Rating of the best products with hyaluronic acid. Face cream with hyaluronic acid: say no to wrinkles! How to choose the right hyaluronic cream

What should be a good cream to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes? First of all, it is safe, because it will most likely be used at home by women who are far from cosmetology. Secondly, it is simple and easy to use, since even the most effective drug, if its use requires special knowledge, is unlikely to win the hearts of women. The best cream designed to help fight wrinkles should also take into account the characteristics of aging skin, which at 50-60 years old becomes flabby, inelastic and too dry. This means that to correct these shortcomings, it requires the presence of natural components with retinol and collagen. All these requirements are met by a moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid for face. Finding it in a pharmacy is quite simple, but choosing the right one specifically for your skin is much more difficult. Why is hyaluronic acid best for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes? Which creams available in the pharmacy are worthy of your closest attention? This is what we will talk about today.

Basic properties

Cream with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective remedies for getting rid of wrinkles, available to every woman at home. There is an opinion that even the best drug based on it is not able to cope with age-related changes skin, but this is not so. In fact, even in its pure form, hyaluronic acid slows down the formation of wrinkles around the eyes. But if you were able to find and choose the right cream with retinol and collagen, its healing effect on the skin will be amazing.


  • Remarkable moisturizing effect, especially noticeable in the area around the eyes. And taking into account the fact that starting from the age of 30-40, the body’s production of hyaluronic acid rapidly decreases, the use of drugs based on it becomes more and more desirable every year. Thus, you will provide your facial skin with a physiologically natural level of hydration. At what age should you start thinking about this? The first folds in the skin appear on the forehead and around the eyes at the age of 25-30. It is at this time that we recommend starting to take care of yourself much more carefully.
  • A good cream with hyaluronic acid not only fights wrinkles (including around the eyes), but also stimulates collagen production, and also has a pronounced lifting effect and stimulates cell regeneration.
  • To enhance the effect of the composition on the skin, it should be regularly cleaned with suitable peelings and scrubs.

  • The effect of the procedure occurs after 1-2 sessions, but if you want to consolidate it, you need to practice yourself regularly, and not occasionally.
  • Hyaluronic acid is a universal cosmetic ingredient. Firstly, it is equally suitable for all skin types. Secondly, preparations based on it can be used at home. Moreover, you choose the time of the procedure yourself, because the night cream is no less effective than the day cream.
  • Gentle action with minimal risk of side effects: cream with hyaluronic acid based on natural ingredients does not interfere with normal gas exchange between the skin and the environment.

Effect on the skin

  • Combating a network of existing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones.
  • Saturation of the epidermis with moisture and its effective retention in the cells.
  • The most powerful stimulating and regenerating effect.
  • Healing of small wounds, cuts and abrasions.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin production.
  • Increased elasticity (turgor) of the skin.
  • Whitening pigment spots that can appear on the face even at 30 years old.

Effect depending on age

After 30 years:

  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Effective hydration of all layers of the epidermis.
  • Increased skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Good refreshing effect.

After 40 years:

  • Effective protection against adverse environmental factors.
  • Regeneration and nutrition of cells.
  • Excellent moisturizing and healing effect.

After 50 years:

The therapeutic effect is ensured by the introduction of calcium, stem cells and algae extract (usually kelp) into the cream.

  • Improving the overall structure of facial skin.
  • Stimulation of collagen synthesis.
  • Gentle rejuvenating effect and slowing down the natural aging process.

After 60 years:

The most important active ingredients: biocalcium, stem cells.

  • Increased skin turgor.
  • Alignment of the facial contour.
  • Deep hydration of the epidermis, which is especially important for the skin of the eyelids.

Purchase rules

As we have already said, purchasing a product with hyaluronic acid is not difficult at all. It is much more difficult to choose the cream that best suits your skin. What should you pay special attention to?

Subtleties of choice

  • The pharmacy can offer you products with both hyaluronic acid itself and its salts. In the first case, the packaging should contain the inscription “Hyaluronic acid”, in the second - “Sodium hyaluronate”. Both options are completely acceptable, but the first is still preferable due to its higher efficiency.
  • Remember that you want to buy medicinal, not decorative cosmetics. The best cream should not have any extraneous aromas and be as neutral as possible.
  • If you like the day cream, ask about its SPF factor. After all, facial skin needs not only hydration, but also protection from ultraviolet radiation. If there is no such information on the label, it is better to refrain from purchasing. An exception to this rule is night cream. UV protection is optional for it.
  • Face creams with collagen, vitamins E and C, AHA and BHA acids, as well as green tea extract have a remarkable anti-aging effect. If you are already 30 years old, look for them. You have to fight for youth!
  • Products containing retinol have an even more pronounced anti-aging effect. This night cream will easily relieve you not only of wrinkles, but will also “correct” your passport age by 10-20 years. It is unlikely that you will refuse this.
  • And one more important note. A composition with hyaluronic acid does not have to be expensive. Therefore, if you are on a limited budget, it makes sense to look for something relatively affordable, rather than spend money on a luxury moisturizer with a mind-boggling price tag.

  • Due to the fairly high prices for pharmacy creams, many women are thinking about buying them on the Internet. This option is quite acceptable and allows you to save a lot of money, but the slightest mistake can bring only disappointment instead of getting rid of wrinkles.
  • Buying Chinese and Korean creams is another opportunity to save money. The range of well-known trading platforms (Taobao, Aliexpress, GMarket) can stun an unprepared person, but there are some subtle subtleties here. Firstly, you will have to wait quite a long time for your order - sometimes 2-3 weeks, or even 1.5 months. Secondly, in most cases you will not be able to make purchases on your own - you will need the help of an intermediary. Thirdly, be prepared for the fact that at first you will regularly make mistakes by purchasing something that is not at all what you need.

What to choose?

What creams will not harm the delicate skin of the eyelids? What can be recommended for use at home without any reservations? There is no clear answer to these questions. Much depends on the budget you are willing to allocate for the purchase, the type of cream (night or day), the desired level of effectiveness, the condition of your facial skin, the number of wrinkles and many other factors. Therefore, before starting treatment, it would be a good idea to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. If this is not possible, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the unofficial rating of drugs with hyaluronic acid, which will help you not to get lost in all the variety of choices.

Budget creams (up to 1000 rubles)

It’s skin Hyaluronic Acid, 950 rub.

  • This face cream contains no parabens or mineral oils.
  • Excellent moisturizing effect.
  • Relatively affordable price.

Our verdict: given the stated cost, the use of hyaluronic acid salts is difficult to explain. Such means should still be cheaper.

Eveline bio HYALURON 4D, 150-200 rub.

  • Exceptionally low price.
  • Using hyaluronic acid, not its salts.
  • Contains allantoin, panthenol and vitamin E.

Our verdict: Evelyn's cream claims to be a leader in the budget segment. Take a closer look.

Cream with hyaluronic acid D’Oliva, 300 rub.

  • Balanced composition (very similar to that of Eveline cream).
  • High concentration of panthenol and linalool.
  • Justified price.

Our verdict: this cream is based on hyaluronic acid salts, but given the positioning, this drawback is very conditional.

Loreal Derma Genesis, 800 rub.

  • Reasonable price considering the famous name of the manufacturer.
  • Good moisturizing and lifting effect.

Our verdict: there is very little hyaluronic acid in this cream. And given the extremely high competition, such a purchase does not seem particularly profitable.

Moisturizing cream Librederm, 750 rub.

  • Good price-quality ratio.
  • Positive feedback from women of all ages.

Our verdict: This Librederm cream contains isopropyl myristate and mineral oil - not the healthiest ingredients. And there is not much hyaluronic acid in it.

Hyaluronic cream Laura, 350 rub.

