Punishing a wife with a belt - a piquant measure of education or a manifestation of violence? Raising a young wife My husband punished me with a belt story

Poster for the Children's Support Fund. Natasha Cristea.

The clear spring day was pleasant with warmth and lack of wind. It was even pleasant to stand waiting for the bus, remembering that just recently the frost and slush caused completely different sensations. There weren't many people at the stop; rush hour was already over and traffic intervals had clearly increased. An unnecessary minibus arrived, some people left, a few, like me, patiently waited for the next number, looking around without interest.
The young couple, slowly, approached the as yet unfulfilled passengers. It was clear that the pretty, fashionably dressed woman was clearly proving something to her companion. They both looked no older than thirty. The words were not yet distinguishable, but her right hand with an open palm was energetically making chopping movements in support of some words.
They approached, stood slightly apart from the people, but did not speak in a whisper, but in such a way that, if not everyone, then at least the people closest to them had no difficulty hearing them.
- No, aren’t you a man? – the young lady continued to ask with some aggression, “You don’t know how to hold a belt in your hand?” Wrap the end around your hand and whip it with the buckle, not like you did yesterday! What was that? What do you think is the punishment?
A tall, lean man, as if hiding his height, slouched and, with some embarrassment, tried to object:
- Well, she was in pain, she was screaming anyway, you saw...
- Was she in pain? Don't tell me, she didn't even have a trace left. She screamed! Yes, she took it as fun. She also squeals on the carousel. I found a reason! – she glanced sideways at the standing people and added a little more quietly, “Do you understand that this can completely ruin a child?”
- In terms of? – Her husband apparently asked in bewilderment.
- And in the sense that if at the word spanking her veins don’t shake, then you won’t be able to get over her with anything. She will decide that if she endured it the first time, then there is nothing wrong with it. I know this well, unlike you.
- But I can’t do this, Vika! She is small and even a girl. So flog her yourself if you want.
“I can do it, but it’s the father who should do it, not the mother.” My mother not only never laid a finger on me, but she also stopped my father when she saw that the offense was not great. Because my father, if he tore me, he tore me. To the point of blood and bruises all over my butt. And not like you: he folded the strap, slapped it for show and decided that he had fulfilled his duty. And this morning she started being insolent to me again. I would rather forgive a bad mark than this. If she behaves like this at ten years old, then what will happen next?! No, it won't work that way! Today, you hear, you will pour it in, as I told you!
- Vic, the bus is coming!
- This is not ours. Tell me, do you understand everything?
The man again buried his head in his shoulders and, with the look of a beaten dog, said quietly:
- I don’t know, Vic, honestly, how can I beat her until she bruises?! Yes, she will hate me later, and I will hate myself too, believe me.
The wife grinned and slightly ruffled her husband’s hair with her hand:
- Stupid, am I really treating my father badly? I was offended, of course, when he beat me, but I grew up and realized that he was right. What, did he raise me badly? Maybe I'm a bad wife? Say so!
- Good! – he reached out and kissed her affectionately on the cheek, “You couldn’t find a better place!”
- You see now! And don’t worry about the fact that you can’t. The main thing is that you, on the contrary, do not get carried away with it, because I know how it happens.
- What are you talking about? – the head of the family asked in bewilderment and with some suspicion.
- You know Nina, my friend, right?!
- I know of course.
- So. Her father, when we were still in elementary school, also, like you, blew away specks of dust from his daughter. And then one story happened... - the young woman giggled somehow like a girl and interrupted the story, as if not knowing whether to tell it further.
- What's the story? Tell me, time will go faster!
- I don’t even know how to explain this to you? We were already in sixth grade. Girls at this age have all sorts of problems, well, do you know what I mean?! Ninka and I became friends from the first grade, after lessons she would run to my house, then I would run to hers. They didn't keep secrets from each other. She knew that I would be punished with a belt for any offense. At first she simply sympathized, then she became more and more curious. What does it feel like to get hit in the butt with a belt? I haven’t experienced this myself, so I asked:
- Do you yell or tolerate it? Aren't you ashamed to lie in front of your dad with your bare butt? Well, in general, everything is like that. Sometimes she even spanked me to get it in return. Well, I got tired of it one day, and I suggested to her, “Do you really want to be punished?” Like this? - she asks. And so, I say, you grabbed a bad mark today, and you also lied to the teacher that you forgot your diary at home. My father would have spanked me for such a thing for half an hour. And, I suppose, only your mother will scold you? Well, yes,” she nods. Now imagine that I am my dad, and you are me. Did you imagine? Presented, answers. You're going to punish me now, right? She asks, and she blushes from ear to ear. Of course,” I answered her, “come on, bring the belt here!” Then she went into a stupor. What kind of belt, he asks, if it’s in dad’s trousers, dad is at work, and we don’t have another belt in the house? I thought a little and came up with an idea. Do you remember, he says, Svetka told us that at home they whip her with jumping ropes, and it hurt so much?! I can give you jumping! Okay, I agree, give me your jumping ropes. We’ll try, but if anything happens, I’ll run home and bring my own belt, an individual one, because my father has a different one for trousers.
She brings jumping ropes that I know from the hallway. It’s okay, they turned out to be biting. I order her, take off your panties and lie down on your stomach. She lay down and waits.

