What should you eat every 2 hours? Diet menu by the hour - eating according to a schedule for weight loss. How to save your results

An original approach to the problem excess weight suggests the author of the “Every 2 hours” diet. The weight loss method is ideal for those who like to eat often. The system assumes 8 meals a day, ensures a loss of 3-5 kg ​​per week and develops the correct habit of eating smaller meals.

The credo of the diet is to eat every 2 hours, which corresponds to the rules of fractional meals. The daily food marathon of 8 meals starts at 7:00 and ends at 21:00. There is no specific menu, but you will have to give up “empty” useless calories.

The benefits of fractional meals for weight loss and the body as a whole have been proven repeatedly:

  • Frequent meals with an equal intake of calories help you avoid hunger and evening overeating.
  • Small portions help reduce stomach volume and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Blood sugar levels are normalized.
  • Psychological calm: when a person knows that in 2 hours he will have another meal, he no longer overeats and panic attacks do not occur.

For the clock diet to be effective, you must adhere to several rules:

  • Strictly observe two-hour intervals.
  • Portions should be small with a calorie content of 100-220 kcal.
  • Drink water before or after meals, but under no circumstances wash it down with food.
  • Avoid fast food, deep-fried foods, baked goods, and cakes.

Pros and cons of the one-hour diet

Frequent meals develop correct eating behavior. With a well-designed menu, the diet will not harm your health. The ability to plan a menu depending on your financial status and gastronomic preferences is an undoubted advantage of the hourly weight loss system.

The biggest disadvantage of the diet is frequent meals, which is sometimes simply impossible for busy working people. Not every office welcomes a lady chewing something every 2 hours.

At first, it can be difficult to figure out how to correctly create a menu so as not to exceed the daily caloric intake and maintain a balance between the components necessary for the body.

Hour diet menu

One of the options to lose weight on an hourly diet is to create a balanced nutrition plan yourself and gradually lose weight by 4-5 kg ​​per month. For those in need of quick results, an hourly rotation system is offered:

  • 5 days of fasting;
  • 10 days - regular meals at intervals of 2 hours. Only fried and sweet foods are excluded from the diet.

Approximate fasting day menu:

1st option2nd option3rd option
7:00 A cup of natural coffee without sugar.A mug of green tea.A glass of milk.
9:00 100 g cottage cheese with berries.A portion of oatmeal.1 fresh or boiled carrot with 1 spoon of sour cream
11:00 Grapefruit.Orange.Green apple.
13:00 Vegetable soup.100 g boiled veal, 1 grain toast.100 g vegetable salad and 100 g steamed fish.
15:00 1 chicken egg or 2 quail eggs.100 g low-fat cheese.100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
17:00 Beet and carrot salad.Cabbage salad.Spring salad of cucumbers or radishes.
19:00 10 pieces. pre-soaked prunes.8-10 pcs. dried apricots.Orange.
21:00 A glass of kefir with 0% fat content.A glass of rosehip infusion.A glass of water with squeezed lemon.

For 5 such fasting days, a loss of 4-5 kg ​​is possible. Then a 10-day break is taken, during which fractional meals continue, but without such strict restrictions. If necessary, the cycle resumes again.

Nowadays there are a huge number of different weight loss methods, but most people find it quite difficult to part with their usual foods. Almost all of our problems with overweight directly related to the fact that we eat food incorrectly. After all, most often we eat where we have to and when we have to, not to mention the quality of the products we eat.

The clock diet helps eliminate these shortcomings, because its menu is strictly regulated. But only those who have a strong will and a great desire to achieve their goal can sustain such a diet.

Those who followed this diet write in their reviews of the diet by the hour that the main thing is not to skip meals, otherwise you will never lose weight. Today we will tell you who is suitable for eating by the hour, what advantages this diet has, we will give a diet menu every two hours, and we will explain the principles of the diet by the hour.

Who is suitable for eating by the hour?

Judging by the reviews, the diet by the hour is suitable for punctual and pedantic people who know how to organize their lives. Nutritionists say that you can eat this way for a long time. If you follow all the rules, the visible result will be noticeable within a month and a half.

