Lunar hair cutting calendar for August. Favorable lunar days for hair cutting

The right day to cut your hair is a guarantee of a hairstyle that will not disappoint you. Using our lunar haircut calendar, you will definitely choose the best day for this.

August 2 and 3: The Sign Leo will come into force, which is very favorable for cutting hair. Under its influence, the hair structure is strengthened and it becomes thicker. The new moon on August 2 will also have a positive effect on visiting the hairdresser. A new hairstyle will give you confidence.

August 4, 5 and 6: these days the constellation Virgo will show its positive influence on haircuts. The hair will grow quite quickly and will be able to maintain its shape well. The energy of this period will help you attract material well-being with a new haircut.

August 9, 10 and 11: the ambiguous influence of the Scorpio Sign can both harm and improve the structure. Don't be afraid to visit the salon if you have thin hair: a haircut these days will make it stronger and your hairstyle will become a little thicker. You will also notice that your intuition will strengthen. It’s a good idea to carry out wellness treatments to make your hair stronger.

August 12 and 13: The Moon will come under the influence of the Sign Sagittarius. This is not the best time for a haircut; it should be postponed. Otherwise, it is quite possible that your health will worsen. Moreover, it will not last long. Hair will become less manageable and grow faster.

August 14, 15 and 16: under the influence of the Moon in the Sign of Capricorn, haircuts always go well. Hair grows healthy and strong, and styling lasts a long time. But for this it is advisable to choose a fairly simple hairstyle.

August 17 and 18: The Moon will move into the Sign of Aquarius. This sign does not influence positively or negatively, but it is during this period that it is good to experiment. Any interesting and completely unexpected haircut options are best done during the influence of Aquarius. You can also experiment with hair color.

August 19 and 20: It is advisable to avoid exposure to hair, especially when it comes to the use of chemicals. The sign of Pisces will make the hair more vulnerable, so even an ordinary haircut can damage its structure. After this, the ends begin to split noticeably, and sometimes dandruff appears.

August 21 and 22: cutting your hair these days is a bad idea. The Aries sign does not have the best effect on hair structure. After a haircut, they may lose their original beautiful appearance and begin to fall out.

August 23 and 24: The time of Taurus influence is very suitable for haircuts. This will only improve the hair structure, and you yourself will be satisfied with the result, due to which you will begin to feel better than before.

August 25 and 26: The sign of Gemini does not affect the structure of the hair, but if you cut your hair on one of these days, your hair may begin to curl and become less manageable. For your hairstyle, choose something light, you can curl it specifically: this way you will attract positive energy.

August 27 and 28: Take part in wellness treatments. The constellation Cancer will not have the best effect on your haircut. Not only may you not be very happy with the result, you may also have problems in your relationships with loved ones.

August 29, 30 and 31: Do not put off getting a haircut under any circumstances. The Leo sign is perfect for visiting the hairdresser. You will not only become more charming and attractive, but you may also improve the structure of your hair.

The moon influences all areas of our lives, but we ourselves can change a lot. Successful styling can literally transform your life, because it is included in the list of the best means for increasing self-esteem. Listen to the advice of hairdressers and astrologers and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2016 04:08

Hairdressers and stylists are able to create a beautiful look with a haircut. In order for every trip...

Every person has a great connection with the cosmos, and an even greater connection with the Moon. Its phases, location in relation to the Earth and the signs of the Zodiac into which this celestial body falls directly affects each representative of the planet. Therefore, it is important to connect any of your activities with astrology, even if you decide to get a haircut. The haircut calendar for August 2019 will help you properly plan your visit to the hairdresser, in accordance with the positive lunar influence. Find out in advance the favorable and unfavorable days for carrying out any manipulations with your own hair.

The most favorable days for cutting hair in August

For the eighth month of 2019, the days when the Moon will be in the house of the Zodiac signs Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus will be favorable for haircuts. These periods fall on the following dates: 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 23, 29. Less fortunate numbers will be: 9 (influence of Scorpio), 13 (Moon in Sagittarius), 24 (Taurus), 31 (in house of Leo). Here you will need to study the calendar, scheduled for each day, where you will see what the day will be positive or negative (for example, you can get a haircut, but not put on makeup).

