Boiled water – benefit or harm? Boiled water: benefits and harm Amount of boiled water

He tries to take care of his body and maintain good health. Drinking is an integral and vital function. If a person can go without food for about five or seven days, then the lack of water will begin to negatively affect well-being within 24 hours. This article will tell you about the harm and benefits of boiled water. You can find out which liquid is best to drink and in what quantity. You will also draw conclusions about the beneficial and harmful properties of boiled water. It is worth studying in detail each factor influencing the state of drinking fluid.

Repeated boiling of water is most often done in the same container as before. The resulting deposit on the walls of the kettle or pan heats up again and reacts with the collapsing molecules of the liquid. All this is not only not beneficial, but can also be very dangerous for humans.

How to protect yourself when drinking boiled water?

If you still prefer to drink heat-treated liquid, then you need to do it correctly. Observe the following conditions:

  • drink water immediately after it boils, do not wait until it cools completely;
  • after processing, pour the contents of the kettle into a separate container (preferably glass);
  • never store water in the container in which you boiled it;
  • Wash the kettle regularly to remove scale and deposits;
  • do not consume the liquid 2-3 hours after boiling, but rather prepare a new portion;
  • Drink raw, purified liquid periodically.

Summary and conclusion

So, you now know what boiled water is (the benefits and harms of the product are described above). Having concluded, we can say that raw liquid is less dangerous than heat-treated liquid. So what kind of water should you drink? Processed or not?

It all depends on the region in which you live and the condition of the tap fluid. Find out what your boiled water is. The benefits and harms of this product can be tested in a special laboratory. IN Lately Cleaning filters have become very popular. They rid the liquid of harmful compounds and fill beneficial properties. Drink only good water and always be healthy!

Today it is not often possible to see a person drinking regular city tap water. Unfortunately, the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired, as does the environmental situation, so most people prefer bottled water, purchase special filters, or boil the vital liquid. This is simply necessary if you need to protect yourself from infectious diseases, the formation of kidney stones, teeth and other health problems. It is boiled water that we are talking about in this article today. Is it true that boiled water is healthy? Or does it harm the body? How to boil life-giving moisture correctly? Read on and get answers to these questions.

After reading the article you will learn:

What water is better to drink

Let's figure out which water is better to drink, boiled or raw. Since raw water contains many trace elements in the form of salts, it is advisable to drink it in this form. The molecules in it are arranged in a unique way, which is why it is called life-giving. Living, crystal clear water stimulates cell regeneration and prevents the formation of free radicals in the body. But it is often necessary to boil it, since in its raw form it may contain bacteria.

But we note that boiled liquid does not introduce any useful substances into the human body; it is absolutely useless. They call her "dead".

This name was obtained based on the following factors:

  • after boiling, the oxygen content decreases significantly;
  • During heat treatment, salts that have a beneficial effect on the body fall into an insoluble precipitate;
  • when tap water is boiled, the chlorine contained in the liquid is converted into toxic compounds that provoke the development of oncology;
  • after the boiling process, the structure changes, so after approximately 12 hours microbacteria begin to multiply in the drinking liquid.

Yes, there is no benefit in “dead” water, but no one says that there is a lot of it in unboiled water. There is no guarantee that raw food does not contain substances harmful and dangerous to the body. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of whether drinking boiled water is healthy, you will get a clear answer: no, but it is definitely safe!

If you decide to opt for boiled water, adhere to certain consumption conditions. You need to let the raw liquid settle for a couple of hours, after which you can boil it. As soon as the water starts to boil, immediately turn off the kettle. Then the liquid will be disinfected, but not all minerals beneficial to the body will be eliminated.

It is recommended to drink the boiled liquid exclusively fresh and not store it for a long time. At the same time, realize that only life-giving liquid of natural origin contains useful substances for the body, many microelements and macroelements.

What happens to water when it boils?

In physics, the concept of boiling is interpreted as the transition of a liquid from one state of aggregation to another, in this case, integration from a liquid substance into a vaporous one, accompanied by many bubbles at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. Conventionally, boiling is divided into three sequential actions:

  1. Small bubbles form at the bottom of the container, gradually rising to the surface of the water, grouping near the walls of the pan, cup, bowl, or other container.
  2. Many bubbles are formed, which cause cloudiness. Then the liquid turns white. Coffee and tea lovers prefer to turn off the kettle (remove from the stove) at this very moment. The water has not yet boiled at this stage, but you can already brew drinks.
  3. The final stage is active seething, abundant steam release. The water boils, seethes, bubbles burst.

