How long does it take for lips to heal after permanent tattooing and how to speed up recovery. Lip care after tattooing in the first days What lip tattooing looks like with shading

Beautiful shape, clearly defined lines, impeccable tone and slight swelling - this is exactly how many girls want their lips to look. For a long time, the desired effect could be achieved only by using cosmetics. Now every girl has the opportunity to try a new modern method to achieve ideal lip shapes.

New method of lip correction

Lips are the pigmentation of the top layer of skin. This procedure consists of micro-punctures, into which special coloring substances (pigments) are subsequently introduced. With this skin color, only natural plant and mineral components are used, thus, the entry of chemicals into the human blood is minimal.

The technology is similar to tattooing. The only difference is that when applying a pattern to the skin, the paint is introduced into a deeper layer of the skin, while punctures for makeup are made to a depth of no more than 0.8 mm.

Based on reviews of permanent lip makeup, after the procedure the girl receives:

  1. Clear lip contours.
  2. Bright skin tone that attracts the attention of men. If desired, you can choose a natural lip color or a lipstick effect.
  3. Swelling appears on the skin.
  4. Thin lips visually appear a little swollen.

How durable is permanent makeup?

The skin is constantly renewed, dying skin cells are exfoliated, and new ones appear in their place. Pigmentation disappears over time along with layers of worn-out skin. How quickly such makeup will disappear depends on the age, individual characteristics of the person and the chosen application technology.

You can choose almost any color for permanent lip makeup. Specialists in a beauty salon have sufficient experience and technology to obtain the desired skin tone.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of the procedure are obvious:

  • no need to apply makeup daily;
  • the face looks more attractive and well-groomed;
  • a girl can forget about smeared lipstick on her face.

Disadvantages of the cosmetic procedure:

  • high price;
  • long stay in one image;
  • the need for special lip care after the procedure.

Types of tattooing techniques

There are several techniques for applying permanent makeup to lips. They differ from each other in the complexity of the work and the final result. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

  1. Permanent lip contour makeup is suitable for clients over forty years of age, since with age the color of the skin on the lips fades and becomes less noticeable. Facial injuries, herpes, poor blood supply - all this leaves noticeable marks on the face. Tattooing the lip contour will also help to hide imperfections in the lip border area.
  2. Reviews of permanent lip makeup with shading say that this procedure allows you to achieve the effect of slightly worn lipstick. The contour of the mouth becomes more clearly visible. Thanks to this technology, you can achieve a slight swelling of the lips.
  3. The full filling technique is suitable for those with a clear lip contour. The master treats the entire surface of the skin around the mouth, without affecting only the border. Lips acquire a healthy tone with shine.
  4. The 3D effect is considered the most complex type of tattoo. It solves a number of problems: asymmetry, pallor, excessive or insufficient fullness of the skin in the mouth area.

To achieve the desired effect, the master cosmetologist uses up to 5 shades of coloring pigment. One type of 3D tattoo effect is called Lip Light. This technique gives the lips bright highlights and a wet shine effect. However, the makeup is short-lived, and the client will have to avoid sunlight after the procedure, and the liquid will have to be drunk only through a straw at first. All these rules must be followed to avoid skin inflammation.

Preparation for the procedure

Judging by the reviews about permanent lip makeup, serious preparation is required before going to a cosmetologist, otherwise complications after the procedure cannot be avoided.

This operation of applying makeup can “hit” the immune system; for the body, piercing the skin in the mouth area is very stressful. It is recommended to take Acyclovir for three days before and after the procedure. The drug is necessary to prevent an unpleasant viral disease - herpes.

24 hours before visiting a specialist, you should not drink alcohol, energy drinks, or drink other drinks that stimulate the nervous system. It is necessary to refrain from eating seafood, since seafood reduces blood clotting.

Another unpleasant moment is that after tattooing your lips, you must refrain from kissing for several days until the inflammation on the skin disappears.

How is the procedure for applying permanent makeup performed?

First, you need to consult with a tattoo artist, discuss the expected result with him, and decide on the technique of applying paint. Immediately before applying permanent makeup, the contour and color are drawn on a sample so that the client can see the final result of the procedure from the outside.