Keep track of the most favorable days for a haircut and your hair will not only look chic. Thanks to the positive lunar influence, you will be able to maintain your energy potential, get rid of everything bad in life, and create harmony and prosperity around you. Be aware of all the events of this month every day to protect yourself from negative consequences.

Bad days

The most unlucky dates for getting a haircut in August 2019 are 19, 21, 28. These are the days when the Moon is in the Zodiac of Pisces, Aries and Cancer. On these dates, categorically refuse to plan a visit to your stylist - you risk acquiring serious illnesses, incurring a series of life failures and large material losses. Additionally, you should be careful with haircuts according to the following numbers: 1 (Moon in Cancer), 12 (in the house of Sagittarius) and 27 (Cancer). These dates have less negative impact, but it is better not to take risks and still reschedule the haircut to a more successful day.

Full lunar hair cutting calendar for August 2019

In order to be fully prepared, check out the detailed forecast of events for each date of the month. This way you will be as informed as possible and protect yourself from the negative influence of the Moon on your destiny and health. Try to plan your haircut and color calendar for the eighth month of 2019 according to the astrological recommendations below.

1. This Monday cannot be called favorable for a haircut. If it is important for you to get rid of the excessive guardianship of loved ones, then cut your hair. However, remember: after this the curls will become unruly and stiff. Instead, plan a regular hair care routine that focuses on health and nutrition.

2. Full moon. A haircut planned for this date can give its owner more confidence, which will help her in her decision to radically change her life for the better. It is better to cancel the painting, because this may cause financial problems.

3. Leo, under the influence of the new moon on this day, has a positive effect on hair thickness. You can safely plan a trip to the hairdresser to carry out any procedure with your hair: from cutting to coloring. Be sure to get a haircut if you want good luck to come into your life. However, it is better to avoid curling - it can seriously damage your hair, not having its effect as intended.

4. If your goal is to grow your hair, schedule a haircut to renew the ends. Hair growth will resume and accelerate, and the beautiful shape of the hairstyle will last for a long time. Any beauty activities will bring you material well-being.

5. The positive influence of the Moon extends to this date, so feel free to plan a visit to the beauty salon. Procedures not only with haircuts, but also with hair chemistry, coloring, and health improvement will be equally successful.

6. With the acquisition of a new hairstyle, you will receive a lot of positive energy, which will bring you inspiration and charge for creative endeavors. If you dye your hair a dramatic color, this can bring useful business contacts.

7. The day is neutral for carrying out any manipulations with your hair, but it will not bring much success if you plan to dye it. An updated haircut can save you from illness, and it is possible that you will even have money in your home.

8. Be sure to cut your hair - this will give you a heightened sixth sense. Developed intuition is very important for you during this period, because you are able to resolve a large number of long-hanging issues and receive good material rewards for your work. Be sure to dye your hair to recharge your sexual energy - this will give you many interesting acquaintances with members of the opposite sex.

9. This Tuesday is less successful for changing your hairstyle. A haircut threatens to negatively affect love relationships. It’s better to limit yourself to simple styling with curly curls, which will charge you with natural energy and give you success.

10. It is better to postpone curling or dyeing your hair until a more successful date, because you risk missing out on important achievements for which you have been preparing for a long time. You will not get the results you expected.

11. If you decide to visit a hairdresser, then limit yourself to simple procedures that are aimed at improving the health and nutrition of your hair. You can color it with natural dyes (henna or basma, for example). Thus, strengthen the health of your hair and significantly increase its resistance to sunlight.

12. A haircut done this Friday will not bring the desired results: the hair will not be easy to style, and the hairstyle itself will quickly lose shape due to rapid growth. Reschedule your beauty routine to another date of the month.