  • Suitable for eyelid skin care.
  • Multicomponent composition, effective and safe for use at home.
  • Widely available in pharmacy chains.

Our verdict: everything would be fine, but you will have to wait quite a long time for any noticeable cosmetic effect - at least a month.

Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler, 950 rub.

  • Highly effective formula.
  • Allows long-term storage.
  • Convenient dosage.

Our verdict: a good low molecular weight anti-wrinkle cream with no visible drawbacks. And the price seems quite justified.

Cream mask Bark with hyaluronic acid, 500-600 rub.

  • The composition contains extracts of ficus, kelp and wheat.
  • Made from thermal water.
  • Restores the lipid layer of the skin.

Premium creams (from 1000 rubles)

Planter’s Acido Hialuronico, 2400 rub.

  • Contains hyaluronic acid, not its salts.
  • There is no oily film effect on the skin.
  • Does not clog pores.

Our verdict: a good and versatile option, if not for the price. It is very difficult to call it accessible.

Cerave Moisturizing Lotion, 1100 rub.

  • Balanced composition.
  • Among the components of the cream are glycerin and ceramides.
  • Very soft action.

Our verdict: Relatively inexpensive cream, the only significant drawback of which is the difficulty with the purchase itself, since you can only find it on eBay.

Vichy Liftaktiv Retinol, about 2000 rub.

  • Using pure low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.
  • The line includes two types of cream: night and day.
  • The effect is noticeable after the first use.

Our verdict: the company’s creams have always been famous for their excellent quality, but the manufacturer does not recommend using them for treating the skin around the eyes.

La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Riche, 1200 rub.

  • This cream is based on shea butter, which is no less than hyaluronic acid itself.
  • Availability of a powerful UV filter (SPF 20).
  • Relatively reasonable cost.

Our verdict: a confident average guy who doesn’t offer women anything special, but does his job “100 percent.” The only significant limitation is the narrow scope of application. The cream is only suitable for dry skin.

Merz cream mousse with hyaluronic acid, 1400 rub.

  • Suitable for eyelid skin.
  • An effective formula.
  • Remarkable moisturizing properties.

Our verdict: a good cream without any reservations. Even a fairly high price does not spoil the overall impression of it.

Planter's Antirughe tonificante, 1600 rub.

  • Elimination of facial and age wrinkles.
  • The cream contains a complex of biologically active peptides.
  • A good tightening effect (subject to regular use).

Our verdict: a good cream but a little overpriced. But if material considerations are not your primary concern, it would be a good choice.

Homemade cream

It’s not that difficult to do, so if the budget is extremely limited, this option cannot be ignored. First of all, you should prepare the gel. To do this, combine a little hyaluronic acid powder (0.3 g) and distilled water (until a creamy consistency is obtained), mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. Next, take any inexpensive cream (30 g), add 8-10 g of the resulting gel with hyaluronic acid to it, mix everything well and leave in a dry and cool place for 6 hours. Attention: the resulting composition should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Review from a cosmetologist

The miraculous properties of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are legendary. Its effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles is not much inferior to other salon hardware procedures, and the possibility of using it at home makes this compound a leader. But you must understand that there is no cream that is equally effective for everyone. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you can only find your ideal through trial and error. At what age should you start taking care of yourself? The earlier the better! If you start thinking about this at the age of 40, then you will have to dream of fresh, tightened and wrinkle-free facial skin for a very, very long time.
I would also like to say a few words about the cost of preparations with hyaluronic acid. Unfortunately, finding a cheap and at the same time effective cream is much more difficult than it seems. And the examples that the author of the article uses are, to a certain extent, a compromise between price and quality. Therefore, you should not expect miracles from frankly budgetary facial cosmetics. At least right away.

Face creams with hyaluronic acid – effective means, which not only deeply moisturize the skin, but also make it more elastic, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and help fight the first signs of skin aging. Of course, these products are not magical, but in combination with gymnastics and facial massage, as well as the use of other cosmetics, they can achieve visible results.

What effect do creams with hyaluronic acid have?

Hyaluronic acid is found in the connective tissues of our body and is responsible for retaining moisture in them. With age, its production slows down, as a result, the skin loses its elasticity and the first wrinkles appear. However, modern hyaluronic face creams help fight signs of aging and have the following effects on the skin:

Help restore the skin's water balance;
eliminate peeling and feeling of tightness;
strengthen the protective functions of the skin;
smooth out the relief, filling small irregularities and folds;
tighten the facial contour;
help reduce the severity of scars, small scars, post-acne.

Secrets of choosing a cream

To find perfect cream, you need to pay attention to several criteria. For your convenience, we have created a system of filters that will help you easily select the right product.

"Skin type". One of the most important criteria on which the effectiveness of the product depends on you. If your skin is prone to imperfections, pay attention to products that can restore water-fat balance, reduce inflammation and scars. Skin that quickly develops an unpleasant shine will be suitable for those that have a mattifying effect and tighten pores. For peeling and a feeling of tightness, it is better to use one containing actively moisturizing components.

"Age of application". Experts recommend using hyaluronic acid creams from age 25 to prevent the first wrinkles from appearing, but some products can be used earlier. It is very important to choose a product that is appropriate for your age. The reason is that in addition to hyaluronic acid, creams contain additional components (antioxidants, collagen, coenzyme Q10 and others), which may be useless for young girls or mature ladies.

"Application time". Another important criterion, and it is important because at different times of the day the skin needs special care. So, a daytime product is designed to protect it from the aggressive effects of environmental factors (sun, wind), and a nighttime product should intensively moisturize and trigger skin renewal processes. Same with summer and winter products. The former should protect the skin from UV rays, and the latter should intensively nourish and moisturize.

Also on our website you will find other filters that you can use to find the ideal product.

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Remember to take care of your skin, and it will certainly respond to you with a smooth and radiant appearance. And thanks to lifting creams with hyaluronic acid for the face, this becomes easier than ever!

Article on the topic: “creams with collagen and hyaluronic acid for face and body. top 5 best products and effectiveness of use, how to prepare the cream yourself at home. reviews” from professionals.

Hyaluronic acid has long been used to prevent and combat age-related skin changes. However, a course of procedures with hyaluronic acid costs a large sum. That is why it is worth paying attention to the ways of using anti-aging acid. Is it worth using a facial skin beauty product at home?

Hyaluronic acid: what is it and what problems is it used to solve?

In fact, it is a substance produced by the body, which is part of the epithelium, connective and nervous tissues. It is responsible for the viscosity of the fluid that fills the joint cavity, and is also a component of saliva and an important component of articular cartilage.

Video: simply about the complex, the principle of action of hyaluronic acid

In the pharmaceutical industry, two methods of hyaluronate synthesis are used:

  • Animal HA is extracted from the combs of roosters or the vitreous humor of the eye of cattle. This method is increasingly being abandoned, since the resulting hyaluronate has a low degree of purification and in most cases causes an allergic reaction.
  • Synthetic “hyaluronic acid” is obtained using bacterial cultures. This type is included in modern preparations, as it is hypoallergenic due to its high degree of purification.

A distinctive feature of hyaluronate, due to which it has become widespread in the beauty industry, is the ability to attract water molecules in epithelial tissue. To understand the process of action of “hyaluronic acid” against wrinkles and age-related changes, it is necessary to consider the reasons for their formation. When the skin has enough hyaluronic acid and collagen, it is more elastic and radiant due to the high fluid content in the tissue.

Sufficient moisture content in tissues ensures a fresh look

With age, the number of these cells inevitably decreases, the skin loses elasticity and moisture, and deep folds appear - wrinkles. To delay the onset of their formation, it is enough to maintain the level of hyaluronate with the help of “beauty injections”. But not every woman can afford to regularly visit a cosmetologist’s office, so to preserve her youth she has to look for a replacement for injections.

