakfast we ate a small piece of boiled egg and carefully monitored the baby’s reaction. You are allowed to include only one in your diet per day. New Product. If a child has a tummy ache or strange rashes appear, this product should be discarded immediately.
  • It will be simply wonderful if a young mother starts a special diary for herself, in which every day she writes down the menu and new products introduced into her diet that day.
  • After 7-10 days, new foods and dishes are added to the nursing mother’s diet. The menu is becoming more varied. Dairy products, cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes with sour cream, baked fruits, raw vegetables (green), boiled meat without fat, etc. are gradually added to it. Doctors recommend using dried fruits as snacks.

Of course, the obstetrician advises first-time mothers in detail about how they should eat. Some maternity hospitals even hand out special reminders about which products can be brought into the maternity hospital and which are strictly prohibited. All these recommendations must be followed. This is the only way a breastfeeding mother can not only quickly restore her own strength, but also not harm her baby.

Questions and problems in the first days after childbirth

The first days after childbirth, especially if this happens to a woman for the first time, seem very difficult. Although she is in the maternity hospital, and medical workers ready to help. However, you need to be prepared for some things and know about them in advance.

Proper nutrition of a woman in labor is very important in the first days after birth and then throughout breastfeeding. Oddly enough, in most cases the most correct thing is to eat “hospital” food. Yes, mostly lean fish, porridge, braised cabbage etc. It’s not tasty, as many people think. But this is the type of food that is considered healthy and safe for a child. After all, the composition depends on what the mother eats breast milk and, as a result, the child’s well-being. What a nursing mother can eat in the first days after giving birth, and what her loved ones can bring her, is fruit. It is better to do without citrus fruits - they are strong allergens, but green apples will be an excellent dessert for the maternity hospital. Sausages, which are so often given by relatives to women in labor, are not the best nutrition for the first days after childbirth.

High-quality food is what you need to quickly restore the body. In addition, much depends on the woman in labor herself. She needs to try to take action to quickly contract the uterus. This is good for your health and your figure. If possible, you should wear a special postpartum bandage almost immediately after giving birth. As a last resort, replace it with a diaper. It is better to sleep on your stomach if it does not cause pain - this way the uterus contracts faster. In most maternity hospitals, women also receive oxytocin injections for this purpose after childbirth.

If a woman has perineal tears, or an episiotomy was performed during childbirth, careful personal hygiene is necessary. In the first 2-3 weeks in such cases, it is usually recommended not to sit, in order to avoid the sutures coming apart. But this does not mean that washing is also dangerous. They are simply necessary. For these purposes, you can use ordinary water. The treatment of sutures with disinfectants in the maternity hospital is carried out directly by nurses.
As for pads, in the first 1-2 days after childbirth, when the bleeding is quite heavy, they are replaced with diapers provided by honey. staff. Afterwards, you can switch to pads, but not the regular ones with a lot of “drops”, but special postpartum ones on a paper basis. They are sold in pharmacies.

And when, exactly, will these discharges end? They usually last for 5-6 weeks. In this case, spotting is observed only for the first 10-14 days (sometimes more if the uterus has contracted poorly, or a placental polyp has formed in it), after the “daub”. The first menstruation can begin as early as 6-7 weeks after birth. More often, such early restoration of the reproductive system occurs in women who do not breastfeed or do not regularly breastfeed their children. During the postpartum period, you need to pay attention to the appearance of blood clots in the vaginal discharge, sudden weakness, fever, abdominal pain - this is an indication for urgent medical consultation and, possibly, hospitalization.

The first days after the maternity hospital are marked (especially for first-time mothers) by a sharp and significant formation of milk in the mammary glands. The fact is that in the first 3-5 days after birth, only colostrum is released from the nipples in small quantities, but this is enough for the baby to be completely satisfied. These days, the main recommendation is to put the baby to the breast more often, but for a short time - 10 minutes maximum, otherwise the baby will simply chew the nipple and cracks will appear on it. If you put your baby to the breast frequently, the milk will come faster and you won’t have to supplement your baby with glucose or formula. Colostrum is so high-calorie and nutritious that just a few drops will be enough to saturate the child.