Although following such a diet, weight comes off very gradually, but with strict adherence, you can lose seven to eight extra pounds. In addition, the lost kilograms will not return if you do not abuse sweet or fatty foods.

According to nutritionists, the clock diet is ideal for those people whose weight is slightly higher than normal. If your weight is far from normal, then this diet is unlikely to be effective.

Advantages of eating by the hour

The clockwise diet has many advantages:

  1. Blood sugar levels are normalized, some diseases of the digestive tract disappear;
  2. If you follow a diet every hour, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of foods - the body does not have time to produce hunger hormones, and small portions of food are enough to satiate.
  3. With such nutrition, organization is developed, disturbed metabolism is normalized;
  4. A person can select products according to his taste.

The essence of the diet after 2 hours

The diet consists of eight meals. This method of losing weight is designed for five days, after which you can eat as usual for ten days. In your diet, you need to limit the amount of sweet and flour products, but if you want, the diet menu by the hour can be supplemented with fruit sugar and diet bread. If you choose this method of losing weight, you can lose one or two kilograms in a week.

There are various diet menu options after 2 hours. First, let's look at the classic version:

  • 7.00 - coffee or tea without sugar;
  • 9.00 - grated carrots, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • 11.00 - any fruit;
  • 13.00 - 100 g of lean boiled meat with a slice of whole grain bread with butter;
  • 15.00 - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese and two hard-boiled eggs;
  • 17.00 - salad of fresh or boiled vegetables;
  • 19.00 - ten dried fruits, soaked in boiling water;
  • 21.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Now we present a rather unusual version of the diet menu by the hour:

  • 7.00 - 100 g of oatmeal, a glass of skim milk, one pear (apple) and half a grapefruit;
  • 8.30 - physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  • 9.00 - fresh fruit (100 g);
  • 11.00 - vegetable soup;
  • 12.00 - exercises to strengthen the abs and leg muscles;
  • 13.00 - vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice, two slices of whole grain bread, a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt, 25 grams of hard cheese;
  • 15.00 - a sprig of celery or parsley, a glass of still mineral water;
  • 17.30 - a glass of fruit and berry compote;
  • 19.00 - vegetable salad, a piece of lean beef (chicken or fish), kefir, low-fat yogurt;
  • 19.30 - squats, exercises for the abdominal muscles;
  • 22.00 - pear or slice of melon, green or black tea without sugar.

The duration of this diet is two to three weeks. Every week you can get rid of two to three kilograms of excess weight.

Diet rules every hour

The hourly diet is a specific nutrition system, when the daily diet must be divided into 10-12 meals so that no more than 1200 kcal are obtained per day.

Below we will provide a list to make it easier to navigate the choice of products, and eat 100 kcal every hour:

  • meat and eggs: pork or beef (80 g), lean cod (150 g), fatty sturgeon (50 g), three slices of sausage, one centimeter thick, one egg, two sausages;
  • dairy products - a glass of milk, cottage cheese (25-50 g), sour cream (4-5 tablespoons), cream (half a glass). A glass of kefir, cheese (two thin slices), yogurt (one hundred grams);
  • cabbage (1 kg), two potatoes, 3-4 carrots, two potatoes, one beet, three onions;
  • one small banana, one orange, four tangerines, one pear, one grapefruit, 25 grapes;
  • bread: a small portion of pasta or noodles, any porridge cooked in water (five to six tablespoons), boiled beans, peas (3-4 tablespoons);
  • sweets: condensed milk, jam (two to three tablespoons), 5 teaspoons of sugar, ice cream (50-70 g), dried apricots, prunes or dates (3-4 pieces);
  • any nuts (two tablespoons);
  • sauces: butter or margarine (15 g), lard (10 g), vegetable oil (1 tbsp.).

If on normal days you cannot eat according to the schedule, then follow the diet by the hour during the holidays. Even if you eat this way for about a week, you will still notice improvements, because this method of losing weight, designed for a separate product, helps our body effectively absorb all the useful components.

If you suffer from an unhealthy habit - overeating, think about it: maybe you start eating while your stomach has not yet coped with the previous dose of food?