Thanks to the development of cosmetology and the beauty industry, creams, serums, masks and even shampoos containing hyaluronate have appeared on the market. These products form a film on the skin, due to which moisture does not evaporate, but is retained in the fabric. Regular use of hyaluronic acid, even at home, helps:

  1. Accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, which increases its tone and elasticity.
  2. Intensive tissue hydration.
  3. Reduce visible signs of age.
  4. Improving complexion.
  5. Providing the skin with a natural protective barrier.
  6. Normalization of the sebaceous glands. Improving blood circulation in epithelial tissues.

The main reason for the appearance of wrinkles is insufficient moisture in the body.

Indications for the use of hyaluronic acid are skin changes associated with a decrease in the amount of moisture in its tissues, such as:

  1. Dehydration and subsequent decrease in elasticity (often due to reaching adulthood);
  2. Sunburn. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and helps activate the body's defense against free radicals that are formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Age-related skin changes. The appearance of fine wrinkles is associated with decreased skin tone due to insufficient moisture in the skin. It is worth considering that hyaluronate is used not only to combat existing skin imperfections, but also to prevent them.
  4. Pigmentation disorder. Since melanin, in addition to imparting color, also functions as an antioxidant, pigment spots appear in areas of the skin with increased oxidative load. Hyaluronic acid is used to restore the color of the hyperpigmented area, as it increases antioxidant protection.
  5. Increased oiliness of the skin, enlarged pores.
  6. Mechanical damage after cosmetic procedures. Hyaluronate helps accelerate skin recovery after chemical peeling and laser resurfacing.

However, even despite the undeniable effectiveness of hyaluronic acid and its natural origin, you should not use products with it, much less use it in its pure form for the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Individual intolerance to “hyaluronic acid”;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Colds;
  • Skin neoplasms;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes at the site of the procedure.

In all other cases, the use of hyaluronic acid will help transform the skin, visually rejuvenate it and give it a radiant appearance.

General rules for using hyaluronic acid

To achieve results, hyaluronic acid and products containing it must be used in courses. In its pure form, HA is recommended to be used at night for two weeks, then take a break for one and a half to two weeks and continue use. It is more convenient to use hyaluronic acid in masks twice a week. According to cosmetologists, to achieve visible results, the course of using hyaluronate is 10–15 procedures, after which it is recommended to take a break for several weeks.

Important! With constant use of hyaluronic acid in the body, its production decreases.

It must be taken into account that salon procedures have an immediate effect due to the introduction of hyaluronate into the skin. Home treatments have a superficial effect, which means less of the beneficial substance penetrates the skin. Therefore, if after several procedures you do not feel any changes, do not be upset; regularity is the key to success. For use at home, choose hyaluronic acid in powder, ampoules and in the form of low or high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate.

Hyaluronate in ampoules is easy to use at home

Despite the natural origin of hyaluronic acid, the use of cosmetics with it can cause side effects. Among them:

  1. Allergic reaction. This is the most common phenomenon when using hyaluronic acid and manifests itself in the form of redness, itching, and hives. It’s easy to prevent by finding out what type of hyaluronate is in front of you: synthetic or animal.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Pale skin.

Injections of hyaluronic acid have a longer list of side effects, but when used externally, the worst thing that can await you is an allergy. That is why before the procedure it is necessary to conduct a test on the elbow. If the appearance of the area does not change, there is no discomfort or pain, begin using products with “hyaluronic acid”. In order for hyaluronate to work and have a beneficial effect on the skin, it is not washed off from the skin, but is allowed to be completely absorbed.

How to use at home: recipes and instructions

To ensure the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid in the fight against age-related changes, it is worth taking a course of anti-aging procedures using one of the recipes. At home, hyaluronic acid is used in its pure form or as part of masks.

In its purest form

To use it in its pure form, you will need hyaluronate in powder or ampoules. Hyaluronic acid in ampoules is ready for use immediately.

Important! When purchasing, pay attention to the date of manufacture, manufacturer, price and integrity of the packaging. A price that is too low is a clear sign of a fake, which at best will have no effect.

To prepare “hyaluronic acid” from powder, dilute 2 grams of acid in 30 ml of distilled water, mix and put in the refrigerator for an hour to thicken. At this time, it is recommended to stir the mixture to prevent the appearance of lumps; after time, a viscous gel-like substance is obtained. The finished composition is enough for 2-3 procedures.

Hyaluronic acid is easy to make at home from powder

Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities, gel is applied to the cleaned areas, massaged for 5-10 minutes and left on the skin until completely absorbed. Use daily at night, the recommended course duration is 10–15 days, after which a two-week break is required.

Composed of various products

To enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid, it is used in combination with other active ingredients.

Cream with hyaluron

This is the simplest option for making anti-aging cream with hyaluronic acid. Add hyaluronate to the cream for your skin type, and for 200 ml of cream you will need one milliliter of acid. Use daily for 14 days, after which be sure to take a break for two weeks.

It is best to choose a cream that has a rejuvenating effect; hyaluronic acid will only enhance its properties.

Serum with hyaluron

The recipe is more complicated, however, it is worth it. For preparation you will need:

  • 50 ml of aromatic water;
  • 2 ml dexpanthenol;
  • 0.2 grams of allantoin;
  • 0.2 grams of hyaluronic acid powder.

All components can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store of cosmetic components. The technology for making the serum is extremely simple: add all the ingredients to warm aromatic water, mix thoroughly until all the dry ingredients are dissolved. Pour the finished whey into a tightly sealed container and store in the refrigerator.

The serum must be stored in a tightly closed container.

Important! The shelf life of the mixture is two weeks; after the expiration date, the serum will lose its beneficial properties.

Video: preparing hyaluronic serum

Nicotine mask

This anti-aging mask is based on hyaluronic acid powder. To prepare the composition, a gram of hyaluronate is mixed with 30 grams of nicotinic acid powder, and water is added until thickened.

The resulting mask is applied to a cleansed face and not washed off. Cosmetologists recommend using it twice a week before bed for a month, then take a two-week break.

Important! Nicotinic acid in the mask may cause redness of the skin.

With glycerin

To prepare the composition you will need:

  1. 2 grams of hyaluronate powder.
  2. 60 grams of quinine powder (it is used for hives and hypersensitivity).
  3. 30 ml glycerin (moisturizes the skin, creates a protective film).
  4. 30 grams of zinc oxide (reflects ultraviolet radiation, has an antiseptic and soothing effect).
  5. Water.

Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly, dilute with water to a thick cream consistency. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin of the face and neck, after half an hour, remove the residue with a towel moistened with warm water.

With kefir

The composition moisturizes the skin, improving its tone

To prepare the mask you will need hyaluronate in ampoules. Mix 4 drops of acid with 35 ml of kefir (can be replaced with yogurt). Apply the resulting composition to the skin, leave for 15 minutes, remove with a warm compress.

Important! Observe the proportions strictly. A high concentration of hyaluron often leads to burns.

With egg yolk

It is known that the yolk contains vitamins A, B and D, choline and biotin, which have a beneficial effect on appearance. A mask with egg and hyaluronic acid can be considered a moisturizing cocktail for dehydrated skin.

The vitamins and minerals in the yolk help moisturize the skin

To prepare the mask, mix 3 drops of hyaluronate with egg yolk. If desired, add 5 ml of lemon juice, which tones aging skin. Apply the composition to cleansed facial skin, including the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

With collagen

Collagen provides not only elasticity and tissue tone, but also regeneration at the cellular level, so it is necessary for skin with signs of aging. At home, collagen can be found in edible gelatin.

