How to lose weight quickly: effective ways to combat excess weight? Fighting excess weight with hardware methods

It has long been the problem of the century. Besides that excess weight It looks unsightly and is also hazardous to health. Therefore, the struggle for harmony is not only a fashionable trend, but also taking care of your own body.

In order to understand whether you really are overweight, which can be harmful to your health, you need to determine your body mass index.

To determine it, there is a formula by which you need to take your current weight, square the last value and divide by your height.

Thus, if the resulting value is in the range from 18.5 to 25, the weight is normal. If it is from 25 to 30 units, you need to take action and seek help from a professional nutritionist. An indicator exceeding 30 indicates a certain stage of obesity and then you cannot do without medical help at all.

But there is an unchanging and very effective one, without strict adherence to which it is impossible to achieve success. Here are the simple terms of this diagram.

  1. Reducing the total caloric intake of the daily diet.
  2. Increase physical activity.
  3. Improving food quality.
  4. Psychological attitude and motivation.
  5. Setting achievable goals in realistic periods of time. That is, move towards results slowly but surely.

Nutrition to combat excess weight

First of all, you need to start with nutrition. After all, this is a fundamental factor for the health of the body, ensuring its vital functions and losing weight, among other things.

Among the entire range of diets, you need to choose one that is not hungry and not too strict. After all, if you have excess weight that interferes with your quality of life, you need to lose weight gradually, without causing stress to your body.

Experts advise doctors' diets:

Mono-diets, in addition to being very effective, are also not at all hungry and provide a fairly wide range of dishes:

Ways to combat excess weight

So, we’ve decided on nutrition, now it’s time for sports. If your body mass index is 30 or higher, then you need to start training with the most minimal loads. After all, if you suddenly enter sports mode, you can achieve the opposite result. The body will experience stress and begin to accumulate fats and nutrients with renewed vigor.

After a month of such moderate exercise, you can go to the gym or. Don’t forget about small and free procedures for the health and beauty of your body.

  • will help improve blood circulation and heart function, and give elasticity to the skin.
  • Weekly body scrubs will improve general state skin and its color.
  • Different skin remains elastic and taut, and also removes excess fluid and toxins.

Among effective methods There are several tricks to fighting excess weight.

  1. Drink a glass of water before meals; this technique will prevent overeating.
  2. Always have breakfast no later than half an hour after waking up, this will help speed up your metabolism.
  3. You need to eat slowly and carefully, then the brain will more likely receive a signal of satiety and you will leave the dinner table full.
  4. Keep a weight loss diary and record the results with a camera. This will be your personal motivation, because after going such a long way, you won’t want to go back to the beginning.
  5. Accustom yourself to the idea that proper nutrition and exercise will become your way of life forever.

At first glance, the reason for obesity seems obvious: if you consume more calories than you burn in the process of life, you gain weight. But, as is often the case, the most obvious explanation is not always the most comprehensive.

Risk factors in the case of obesity can be: unfavorable genetic predisposition, socio-economic conditions, features (or disorders) of metabolic processes, and lifestyle can also play an important role. Some endocrine disorders, certain diseases and medications can also lead to severe weight gain and the beginning of the fight against obesity.

The most common causes of obesity

Genetics. Studies have shown that the predisposition to obesity is inherited. Your chances of being overweight increase by 25 percent if one or both of your parents are obese. Heredity also affects where fat accumulates most - on the hips or in the abdomen.

Metabolic disorders. We all spend energy differently. The course of metabolic processes and the functioning of hormonal secretions are individual for everyone, but these are one of the determining factors in the issue of gaining excess weight. Recent research demonstrates how levels of ghrelin, a peptide hormone known to regulate appetite, and other peptides, both create feelings of hunger in us and signal satiety.

Lifestyle - The habit of overeating combined with a sedentary lifestyle contributes to obesity. Everything can be changed by choosing one way of life or another. If you go on a diet where a higher percentage of your calories come from sugary, high-fat, refined foods, you are likely to gain weight. As modern families are less and less able to find time to quietly gather around the dining table for a meal, people are looking for inexpensive ways to relieve hunger during the day, and most find a solution to the problem in such high-calorie and unnatural foods and drinks as fast food.
Add to this the lack of regular physical activity, and now an adult has a problem - it is difficult for him to start fighting obesity, maintain an optimal weight or lose extra pounds. For children, risk factors will be ways of spending time that do not consume energy, for example, sitting in front of the TV or at the computer.

Goal setting in the fight against obesity

The most important part of any program to combat obesity is proper goal setting. Yes, you can lose weight for pleasure public opinion or to keep up with fashion, but it may be more important to consider that losing just 5 to 10 percent of excess weight will have a significant positive impact on your overall health.