The benefits of boiled water

Do you think it is beneficial to drink boiled water? Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but we can definitely say that it has a beneficial effect on the body if it is boiled correctly:

  • Helps improve metabolic processes in the body.
  • Normalizes the digestion process.
  • Removes toxic substances through the pores through sweating.
  • Stabilizes blood cycling.
  • Increases mental activity and physical performance.

Regular replenishment of water balance in the body helps to reduce body weight. And together with small physical exercise and healthy food, it is possible to get rid of overweight, and forget about this problem. Boiled water removes toxins and helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Water, cooled after boiling to room temperature, is used to relieve cold symptoms. It relieves pain in the larynx, relieves congestion in the nasopharynx, and also replenishes the body's reserves of fluid lost as a result of heat.

Attention! It is unacceptable to use boiling water as a medicine. The effect of varnish on the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat provokes burns.

By drinking cooled boiled water every day before eating, all vital processes in the human body are stabilized. It has a proven positive effect on the digestive, endocrine and nervous systems, and has a beneficial effect on skin turgor and muscle tissue. To obtain the most maximum effect, it is recommended to use boiled water collected from natural sources (springs or wells).

Proper boiling

Simple tips for boiling water:

  • Pour only fresh water into the boiling container.
  • Avoid secondary boiling and do not add raw water to boiling water.
  • It is necessary to boil filtered or “settled” water, which does not contain harmful impurities (without sediment).

Harm and danger

If the boiling technology is not followed, water can have a negative impact on general condition human health. There are many different microbacteria that are resistant to extreme temperatures for long periods of time. That is, a small percentage dies after boiling for five minutes, while some remains active even if the water is boiled for 10 minutes. Pathogenic microbes are particularly resistant to boiling. Without bringing the liquid to 100 degrees, and without holding it for a period of 10-15 minutes, there is a risk of harm to your health.

The boiling process displaces oxygen, which has a very positive effect on the body of the consumer. Thanks to it, beneficial substances are delivered to the circulatory system. This is not a key transport medium for the body, but this does not reduce the positive effects of oxygen.

There is an assumption that water has the ability to be charged with positive vibrations and can accumulate healing properties. After boiling, this option does not work; it is rightfully considered “dead”.

Using boiled liquid during pregnancy

In order for the entire pregnancy to proceed normally, a woman needs to carefully monitor not only her diet, but also choose the right drinking water. The flow of fluid into the body guarantees a complete blood flow to the embryo and stabilizes the full volume amniotic fluid, increases blood flow and normalizes muscle elasticity.

Drinking boiled water from the tap is not recommended for pregnant women. It contains heavy trace elements (salts and organic substances), which can negatively affect the baby. Bottled water of the highest category and liquid saturated with oxygen are considered optimal for a pregnant woman's drinking ration. These types of liquids are ideally accepted by the body and have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Boiled water for weight loss

What are the benefits of boiled water for weight loss? To get rid of excess weight, you need to add a spoon of lemon juice to it. Boiled water has peculiar taste qualities, and a small lemon slice neutralizes them perfectly.

It is necessary to use boiled water in the fight against excess weight before eating with a 30-minute break and a couple of hours after eating. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of liquid throughout the day. In combination with a properly selected diet and exercise, two liters of fluid per day is considered sufficient, which really promotes weight loss and recharges the body with energy.

The chemical composition of the water that we consume and use for cooking sometimes leaves much to be desired. One of the most common and effective ways How to make water, or rather those components that can be found in it, more harmless to the human body, is the method of boiling, during which most microorganisms die at high temperatures. A,

what else happens to water when we boil it? This is what we will talk about today.

Is boiled water really healthy and harmless?

First, let's figure out what happens during the process of boiling water...

  1. Destruction of microbes. But high heating temperatures, unfortunately, do not destroy all microbes; they are not capable of destroying heavy metals, harmful pesticides, nitrates, herbicides, phenols and petroleum products. In addition, after boiling water, useful substances remain on the walls of the kettle - magnesium and calcium salts, which evaporate when the water boils.
  2. During boiling of water, especially for a long time, large masses evaporate from the water, and heavy water precipitates in the remaining water, which is also known under the formula D2O. This D2O settles to the bottom of the kettle, and if you add unboiled water to such water and boil everything together, the percentage of heavy water and its concentration will increase. And this is very dangerous for human health.