If cracks in the nipples do appear, they can be treated with ointments like Bepanten, and the baby can be fed using special silicone nipple covers. By the way, the success of breastfeeding largely depends on how correctly the baby latch onto the nipple. He should not chew it, but grab it along with the isola.

Problems that may arise with breastfeeding are:

  • lactostasis, mastitis, fever;
  • lack of milk.

The temperature of many women rises in the first couple of days after the appearance of milk. The temperature rises locally. That is, when measured in the axillary zone, it can be elevated, and when measured in the knee bend, it can be significantly lower than this level. If the temperature is very high and lasts more than 2 days, and there are other manifestations of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

Lactostasis is stagnation of milk, the main symptom is a painful lump in the breast. The best treatment is to breastfeed the baby. It is necessary to ensure that the child's chin is turned in the direction of this seal. As a last resort, you can express by hand or using a breast pump.

Mastitis is already a problem. It can occur against the background of lactostasis if pathogenic bacteria enter the affected mammary gland. Pathology in which there is a need to take antibiotics. The symptoms of mastitis are more pronounced. The skin of the chest turns red and body temperature rises. Pus may be released along with the milk. In this case, feeding the child must be stopped until recovery.

The last common problem is a delicate one. These are constipation and hemorrhoids. Constipation often occurs if a woman has had stitches in her perineum. This is a psychological fear, in most cases. Women are afraid to go to the toilet, they think that this will cause the seams to come apart. But that's not true. Speaking of seams. They are removed only after bowel movements, usually on the day of discharge. If there is no independent stool, an enema is given.
Hemorrhoids are an even more serious problem. To alleviate the condition, rectal anti-inflammatory and analgesic suppositories can be used.

Here are the main problems and questions faced in the first days after childbirth.

One of the important periods for the baby and mother is the first days after childbirth. At this time, a woman should monitor her diet. She needs to know what a nursing mother can eat after giving birth in the first three days. It is food that you should pay attention to so that the baby does not suffer from tummy pain, colic and accumulated gas.

A woman needs to quickly regain her strength in order to care for a child. The amount of milk and its quality will depend on the food you eat. But at the same time, it is worth considering that the baby’s intestines are not able to digest most of the biologically active substances that come from food through milk. Therefore, a nursing woman should limit herself and eat only what she can.

The diet of a nursing mother in the first 3 days depends on how the birth went, whether there were any difficulties or complications. When childbirth takes place naturally without complications, doctors allow you to eat in the first hours. During this time, there are restrictions on the intake of certain foods.

What is best for a nursing mother to eat after a natural birth?

The first day

  • Breakfast. Porridge cooked in water, preferably rolled oats or buckwheat.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup (you can put potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, a little onion) preferably unsalted.
  • Dinner. Baked apple or fresh banana. You can add mac and cheese.

On the first day, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids (about 1.5 liters per day). This is a compote with dried fruits, a fruit drink made from sour berries (currants, cranberries), or weak tea.

Second day

You can repeat everything that was said about the first day, add 100 grams of boiled lean beef and fruit.

Day three

On the third day your milk starts to come in, you need to limit your fluid intake. It is not recommended to drink more than 700 ml. Large fluid intake can cause problems with lactation and may cause.

If a woman is thirsty on this day, then she should drink water in small sips. Lemon juice helps quench thirst. Cut a small piece, put it in your mouth and gradually squeeze out the juice. Feeling thirsty can remove parsley root.

  • Breakfast. Rolled oats porridge in water is allowed, to which you can add a little butter.
  • Dinner. Steamed boiled fish with pasta.
  • Dinner. Steamed vegetables or vegetable stew (the same vegetables as on the first day are allowed). Instead of vegetables, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk.

Women experience constipation after childbirth. Doctors advise stimulating the gastrointestinal tract by adding bran to soups.