Applying makeup is carried out in several stages:

  • To begin with, miniature incisions are made to administer the anesthetic;
  • then an anesthetic is applied. It comes in three forms: gel, spray and cream;
  • after anesthesia, thin punctures are made to inject paint under the skin;
  • Pigment is applied to the surface to be treated.

After completing the procedure

The first days become the most painful. After the procedure, the lips swell and crusts form on the skin, which indicate successful wound healing.

A week after cosmetic surgery, a white film (secondary crust) appears, which will peel off over time. After this, the lips acquire the appearance that their owner dreamed of.

Lip care after the procedure

Until the white film completely peels off, you should wash your face with warm boiled water, using. During the week, it is prohibited to consume spicy and salty foods and alcohol. You are not allowed to go swimming or visit the solarium or sauna. Neglecting these rules may lead to the risk of complications.

Contraindications and risk of possible complications

The most common disease that can arise as a result of tattooing is herpes. Such a nuisance appears on the body when a person’s immunity is weakened. By taking Acyclovir for several days before and after a cosmetic procedure, the occurrence of an unpleasant disease is excluded.

The procedure is contraindicated for the diseases listed below:

  1. Oncology.
  2. Poor blood clotting in the body.
  3. Mental illnesses.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver.
  7. Acne.
  8. Hepatitis and HIV.

If the preparation for tattooing was carried out correctly, the procedure was performed by a professional, and after completing the application of makeup, the lips were thoroughly cared for, then the effect will be noticeable for five years.

Service price

Judging by numerous reviews, prices for lips will depend on a number of factors:

  • the popularity of the beauty studio, as well as its pricing policy;
  • professionalism and popularity of the beauty salon worker;
  • technique that a woman will choose for tattooing.

It is necessary to make the right choice, analyze customer reviews about lip tattooing, and consult with friends who have already experienced this procedure. You should know all the details.

Based on reviews of permanent lip makeup, this is a real gift for modern women. This operation saves a lot of time. The appearance remains bright, and the effect of recently applied makeup is present for a long time.

The average price for permanent lip makeup is 18,000 rubles.

This is the second part of a photo report on how I did my lip tattoo. Correction.

4 weeks have passed since the first lip tattoo procedure. And I visited the master again to make a correction. Before correcting permanent makeup, you must wait 4 weeks for the color to fully settle and the lips to heal completely. In the photo below you can see how well the color came out after the first permanent makeup procedure. I have to say that I already really like everything. My lips look very natural, and at the same time I am ready to go out in public at any moment. But I was looking forward to the correction so that I could enjoy the final result 3-4 weeks after the correction.

And so - look at the photo. They put anesthetic cream on me and covered my lips with film.

Why under film? — I asked the master. Anesthesia will be better under the film, the master answered me. We discussed the resulting color and agreed that the color was excellent. It was decided not to change the color, but simply to saturate it.

First, the master corrected the contour with thinner needles. The master kindly washed me before the photo shoot. If you see yourself in the mirror while doing permanent makeup, you will be horrified! Your whole face will be covered in red stains! But don't worry, it's not blood! This is paint))) During the procedure, the face gets dirty with paint, but it washes off very well.

As you can see in the photographs, the master first applies permanent makeup on one lip and then moves on to the other. At this time, anesthesia is applied to the first one. So they alternately work with one lip, then with the other.

The anesthetic worked great and today I felt almost nothing. I almost dozed off.

Color shading is done with completely different needles:

The correction lasted 40 minutes, now I was again waiting for the healing process of permanent lip makeup!

In the photo below you can see my lips immediately after correction. Just like last time, they burned and hurt. On the way home, I stopped at the pharmacy and bought Ibuprofen to ease the pain after permanent makeup.

The good news is that this stage is very short-lived. Within two hours I felt relief and the swelling began to subside. 2 hours after the correction, I started caring for permanent makeup with a special cream, just like last time.

Photo the next morning after lip tattoo correction. Lips are sensitive. Although, I should note that they only really hurt for 2 hours after the procedure. The swelling subsided. The lips are treated with a special care cream.

Day 2 of lip tattoo healing:

When Sunday came, my lips were crusty again. On days 4 and 5, try to stay at home. It is very uncomfortable to appear in public like this.

Day 4 of lip tattoo healing:

At this time, it is very important to take care of permanent makeup with special ointments and creams, but do it carefully. The scabs should not come off before the skin underneath has healed! Since this will negatively affect the final result.
By Monday morning, the crusts were almost all gone.

