What do dark elbows mean? Spots on the elbows: photos, possible diseases, treatment. Children Can Have Rough Elbows and Why

Hello dear readers. Dry skin on the elbows is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes it doesn’t even cause any discomfort to its owners, since it has already become familiar to them. But, with the onset of the warm season, the owners of this not entirely pleasant phenomenon, which is often attributed to the cosmetic characteristics of the body, are increasingly beginning to pay attention to the fact that the skin has acquired an unpleasant appearance, “dried out”, in some - even cracked, because In winter, the skin was not given due and much-needed attention. Can the elbows be considered a mirror of the state of the body? Definitely, to some extent, yes. But only an experienced doctor can determine what is wrong with you. As practice shows, most doctors pay absolutely no attention to the elbows of those who come to them with certain complaints, or simply for a medical examination.

But in vain! Although, modern official medicine has many, many flaws. That's not what we're talking about now. Let's return to the topic: rough elbows are an indicator of certain problems in the body, as well as a cosmetic defect.

Is it possible to do something with him to correct the situation in his favor? Naturally, it’s possible. After all, hopeless situations, as is known from the words of the hero of one well-known animated film, simply do not exist!

So, in order to freely wear clothes with short sleeves in the warm season, you will need careful care, but before that you need to find out the reason.

Without finding out the reason, achieving at least such a positive result will be extremely difficult, and in some cases, simply impossible!

The main causes of rough elbows

Most medical professionals who diagnose certain diseases confidently state that small skin problems are often a loud signal of serious problems occurring in the body. Timely identification of the cause becomes an important impetus to eliminate the problem.

Lack of vitamin A and E. The most common cause of rough skin on your elbows may be an insufficient amount of vitamins such as A and E.

Avitaminosis. In other words, there is a consequence of vitamin deficiency, which also causes hair loss, fragility and split ends, dry facial skin - this is also a common consequence of a lack of vitamins.

Modern representatives of the “weaker sex” (namely, they are the ones who most often have problems with rough elbows) often work at computers, which naturally puts a strain on the elbows and the skin around them.

Lack of care. In such cases, it is necessary to care not only for the skin of your hands, but also for the capricious skin on your elbows. Hand skin care is necessary systematically all year round, and not from time to time.

Disruption of the endocrine system. Another reason is a malfunction of the endocrine system and hormonal levels. If, in combination with dry elbows, symptoms such as weight gain, nervous irritation, sweating, fatigue and constant drowsiness are observed, then this is a rather alarming sign. For example, it may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus.

Thus, we can preliminarily state the fact that the causes of this problem can be divided, conditionally, into external and internal.

External - those that affect the body from the outside. For example, in addition to physical pressure on the elbows due to the characteristics of the daily work process, this can include the characteristics of the external environment in which the body is constantly located: air humidity, intensity of sunlight (a very important factor!), environmental conditions, and so on.

We’ve sorted out the external causes of rough elbows, but what are the internal ones?

Internal reasons - those that are determined by the state of the body itself, its organs and their systems. These include certain disturbances in their work, the same deficiency of vitamins and mineral salts, and other similar reasons.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of anything, the main thing is to know what to do and how to treat rough and. There are many different means for this, including folk ones.

Various pathological causes

When figuring out the causes of dry skin on the elbows, you need to understand that this is not always a quickly correctable problem with simple manipulations.

Unfortunately, this is sometimes a sign of serious pathological changes in the body, the treatment of which must be started immediately.


Such problems include hypothyroidism. As you know, the work of the endocrine system is responsible for the condition of the skin, therefore, if the thyroid gland is not working to its full potential, it is the skin that makes itself known first of all.

The metabolic rate drops, skin restoration also becomes unstable and slow: regeneration processes in it lag behind the normal physiological cycle.

In this case, first of all, it is necessary to take an analysis for the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, abbreviated as TSH. Insufficient production of the hormone thyroxine by the thyroid gland leads to unsatisfactory skin condition.


If the nutrition of skin cells is disrupted, its condition also changes, and the cause of this can be the dangerous disease diabetes mellitus.

It is worth noting that during this disease the skin becomes not just dry and flaky, but also easily wounded and poorly healing. All this leads to inflammation, damage and long wound healing. The skin of people with diabetes becomes rough not only on the elbows and heels, but sometimes even on the palms.