These tips are only good for women who have had a natural birth without complications. If stitches were placed on the perineum, then it is better not to eat vegetables and fruits. You should not eat bran either, eat only porridge with water and drink fermented baked milk.

What can you drink and eat after a caesarean section?

Not every woman is able to give birth to a baby on her own; many do C-section. After it, doctors restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You should not eat anything for the first 24 hours after surgery. You can drink, but very little; if you are thirsty, you are allowed to suck on a piece of lemon. On the second day, drink kefir or low-fat broth. Starting from the third day, you can eat porridge with water.

If a nursing mother eats everything, the baby will probably experience constipation, moodiness, and sleep problems. Let's figure out what a nursing mother can eat after giving birth in the first month.

What is allowed in the maternity hospital when breastfeeding

Already during pregnancy it is worth adhering to a special diet. From some definitely harmful products(chips, soda, sausage - this list will be continued by any girl who is at least a little interested in healthy lifestyle) should be completely abandoned. Others need to be limited. These are, for example, highly allergenic fruits, berries, and sweets. With such a diet, you will protect the baby in your stomach from harmful factors and accustom yourself to the inevitable restrictions during breastfeeding.

The diet of a young mother in the first days after childbirth is very different from the diet of a nursing woman in the following months.

Immediately after giving birth, it is better not to overeat. Give yourself a deload so that your body can cleanse itself. , eat a steamed meatball, a portion of buckwheat. It is recommended to drink plenty of water.

In the maternity hospital, women are usually offered diet food. The menu of a woman in labor in the first days after childbirth should consist of light dishes - lean soups, cereals, herbal tea. If the cafeteria serves eggs or pastries, do not give in to provocation; such food is not yet for you.

A woman’s nutrition during the postpartum period should be thoughtful. Here's what you can't do:

  • Overeat. Constipation after natural childbirth is inevitable, and a clogged intestine will lead to intoxication. This will negatively affect the quality of milk.
  • Try allergenic foods. A newborn baby is very weak and vulnerable; there is no need to overload his immune system.
  • Choose “empty” foods, that is, rich in calories, but poor in protein and vitamins. For example, white bread, cookies, sweet drinks.
  • Eat raw vegetables and fruits. They can cause indigestion in a child.

What should a nursing mother eat in the first month?

During the month after the baby is born, you can gradually introduce new foods. Potential allergens should be avoided during breastfeeding, especially at first.

When creating a menu after childbirth, you need to pay due attention - this determines how quickly lactation will improve and whether the baby will have enough milk. A well-prepared diet for the mother is the key to the health of the child and a guarantee of good nights for parents.

According to Komarovsky, it should consist of food containing a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and fiber. And fresh, not canned. Legumes and cabbage are a bad choice: the baby may develop gas and colic. It is better to avoid garlic, onions, pickles and anything that can adversely affect the taste of breast milk. Fatty foods should also not be consumed in excess. Smoked and spicy foods are temporarily prohibited.

New dishes should be introduced very carefully. If the baby’s stool and sleep are not disturbed, everything is fine, eat, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The diet of a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth requires a minimum content of animal fats, even in dairy products. But vegetable oil (for example, olive) is a must.

If there are no problems with overweight, in the evenings you can prepare a portion of semolina porridge in water. You should eat at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables (baked, boiled or stewed) per day.

In the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month of a child’s life, she should strive to maintain the “golden mean”: there are all the main groups, but little by little.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month after giving birth? Recommended meat products include rabbit, chicken, and beef. Turkey is considered a healthy, filling and hypoallergenic product.

Green vegetables and fruits are allowed (red color warns of the danger of allergies):

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • green apples;
  • bananas.

It is better to choose corn, rice, and buckwheat from cereals. Oatmeal and millet are considered allergens - they can be introduced, but only in the second or third month of feeding. You can eat pasta, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it – it’s bad for your figure.

Vegetable soups are allowed. Instead of sunflower oil, choose corn oil - it is hypoallergenic.