I tried it on, I became curious myself, before that only I had been whipped, but I myself had never beaten anyone. In short, I swung it, just like my father did, and hit her in the buns. She started squealing, rolled off the sofa, and rubbed her butt. Stupid, screaming, it hurts! Here I started laughing. She cries and I laugh. You wanted to test yourself, I say, weakling! Then her pain apparently went away, she perked up, and answered that it was from surprise. Come on, he says, continue, now I will endure. But I immediately realized that her patience was only enough for one blow, so I pulled out a cloth belt from some robe and tied her legs to make it difficult to kick. She put her hands behind her back, pressed them to her shoulder blades and began to walk around her. She breaks free, and some kind of anger takes over me - I try to whip me even harder. In short, she slashed her from the waist to the knees, then she came to her senses and let go of her hands. That's it, I say, you're forgiven, get up. And she, you know, is roaring. I’m no longer friends with you, he screams, “go away!” Well, I went home, and I myself had a bad feeling. I obviously overdid it.

And exactly. As Ninka later told me, in the evening my parents came home from work: this and that – everything was as usual. Only this fool was in a housecoat, and this robe barely covered her knees, so her mother accidentally noticed a mark from a jump rope on her leg. What is this, he asks you, and he lifted the hem. And on the thighs there are bruises in the form of loops. She almost fell out of her chair in amazement. Why and where? Well, she said that, they say, my friend and I were playing like mother’s daughters. What started here! Her mother attacked Ninka’s father. I, she screams, told you that you need to show severity at least sometimes. Now take the belt and knock out the wedge with a wedge, and I’ll go now to Vika’s parents.
In short, when the doorbell rang, my heart immediately skipped a beat and I realized that I was in trouble now. And sure enough, on Ninkin’s threshold, my mother showed up and started slandering me. My father, after listening for a short time, began to spank me right in front of her. I scream that it’s not my fault, that she asked me to do it herself, but he, you know, whips and whips, only saying: “Do you like the toy? Here's more for you, here's more for you! Ninka’s mother did not wait for the end of the spanking, she hurried home. My father left me for a minute, walked her to the door, and kept giving me advice on what to do now. Then he returned and continued to spank me from the place where he started. But not so much anymore, and he even began to laugh at the fun that Ninka and I had.

Well, my friend probably got it too? – asked her husband, already listening to her story with interest.
- Wrong word, it flew in! While her mother was with us, her dream came true - her father hit her in the ass with a belt. But apparently not enough. Because when his wife returned, all worked up and even under the impression of the not weak spanking she had seen, she forced him to take the belt in his hands again and spank Ninka the way my father spanked me. In general, the next day we both could hardly squat and sat on chairs, like old women, slowly and carefully. And when Nina had to get up to answer something to the teacher, I noticed how her buttocks were shaking in a spasm. And this meant that my friend got the full package, and apparently she couldn’t do without a buckle. It was easier during breaks. We stood as if looking out the window and pretended that everything was fine with us. True, Ninka didn’t talk to me for two whole days, but seeing that I was suffering just like her, she couldn’t stand it and told me everything. We made up, but for my friend the worst was just beginning.

- From that day on, Ninkin’s father apparently got a taste for it. And where did the former good daddy go?! Nina began to receive a belt regularly for getting bad marks, and since she studied much worse than me, it was rare that a week passed without punishment. And if you add that all the comments in the diary were equivalent to deuces, then you yourself understand that her butt was constantly glowing with all the colors of the rainbow. When we were already high school students, her father began using rubber boots instead of a belt.

