How to escape the heat if you don't have air conditioning. The best ways to escape the heat in an apartment in the summer Get rid of the heat without air conditioning

Heat and cold are two phenomena that exhaust a person. In this article I will tell you ways to get rid of the heat at home! Now I’m sitting at home, naturally I don’t want to leave the house in such heat!

Ways to get rid of the heat in your apartment!

1) The coolest way is to install an air conditionerThe method is certainly a good one, but it’s not always possible, and it’s an extra expense on your wallet!

2) Wrap yourself in a wet sheet! (the main thing at this time is not to make drafts at home!)

3) Rinse undercool shower– after a shower you feel like a person!
Place in the room fan !

4) If you are too lazy to take a shower, just dry offwet towel!

5) Pull a wet towel in front of the fan! (helps for 20-30 minutes). Here, but a modernized version: Tie a huge, straightened terry towel to the chandelier and lower it to the bottom of a bucket filled with water. Tie the edge of the towel tightly to the handle of the bucket. Turn on the fan at full power and point it at the middle of the towel. Minus This method requires constant addition of cold water. Plus – the humidity in the apartment will be maintained at an optimal level. The temperature in the apartment will drop by 6-9 degrees after 4-6 hours. Cold water consumption: 12-18 liters/day.

6) Do cold drinks(cocktail with ice cream, iced tea, iced tea with lemon, etc...). The main thing is not to catch a cold!

7) Another method is to drink hot tea . Exactly hot ! First you sweat, and then the sweat evaporates from the body, that is, the body cools down. This method is used in the desert, where there is little water, because... if you drink cold water (tea), you will want more, and if it is hot, you will no longer want to drink!!!

Cover the windows with foil – the sun's rays will be reflected and will not heat the room!

9) Move less, to sweat less!

10) Turn off the computer - it heats the room by a few degrees

11) Live in the country, and you won’t have to get rid of the heat in your apartment!

12) Go somewhere to the mountains. Actually you canrent skis, and escape the heat in the mountains!

More ways to beat the heat for the brave ones!

  1. Get into the refrigerator!
  2. Open the freezer wide and place a chair or sofa next to it (the next day you can throw the freezer in the trash).
  3. Sell ​​the apartment and go to some pole!
  4. You can close all the cracks, doors, windows, everything possible, and turn the apartment into a Swimming Pool, that’s all!!!
  5. Cover yourself with hot water bottles filled with cold water.

When the thermometer does not drop below +30, when the asphalt melts, and the air seems viscous and thick, like jelly? Many people feel extremely uncomfortable in the summer. Try using the tips below - and long-awaited relief will definitely come.

How to beat the heat at home

First of all, you should pay attention to the windows. Curtains or blinds hung on them will already reduce the temperature inside the room by 3-10 degrees. Additionally, reflective film glued to windows or sewn to curtains for the summer will help. Windows should only be opened wide in the early morning and late evening. If possible, sleep with the windows and balcony open.

You can get rid of an expensive air conditioner if you buy a fan and make sure that, when working, it blows on a container with ice or cold air flows into the apartment. And to reduce energy losses from fan operation, say goodbye to old incandescent lamps and replace them with energy-saving ones. Which, in addition to their direct purpose, are allocated 4/5 less heat than what we are used to.

The diet on hot days is fresh vegetables and fruits, cold snacks, in general, foods that do not require cooking on the stove or in the oven. You can drink hot tea or cold water (only in small sips, so as not to get a cold in your throat).

It is better to take a warm shower, with a water temperature above 20 degrees - then the blood will not rush to the skin to compensate for its cooling. If it becomes completely unbearable, a remedy from India will help, where people can escape the heat by wrapping a turban made of a wet towel around their head.

2-3 hours before bedtime, you should place the folded plastic bag bed sheets. When choosing it for the summer, by the way, give preference to light and natural fabrics. And at night, there should be a bottle of cold water next to the bed for drinking and wiping your face.

How to beat the heat at work

Clothing - spacious, light colors, cotton or other natural fabrics. Makeup, cream, antiperspirants - to a minimum: women, take pity on your skin, it’s not easy for it anyway.

Saviors who are always with you: a bottle of water that spent the night in the freezer, a handkerchief and a fan. However, you will have to drink the water as it thaws, one small sip at a time. The handkerchief is useful for wetting and wiping your face and hands.