You can eat thin pita bread - it does not contain yeast and will not cause any negative reaction.

For sweets, a nursing woman is allowed biscuits - for example, “Maria”.

  • juices (apple, pear);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • compotes.

Gradually, the list of products for a nursing mother in the first month of a child’s life can be expanded.

Prohibited Products

Now let's talk about what a nursing mother should not eat in the first month.

Any food that causes indigestion in a child (peas, cabbage) will have to be removed. Foods that are red or orange in color should be treated with increased attention (apples, persimmons, tomatoes). Brown bread and other yeast foods can also cause bloating. It is better to eat bread that was baked yesterday or slightly dry it before eating - this will neutralize the effect of yeast.

You can eat very little flour - there is a high probability of constipation or diathesis in the baby. A nursing mother should not eat store-bought cakes or pastries during the first month. And in general it is recommended to forget about them - there is nothing useful there, just chemistry. It is better to bake homemade cookies from natural ingredients.

  • alcohol;
  • candies;
  • fast food;
  • citrus;
  • sausage;
  • vinegar;
  • coffee drinks;
  • lemonades;
  • peanut;
  • fish;
  • caviar

Eggs are a potential allergen. It is advisable to wait with melons - watermelon and melon.

If the child does not have an allergic reaction to milk, it is allowed to add it to tea.

Sample menu for the first month

The diet of a nursing mother of a newborn baby must contain the necessary vitamins. You need to develop a regimen and stick to it - then lactation will improve faster.

Sample menu for every day for a nursing mother with five meals a day:

  • Breakfast: corn or buckwheat porridge, bread, tea, banana.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt, fruit juice.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, turkey baked with broccoli, pita bread, tea.
  • Biscuits, tea, green apple;
  • Dinner: baked zucchini, cabbage salad, bread, dried apricot compote.

Four meals a day option:

  • Semolina porridge with water, bread, tea;
  • Kefir, banana;
  • Fresh cabbage soup, chicken with rice, compote;
  • Vegetable salad, rabbit stew, tea.

Of course, many products are temporarily prohibited, but if you wish, you can make the menu varied and rich. Of course, everyone occasionally wants something tasty. But it’s better to endure it and wait until the baby’s body gets stronger, so as not to risk it.

Nursing mother with baby

Proper nutrition mothers are the key to the normal development and growth of a breastfed baby. The secretion of breast milk significantly increases the female body’s need for energy, so to maintain lactation it is imperative to adhere to the principles rational nutrition. The menu should be complete, balanced in its main components - fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamin-mineral composition. What can a nursing mother eat? What drinks are recommended to drink? Is it okay to drink alcohol while breastfeeding? Read about this in our material.

Benefits and composition of breast milk

The calorie content of breast milk varies between 68-75 kcal/100 ml. Protein content is 1.1-1.2 g/100 ml, fat – 3-5 g/100 ml, calcium – 18-35 mg/100 ml, iron – 0.03-0.08 mg/100 ml, phosphorus – 13 -15 mg/100 ml, lactose – 5.5-8.4 g/100 ml. Breast milk is an ideal food for a newborn, guaranteeing healthy digestion, strong immunity, and the absence of allergic reactions. Breastfeeding prevents constipation and colic in the baby, helps avoid diathesis, and provides the child’s body with all vital nutrients.

The process of feeding a child from a nursing mother

What can a nursing mother eat?

There is no need to adhere to a strict diet that involves many restrictions - it is a relic of the past. The basic rule: food should be tasty and varied. Nutritionists recommend choosing foods that will adequately replenish the calories expended during feeding - cottage cheese, herbs, cheese, fish, meat, eggs, oatmeal/buckwheat, dried fruits, apples, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes. You should not overuse butter and sour cream - they increase the fat content of milk; it is better to give preference to vegetable fats. It is useful to keep in sight “snacks” that do not require preparation (crackers, grapes, figs, bananas), add healthy foods to breakfasts - berries in porridge, dried fruits in yogurt, stimulate lactation with the help of plants and herbs (nettle, anise, fennel).