It's hard to find two people who are exactly alike, so it's important to come up with a weight loss plan that works for you. The question is whether it would be right for you to lose 0.5-1 kg per week or is it better to take your time and strive for 0.3 kg in the same period. At the same time, even a more gentle option for combating obesity means that in a year you lose about 11 kg, and if you stick to this course for more than three years, you will reach about 35-36 kg. No matter what anti-obesity program or obesity treatment plan you choose, not rushing will be more effective and healthier in the long run because rapid weight loss often results in rapid return of the lost pounds.

There are five main methods for treating obesity and weight problems: diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, non-surgical treatment and finally surgery.

Diet for obesity - effective programs to combat excess weight

Fad diets appear and disappear from the pages of fashion magazines. Some of them, such as low-calorie, high-protein or low-fat diets, may have the desired effect here and now, but they can also threaten your health in the long term. In fact, the most effective long-term weight loss programs rely heavily on the principle of limiting the number of calories consumed while increasing daily physical activity so that the body spends more than it receives and the fight against obesity is effective.

Fasting can lead to rapid weight loss, but both muscle mass and fat are lost. It makes sense to resort to so-called “liquid” diets, which can only be followed under the supervision of a doctor. short period time, as a cleansing of toxins, for example. But you shouldn’t expect long-term results from them.

Fad diets that have not been labeled by doctors as posing an immediate threat to the body's health are still not a healthy solution to the problem of obesity. However, if you follow certain dietary recommendations, they can lead to weight loss and weight loss.

But in order to lose weight and, most importantly, maintain this result, instead of looking for another miracle “diet,” try to create an individual nutrition plan. An anti-obesity plan tailored to your personal eating habits will have a greater chance of not only being successful, but also providing lasting results. A balanced diet that limits calorie intake to 1,200 to 1,400 for women and 1,500 to 1,800 for men should do the trick. A professional nutritionist can help you create a personalized diet plan based on your specific situation.

Eat a varied diet!

Not all fats are bad. We know that polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats provide health benefits, such as helping to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. That is, nuts, seeds and certain types of oils, such as olive, safflower and canola, deserve a place of honor in your healthy eating plan.

Opt for unrefined foods like brown rice and whole grain bread, and leave white rice and muffins on the counter. Whole grain foods will give you more nutrients and gut-healthy fiber. The body digests rougher, unprocessed, overly processed foods more slowly, which means they will not contribute to sudden spikes in insulin in the blood. This means that attacks of hunger and the ineradicable desire to “chew something again” will remain a thing of the past.

Make it a habit to include at least five servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. This variety will provide your body with the full range of types of nutrients it needs.

When dining out, don't try to eat everything on your plate; ask the waiter to take away what you haven't eaten, and avoid ordering large portions. Often, portions in cafes or restaurants are too large for one person, so invite a friend to share a portion for two or order an appetizer instead of a main course.

Read labels when buying prepared foods at the supermarket. Pay close attention to the number of servings contained in one container and the serving size. If the label says a serving is 150 calories and the package contains three servings, keep in mind that if you eat the entire contents of the container, you will be consuming as much as 450 calories.

Exercises to combat obesity

If you are obese, physical activity is vital because it will help you maintain and increase muscle mass while losing fat stores. And because muscle tissue requires a higher metabolic rate and burns calories faster, as long as you eat healthy foods according to a smart nutrition plan, exercise speeds up your weight loss process.

Exercise lowers blood pressure and can help prevent type 2 diabetes. An active lifestyle can also improve your emotional well-being, reduce your appetite, solve sleep problems, increase flexibility, and lower your blood cholesterol.

Walking is a great option for obese people. Walking should start off as a light activity, say 30 minutes a day a few times a week, and gradually increase to longer daily hikes.

Consult your physician before following any exercise program.

Lifestyle changes for obesity

Most of us are accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle, and the transition to physical activity is associated with certain problems. To the office - by car, at work - sitting motionless at a desk. The habit of spending all your free time in front of the TV screen or at the computer can also contribute to the development of a sedentary lifestyle.

There are simple steps you can take to increase your daily activity levels. Remember, even the little things matter!

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • Park your car at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the store or office.
  • Get off the bus one stop early on the way home if possible.
  • Turn off the TV or video games and go into the garden, grab a rake and tidy up leafy walkways or wash your car. Just take a walk and get some fresh air!
  • Find active ways to spend time that you and your whole family enjoy, such as tennis, roller skating, or camping.
  • Simply by taking a critical look at your daily routine, you can find ways to carve out more time for physical activity each day beyond your mandatory fitness routine.
  • Perhaps your place of work is not conducive to maintaining excellent physical shape. However, there are positive changes that are easy to make part of your daily routine in any conditions:
    • Bring healthy snack options, such as sliced ​​fruits and vegetables, so you can always have them on hand when hunger strikes.
    • Avoid going to office parties and get-togethers on an empty stomach—plan ahead to avoid the temptation to binge on high-calorie treats like birthday cake and sweets.