Dry elbows are quite common when red blood cell levels are low. Anemia is not only the cause of dry skin, but a symptom of many diseases.

If the amount of iron is reduced, not only the elbows, but also the knees become dry.


When looking for the problem of dry elbows, you need to remember about autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system creates antibodies in the cells of its body, such as ichthyosis.

A possible pathology is hyperkeratosis, during which the stratum corneum of the skin thickens.

If you have itching, redness in certain places, and inflammation of the dermis, this is the first sign that you probably have eczema or psoriasis.

Basic diagnosis of the disease

First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist and endocrinologist. The cause of the disease is diagnosed using clinical studies.

Results of blood tests and skin examination are required. With the help of a blood test, it is possible to exclude or confirm diabetes mellitus, anemia, and endocrine system problems in a patient.

Analytics of the condition of the skin allows you to exclude or confirm eczema or psoriasis.

You should pay attention to the position of your hands when working at a table, and reconsider the cosmetics you use.

If you use unnatural, low-quality cosmetics for skin care, then this can already become a provoking factor for roughening of the elbows.

What to do, how to treat rough and rough elbows?

After research has been carried out and the cause of dry skin on the elbows has been determined, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate these causes.

First of all, exfoliating preparations are used, then preparations that soften the skin, for example: use salicylic ointment for exfoliation, and nourishing cream to soften the skin.

But this is the case if the cause of peeling is untimely care of the elbows, uncomfortable clothing or incorrect positioning of the hands at the desk.

Take vitamins in courses

When the cause lies in a lack of vitamins, you need to listen to the opinion of dermatologists who advise eliminating the cause with the help of vitamin complexes.

Vitamins A and E must be taken in courses (Vetoron drops, as an option). Also, your diet should include a large amount of foods containing these vitamins.

Visit doctors

The endocrinologist told you that you have a problem with the endocrine system? Listen to individual recommendations and follow them strictly.

After this, begin to soften the skin of the elbows with ointments and creams, which are applied to cleansed skin twice a day until a stable remission or full recovery occurs, which will manifest itself externally in improving the cosmetic appearance of the elbows.

Moisturize your skin with creams

If the cause of cracked skin is long-term improper and irregular care, then everything depends only on you: the skin of your hands will have to be moisturized after each wash and taken care of.

In this case, the products are applied only with massage movements in a clockwise direction.

When the water-fat balance is disturbed, the skin quickly loses moisture and also becomes rough, flaky and even lumpy.

In this case, you need to stop using soap, because it very much dries out the skin of the whole body. Instead of soap, you can use a special foam with a nourishing and moisturizing effect, or gel.

Use olive oil

Often oils come to the rescue: olive and even more familiar to us - sunflower.

Using heated oils as a basis, you can make night compresses, baths for 10 minutes, after which you need to rub the skin with a not very rough brush and finish everything off by applying a moisturizer to the peeling areas.

Soften your elbows using potatoes

Regular potatoes will help whiten your elbows and soften them. It needs to be finely grated, the paste that has formed after this should be applied to the elbow area, wrapped not very tightly with a bandage and left for 30 minutes, maybe longer.

The product can be used 3 times a week until a positive effect occurs. Further, as a preventive measure, 1 time per week.

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedies

Try a compress made from natural apple cider vinegar. Take 2.5-3 tablespoons of apple vinegar (ideally homemade).

We have already discussed how to make apple cider vinegar with your own hands at home in our previous tutorials.

Add the same amount of water to them. Let this solution sit for 5 minutes.

Repeat the procedure every 2 days until a stable positive result is achieved, after which you can change the frequency of using these discs to 1 per week.

Instead of cotton pads, you can use sterile gauze or a bandage, depending on the availability of this or that material.

Can children have rough elbows and why?

Rough elbows in children, just like in adults, are the result of some disease or improper care of the skin of the elbows.

There are several reasons for this, but most often it is atopic dermatitis or, in simple terms, diathesis.

To accurately confirm your guesses, you must immediately visit a pediatrician, get tested and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Naturally, we should not forget that a child’s rough, rough skin on the elbows may indicate excessive trauma. How? Everything is very simple.

Don't forget about the increased activity of little fidgets. Elbows often come into contact with surfaces that can regularly, although not very seriously, injure them.