Gelatin is a homemade source of collagen.

Since collagen is responsible for tissue elasticity, as is hyaluronic acid, a mask with their combination will help in the fight against wrinkles. To prepare the composition, soak a tablespoon of gelatin in 100 ml of cold boiled water, leave to swell. Then heat the resulting composition in a water bath, add 1 ml of hyaluronate and 1 gram of allantoin (purchase at the pharmacy), and mix thoroughly. Apply the composition to cleansed facial skin, leave for 25–30 minutes, after this time it will turn into a dense elastic mask that can be removed by lifting it at the edges.

other methods

Alginate masks with hyaluron

Algin salts, when they come into contact with the skin, begin to interact with it. The processes occurring during this process help to normalize sebum secretion, eliminate inflammation and wrinkles, increase skin tone, and improve blood circulation.

Algin salts normalize sebum secretion and moisturize the skin

For use at home, alginate masks can be purchased at a cosmetic store or pharmacy, or you can prepare them yourself.

To prepare the classic recipe, 2 grams of sodium alginate are soaked in 25 ml of warm water. mineral water, leave for 5–6 hours (preferably overnight). Then separately mix 10 grams of kaolin (white clay) with the same amount of water and 1 gram of hyaluronate powder. Combine the two mixtures, add one ampoule of calcium chloride to them (plays the role of a plasticizer), mix again and apply to the skin.

If you use a store-bought alginate mask, keep in mind that per 50 grams you need to add 1 gram of hyaluronic acid powder, or 5 drops from an ampoule.

For 50 grams of mask you need to add 1 gram of hyaluronic acid powder, or 5 drops from an ampoule

You don’t even need to add hyaluronate to the mask, but apply it to the skin before use, this will also provide a rejuvenating effect. And, of course, do not forget about the rules for applying alginate masks to achieve best result. The procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. The facial skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities.
  2. Eyebrows and eyelashes are covered with a rich cream so as not to turn the procedure into depilation.
  3. The mask is applied in a thick layer to cleansed skin with a spatula, which can be bought at a pharmacy, movements are directed from bottom to top.
  4. Keep on the skin for 30 minutes, remove with a sharp movement from the chin to the forehead.
  5. Wipe the face with lotion.


Another way to use hyaluronic acid in its pure form involves the use of a special cosmetic device - a mesoscooter.

The mesoscooter is a roller covered with microneedles.

A dermaroller (another name for the device) is a roller covered with thin microneedles. There are several modifications on the market: for home use, for work in a beauty salon. The difference lies in the size of the needles; the length of the needle on a household mesoroller is up to 0.5 mm, while on a professional one it reaches 1 mm. It would seem an insignificant difference, however, the second option reaches the dermis, while the first only reaches the epidermis.

The deeper the punctures, the greater the amount of beneficial substance penetrates the skin

Important! You cannot use a professional dermaroller at home, as insufficient antiseptic use can lead to the development of inflammatory processes.

The mesoscooter activates two mechanisms, thanks to which it has a rejuvenating effect. Firstly, piercing the skin with needles helps improve the production of collagen and elastin, which improve skin tone. Secondly, the dermaroller improves the process of absorption of nutrients from the surface of the skin.

Before using the mesoscooter, the face is cleaned of cosmetics and impurities and visually divided into five zones: forehead, cheeks, nose, areas around the mouth and eyes. Hyaluronic acid is applied to cleansed skin, then massage of each area begins. Without applying pressure to the massager, move the roller ten times vertically, horizontally and diagonally at the same speed within the selected area. After treating all five zones, apply hyaluronate to the face again.

After the procedure, the face may turn red, so it is better to do it at night, preferably before the weekend (the skin needs to return to normal). If you are going to come into contact with ultraviolet radiation, be sure to apply it to your skin. sunscreen with SPF-20 (at least). The recommended course duration is 10 procedures, after which take a break for 2–3 weeks.

Important! After each procedure, the mesoscooter must be disinfected. To do this, dip the roller in alcohol for 10 seconds, then shake and put it in the case.

Reviews of hyaluronic acid for facial skin beauty

Feedback from people who have already tried them will help you verify the effectiveness of procedures with hyaluronate.

Results of using hyaluronic acid in its pure form

Changes in the appearance of the skin around the eyes after using masks with hyaluronic acid

Changes in skin condition after a course of masks with hyaluronic acid

Improved skin tone after using hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronate is a substance synthesized by the body that can have a beneficial effect on the skin even at home. Its regular use in pure form and as part of oil helps improve skin condition and reduce visible wrinkles.

Modern has big influence per person. She is able to convince a gullible consumer of anything. This is especially true for the beauty industry. Today, collagen-based preparations are popular. But before you make your final choice, it’s worth finding out what function a face cream with collagen performs. Does our skin need it and is it capable of rejuvenating it? This and much more needs to be understood in more detail.

Collagen and its functions

Collagen is a special protein that is present in tendons and ligaments; moreover, it fills the empty space between muscle fibers. Its main function is to bind and provide strength, firmness and elasticity to connective tissues.

Of course, collagen fibers are maximally elastic at a young age, but over time their elasticity is lost, as a result of which the skin sags and wrinkles appear. This is most pronounced in the area of ​​the mouth, eyes and forehead. This process is determined by the lack required quantity moisture in the cells: on the one hand, collagen prevents its loss, and on the other, it can absorb it (it absorbs volumes of liquid that exceed its own weight by 30 times).

Operating principle

The collagen molecule is a protein helical thread. It is due to this that the elasticity of the skin is determined by the quality and quantity of collagen fibers consisting of glycosaminoglycans. With a low level of glycosaminoglycans, the springs weaken and cease to retain moisture, which leads to sagging and stretching of the skin.

Scientists are still struggling with the question of whether it is possible to somehow influence additional collagen production. There are several methods: expensive salon procedures - mesotherapy (injection of cocktails based on collagen and hyaluronic acid under the skin), etc. A less expensive method is a cream with collagen and elastin for the face, but experts are still arguing about the effectiveness of such preparations.

Benefits of Collagen


  • Regular use of such creams can lead to addiction, as a result of which the aging process may even accelerate.
  • Animal collagen, which is part of most budget products, forms a film on the skin that interferes with the normal functioning of the epidermis.
  • Has clearly marked age restrictions.


In a specialty store or pharmacy you can always find a variety of special skin care products containing collagen, but some may be confused by the cost, the fluctuations of which are quite significant. Many ladies, naturally, may have a desire to save money, but in most cases this will be done in vain. Today, four types of collagen are used in cosmetology, each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. And this is worth understanding in more detail.

Types of collagen:

  • Animal. Its main advantage is its affordable price and long shelf life. It is made from components extracted from the skin of cattle. The main disadvantage of this type of collagen is that it is impractical to use. Animal protein molecules are so large that they are unable to penetrate the skin. They only form a film on the surface of the epidermis that clogs the pores.
  • Vegetable. Collagen, which is extracted from wheat germ, is considered safer and more effective. However, such creams are not cheap.
  • Nautical. Face cream with marine collagen is a luxury product, and not everyone can afford it. However, it is the marine variety of collagen that is considered the safest for humans. Marine collagen is perfectly absorbed by skin cells and effectively fights age-related skin changes. However, preparations with marine collagen are not ideal - they can cause allergic reactions, and they have a short shelf life.

In addition to the types listed above, you can find drugs in pharmacies that contain collagen hydrolyzate. Such products are intended for oral administration. Mandatory certification of such drugs is quite problematic and “slippery”, so there is no need to talk about safety in this situation.

At what age can you use face cream with collagen?