Treatment of obesity without surgery

If your own efforts to lose weight have been unsuccessful and/or if there are underlying health problems that are preventing you from losing weight, it is worth contacting your doctor. Possible treatment may include:

  • Drug treatment of obesity-related health problems.
  • Implementing certain changes to improve eating habits and increase activity levels.
  • Therapy to address any eating disorders (medication may also be required).

Surgical treatment of obesity

Surgery to treat obesity (bariatric surgery) is the only option available today that is effective in combating morbid obesity in people for whom more traditional measures such as diet, exercise and medications have not been effective. Potential candidates for surgery include:

  • People with a BMI over 40
  • Men who are 100 pounds (45 kg) over the recommended body weight, or women who are 80 pounds (36.2 kg) over the recommended body weight.
  • Individuals with a BMI of 35-40 who have underlying medical conditions such as obesity-related type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or cardiovascular disease.

Obesity due to compulsive overeating

All of the above methods of combating excess weight may not give good results, if the root of the problem is eating disorders. In such cases, a slightly different technique is needed, which includes, first of all, psychotherapy under the guidance of a competent specialist.

Compulsive overeating has the same nature as bulimia - it is an eating disorder. However, if with bulimia a person artificially induces vomiting after eating or abuses laxatives to get rid of what he has eaten, this does not happen in this case. A person simply consumes an excessively large amount of food in a short period of time, “eating” negative emotions, stress and depression. Binge eating disorder (BED) is treated in the same way as bulimia and other eating disorders, with an emphasis on psychotherapy as the main component of successful treatment. Although there are many different techniques, it is always recommended to start by seeing an experienced therapist who specializes in treating eating disorders. Evaluation and supervised drug treatment are also part of the standard approach to managing BED. A medical examination is carried out to identify possible health problems associated with the underlying disease and to select the optimal treatment program.

Psychotherapy for compulsive overeating disorder

Psychotherapy is the most common treatment for eating disorders and, according to research, the most effective. Psychotherapy may take some time and require certain financial costs, but it will help not only solve the problem of painful overeating and, as a result, excess weight, but also improve emotional health and help improve the quality of life in general. The focus of psychotherapeutic treatment is to identify, address, and prevent relapse of the underlying emotional and cognitive disturbances that led to the onset of the compulsive disorder.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy for obesity

This approach helps identify and correct dysfunctional thought patterns that trigger and perpetuate unhealthy food abuse. In other words, a person is helped to understand, identify and change his irrational thoughts (the “cognitive” part of consciousness), which, in turn, directly affect behavior (for example, encouraging healthy eating through proper goal setting, a reward system, etc.).

If you have an eating disorder, treatment will be given over a period of time with specific goals in mind. As with any other psychotherapy, sessions can be conducted either on an outpatient basis (once a week) or in a hospital setting.

CPT will help a person with compulsive overeating disorder break their unhealthy eating patterns, adjust their habits, and learn to avoid situations that may trigger the craving for overeating. In parallel, therapy helps the patient find healthier ways to cope with stress.

How to prevent obesity

Obesity is a chronic disease affecting an increasing number of children, adolescents and adults.

Experts are seeing the onset of type 2 diabetes earlier in life (usually a disease seen in adults), as well as obesity-related cardiovascular disease and depressive disorders in children and adolescents. The longer a person suffers from obesity, the more significant the risk factors associated with it become. Given the chronic diseases and conditions associated with excess body weight, and the fact that obesity is difficult to treat, prevention is extremely important.

The main reason why obesity prevention is especially important for children is that the likelihood of obesity after reaching a certain age in children with excess weight problems is expected to increase from 20% at age four to 80% at age four. adolescence.

Preventing obesity in infants

The longer babies are breastfed, the less likely they are to develop weight problems later in life. Breastfed children are 15-25% less likely to become obese. For those who are breastfed until six months of age or longer, the chance is 20-40% lower.

Prevention of obesity in children and adolescents

Young people usually suffer from overweight or even obesity for one simple reason - because they do not get enough physical activity and have bad eating habits. Genetic predisposition and lifestyle in general also contribute to the occurrence of such problems in a child.

There are several steps you can take to prevent overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence. (It will be useful not only for children, but also for adults!) Our recommendations include the following:

  • Gradually work to change family habits, including diet and activity levels. The focus should be on this and not on the scales. Change your habits, and your body will get rid of unnecessary ballast in the form of extra pounds.
  • Be a role model. Parents who eat well and lead an active lifestyle become a guide and role model for their children, which minimizes the likelihood of future weight problems.
  • Encourage physical activity. Children should get at least an hour of moderate physical activity every day. More than an hour will be good for weight loss and maintaining the achieved results.
  • Reduce your time sitting in front of the TV and computer to two hours a day.
  • Encourage children to eat only when they are truly hungry. Teach them to chew their food slowly without being distracted by the TV screen or book.
  • Avoid using favorite treats as rewards or punishments.
  • Keep skim or low-fat milk and fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator instead of soft drinks and snacks high in sugar and fat.
  • Try to give children at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Encourage children to drink water rather than high-sugar drinks such as soda, sports drinks, and fruit juice drinks.