Feeding process with a feeding bottle

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month after giving birth?

During the first month of breastfeeding, dietary requirements are especially stringent. The following dishes and products are allowed:

  • dry biscuits, wheat and rye bread, bran;
  • fermented baked milk, natural yogurt (without preservatives, dyes, flavoring additives);
  • porridge with milk and water;
  • stewed and boiled vegetables: cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes, onions, carrots, white cabbage;
  • lean meat: lean pork, rabbit, beef;
  • vegetarian soups and unsaturated broths;
  • stewed/boiled chicken without skin;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, cheese, cottage cheese.

You should not consume whole milk - it can cause increased gas formation in the baby; you should not “lean” on industrial juices and compotes, sparkling water and lemonade.

Sample menu for the first week of lactation

  • first breakfast: milk oatmeal with added butter (200 grams), biscuits, a glass of weak tea;
  • second breakfast: a glass of natural yogurt, a sandwich with cheese, dry biscuits;
  • lunch: vegetable soup (150 grams), mashed potatoes (100 grams), lean minced meat cutlet (50 grams), unsweetened dried fruit compote, wheat bread;
  • afternoon snack: jelly/compote, cottage cheese (100-120 grams);
  • dinner: stewed (boiled) chicken/turkey meat, vegetable side dish, chamomile tea;
  • before bed: dry cookies, fermented baked milk/kefir (150-200 grams).

What can a nursing mother eat after one month?

You should gradually expand your daily diet, carefully adding new foods. You are allowed to eat greens (parsley, dill), berries (gooseberries, rowan berries, black currants), fresh fruits (bananas, apples, pears), vegetables (grated carrots, cucumbers, cabbage). In addition to microelements and vitamins, they provide the baby with dietary fiber, which is necessary to prevent constipation and normal digestion. Adequate protein intake is an important condition for the proper development of a child; the daily menu must include fermented milk products, boiled eggs, lean meat, and fish (cod, pike perch). Priority should be steamed, boiled and stewed dishes. The frequency of meals is 5-7 times a day, ideally every 3-4 hours. The feeling of hunger between meals can be satisfied with yogurt, kefir, tea with milk. If you want something sweet, you can eat a piece of biscuit, 2-3 tablespoons of jam or preserves.

Sample menu for the second month of lactation

  • first breakfast: milk porridge with butter (you can add jam or sugar if desired), a glass of tea, cheese, bread;
  • second breakfast: cookies, natural yogurt, apple or ripe banana;
  • lunch: cabbage soup/borscht (without frying), baked (boiled) fish, pasta, fresh carrot salad, dried fruit compote/fresh Apple juice, bread;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream (10%), compote/jelly;
  • dinner: meatballs with cereal/vegetable side dish, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with herbs, weak tea with jam, dry cookies;
  • before bed: sandwich with cheese, kefir/ryazhenka (100-150 grams).

Unwanted Products

Allergies in a baby can be caused by cocoa, chocolate, red berries (raspberries, strawberries), citrus fruits (lemons, tangerines, oranges), pineapples, preservatives, smoked foods, walnuts, seafood, honey, rich broths. Important: in most cases, an allergic reaction develops 2-3 hours after feeding, which makes it possible to assess its potential danger to the baby’s digestion. You should not overuse pearl barley, legumes, or mushrooms - they stimulate fermentation processes and can cause colic.

List of products for a nursing mother

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have seeds?

Yes. Sunflower seeds are a nutritious, tasty and healthy product, consisting of natural vitamins (F, D, E, A), iron, zinc, fluorine, iodine, manganese. Consuming seeds on an ongoing basis helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the muscular system, and prevents the development of heart pathologies. A nursing mother can safely eat 25-60 grams of seeds daily - this will benefit both her and the baby.

Can a nursing mother have beef liver?