What are you doing? For what?
“He took a rubber boot with a molded sole in his hand and hit his daughter on the thighs with the heel until she bruised. And then he warned her that if someone, especially during a medical examination, asked where the bruises came from, she would have to say that some hooligans beat her on the street. My father spanked me for the last time before I turned sixteen - I tried to smoke, and he smelled it. Then he said that he had become big, and he was already ashamed to make suggestions to me with a belt, it was time, they say, to understand what’s what. And Nina’s father beat her almost before her wedding. She was in a hurry to get married, apparently because of this. Do you understand why I told you this?
The husband paused, nodded his head and said thoughtfully:
- Seems to be yes. Do you really think that I am capable of becoming like your friend's father?
- What I mean is, don’t renounce yourself, but try to control yourself. Men are characterized by cruelty, and it can wake up completely unexpectedly.
- I don’t understand you now, Vika. You yourself demand from me that I tore my daughter like Sidorov’s goat, and at the same time, you say that men are sadists.
- I didn’t say that everyone is sadists. I just want you to become, at least a little, like my father and at the same time not turn into such a stupid dad who doesn’t understand anything about education, who beats not in order to correct him, but because he began to like him the process itself and he is dragged from it. Understood?
The man sighed:
- Yes, I understand, Vic, I understand you! Just why should I choose between your father and your friend's father. I don't suit you the way I am?
- You arrange it in many ways, but there should be a man in the house in all respects, and not just as a loving husband. Are you a loving husband?
- Do you still doubt it? – he again reached out to kiss his wife.
“That’s good,” she coquettishly pressed herself against him and added, “we’ll come home now, and while I’m preparing dinner, prove to both me and Nastya that we have a strict dad, and he knows how to use a belt if necessary.” And here, by the way, is our bus.

They got in and left. I didn't get along with them.
My soul felt somehow bad. It seemed that I should have felt pity only for the girl Nastya, a stranger to me, but for some reason I felt more and more sorry for the husband of this woman, convinced of her rightness, who, as I understood, from her childhood, diligently copied her father in practice education and punishment of children.

“About two million children under the age of 14 are beaten by their parents, 50 thousand children run away from home every year to escape family violence...” Yulia Mikhailova, Chairman of the Center for the Protection of Family and Childhood of the All-Russian Creative Movement “Russian Lad” “All the best? Children? ("Truth of Moscow". 08/17/11).

This means that every day five and a half thousand children in Russia receive spanking and beatings at home. Every hour, right now, over two hundred children are crying or screaming in pain, perhaps in the next house or behind the wall of your room.
“Two thirds of those beaten are preschoolers. 10% of children brutally beaten and hospitalized die. The number of beaten children is growing every year. According to surveys by human rights organizations, about 60% of children experience violence in the family, and 30% in schools (“MK” 04/16/05).

November 2011

A sad continuation of the theme: Traditions are holy, or a Poem about spanking

Spanking for achievements in sports: "The bad old jump rope"
"Three rods against a rapier"

Ivan 27.10.2019 11:38:44

Gennady, if you don’t mind, I would write to you by email both about your story and about mine. Such stories are not new. And the procedures can be very thoughtful and strict, especially at the age of 8-12 years

Vladislav 21.10.2018 23:31:39

What doesn't happen in a teenager's life. In the 7th grade, my dad suddenly flogged me for two grades. Suddenly - because before I was not punished for grades and was not flogged at all. And here, for the first time, he forced me to lower my panties and gave me a painful spanking. I did not expect such shame and could not look my parents in the eyes. He quietly got ready and, without saying anything, went to his aunt - my mother's sister. She greeted me warmly and caressed me. I became emotional and told her everything as it happened. She clearly sympathized, but said that she would still call her parents. Soon my mother arrived. She said that dad had troubles at work and he lost his temper. She persuaded me to go home. I expected dad to be angry, but he was silent. When I was already going to bed, he came in and said that he was wrong, that I was already a big guy and it was impossible to do this to me, that this would not happen from him in the future. But he asked me to take a step forward - he promised not to get any more bad marks. I promised readily. I didn’t immediately think how difficult it would be. It cost me quite a lot of effort. However, I’m surprised at myself; until I graduated from school, I didn’t receive a single “D” again.