Prevention of obesity in adults

Many strategies that lead to successful weight loss and maintenance are also effective for preventing obesity. Choosing healthier eating habits and wisely increasing daily physical activity play a vital role in preventing obesity. Among the things that can be taken with confidence now are the following steps:

  • Eat 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. One serving = one cup of raw vegetables or half a cup of cooked vegetables or vegetable juice. A serving of fruit is one cup of small to medium-sized fresh fruit, or one-half cup of canned fruit or fruit juice, or one-fourth cup of dried fruit.
  • Choose whole grain foods such as brown rice and whole wheat bread. Avoid overly processed foods made with refined ingredients white sugar, premium flour and saturated fats.
  • Weigh and estimate the serving size to get an idea of ​​its size. For example, three ounces of meat (85 g) is a piece as thick as a deck of cards. Avoid extremely large portions on the menu, especially at fast food restaurants. You can only make good progress if you keep your portions within optimal sizes.
  • Keep track of your calorie intake Consuming more calories than you can burn in a day for energy will lead to weight gain.

Weigh yourself regularly!

Avoid foods with high “energy density”, that is, those that contain a large amount of calories in a small piece. For example, a large cheeseburger and a large portion of fries can add up to almost 1,000 calories and 30 or more grams of fat. By ordering a grilled chicken sandwich or a simple hamburger and a small salad with low-fat dressing, you can avoid mindlessly consuming hundreds of extra calories and cut down on unnecessary amounts of fat. For dessert, it is better to eat fruit or a piece of white sponge cake, rather than a tooth-aching chocolate cake or three slices of homemade pie.

Don't be afraid to break a sweat: commit to at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity several times a week, or preferably every day of the week. For example, a 15-minute brisk walk or weeding in the garden.

Create opportunities for yourself during the day to take 10-15 minute breaks to burn off some extra calories. Let it be a walk down the halls or up and down a few flights of stairs at work. Don't forget that a drop wears away a stone!

You are losing weight in full, but the weight does not go away. Or this: he leaves and then returns. And you can’t understand why you can’t lose excess weight, because you’re fighting it so hard! But the fact of the matter is that there is no need to fight.

No, we are not encouraging you to move up to the heavy weight category. Extra is extra. This is not good for your health or figure. However, everything that most of us do in an effort to lose weight is starving ourselves with strict diets, sweating in the gym (“I’ll die, but I’ll run 10 km!”) - all this, alas, does not work. What will help you lose excess weight? We found out this with our experts and learned many interesting and effective techniques, including completely unique ones - the “toothbrush rule” and the “dialogue method”.

About weight and scales

So, before we start fighting excess, let's find out whether there is excess. So you weighed yourself, entered the data into the online calculator for calculating body mass index (BMI) and - oh horror! - found that BMI was at the upper limit of normal. Or, worse, in the pre-obesity zone. “That's it, I'm fat! - you decide. “From tomorrow I will eat only cucumbers!” However, focusing only on BMI is wrong. More precisely, it is correct, but with reservations. Firstly, we need to make allowances for age. For example, at 25–34 years old an acceptable BMI is 20–25, at 35–44 years old it is 21–26, and at 45–54 years old it is 22–27. That is, middle-aged people have a higher BMI than young people. And this must be taken into account. Secondly, trying to estimate the physique of people with developed muscles using BMI can give an incorrect result, because muscles are heavier than fat. “BMI does not work at all when we are dealing with athletes,” says Fatima Dzgoeva. - By the way, ballerinas can also be included among them. Former athletes may also have a higher BMI than normal. But even if you have nothing to do with professional sports or ballet, you cannot fit yourself into the same clichés.”

Deal with overload

Do you want to lose weight? Then the first point of the program should be a visit to an endocrinologist or nutritionist. And it doesn’t matter how much you plan to lose - 5 kg or 15. “When people sell an apartment, they go to a realtor, and do not sell the home themselves,” explains Fatima Dzgoeva. - Moreover, you should not take your health lightly. Independent attempts to lose weight, including through strict diets, can lead to weight regain and serious health problems. For example, as a result fast weight loss Gallstones may form in the gallbladder. The next aggressive diet will lead to even more stone growth. And this is fraught with terrible complications.” The doctor will start with an examination. In particular, it will find out the percentage of bone, muscle and fat mass. This is more objective than BMI. Perhaps everything is fine with you, and what seems superfluous to you is not superfluous at all.

“For example, for women aged 45+, a slight excess of body weight is even beneficial,” says Fatima Dzgoeva. - Due to fat, female hormones estrogens are formed, the production of which decreases after 40 years. In addition, studies have shown that a slight “overweight” prolongs life. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to adjust yourself to the model parameters. Even harmful. After this, self-hatred appears (“I’m fat!”), stress, complexes, neuroses... This attitude needs to be changed.” If it turns out that there is still excess, you need to figure out where it came from. After all, until you establish the cause of the “overload,” it will be difficult to get rid of it. And the reasons can be both physiological and psychological.