Since collagen is a natural substance, up to a certain age the body is able to independently renew and synthesize it. In youth, this protein is produced in exactly the amount necessary to maintain the skin in a healthy and beautiful condition. With age, this ability decreases, and then a cream with anti-aging collagen for the face will come to the rescue; it is precisely created in order to replenish the missing amount of this protein.

Young girls are prohibited from using preparations with collagen. The skin will become lazy and stop producing this protein on its own ahead of time, while the damaged areas of the skin will not be able to renew themselves. Simply put, young skin “cannot live” without this drug. Products with collagen will have to be used constantly.

The most optimal age for using collagen is 40+; it is rare that experts prescribe such creams to women aged 35 to 40 years. Withered skin needs reinforcement with auxiliary components. This is where a facial moisturizer with collagen is a great choice.

Today the market is ready to offer a large number of preparations containing collagen. Each manufacturer never tires of convincing potential buyers that their products have miraculous properties. However, you should not rely solely on advertising, otherwise it can lead to disaster.

Of course, you should not subject every purchased drug to laboratory testing, but you still need to exercise minimal caution. When purchasing a face cream with hyaluronic acid, collagen or other active substance, you first need to pay attention to the following aspects:

Collagen face cream: reviews from cosmetologists

Despite the optimistic picture, cosmetologists are still in no hurry to recommend face cream with collagen. main reason The problem is that most drugs contain animal collagen. Collagen molecules are quite bulky chemical compounds that cannot enter the body through pores. Therefore, most often this anti-aging collagen cream for the face is washed off with water after application.

In most cases (especially for cheaper cosmetics), lifting, skin hydration and other miraculous properties are a myth. However, such cosmetics also contain auxiliary components that can have a positive effect on the skin.

Specialists also mention collagen creams prepared at home. This is not a very good solution. The effect will be minimal, but the risk of remaining with an allergy is very high.

Common myths about collagen

Myth one. Collagen from food can slow down the aging process. The body is a complex system that does not “trust” anyone. Proteins coming from food are first broken down into their components (amino acids). Only after this the body begins to independently build its own proteins. Because of this, there is no guarantee that a dish containing collagen will turn into collagen in the body.

Myth two. Subcutaneous injections are a panacea for aging. The same principle works here as with the collagen menu. Proteins injected under the skin are also initially broken down. The advantage of such procedures is that the protein is immediately injected under the skin and does not go through the entire digestive chain. The resulting amino acids are much more likely to turn back into collagen, which is necessary for aging skin.

The most effective method of preserving youth is to prevent the destruction of the “youth protein” already present in the body. To do this, you need to avoid exposure to UV rays on the skin, give up bad habits and reduce sugar consumption. If you decide to purchase an anti-aging collagen cream for the face, reviews and recommendations from cosmetologists and doctors should be the deciding factor in your choice.

Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by our body, filling the intercellular space and giving the skin elasticity and firmness. It has a transparent gel-like texture. Modern scientists have learned to create its synthetic analogue.

Hyaluronic acid has found wide application in cosmetology: it is used in products to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, in daily complexes for young normal and problematic dermis, including for high-quality anti-aging care. A cream based on “hyaluronic acid” allows you to well moisturize the epidermis and retain moisture inside by creating an invisible film on the surface.

At the same time, hyaluronic acid differs from each other: it can be low molecular weight and high molecular weight.

The cream, which contains a low molecular weight product, tends to penetrate and work in the deep layers of the dermis, that is, it is considered more effective in the fight for youthful skin. Its analogue is a high-molecular product, characterized by a high density of molecules and is able to act on the surface of the skin, creating an invisible film and preventing the evaporation of moisture from the inside.

Basic properties

The properties of hyaluronic acid are legendary: it is a good moisturizer, retains moisture in skin cells, fights wrinkles and problems of anti-aging dermis, normalizes the water balance inside the skin, and ensures energy exchange.

Hyaluronic acid in a daily cream can be an excellent alternative to medical injections; it is important to determine its properties and find the right application for a particular product:

  • The main property of hyaluronic acid is to retain and accumulate moisture in skin cells. Thanks to the use of face cream on its low or high molecular base, the skin becomes moisturized, acquires elasticity and strength, and its tone is created.
  • High molecular weight acid in the composition of a cosmetic product acts as a barrier against the negative influence of external factors, forming an invisible film on the surface of the dermis; it also prevents moisture evaporation;
  • Hyaluron maintains the hydrobalance of the dermis, that is, its water structure. It is known that the human body consists of 80% water, just like its largest organ - the skin;
  • Hyaluronic acid helps prevent skin aging due to the fact that it accumulates inside the dermis and fills its intercellular space with itself, it increases the elasticity of the skin, its strength, smoothes wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • It also promotes the natural production of collagen and elastin., which are responsible for the strength of the skin and its elasticity, youth.

Note that the benefits of hyaluronic acid are expanded by adding active elements to the cream - nutritious vegetable oils, vitamins, mineral complexes and especially water, ideally if it is enriched with minerals - thermal.

You can learn more about hyaluronic acid from the following video.

Benefits and Benefits for Skin

The natural production of hyaluronic acid slows down over time, which causes some problems. The use of hyaluronic acid-based creams begins when you feel:

  • Excessive dryness and flaking;
  • The appearance of wrinkles;
  • Loss of facial contour and elasticity of the dermis;

In this case, the woman’s age is not important; rather, the condition of her skin needs to be assessed.

At any physiological age, the manifestation of these signs is possible, especially since the first noticeable facial wrinkles appear at the age of 25, and there is no need to talk about the dryness of the epidermis. Constant use of hyaluronic acid cream will help moisturize the skin, due to which its surface and shade are leveled, cell regeneration is improved and the process of natural production of collagen and elastin is launched - they are responsible for the tone of our skin.

It is worth knowing about the peculiarity of hyaluronic acid molecules: they tend to crystallize in the cold. The use of a cream based on this component can be used throughout the year, but after application it is worth allowing it to be properly absorbed.

Let us note its main advantages for the dermis:

  • According to cosmetologists, hyaluronic acid is considered the best component in a cream for the care of any skin type, it is important to determine its correct concentration to solve the problem of dryness or wrinkles;
  • A synthetic analogue of acid is perfectly absorbed by our skin, does not reject, is perfectly absorbed and accumulates inside;
  • "Hyaluronic acid" has found its application in eyelid products, where its low-molecular structure is most often found;
  • Skin rejuvenation is impossible without this component in the cream. In this case, it is important that it is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which will penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and work from the inside.

How to use correctly

Hyaluronic acid is capricious by nature, and in the composition of a cream it requires special treatment for high-quality work.

  • Before applying the cream, first cleanse the skin by washing and do not forget about toning with toner;
  • It is better to apply cream with hyaluronic acid to slightly damp skin - do not allow the tonic to be completely absorbed into its surface or “season” the dermis with thermal water before applying the cream;
  • It is recommended to use the day cream an hour and a half before leaving the house, especially in cool and harsh seasons. The fact is that hyaluronic acid molecules tend to crystallize at low temperatures, that is, take on a solid form on or inside the skin.
  • Before applying the cream, warm it between your fingers.– this will allow it to “warm up” and penetrate into deeper layers, quickly absorb into the epidermis;
  • Regular use of a product containing hyaluronic acid will allow you to achieve a visible effect faster. Cosmetologists recommend using day and night care from the same brand;
  • Experts recommend distributing day and night face cream with smoothing movements along massage lines, and the product around the eyes with light, circular movements.
Effect depending on age

Creams with hyaluronic acid are conventionally divided into two types: those where the recommended age for their use is indicated, and those without such an indication. It is worth noting that experts recommend using the cream without age markings for women aged 25 years and older; of course, this recommendation is conditional and does not require precise execution.