Different foods require different “attention” from our digestive system. What happens to food after we swallow it? In order for food to benefit a person and provide the necessary energy, it must turn into chemical elements, which the body then absorbs.

This process begins in the mouth, when saliva dissolves and teeth grind food. Later, in the stomach, it is attacked by acid and gastric juices. After leaving the stomach, food enters the intestines, where it continues to interact with gastric juice. Then it is absorbed through the capillaries into the blood passing through the liver - thousands of enzymes located there neutralize any poison (such as alcohol, for example), while preserving useful iron, vitamins and glucose.

More specifically, all food can be divided into 4 categories according to the time it is digested in our stomach:

– food that passes quickly (this is mainly carbohydrate food)
– average digestion time (this is mainly protein food)
– food of long digestion (this includes fatty foods and a combination of fatty and protein foods)
– food takes too long to digest and is practically indigestible.

To the first category include: almost all fruits (with the exception of bananas, avocados and the like), vegetable and fruit juices (not mixed), berries, kefir. All of the above products do not stay in our stomach for more than 1 hour. For example, fruits pass into the intestines from the stomach within 40–45 minutes. In some situations, it can take 35–40 minutes.

To the second category may include: vegetables, herbs, dairy products with the exception of cottage cheese and hard cheese, sprouts, soaked nuts and seeds, all dried fruits. All of them enter our intestines in approximately 1.5–2 hours.

To the third category belong to: porridges and cereals, nuts and seeds that are not pre-soaked in water, cottage cheese and hard cheese, all types of mushrooms, legumes (if they are boiled), baked goods made from premium flour. Their residence time in the stomach is 2–3 hours from the moment they arrive.

And finally Group 4 includes: tea with milk, coffee with milk (more than 9 hours or not digested at all!), pasta (except for those made from whole grain flour or durum wheat flour), all types of canned food. All products from group 4 are very difficult to digest, or are practically not digested at all.

What conclusion can we draw now, guided by information about how long food is digested in the stomach? Everything is very simple:

– If you want to be healthy, you don’t have to stick to a diet, you just need to eat as many foods as possible that are digested in a short period of time. Thus, you protect your digestive system, and the body spends less energy on its processing.
– Avoid or eat to a minimum those foods that belong to category 4.
– If you have stomach or intestinal problems, eat only food from categories 1 and 2.

Digestion time in the stomach

After lunch, food is digested in the stomach for two to four hours, after which it enters the small intestine, where the digestion process lasts another four to six hours, after which the food passes into the large intestine, where it can remain for about another fifteen hours.

If you drink water on an empty stomach, the water immediately passes into the intestines.

Juices and salads
– Fruit juices, vegetable juices and broths are digested in 15-20 minutes
– Semi-liquid (mashed salad, vegetables or fruits) 20-30 minutes


– Watermelon is digestible in 20 minutes
– Melons - 30 minutes
– Oranges, grapefruits, grapes - 30 minutes
– Apples, pears, peaches, cherries and other semi-sweet fruits - 40 minutes

– Mixed salads (vegetables and fruits) are digested within 20-30 minutes
– Raw mixed vegetable salads - tomatoes, lettuce (Romaine, Boston, red, leaf, garden), cucumber, celery, green or red pepper, other juicy vegetables are digested within 30-40 minutes
– If vegetable oil is added to the salad, the time increases to more than an hour
– Steamed or boiled vegetables, as well as leafy vegetables - spinach, endive, kale - 40 minutes
– Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin, corn on the cob - 45 minutes
– Root vegetables - turnips, carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, etc. - 50 minutes

Semi-concentrated carbohydrates - starches
– Artichoke, acorns, corn, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, yams, chestnuts - 60 minutes
– Starchy foods, such as cracked rice, buckwheat, millet, corn flour, oatmeal, quinoa, Abyssinian broom, pearl barley, are digested on average in 60-90 minutes

Concentrated carbohydrates - cereals
– Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, corn flakes, oats (the first 3 are best) - 90 minutes

Beans and legumes (Concentrated carbohydrates and protein, starches and proteins)
– Lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, peas, beans and beans - 90 minutes
– Soybeans - 120 minutes

