Ekaterina Varnava: photos before and after plastic surgery. How Katya Varnava lost weight (height, weight), photos before and after nose surgery What happened to Ekaterina Varnava

Mikrusha continues the series of articles by show business stars without makeup, we reveal the secrets of stars without makeup and Photoshop, and today’s article is about Ekaterina Varnava, a Russian actress and TV presenter. Real fame came to Katya after she began participating in the 2008 show at Comedy Woman.

Barnabas appears extremely rarely in public without makeup, because he is part of that fatal image of the girl. Barnabas herself is a confident young woman and loves herself as she is, with or without makeup. However, once attending a friend’s event, where the actress came in sportswear, sneakers and no makeup, she realized that those around her were used to and wanted to see her as exactly that sexy beauty with professional make-up that we see Barnabas from the screens. Therefore, Catherine decided that she would no longer allow herself to relax and appear in public without makeup. Ekaterina Varnava applies at least a minimum of makeup before going out.

However, there are already photographs of Barnabas on the Internet without makeup, where she looks very cute, at home. True, fans are not always able to recognize a star in an unusual image.

Photo of Barnabas without makeup

Here Ekaterina is relaxing on the sea coast, naturally, cosmetics in this case would be superfluous, so Varnava is in the photo without makeup.

On vacation with friends, Barnabas could also afford a minimum of makeup and a maximum of naturalness.

Every woman is pleased to hear when she is told that she looks much younger than her age. Especially for artists, for whom attractive appearance is the key to success. Otherwise, why would they regularly abuse their face in a cosmetologist’s office and endure all sorts of procedures?


The curvy Varnava, at 32 years old, has long proudly held the title of sex symbol of domestic show business. Now she is undergoing treatment at the clinic in order to continue to delight her fans for many, many years, shining on stage.

However, in the hospital, the artist suddenly encountered an irony of fate. Catherine was used to making jokes every day to the delight of the public, but here the doctors unwittingly joked about her.

“Today at the clinic they gave me an AMAZING compliment that for my age I look INCREDIBLY good! I just swam with happiness...” – Varnava began her story on Instagram on a positive note.

However, her joy did not last long. “Then I looked at the card... with the note “age 38 YEARS OLD”!

Subscribers rushed to console Ekaterina and noted that in pajamas with pink flamingos, she actually looked like a teenager. “Charming at any age and role!”, “Both for your age and for 38 .. and in general for any age you look great 😂”, “Simply amazing eyebrows 😘”, “Every 20 year old has Botox”, “Seriously? I thought 28 years old 🙄”, “You look 25 and don’t listen to anyone, they’re just jealous of your beauty (I’m talking about bad people),” commentators flooded Barnabas with compliments.

Ekaterina Varnava is one of the most popular TV stars, whose name is well known to fans of KVN and other comedy shows. Although as a child she was considered a boastful upstart. The bright and shocking image of the actress leaves no one indifferent, making people of all ages smile. However, lately fans of the talented artist have not been laughing at all - Katya has recently lost a lot of weight and the girl’s fans are wondering what it is: the result of an illness or plastic surgery? Read the answers to these and other questions that interest you in our exclusive interview.

  • Name: Ekaterina Vladimirovna Varnava
  • Date of Birth: December 9, 1984
  • Place of Birth: Moscow
  • Anthropometric data: height 181 cm, optimal weight 60 kg
  • Occupation: actress, choreographer
  • Family status: Single

Ekaterina Varnava before plastic surgery

The future star of Russian show business was born in the Russian capital on December 9, 1984, but earlier she lived her childhood abroad in Germany, where her father served. After returning to her homeland, for a long time she could not find a common language with her peers, who considered the girl who wore a bright and fashionable clothes, a boastful upstart.

One of the brightest childhood hobbies for Catherine was ballroom dancing. She dreamed of turning her favorite pastime into a profession, but a back injury confused the girl’s cards and she had to say goodbye to dancing. After graduating from school, Varnava tried to enter the cultural institute, but was unsuccessful. Then she submitted documents to MISiS and passed the competitive selection. While at the university, Katya became seriously interested in KVN, which became a good launching pad for her into the world of show business.

Soon, the producers of the TNT channel invited the sexy brunette to try her hand at the Comedy Woman project as an artist and choreographer. Here she found her place and quickly became popular. Varnava began to be invited to star in popular TNT sitcoms - “Deffchonki”, “Happy Together”, “Univer” and others. In addition, at one time Katya was the presenter of the morning broadcast of the NTV channel. But then serious changes began to occur in the actress’s appearance.

What operations did Ekaterina Varnava perform?

The bright and recognizable appearance of the TV personality is the result of a symbiosis of her complex face with large features, a large and somewhat elongated nose and enlarged lips. For public people who often appear before the public in photos and videos, the biggest problem is an impressive nose. To prevent it from taking up all the attention, photographers have to regularly select the right color and angle.