Even young epidermis can be dry and lifeless, and a classic product based on a moisturizing component will come to its aid - a day or night product.

Using hyaluronic cream on skin aged about 25 years without additional active elements, it allows you to moisturize the dermis from the outside, making it smooth and velvety. At this age, it is recommended to use a high-molecular day cream to work only on the surface of the epidermis: the active component creates an invisible film and avoids evaporation of moisture from the inside.

After 25 years useful additional elements in the composition of the cosmetic cream will be other acids - lactic, glycolic, mineral and oxygen complexes to maintain proper energy and water exchange inside the epidermis. Hyaluronic acid should now act not only as a barrier, but also as an active component for hydration, and it is better to pay attention to its low molecular weight type.

For skin age 30 years and older the effect of moisturizing and nutrition is achieved due to the presence of fatty acids in the composition, so look for a mention on the label vegetable oils among the components of the cream. Regular use of a cream with hyaluronic acid will saturate the dermis with moisture and give it elasticity, get rid of small facial wrinkles and prevent the formation of deep, age-related changes.

Anti-aging creams based on hyaluronic acid cannot do without collagen or retinol in the composition, which stimulate the production of natural substances and cell regeneration, due to which the surface of the dermis is smoothed and wrinkles are eliminated. The effect of using such a product is expected with daily use as part of day and night care: the skin acquires density, smoothness and additional radiance, wrinkles are not completely smoothed out, but are noticeably smoothed out.

The collagen in the composition will help restore the contour of the face and neck, and skin care products around the eyes will help get rid of bags.

How to choose a good product

Choosing a quality product is half the battle, so before purchasing you should take a few simple steps to purchasing a good product:

  • Check out the range of creams with hyaluronic acid before going to the store or pharmacy: this will allow you to determine in advance the purchase budget and its location;
  • Read product reviews: which women think are the most effective and which ones are not so effective. It is worth knowing about the individual characteristics of your epidermis, at least the type and the presence of sensitivity to components, in order to avoid the latter in the composition of the cream;
  • After reading the reviews and choosing several products in advance, you should find out about the composition and components. Among the main moisturizing component you need to look for hyaluronic acid - hyauronate, and not derivatives like salt. If you see salts among the ingredients of the cream, then you should postpone the purchase and choose a more active composition;
  • A good cream with hyaluronic acid has an SPF protective factor. It guarantees quality care and protection from ultraviolet radiation or premature aging. The presence of SPF means that the acid in the cream will “work” throughout the whole day and will allow the cream to be used in sunny summers for its effective operation;
  • If you can, rate the cream by smell.– a high-quality product does not have a pronounced aroma;
  • An effective anti-aging product, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains retinol and some other key components to nourish and strengthen dermal cells. Any of them has the same UV filters, since anti-aging care is not complete without the SPF factor.
  • It would be good if the cream had a natural composition with additional vitamins C, E, B, natural antioxidants and a complex of oils for night care;
  • The main rule when choosing a high-quality and effective product is the presence of low molecular weight acid in the composition. Not all manufacturers indicate the type of component and its concentration, however, among well-known and not very professional brands, there are those who informed women about the acid on the front or back of the package. It is the low-molecular formula that is most effective due to the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and work inside the skin.

The choice of a good cream is determined by the age for which the product is intended.

Look for the markings on the packaging - conscientious manufacturers indicate the required brands directly on the front side of the jar of cream: recommended age, presence of additional components, SPF factor, type (night, day), on the back side some brands inform about the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the composition.

List of popular manufacturers

Popular Russian brand Librederm tops the rating of budget products and has in its line of creams based on “hyaluronic acid”: a classic pharmacy product for any skin type and a serum based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Skin care cream Doliva contains olive seed extract, shea butter and hyaluronic acid.

It is aimed at rejuvenating the dermis thanks to a highly moisturizing complex, smoothing wrinkles, improving complexion and normalizing energy exchange in the epidermis. Moisturizing creams from the Doliva brand are divided into night and day care. Reviews about the product of the German brand are mixed: some girls note its too liquid consistency and the formation of a shiny film on the surface of the dermis, others talk about it as an affordable product for daily care and rejuvenation, especially since the cream is not tied to a specific skin type or age women.

The rating of budget brands continues with creams Faberlic Prolixir: Intensive hydration day and night products, eye cream and serum for use by women 25 years and older. The brand's creams contain hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, an oxygen complex and peptides to restore dry and stressed dermis.

Brand L`Oreal is known for a whole line of anti-aging products, and among them there is a product with hyaluronic acid - a filler that does not require subcutaneous injection.

The brand's specialists have created a unique cream with a low-molecular base for better penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis, due to which the skin becomes elastic and taut, acquires a smooth surface and moisture saturation. L`Oreal cream, unlike other products, is suitable for use by women aged 45 years and older.

Hyaluronic cream Caviale Produced in Russia and deeply moisturizes the skin.

It contains no additional active elements, only a moisturizing component, which is aimed at working with fine expression wrinkles and dry dermis. Its price is pleasantly surprising, and the reviews are doubly surprising. Women note its availability and high-quality hydration with daily use.

Hyaluronic cream primer Novosvit has a light texture and excellent absorbency.

It contains reflective particles to give the face volume and freshness.. The unique formula of the Novosvit product based on hyaluronic acid smooths out fine wrinkles and normalizes the water balance of the epidermis, so that results are felt after the first application.

Belarusian cream Bielita-Vitex contains ginger extract - a powerful natural antioxidant and component that enhances cell regeneration, essential rose oil to nourish and restore the epidermis. After applying the cream, a thin film is formed on the surface of the dermis - a natural barrier to protect against external factors and retain moisture inside the skin.

Brand Alpika produces a light day cream based on hyaluronic acid, which also contains aloe extract to give freshness to the dermis. Hyaluron in the composition restores the water structure and maintains it at a level in order to prevent skin aging and the appearance of dryness and wrinkles.

Natural product based on “hyaluronic acid” - cream Savonry with a high rating.

It contains a low molecular weight component, which is famous for working on the deeper layers of the dermis and its effectiveness for age-related skin types. The cream's delicate formula is easily absorbed, the collagen in its composition fights wrinkles, and the rice protein complex restores the protein structure of the epidermis without clogging pores.

Budget creams based on life-giving “hyaluronic acid” are represented by the brands Laura, Chistaya Liniya, Garnier, Natura Siberica, Black Pearl.

Professional cream-balm Myrrh, in addition to moisturizing acid, it contains a complex of vitamins E and F, grape seed extract and natural ingredients that make its use safe.

An excellent analogue to a professional product – hyaluronic gel Dr.Stern with a complex of healthy fats omega-3 and 6 to maintain the natural lipid and water balance of the dermis. Its gel-like texture penetrates the skin better and is ideal for aging epidermis due to the high concentration of gyluronic acid and additional vitamins A, E, F, B5.

Age cream Diademin with hyaluronic acid restores the elasticity of skin cells and is suitable for use by women over 30 years old.

The cumulative effect of regular use of Diademin cream is noted by an increase in moisture by 48%– proven by brand experts; in addition, additional elements have a tightening effect and act comprehensively for greater hydration and rejuvenation of the dermis.

Hyaluronic cream La Roche Posay with collagen is indicated for women who have crossed the threshold of 30 years. The complex of components has a smoothing effect on the surface of the dermis, including the area around the eyes, which is vulnerable to the formation of wrinkles. It is known that with age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid is inhibited, so it is recommended to use creams based on it daily to prevent the formation of wrinkles and dryness of the epidermis.

Cream cocktail Premium consists of a complex of hyaluronic acids for the care of aging skin. It is aimed at external hydration, that is, creating a protective film to prevent moisture evaporation, and internally, that is, it penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and “works” from the inside, retaining water molecules.