Day 5 of lip tattoo healing:

This last piece fell off within an hour and I became the owner of very beautiful lips! Absolutely no makeup!
Now within 4 weeks the color will gain its saturation.

Permanent lip makeup solves four problems: saves time, visually increases volume, corrects asymmetry and adds brightness. There is no need to worry that by the end of the day the lipstick will disappear or “float” beyond the contours. No need to think about what

Permanent lip makeup solves four problems: saves time, visually increases volume, corrects asymmetry and adds brightness. There is no need to worry that by the end of the day the lipstick will disappear or “float” beyond the contours. Don't worry about your lips looking too pale in the photo. You can safely go to swimming pools and saunas.

Tattoo techniques

Fill color

It is made in one color and is divided into two types: dense and translucent.

Dense creates a lipstick effect; bright pigments are used in the work. Translucent is matched to the color of the lips and looks more natural - it is used to fill in gaps and achieve symmetry without disturbing the natural look.

Volume technique (“ombre”)

Several colors are used - the master creates a gradient shaded from light to dark. Due to its volume and appearance, this technique is also called 3D tattooing.

Contour stroke

An outdated type of tattoo: if you make a contour darker than the natural color of the lips, it looks unnatural and vulgar. The correct option is to choose a tone-on-tone pigment and shade it. Lips will look natural, and possible asymmetry will be corrected.

How to prepare for a tattoo

In several days

  • Be sure to take medications for herpes on the lips - Acyclovir or Valtrex. After the procedure, immunity decreases slightly; cells rush to “repair” wounds on the skin. If you periodically get colds on your lips, most likely it will appear after tattooing. The pigment will take root worse and will take longer to heal. Therefore, be sure to take Acyclovir - herpes will not bother you, and the tattoo will heal correctly.
  • Do not sunbathe 3-5 days before the session, either in a solarium or under the sun. After sunbathing, the skin is a little irritated and weakened, not the best time for interventions.
  • Do not take alcohol, aspirin-containing drugs or vasodilators during the day. If neglected, the blood will clot worse and flow more strongly, and the procedure itself will become more painful. For the same reason, it is better to avoid tattooing in the first days of menstruation.

During the session

  • Make sure that the master’s office is clean, the instruments are sterilized, and the needles and gloves are only disposable. We take this seriously in our studio; we talk about sanitary standards in this article.
  • Agree on the shape of your lips with the specialist and check how your face looks: move your lips, fold them into a tube, smile.
  • Don't worry about the pain! Before the session, anesthetic cream is applied for 15-20 minutes. Lip tattooing is not a very pleasant procedure, but everyone’s pain threshold is different.

How to care

  • Take Acyclovir or Valtrex tablets for 5 days after the session. Do not use Zovirax cream or ointments containing antibiotics, hormones or other healing stimulants. Due to their composition, these medications “pull out” the pigment, and the tattoo heals worse.
  • Apply cosmetic Vaseline to your lips 3-5 times a day until complete healing.
  • Avoid lipstick, foundation, and powder around your lips until they heal. Also during this time, baths, saunas, solariums and long baths are prohibited - tattoos cannot be steamed.

After the procedure, we issue a reminder - it says how to care for it, what medications to take and what not to visit. You definitely won't get confused!

You can't get a tattoo if you have

    Herpes on the lip in the active stage (watery blisters);

    Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;

    Serious heart disease;

    Any acute viral or bacterial infection;

    HIV, AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases;

    Any severe chronic diseases (for example, tuberculosis);

Provides women with a well-groomed appearance around the clock and significantly saves time when applying decorative cosmetics. It helps correct the shape of the lips, making them more symmetrical and voluminous. The quality and durability of tattooing depends on the materials used and the skills of the artist.

Is it worth doing permanent makeup?

The described technique of introducing pigment into the skin has serious advantages:

  • correction of the shape, contours and size of the lips;
  • camouflage, moles or other minor defects in the treatment area;
  • resistance to moisture, solar radiation and any mechanical influences (kissing, eating food or drinks, friction);
  • hypoallergenic;
  • the ability to give the skin a richer and brighter color.

Permanent lip makeup is not without its disadvantages:

  • the risk of viral or bacterial infection during the procedure;
  • the need to regularly renew the pigment;
  • high cost of manipulation;
  • rehabilitation period, during which the lips swell and become covered with unaesthetic crusts.