Gennady Dergachev 10/22/2018 09:11:08

Thank you, Vladislav, for sharing and telling an incident from your life, which, I must say, was very instructive in that the parents behaved diplomatically and were able to turn everything that happened to the benefit of both you and themselves. 13-14 years old is a very difficult age, and conflicts with parents often turn into irreconcilable conditions, including leaving home. And this is a big problem, if you believe the statistics: children sometimes disappear forever if they do not have relatives to visit for a while. You're lucky with that. Now it is difficult to compare, as it was and is without statistics. In Soviet times, flogging of children in families was so common and familiar that it could only outrage someone if it was carried out with particular cruelty, but I probably won’t be mistaken if I say that in the middle classes, 80 percent of children were occasionally flogged, and those who were flogged themselves did not find anything tragic in this fact. But there were, for example, in my 6-7 grade boys and girls, numbering 4-5 people, who were spanked very severely several times a week: but public opinion on the part of teachers and other parents sounded passive: “So, of course, spank too much, but the child doesn’t need a hospital, which means there’s no point meddling in the upbringing of other people’s children!" “Yes, such children have gone so far now that it’s impossible to do anything differently with them!” others added. The word “now,” as I see it, continues to remain relevant every day for decades, or rather, centuries! :(But in general, in most cases everything is very individual: punishments, and results after punishments, and consequences... There is probably no general recipe and there cannot be: a flogged generation no worse and no better than the unflogged - crimes are committed, immorality does not disappear, humanism is selective, not universal - this is how people are, as long as they are people, and not biorobots!
Rice. Richard Boynton

CM 22.01.2018 20:04:16


Semyon 15.01.2018 18:32:20

There is a lot of nonsense written about spanking. There is no need for theories and excursions into psychology here. Everything is very simple. Boys need to be punished. There is no need to be original with devices - a regular belt is good. I know this from myself. My father fought until he was 16 years old. I also sometimes guide my stunner with a belt. I think that this should not be done more than once a month. The boy is already 15. He endures spanking - he hasn’t screamed or cried for more than a year. He doesn’t even ask for forgiveness - he pouts and remains silent. I see the little devil in his eyes, I want to disobey him: not to pull down my pants, not to give in, but for now. afraid. He knows that for resistance you can get extra heels (or even more) of especially hot ones. I think when I turn 16 I’ll have to put off the belt.

Gennady Dergachev 01/16/2018 12:20:39

You say that everything is very simple, but human simplicity leads to different results, it’s not for nothing that there is an English and Russian proverb: “Simplicity is worse than theft.” If there is an action, there is also its psychology. Is it possible to do without psychology? Of course, it’s the same as how you can do without a belt! But it’s easier to dot the i’s with a belt as long as you have more physical strength than the person being punished, and in the future, as life goes: it’s written on the water with a pitchfork, although many still believe what the belt says :) It’s difficult to predict other people’s actions, maybe a spanking will really suit your son for the benefit (with this phrase, I probably drive foreign juvenile justice into horror), and maybe, when he gains independence, it will cause the emergence of views on life and actions that you are now instilling in him. There is an opinion that you need to know the horse you are betting on well, but Mr. Chance very often makes such bets losing. But most importantly, we must not forget about another danger: your son may begin to apply the same method of education to his children (as you do now), if he has them, and where is the guarantee that he knows the “norm” and will not mark the child to death ? There are such cases, there are statistical figures - that’s actually what’s alarming, watching and hearing that aggression in people is not decreasing, but, it seems, is even increasing, you have to look more sharply at those around you, and decide for yourself the question: is it possible? they have the vice of inappropriate behavior (in horse breeding they say - rebounding :))
Thanks for the review!