Yes. Beef liver is an offal with valuable biological properties and excellent taste. It contains iron proteins, which play an important role in the formation of blood elements, vitamins K, E, D, A, sodium, potassium, calcium. Beef liver can and should be introduced into the diet from the first days of breastfeeding. Important: breastfeeding women with high cholesterol levels are often not recommended to eat liver to avoid problems with the cardiovascular system.

Can a nursing mother have cheesecakes?

Yes. Cheesecakes are allowed to be eaten during breastfeeding, the main thing is to observe quantitative restrictions, since eggs and cottage cheese can cause an undesirable reaction from the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

  • daily consumption of cheesecakes should not exceed 100-120 grams (4-5 pieces), weekly consumption - 200-220 grams. The best option is 150-200 grams once a week;
  • You should not add foreign ingredients to cheesecakes (dried apricots, raisins, prunes);
  • For frying, you should use only fresh olive or sunflower oil.

Can a nursing mother eat cauliflower and broccoli?

Yes. Cabbage is a healthy and tasty vegetable, rich in vitamins and folic acid. It is better to eat broccoli and cauliflower stewed or boiled so as not to cause increased gas formation in your baby.

What fruits can a nursing mother eat?

Pediatricians have differing opinions on this matter. Some argue that until the child is three months old, the mother should not eat raw fruits, others are not so categorical and allow fruits to be included in the diet. In any case, you need to be extremely careful with avocados, mangoes and citrus fruits - this is a well-known fact.

Can I have cherries?

The question is controversial, since the pigment that gives the berries a red tint can cause an allergic reaction in children with a genetic predisposition to allergies. You can eat a few cherries or cherries, but only as an experiment.

Can a nursing mother eat bananas?

Yes. Banana is a tasty and healthy fruit, containing a lot of vitamins, mineral salts and nutrients. After consuming it, the body tone increases, mood improves, and the strength necessary to care for a newborn appears.

Can I have a pomegranate?

Yes. Pomegranate is a real storehouse of vitamins, amino acids and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body, increase immunity and strengthen the nervous system. The main thing is to observe moderation and be attentive to your own health and the health of the baby. You need to start with 2-3 grains per day, gradually increasing the dose. It is better to drink pomegranate juice in diluted form (no more than 30 grams per day) - this will reduce the risk of allergies in infants.

Can a nursing mother eat persimmons?

Yes. Persimmon is rich in iron, vitamin C, carbohydrates, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. It supports the immune system, regulates intestinal function, cleanses blood vessels and stimulates cardiac activity. At the same time, persimmon is a strong allergen and can cause a rash in a baby, so you should eat it with caution, carefully observing the child’s reaction. If there is no allergy, eating 300-350 grams of persimmon daily is quite possible.

Is it possible to have kiwi?

Yes. Kiwi is an indispensable fruit during breastfeeding. It contains ascorbic acid, iodine, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, B6, PP, fiber, organic acids. Mom needs to introduce kiwi into her diet carefully, against the background of already proven fruits. If a child develops itching and skin rashes, it is better to avoid kiwi.

Can a nursing mother drink alcohol?

Drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy is the height of frivolity; doctors strongly do not recommend doing this. When it comes to the compatibility of alcoholic beverages and breastfeeding, doctors are more compliant. What does a nursing mother need to know about the effects of alcohol on her baby?

  1. Alcohol passes into breast milk very quickly, the highest level of concentration is recorded 30-50 minutes after ingestion. It takes approximately 2-3 hours for the mother to remove alcohol from her body.
  2. The extent to which a breastfed baby is exposed to alcohol directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. If a nursing mother limits her consumption to one drink per day or drinks alcohol occasionally, this does not pose a danger to the baby.
  3. Possible side effects when a nursing mother drinks alcohol: weakness, drowsiness, the possibility of a delayed flow of breast milk, underweight in the baby.
  4. The metabolism of alcohol in an adult is 30 milliliters in 2.5 hours, so moderate alcohol consumption is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding.
  5. Alcohol does not accumulate in breast milk, so it is not necessary to express it after drinking.
  6. Lactation consultants say that an average-weight mother can sometimes afford to drink 300-350 milliliters of beer without fear for the baby’s health.
  7. Despite the “low” degree, drinking champagne while breastfeeding is not recommended, as it can cause bloating and colic in the baby due to the carbon dioxide it contains.

