Three-day diet. Diets for strong weight loss The right way out of the diet

Losing weight by one clothing size in a couple of weekends is possible; you just need a great desire and a little theory that will have to be put into practice. There are several diets for emergency weight loss under the general name “diet 2”. You can choose the one you like and quickly start making your dream of a toned body come true in 2 days.

General rules and features of two-day diets

Many diets offer a way to lose 2 kg in 2 days, but all of them share common principles of nutrition and lifestyle:

  • within two days it is impossible to burn several kilograms of fat, the weight will go away due to the cleansing of the body, its release from excess fluid;
  • you should limit the consumption of foods containing carbohydrates: cereals, potatoes, legumes, bread;
  • you need to eat more protein foods and vegetables;
  • it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet, because it retains fluid in the body, increasing weight and making the waist thicker (store-bought meat products, salted fish, canned foods, industrial sauces);
  • the daily diet should be divided into 5 - 6 small portions;
  • It is recommended to observe the correct drinking regime - 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day;
  • walking speeds up your metabolism, and physical exercise tones and emphasizes your muscles, thanks to this you can look slimmer and fitter;
  • The key to losing weight is to create a calm environment; when exposed to stress, the body produces cortisol, which stimulates the accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous tissue.

To speed up metabolism and fat burning, at the beginning of the first day of losing weight, you need to do light cardio training for 15 - 20 minutes: 1 minute of fast running, then 3-4 minutes of jogging, etc. Such training activates metabolism not only on this day, but also on the next day.

We list a few of the most popular options from which you can choose something you like. It is advisable to arrange fasting days on weekends, because... Losing weight at home is more comfortable and easier to follow dietary instructions.

Kefir diet for 2 days

The simplest methods of express weight loss are mono-diets, which include one main food product with small additions of other foods - buckwheat, rice, watermelon, cabbage, etc. In two days, 2 - 3 kg and 2 - 3 cm in the waist are easily lost.

One of these is a 2-day diet on kefir. All that is required is 1.5 liters of kefir, which are distributed into 5-6 doses during the day. During breaks, you can drink clean water and green tea without sugar. Another option for this diet is to supplement your daily diet with 1 kg of apples.

It should be remembered that you cannot go on a kefir mono-diet if you have high stomach acidity.

Protein diet

Proteins help you lose weight because... The body needs to spend a lot of energy to break them down. By excluding fats and fast carbohydrates from your diet, you can lose 2 kg in two days. The diet for 1 day includes 600 - 800 g of protein food (lean beef, chicken or fish) boiled, stewed, baked, 200 g of carbohydrates (green vegetables, cereals), unsweetened tea, coffee.

Protein weight loss involves avoiding sugar, sweets, sweet fruits, starchy and sweet vegetables (potatoes, beets, corn), and carbonated drinks.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast: 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with strawberries (50 - 100 g) or omelette with vegetables (150 g).
  2. Lunch: 150 g of boiled veal or turkey, 100 g of stewed vegetables.
  3. Baked fish with vegetables or chicken breast with green salad.
  4. For a snack, yogurt, kefir, an apple or vegetable salad are suitable.

This diet can be used by healthy people without kidney or liver disease or cardiovascular disease.

Two-day cabbage diet

Secret cabbage diet lies in a special recipe for soup that can be eaten any time you feel hungry. The ingredients included in its composition enhance metabolism, remove excess fluid and eliminate chronic constipation.

Ingredients for making cabbage soup:

  • 1 small head of cabbage;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 5 - 6 small onions;
  • garlic, pepper, parsley or dill to taste.

All vegetables must be finely chopped, add 1 - 1.5 liters of water and cook for 10 minutes. This diet for 2 days is easily tolerated, and in two days you can become 2 kg lighter.

Another version of the cabbage diet is 2 fasting days, during which you can eat only white cabbage. It should be finely chopped and eaten throughout the day. One caveat: do not add salt or oil to the cabbage. The advantage of this diet is also the almost complete absence of hunger.


Another option for an emergency diet is to lose weight in 2 days, drinking only drinks and liquid foods. For the first day of the diet, drinks that do not contain calories are recommended - tea, mineral and purified water, coffee, herbal teas. On the second day you can drink low-fat kefir, cocoa, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. You should not drink large amounts of coffee or black tea per day, because... Excess caffeine depresses the nervous system and causes low mood and depression. In addition, the substances contained in these drinks slow down the absorption of certain minerals and B vitamins.

In two days on a liquid diet you can lose 2 - 3 kg.

Express weight loss has its disadvantages:

  • after finishing the diet, you can quickly return to the initial weight if you eat fatty, sweet, salty, flour foods;
  • the body does not have time to rebuild itself and maintain normal weight in a short time, as happens with long-term diets based on the principles of rational nutrition;
  • The stress that the body experiences when experiencing hunger can cause cortisol levels to increase, and as a result, fat will be stored even faster after the end of fasting days.

The advantage of this method of losing weight is cleansing the body of toxins and excess fluid, feeling light and fit, activating all metabolic processes in the body, especially if fasting days off were accompanied by physical activity and good mood.