Nuts and seeds
– Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pepita, sesame seeds - about 2 hours
– Nuts - almonds, filberts, peanuts (raw), cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans - 2.5-3 hours

– Skim milk, low-fat cottage cheese, ricotta, low-fat cottage cheese or cream cheese about 90 minutes
– Whole milk cottage cheese - 120 minutes
– Hard cheese made from whole milk - 4-5 hours

Animal proteins
– Egg yolk - 30 minutes
– Egg (completely) - 45 minutes
– Fish - cod, scrod, flounder, sole seafood - 30 minutes
– Fish - salmon, trout, herring, fattier fish - 45-60 minutes
– Chicken - 1-2 hours (without skin)
– Turkey - 2 hours (without skin)
– Beef, lamb - 3-4 hours
– Pork - 4-5 hours

Warm food in the stomach is digested for about 2-3 hours and only after that it enters the small intestine, where the stage of breakdown of nutrients from food continues.

Two to three hours is the optimal time for digesting food in the stomach and breaking down proteins. This is the norm, since when undigested proteins enter the small intestine, the fermentation process begins.

Cold food in the stomach is digested much faster: proteins do not have time to be digested normally and are sent straight to the small intestine, the function of which is based on the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, since it is in it that the bacteria responsible for this “event” are located.

As a result of undigested food in the stomach (proteins) entering the small intestine, proteins, of course, are not absorbed normally. In addition, bacteria living in meat products (proteins) begin to multiply, which leads to various types discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, gas, constipation, etc.).

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


If a person lives according to a clear schedule and knows how to organize his daily life, for productive weight loss he will be suitable for a diet by the clock, which provides for a strict regime and proper food. Not everyone can strictly adhere to such a nutritional system, however, by choosing this method for correcting excess weight, the daily routine will become the basis for quickly achieving your goal. The chronodiet in modern dietetics is considered one of the most effective and enjoys noticeable popularity among the masses.

What is a diet by the clock

This is a reliable method to lose weight quickly and noticeably. The result is not noticeable immediately, but after a month the number of problem areas of the figure will be reduced significantly. Meals by the hour for weight loss include up to 8 daily meals, the intake of which must be organized every 2 hours throughout the day. The serving sizes are fractional, so it wouldn’t hurt to slightly reduce the total calorie content of the dishes. To eat right and lose weight, you will have to completely give up “empty” calories. Eating every 2 hours for weight loss soon becomes the norm of everyday life and develops into a good habit for a person.

Who is it suitable for?

Not all interested parties can eat according to this principle, so the diet by the hour is suitable only for certain people who want to lose extra pounds. If a person is organized and punctual by nature, eating on time for weight loss does not cause melancholy or depression in his mind. In addition, some kind of persistence is necessary, since changes in the figure that are noticeable to others begin only 1-1.5 months after the start. Having an hourly daily routine, the fat layer dissolves almost before your eyes, and your overall well-being improves.


A timed diet for weight loss initially creates an overall impression of being overwhelming, but over time it develops in a person the habit of eating frequently. So, in a month you can completely get rid of 7-8 kg, and overweight does not return to its original places. If you eat often, you can highlight several important benefits for your own health and grace:

  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • treatment and improvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gradual reduction in the total calorie content of food;
  • normalization of impaired metabolism;
  • large assortment of food products.


When choosing a diet for weight loss by the hour, it is important to consider the correct ratio of proteins, fats (lipids) and carbohydrates; evenly distribute the load on the organs of the digestive system. We are not talking about a week of diet, but about a month or longer to significantly improve and transform your own figure. So that nutrition is rational, and the use of a diet by the hour is as productive as possible in the most as soon as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The minimum duration of the diet is 1 month, but modern nutritionists strongly recommend continuing to eat strictly according to the clock. It is important to drink water regularly and avoid extremely unwanted dehydration.
  2. It is recommended to eat according to this food system for 5 days, after which you should stick to your usual diet for another 10 days. However, during the specified period of time, it is recommended to limit the consumption of flour and sweets.
  3. After the end of the first break, you need to again stay on a two-hour diet for 5 days, and then relax again for 10 days. If you follow this regimen, you will lose up to 2 kg of excess weight in a week.