But, What exactly is the danger and harm of such heavy water?
If you look at heavy water, it is visually no different from ordinary water - an odorless and colorless liquid. And, here in the chemical composition of such water, Instead of hydrogen atoms, you can see the content of deuterium atoms - heavy isotopes of hydrogen.
As a reference,

Due to the fact that such heavy water does not absorb neutrons, it is used in nuclear reactors to slow down neutrons, and also as a coolant.

The properties of heavy water also differ from ordinary water, for example, various reactions in such water take place with a significant time delay. The toxicity of heavy water in small doses is quite low, but deuterium tends to accumulate in the body, and this is already harmful.
Research by Russian scientists has confirmed the theory that in heavy water the growth and development of bacteria, fungi, algae, regeneration and tissue repair slow down. Western researchers went a little further and proved through experiments that such heavy water has a detrimental effect on living organisms and plants. In animals, in the process of drinking heavy water, metabolic processes in the body were disrupted, and kidney function was disrupted. And, if the consumption of heavy water increased, then animals and plants died.
That's why,

  • in no case should you re-boil already boiled water, or add unboiled water to its remains - the content of heavy water increases, and the obvious harm of such water for the human body increases accordingly,
  • if you boil water (and this is still necessary), then do not overboil it, and use fresh volumes of water each time,
  • Experts recommend that before boiling water, it must be allowed to “stand” for at least several hours. This applies to tap water, water from wells and springs, as well as filtered water.

Another common mistake regarding boiled water is the situation when, for brewing tea, coffee, medicinal herbs Pour boiling water into the thermos and immediately close it tightly. Under no circumstances should you do this! Unless, of course, you want to get a complete lack of benefit from a drink in a thermos, which also contains “dead water” that simply suffocates. Leave the thermos open for a few minutes and then close it.
Despite the fact that water does not contain any nutritional value for our body, it is an irreplaceable component in human life. Life is impossible without water, and a person himself from fifty to eighty-six percent (depending on age and total body weight) consists of water. Therefore, let's use healthy water and boil it correctly...

From this article you will learn:

  • Which is better – boiled or raw water?
  • What are the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body?
  • Is boiled water good for weight loss and pregnant women?
  • What water is better to drink

Tap water today can hardly be called drinking, given the state of water supply systems in cities and the environment in our country as a whole. Untreated tap water can cause significant harm to humans. Therefore, the population buys bottled water, boils tap water, or uses household filters. In this article you will learn a lot of information about the benefits and harms of boiled water.

Which is better: boiled or raw water

Before going on sale, bottled water undergoes several stages of purification without losing its natural qualities. This means that microorganisms living in such water do not die completely. When drinking raw water, they have a certain effect on the microflora of the human intestine. When boiling, all microorganisms die, and disputes still arise about which water has more benefits - raw or boiled. Convincing arguments can be found on both sides. Let's try to find the obvious differences between raw water and boiled water, identifying both the benefits and harms.

Raw water

The formula of water is known to everyone from school - H2O. But in nature, such an ideal composition practically does not occur, and natural water contains many impurities, the concentration and composition of which depend on the source of water. For humans, they can be both beneficial and harmful. As a rule, rain and river water is rich in alkalis and metal compounds, which can not only affect the taste of the water, but also the degree of its effect on the body.

Harm to the body is caused by uranium and radium particles in water - they affect the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems of a person, in the worst case, leading to death. Potassium, calcium and selenium compounds in water, on the contrary, have a beneficial effect on the human body, strengthening the cardiovascular system, ultimately benefiting the body.

Meanwhile, water is the main element of our body, occupying approximately 85% of it. The benefit of water is that almost all vital processes take place with its participation. A lack of water in the body harms the cardiovascular system - it leads to thickening of the blood, sharply increasing the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. The required daily minimum of water for a person is five liters, and a person should consume at least three liters of water per day in its pure form.

So, we are convinced that raw water can be both beneficial and harmful. On the one hand, raw water contains important microelements for humans, which stimulate metabolic processes and help the body perform its basic functions. But raw water is also a breeding ground for pathogens: helminths, pathogens of intestinal infections, tuberculosis, plague, cholera. And the harm caused to humans by these pathogens is a good reason for boiling raw water.

Boiled water

Before considering the benefits and harms of boiled water, let’s figure out what happens during its boiling.