Try to move all important and necessary tasks to the first half of the working day, while it is not so hot. Then it will be much more difficult for your head to think.

To humidify the air in the workroom, you can use a small spray bottle, a houseplant with large leaves, or a small aquarium (you can do it without fish).

During your lunch break, just like at home, give up heavy food and coffee in favor of vegetable salad, fruit and green tea.

How to beat the heat in a car

The easiest way is to wash and polish it regularly. A perfectly clean car perfectly reflects the scorching rays of the sun.

Protect the car's interior with sunshades on each window (inside) and a reflective screen on the windshield (outside, the edges of the screen need to be closed by the doors).

To keep the air in the cabin cooler, place containers of ice or frozen water (in reasonable quantities and appropriately packaged) in the rear seat.

Use pine essential oil, known for its refreshing effect when inhaled.

How to escape the heat in general

Walk barefoot.

Quench your thirst with mineral water, water with lemon, compotes, fresh juices.

You can quench your thirst, and with benefit for the body, with cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and other fruits that contain a lot of water.

Do not quench your thirst with beer and other alcoholic drinks (dehydration), coffee (increases the load on blood vessels), or lemonade (large amounts of sugar increase blood pressure).

Try not to go outside from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., when it’s really hot.

Don't turn it on during the day Appliances, heating the air.

Get out of the city and into nature, to a natural body of water (stream, lake, river, sea, ocean).

All year round (not just in summer) drive healthy image life - it will help you easily adapt to any season and any weather.

The thermometer rises to 30-35 degrees above zero. Living spaces without air conditioning also become hot and can be quite uncomfortable to be in. How to survive the hot season in your home? We choose five effective ways.

1. Hangingwindow

Unimpeded light entering a room from windows can increase the room temperature by 3-10 degrees. Added to this is the greenhouse effect. Some relief from overheating can be curtains or blinds, but there is more effective method. You need to attach foil, which is sold in hardware stores, to the inside or outside of the window. The foil will reflect light (and therefore heat), and the apartment will heat up less. If you don’t want to cover your windows with foil for a long time, you can stick it on sheets of cardboard and place them on the window sills when the need arises.

2. Move the fan

A properly positioned fan also affects indoor comfort. As it turned out, it is better not to place it in the center of the room. In this position, the fan will simply move hot air around the room. The best effect can be achieved if you place it near the window. This will bring fresh air into the room. If the fan is small, it is recommended to direct the air currents to the face (there are many receptors on it). Although it will not be possible to cool the entire body, a person will still feel freshness.

3. Ventilate properly

Weather conditions also force us to remember the art of ventilation. It is better to do this early in the morning or late in the evening, when you can create at least a small draft. But during the day it is better to keep the windows tightly closed. At night, the windows and balcony doors can also be opened wide.

4. Turn off electrical appliances

On the hottest days, it is wise to unplug all electrical appliances that do not need to be used constantly. Light indicators on them also add additional degrees of warmth to an apartment or house. In an overheated home, it will not be difficult to refuse to unnecessarily turn on the gas stove and oven. Moreover, snacking on vegetables and fruits in the heat is healthier.

5. Pay attention to the little things

Even seemingly small details can affect the weather in your home. For example, replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps will have a positive effect. They release 80% less heat into the space. Plants with wide leaves (for example, begonia or ficus) will also affect the “climate”. If you sprinkle them with water, the air nearby will seem much fresher. Those especially suffering from heat are also advised to wrap heated towel rails in the bathroom with foil and roll up the carpets (they also retain heat). Another small “life hack” is a simple spray bottle. If you spray the space around you with it from time to time, life will become better, life will become more fun.

This year, summer spoils us like a king: heat, rare thunderstorms and little rain. By the sea, such weather would be ideal, but the city is melting due to the extreme temperatures. Let's figure out how to use simple ways turn your apartment into an oasis of coolness.

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This year's summer was a success, and there's no way to jinx it. Heat up to +35, rare thunderstorms. In general, the weather is practically resort, seaside. Only there is no sea in central Russia, and the cool breeze does not blow over our bodies exhausted by the heat. The dusty, gas-polluted city is melting from high temperatures, and we are suffocating in dust and soot. One salvation is to take refuge at home, under a roof and behind thick walls. Wow, and here, it turns out, is a real bathhouse. Whatever you touch, everything gives off heat. Do you really have to sit in a cool bathroom? No way - let's invent a home air conditioner.