This story happened to me
Once I got my first F, I was 14 years old. I came home as if nothing had happened, all in tears. Dad was sitting in the kitchen. I quickly rushed past him. He noticed me.
I immediately sat down to my lessons. After a while, dad came to my room to ask why I didn’t come to dinner.
I took my diary and opened it, I was very scared
He started screaming what it was, I burst into tears.
“Sorry, I won’t do it again,” I said.
He told me to take off my pants and lie on his lap. I went to bed. He first began to hit my bare bottom with his palms, it was very painful and I cried. I counted the blows. He gave me 48 blows and left the room. I thought it was all over, but after 7 minutes he came into the room with his army belt, I got scared and started crying a lot, he said lie down on the sofa, I didn’t take off my pants and lay down. He gave 24 blows and took off my pants. I was in just my panties. He continued, he saw that at the 12th blow I was still holding on and finally took off my panties.
I screamed daddy no.
He continued. I cried a lot and asked to stop. He belted me for about 30 minutes.
“Get up,” he said.
I barely got up
- Wait for me here.
I knew that this was not all. I couldn’t sit down because my ass hurt. I cried a lot and waited for what would happen next.
My dad came into the room 20 minutes later. He had thin sticks (rods) in his hands. I threw myself on his neck and asked for forgiveness. He picked me up and led me to the sofa, took off my pants and got to work. I cried a lot
The next day, in the morning, I went to the table. My parents wished me Good Morning as if nothing had happened. I wished the same for them. After breakfast, dad took me to school. I burst into tears in the car after yesterday, because there was no living space on my butt. Dad started to calm me down
And he told me that for every prank, even small ones, I would receive a belt. He said that he was also spanked as a child, more severely than he spanked me yesterday. Then he hugged me

I'm not a very big expert in this area, but I called a friend of mine who spanks his wife regularly. This is what he advised me:

“You need to start slowly, and under no circumstances use spanking, say, on the second day after the wedding. First you need to introduce it (the whip) into intimate relationships, let's start with a small whip, which is used during the act - at the beginning as a means of affection. That is, at first you don’t beat your wife with this whip, but simply caress her. She will get used to it, and will allow you to gradually move on to the next stage of education. You can even sometimes let her play with it and hold the handle. Then, a few weeks or even months later, switch to more severe forms of communication with the whip - the blows should become noticeable and confident. By that time, the wife will have gotten a little used to the whip and it will be possible to replace it with a larger one. But for now you only use the whip in the bedroom.

Then comes the critical moment when you need to take the whip out of the bedroom and move it into the living room.

By this time, the wife had already become completely accustomed to this bed attribute and it no longer caused her any particular horror - the blows until now had been light, pleasant and did not cause pain. Now transfer all this to the domestic sphere. Well, for example, during some scandal, grab your wife by the hair and lightly (don’t overdo it at first!) hit her with a whip. By that time, the whip already evokes positive emotions in her - she knows that after the blow of the whip comes caresses. She will expect this in the everyday sphere - that is, whip her with a whip, pick her up, kiss her, hug her, in general, do as you did with her in bed.

Then a critical moment will come when she begins to deliberately provoke scandals in order to be flogged.

But you, too, do not stand still - when you see that she is provoking a scandal specifically in order to be whipped, start hitting her harder and throw out the element of affection from subsequent communication. Now she needs to get used to the fact that the whip has become larger, and the affection has become less. In addition, you have already completely eliminated the element of spanking from sexual relations - you are done with it. Now the whip is only a method of punishment.

Hang the whip somewhere in a visible place so that your wife can see it at all times. Explain to your spouse that if she tries to do something with the educational element, then instead of a whip a stick will appear, first wooden, and then iron. She will gradually come to terms with it.

One more small note: having taught it, you need to make sure that your wife does not get out of the habit of it, that is, once a week, despite her exceptional behavior, still remove the whip from the wall, squeeze your wife between your legs and use the whip.

The effect of the whip is extremely positive:

You will immediately notice that your wife will begin to spend more time at home, she will not cheat under any circumstances (well, if you, when you whip her, say that if you catch her with someone, she will believe it and will be afraid even close to another man approach, let alone cheat on my husband.”

This method is especially recommended for couples where there is a significant age difference - from 15 years and above. Provided that you properly train your wife for spanking, she will become your faithful companion and will never cheat on you or complain about her life.

This method is also recommended for the wives of new Russians, who are mostly languishing from idleness and are ready to give themselves up to Vasya, a mechanic, in order to somehow add variety to their lives. It is recommended to flog such a wife at least a couple of times a day, thereby laying the foundation for a strong and lasting marriage.

Buying jewelry and mink coats can also be replaced by a good spanking - spanking is both useful and very profitable.

Go ahead, experiment for yourself, see how it turns out, share your experience, I’m also interested in this, because I’m going to marry a young girl and, on the advice of my friend, I want to immediately accustom her to the whip so as not to worry about the horns - good The whip copes with this problem quite easily, the family will only become stronger from it.