Genes, drugs, lack of sleep

Genes, of course, are “to blame” for excess weight, but not always, but only with a certain genotype. It is the genotype that does not give a chance to lose weight only on a low-calorie diet - you have to make additional efforts. But there are few such people. The main and most common cause of obesity was identified by Maya Plisetskaya when she uttered her famous phrase: “You need to eat less.” It’s elementary - a person eats too much and moves too little. Hence the excess weight.

Another reason for weight gain is chronic lack of sleep. Scientists have found that a daily half-hour sleep deficit over the course of a year increases the risk of obesity by 17%. If you don’t get enough sleep for years, the risk of becoming overweight, even with proper nutrition and regular fitness, increases to 72%. Some get better because hormonal problems and metabolic disorders. “If a person is overweight, it is imperative to check carbohydrate metabolism,” advises Dr. Dzgoeva. - Insulin resistance maintains and stimulates weight gain. In addition, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland must be excluded. This can also contribute to weight gain."

Without the sun - completeness

Lack of sunlight can also push you to gain extra pounds. The production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness - decreases during the gloomy off-season. Fatigue, apathy, irritability, and bad mood occur. How else can you get serotonin? That's right, through food. Treats become an antidepressant. And everything would be fine if you did not abuse such a “medicine”. But many cannot stop and get fatter and fatter... However, a lack of sunlight threatens a deficiency of not only serotonin, but also vitamin D. According to the latest scientific data, this can also lead to weight gain. Therefore, people who are prone to obesity should take a blood test for vitamin D. If it is low, you need to take vitamin complexes or go at least for a weekend where the sun is shining.

Medicines are the answer

Antihistamines (some of them increase appetite), hormonal pills, in particular birth control pills (the latest generation of contraceptives, as a rule, do not cause weight gain, but everything is individual), drugs for the treatment of hypertension, the same beta blockers are wonderful medications, they lower blood pressure, slow down the pulse and reduce the risk of arrhythmias. But some people experience the side effect of weight gain.

Everything from the head

It often happens that a woman says that she wants to lose weight, and even makes some efforts to achieve this. But deep down she is happy with everything - she feels fine, looks good, her husband dotes on her. And this internal mismatch can slow down the process of losing weight. On the one hand, it wouldn’t hurt to lose a couple of kilograms, but on the other hand, everything is great as it is. So the weight stays where it is. “In addition, the tendency to overeat is a stable and favorite habit,” says Larisa Rudina. - And it’s difficult to get rid of the habit because of the repeated connections: “thoughts - actions - emotions.” In the neural networks of the brain, such connections literally form “paths” that strictly determine our behavior. A simple example. You decided to remake the switches at home: they were at the top, now they are at the bottom. So, it will take three weeks to develop a simple motor stimulus in order to wean yourself from pulling your hand up, groping for the switch. And to change a stable eating habit, it takes an average of three months!” So you shouldn't expect quick results. Moreover, according to the expert, food addiction is just that: an addiction. The same as drugs or alcohol. Changing a habit is serious work. But nothing is impossible.

The main rules for losing weight

Doctors say that you can lose weight by giving up strict diets, exhausting workouts, and fighting excess weight. “Food should be comfortable,” advises Fatima Dzgoeva. - The priority is the Mediterranean style of nutrition: fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, chicken, seafood. Limit red meat to once a week. Fats - to a minimum, except for olive oil, it improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Breakfast should be hearty and varied. Studies have shown: the more components it includes, the less prone it is to obesity.” Physical activity should be comfortable. You have to do what you like. “It’s better to do three squats every day than to run a marathon once a month and collapse,” says Larisa Rudina. - I call this the “toothbrush rule.” We brush our teeth every day, without thinking whether we want it or not, whether we are in the mood today or not - we brush, and that’s it. It should be the same with physical activity. First, we determine what you are really ready for, and then we take this action out of the “choice zone.” We just do it! This is exactly the case when discipline is much more important than motivation.”

Get off the diet

In addition, it is important to change internal settings. “When you say, “I want to go on a diet,” you are predicting a series of difficult days in the future. Which, naturally, causes internal protest, continues Larisa Rudina. - Therefore, you don’t need to go on a diet, you need to get off the diet! Try to evaluate your life in terms of gain, not loss. After all, food gives us pleasure. Therefore, learn to eat little by little, savoring every bite. Then you won’t have to give up even prohibited foods. For example, if you love chocolate, don’t eat the whole bar, but put a small piece of dark chocolate under your tongue like a tablet.”

After reading our article, you are unlikely to immediately begin to live by the new rules. Changing habits is not easy. But you still try to introduce new rituals - start every morning with a glass of water, do a plank before breakfast and remember the “toothbrush rule”. All this really works and helps you maintain the right weight.