Red wine while breastfeeding

There is an opinion among young mothers, supported by some pediatricians, that a glass of high-quality red wine is beneficial for a nursing mother and baby. Is it really? Indeed, wine consumed in reasonable quantities reduces sugar levels, has anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties, has a positive effect on digestion, and prevents obesity. However, its effect on breast milk has not been studied enough, so it’s still not worth taking too much risk.

Useful qualities of red wine:

  • the daily allowable dose is 50 grams;
  • contains manganese, iodine, magnesium, potassium, manganese, vitamins P, C, B1, B2;
  • Resveratol present in red wine has a powerful antitumor effect;
  • it contains catechins, which have an antimicrobial effect and strengthen the body's immune response;
  • reduces the number of fat cells, protects against metabolic disorders;
  • increases the level of lipoproteins that evacuate cholesterol from the body;
  • protects cellular material from the negative effects of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation;
  • contribute to the normalization of sleep due to the high content of melatonin;
  • activates the secretion of the gallbladder, helping to digest fats; increases appetite.

Harmful qualities of red wine:

  • the harmful daily dose is more than 50 grams;
  • contains many allergens (pollen, yeast, fruits) and histamines that provoke bronchospasms, sneezing, itching;
  • wine polyphenols can cause a migraine attack, sulfur dioxide can cause an asthma attack;
  • with uncontrolled consumption of wine, enzymatic metabolism slows down and acetaldehyde accumulates in the liver, which threatens cirrhosis in the future;
  • Alcohol entering the baby's body from breast milk can provoke irreversible deformations of the cells of his spinal cord and brain.
  • if you want to drink, you should take care of feeding the baby in advance - express milk for 1-2 feedings;
  • You can feed the baby only after the mother feels neurologically normal;
  • drinking alcohol during meals reduces its absorption into the bloodstream;
  • The more alcohol consumed, the longer it takes to be eliminated from the mother’s body.

Female alcoholism leads to a lack of breast milk, delayed motor development and slow weight gain in the baby, so you should not abuse alcohol during lactation.

Soft drinks while breastfeeding

To ensure adequate milk volume during lactation, adequate fluid intake is critical. What can a nursing mother drink?

Can a nursing mother have juices?

Can a nursing mother have milk?

It is better to completely exclude whole milk from the daily menu during breastfeeding. If you really want to, you can drink no more than 150-250 milliliters per day, provided that the baby does not react to it with bloating and colic. But fermented milk products of medium fat content (2.5%) are vital for mothers; you should definitely drink natural yoghurts, yogurt, kefir, and eat low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese.

Can a nursing mother have kvass?

This drink should be avoided as it contains various additives and kvass concentrate. You can drink some high-quality kvass containing yeast, sugar and malt.

Can a nursing mother have compote?

The ideal option is unsweetened dried fruit compote. Herbal teas from lingonberries, nettles, chamomile, homemade fruit drinks and uzvars are very tasty and healthy.

Can a nursing mother have cocoa and hot chocolate?

These drinks should be completely excluded from the diet if possible - they are strong allergens and can cause an undesirable reaction in the baby.

Can a nursing mother have coffee?

A nursing mother can drink coffee, but not more than 700 milliliters per day. It is necessary to take into account that caffeine is also contained in Coca-Cola, strong tea, and some medicines. If the baby begins to get excited or sleep poorly, it is better for the mother to reduce the usual amount of coffee consumed.

Nutrition during breastfeeding should be as natural, healthy as possible, without preservatives, nitrates and artificial colors. The answer to the question of what a nursing mother can eat largely depends on the state of health of the baby and mother, and with an adequate approach to organizing the diet, restrictions can be easy and minimal.

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