The relationship between spouses, both in the distribution of family responsibilities and sexually, is their conscious choice and their secret. The main thing is that each family member does not feel disadvantaged or humiliated, at least that’s what psychologists say. Some married couples even use a variety of methods of punishment and reward, so to speak, they resort to “carrot and stick” methods. For example, you forgot to pick up your child from kindergarten - you cook dinner yourself, or you stay too late with your friends - you may not think about a new dress for at least another month. But recently a friend told me about this type of punishment practiced in her family, like spanking with a belt on a soft spot. Husband punishing wife with belt - something new, right? Is it good or bad? How does this affect family relationships? Does this cause feelings of resentment and humiliation?

Today I would like to discuss precisely this topic, the subject of discussion of which, oddly enough, is gaining relevance every day. The basis of the discussion will be a discussion of such a piquant method of education using the example of my friend.

To begin with, I will make a small digression and voice the opinion of the main character of the story regarding this non-standard method of education used in their family. By the way, it should be noted that she does not consider spanking with a belt to be something non-standard and beyond the bounds of decency. Moreover, the rule was established at the very beginning of living together and was never perceived as violence or an attempt to humiliate the other half by hurting her in this way. Although, in my opinion, this standard of behavior is not suitable for every woman, and not every man is inclined to use physical force against his beloved. But, as they say, to each his own, so there cannot be a clear opinion on this matter.

Let's return to our heroes. You will probably think that the husband of the “poor thing” is a despot or a retrograde who, by punishing his wife, asserts himself and gets rid of negative energy. Not at all, oddly enough, but he is the complete opposite of the presented image. This is a rather charming and well-mannered young man who has achieved considerable success in business. In addition, he sincerely respects women, appreciates their work and is inclined to perceive his wife as an affectionate and feminine guardian of the family hearth, on whom the duration and quality of family relationships largely depends. It’s just that spanking, in his understanding, is a kind of piquant moment that adds variety to the daily life of spouses and, at the same time, is a useful and sometimes inevitable method of education.

Considering the similarity of views of both spouses, I would say that they feel quite comfortable and do not consider their family to be special or one where the rights and freedoms of the husband or wife are infringed. Each of them has every opportunity for self-realization and career growth, as well as understanding and support from the other half. At the same time, spanking with a belt does not in any way affect everyday relationships, but, on the contrary, disciplines and develops internal organization, which is important not only in everyday life, but also at work.

It is worth noting that the spouses who became the involuntary heroes of my story not only have strong family relationships, but are also good friends who can always come to each other’s aid. We can confidently say about them that they were lucky in choosing their second half and they are truly happy. Neither the husband nor the wife allow themselves to impose their opinion on the other spouse; everything happens by mutual agreement and taking into account the requirements and wishes of each family member. And this applies not only to everyday issues, but also to professional ones, which, by the way, cannot be said about many married couples in which such piquant rules do not apply. They are quite tolerant of each other's hobbies and interests.

By the way, punishment with a belt has a fairly positive effect on the sex life of the family in question. Spanking with a belt brings an additional erotic shade to the relationship between partners and is fertile ground for erotic fantasies, so it’s certainly impossible to call their sex boring and monotonous.

However, despite all of the above, flogging remains a fairly tangible method of punishment, which is used only in extreme cases and for fairly serious offenses. So to speak, punishment must remain punishment. So, for the first time, a friend received a lyula in the form of a flogging on a soft spot for smoking. It must be said that this peculiar participation of her husband did not pass without a trace and thoughts about smoking do not visit her to this day. However, the fact of physical impact on the psyche was not perceived by her as violence, although a minor offense was still present for some time. But this quickly passed, as the wife accepted her husband’s decision and realized that it was truly correct and useful not only for her, but for the whole family. Subsequent cases of flogging no longer entailed resentment and misunderstanding, but were perceived as a norm of behavior with the help of which one could, so to speak, eradicate the evil that threatens family happiness.

To make it clearer, I will add that the heroine of the story does not have a panicky and enslaving fear of her husband; moreover, the relationship between husband and wife is quite democratic. She happily returns home, eagerly awaits her husband from work, he will not miss the opportunity to pamper his wife with some surprise, to do something pleasant. Moreover, each of them is convinced that their concept of family happiness is correct and, if some couples adhered to exactly this model of behavior, perhaps the number of divorces and broken families, not to mention broken children’s destinies, would be significantly less.