The diet can last for six days, but it is important to carefully monitor your condition and not overdo it with the diet. Judging by the reviews, a person who is losing weight does not feel hungry because he is constantly “feeding” his stomach and nourishing his brain. You can highlight the main meals - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner, plus additional snacks, since you are supposed to eat every two hours. So, it is advisable to organize the first meal at 7 a.m., and the last at 10 p.m. Do not deviate from the schedule, otherwise there will definitely be no point in the diet.

Meal schedule

It is important to control not only food, but also drinking in order to completely prevent dehydration. Treat drinks selectively, for example, it is better to replace harmful soda green tea or herbal decoction. The diet should contain natural and healthy foods; it is advisable to completely exclude preservatives and semi-finished products. On the Internet you can find a special table that reflects not only the acceptable daily menu, but also the food consumption schedule. There are three permitted options - in an hour, in two and three hours.

Each hour

If you decide to eat every hour, it is important to control your daily calorie intake (kcal) and not exceed generally accepted limits. The optimal schedule is to eat meals every two hours, but if you shorten this time interval, then dilute it with the time you take liquid. For example, at 9.00 you can eat fresh fruit for breakfast, and at 10.00 drink a glass of water or other permitted liquid. Perform such alternations throughout the day, while not exceeding the permissible limits for caloric content of dishes.

Every 2 hours

If you eat on a diet every two hours, the range of permitted foods is wider. For example, for breakfast you can treat yourself to nutritious porridge, two hours later eat an apple or your favorite citrus fruit, and after another two hours prepare a portion of low-fat meat for lunch. It is recommended to eat at odd hours, starting from 7.00 in the morning and ending at 21.00 in the evening.

Every 3 hours

This weight loss system is also productive in practice, but is more consistent with the principles proper nutrition. To significantly speed up the results obtained from the diet, it is recommended to increase your physical activity. In between meals, you can perform simple abdominal exercises, cardio exercises, and remember the benefits of strength training elements.

Diet menu by hour

It is recommended to select a daily diet on a two-hour diet together with your doctor, and it is advisable to use the help of a registered nutritionist. It is important to take into account your own busyness at work, to gain time for a nutritious meal. A diet menu can get boring very quickly, so it’s better to prepare several optimal options for each day in advance. Below is the daily routine of a losing weight person, as well as the food items in his updated menu. So:

  • 7.00 – lean porridge with skim milk, unsweetened green apple.
  • 9.00 – 100 grams of cherries or plums.
  • 11.00 – green tea with crackers, mineral water.
  • 13.00 – vegetable or chicken broth without adding potatoes.
  • 15.00 – a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, two hard-boiled eggs.
  • 17.00 – vegetable salad, can be made from fresh or boiled vegetables.
  • 19.00 – dried fruits, nuts in the amount of 100 grams.
  • 21.00 – a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Video: diet by the clock for weight loss

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle lead to weight gain. To get slim again, you need to stick to the “Eat Every Two Hours” diet.

This is a unique technique: it is suitable for those who do not like the feeling of hunger and eat often. According to the program, food is taken up to 8 times a day, and this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body.

From our article you will learn the basic principles of the six-day “Eat Every 2 Hours” diet, what you can and cannot eat while following it, and how to create a healthy menu for every day.

Basic principles of proper (fractional) nutrition

To get rid of fat and achieve results, take into account diet principles:

  • You need to eat every two hours, starting from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. It turns out 8 techniques.
  • You need to give up fatty, high-calorie foods. Only healthy food is allowed.
  • The calorie content of one serving should not exceed 250 kcal.
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are prohibited; you need to drink plenty of water. Freshly squeezed juices and green tea are also acceptable.
  • Overeating is prohibited, portions should be small.

According to nutritionists, frequent snacking will help avoid hunger or overeating. Small portions will shrink your stomach and normalize your metabolism.

Such nutrition has a beneficial effect on the psychological state: it does not cause stress or irritability. The person feels great.

However, if a person has already followed this method before, you can use it for 10 days and get rid of even more extra pounds.