Complex moisturizing care promises face cream Compliment deep action.

It intensively moisturizes the skin and saturates it with moisture to restore the skin framework and get rid of wrinkles, even deep ones. The work of the cream is simple: its components create a film on the surface of the dermis, or its natural barrier, to protect against external factors and evaporation of water from the inside.

Today the list of face creams with hyaluronic acid is very wide. The effect of such an ingredient as hyaluronic acid can be felt after the first use. It is advisable to know in which face cream hyaluronic acid has the greatest beneficial effect on the dermis and what other components are present in order to approximately understand what result can be achieved. The best face creams with hyaluronic acid are those that do the best job of combating aging of the dermis.

How does the drug with hyaluron work?

For the face - the one that best moisturizes the surface of the skin, which is the main task of this ingredient that is present in the body. However, during the aging process, a person produces less of this substance. As a result:

  • the skin, losing moisture, becomes;
  • wrinkles form.

Facial moisturizer with hyaluronic acid cannot get rid of existing wrinkles, but it is an excellent tool that helps prevent them. Thanks to good hydration, the pores are not clogged, the dermis receives everything it needs.

Youth can be extended longer if you start using such cosmetics from the age of 25. Regardless of which face cream with hyaluronic acid is applied, this component encourages:

  • collagen production;
  • cell restoration.

To enhance the effect of products that contain this ingredient, it is necessary to systematically and thoroughly clean the skin and pores using:

  • scrub;
  • peeling

When using a good cream, a positive result will be noticeable almost immediately. The dermis becomes rich, elastic and moisturized.

Evelyn face cream with hyaluronic acid has undoubted advantages, which include a 4D effect and low cost. The dense consistency of the product is able to be absorbed instantly, without the slightest trace. The cream also contains many nutrients, such as:

  • stem cells;
  • calcium;
  • kelp algae extract, etc.

The result that is visible after the first use is that the surface of the face becomes well tightened and refreshed. The price ranges from 150 rubles to 240.

This cosmetic product is intended for sensitive and combination skin; it is an airy foam. At the moment of applying the cream, it feels as if bubbles are bursting. The composition is distributed evenly over the surface of the dermis, leaving a slightly noticeable sparkle. It contains, in addition to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, marine glucosamines and seaweed extracts.

The cream has the ability to be absorbed, moisturizing the deep layers of the skin. Also he:

  • encourages regeneration;
  • stops the work of enzymes that have a destructive effect on the dermis;
  • improves nutrition and blood circulation of tissues;
  • protects against the negative influence of external factors;
  • stimulates the production of collagen particles.

This German-made cream has a liquid and delicate consistency and a pleasant, light aroma. After application, absorption occurs within five minutes. When using it, it starts little by little:

  • moisturize the skin surface;
  • even out color;
  • tightness disappears.

Reviews about the face cream with hyaluron are only positive. They say that thanks to this product, rejuvenation occurs and fine wrinkles are eliminated. In addition to acid, it contains olive and shea butter, as well as urea. It can be used by people with different skin types; oily skin becomes a little shiny after using it. It is recommended to use the cream during the day and evening. 600 rubles is its approximate cost.

Lifting face cream with hyaluronic acid Vichy Liftaktiv Retinol series. This line includes 3 products - these are creams with a thick structure:

  • night;
  • day;
  • for eyelid skin care.

They are applied easily to the surface of the skin and are also easily distributed, while being used sparingly.

The low molecular weight acid contained has a moisturizing effect and also promotes the production of elastin and collagen. Retinol prevents free radicals from penetrating the dermis, restores problematic cell structure and retains moisture in the subcutaneous layer. All this helps eliminate wrinkles. This cream is recommended to be used after 30 years. The price of a 30 ml jar is 2 thousand rubles.

Russian cream "Libriderm" has a consistency. It is absorbed into the dermis quickly. It contains hyaluronic acid, which has the ability to moisturize the dermis and synthesize collagen. In addition to it, there is camelina oil, consisting of polyunsaturated acids in an amount of 60%.

3D hyaluronic filler day cream is used to make the skin smooth and fresh. Thanks to its use, wrinkles disappear and the moisturizing effect lasts throughout the day.

A universal remedy that gives youth to the skin is the night face cream 3d hyaluronic filler “Libriderm”. It is applied 2 hours before bedtime. The next morning there is no swelling or signs of fatigue on the skin. She looks rested, restored, radiant and smooth.

Ease of use is achieved by the presence of a dispenser. This product is recommended for people with very sensitive skin types. The price is about 400 rubles.

"Lora" is produced in Russia. The cream has a milky color, light consistency, and a linden aroma. In addition to the main ingredient, the composition contains a natural antioxidant - vitamin E. Together with unsaturated fatty acids, it perfectly moisturizes, improves, and regenerates the surface structure of the dermis. Also contains:

  • linolenic acid;
  • vitamins A and E.
  • wild yam extract, which is a source of youth and improves complexion;
  • plant phospholipids that can normalize the acid-base balance and accelerate collagen synthesis.

After the cream is applied it is absorbed into short term and at the same time leaves no traces. The packaging of Laura cream is a small 15 ml plastic jar, the cost of which is approximately 250 rubles.

Cream "Bark" contains:

  • thermal water;
  • hyaluronic, succinic and lactic acids;
  • soybean oil;
  • extracts of wheat, seaweed and oat germ.

The texture of the cream is delicate and quickly absorbing. Thanks to the use of this product, the skin gets rid of the feeling of tightness and irritation, the surface of the dermis is refreshed, saturated with moisture and toned, small wrinkles are smoothed out. People with different types of dermis can use Bark cream. 450-550 rubles is the price of a 100 ml jar.

Face cream with hyaluronic acid and collagen Aquanti from Novosvit is a product that has an amazing effect on the skin. These two substances are its active ingredients. Its melting and airy texture is ideal for the summer season, when it is especially necessary to protect the dermis from moisture loss. The cream has antioxidant properties. Thanks to this product, inflammatory processes are eliminated, the skin is calmed, aging is slowed down, and small wrinkles are smoothed out. Aquanti from Novosvit is sold exclusively in pharmacies for 200 rubles.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are excellent helpers for skin care. Their use will allow you to admire the dazzling appearance and health of your skin longer.

Hyaluronic acid is a polymer molecule that consists of small compounds with a carbohydrate structure. The physical properties of the acid are unique - it can retain water molecules by forming a gel-like structure, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. At the pharmacy you can buy expensive and cheap creams/gels for beauty and youth. Many of them contain hyaluronic acid. Practice shows that it is this component that allows you to see the effect immediately after the first use. Pharmacy creams for the face with hyaluronic acid: Curiosin, Pectilift, Radevit, Heparin ointment. So, let's look at what is included in facial products, what are the features of use, and how to prepare the cream at home yourself?

Composition of creams containing hyaluronic acid

Pharmacy products with hyaluronic acid for the face provide a powerful moisturizing effect and promote skin rejuvenation. They must be used in accordance with the age indicated on the packaging of the cosmetic product. Creams and gels are produced based on various types of hyaluronic acid.

Low molecular weight acid is characterized by smaller particles that easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and help moisturize the skin from the inside. With a higher molecular weight of the component, the substance cannot penetrate so deeply, so it remains on the surface, as a result of which a film is formed. It prevents the evaporation of liquid from the surface layer of the skin and attracts it from the outside. Does not clog pores, while maximally moisturizing the epidermis. The medium molecular fraction of hyaluronic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes skin regeneration.

Worth knowing: day cream most often contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, stevia extract - it prevents wrinkles, smoothes existing ones, moisturizes the skin, spherical microparticles - eliminate skin unevenness, a solar radiation filter - protects against ultraviolet exposure, prevents aging skin.