The only taboo that spouses adhere to (and this is very important) is the inadmissibility of carrying out punishment in front of children. I note that they have been married for more than 6 years and have children. Children, in principle, should not see any manifestations of violence, especially between parents.

This is where my story about how a husband punishes his wife with a belt has come to an end, but you are free to draw your own conclusions regarding the positive and negative aspects of this method of education. As for me, if such a concept actually suits both, it is their right and their choice. After all, they don’t flog their neighbors who disturb their sleep and listen to music until midnight)

Dedicated to such an important, but unfairly rejected by society, topic as the disciplinary beating of women, I, unfortunately, missed a very important aspect of beating, called flogging. But this is a very important measure for the disciplinary prevention of female behavior. Remember the main thing - spanking is not intended to satisfy your sadistic tendencies. Spanking is designed to keep your marriage strong and your woman a happy homemaker! Therefore, the first need of a successful proponent of spanking is an appropriate punishment tool to use on the backs and buttocks of errant acts. You simply must have a belt or whip in your home.

Unfortunately, many enlightened people, the so-called liberal abscesses on the body of modern society, completely deny this type of education the right to exist. However, this view has one significant drawback associated with the psychology of a female being: a woman should feel weak, but protected by her chosen one. Then she is happy. A good spanking serves this purpose in particular. She makes it clear to the woman that the man is superior to her physically and mentally. Physical punishment is always more effective, since it affects the emotional, physical, and psychological aspects at once. During which the woman begins to love her husband even more! Since she understands that she was guilty, she was wrong and she was punished for it, then she ultimately gets pleasure from it. This is the amazing psychology of the victim. Although not everyone admits this.

Everyone knows that spanking has existed as long as man has existed, and this is not without reason!
And in Rus', flogging was considered the main foundation of a successful, happy family, until 1917, when the Bolsheviks abolished this type of benefactor. Spanking was even described in the Bible and was popular in Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Flogging was used mainly for educational purposes and as punishment, but few people know that flogging with rods was attributed healing properties.

Neurologists and psychotherapists assure that spanking develops courage, perseverance and courage. Increases self-confidence. People who receive spanking are less afraid of pain and difficulties in life, cope with illnesses more easily, are more resilient and less irritable. In general, when using spanking on your woman, you should know that you are not only ennobling her character in this way, but also strengthening her spirit and health!

A woman, if she is decent and cultured, will definitely appreciate such care and no matter what the spanking is, she will definitely go to her beloved husband for comfort. As soon as everything is over, she will definitely start reaching out to him, hugging him, trying to be closer to him (while an indecent girl after a spanking will cry resentfully, remain silent and hide in a corner). At these moments, girls are often especially gentle and attentive. A cultured girl understands that her husband punished her not at all in order to push her away or humiliate her, but on the contrary, in order to bring her closer to him, to make her better, to teach her, to correct her mistakes. She understands that he is trying for her, she is glad that she was able to atone for her guilt and understood where she was wrong. She is pleased that everything is over and now she can again caress her beloved husband more strongly than before, because he is no longer angry with her at all.

A woman should be beaten with a whip or a soft leather belt. The belt should be made of genuine leather, without metal fittings, soft, smooth, 5-6 cm wide. A narrow belt causes more intense pain. In addition, such beating does not leave scars on the skin of the beloved woman. By using this tool, a person distances himself from sensual contact with the subject of spanking, which does not give free rein to the husband’s emotions. And the whip itself, as an instrument of physical influence, has a much deeper meaning, understood subconsciously: with a whip we whip animals and slaves, then, like a hand or a stick, upon mature reflection, we beat our equals. Thus, you first of all demonstrate to the woman her subordinate position, which can awaken new feelings in her and satisfy her feminine needs!
If you flog her, it is very important to hit only in the soft tissue area, without touching the bones. On impact, the bones may split the skin, and blood will inevitably stain your suit.

This spanking should be carried out at least once a week (the recommended spanking duration is half an hour). With regular spanking, the skin becomes more physically resistant to shock and also less prone to breaking capillaries. And with active shock use, the belt becomes softer, which will help your woman in the future to endure educational acts of punishment much more easily. After all, you, like a real man, care about her comfort, don’t you?