So the skin reacts accordingly, increasing the number of roughened epidermal cells on its surface, for natural protective purposes. So, until the reasons are found out, there is no need to worry.

Having found out the cause and effectively eliminated it, it is necessary to start preventing dry skin.

Scrubs. Exfoliate rough skin on your elbows with scrubs, nourish the skin and moisturize it with oils and creams, both ready-made and purchased at specialized retail outlets.

Oils. Natural products based on coconut oil have a very good positive effect. It is deservedly considered one of the best substances in this “field”.

Lemon. Turning to traditional medicine, you can hear the following advice: lubricate the skin with lemon, rice broth, sauerkraut juice, all these methods allow you to whiten the skin and, to a certain extent, soften it.

Homemade mask. Homemade recipes are almost as good as purchased creams and masks: 1 tsp. fine salt, cream, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice.

Mix everything and apply to softened skin of the elbows, wrap and leave for 30 minutes. After applying the mask, the skin must be softened with creams.

Dark elbows in women are quite common. From this article you will learn what to do if your elbows are rough and dark, the causes, and treatment of this phenomenon. I'll tell you why the skin on your elbows is dark and dry, and how to whiten your elbows at home quickly, using simple and affordable products.

Why is the skin on the elbows dark and dry: causes of the problem

Dark and rough skin on the elbows does not always indicate insufficient care of the skin of the body. Black elbows may be a sign of thyroid disease. This can also happen during menopause, during which the level of one of the hormones, estrogen, significantly decreases in a woman’s body.

The skin on the folds of the arms may darken in the presence of the following diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamins E, A, and group B in the body).

The cause of this problem may also be long-term use of antibiotics. Therefore, before you begin to combat this phenomenon and in order to exclude the presence of the above diseases, you should undergo a full medical examination.

Dark skin on the folds of the arms, which has increased dryness due to physiological reasons, can also appear from constant contact and friction of the skin with any surfaces (for example, a table) or clothing. In this case, you can get rid of the problem using simple folk remedies.

How to whiten elbows at home quickly?

There are many traditional medicine recipes that will give you the opportunity to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem using simple and inexpensive means. Today the most common of them are:


For these purposes, you can use either lemon itself or lemon juice as one of the ingredients in self-prepared skin care products. Remember that the procedure will be more effective if, before using these products, steam your skin in the shower and thoroughly rub the folds of your arms with a scrub.

One of the simplest and fastest ways to whiten elbows is to apply lemon slices to rough skin, securing them with plastic film. After half an hour, such a compress can be removed and, without washing off the lemon juice, lubricate the skin with a rich cream.

Also, in the fight against this phenomenon, masks and wiping dark places on the skin based on lemon juice have proven themselves to be effective:

  • a mask of oatmeal, lemon juice and milk in equal proportions;
  • mask of vitamin E, glycerin, lemon juice, taken one teaspoon and 4 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • rubbing the skin with a product that contains 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of rose water.


Masks and potato-based compresses also work well to combat the problem of darkening and roughening of the skin on the folds of the arms. In this case, both raw and boiled potatoes can be used. It will not only lighten, but also soften the skin well. Most popular recipes:

  • secure raw grated potatoes on your elbows with polyethylene and leave the compress overnight (alternatively, you can wipe the rough and darkened skin with potato juice several times during the day);
  • Grind boiled potatoes with honey and vegetable oil or milk, apply the mixture to the elbow and secure with a bandage or polyethylene.

Other ways to get rid of the problem

You can try other simple remedies to combat rough skin on the folds of your arms. This:

  • the pulp of black bread dipped in warm milk;
  • decoction of oatmeal;
  • coffee grounds;
  • linseed oil compresses;
  • rubbing the skin with aloe juice, cucumber juice or hydrogen peroxide;
  • lotions from, diluted with water.

Black elbows: how to get rid of the problem with the help of baths?

Baths based on simple and familiar products also have an excellent effect of whitening the skin on the folds of the arms. Here are the recipes for some of them:

  • one teaspoon of ammonia and 2 teaspoons of liquid soap should be dissolved in one liter of warm water and dip your elbows into the solution for 20 minutes (the procedure should be done daily);
  • in one liter of hot water, dilute two tbsp. spoons of soda and hold the folds of your hands in the solution for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your hands and lubricate with nourishing cream (you should take this bath every other day);
  • heat olive or burdock oil and dip your elbows in it for 20 minutes.