There are situations in life when you urgently need to get in shape and lose a couple of extra pounds. A diet for 2 days can help solve this problem. This is perhaps the most effective method of losing weight for short term. There are several options for express diets. Taking into account your taste preferences, you can choose the most suitable diet for yourself these days.

General rules for two-day diets

Strict diets are not recommended for more than two days. After all, in such a short period of time, it will still not be possible to cope with fat deposits that have accumulated over the years. But you can easily undermine your health. For some, these are just fasting days, while for others, they are a preparatory stage preceding a longer process of losing weight.

Basic rules, following which you can get rid of extra pounds and adjust your waist:

Thus, you can get rid of 2-3 kg by freeing the body from excess fluid and timely bowel movements.

A few more tips: try not to participate in cooking these days and don’t look at the food too much. Follow the rules strictly and try not to fail within 48 hours.

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Features of short diets

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Diet options for 2 days

The most effective are mono-diets - kefir, apple, buckwheat, cucumber, rice. Those that contain several products in their menu are considered less effective. In any case, it is better to listen to your body and choose the most appropriate diet.

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This method of fighting extra pounds is simple and effective. You don’t need to create a special menu, just buy low-fat kefir and start losing weight. Weight loss in this case occurs by reducing fats and carbohydrates in the diet.

The important properties of this product include: the ability to improve intestinal function, regulate metabolism, and restore beneficial flora.

A 2-day diet with kefir can be in the form of:

  • mono-diets - 1.5 liters of kefir per day in 5-6 doses;
  • in combination with other products - apples, fish or vegetables.

Weight loss – 2-3 kg.

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It is allowed to consume protein foods in the amount of 500-800 g. This can be boiled chicken or beef, or you can treat yourself to fish. It is also permissible to eat 20 g of carbohydrates per day. It's better if it's green vegetables or grains. Fats must be eliminated completely.

In addition to water, you can drink tea or coffee.

It is tasty and satisfying, but we should not forget about the contraindications. People with constipation or kidney or liver disease should not go on a protein diet.

Weight loss – 1-2 kg.

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This method of losing weight involves drinking cabbage soup at any time of the day, as soon as you feel hungry.

The recipe for this dish is very simple. You will need the following ingredients: a small head of cabbage, 6 onions, celery root and bell pepper. Grind everything and place in a saucepan and cook for 10 minutes after boiling. For taste, you can add parsley, pepper, and garlic of your choice.

Weight loss – 2 kg.

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If you want your belly fat to go away quickly and your weight to decrease, try holding out on drinks only.

On the first day, you are allowed to drink liquids without calories - tea, coffee, mineral and plain water, diet cola. In the second, kefir, cocoa, and juice are added. It is better if it is freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices.

It is not recommended to drink more than two cups of tea or coffee in one day. Caffeine in large quantities has a negative effect on the nervous system and, as a result, can cause so-called “dietary depression.” Do not forget that coffee drunk on an empty stomach can block the process of absorption of vitamin B. And this can lead to a slowdown in metabolism.

Weight loss on this diet is 2-3 kg.

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Losing weight following this method is only possible for persistent people. This is a strict diet for 2 days, during which you will have to give up everything except the lemon-honey drink. You will need to drink 3 liters per day.

To prepare such a drink, you will need lemons (15 pcs). The juice is squeezed out of them and mixed with plain water (3 l) and honey (50-70 g).

It is worth paying attention to the contraindications of this diet for people with urolithiasis and chronic stomach diseases. Lemon increases acidity and can cause heartburn.

Potato lovers can try the potato mono-diet.

It is necessary to boil 5-6 tubers in their skins and consume them throughout the day. You can crush them and add a little vegetable oil. Repeat the next day.

Weight loss – 1-2 kg.

Remember that such fasting days help you lose a few kilograms very quickly, but the weight can return just as quickly. However, repeating such unloading too often is not recommended.

Choose a menu to suit your taste and always stay in shape!

Today, various express diets have been developed for 2 days, among which buckwheat, kefir, cucumber and protein are very popular. So, further you can familiarize yourself with the menu of such diets, as well as the rules that will help you survive 2 days without breakdowns.

This is 50% of the success of the diet, because if you think in advance and make a list of foods that will be consumed within two days, the risk of so-called “breakdowns” is reduced. The list of products is compiled depending on which diet option was chosen. It’s best to purchase groceries in advance so that you don’t have to go to the store and stumble upon tempting products on the shelves.

Create a meal schedule

The second step, after grocery shopping, is to plan your meals. Firstly, it will be easier for the body, and secondly, it will also help to avoid unnecessary snacks.

On a two-day diet, there should be at least three meals, the calorie content of which will be between 700 and 1000 calories. The highest calorie intake should be breakfast and dinner. Snacks are not excluded, but it all depends on which diet you choose. You should also plan your schedule so that your last meal is taken 3 hours before bedtime.

Only after thinking through these two points and writing them down for yourself can you start a diet. That is, the decision to lose weight quickly must be deliberate and planned.