We began collecting folk ways to save an apartment from the summer heat just at the time when unbearable heat came to Ryazan. First, we removed all the carpets. Walking on a bare floor barefoot is more pleasant than walking on wool pile - you immediately feel cool. Well, at the same time we got rid of piles of vases, figurines, lace napkins and other cute nonsense that so warms the soul in the cold season and incredibly quickly gathers dust in the summer, when all the windows are wide open. How painful it is to wash and wash all this every week - it’s time to take a break.

Method one. Under deep siege

My apartment is corner on the sunny side. In winter we are visited by winds and cold, and in summer there is unbearable stuffiness. I also don’t really want to hang sun curtains on the windows, otherwise it will completely block the air supply to the apartment. But it is entirely within our power to isolate ourselves from the sun. I borrowed this method from the mother of one of my friends - every summer when it gets hot, she covers the windows with foil and feels great. We didn't have much food foil, but it was enough for one room. Glue doesn't stick to foil, so we used tape. It is very inconvenient to work with foil - it is thin, slides on the glass and constantly breaks, especially when children pull it on top of each other. Due to our inexperience, we made a huge mistake - we glued some of the foil onto the glass. Traces of tape, alas, cannot be erased by anything. It is better, of course, to mount it on the frame.

When we finished, the polar night fell in the room. How good it was for the first half hour, when the sun finally stopped mercilessly frying me from all sides, hitting the monitor and heating up all objects within a radius of three meters from the window. I immediately felt drawn to sleep. But then one wanted to read, the other decided to do puzzles on the floor. I had to turn on the light. And this is at noon. No, I am still firmly convinced that the deficit of sunlight accumulated over the winter must be replenished at all costs. And if you live with artificial lighting in the summer, your body simply cannot stand it.

Method two. Carlson to himself

Overboard +34. It's time to invent a home air conditioner according to Aunt Sveta's instructions from the second entrance. While chatting on a bench, a neighbor said that she had been fighting the heat this way for three years now.

To build this device, we used the most complex super-technological equipment: an old fan and three or four plastic bottles. Neighbors helped with empty bottles. We filled all the bottles with cold water and put them in the freezer. The car is a beast! Within 40 minutes I have four 1.5-liter ice creams in my hands. Strictly following Aunt Sveta’s recommendations, I place the fan in the corner of the room and direct it in the direction opposite to the window. In front of him on a stand are all four frozen bottles.

At night, Aunt Sveta’s development had to be improved a little. First, I turned the fan away from the bed - it smelled so cold that I began to miss the cotton blanket. Secondly, she placed a large tray under the bottles - the thawed water flowed from them onto the floor.

Method three or Chjort pobieri!

Don't even think about it! - my mother protested when the children and I pulled out an old thick hose from the depths of the pantry.

Calm down, grandma! Now we will do one small experiment, and we will return everything as it was,” the eldest son said authoritatively, putting one end of the hose on the kitchen faucet.

I discovered this method on a women’s forum and, to be honest, I didn’t believe in its effectiveness. Well, since you’ve decided to try everything, there’s nowhere to go.

The main character of the experiment is a long hose; many people have these in their dachas. But it’s better, of course, to buy another one - don’t let watering of your dacha plot take its course (excuse the pun)? We completed the task quickly - we connected one end to the cold water tap in the kitchen, and dragged the other end around the apartment and threw it into the bathtub. Knowledgeable forum visitors promised that the circulation of cold water would create a comfortable temperature. I’ll say right away: during the day it’s better to immediately abandon this method of cooling. Firstly, by turning off the water, you actually paralyze work in the kitchen. Secondly, the hose lying on the floor makes walking very difficult. Everyone in the household tripped over it, and more than once. With the words “damn it!”, “I saw your experiment...” and other free variations on this theme, every now and then someone would stretch out on the floor. We had to stop the experiment early.

During two hours of operation of the ingenious air conditioner, the air temperature in the rooms that lay in the path of the hose dropped by 3 degrees. What cannot be said about the performance of another, no less important measuring device - the water meter has fulfilled its weekly requirement.

Method four. I'll kill everyone!