Remember that the maximum effect from using these simple folk remedies will be achieved only if they are used regularly. Before the procedures, it is better to steam and cleanse the skin using a scrub, and after the procedure, apply a rich cream to the elbows.

Now you know everything about the causes and treatment of dark and rough elbows. I hope these tips will help you get rid of this problem and make the skin on your arms smooth and beautiful. And finally, watch the video with a few more recipes for elbow skin care:

Rough elbows are a phenomenon that occurs quite often, but it brings discomfort to a person and does not look aesthetically pleasing. There are many reasons for the occurrence of pathology, as well as ways to get rid of it. In this publication, we will look specifically at why elbows can become rough and dry, as well as ways to eliminate this problem.


As a rule, if a problem is discovered suddenly, the reasons must be sought in the incorrect functioning of the internal secretion organs. Due to the fact that metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, the keratinized layer of cells begins to increase. This means that it simply does not have time to exfoliate naturally. The result is the appearance of keratosis, which is the name given to a condition in which dry skin appears on certain areas of the body. There is another pathology - hyperkeratosis, in which case the skin peels all over the body, and in this situation the help of a qualified dermatologist is required.

Sometimes the skin on the elbows becomes dry and rough due to mechanical stress. For example, if a person often leans on his elbows (for example, when working at a computer), then it is possible that the skin changes regardless of the general condition of the body.

If the problem appears as a result of mechanical impact, it is easy to eliminate it, and it is not at all necessary to consult a doctor. Fat creams, peeling products - and after a couple of weeks your elbows will again become soft and pleasant to the touch. In the event that the cause is a malfunction in the body, you should definitely consult a doctor, since very dry skin may indicate a number of certain diseases.

Based on the above, we can say with certainty that the main external reasons are the lack of proper care, as well as mechanical stress on the skin. But there are other, more serious pathologies, due to which the skin on the elbows begins to peel:

  1. Hyperthyroidism. If the level of certain hormones in the body increases due to disorders of the thyroid gland, special processes are launched in the body, due to which the blood vessels relax and cease to perform their main functions, which leads to a number of disorders in the body, one of them is peeling of the skin.
  2. Diabetes. A serious disease that manifests itself as a disruption in the functioning of all systems and organs, in particular - metabolic processes change completely. If you notice frequent thirst, attacks of dizziness and uncontrollable hunger, while the epidermis is peeling, this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  3. Avitaminosis. One of the common causes of dry elbow skin. In order for the human body to function normally, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and trace elements must be present. Otherwise, not only your appearance, but also your general well-being deteriorates. Often, a lack of vitamins is observed in women who want to lose weight - due to a lack of nutrients in the body.

Healthy skin on the elbows: what vitamins are needed?

Since vitamin deficiency is a fairly common cause of problems with the skin, let’s consider which vitamins need to be given special attention in order for the epidermis to recover:

  1. Vitamin C. Takes an active part in tissue metabolism - if there is not enough of it in the body, the skin may begin to crack and peel.
  2. Retinol. With its deficiency, the skin regenerates much more slowly, which means that a person will be bothered not only by dryness, but also by cracks that will take a long time to heal.
  3. Vitamin E. The strongest antioxidant that is vital for every person. Prevents the aging of tissues and skin, helps accelerate the exfoliation of dead epidermal cells.

Important! All of the above vitamins can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. But you need to drink them according to the instructions and the characteristics of the body, otherwise hypervitaminosis may develop. Therefore, before starting to use such medications, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Initially, women have much thinner skin than women, which means that the skin will deteriorate faster. That is why the fair half of humanity needs special and more thorough care for the epidermis.

Basically, the cause of pathology is physiological reasons, namely:

  1. Anemia. If the body lacks iron, metabolism is disrupted, causing the skin to become flabby and age quickly. Accordingly, the epidermis on the elbows changes its structure.
  2. Problems with hormonal levels. During growing up, during pregnancy, during menstruation - almost throughout life, the level of hormones in the blood of women changes. All these conditions cannot but affect the condition of the epidermis.
  3. Substance abuse. Every woman loves to soak in a warm bath with aromatic foam - it relaxes and soothes. But do not forget that gels and bubble baths can significantly dry out the skin - it is necessary to add essential oils to the bath. Dishwashing and cleaning detergents are extremely aggressive to the skin of not only the elbows, but also the hands. During cleaning, be sure to use protective gloves.