It is important to immediately contact a highly qualified and certified master; an inexperienced and inept cosmetologist can ruin the tattoo. An incorrectly chosen shade or a crookedly filled contour will have to be redone, and the correction costs additional money and its results may differ significantly from the original wishes.

Types of permanent lip makeup

The art of micropigmentation is constantly being improved, and new types of dye injection are being developed. They are selected in accordance with the woman’s wishes and the required results after the manipulation. Permanent lip tattooing is classified into the following forms:

  • watercolor technique;
  • outline stroke;
  • shading;
  • Lip tattoo 3D technique.

Recently, another type of procedure has gained popularity - light kajal. It involves filling the outline with white or neutral flesh color. This tattooing technique helps, without injections of gel or botulinum toxin, to give lips a seductive appearance, making them larger and plumper. Light kajal is suitable only for ideal mouth shapes without asymmetry or noticeable defects.

The type of paint injection being considered involves a special technique of driving pigment under the skin. The master carefully works with a needle all the folds and smooth epidermis, but not pointwise, but with thin small strokes of different directions. This is the most natural lip tattoo, it looks very natural and fresh. Using this micropigmentation technology, you can make your own color brighter and more saturated or give your skin a completely different, spectacular shade.

Previously, lining was replaced by women, which is why they had to always use lipstick of the same tone. Modern tattooing techniques have significantly improved and help to correct or emphasize the contour of the lips - permanent makeup is performed in a shade identical to natural skin. Thanks to this micropigmentation, you can slightly increase the size of your lips and emphasize their shape.

Some artists offer partially shaded lip contour tattooing; the natural color is “stretched” in short strokes by 2-3 mm to the center of the mouth. This approach adds volume and visually makes the lips plumper and more sensual. It can be successfully combined with other spectacular paint injection techniques, watercolor micropigmentation or ombre.

The described technique involves covering the entire surface of the skin with one color. Lip tattoo with shading provides:

  • correction of the shape of the mouth;
  • masking defects and asymmetries;
  • changing the color of the lips, giving them saturation and brightness;
  • emphasizing natural shade;
  • additional volume.

Shaded lip tattooing can be done simultaneously with contouring. The combination of these techniques helps fill the skin with beautiful pigment and emphasize the shape of the mouth. Their combined use is recommended for women who want to make their lips visually larger and plumper. If a light kajal tattoo is applied at the same time, the contour can be “raised” by 2-3 mm.

Experienced artists practice progressive micropigmentation using the ombre technique. Another name is 3D permanent lip makeup. Tattooing is carried out in 2-3 stages due to the difficulty of clogging the skin. The lightest pigment is injected in the center of the mouth. The periphery of the lips is filled in with watercolors. To create a 3D effect, a tattoo specialist combines different shades (3-5 colors from the same range) and introduces them with short, multi-directional strokes. The outline and 2-3 mm around it are filled with the darkest paint.

Permanent lip makeup - contraindications

You will have to temporarily postpone the tattoo procedure in the following cases:

  • critical days or premenstrual period;
  • increased body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • any infectious diseases;
  • damage to the skin of the mouth (especially if watercolor tattooing or shading is planned);
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • relapse of herpes;
  • inflammation in the mouth.

Lip tattooing is absolutely contraindicated in the following situations:

  • oncological diseases;
  • severe psychosomatic disorders;
  • low blood ability to;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • history of HIV or AIDS;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • acute leukemia;
  • diabetes;
  • moles at the injection site (preliminary consultation with a dermatologist is required).

How is permanent lip makeup done?

The cosmetic manipulation in question is performed identically to a classic tattoo. The master injects the pigment under the skin using a thin and short needle. Natural lip tattooing involves the use of only organic dyes that do not cause allergies or provoke inflammatory processes. An additional difference between micropigmentation and classic tattooing is the shallower depth of needle insertion.

Is it painful to do permanent makeup?

On the eve of the procedure, the skin is necessarily treated with local anesthetics, but they do not completely eliminate the discomfort. The degree of pain depends on the technique used to tattoo the lips and the threshold of sensitivity. If only the circuit is clogged, the client feels a little uncomfortable, but these sensations are short-lived and tolerable. The most pronounced discomfort is accompanied by natural lip tattooing with shading and micropigmentation using the 3D or ombre method.