No fancy devices - just a regular flower spray and cold water. The spray bottle was found on the windowsill among numerous flower pots - I didn’t even think that we had so many flowers. You fill up with water and spray around the perimeter of the room.

It took no more than two minutes to spray one room. But then there is a curtain of water in the air for about half an hour. It's +35 outside, and the apartment is pleasantly cool. Beauty!

Needless to say, the children embraced the opportunity to “legally” splash water? They, of course, swore that they would shoot only in the air... But after five minutes they began to shoot each other with joyful squeals.

And only the grandmother walked around all day with a gloomy look. Well, first of all, solving a crossword puzzle (as well as watching TV, relaxing...) on a sofa that won’t dry out is not very pleasant. Secondly, to be fair, it must be said that not only the sofa was wet, but also the wallpaper, wardrobe, glass doors in the sideboard and all the clothes carelessly left on the surface. It’s good that the carpet was rolled up at the very beginning of the experiment.

I found only two disadvantages to this method. First, the procedure must be repeated every 40 minutes, and this, if you are not a housewife, is almost impossible. And secondly, on average, about four liters of water are spent per room per day (at the rate of half a liter per room about eight times a day from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.). For owners of water meters there is a noticeable increase in utility bills.

Method five. Bath for a cat

I’ll tell you a secret, I learned this method from our cat Timofey. When the air temperature in the apartment becomes incompatible with the cat’s comfortable existence, he moves to the bathroom. He will sit under the sink or in the bathtub itself and feel blissful. And if cold water comes out of the tap, Timka’s happiness knows no bounds. Why are we worse than cats? Let me run a full bath of ice water, I decided. But you won’t sit next to the bathroom all day - she opened the door to let the coolness flow through the rooms, and went to the store.

Did I feel like I was in an oasis of paradise when I returned? No. The air was filled with moisture only in the hallway, where, in fact, the bathroom door opened. The temperature dropped from 28 to 25. The freshness did not reach the living room - the nearest room. In the kitchen, as before, there is a steam room - direct sunlight and pudding in the oven.

And only one member of our family seemed to be truly well. Timofey, like an Antarctic penguin, flopped around in the icy water, making blissful sounds. Well, now let him just try to protest the next time it’s time to wash.

Well, to sum it up: by wasting water from 200 to 400 liters (depending on the volume of the bath), we get a cooled bathroom and, at best, a corridor. So if you don’t have a cat and weren’t planning on moving into the bathroom for the summer, it’s better to look for another way.

Method six. Hello neighbors

Another method of saving with water is probably the most harmless for owners of water meters. My labor costs were minimal: I filled a large bucket to the brim with cold water and placed it by the bed overnight. When we went to bed, it was +24 in the room, three hours later, when I got up it was already 21. But I would not attribute this to my homemade air conditioner - after all, the temperature outside also dropped. But how good it is - without getting out of bed, put your hands in a bucket, wet your face and neck with cold water. In general, some advantages. If not for one minus. Waking up in the morning, I completely forgot about the bucket of water and... for the next thirty minutes I crawled and collected almost 10 liters of water from the floor.

Method seven. Ghost: wild but cute

This is the only method out of all of the above that I have used before. I humidified the air in the bedroom when my asthmatic child had an exacerbation. The preparatory work took only ten minutes - there was not enough space in the room for two sheets. I replaced one with a large terry towel. I soaked both the sheet and the towel in cold water. The main thing here is to squeeze things out thoroughly, otherwise you will turn the room into a pond. True, it was not possible to hang them up right away - the boys immediately snatched them up and began playing with ghosts. Well, we cooled down at the same time.

During the day, in the heat of the day, wet sheets were of little use - the temperature in the room did not drop at all, and breathing became only a little easier. But at night, when the children were suffering from stuffiness and could not sleep, wet linens hanging next to the beds really helped. The boys passed out literally after five minutes.

Instead of an afterword

Well, we honestly tried all the methods. Decide for yourself how to escape the heat. But in any case, do not forget about a few simple rules that will help you keep your apartment cool:

If possible, ventilate the apartment only during the day - in the morning and evening you risk letting not only coolness into the house, but also all the dirt from the street;

Do not dry clothes in the apartment or on the balcony;

Do not use a humidifier in hot weather.

And may the weather be good in your home!