Minus 50 grams

Agreeing with yourself is another important point in a weight loss program. “For example, a lazy thought appears - “I should do some exercise,” says Larisa Rudina. - And her inner voice drowns out: “Come on, get some sleep, you’ll do it on Saturday, you’re so tired!” The dialogue usually stops at this point. But we need to lead him further: “Okay, you get some sleep, and I’ll go do some exercises.” The inner voice will immediately begin to be indignant: “What, without me?!” But you can offer: “If you want, join.” Try to analyze at least one day of life and you will see that our behavior is often affected by offensively simple things. One can indignantly reject this “absurdity.” Or you can laugh and start moving your knees (and other parts of your body). Laughter takes us out of the “cortisol zone” - the stress zone, and movement ensures the production of serotonin - the hormone of pleasure. And it happens very quickly." More important advice: Do not try to lose more than ten kg at once. This can only be achieved by extreme diets, the dangers of which we have already discussed. Break the task into subtasks. In psychology, this is called “solving an elephant in parts” (a huge elephant is the problem). So, agree with yourself that you will lose weight by 50 g per day. Agree, 50 g doesn’t sound scary. And most importantly, it’s quite real. But in a year you will lose 18 kg! Provided: 50 g daily, without skipping or self-deception (I’m so tired today, I’m stressed, just one tiny chocolate bar...).

And now - the most important thing. Before you start losing weight, choosing a fitness center, or buying “healthy products,” ask yourself one question: “WHY do I need this?” WHAT will I do once I become slim and healthy? WHAT can I replace an evening with cake in a home cinema? And answer these questions as honestly as possible. Because we are not talking about a one-time breakthrough: I’ll suffer for a year, and then what will happen. You choose your lifestyle. Forever. For life.

Fatima Dzgoeva, endocrinologist at the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D.

Larisa Rudina, psychologist, associate professor of the Faculty of Sports Management of RANEPA, candidate of psychological sciences

Which woman does not dream of an ideal figure? IN different eras The standards for an ideal figure were different. Thus, during excavations in Austria, they found a firuka of Venus from Willendorf, the age of which was determined to be 20 thousand years BC. The figure of this woman is very far from the idea of ​​an ideal figure in the modern concept: she had huge breasts, hips and a stomach.

During the times of Ancient Egypt and Rome, sizes close to our modern ones were considered the standard of femininity and beauty. And this can be understood by looking at the sculptures and images of Aphrodite of Knidos, Nefertiti, Cleopatra. But later, during the Middle Ages, about standards female beauty completely forgotten. These times were considered “dark”; culture was dying out. The religions that existed at that time, including Christianity, did not welcome external beauty. It was only in the 13th century that attention was again paid to female beauty; in those days it was considered beautiful women small in stature, with small breasts and a fragile build.

Another century passed and the Renaissance began. And at this time, plump women again became the standard of female beauty. You will notice this if you look at the paintings painted by artists of this era. In their paintings you will not notice a single thin woman.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, women with boyish shapes, thin, with small breasts became the standard of beauty. And this fashion has survived to this day. Nowadays, any girl, and women too, at all costs, try to bring their figure to 90-60-90. This is good because excess weight has always been and is the enemy of health. But everything is good in moderation, being very thin is bad, and obesity will not improve our health.

Today we will talk about obesity how it affects our health and whether we need to fight it overweight and how to do it?

Obesity is a condition in which an increase in body weight occurs due to the deposition of adipose tissue on the hips, abdomen, and mammary glands. A body mass index table, which can be found from an endocrinologist or even on the Internet, will help you find out whether you are obese.

Adipose tissue is not normally a simple fat depot. It has high metabolic activity. It continuously undergoes intensive metabolic processes, such as the synthesis and hydrolysis of lipids: the synthesis of fatty acids, including from carbohydrates, their esterification into triglycerides or neutral fat, its deposition and breakdown to form fatty acids, and the use of the latter for energy purposes. In a healthy person, the processes of lipogenesis and lipolysis are balanced.

There are 4 stages of obesity:

  • Stage 1 - excess weight up to 20%,
  • Stage 2 - excess weight from 20 to 50%,
  • Stage 3 - excess weight from 50 to 100%,
  • Stage 4 - excess weight more than 100%.

Causes of obesity

The causes of obesity can be systematic overeating, excessive and late dinners, a sedentary lifestyle, the predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet, metabolic disorders, and lack of sleep.

Obesity can also be caused by:

  • diseases of the endocrine system: hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), hypogonadism (a disease caused by a deficiency of androgen hormones in the body);
  • a tendency to stress, which results in a psychological eating disorder; a person tries to eat away any stress.

Everything would be fine, but the most unpleasant thing is that increased weight and obesity can cause complications. The most common are atherosclerosis and hypertension, which have recently become frequent companions of obese people and, as a result, such people have a high risk of developing such serious complications as stroke or myocardial infarction.