You can reduce pain with the following medications:

  • Emla;
  • TKTX;
  • Lightdep;
  • Anestol;
  • Numb Deep and analogues.

The described manipulation involves causing microtrauma to sensitive skin, which significantly weakens local immunity. Proper lip care after permanent makeup helps prevent infection and inflammation and speed up the healing of the epidermis. Strict adherence to the recommendations of the tattoo artist ensures the desired result and a good aesthetic effect from micropigmentation.

Permanent lip makeup – post-procedure care:

How does permanent lip makeup heal?

Due to damage to the skin with a needle, small hematomas and wounds can form on the lips. It is important not to accidentally spoil your lip tattoo – healing is accompanied by the appearance of crusts that cannot be removed independently. They will gradually peel off and fall off over 7-14 days. Most women experience significant swelling after permanent lip makeup. This is a normal phenomenon, the swelling will disappear without a trace within a few days.

How is permanent makeup correction done?

After the first session of micropigmentation and complete healing of the skin, you need to visit the specialist again. Early correction of lip tattooing is needed to finalize the contour of the mouth, correct minor imperfections and obtain the desired result. Permanent makeup lasts 1-5 years, depending on the rate of skin renewal and personal characteristics. When the paint begins to fade and fade, you will have to do a (repeated) lip tattoo again. You can use the same pigment using the technique you like, or choose a completely different image and technique.

How to remove permanent makeup from lips?

If the result of the artist’s work is unsatisfactory or you simply don’t like the tattoo, you won’t be able to get rid of it right away. It is important to first wait until the skin is completely healed before visiting a qualified dermatologist's office. Only hardware can remove permanent lip makeup - tattoo removal is carried out using laser cosmetic devices. Over the course of 2-8 sessions, the upper layers of skin with pigment will be burned by radiation and gradually renewed.

Lip tattoo will make your face more expressive, it will save you from the daily procedure of applying makeup. But it’s not enough to just get a tattoo; caring for your lips afterwards is no less important. We will tell you exactly what lip care should be like after tattooing, the consequences using specific photo examples, the advantages and disadvantages of permanent makeup in this article.

What is permanent lip makeup?

This is a tattoo that is performed using special equipment and materials. But, unlike a classic tattoo, permanent makeup is performed using natural dyes based on herbs. Due to the natural ingredients, women are almost never allergic to the pigment.

Modern equipment makes it possible to perform the procedure with minimal pain, bloodlessly and quickly. To make it easier for women to undergo tattooing, the artist administers local anesthesia.

Today, tattooing and permanent lip treatments are becoming more and more popular. With it you can improve your appearance. Besides, Tattooing is often done:

  • to hide scars and defects;
  • in case of allergies to decorative cosmetics;
  • to correct the shape, expression and size of the lips.

Permanent tattooing is suitable for almost all girls and women of any age. With this makeup, your lips will be brighter and more beautiful.

Types of tattooing

Permanent tattooing can be performed using various technologies, it depends on what effect you want to achieve.

Contour with a little filling. This method is usually chosen by women who decide to add a little volume to their lips and at the same time maintain their natural color. This effect can be easily achieved using a bright outline and feather it a little downwards. The pigment is also applied to the corners of the lips, completely filling them, and closer to the center, the area of ​​filling decreases and is painted with light-colored paint.

3D tattooing is performed using different colors that harmoniously combine with each other, creating additional volume. This option is perfect for girls with thin lips.

Contour tattoo with full filling and shading. This method is quite popular for a number of reasons: symmetry, clear lines, the ability to change the shape of the lips, adding volume and naturalness. By playing with different shades, the artist will quickly and easily create a bright contour, and with the help of light shading will give the lips a natural look.

Light kajal- a type of tattoo when the outline is done with light colors to add a little volume to the lips and make them more prominent.

The simplest tattoo is considered to be a contour tattoo. Outwardly, it looks as if the lips were lined with an ordinary pencil. Taking into account the girl’s wishes and the shape of her lips, the contour can be wide, barely noticeable or thin. This type of makeup is usually chosen by women who are satisfied with the shape of their lips, but want to always be well-groomed and beautiful.

How to choose a lip shade?