According to nutritionists, you can cool yourself down with spicy foods. Spices, such as hot chili peppers, speed up blood circulation - you sweat and lose heat. Foods that improve blood circulation also include: onions and garlic, dark chocolate, citrus fruits, olive oil, nuts and seeds.


My home is my bathhouse?

Comfortable temperature in the house largely depends on the building material. Residents of brick houses were the luckiest. Brick has high thermal inertia, that is, it gains heat rather slowly. But concrete, on the contrary, has low heat resistance. It warms up quickly, but does not give off heat back. Therefore, if you do not take measures to cool such a home, you will end up with a home steam room.

In new monolithic houses, the summer is also difficult, and here a modern home ventilation system comes to the aid of residents. True, it can also present an unpleasant surprise. For example, during extreme heat it can begin to pull in the opposite direction, that is, at 23 degrees in the apartment and 38 outside, hot air will be drawn into the house. According to the laws of nature, air moves from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure.

Well, it’s no secret to anyone that the size and orientation of the windows affects the atmosphere in the apartment. A spacious apartment with high ceilings and windows facing east will be much cooler than a cramped one-room apartment with low ceilings and windows facing south.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

How does a person adapt to heat?

Heat is an excessively high ambient temperature ( more than 30 degrees Celsius). This article will talk about how the human body adapts to such high temperatures and what to do when it is too hot.

The human body is designed to feel comfortable both in summer and winter. For this purpose, there is a thermoregulation center that ensures the body’s temperature remains constant and triggers compensatory mechanisms in response to changes in ambient temperature. In the summer, to prevent heat stroke, mechanisms are activated to cool the body.

The body's mechanisms to prevent heat stroke are as follows:

  • decrease in heat production by the body;
  • maximum increase in heat transfer.
These mechanisms are based on the principle of thermoregulation, that is, heat production - heat transfer. This means that the body is capable of both producing heat ( heat production), and give it away ( heat transfer). The balance between these two processes is regulated by the thermoregulatory center, which is located in a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. It maintains a constant body temperature ( about 36 – 37 degrees) regardless of the ambient temperature. The exception is fever, when the body temperature changes due to infection. In other cases, the hypothalamus ensures the constancy of body temperature. When the ambient temperature decreases, heat transfer decreases and heat production increases. When it’s hot outside, the opposite happens - heat transfer increases sharply, production decreases.

The brain receives signals about temperature changes from skin receptors. These are special heat receptors ( sensors), which are embedded in the superficial layer of the skin. They instantly react and send signals to the brain when the ambient temperature changes even by 2 - 3 degrees.

The mechanisms for reducing heat production and increasing heat transfer are as follows:

  • All processes in the body slow down. Breathing becomes shallow, heart rate becomes slower. All this happens in order to stop the production of heat.
  • Skin vessels dilate, and the volume of circulating blood in them increases. This leads to increased heat transfer.
  • At temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, the sweat glands are activated. Sweat production is the main mechanism of heat transfer. So, by evaporating, sweat cools the body, leading to a decrease in body temperature lower than the ambient temperature. Sweating can significantly lower your body temperature, but it is important to understand that it loses a large amount of fluid.

How to escape the heat in an apartment?

When staying in an apartment during the heat, it is very important to stop the sun's rays from entering the room. Light from the sun can increase the temperature in a room by 5 to 10 degrees, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. To avoid this, you need to close the windows with thick curtains or hang blinds. Reflective film, which can be attached to the curtains on the window side, will help reflect the sun's rays as much as possible.

Wearing the right clothes will make it easier to cope with the heat in your apartment. It is not recommended to wear thick, synthetic fabrics, because they interfere with heat transfer and create additional heat for the skin. Loose cotton clothing will not interfere with heat transfer and will not create a greenhouse effect.

What to do if your room is hot in summer?

It is recommended to keep the windows closed during the day, while it is recommended to open them in the morning and evening to ventilate the room. A well-ventilated room will prevent oxygen starvation of the body. To refresh the room as much as possible, you can resort to a draft. To do this, you need to simultaneously open the windows in opposite rooms. This will help cool the room quickly, but it is also important to avoid catching a cold. To avoid this, it is not recommended to stay indoors during a draft.

Replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps will help reduce heat production in the room. The latter emit half as much heat as conventional incandescent lamps.

What can and cannot be done if you have a chill?

Why shouldn't you drink alcohol during the heat?