  • Don't skip breakfast, as this meal fills your body with energy for the whole day. Breakfast should be complete and hearty; don’t be afraid to overeat in the morning, as all the calories will be burned during the day.
  • Breakfast and lunch should mainly consist of light foods: eggs, cottage cheese, cereals, toast, etc.
  • Don't forget to drink a lot of regular water - 1.5-2 liters during the day. During a diet, the body cannot experience a lack of moisture, and water perfectly blocks the feeling of hunger.
  • It is best to eat meat in the evening - for dinner. In this case, the side dish should only be vegetable.
  • On a two-day diet, like on any other, high-calorie foods, fried foods, sweets and processed foods are not allowed. If you allow yourself such freedom once, then the whole result will come to naught.

Lemon diet options for 2 days

Lemon contains large amounts of vitamin C, which helps burn fat, so pay attention to the following diets.

“Minus 5 kg in 2 days”

If you have great willpower and a desire to lose 5 kg, it is suggested that you completely give up food for two days. The diet involves drinking only one drink, which is prepared according to the recipe:

  1. Squeeze the juice of 7 lemons.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of honey.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon red pepper.
  4. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  5. 1.5 liters of boiled water is poured.

Lemon-honey diet

Suitable for those who are wary of the combination of lemon juice and pepper. It assumes the same rules as the previous version, only the drink is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • juice of 15 lemons;
  • 3 liters of boiled water;
  • 70 g honey.

This type of diet can be called a fasting diet, since it will cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Lemon-kefir diet

The most original version of the diet, which involves the following rules:

  • morning, afternoon and evening you need to drink 500 ml of kefir and eat half a lemon;
  • Half a lemon can be replaced with lemon juice from it;
  • lemon juice can be taken separately or after mixing with kefir;
  • If you feel very hungry, you can eat an orange or an apple.

Cucumber diet for two days

In question fast weight loss– one of the most effective, because you can achieve amazing results with it - lose from 2 to 5 kilograms. This effect is due to the fact that during the diet a lot of cucumbers are eaten, along with which a person also absorbs up to two liters of water. And if you add to this amount the amount of clean drinking water that should be drunk, then the body receives a real natural detox.

Toxins and wastes intensively leave the body in two days, and extra pounds go along with them.

The basic principle of a quick cucumber diet is to eat at least 2 kg of cucumbers, but more is possible. The main dish in this case will be cucumber salad, which is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. 2 kg of cucumbers should be cut into pieces.
  2. Season them with low-fat sour cream or olive oil.
  3. Diversify with herbs: parsley, dill, green onions, arugula.

The salad cannot be salted, but if it tastes completely bland, you can add a little lemon juice.

The classic cucumber diet menu for two days will be like this:

  1. Breakfast– Black tea or coffee without sugar, wholemeal bread toast, spread with butter or jam of your choice. If the toast is buttered, you can put sliced ​​cucumber on top.
  2. Second breakfast (until 12 noon)- cucumber salad.
  3. Dinner– one boiled chicken egg, cucumber salad and a piece of boiled chicken breast.
  4. Snack- cucumber salad.
  5. Afternoon snack– one apple, orange or pear (your choice).
  6. Dinner- cucumber salad.

In addition to water, on this diet you can drink green tea without sugar or mineral water throughout the day. But this does not change the condition for consuming 2 liters of clean drinking water.

Kefir diet for two days

Kefir allows you to lose several kilograms, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, and promotes the excretion of feces, which are often the cause of excess weight. There are three options for the kefir diet for 2 days:

Option 1

This version of an effective diet for two days involves a complete refusal of any food in favor of kefir. But the amount of kefir here will be limited - no more than 1.5 kefir per day is allowed. This amount should be divided into several doses, and you should not drink anything else except plain water.

The diet is quite strict, but allows you to achieve maximum results - minus 5 kg in two days.

Option 2

This option is less harsh, since in addition to kefir, some food is allowed. These are mainly vegetables and fruits. So, the allowed amount of kefir is 1.5 liters per day, the allowed amount of fruits and vegetables is 1 kg (this is the total allowed amount of vegetables and fruits together, and not separately). Among fruits, it is best to give preference to apples, watermelon, oranges, and pears. You can't eat grapes and bananas. From vegetables - everything except potatoes.

Option 3

For 2 days you need to follow the following diet:

  • For breakfast, you should eat toast with bran and drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • For lunch, you should prepare yourself a vegetable salad, season it with olive oil, and also drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • For dinner, the menu includes two apples, a piece of cheese and again a glass of kefir.

There are no snacks in this menu, as they are replaced with kefir. The total amount of kefir drunk per day should be one and a half liters, so between main meals you can safely drink kefir and water.

After a kefir diet, body reactions such as diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating are possible. If such discomfort occurs, then it is better to abandon such a diet in favor of another option.

Buckwheat diet for two days

Buckwheat must be cooked in water; no vegetable oil, sugar or salt should be added. The recipe for making porridge is as simple as possible:

  1. One tablespoon of washed buckwheat should be poured with two glasses of boiling water.
  2. Leave the porridge for several hours so that it has time to steam.
  3. If all the moisture has not been absorbed during this time, then it must be drained. Buckwheat is ready to eat!

This porridge should be eaten 4-5 times a day during the diet. At the same time, you can also drink green tea without sugar and, of course, maintain water balance.