It is very important to create a psychologically correct atmosphere of punishment. You must show the woman that spanking is a manifestation of your highest love for her and you are punishing her not for being bad, but for her bad deed, and your goal is not to humiliate her, but to improve her. For spanking, it is advisable to allocate a separate room, with a large comfortable bed, where the beloved is placed after the spanking to restore strength and to reflect on the circumstances that led to this situation.
I also recommend placing a small table in the room with drinks, which you can use to refresh yourself and replenish your strength in case of emergency. Place a soft carpet or even better - bear skins on the floor. You should be comfortable, but the lady should be scared.

For peace of mind, I would recommend soft music by Wagner.
If you are in doubt whether or not to flog your woman, then I ask that you turn to your conscience and think whether you have done everything in your power to protect her from defilement? Did you sit down and talk to her carefully, listen to her point of view?
I'm sure they tried. Then why did she go astray? Because, my dears, you have not given her the one thing she needs most - authority. Every woman loves to follow a leader. Are you a leader for her? Do you fully understand that authority involves a certain unpleasant duty of obtaining obedience and respect through discipline?

In fact, spanking is an entire art. While the process itself is similar to creative torment in which the pure thought of your woman is born. Like any art, spanking requires constant patience and practice. Successful spanking requires a sound knowledge of fundamental principles.
The best course of action is to choose a punishment style and follow it strictly. Thus, the blows may be given in the following order: TWO in quick succession separately on each of the bare buttocks, followed by ONE on the back of the upper part of each thigh - and repeated in the same order. After two repetitions, the entire affected area should be completely red and painful-looking, but the skin should not be broken or bruised. When you start beating your lover this way, she will twitch and react verbally. Spank harder and soon she will be asking you to stop and promising you better behavior. Keep taking action.

At this moment, the girl realizes only one thing - she urgently needs to capitulate. She immediately forgets her pride, her “adult” arrogance, her sense of superiority. Maybe she will fight for it as long and hard as she has the strength, but if you increase the span of the belt, despite the unacceptable impudence, she will give up in exhaustion. A real girl, honest, gentle, decent, will soon open up through tears. She will do or say whatever you want, in the hope of stopping the searing flames that are consuming her tender, burning body.
If this happened, we can say with confidence that the girl was healed from the illness that was strangling her consciousness! You did everything right, and for prevention, repeat the procedure exactly 1 month later! By the way, this method of maintaining discipline in the family is actively used by the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin:

Spanking on the errant feet and heels of the person being corrected is also acceptable! It's called "Bastinado".
To do this, use a light bamboo cane about 1cm thick and 70cm long. As a rule, I only hit the inner side of the foot in the hollow with light sharp blows at the “departure” - acceleration using the hand with a sharp stop. I carefully make sure that the blow is only a smooth part of the bamboo phalanx, and not a knot and goes along the entire plane of the foot.

The sensations vary greatly depending on the location of the impact. I noticed that it is better to strike closer to the heel - the pain is worse.
I never hit the heel itself or the pads of the toes - this is dangerous. I never hit with my whole hand - the area is so sensitive that a brush is more than enough.
The effect of practice is good, it clears your brain in no time and, as a rule, two or three serious punishments (30-50 blows per session) are enough - mutual understanding with the girl is simply ideal. Next - in working mode ("calculation" for offenses of 10-15).

It seems that we have more or less figured out the issue of flogging a woman. But what if you need to spank two women at once? For example, a wife and mistress? Our wise ancestors, of course, faced such an opportunity, which is why the so-called “group spanking” was invented.

The main rule of group spanking is to spank equally. If one girl was whipped severely, then the second girl should be whipped no less severely. You should try to spank at the same time and in the same places, so that the consequences and traces of the spanking are more or less the same. The spanking itself should be carried out in front of the second girl. Both before and after spanking, the girls should be kept together (without your presence) so that they can discuss the future or past spanking, show each other marks and sympathize with each other. The main thing in such spanking is to find a common cause and carry out the same action. If one was flogged with a rattan, then the second one should be flogged with a rattan, if one was flogged with a ruler, then the second one should be flogged with a ruler so as not to offend anyone. After all, justice is the main life credo of a real man!

I hope that this text will help many lost and lost men and women to find themselves in this world, take family relationships to a fundamentally new level, and most importantly, live the rest of their lives in love, harmony and mutual understanding! Love each other, because love is the main compass in life, leading us along, like a red star on the Kulikovo field.

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