What you shouldn't do during the heat is drink alcohol. You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for several reasons. Firstly, when drinking alcohol in the summer ( and this even applies to beer) the load on the cardiovascular system increases. The risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke in the heat increases several times. Secondly, when alcohol enters the body, it needs a lot of water. It breaks down and uses body water for its metabolism. This is what explains dry mouth after drinking heavily. However, in summer time The body already loses water in large quantities, and drinking alcohol can even lead to dehydration. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding drinking alcohol while relaxing on the beach and in other places, as this increases the risk of heat stroke several times.

It should also be noted that in summer the effect of alcohol increases. This is explained by the fact that the blood vessels are dilated, and blood circulation in them is more intense. Alcohol very quickly penetrates through the gastric mucosa into the dilated arteries and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream.

Cold drinks at home

Cold drinks, prepared independently at home, are a good way to cope with thirst. In addition, the feeling of quenched thirst after them lasts for a long time, unlike industrial drinks. The fact is that various industrial juices and carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, and quite a short time after drinking them, the feeling of thirst arises again.
There are several types of homemade drinks, each of which has its own characteristics and specific preparation.

The following types of soft drinks are distinguished:
  • fruit drink;
  • kvass;
  • lemonade;
  • compote;
  • Herb tea.
All types of homemade soft drinks should be kept in the refrigerator, as they do not contain preservatives and the heat can spoil the drink. The shelf life of any drink does not exceed 2 days.


Morse is a drink that contains berries or fruits ( fresh or frozen), water and additional components ( sugar, mint, ice). The history of fruit juice goes back many centuries, and even in ancient Rus' it was prepared from wild forest berries and used not only to quench thirst, but also to treat certain diseases. Today this drink is also used in the fight against certain diseases, and there is even such a definition as sea therapy ( fruit drink treatment).

Rules for preparing fruit juice
To prepare this drink, any berries or fruits can be used, but it is advisable to take those that have a lot of juice. The raw materials need to be kneaded ( crush with a mashed potato maker, e.g.) and squeeze out the juice using gauze. If fruit juice is prepared from frozen products, before carrying out this procedure, they must be thawed by keeping them at room temperature for 15 - 20 minutes. Dishes for preparing fruit juice should be used glass or ceramic, not metal.

The remaining raw material after squeezing the juice should be filled with warm water at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit and brought to a boil over low heat. Then the broth should be strained from the extracts, cooled and combined with the squeezed juice. You can add various additional ingredients to taste.

The following components can be used as an addition when making fruit juice:

  • sugar ( added at boiling point);
  • honey ( added after the broth has already boiled and cooled slightly);
  • mint ( added to the finished chilled drink);
  • lemon zest ( added during extraction of raw materials);
  • citrus slices ( used as a decoration for ready-made fruit drinks);
  • vanilla ( put when boiling);
  • cinnamon ( added when boiling);
  • ice ( used for cooling the finished fruit drink).
There is another, simpler method of preparing fruit juice, which eliminates the boiling process. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, the raw material must be squeezed out and poured with boiled or mineral still water in the proportion of a liter of liquid per 300 - 400 grams of fruit. It should be noted that this fruit drink is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity.

What components are used for fruit drink?
Any berries and fruits that have juicy, watery pulp can be used as the main component for preparing fruit juice. It is recommended to choose seasonal local fruits, because imported products have a high content of nitrates and other harmful substances.

The following are the most popular fruits for making fruit drinks:

  • cherry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn ( the boiling process is mandatory).
Sugar, mint and other additional ingredients are not a prerequisite when preparing fruit juice.

Recommendations for choosing fruit drink
In addition to quenching thirst, fruit juice has a positive effect on a person’s well-being. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to choose the type of fruit drink that will be most useful to a particular person.