If such a diet is too strict for you, then you can add kefir to your diet with the buckwheat diet (drink up to one liter per day). You are allowed to combine these two products by cooking buckwheat with kefir (you will get a cold soup). And the third option is to alternate between taking porridge and taking kefir by the hour.

You can also stick to the buckwheat diet, diluting it with fruits. In addition to buckwheat porridge, you can eat a couple more fruits and six pieces of dried apricots or prunes.

In the case of the buckwheat fast diet, there are contraindications. You cannot follow a buckwheat diet for two days if you have:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • period of puberty.

This diet can lead to poor health, especially under severe mental and physical stress. If weakness, darkness in the eyes and dizziness appear, then you should eat a spoonful of honey or drink a mug of tea with sugar.

Fast diet “Two protein days”

This diet is more related to fasting days than to diets, but this does not change its result - you can lose from 2 to 5 kg. The protein express diet is based on eating only protein foods.

You can make up your diet as you like, but the main thing is that it consists of products such as:

  • legumes;
  • lean meat;
  • low-fat fish;
  • raw vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, sweet peppers, celery;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • eggs.

The main thing is not to eat in large portions, but to divide meals into 4-5 times. You can snack on light foods, for example, vegetable salad, cottage cheese or natural yogurt. When cooking, you should give preference to either baking, boiling, or steaming. The use of spices is also prohibited.

It should be remembered that two-day diets will be safe only if they are not used often. To maintain your health, you should not resort to emergency weight loss measures more often than once every six months. Neglecting this rule will lead not only to a malfunction of the body, but also to the opposite result - the kilograms will return faster and in greater quantities.

In this article we will present, and only a nutritionist can create a diet that is suitable for you.

Remember that the diet of all these diets is small, and you will have to greatly limit yourself in food.

Of course, you will lose weight quickly, but subsequently you will need to monitor your diet so as not to gain back the lost kilograms.

Diet options

One-day diet for strong weight loss:

The diet is strict but effective.


Breakfast: a cup of coffee with 1 tsp. Sugar, two crackers.

We have lunch: two hard-boiled eggs, four tomatoes, two crackers.

We have dinner: fifty grams of hard cheese, one tomato, one piece of rye bread, a cup of tea with sugar.

Why do we lose weight with cucumbers?

Because they:

    improve digestion;

    cleanse the body, especially the skin and intestines;

    move food through the intestines;

    contribute to the normalization of water-salt balance;

    have a diuretic effect;

    contribute to the activation of metabolism.

You lose weight by eating a lot of fiber. Fiber restores normal intestinal function, water-salt balance, and improves metabolism.

You need to eat two kilograms of cucumbers per day, but you will be tormented by hunger.

While on a diet, you need to eat cucumber salad with the addition of herbs, low-fat sour cream without salt.

Divide the salad among four meals.

Cucumber diet for a week:

a piece of bread made from wholemeal flour, one apple or grapefruit, cucumber salad or fresh cucumbers;

fifty grams of beef, a slice of bread, one apple, cucumbers;

One hundred grams of boiled rice, one hundred grams of boiled fish, cucumbers;

Twenty grams of hard cheese, one hundred grams of boiled rice, one pear, cucumbers;

Bread, salad (cucumber, white cabbage, carrots, vegetable oil), one grapefruit or orange, one apple, twenty grams of hard cheese, cucumbers;

Vegetable soup (exception: potatoes), a piece of bread, one grapefruit or tangerine, cucumbers;

Vegetable soup (exception: potatoes), a piece of bread, one apple, cucumbers.

    Be sure to take a vitamin-mineral complex.

    To maintain the results of the diet, you need to: do not overeat, but get up from the table slightly hungry; do not eat flour, sweets, or eat in very limited quantities; eat fresh fruits, vegetables, steamed fish, steamed poultry; give the body feasible physical activity.

Diet results: minus five kilograms per week.

Advantages of the cucumber diet:

    the skin will be elastic and have a fresh look,

    cleansing the body of waste, toxins,

    improvement of metabolism.

Result: minus three kilograms in five days.

The basis of the diet: eating at a certain time, only with foods certain to the diet, i.e. kefir.

7am: cup of savory green tea or with the addition of a sweetener;

9 am: salad (2 carrots, one teaspoon of olive oil);

11 am: one green apple, two hundred grams of low-fat kefir;

13 hours: one hundred grams of boiled lean beef or skinless chicken;

15:00: one green apple;

5 p.m.: ten pieces of prunes;

19 hours: two hundred grams of low-fat kefir.

Exit from the diet: two days after finishing the diet. At the same time, we adhere to the following diet:

We have breakfast: oatmeal or buckwheat, prepared without salt, sugar, but with the addition of low-fat milk, or an omelet prepared from 2 chicken egg whites and 1 yolk.

2nd breakfast: fresh fruit or unsweetened natural yogurt.

We have lunch: a small piece of fish or chicken with a side dish of stewed vegetables.

Dinner: a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese, any fruit.

Who is the diet suitable for?

Only healthy people, because while following a diet, the body will not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements.

But this diet is not harmful, because it gives the body the opportunity to rest from eating fatty foods and remove fat deposits.