13. A more or less favorable period for a haircut, which can protect health and protect against negativity. Your business productivity will increase, which will bring many good results later.

14. A positive day of the month for the implementation of any plans to change the image. If you get a haircut, your hair will become stronger and hair loss will decrease. The overall health of the body will be strengthened, and things in the career field will improve. There may be unexpected good news that can radically change your life.

15. The positive influence of the Moon in Capricorn extends to this period, so feel free to plan a haircut. A new hairstyle can sharpen your intuition, and you will solve most financial issues. Business will flourish thanks to an endless stream of large orders.

16. A haircut will have a very favorable effect on your plans. Career affairs will improve material well-being, and a period of successful transactions will begin. Relationships with loved ones will become warmer, and many everyday issues will be resolved.

17. Not the best time for a haircut, which can cause health problems. To prevent positive energy from leaving you, wear your hair straightened. This will help you stay active and productive.

18. Haircut is undesirable because it can negatively affect the circulatory system, as well as the endocrine system. Activity will be reduced, so concentrate on inner peace and harmony.

19. The moon is waning. Trimmed hair can cause problems to the scalp, which can lead to dandruff. A new hairstyle promises changes that will adversely affect your destiny. It’s better not to cut your hair, but simply carry out general strengthening procedures to improve the health of split ends.

20. The negative influence of the Moon continues, so it is better to postpone any planned events aimed at changing the image. This way you will preserve your energy strength, health, and the positive influence of your charisma.

22. Be sure to schedule a visit to the hairdresser on your calendar. A new image will improve your emotional background and give you a good mood. A haircut will bring hope and make an old dream come true.

23. Trimmed hair can relieve health problems. Important people will begin to appear in life who will help arrange your destiny. Creative activity will increase - it will bring many useful ideas into reality.

24. Less favorable day for beauty treatments. However, slightly trimmed ends will bring energy potential, thanks to which you will increase your importance in society. There is a high chance of improved health.

25. This number of the month is charged with slight negative energy, so put off any manipulations with your hair. There is a high risk of troubles in relationships with people and at work.

26. Astrologers predict that a haircut will charge you with a lot of energy. Everything will go well, your health will improve. You can make large acquisitions - this will bring many benefits in the future.

27. It is worth protecting your hair from any procedures, because this will negatively affect your psycho-emotional state. This Saturday is literally saturated with negative energy, so refrain from external contacts with people, spend time with your family surrounded by nature.

28. Getting a haircut this Sunday is fraught with depression. Additionally, it can bring many conflicts related to the division of property of a domestic nature. Wait out this period and do not give in to momentary desires.

29. Astrologers promise a lot of success and popularity. Therefore, hurry up to visit a beauty salon to recharge yourself with positive emotions and enhance your charisma and charm with the help of a fashionable hairstyle. You will receive a powerful boost of energy, health, and your financial well-being will improve.

30. Postpone any plans you might have about your hairstyle, because it may adversely affect your vitality and longevity. The stars do not signify anything good in the area of ​​material well-being.

31. Astrologers say that the last Wednesday of the month is neutral for haircuts. There is a high probability of improving career affairs and promoting profitable deals. A new hairstyle will give you a lot of enthusiasm, which will help you maintain high productivity.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2016

August 1, Monday, moon in Cancer, 28th lunar day begins at 03:00. If you need help or support with anything, then before the hairdresser starts working, think about your problem. The Moon will solve it or attract the right people to you.

August 2, Tuesday, moon in Leo, 29 and 1 lunar days begin at 04:07 and 23:47. Never, under any circumstances, get your hair cut during the New Moon.

August 3, Wednesday, moon in Leo, 2nd lunar day, starts at 05:17. Quarrels, conflicts and even scandals can be attracted by a haircut on this day.

August 4, Thursday, moon in Virgo, 3rd lunar day, begins at 06:29. Do not make an appointment with a specialist on this day, this way you will avoid problems with money.

August 5, Friday, moon in Virgo, 4th lunar day, begins at 07:41. Direct your energy to other important matters, but leave the haircut for later.