Increased weight very often leads to type 2 diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis and the formation of gallstones, pancreatitis, fatty liver degeneration, and cancer. Obesity contributes to disruption of water-salt metabolism, resulting in complications such as deforming osteoarthritis, herniated intervertebral discs, and gout.

Recently, people with terminal obesity have been shown on television in various talk shows. But what brought them to this state? First of all, low physical activity and poor diet. At overweight As a rule, it is very difficult to engage in physical activity, thereby further aggravating your condition and causing even greater fat deposition.

How to reduce your weight

  1. The most important thing is to get up from your chair or sofa. Literally and do any physical exercise or work. To become Aphrodite, you need constant physical activity. This can be any housework. I recommend, for example, that you wash the floor the same way you did when there were no vacuum cleaners, bending over and holding a rag in your hand. No one canceled walks in the fresh air, running, swimming, fitness classes, and dancing. The most important thing is to move as much as possible.
  2. Be moderate in your eating, try to eat every 3 hours, this dulls the feeling of hunger, eat more protein foods. Limit your intake of flour and sweet foods - they inhibit the breakdown of fats. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber (cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, wheat bran, sprouted cereal seeds, etc.) Do not give up bitterness and spices, they regulate fat metabolism (mustard, coriander, horseradish, rib, spicy pepper). But at the same time, try to limit salt to 2 grams per day and do not forget to drink plain unboiled water up to 2-2.5 liters per day. To somehow reduce the feeling of hunger, drink water half an hour before meals, this way you will trick your stomach and eat less food.
  3. Gradually reduce the calorie content of meals to 1100-1400 kcal per day. This can be achieved not only by consuming low-calorie foods. You can allocate a small plate and spoon for yourself. A small plate holds less food, but with a small spoon you will eat longer and will feel full faster. It has been proven that no matter how much food is put on a plate, in most cases the entire portion is always eaten.
  4. Salt baths (2 grams of salt per bath), sea, and mustard baths help normalize weight.
  5. There are plants that improve metabolism and promote weight loss: barberry, dandelion, cucumber, tansy, burdock, lingonberry leaves, celandine.

You can make the following collection: take 20 grams of corn silk, dandelion leaves, yarrow herb, sage, mint, chicory root or herb, buckthorn bark, parsley fruits, mix everything. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.


There are several biologically active points on the human body, massaging which can dull the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. Try massaging the following points:

- At the junction of the earlobe and the jaw.

— If you place your index and middle fingers at the top of the lower jaw near the ears, then when you open and close your mouth, you will feel the place where the jaw moves under your fingers, grab a little area of ​​skin that protrudes into the inner part of the ear, just above its lobe and massage within 3 minutes.

- Massage the point located between the upper lip and nose. Place your thumb under your upper lip and your index finger outside.

- Find the most voluminous part of the lower leg and massage it.

In his book Zone Therapy, author Joseph Corvo recommends massaging the fleshy (thickest) part of the palm to reduce appetite and control your weight. In addition, this massage promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland and normalization of metabolism. Massage this area for 3 minutes, then gradually move up to the wrist, thereby further stimulating the pancreas, allowing you to regulate insulin production and normalize its level.

Follow these simple tips. And then, without any diets, you will know how to fight with his overweight or . And in conclusion, for those who want to lose at least a little weight, watch and do exercises with Laysan Utyasheva.

My dear readers! If you found this article useful, then share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks. It is also important for me to know your opinion about what I read, write about it in the comments. I will be very grateful to you.

With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Excess weight has always been the main “enemy” of many women. Hanging sides and belly are not attractive, and in order to avoid them, you need to constantly eat right and exercise. However, not everyone has free time for this.

But what should you do if you have an important event coming up and you need to look your best, but extra pounds are preventing you from doing so? I urgently need to lose weight. But how to quickly lose weight without causing great harm to the body?

However, if you do not have severe problems with your figure and you just need to bring your weight back to normal, then you can lose weight quickly. You just need to choose a weight loss technique for yourself.

Technique No. 1 – no fat!

When asked how to quickly lose weight, nutritionists answer that it is necessary to minimize fat intake. What is this minimum? You should consume no more than 25 g of fat per day.

This amount of fat, of course, is not enough for the full functioning of the body and, if this minimum is observed for a long time, it can be harmful to health. However, if you urgently need to lose weight, then you can reduce the amount of fat you consume for a week.

In order not to exceed this minimum, you can eat one tablespoon every morning fish oil or sunflower oil. Further during the day, fats should be completely absent from your diet. And to do this you need to exclude from it:

  • all types of meat;
  • egg yolks;
  • mayonnaise;
  • oils;
  • confectionery;
  • nuts, etc.

Reception No. 2 – no sweet carbohydrates!

Carbohydrates can be sweet or unsweetened. Unsweetened carbohydrates are found in cucumbers, oatmeal, etc. But sweet carbohydrates are found in all confectionery products, chocolate, and fruits. These are the ones that need to be excluded from the diet.