Apparently, Catherine decided to put an end to this problem once and for all and had rhinoplasty. A comparison of earlier and some later photographs shows that the actress’s nose has become shorter and its tip no longer hangs over the line of the upper lip as before, but is even slightly raised upward. However, some experts explain these changes by weight loss, especially since the bridge of the nose remained the same.

In the latest photographs, Barnabas looks completely unrecognizable and one of the new features of her appearance is a more elongated face and pointed cheekbones. The girl herself explains these changes as a result proper diet, however knowledgeable people claim that such changes may be associated with the removal of Bish's lumps. This aesthetic procedure eliminates excessive roundness of the cheeks and gives the face a more expressive and sophisticated appearance.

What leaves no doubt is the fact of lip correction using fillers with hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin injections, which smooth out wrinkles in the frontal part of the face. Now the traces of the past are no longer visible here. age-related changes.

The cost of these cosmetic procedures may hit the pocket of the average Russian, but for a star it is quite acceptable. This is the approximate prices for the procedures that were performed on Ekaterina Varnava:

  • l Botox injections - from 280 rubles per unit;
  • l lip filler injections - approximately 50 thousand rubles;
  • l injections of fillers into the zygomatic part of the face - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • l removal of Bisha lumps - up to 70 thousand rubles;
  • l lift of the middle and lower part of the face - from 250 thousand rubles.

The total cost of all procedures starts from 400 thousand rubles.

The TV personality herself categorically denies the intervention of plastic surgeons in her appearance and, as proof of this, published a photo in which her “imperial nose” is clearly visible. As a guest on Channel One’s “Alone with Everyone” program, Varnava said that she had long given up meat, fish, and seafood and switched to plant-based foods and dairy products.

Photos of Ekaterina Varnava before and after plastic surgery

Comparing photographs of TV personalities from different years, you often come across the idea that in front of you are two different people. In her youth, the actress’s calling card was her charming cheeks, which emphasized her beautiful texture. Medium-full lips exuded an infectious smile, and an impressively sized nose added a bit of exoticism to the artist’s appearance.

Now before us appears an emaciated, somewhat sickly-looking girl with huge eyes, pointed cheekbones and a new color of pupils. The latter is explained by the star’s passion for colored lenses. It is much more difficult to interpret visually noticeable changes in the shape of the eyelids and cheeks. Obviously, this could not have happened without the participation of a plastic surgeon.

In photographs from 2016, the actress is depicted as very thin, with unnaturally thin arms and legs. Catherine's shoulders sharpened even more, and her once attractive breasts became completely invisible.

Video by Ekaterina Varnava

Unlike many of her colleagues, Katya opened an account in the popular social network quite late - only in the spring of 2015. However, the outrageous TV presenter managed to quickly attract the attention of followers and after a year and a half she could boast of a figure of 800 thousand subscribers, the number of which is steadily growing.

The bulk of images posted for public viewing are related to creative activities. In many photos, Katya is immersed in the working atmosphere and is surrounded by colleagues. There are many staged shots in the series of images, which indicates Ekaterina’s creative approach to displaying her own appearance. In addition to pictures taken professional photographers On Barnabas’s blog you can also see selfies, where she often appears in her home environment. A number of photographs clearly demonstrate severe thinness, bordering on morbidity. Looking at the protruding bones and sunken cheeks, the most impressionable fans began to sound the alarm and declare anorexia threatening their idol.

The star accompanies most of her photographs with comments reflecting her mood and state of mind. The photographs clearly demonstrate the constant search for herself, because the artist often demonstrates images that are sometimes radically different from each other. Ekaterina is in constant dialogue with her audience and consults with them about makeup and new hair color. She recently posted a photo in a red minidress, which once again emphasized her thinness, which made some followers compare her to Lady Gaga.

Personal life

Officially, the star is not married, but is actively searching for her other half. At different times her passions were certain married man, the famous showman D. Khrustalev and dancer E. Borodenko, with whom, according to Varnava, she had exclusively friendly relations. Recently it became known about the actress’s stormy romance with dancer K. Myakinkov. He was a participant in the “Dance” project, which was hosted by Ekaterina. Joint photographs began to appear on the artist’s blog, and in the fall of 2016 the couple starred in Anna Sedokova’s video as themselves, that is, the bride and groom.

During the filming of the next episode of the Ice Age TV show, a scandal broke out. The host of the project, Alla Mikheeva, a former partner of M. Marinin, with whom Varnava dances, was jealous of the artist for showing overly passionate feelings during the performance of the “Dance” number. She sarcastically commented that Maxim had a hard time with such a tall partner.