BUT: The diet cannot be followed for more than five days, so as not to harm the body by slowing down the metabolism.


    Carrots contain large amounts of carotene (vit. A), an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. It helps maintain good vision, good skin condition, gives the skin a fresh look and elasticity, helps the body renew tissues and cells, and helps stimulate the immune system.

    Carrots contain a lot of vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K (removes toxins from the body), vitamin B, pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid (strengthens the immune system, cardiovascular system, improves metabolism), a lot of iodine, which helps the thyroid gland function properly.

    Eating carrots improves vision, strengthens nails, and cleans teeth from plaque.

    During the period of following the carrot diet, there is no fat in the diet, therefore, the body uses its own “reserves” of fat.

    Carrots contain a lot of fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, helps control the state of intestinal microflora, and normalize metabolism.

    Fatigue is reduced,

    Less hair loss

    Carrot diet improves general state health.

Diet duration: five days.

The basis of the diet: the use of young carrots. We clean it with a special brush.

Carrots will be better absorbed by the body if you drink 1/2 cup of low-fat kefir 2 times a day (in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening during dinner).

While following the carrot diet, we eat carrot salad (three 2 carrots finely grated, add one grated apple, lemon juice. You can add a little honey, but not more than one tablespoon per day. Divide the salad into four meals.

On the fourth day of the carrot diet, you can eat some baked potatoes and some skinless chicken.

On the fifth day of the carrot diet, we complete the diet.

While following the diet, you need to drink plenty of water and green tea.

Result: minus 2.5 - 4 kg of weight, of which 1.5-2 kg are fat deposits.

The basis of the diet: the diet includes large fiber foods. They allow the body to quickly saturate, you will not feel hungry.


The first three days you only need to drink water and eat salad, then during three days you need to eat like this:

First day

We have breakfast: a piece of bread with added bran, spread with margarine, fifty grams of grapes, one green apple, one banana;

Second breakfast: one banana or 2 green apples;

Lunch: two hundred grams of shredded white cabbage, two hundred grams of boiled jacket potatoes,

We have dinner: one hundred grams of shrimp, one hundred grams of pasta, a couple of tomatoes;

Second day

We have breakfast: two hundred grams of natural yogurt, a piece of bread, one boiled soft-boiled egg;

Second breakfast: one pear, one banana;

We have lunch: two hundred grams of boiled potatoes in their jackets, 2 tbsp. boiled beans;

We have dinner: fifty grams of ham, a couple of tomatoes, one hundred grams of pasta;

The third day

Breakfast: 1/2 green apple, 2 wheat tortillas, a glass of low-fat milk or freshly squeezed orange juice.

Second breakfast: two hundred grams of dry red wine, fifty grams of biscuit.

We have lunch: fifty grams of boiled chicken breast, two hundred grams of boiled jacket potatoes.

Dinner: fifty grams of boiled chicken with lemon juice, one hundred grams of wheat flour pasta.

If you have given yourself a “indulgence”, then subject yourself to physical activity:

    jumping rope – minus 100 kcal;

    ironing clothes while standing – minus 80 kcal;

    washing the floors - we burn 90 kcal in 1 minute;

    wiping windows – we burn 90 kcal per minute;

    very active play with the baby – we burn 429 kcal;

    Twenty squats with arms extended forward burn 50 kcal.

Result: minus two kilograms in 2 days.

Before you start following a diet, you need to give yourself a fasting day.

Then, during two days of the diet, drink vitamin C and herbal teas.


We eat often, but little by little, we make sure to have a snack between lunch and dinner.

We have breakfast: fruit salad (take one orange, two tangerines, one apple, use natural yogurt without additives as a dressing), drink a glass of tea without sugar, but you can add ½ tbsp. honey.

Lunch: 150 grams of unsalted boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad with grated hard cheese, a glass of herbal tea or still mineral water.

Snack: one orange, vegetable salad with olive oil, lemon juice, 150 grams of steamed fish.

We have dinner: a glass of natural yogurt or cottage cheese dessert, a glass of cherry juice.

Result: minus seven kilograms in a week. Repeating the diet is allowed after three months.

After following this diet, it is forbidden to eat a lot, otherwise the kilograms you lost will return.

The basis of the diet: exclusion of meat products. Only dairy products and fruits containing large amounts of fiber are allowed.

When following a diet, active cleansing of the intestines occurs, removing excess fluid from the body.


Lunch: one egg, one green apple,

Dinner: one egg.

Lunch: 125 grams of low-fat cottage cheese,

We have dinner: one hundred grams of boiled shrimp or eat a small can of canned tuna.

Breakfast: drink a cup of coffee without sugar,

Lunch: two eggs, one piece of cheese,

Dinner: one egg.

Breakfast: drink a cup of coffee without sugar,

We have lunch: we eat five apricots or five dried apricots.

Dinner: one egg.

Breakfast: drink a cup of coffee without sugar,

We have lunch: we eat two green apples, three kiwis,

Dinner: two eggs.

Breakfast: drink a cup of tea without sugar,

Lunch: eat 125 grams of carrot salad,

Dinner: eat one egg.