  • Lingonberry. This drink will be useful for people with low resistance to various infections, as well as those who are employed in hazardous industries, because lingonberries remove harmful metals from the body.
  • Crimson. Indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases hemoglobin, and improves blood characteristics. Raspberry juice is also recommended if you are prone to frequent colds and digestive disorders.
  • Cranberry. Cranberry juice is recommended for women with chronic diseases of the urinary system ( for example, with cystitis). The drink is also useful for gastritis with low acidity, edema, and kidney problems.
  • Blackberry. Blackberry juice improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract, so its consumption will be of particular benefit to those who suffer from constipation. The drink also lowers blood pressure ( therefore not recommended for hypotension), activates the process of bile outflow.
  • Cherry. Recommended for joint problems, as the berries prevent salt deposition. Cherries contain a lot of melatonin, a substance that is responsible for the sleep process, so if you are oversleepy, this drink is not recommended to be taken in the morning. If you have problems with sleep, you should not miss taking this fruit drink in the evening.
  • Bilberry. This fruit drink is indicated for people with vision problems, as well as those who expose their eyes to regular stress ( works on a computer, knits, repairs or produces small parts).
  • Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn drink should be taken if you are prone to diseases of the respiratory system ( bronchitis, sore throat). In addition, this fruit drink is recommended for frequent stress, nervous fatigue, and depression.
  • Currant. Fruit juice from currants, especially black currants, is recommended for high cholesterol. All varieties of this berry have an anti-inflammatory effect, so the drink will be beneficial for chronic infections.


Kvass is a drink that is produced by fermentation. Traditionally, kvass is made from bread, yeast, sugar and water, but there are other varieties of this drink. Since the fermentation process is the basis of the preparation, kvass is a carbonated drink with a small amount of alcohol ( not higher than 1.5 percent). Therefore, kvass is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

There are the following types of kvass:

  • classic bread yeast kvass;
  • kvass from Borodino bread;
  • apple kvass;
  • dried fruit kvass.
Classic bread yeast kvass
Classic kvass is made from bread, yeast ( dry or pressed), water and sugar. The choice of bread affects the taste of the finished drink. So, if you use rye bread, the kvass will turn out dark with a rich, sharp taste. If you take wheat-rye bread, the drink will be lighter and have a milder taste. The process of preparing classic kvass consists of 3 stages.

Bread yeast kvass is prepared according to the following rules:

  • First stage. First you need to prepare the starter. For this you need half a loaf of bread ( 200 – 250 grams) cut into finger-thick slices and dry in the oven. It is important that the bread does not burn, because the kvass will have a bitter taste. Dried crackers should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, add 60 grams of sugar ( you can use reed) and grind into a paste. The resulting mass must be cooled naturally ( that is, do not put it in the refrigerator) to 35 degrees, then add 20 grams of dry or 30 grams of regular yeast. After this, the container with the starter must be covered with a cloth ( plastic cover is not allowed) and leave to ferment at room temperature for one day.
  • Second phase. After the starter is ready ( the foam that appears at the beginning of fermentation must settle), the mass should be transferred to a larger container ( The best option is a 3 liter glass jar). 200 - 300 grams of crackers are added to the starter, after which the vessel must be filled with cool syrup, which is prepared from water and 50 grams of sugar. Then the jar is covered with a cloth and left in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • Third stage. The final stage is filtering the drink, for which gauze folded in several layers is used. Kvass should be poured through cheesecloth into a container with a tight-fitting lid and placed in the refrigerator. The remaining bread mass can be used to prepare 1 – 2 more servings of the drink.
Kvass from Borodino bread
Kvass from Borodino bread is prepared by analogy with classic kvass, but without the addition of yeast. In addition, 50 grams of raisins are added to this drink. Add raisins while preparing sourdough. Since the drink is prepared without yeast, the fermentation process may take longer than with a traditional recipe. As a rule, it takes about 3 days for the starter to be completely ready.

Apple kvass
This type of kvass is prepared from any varieties of apples, but it is better to take those that have a sour taste, which will give the drink a characteristic sourness. To prepare a liter of kvass, peel and seed 3 apples, cut into slices, add a liter of water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes of boiling, remove the container from the stove and cool the apple broth to 35 degrees. Then you need to pour 200 milliliters of the broth into a separate vessel, add yeast there and wait until foam appears on the surface of the liquid ( Depending on the type of yeast, it may take from 15 minutes to an hour). After this, the fermented yeast should be poured into a container with a decoction, add sugar to taste, lemon juice ( if the apples are not sour), cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for a day. If desired, you can add cinnamon, honey instead of sugar, vanilla, mint to kvass.

Dried fruit kvass
Kvass from dried fruits is prepared according to the same principle as apple kvass. The only difference is that instead of 5 minutes, the dried fruits should be boiled longer - from 15 to 20 minutes. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and figs can be used as raw materials.