August 6, Saturday, moon in Libra, 5th lunar day, starts at 08:51. Money day! Be sure to get your hair cut today and you can safely expect money in the very near future.

August 7, Sunday, moon in Libra, 6th lunar day, starts at 10:00. On this day, it is recommended to get your hair cut only before 10 am, then the stars will not be on our side.

August 8, Monday, moon in Libra, 7th lunar day, starts at 11:07. Difficult period. A meeting with a master can disturb your inner peace, making you feel anxious out of the blue.

August 9, Tuesday, moon in Scorpio, 8th lunar day, begins at 12:13. In the first half of the day, do not go to the beauty salon, but after 12:13 the Moon will be more favorable.

August 10, Wednesday, moon in Scorpio, 9th lunar day, begins at 13:18. If you decide to get your hair cut, make sure to see your hairdresser before lunch! After 13:18 it is better to do other things.

August 11, Thursday, moon in Sagittarius, 10th lunar day, begins at 14:22. A very controversial period, it is best to stay at home and not go to any salons.

August 12, Friday, moon in Sagittarius, 11th lunar day, begins at 15:24. In the first half of the day, forget even to think about hairdressers, but after 15:25 a very favorable period begins! Not only will you be very pleased with the result, but you will also delight those around you.

August 13, Saturday, moon in Sagittarius, 12th lunar day, begins at 16:23. The chic time for a new haircut will remain until 16:23, after which the location of the stars will be negative.

August 14, Sunday, moon in Capricorn, 13th lunar day, begins at 17:16. To avoid damaging your hair, refrain from cutting your hair until the evening. After 17:16, a new hairstyle will turn you into a magnet for beautiful and mutual love.

August 15, Monday, moon in Capricorn, 14th lunar day, begins at 18:04. A new haircut during the day will help attract your soulmate, and after 18:04 it will open up great opportunities for you.

August 16, Tuesday, moon in Aquarius, 15th lunar day, starts at 18:45. If you want to receive a magical bonus from the Universe, some chance that helps attract favorable changes, get your hair cut before 18:45. Further, going to the stylist can lead to great fatigue and apathy.

August 17, Wednesday, moon in Aquarius, 16th lunar day, starts at 19:20. You are already very beautiful and sweet, there is no reason for you to appear at the hairdresser.

August 18, Thursday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 17th lunar day, starts at 19:50. The moon will not appreciate your desire to change your appearance. Better take a walk.

August 19, Friday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 18th lunar day, begins at 20:17. This day is not suitable for transformations, avoid salons.

August 20, Saturday, moon in Aries, 19th lunar day, starts at 20:42. Today you can only get a haircut after 20:42.

August 21, Sunday, moon in Aries, 20 lunar day, begins at 21:06. Get a haircut and get rid of all diseases! But plan your trip to the hairdresser only until 21:06! Then comes an unfavorable period.

August 22, Monday, moon in Aries, 21 lunar day, begins at 21:32. Getting a haircut today means difficulties and obstacles will arise. After 21:32 the Moon will be much calmer.

August 23, Tuesday, moon in Taurus, 22 lunar day, starts at 22:00. Good period! You can safely go to the salon!

August 24, Wednesday, moon in Taurus, 23 lunar day, begins at 22:32. Day of fulfillment of wishes! Before the stylist starts cutting your hair, make a wish. It will definitely come true!

August 25, Thursday, moon in Gemini, 24th lunar day, begins at 23:11. Attract new benefits to yourself today with a new haircut!

August 26, Friday, moon in Gemini, 25th lunar day, begins at 23:57. Time to get down to business. True, they should not be associated with the salon.

August 27, Saturday, moon in Cancer, 25th lunar day lasts until 16:25. Don't cut your hair today, and you won't be affected by problems and troubles.

August 28, Sunday, moon in Cancer, 26th lunar day, starts at 00:52. Do you dream of meeting Lady Luck? Visit the hairdresser and you will become her favorite!