Choosing a shade for a tattoo is very responsible and difficult occupation, which can only be handled by a highly qualified and experienced master. Every person just has their own skin tone. It can be warm or cold, depending on which substances are more abundant in the body. This is what determines what paints you need to choose, taking into account how they will manifest themselves in the future.

A professional master can easily select the necessary paints, taking into account the type of skin, as well as the general appearance of the girl, the color of her eyes and hair. It is necessary to add pigments of cool and dark tones carefully so that the lip shade blends harmoniously with the girl’s appearance. There is no need to select very dark and bright shades for tattooing, since smoothing out their color with the help of decorative cosmetics will be problematic and very difficult. You can choose your color by comparing the master’s work using the “before and after” photo of the procedure.

Permanent lip makeup procedure

Any woman, first of all, must decide what exactly her lips should look like after tattooing. If you have not yet decided, then in this case the master can recommend something, focusing on the wishes of the client and her lip shape.

Master at consultation choose the perfect shade and the method by which the tattoo will be performed so that the lips are more perfect and vibrant. Immediately before the procedure, the specialist will administer local anesthesia.

After the preparatory processes are completed, tattooing occurs. When performing the procedure, only sterile instruments and disposable needles are used. The duration of tattooing depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the type of permanent makeup.

When everything is complete, special antiseptic and healing drugs, and the master gives advice on lip care.

Lip recovery period after tattooing

Most women often ask the question, how long does a tattoo take to heal and how long does the recovery period last? As a rule, lips heal already on the 3rd or 5th day after tattooing.

On the first day, the girl will feel slight discomfort and swelling will appear on her lips. On the second or third day, colorful, bright crusts will appear, which the next day begin to fall off, and in no time the sponges will completely acquire an ideal appearance and be transformed.

Following all the advice of the master, the girl can safely attend events and parties already on the fifth day. Then, when all the crusts have passed, many girls want to see the result immediately, but in order for the pigment to be completely fixed and distributed, must pass at least a month, only after this can you clearly compare the before and after photos of your lips.

After tattooing, you need to lubricate your lips with wound-healing and moisturizing creams for 14 days and wash only with boiled water without using hygiene products. In addition, experts do not advise:

  • use cosmetics;
  • do facial depilation.
  • be in the sun for a long time;
  • visit baths and saunas;
  • remove the crusts yourself.

Care must be very thorough, since various complications may appear after the procedure.

Careful and proper care will prevent complications; you just need to treat your lips well with moisturizing and healing agents.

How long does permanent lip makeup last?

Many women often ask specialists questions about how long the pigment lasts and how often correction is necessary? According to experts, the tattoo will last approximately 4-5 years.

But it should also be noted that the duration of the effect also depends on the following points:

  • specialist qualifications;
  • quality of pigments;
  • time spent in the sun;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

Girls who have a very good metabolism may notice that their makeup will be paler after 3 years. If low-quality pigments are used, the paint will lose its shape within a few years, and the contours will need to be removed using a laser.

Permanent makeup at home

You can also easily and quickly perform tattooing at home. To do this, you just need to contact an experienced master who can do this procedure at home, and in terms of quality, the makeup will not be inferior to the salon. Benefits of tattooing at home:

  • the diligence of the master;
  • comfort;
  • individual approach.

In a beauty salon, as a rule, masters use a standard set of paints based on photos from various price lists in advertising magazines, but at home, the master tries to please the client and chooses a palette individually.

A specialist who does tattooing at home is particularly meticulous, since it is important for him to complete everything quickly and efficiently in order to provide himself with a clientele in the future.

Cozy and comfortable home environment conducive to relaxation and rest, so the process will not be so painful. Once the work is completed, you won’t have to worry about people noticing your swollen lips.

When choosing a master who will do tattooing at home, you need to pay attention to his experience, customer reviews, and compare “before and after” photos of his work. The equipment must be sterile and modern, and the pigments must be of high quality.

Every woman decides for herself where exactly to get tattooed. This may be a nice salon or a home environment.


Permanent makeup is a universal procedure; it is suitable for women of any age, but tattooing contraindicated in certain diseases:

Lip tattooing is the ideal solution for girls who want to look well-groomed and beautiful all the time. Any volume, color and correction of lip shape - all this can be done thanks to a large assortment of coloring pigments and modern professional equipment.

Permanent lip makeup

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