Breakfast: drink a cup of coffee without sugar,

We have lunch: we eat one orange,

Dinner: drink one glass of low-fat kefir.

Diet contraindications:

This diet is contraindicated for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

After following the diet, you must not eat a lot of sweets and meat for 2 weeks. You need to eat them little by little.

The safest for health, effective, but strict and long-lasting.

Diet duration: two weeks.

The diet is effective because buckwheat contains many nutrients that give the body strength and do not make you feel hungry.

The basis of the diet: regular consumption of buckwheat.

It needs to be steamed with boiling water in a thermos or pan, wrapped in a warm blanket without adding salt, spices, or oil. Because steamed cereal retains as many nutrients as possible.

You can eat in unlimited quantities.

You should not eat until four hours before bedtime.

During the diet period, you need to drink 2 liters. water per day.

Advantages of the diet:

  • nails, teeth, hair are strengthened,

    you are losing weight quickly.

Basis: consumption of protein products - fish, meat, avoidance of sweets and flour.

This allows you to improve your metabolism.

But, after following the diet, you need to start eating right.

Advantages of the diet:

    the body does not lose muscle mass, because Protein takes an active part in building muscles.

    Fat deposits are burned, because the body does not receive excess fats and carbohydrates.

Result: minus eight kilograms in two weeks. Repeat - once every 2 years. Since in the absence of carbohydrates in the body, it begins to obtain them from proteins through oxidation, resulting in the formation of compounds that are toxic to humans.

Contraindications for a protein diet:

    presence of kidney diseases,

    dysfunction of the digestive organs.

    Elderly age,

    The diet is contraindicated for obese people, due to increased blood clotting due to excess protein, which leads to the formation of blood clots.

Protein diet:

First day

We have lunch: eat two hard-boiled eggs, salad (boiled cabbage with vegetable oil), one glass of unsalted tomato juice.

Dinner: unlimited amount of fried or boiled fish.

Second day

We have lunch: fried fish, salad (fresh white cabbage with the addition of any of your favorite vegetables, vegetable oil),

We have dinner: two hundred grams of boiled beef, drink a glass of kefir.

The third day

We have breakfast: drink a glass of black coffee, eat 1 cracker,

Lunch: Cups of zucchini, fried in vegetable oil,

Dinner: two hard-boiled chicken eggs, two hundred grams of boiled beef, salad (fresh cabbage with vegetable oil).

Fourth day

We have breakfast: drink a glass of black coffee,

We have lunch: one raw egg, three boiled carrots with vegetable oil, a piece of hard cheese,

Dinner: any fruit.

Fifth day

Breakfast: salad (raw carrots + lemon juice),

We have lunch: a large fried fish, drink a glass of tomato juice,

Dinner: any fruit.

Suitable for those who love milk and those who are not allergic to it.

At the same time, we remember that an adult no longer produces enzymes that break down the main component of milk - casein.

But, the human body sometimes really needs milk. In this case, we drink natural fresh cow's milk. After all, it contains a lot of nutrients: proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, a large amount of vitamins.

If you can drink fresh milk, great, but we don’t boil it.

If you cannot find fresh milk, purchase fresh milk at the store.

Duration of the diet: three days.

Diet result: minus seven kilograms.


First day

Drink 1 glass of milk every 2 hours.

Second day

Drink 1 glass of milk every 1.5 hours.

The third day

Drink 1 glass of milk every hour.

We drink milk through a straw, in small sips, so it is better absorbed.

Exit from the diet:

During the first 2 days after finishing the diet, drink only milk before lunch; after lunch, you can eat a little vegetable salad.

On the third day, you can switch to your normal diet.

– about the fact that losing weight quickly is not bad, but very good). I am writing from the book “2 Days Diet” by nutritionist Michelle Harvey and oncologist Tony Havel.

What is the 5:2 diet?

  • On 2 days during the week you eat foods high in protein, fat, low-fat dairy products, some fruits and vegetables.
  • You don't count calories, you watch the size and number of servings (all servings will be listed below)
  • 2 days a week you eat no more than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. This is because research suggests that carbohydrates make us hungry. During these 2 low carb days, the body quickly goes into fat burning mode.
  • It is recommended to do 2 strict days in a row to get maximum results from the 5:2 diet. Research by the authors of the book shows that if you do 2 strict days in a row, then the second day is much easier (I will add that the first day is also without suffering).

How much can I eat?

The 5:2 diet is so hungry that those losing weight easily limit the amount of food they eat. The program gives a maximum number of servings, but this does not mean that you should eat exactly that many. “Dieters” often worry that they won’t eat enough to lose weight, but these are empty worries. It is important to eat the indicated number of servings of protein and the required amount of electrolytes (read about how I did on day 2 of the 5:2 diet and don’t repeat my mistakes!). Include dairy products and vegetables in your diet and listen to your body - if you are not hungry, eat less!

2 strict days. You can have the following number of servings per day:

  • Protein (chicken, fish, eggs, lean meats): Maximum of 12 servings for women and 14 for men.

  • Fats (canola oil, olive oil, nuts, avocado): maximum of 5 servings for women and 6 for men

  • Dairy: 3 servings

  • Fruit: 1 serving

  • Vegetables: 5 servings

  • At least 2 liters of liquid, including water, coffee, tea or other liquids that do not contain calories or sugar

  • Sugar-free gum may be included if desired.