In most cases, the cream around the eyes contains hyaluronic acid, an extract from old flowers, original matrikins - substances that stimulate the production of your own collagen, and spherical microparticles. Sources of hyaluronic acid: human umbilical cord, rooster combs, cattle eyeballs, bacterial cultures. In the cosmetic industry, acid obtained from bacterial cultures is most often used.

Cons of using hyaluronic acid

Pharmacy ointments with hyaluronic acid for the face help get rid of acne, wrinkles, and sagging skin. They give the skin a healthy appearance, maintain water balance, which prevents the formation of pathological elements - pimples, acne, etc. In most cases, the products have a positive effect on the skin, but they have certain disadvantages.

Using a cream or ointment based on hyaluronic acid in winter time may cause cracking of the skin because cosmetical tools Protects exclusively the top layer of skin. For a prolonged effect, one use is not enough - you need to use the cream for a long time.

Too frequent and prolonged use contributes to addiction, as a result of which the body cannot independently produce hyaluronic acid, as a result, the condition of the skin worsens.

Before purchasing an ointment with hyaluronic acid that can delay aging, you must carefully read the composition of the cosmetic product. Perhaps you are allergic to some component.

When choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Explore reviews from women, who have already used the cream. This allows you to get an overall picture of the effectiveness/uselessness of the product;
  • Study contraindications, probable side effects, recommendations for use;
  • View the composition for the presence of hyaluronic acid. The composition should contain exactly this component, and not its derivatives. The packaging should say hyaluronic acid. If sodium hyaluronate is indicated, then it is better to refuse such a remedy;
  • Cream with hyaluronic acid should not have a strong odor. Any flavors and fragrances negatively affect the therapeutic properties;
  • The day cream must contain protection against ultraviolet exposure, and the night cream must contain retinol;
  • For better effect choose products that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and green tea extract;
  • Check the expiration date.

List of effective creams

There are many ointments with hyaluronic acid sold in pharmacies. Some recommend using the Fillerina line of products - a complex made in Switzerland, containing 6 types of hyaluronic acid. Others advise purchasing L’Oreal Paris RevitaLift or Radevit cream. But the names of the drugs alone don’t say anything, so let’s look at the most popular ones in more detail.

Gel Curiosin

The cosmetic product is sold in the form of a gel. The product is used to treat acne and inflammatory diseases of the skin. The active component is hyaluronic acid.

The principle of action of Curiosin against wrinkles:

  1. Hyaluronic acid binds to the liquid, fills the wrinkle from the inside.
  2. The product promotes normalization metabolism, improves blood circulation in the skin, stimulates the production of its own collagen.
  3. Additional substances in the composition have anti-inflammatory and healing effects, ensure rapid restoration of the epidermis.

Expected effect from use: leveling of fine wrinkles, deep hydration of the skin, relief of the inflammatory process, narrowing of pores. The method of application is quite simple: apply the product to dry and cleansed skin. Frequency – 1-2 times a day.

Possible side effects:

  • Redness at the application sites (a side effect due to a rush of blood);
  • Excessive dry skin;
  • Allergic reaction (itching, burning, angioedema).

No overdose has been reported. Use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended, since clinical studies on the safety of the drug have not been conducted. The price is 8-9$.

Heparin ointment

The composition contains: heparin, benzocaine, soft paracin, glycerin, sterile water, stearic acid, sunflower oil. The active ingredient is heparin. This substance helps thin the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. It also relieves swelling as it improves the permeability of blood vessels. Heparin ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How does the ointment affect the condition of the skin? Many women, waking up in the morning, observe swelling of the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, and puffiness of the face. In most paintings, this is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle - bad eating habits, non-compliance with the drinking regime. The swelling goes away by lunchtime, and wrinkles appear in their place.

Heparin fights precisely such wrinkles, relieves puffiness, eliminates bags under the eyes, and improves skin condition. The ointment is quickly absorbed, does not cause a sticky feeling, and works at the level of blood vessels. Can be applied to sensitive skin around eyes. Cosmetologists note that heparin ointment helps well against spider veins, but only with prolonged use.

Worth knowing: Heparin ointment is recommended to be used only on days when swelling and dark circles appear under the eyes. Apply to clean skin, including the area around the eyes. Leave for 20 minutes, after which you can use a regular cosmetic cream. The ointment is used up to 3 times a week.

Heparin ointment against facial and deep wrinkles is an ineffective remedy; it does not help to cope with the problem; it is better to pay attention to other creams.

Ointment Radevit

A combined drug with regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. The product enhances the protective functions of the skin, helps normalize the processes of keratinization of the skin, moisturizes and softens the skin. The drug is used to treat many skin diseases; it does not contain hormonal substances, which allows use regardless of medical history.

The product helps get rid of wrinkles. To do this, you need to apply the cream 1-2 times a day. To achieve the desired effect, Radevit must be used for a long period of time - at least one month.


  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Excess retinol in the body.

There are no side effects. When using the cream against the background of an acute form of the inflammatory process, the following negative phenomena are possible: hyperemia of the skin, increased swelling, and development of pain. Reviews of Radevit ointment are positive and negative - some women praise the drug, others did not notice any results.

Gel Pectilift

This product is recommended for the care of mature skin. To get rid of wrinkles, the cream is applied to the skin of the face in a thin layer. Frequency of application – once a day. After 15 minutes, the product is washed off with running water, and a moisturizing gel is applied. Duration of use is two weeks, after which they take a break.

Effects of using Pectilift gel:

  • Evens out shallow wrinkles, improves the condition of the skin;
  • Tightens the facial contour, tones;
  • Strengthens the synthesis of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  • Reduces the pathological activity of the sebaceous glands, narrows pores;
  • Accelerates the process of renewal of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • Accelerates the process of exfoliation of “dead” skin particles;
  • Stops the inflammatory process;
  • Protects skin from adverse environmental influences.

Please note: Pectilift gel is easy to apply and quickly absorbed; it contains no preservatives, flavors, fragrances, or hormonal substances. The drug does not lead to the development of negative effects, there are no contraindications.

Mostly there are favorable reviews. It is noted that the gel smooths out wrinkles, improves complexion, and makes the skin younger. The positive effect is observed after several applications and lasts for a fairly long period of time.

Making cream at home

To prepare the cream at home, you need to purchase hyaluronic acid in powder. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the fraction of the substance - there is low molecular weight and high molecular weight.

If this information is not indicated on the packaging, then it is a high molecular weight acid. It acts on the surface of the epidermis and provides quick results. Low molecular weight acid is able to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, has a less pronounced therapeutic effect, but has a prolonged effect.

Process for preparing homemade gel:

  1. It is better to use low molecular weight and high molecular weight acids in the same ratio.
  2. The proportion of hyaluronic acid is no more than 2%. Otherwise, the cream will not be absorbed into the skin.
  3. To obtain a 1.5% solution, you need to combine 1 g of powder and 65 ml of water.
  4. You need to pour water into a clean and dry container in which the homemade gel will be stored, then add the powder a little at a time. Mix with a plastic stick.
  5. During mixing, lumps will form - they must be thoroughly rubbed.
  6. Leave the cream on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day.

After 24 hours, the anti-aging product, prepared at home, is ready for use. Use the product 1-2 times a day. Apply to clean and dry skin, allow the cream to absorb for 20 minutes. Afterwards, you can apply moisturizer or use cosmetics. Course duration is 2-3 weeks.

It is not recommended to use homemade cream during pregnancy. breastfeeding, against the background of inflammatory and dermatological diseases. Use with caution for autoimmune disorders and pathologies of the circulatory system.

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