The thing is that it is sweet carbohydrates that provoke the production of insulin, which in turn contributes to the growth of fat. Therefore, you should not have them in your diet at the time of losing weight.

Most sweet carbohydrates are found in fruits such as bananas and grapes. They are generally not recommended to be consumed during weight loss, as they take a long time to digest and enter the intestines in a rotten state, causing fermentation and releasing toxic substances.

Sweets, chocolate, cakes and the like must be completely excluded from the diet. Remember, you are what you eat. Therefore, if you have a sweet tooth, then you need to work on yourself on a psychological level before eliminating sweet carbohydrates from your diet.

Trick #3 – no processed foods!

We are talking about food products such as carbonated drinks, compotes, pasta, chips, crackers, etc. Substances are added to all these products to increase their shelf life. These substances negatively affect health in general, and also cause appetite and an increase in body fat. Therefore, these foods should be avoided.

Technique #4 – say no to carbohydrates!

To quickly, you need to sharply reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. This will lead to the loss of excess fluid, which will already result in the loss of several kilograms. A sharp decrease in the daily intake of carbohydrates puts the body into a stressful state, in which it begins to spend more energy. And since he does not get it from food, he begins to take it from his reserves, that is, from fat cells.

However, remember, you cannot “sit” on such a diet for more than 1–2 weeks. Because this will negatively affect your health and well-being. Irritability, headaches, and dizziness may appear. Also, a side effect of this diet is the exacerbation of chronic diseases. So before eliminating carbohydrates from your diet, you should consult your doctor.

If you want to lose weight using this particular technique, then you need to stick to it. You can learn more about it from the following video:

Technique #5 – move more!

Sport is not only the key to health, but also to a slim figure. If you don't have time to go to the gym, ensure that you are physically active throughout the day. Walk to work instead of driving. At home, turn on music and dance. In general, do what you want, just don’t sit in one place.

In the morning, wake up 30-40 minutes earlier to have time to do exercises before work. Today there are many aimed at weight loss.

Trick #6 – eat more protein foods!

Protein is essential for gaining and strengthening muscle mass. If you eat and exercise at the same time, the fat layer will disappear very quickly, and the muscles will become more noticeable and defined.

Food products should contain a maximum of proteins and a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. Such products include egg whites, lean meat, cottage cheese, etc. An example of how to eat in this case is a protein diet, which you can learn about from the following video:

If you need to lose weight quickly in a very short period of time, replace your main meals with. To do this, you can buy protein at a pharmacy or any store. sports nutrition and drink one glass 3 – 4 times a day. If you plan to go to the gym, then you need to drink this cocktail before and after classes. And, of course, don’t forget about raw vegetables and fruits, which should be consumed in moderation.

Trick #7 – Drink plenty of fluids

A large intake of fluid into the body puts it under stress, which contributes to the production of stress hormones, which are “fat burners.” Therefore, the more you drink fluids, the faster and more effectively you will get rid of extra pounds.

However, it is worth understanding that any liquid will not work in this case. You need still mineral water or herbal infusions that have laxative or diuretic properties.

You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Divide this amount of liquid into equal amounts and consume in 6 to 8 doses. In order to do this, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the water.

Technique No. 8 – change the caloric content of your diet

Changing the calorie content of the daily diet confuses the body. After all, our body is designed in such a way that it stores fat deposits for “rainy days.” This is a natural process of survival. And when you change the caloric content of your diet, the body will begin to use reserves from fat deposits.

You probably have a question: why can’t you just reduce your caloric intake and eat according to this principle? Because the human body adapts very quickly. And with a decrease in daily caloric intake, weight will only go away in the first few days. Then the body adapts to the new conditions and stops consuming energy from fat cells.
An example of such nutrition is diet 2468. You can learn more about it from the following video:

Trick #9 – No salt!

Probably everyone knows the expression “salt is white death.” And this expression really makes sense. When salt enters the human body, it is deposited and disrupts the water-salt balance and metabolic process. Because of this, a huge amount of fluid accumulates in the body and excess weight appears.

To remove this fluid and, accordingly, accumulated salt, you will need to drink herbal infusions that have diuretic properties, drink more than 2 liters of water, and also eat all foods without salt. It is best if it is boiled meat or fish, legumes and cereals.

Trick #10 – use dietary supplements

Many people believe that dietary supplements are a completely useless thing and that it is not worth spending your money on them. However, this is absolutely not true. Dietary supplements contain active components that improve metabolic processes in the body, thereby weight loss begins quickly. They also contain a huge amount of vitamins that the body needs during weight loss.

Of course, if you just take dietary supplements, eat fried potatoes and lie on the couch, they won’t do any good. But if you drink them and at the same time adhere to a diet and exercise, they will help you achieve the desired results much faster.

As you can see, you can lose weight quickly and effectively, and there are a huge number of ways to do this. But remember that without additional physical activity and dieting, you won’t be able to do this quickly with just thoughts. So take action now. Choose the most suitable method for rapid weight loss and start making your way to achieving your goals!

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