Let's break it down by product group.

Protein (2 strict days). What is one serving?

  • White fish (for example, flounder or cod) – 60 g
  • Canned fish (tuna) in its own juice without oil – 45 g
  • * Fatty fish, fresh or canned in tomato sauce or oil (sardines, salmon, tuna, smoked salmon, mackerel, trout) – 30 g
    It’s clear that you need to pour out the oil and blot the fish
  • Seafood (shrimp, shellfish, crab) – 45 g
  • Chicken, turkey, duck (cooked without skin) – 30 g or the size of a deck of cards
  • Lean beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, venison – 30 g, but not more than 500 g per week for women and 600 g for men
  • * Low-fat bacon - 1 strip grilled
  • * Lean ham – 2 medium or 4 thin pieces
  • Eggs – 1 medium or large
  • Tofu – 60 gr

Once every 2 strict days you can include the following protein products (keep in mind that they contain carbohydrates, so don’t get carried away):

  • soybeans and edamame – 60 grams per day (2 servings of protein)
  • low-fat hummus - maximum one tablespoon or 15 grams per day (1 serving of protein)

What do you need to know about protein on a 2-day diet? According to research, it is protein that controls our appetite and if you have eaten enough protein, then your body signals that you are full (which is why you will not feel hungry even on those “hungry” days). If you eat a lot of vegetables (a mistake of those losing weight who believe that since vegetables have few calories, they will lean on them and save calories) and little protein, then you will be hungry.

Two strict days. Fats. Portion sizes.

  • Olive (or any other) oil – 1 teaspoon (8 g)
  • Salad dressing with oil (I eat ready-made dressings, I choose “pure formulations”) – 2 tsp.
  • Unsalted or salted* nuts (unroasted or dry roasted) – 3 walnut halves, 3 Brazil nuts, 4 almonds, 8 peanuts, 10 cashews, 10 pistachios
  • Pesto – 1 tsp.
  • Mayonnaise (and you can have it) – 1 tsp.
  • Olives * (they need to be washed from brine) – 10 pieces
  • Almond butter or cashew butter – 1 tsp.
  • Avocado – half
  • Guacomole – 2 tsp.

Dairy products – maximum 3 servings per day

  • Milk (1% or skim) – 200 ml
  • Soy or almond milk – 200 ml
  • Yogurt (low fat - no additives, Greek, soy can be) - 120-150 g
  • Whole milk yogurt without additives – 80-90 g or 2 full tbsp. spoons
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 75 g or 2 tbsp.
  • Cream cheese (Philadelphia type) – 30 g or 1 tbsp. l.
  • Low-fat cheese (cheddar, edam, gouda, feta, camembert, ricotta, mozzarella, halloumi) – 30 gr. Important - do not exceed 120 grams of cheese per week(4 servings per week)


You can include one serving of fruit, but only low-carb fruit (list below). It is better, of course, to add a portion of vegetables and not eat fruits at all on 2 strict days.

  • Apricots – 3 fresh or dried fruits (make sure there is no added sugar and/or oil)
  • Blueberries – 1 handful (about enough to fit in your fist)
  • Grapefruit - half
  • Watermelon - a piece measuring 5 cm
  • Papaya - one piece
  • Peach – 1 piece
  • Pineapple – 1 large piece
  • Raspberries – 2 handfuls
  • Strawberries – 7 pieces


On 2 strict days, eat only low-carb vegetables from the list. Maximum – 5 servings.

  • Asparagus (canned in its own juice) – 7 pieces canned or 5 fresh
  • Green beans – 4 full tbsp.
  • Sprouted beans – 2 handfuls
  • Green bell pepper (colored peppers contain a lot of sugar) – half a pepper
  • Pumpkin – 50 gr
  • Brocolli – 2 inflorescences (this is what is at the end of the bunch)
  • Brussels sprouts – 8 pieces
  • Cabbage – 1/6 of a small head or 3 tbsp. “with top” sliced
  • Cauliflower – 6 florets
  • Celery – 3 feathers
  • Cucumbers – 12 cm piece
  • Eggplant – 1/3 medium size
  • Cooked kale (usually steamed or in a wok with a little water, like spinach) – 4 tbsp.
  • Leek – 1 pc. medium size
  • Lettuce leaves – 1 bowl
  • Fresh mushrooms (champignons, porcini, etc...) – 14 pieces or 1 handful chopped
  • Okra – 16 pieces
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy) – 2 handfuls
  • Radishes – 10 pieces
  • Green onions – 8 feathers
  • Spinach – one bowl raw or 2 tbsp. cooked
  • Canned tomatoes* – 2 pieces (in their own juice)
  • Tomatoes – 1 medium size or 7 cherry tomatoes
  • Tomato puree* – 1 tbsp.
  • Zucchini - half

Seasonings (unlimited)

  • Lemon juice
  • Spices and seasonings – fresh and dry (no added salt, check ingredients)
  • Black pepper
  • Mustard, horseradish (without additives, we often sell horseradish with cream, so watch out)
  • Vinegar – from white and red wine, balsamic vinegar (balsamic), rice wine vinegar
  • Chilli
  • Soy sauce or reduced salt soy sauce*
  • Miso paste (for miso soup)*
  • Fish sauce*
  • Worcestershire (Worcestershire) sauce*


Since you will be burning fat and losing water and electrolytes during the 2 strict days, it is very important to remember that you should consume enough salt. I have marked foods and seasonings containing salt with an asterisk*– don’t abuse them, but don’t neglect them either! You can drink drinks with electrolytes, but make sure they contain minimal calories and no sugar at all. You need to “gain” 5-6 grams of salt on each of these days.