Recommendations for consuming kvass
During the fermentation process in kvass, various enzymes are formed ( substances that aid digestion), probiotics ( beneficial bacteria), amino acids. Thanks to its composition, the drink has a positive effect on all organs of the digestive tract and especially on the intestines. Regular consumption of kvass helps normalize microflora, which will be useful for those who often suffer from dysbiosis, constipation and other similar problems.


Lemonade is soft drink with a sour taste that is traditionally made from lemons.

How to make lemonade?
To prepare approximately 1.5 liters of drink, you will need 10 - 12 medium-sized lemons. Citrus fruits should be scalded with hot water in order to remove harmful substances from them that are used during transportation. Then you need to peel the zest from the lemons with a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice out of them. The zest should be covered with sugar ( 150 – 200 grams) and pour a glass of hot water. If desired, you can add mint to the syrup, after which the liquid should be left for 15 - 20 minutes so that the zest gives off its aroma. Then you need to strain the cooled syrup, add lemon juice and a liter of water ( You can use sparkling or still water). The drink should be stored in a dark container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, because exposure to light destroys the vitamins present in it.

In addition to lemons, oranges are often used to make lemonade. The proportions of citrus fruits are based on personal preferences. Thus, the most popular recipe is one in which oranges and lemons are used in equal parts. This drink has a pronounced citrus aroma and characteristic sourness. If you make lemonade only from oranges, you should significantly reduce the amount of sugar so that the drink does not turn out too sweet. You can also add grapefruit and tangerines to lemonade, and replace mint with basil and oregano.

Recommendations for drinking lemonade
Thanks to the large amount of vitamins, lemonade will be useful for people who are often exposed to colds. Those who work in air-conditioned rooms especially often catch colds during hot weather. Lemonade also normalizes metabolism, improves brain activity and increases productivity.


Compote is a decoction of fruits or berries with added sugar. This drink is the most popular and has a large number of preparation options. The difference between compote and other cooling drinks is its longer shelf life ( from 3 to 5 days), since the fruits from which it is prepared undergo heat treatment.

How to prepare compote?
Among all the compote recipes, it is impossible to single out one that could be called classic. The composition of raw materials, proportions, cooking features - all these factors are determined, to a greater extent, only by personal preferences. There are only general rules that you should follow when preparing this drink.

The following general rules for preparing compote are distinguished:

  • Dishes. It is not recommended to use aluminum utensils to prepare compote, since many beneficial substances are destroyed upon contact with this metal. It is better to use enamel pans.
  • Main raw materials. You can prepare compote from any berries or fruits in various combinations and proportions. Compote made from dried fruits also quenches thirst well.
  • Water. To prepare the compote, clean water is used, which is taken at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit. If you want to get a richer taste of the drink, the volume of water should be reduced.
  • Sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the taste of the fruit and personal preference. On average, 2–3 tablespoons of sugar are used per kilogram of raw materials. For quince compote, sour apples or tart pears, the amount of sugar can be increased to 5 tablespoons.
  • Additional components. To get an unusual taste, various spices or herbs are added to the compote. Apple compote is combined with cinnamon, cloves or allspice ( in peas). Cherry leaves or bay leaves are added to cherry compote ( 1 – 2 leaves per liter of liquid). Mint and green cardamom are added to peaches and apricots.
  • Cooking time. The less vegetable raw materials are cooked, the more intense the taste of the compote becomes, but its shelf life is reduced. On average, you should cook compote, for example, from apples for 10 – 15 minutes. If the drink is made from watery berries ( for example, from raspberries), then the cooking time should be reduced to 5 minutes. If dried fruits are used as the main component, the cooking time should be increased to 20 minutes.

Herb tea

Tea brewed from herbs helps quench thirst, and also gives strength and has a strengthening effect, which is important with the onset of summer and high temperatures. You can drink this drink warm ( in this form, it not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body resist heat), and chilled.

How to make herbal tea?
This drink is prepared from fresh or dried herbs, water and sugar ( can be replaced with honey or not used at all). You can also add lemon, spices, ice. If tea is prepared from fresh raw materials, use a tablespoon of chopped herbs per glass of boiling water. The herbs need to be filled with water and left to infuse. When preparing tea from dry herbs, take a teaspoon of the raw material, add a glass of water and bring to a boil.

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