You cannot follow the diet for more than 10 days: it is an unbalanced diet, so if you use it for a long time, your well-being and the functioning of your digestive organs may worsen.

Its effect on the body

The technique helps to get rid of extra pounds, significantly reduces body fat. Thanks to small portions, the stomach becomes much smaller.

The person no longer feels a strong appetite and does not overeat. Frequent doses normalize metabolism and relieve abdominal discomfort and bloating.

The menu includes a lot of fruits and vegetables. They fill the body with vitamins and increase immunity. Such nutrition heals the entire body and improves well-being.

Pros and cons of the method for losing weight

Nutritionists highlight several benefits of the diet:

  • The ability to eat frequently, avoiding hunger strikes and stress.
  • The foundations of a healthy diet are formed.
  • Extra pounds disappear.
  • A varied menu that won’t get boring will make it easy to stick to your diet.

Disadvantages - the need to adapt to a new diet, refusal of usual dishes. You need to reduce portions and train yourself not to overeat. The first days of the diet may seem difficult.

Contraindications to this technique include: pregnancy, lactation, presence of chronic diseases.

If you have digestive diseases, you should first consult your doctor. He can make amendments to the menu.

Approximate diet for 6 days

Experts have compiled a menu that includes 8 techniques:

Diet day First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
7:00 OatmealRice porrigeBuckwheatCottage cheese with berriesFruit saladOatmeal with berries
9:00 PlumsHandful of cherriesGreen appleApricotPearGrapefruit
11:00 Green tea with a slice of cheeseDried fruits compoteKefirCabbage saladYogurtDried fruits compote
13:00 Vegetable brothChicken soupStewed cabbage with a piece of fishBroccoli with chicken piecesVegetable brothBuckwheat with turkey breast
15:00 Skim cheeseTwo boiled eggsKiwiApplesauceRyazhenkaCabbage salad
17:00 Salad of tomatoes and cucumbersBeet saladCarrot saladFruit saladBoiled egg with chicken breastCottage cheese casserole
19:00 Handful of dried fruitsNutsOrangeGreen tea with a spoon of honeyPeach pureeGreen apple
21:00 KefirYogurtDried fruits compoteYogurtKefirGreen tea

For breakfast, you should definitely prepare porridge, or cottage cheese or fruit salad to fill up and energize your body.

During the day you need to eat meat, fish with a side dish or vegetable broth. Boiled eggs, vegetable salads, and dairy products are great for dinner.

Porridge should be cooked in water. To make them tasty, fruits or berries are added to them. Salt and sugar are used in minimal quantities. The only sweets allowed are dried fruits and honey.

To become slim and lose excess weight, you need to remember important recommendations:

  • You should drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxins.
  • It is better to consume vegetables fresh, as they contain more vitamins and are more healthy.
  • Protein foods give you satiety, so you don’t need to give up meat and fish. At least once a day, such food is consumed along with a side dish.
  • Before going to bed, it is useful to drink kefir and fermented baked milk. They will saturate the body with useful substances and help you fall asleep.

The technique allows you to play sports, play, walk outdoors with friends. If a person is active during this period, he will be able to lose more kilograms.

The diet should be as varied as possible, alternate fruits, cereals, vegetables. This will increase the effectiveness of your weight loss program.

How to save your results

In 6 days you can lose 2-4 kg, in 10 days 3-7 kg. As a result, the fat layer will decrease, beautiful curves and slimness will appear.

If you visit the gym at the same time, your body will look even more toned and your skin will become elastic.

To maintain results you need to continue to eat right, avoid fried and fatty foods, semi-finished products, smoked foods.

A healthy diet will not only keep you slim and beautiful, but also make you feel great.

You can't give up sports, you need to exercise 2-3 times a week. This could be a visit to the gym, swimming pool, or yoga or aerobics classes.

The main thing is that training brings joy. Then an excellent result will not take long to arrive.

The clock diet has proven its effectiveness in practice. It allows you to eat a varied diet, without having to deal with hunger strikes and stress.

In just 6 days you can significantly reduce the amount of body fat, become healthier and more attractive.

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