August 29, Monday, moon in Leo, 27th lunar day, starts at 01:55. A new haircut will turn you into a very confident and successful person.

August 30, Tuesday, moon in Leo, 28th lunar day, begins at 03:03. A new hairstyle will enhance your charm. You will begin to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

August 31, Wednesday, moon in Virgo, 29th lunar day, begins at 04:13. Unfavorable day for a haircut.

*Time in the lunar calendar is Moscow.

Haircuts for August 2016 were prepared by Anastasia Volkova

Not a bad day for coloring and cutting your hair, but during the procedures, pay more attention to your hair. Today it is necessary to use natural dyes, not to bleach hair, not to laminate, and faces should be made from natural, natural ingredients. It is better not to have a short haircut; a haircut on long hair will be successful. On this day you should not change your image much.

August 2
29th and 0th lunar day. Moon in Leo. New moon

A good day for both cutting and coloring. You can try something new that you haven’t done before. Feel free to experiment with the length of your hair; anyway, a haircut made today will grow back quite quickly. You can also use new colors and shades of hair dye, as well as makeup products (lipstick, eye shadow) and manicure. All this can be easily adjusted if you don’t like the experiment.

August 3rd
0th and 1st lunar day. Moon in Leo

Neutral day for both cutting and coloring. It's better not to make major changes to your image. In general, the day is perfect for supporting procedures: to add color to the hair, to enhance shine, you can use tint balms and hair masks, tint shampoos. Sign up for a manicure and pedicure; calmly use decorative cosmetics that affect the color and tone of the skin, giving radiance and shine.

August 4
1st and 2nd lunar day. Moon in Virgo

A very good day to dye your hair, to add color and shine to your hair. It is better to postpone the haircut to another day. Also, do not use strong skin cleansers or do hair removal. You can sign up for a coated manicure and pedicure; before that, it’s good to have a massage and baths for your hands and feet.

5th of August
2nd lunar day. Moon in Virgo

The day is good for all types of massage: cosmetic, sports, therapeutic and anti-cellulite. You shouldn’t get your hair cut and dyed today – the result may be disappointing. It’s good to have a fasting day, stick to a diet, play sports, give yourself a lot of stress, so that there is a lot of physical activity. It is better to spend more time in the fresh air, on the street; walks are very useful.

August 6
3rd lunar day. Moon in Libra

A great day for both cutting and coloring your hair. You can get a stylish and bright look that will make you younger and more interesting. It’s good to change your image before an interview or a job change. This day is perfect for complex highlighting, coloring, labor-intensive haircuts and styling - everything will work out. It’s good to do manicures and pedicures, hair lamination, and use the most modern and advanced technologies. The day is also good for cosmetic procedures, surgeries and injections.

August 7
4th lunar day. Moon in Libra

Not a bad day for a haircut, but avoid coloring your hair. You can try a short haircut, with a complex silhouette, asymmetrical. You should not get a manicure or pedicure. A bad day to buy cosmetics and visit a makeup artist. But body wraps, hair removal and other procedures for body beauty will give a wonderful effect. It is possible, including anti-cellulite. Stick to your diet today, put a serious load on problem areas.

8 August
5th lunar day. Moon in Libra

Not a bad day for both cutting and coloring your hair. However, you shouldn't do anything that will radically change your image. Today is not the time for a radical change of image. Opt for masks that maintain hair color and light anti-aging cosmetic procedures. You should not change the length of your hair much and do not massage. It is good to put a strong load on the hips and lower abdomen.

August 9
6th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Not a bad day for coloring your hair - you can get a very rich and interesting color, the coloring will be long-lasting. But you should refuse a haircut; you don’t need to change the length and contour of your hair much; if you really need to, then just trim your hair slightly. It’s good to do manicures and pedicures, massages, and face masks on this day. You can sign up for light peeling, facial cleansing, simple...