Former KVN performer and star of the Comedy Woman TV show on TNT, Ekaterina Varnava, is a notable figure both literally and figuratively. In those reprises where it is necessary to portray a glamorous girl, a friend of an oligarch, or simply a sexually attractive lady, it is Katya Varnava who invariably participates.

Katya Varnava before plastic surgery

They speak differently about her appearance, often with directly opposite assessments. But perhaps no one will argue that he is a very bright person with an amazing sense of humor.

Girls whose work is related to the stage, and who are constantly evaluated by a discerning public, need to look 100 percent. And always, regardless of the time of year, circumstances and natural disasters.

Katya Varnava is an unconventional beauty with a twist. But, like most representatives of the fair sex, she tries to follow everyone fashion trends, to be on top in this regard.

Sometimes the efforts go beyond the limit, and the end result is not quite what the fans and the star TV personality herself expected.

Lately, people who have been closely following the work of the talented artist have been worried. What happened to Katyusha, why did she lose weight? Or is this the result of plastic surgery, or, God forbid, a serious illness?

What Ekaterina Varnava looks like after plastic surgery

We remember Katya Varnava well from KVN and the “Our Secrets” team. A tall brunette with a sporty figure, large features and a slightly elongated nose appeared on stage.

Photo: Ekaterina Varnava before and after plastic surgery

It was right out of the blue that our heroine decided one day to begin bringing herself to perfection. And she had rhinoplasty. Compare the early photos of the actress and the current ones: the nose has shortened, and its tip does not hang over the upper lip as before, but is even slightly raised. Experts say that minor changes in the shape of the nose are associated with a general decrease in the girl’s weight.

Now, considerably thinner, Barnabas appears before us as a languid beauty from the era of decadence with an elongated face and pointed cheekbones. Katya herself explains the changes to the effect of diet, but plastic surgeons can tell you that diet has nothing to do with it. Most likely, this is a consequence of the procedure to remove Bisha’s lumps, due to which the patients’ natural roundness of the cheeks disappears, and the oval of the face becomes more elegant and refined.

A beautiful face with ideal features is not always the key to a successful career for girls in show business. Incredible charm, charisma, talent, inexplicable magnetism - these qualities can ensure popularity even with an appearance that does not correspond to generally accepted canons of beauty. And a striking example of this is Ekaterina Varnava, who is extremely difficult to see without makeup, because the girl is a media personality, and this requires a lot. Her appearance can be called specific, and this requires a competent approach to the choice of makeup. Unmade-up Barnabas looks pretty good, but Katya almost never appears without makeup in everyday life, much less on camera. The fact is that the camera somewhat dulls color perception, so a considerable layer of makeup and bright decorative cosmetics are faithful companions of any celebrity.

Tribute to the profession

Viewers learned about Katerina’s talent after the release of the popular comedy show Comedy Woman, and KVN fans were familiar with the perky tall girl several years ago. To date, Varnava has already tried her hand at hosting several television programs. She often participates in various projects as an invited guest. You will be surprised, but dancer, comedian, actress and presenter are professions that Katya, a lawyer by profession, never even dreamed of a few years ago!

We can talk about her stage images for a long time. Ekaterina Varnava, entering the stage, turns into an attractive, charming, sexy, daring and brave vamp girl. A well-chosen make-up helps her with this. Katya focuses on the eyes, carefully drawing the outer corners, applying several layers of mascara and eyeliner. The girl loves false eyelashes very much, even though they turn her face into a doll’s one. On stage, this effect is considered quite appropriate. With the help of gloss and bright lipstick, the girl provides her lips with additional volume. And, of course, clothes! Tight corsets, very short and fluffy skirts - these are the requirements of the profession.

Relaxation for the skin

Wearing a thick layer of makeup on your face around the clock is both harmful and tiring. Among other things, celebrities are people who sometimes also want to take a break from everything that surrounds and accompanies them. Looking at the photo of Ekaterina Varnava without makeup, it is difficult to recognize in the young girl that bright seductress who is looking at us from the screen. At the beginning of her career, Katya very often allowed herself to appear without makeup, but one day at a friend’s party she was faced with the fact that her face without makeup became the subject of discussion and even condemnation. This is a circumstance for a girl who first encountered criticism back in adolescence Due to his height and magnificent breasts, he was seriously upset. Since then, Barnabas has been trying not to appear in public without makeup in order to avoid unpleasant situations that could cause the appearance of new complexes. This is why it is very difficult to find pictures of Catherine without makeup on the Internet. Even when the cameras are off, she prefers to wear makeup, but makes it as natural as possible. An even skin tone, neatly drawn eyebrows, a little gloss on the lips, pastel shadows and a little mascara - this is how Katya feels more confident.

Of course, with stage makeup, Ekaterina Varnava looks much more impressive, but even without makeup her face remains attractive. You can see this for yourself by looking at the photos from our gallery, in which the showwoman is captured without an ounce of makeup.

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