During menopause in women, a significant decrease in the functions of the skin can also be noted; it becomes much drier and loses elasticity. The overall level of all hormones begins to change, and this primarily affects the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. In such cases, problems with the epidermis are far from the only symptom of problems with hormonal levels. A woman may also experience the following symptoms:

  • severe hot flashes;
  • decreased performance;
  • drowsiness;
  • mood changes, tearfulness.

After giving birth to a child, a woman’s hormonal levels also change, which can cause increased dry skin. The same applies to pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is important to provide the mother with a nutritious diet - as soon as the hormonal levels return to normal, the condition of the skin will also normalize.

Men often suffer from dry elbows due to external irritants - for example, leaning their elbows on the table while eating, watching TV, etc. Due to the fact that the stronger sex has a fairly high body weight, the elbows experience increased stress, which is why they begin to peel, the skin cracks, etc.

Thanks to research, it has been established that men often visit baths and saunas - in establishments of this type there is always chlorinated water, and this inevitably leads to severe dryness of the skin. In addition, males rarely pay due attention to their skin - not everyone uses skin care products, etc. And this is important, because in the absence of proper hydration, the epidermis becomes rough and flaky.

There are also diseases that can cause keratosis in both men and women:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • exposure to aggressive environmental factors;
  • fungal diseases;
  • liver and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • lichen;
  • Sézary's syndrome.

Hypervitaminosis can also cause skin lesions on the elbows.

How to get rid of peeling skin: treatment methods

If you are very concerned about this problem, you should consult a doctor. This could be a therapist - he will prescribe general tests, or you can go directly to an endocrinologist or dermatologist.

As a rule, in order to find out the cause of the pathology, you need to undergo the following studies:

  • hormone analysis;
  • skin scraping;
  • general blood analysis.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe treatment, because if the cause of rough elbows is precisely a malfunction of the body, it is necessary to eliminate not external causes, but to influence the factors that provoke the problem.

As a rule, the therapy is prescribed as follows:

  • use of vitamin complexes;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • exfoliating and moisturizing cosmetics.

The doctor will also prescribe a special diet. The diet should include nuts, fresh vegetables, cold-pressed vegetable oil, various types of greens, liver and chicken eggs. Such food contains a large amount of vitamins, which means it will eliminate their deficiency in the body.

If there are no pathologies in the patient’s condition, then it will be important for him to visit a cosmetologist’s office. The specialist will prescribe special procedures that will restore the smoothness of the skin, make it elastic and soft to the touch.

Traditional methods of treatment

According to many people who practice traditional medicine, the surest remedy in the fight against dry elbow skin is lemon. The procedure is carried out as follows:
  1. Steam your skin - to do this, you can take a warm bath, or hold your elbows over a bath of hot water.
  2. Next, the steamed skin should be thoroughly rubbed with a rough brush.
  3. Cut the lemon in half and apply it to the skin for at least 20 minutes.
  4. After applying almond oil to the skin, glycerin or any cream that contains petroleum jelly is suitable.

Dry elbow skin is not such a big problem if you can pay attention to it promptly. Make moisturizing compresses, use care products - and in this case, keratosis will not threaten you. If nothing helps, and the pathology continues to bother you, you need to consult a specialist.

Video: how to get rid of dry skin on your elbows

Rough skin on your elbows may seem like a minor problem. For many, this phenomenon does not even cause discomfort, so they do not think about treatment. But changes in the skin may indicate serious internal problems that cannot be corrected by applying moisturizer to the elbow.

Everyone has thin skin on their elbows, regardless of body size. There are no sebaceous glands in this area, so many people experience dryness and a feeling of roughness of the skin. The reasons may be trivial: constantly resting our elbows on a table or other surface while working, we injure the thin epidermis. And if your elbows begin to dry out in winter, during the heating season, the reason will be hidden in insufficient humidity in the room.