10th of August
7th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair. You shouldn’t change your image too much; it’s better to wait for a better day. You can do simple supportive procedures for hair and body, masks, wraps. But it’s a good day for cosmetic and other types of massage. Do cosmetic procedures aimed at long-term effects: massage, exercise, diets will give excellent results.

11th August
8th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

A great day to create a bright image, an unusual and fashionable image. You can rely on the appearance of some idol or artist you like. It’s good to do complex hair coloring, styling and a stylish haircut. Also take care of fashionable and stylish makeup, and calmly sign up for anti-aging procedures aimed at quick results. A great day for bright and...

12th of August
9th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

It’s a difficult time for both cutting and coloring. Today there is no need to radically change your appearance, undergo cosmetic surgery or injections. Some serious interventions will not only not bring the desired result, but can also be harmful. You can do facial cleansing and hair removal, but only use proven ingredients. Exercise today and stick to your diet, but don't do too much exercise.

August 13
9th and 10th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

Not a good day for either cutting or coloring. It's best to limit treatments that may have a significant impact on your scalp or face. You shouldn’t radically change your image, but you can play sports and do various types of massage. A good day to work on problem areas: anti-cellulite treatments and wraps will help you.

August 14
10th and 11th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

Neutral day for both cutting and coloring. You can do facial cleansing, hair removal, massage. You will get excellent results as a result of active sports, also arrange a fasting day and stick to a diet. If you decide to get a haircut, it is preferable to go for a classic silhouette, but not a short haircut with asymmetrical bangs. better in natural tones, without bright, contrasting shades.

August 15
11th and 12th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

A great day for both cutting and coloring your hair. You can create a bright and interesting image. This day is also perfect for anti-aging procedures, cosmetic surgeries, injections and other beauty procedures. Feel free to sign up for a manicure and pedicure - you will be able to choose a very successful and interesting coating that will successfully complement your look.

August 16
12th and 13th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Today you can create a fashionable and bright, truly interesting image. It’s good to plan a visit to a cosmetologist on this day and make masks for your face and hair - nourishing, rejuvenating. You can do hair lamination, coloring - the most complex types of coloring are welcome. You should not make a haircut that is too simple or laconic; it is better to decide on something unusual and non-standard, to give your imagination a chance to fly.

August 17
13th and 14th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Great day for cutting and coloring. There is a chance that you will create a bright and stylish image. The day is favorable for trying something new: diets, beauty treatments, massage, a set of exercises or rejuvenating procedures. In any case, something new, something that has not been done before, will bring good luck in improving your appearance.

August 18
14th and 15th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Full moon

Today is a good day for cutting and coloring. Most likely, various new ideas and thoughts will appear, in which direction you can change your appearance, how exactly you should change so that it matches your inner “I”. A good day for sports, for working out problem areas, anti-cellulite massage, body wraps.

August 19
16th lunar day. Moon in Pisces

A difficult day for both cutting and coloring. Today you can do hand and foot baths, massages, manicures and pedicures without coating. Different types of massage are useful, from sports to therapeutic. But hair removal, facial cleansing, serious cosmetic operations and hardware procedures are locked away. It is best to limit yourself to simple routine cosmetic procedures that you always do and from which the harm is minimal.

August 20
17th lunar day. Moon in Aries

Difficult day for cutting and coloring. Today, you probably want to change your appearance quite radically, but you shouldn’t do this, since the experiment may be unsuccessful. There may be mistakes in choosing a hair color tone, difficulties in choosing a haircut silhouette - you will not be sure, so you can easily succumb to the persuasion of other people. Today you can play sports, you need to stick to a diet, as there can be many temptations.

August 21
18th lunar day. Moon in Aries

A great day for a fashionable short haircut, you will get a fashionable look that will make you look brighter and younger. Hair removal, facial cleansing, sports, and diet will be effective. Give a good workout to problem areas today - this will bring visible changes in your appearance.

August 22
19th lunar day. Moon in Aries

A good day for both cutting and coloring. However, you should not be afraid of experiments; trust the professionals if they offer something new. It is good to do various types of cosmetic massage and new beauty treatments. Just don’t decide to undergo cosmetic surgery; the day is not quite suitable for them. Wraps, anti-cellulin massage, and treatment of problem areas will give a good effect.