You can verify this by doing a little experiment with indoor plants. It will be necessary to water the experimental plants with boiled water for several days. The result will be the death of plants even with abundant watering, since the plants will begin to experience oxygen starvation, and oxygen is as important for plants as it is for humans.

Despite the fact that plants are able to extract a certain amount of oxygen from the air, they will not be able to extract maximum benefit from it for themselves - this oxygen will not be enough for photosynthesis. In addition, the plants will not receive enough of the necessary microelements that benefit the plants, which are also destroyed by boiling.

So, the harm of boiled water to plants is obvious. Aquarium fish will also behave like plants if, instead of raw, oxygen-rich water, dead, boiled water is poured into the aquarium. Their fate will be the same - they will all die. It is easy to guess what harm regular consumption of exclusively boiled water will have on a person: this water will accumulate in the tissues, not bringing any benefit to the body, causing swelling and “bags” under the eyes. Human internal organs will experience increased stress. First of all, the heart and blood vessels are affected. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases.

So, we can see that there is still more harm in boiled water. But is there any benefit to it?

The benefits and harms of boiled water for the body


Many people mistakenly believe that repeated boiling completely disinfects water, destroying all harmful microbes. Experts have convincingly proven that complete disinfection does not occur when boiling; the water only becomes slightly softer. But repeatedly boiling water and drinking it means causing harm to the body.

The following facts can be cited in favor of the fact that harm is caused to the body:

  1. Boiling is unable to completely destroy nitrates, pesticides, petroleum products, phenol and heavy metals. Needless to say that these substances only bring harm to any living organism?
  2. When water boils, a chemical reaction occurs that breaks down chlorine-containing elements. These elements precipitate, and as a result of their interaction with other elements, carcinogens (dioxins and trihalomethanes) are formed. Carcinogens are much more dangerous than pure chlorine, as they provoke cancer. A small amount of dioxins in the body is enough for genetic changes to occur at the cellular level, causing irreparable harm to the body.
  3. When water is periodically boiled in a metal kettle, scale forms on its inner walls. When combined with boiled water, this scale enters the human body. It causes direct harm to the body, since scale particles accumulate in the body over time and cause various types of chronic diseases, and sometimes cause heart attacks.
  4. The hepatitis A virus and the causative agent of botulism are relatively resistant to boiling; to completely destroy them, water must be boiled for at least 15 minutes. Modern kettles have an automatic shutdown function as soon as the water temperature reaches 100 degrees. Obviously, there is no benefit in such boiling for disinfection.

It is especially dangerous to add raw water to boiled water and boil it again. Ignorant people do not attach any importance to this, although they do not see any particular benefit in it. By consuming such water, they risk their health and even life, causing harm to the body. Hydrogen isotopes contained in the primary boiled water react with particles of added raw water and form deuterium, a dangerous element that accumulates in the body.

The following dependence can be traced: the more often water is subjected to heat treatment, the more harm it causes to the body when consumed. In other words, the benefits of such water for humans are rapidly decreasing, while its harm is increasing. Already after double boiling, the water cannot be considered drinking. Firstly, the taste of water changes depending on the the worst side– metallic shades appear in its taste. Secondly, and this is most important, drinking such water interferes with normal tissue renewal and also negatively affects internal organs.

Repeatedly boiled water changes its natural chemical formula each time. Oxygen evaporates, and heavy metal salts take its place, showing their presence in the form of scale on the kettle. It is not for nothing that this liquid has long been called dead water, causing more harm than benefit.

Despite the balance of benefit and harm, the toxicity of boiled water is insignificant, provided that its use is limited. If you periodically drink such water, salts will accumulate in the body, which are then quite difficult to remove.

But no matter how harmful boiled water is to people, it also has beneficial properties.


Boiled water can rid the body of toxins, and this is its main benefit. In addition, a person’s consumption of boiled water promotes the absorption of food and helps in removing waste from the body.

Boiling tap and natural water makes it softer and rids the water of pathogenic bacteria (especially spring water). However, it must be remembered that in order to completely disinfect water, it needs to be boiled for a long time; this is when the benefits of thermal disinfection will be obvious.

And yet, before drinking boiled water, the benefits and harms of which have been clearly established, carefully monitor its daily dosage.

The benefits and harms of boiled water for weight loss

To start your metabolism, just drink a glass of boiled water in the morning on an empty stomach. Warm boiled water in the morning will not cause significant harm, but it will cleanse the internal walls of the stomach and intestines and prepare the excretory system for work.