But there are a number of more serious reasons why the skin in the elbow area becomes rough and dark in color:

  • Deficiency of vitamins A and E in the body.
  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Anemia.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  1. Take a general and biochemical blood test.
  2. Check your hormonal levels.
  3. Visit a dermatologist's office.
  4. Check your blood sugar levels.

If no internal problems are identified, the cause of skin darkening should be sought in external factors.

Treatment for rough elbow skin

When deciding what to do about dry and dark skin on your elbows, you may want to consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe medications that restore the skin. Depending on the individual situation, these drugs may be:

  • Anti-flaking ointments: zinc, salicylic, with birch tar.
  • Moisturizing and antiallergic creams: Gistan, Boro Plus, La-Cri.
  • Vitamin creams: Aevit, Bepanten.
  • Vitamin complexes: Centrum, Complivit, Duovit.
  • Antihistamines: Suprastinex, Claritin, Zodak.
  • Medicines with iron: Ferrum-lek, Sorbifer.

When carrying out home treatment with medications, it is necessary to take into account all the doctor’s recommendations. If another negative reaction appears on the skin, inform a specialist without canceling the product yourself. Dosage adjustments or drug changes may be necessary.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies will help improve the condition of the skin on your elbows. They are prepared from available ingredients, do not require much time, and are harmless. You can try the following home remedies:

For additional skin care on your elbows, use nourishing oils: olive, grape seed, coconut, even simple sunflower. They can be used to lubricate the skin after masks or compresses. Only regular comprehensive treatment will help you get rid of dryness and darkening of the skin in the elbow area.

Folk recipes can be alternated, rather than sticking to just one. But they will help if the cosmetic defect was caused by an external cause, and not by internal problems. If remedies don't help, see your doctor to understand why your dry skin continues to bother you.

To prevent your skin from darkening and flaking in the future, you should follow simple prevention recommendations.

  • Drink enough liquid “for internal hydration.” 2 liters is the average norm, but listen to the needs of your body.
  • Install a humidifier during the heating season.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins A, E and C, and also periodically take courses of vitamin complexes.
  • Take warm showers more often than hot baths to avoid worsening dry skin.
  • Use moisturizing and nourishing creams, exfoliate the skin with scrubs and light peelings so that it renews itself faster.
  • Do not apply shower gel or soap to the elbow area when showering or bathing.
  • Avoid using cosmetics with aggressive ingredients, and do not allow cleaning products to come into contact with bare skin.
  • Cover your elbows when in the sun.
  • A balanced diet and avoidance of alcohol and strong coffee.

Rough and dark skin on the elbows is a phenomenon that is difficult to surprise anyone with. Thin skin is not protected by a fat layer and constantly dries out due to insufficient moisture or the habit of sitting with your elbows on the surface. Stress and lack of care most often cause darkening and flaking, but serious diseases can also cause such effects.

Many people face the problem of black elbows. "What to do?" - the first question that arises when this deficiency is discovered. But before answering it, you should understand the causes of darkening of the skin, and only then begin to solve the problem.

Black elbows. Reason for appearance

There may be several reasons:

    problems in the endocrine system. You may have a condition called Addison's syndrome, which is a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce the required amount of hormones. Black elbows in this case are a visible sign of the disease. Beer syndrome (acute thyroid deficiency) is a disease that can also cause discoloration of the skin on the elbows. This disease is popularly called “dirty elbow syndrome.” If a medical examination has determined that a disease is the cause of such an aesthetic defect, an experienced doctor will tell you how and how to solve the problem;

    insufficient amounts of vitamins A and E in the body. In this case, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency with the help of pharmaceutical drugs or adjust the diet;

    improper care of the skin of the elbows. If this is the cause of the problem, then various scrubs, baths, masks and compresses will help solve it;

    habit of leaning on your elbows. This leads to a thickening of the epidermis, which over time can cause darkening and roughening of the skin.

How to get rid of black elbows?

    Finely grated potatoes will help improve the condition of your skin. Apply the resulting paste to your elbows, wrap and leave for several hours.


The skin on the elbows is especially susceptible to dryness and flaking, which is why the phenomenon of black elbows appears. What to do to avoid this effect? Nourish and moisturize the skin on your elbows with special creams containing caring additives, or use various vegetable oils.

Take care of your skin systematically and with pleasure, and then the phrase: “I have black elbows, what should I do?!” will not be relevant to you.

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