August 23
20th and 21st lunar days. Moon in Taurus

A good day for both cutting and coloring your hair. Today there is every chance that you will get a bright and rich color, your style and taste will appear. Feel free to choose and buy cosmetics, visit a makeup artist, do face masks, and cosmetic procedures designed for a quick rejuvenating effect. The day is also suitable for a stylish manicure and pedicure.

24 August
21st and 22nd lunar days. Moon in Taurus

This is a great time to go for a haircut and coloring. Today you will get a very stylish, fashionable and bright look, thanks to which you will be able to attract more attention to yourself. All procedures done today will be effective and will make you younger and more attractive. Book a manicure and pedicure, plan cosmetic procedures, surgeries.

25-th of August
22nd and 23rd lunar day. Moon in Gemini

A difficult day for both cutting and coloring. Today it is better not to do anything that seriously affects your appearance. You can go for a massage, including an anti-cellulite massage, go in for sports, it’s better to walk more in the fresh air, do physical exercises in nature. Shown.

August, 26th
23rd and 24th lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Today is not a suitable day for hair coloring - most likely, the effect will be too radical, because you won’t do what you wanted, you won’t be able to complete the image, make it complete. The haircut is also unfavorable; you may get the impression that you have tried on a look that is not yours; this style does not suit you at all.

August 27
24th and 25th lunar day. Moon in Cancer

A neutral day for both haircuts and coloring, don't expect to have a bold look today. You should use only natural, natural dyes. There is no need to lighten your hair, so you shouldn’t expect to have a bright image. But today, in general, is suitable for any healing and rejuvenating procedures.

August 28
25th and 26th lunar day. Moon in Cancer

Haircuts are unfavorable today, but it’s a good day for hair coloring and manicure. But you should remember that at this time you need to use only natural ingredients and dyes. You should not use lightening compounds, these can seriously damage your hair. It’s good to make face and hair masks using fruits, vegetables, and food.

August 29
26th and 27th lunar day. Moon in Leo

A great day for cutting and mainly for coloring. You can simply trim your hair and create a complex and stylish coloring. It’s good on this day to use the services of a makeup artist, buy cosmetics, and do anti-aging procedures. An excellent period to visit a stylist, as well as to get manicures and pedicures with a bright and long-lasting finish.

August 30
28th lunar day. Moon in Leo

Great day for a haircut. Feel free to experiment and try to make the most complex silhouette, an asymmetrical haircut with a complex line. Today you can sign up for chemistry, hair straightening, lamination, as well as hair removal, manicure and pedicure without coating. It’s good to cleanse your face, stick to a diet, exercise, and overcome yourself.

August 31
29th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

A favorable day for both cutting and coloring. Procedures that can be done: facial cleansing, peeling, hair removal, perm, lamination, hair straightening. The whole range of procedures that are considered quite complex is welcomed - massage, cosmetic procedures using hardware cosmetology.

Lunar calendar of hairstyles and haircuts for August 2016, indicating the best days for cutting, dyeing and hair extensions, a horoscope for today, tomorrow or any day in July 2016, the horoscope describes all favorable and unfavorable days for coloring, cutting and changing hairstyles, applying masks for hair and scalp massage. We read the lunar horoscope of haircuts for every day in order to properly care for your hair and attract financial well-being (money), love and good luck.

August 2- New moon. Today it is better not to extension your hair, not to dye it or cut it.

August 6– Cut your hair today if you want to quickly grow long, healthy hair.

11th August– Money haircut. Get a haircut today to improve your financial situation.

August 18- Full moon. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Bad for cutting, coloring and hair extensions.

24 August– A haircut will help you find the strength and the right words to confess your love.

25-th of August– After cutting your hair, it will be difficult to style and you won’t be able to create a beautiful hairstyle.

You will find horoscopes for the remaining months in the article.

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