If you get a headache during these days, then you are not getting enough salt.

Some foods contain natural sources of salt - dairy products, fish and seafood. If you feel the need, include 4-6 servings of high-salt foods on these strict days (for example, add a few rinsed olives to your salad, add soy sauce to your lunch, eat a couple of canned tomatoes) - just don't overdo it.

Can add:

  • Half a bouillon cube (I sometimes make my own bouillon and drink it after dinner) - it depends on what cubes are available to you - we sell cubes with a reduced salt content and a very pure composition - essentially a concentrated seasoning.
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp yeast extract

Attention: such foods with a high salt content are not recommended on the remaining 5 days of the week and you can only consume 1 serving of such foods during these days (that is, if you want to add soy sauce, do this once every 5 days).

Sugar is not recommended on the 5:2 diet. I’ve been drinking coffee without sugar for a long time (I got used to it when sugar was prohibited on the online diet). Of course, I used to lose weight very well when I drank coffee with sugar in the morning, but without sugar everything will be much faster. Sweeteners are allowed (although I have a rather negative attitude towards them). You can add ginger to drinks, as well as lemons and limes.

Diet 5:2. FAQ.

Are vitamins and supplements needed during the 5:2 diet?

It is best to get nutrients and vitamins and minerals from food and the 5:2 Diet allows you to not experience the slightest deficiency. So taking vitamins and supplements is at your discretion.

  • 2 strict days give you calcium from dairy products, as well as from canned fish and fresh fish. Calcium is also found in almonds, eggs and green vegetables.
  • Iron – from lean meats, milk, eggs and green vegetables
  • Zinc from meat, milk, eggs, nuts and cheese
  • Magnesium from lean meat, poultry, fish, vegetables
  • Selenium from meat and fish, Brazil nuts and eggs
  • Folic acid from asparagus, green vegetables
  • Vitamin A from eggs, cheese and butter

What about nuts?

I’ll say right away that for all the time that I’ve been following the 5:2 diet, I haven’t eaten a single nut, since I don’t snack (about snacks below) and I get crazy about them, but you saw that nuts are allowed and if you included them in your daily portion of fats and did not exceed the portions, then everything will be fine.

How hard is it to follow the 5:2 diet?

It’s not at all difficult (tomorrow I’ll write examples of the menu and give a few recipes, everything will immediately become clearer even better), you just need to figure it out and get involved - it took me 3-4 days, and then it turned into a routine. I have never felt hungry, and watching the weight melt before my eyes gives me great motivation.

Also remember that in essence the 5:2 Diet is only 2 strict days a week, the remaining 5 you eat a “clean” Mediterranean diet (a post with details about 5 non-strict days will also follow). Of course, you need to plan your diet and cook something, but it’s easy to organize. Compared to “online diets”, this is a walk in the park - you can prepare for 3-4 days at once and when you figure out the portion sizes, you will realize that you can fit your favorite dishes into this program. Plus, on strict days you can eat soups - the best time in winter!

But I'm still afraid that I'll remain hungry. What about snacks?

You shouldn't feel hungry if you stick to this diet, but if you feel cramped, feel free to snack, although remember that according to research, the longer the intervals between meals, the faster you will lose weight and the more fat you will burn ( - the scientific explanation why this is so ). Try to maintain a 12-hour window between your last and first meals. But still, if you need a snack, especially when you do “2 strict days” for the first time, then here’s what you can eat (without exceeding the serving sizes indicated above):

  • Olives or black olives - without oil, washed under water, no more than 4 pieces
  • Fruits from the permitted list
  • Nuts (check portion)
  • Vegetables – cucumber, celery, green peppers, green onions, cherry tomatoes – you can add salsa, hummus, guacomole (I’ll give recipes tomorrow)
  • Low-fat yogurt without additives
  • A cup of soup (there will also be recipes)
  • half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese or cottage cheese
  • Half a pack of sardines (if in oil, get rid of the oil as much as possible and remember the salt)

You will notice that on 2 strict days you lose water and go to the toilet more often.
This happens for two reasons. First, because you mobilize glycogen - a carbohydrate that is “stored” in our muscles and liver - this will “release” excess water that the body needs to get rid of (and all swelling will also go away). Second, burning fat increases the level of ketones in the blood, which also acts as a diuretic. Ketones are a natural product that comes from burning fat. On the 5:2 diet, you don’t have to worry about high levels of ketones (this is a hallmark of strict low-carb diets with the effect of ketosis and characteristic bad breath) - you will be limiting carbohydrates only 2 days a week.

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