Drinking boiled water is beneficial for weight loss, and to give the water a pleasant taste, you can add a little lemon juice to it. This neutralizes the specific unpleasant taste of boiled water.

To achieve maximum benefits, it is better to take boiled water before meals every 30 minutes and two hours after it. In total, there should be at least eight such receptions per day, which will be about two liters. Combining this scheme with proper nutrition And physical activity, you will make sure that excess weight will begin to quickly disappear, and the body will be charged with energy. Otherwise, both the benefits and harms of boiled water on an empty stomach are similar to the examples discussed earlier. It is important to reduce the harm to zero.

The benefits and harms of boiled water for pregnant women

Pregnant women need to be doubly attentive to the quality of the water they drink, because not only the woman’s health, but also the condition of the child she is carrying depends on it. Fluid is of paramount importance for the fetus. The benefit of water is that it ensures blood flow, maintains the volume of amniotic fluid at the proper level, and ensures normal blood circulation in the tissues of the mother’s body.

Boiled water obtained from the tap is contraindicated for pregnant women, since it contains compounds dangerous to the child and does nothing but harm to both organisms. Therefore, the best option would be to use bottled purified water enriched with oxygen. Such water will benefit both mother and baby: it is perfectly absorbed by the female body, contributing to the birth of a healthy child.

So which water should you prefer?

The logical question becomes: is it possible to combine the benefits of raw and boiled water in one liquid, minimizing its harm to the body? Experts have found a solution to this problem.

There is already bottled raw water on the market that is specially purified from pathogenic bacteria. Before bottling, such water undergoes a thorough laboratory analysis; as a result, its chemical composition turns out to be as balanced as possible. If you want to save on buying bottled water without harming your body with low-quality water, you can purify raw water yourself using household filters, which are also on sale. Moreover, modern filters are able to provide sufficient protection, destroying most of the dangerous bacteria and purifying raw water from harmful impurities. The benefits of filters are obvious, and no additional water treatment is required.

You can do without filters entirely by simply mixing raw and boiled water in equal proportions. This can be compared to extracting delicious juice from concentrated syrup. Concentrated juice is not very pleasant to drink, so we dilute it with water. In the same way, you can dilute raw water, saturated with organic and inorganic compounds, with boiled water.

In syrup, the source of supersaturation is sugar; the body independently reacts to its excess in the drink. The taste buds cannot detect the oversaturation of chemical compounds in raw water. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute raw water with boiled water, minimizing the harm from the deposition of excess salts in the joints, and extracting maximum benefit from the resulting solution.

Some people don't bother finding the right concentration of substances in their water, but they don't want to cause harm to their health. For such people, there is a method of drinking water separately. The method is so simple that many people use it unconsciously, sometimes without realizing the benefits of this approach.

The essence of the method is the separate use of either raw or boiled water, depending on a certain time. In order to correctly determine what kind of water you should drink at a given time, you need to follow some rules. For example, during our awakening, many vital processes are launched: the heart and brain come into operation, the muscular system comes into tone.

To successfully launch the entire body, you will need “fuel” in the form of 150-200 milliliters of raw water. It is advisable not to eat for about 30 minutes after this, so that the water is absorbed by the body with maximum benefit for it. This same raw water will benefit the stomach in particular, preparing it for the morning meal.

After eating, a person again needs water. To get rid of fluid deficiency that occurs during metabolism, any drink based on boiled water - tea, coffee or compote - will benefit. These drinks will not cause any noticeable harm to your body.

Let's summarize what has been said. To minimize the harm from drinking water and benefit from the fluid you drink, follow a simple pattern: raw water before breakfast, boiled water during or after meals.

Where to buy a drinking water cooler

The Ecocenter company supplies coolers, pumps and related equipment to Russia for dispensing water from bottles of various sizes. All equipment is supplied under the “ECOCENTER” brand.

We provide the best price-quality ratio of equipment, and also offer our partners excellent service and flexible terms of cooperation.

You can see the attractiveness of collaboration by comparing our prices with similar equipment from other suppliers.

All our equipment meets the standards established in Russia and has quality certificates. We deliver dispensers to our customers, as well as all the necessary spare parts and components in the shortest possible time.

The huge flow of information falling on modern man from printed publications, TV screens and the Internet, creates one of the main problems of today's life - how to make sense of this in this raging sea of ​​information, how to separate the wheat from the chaff? And for our site one of the most pressing questions is how to determine what kind of water is better to drink?

At the same time, in order to answer one, the most important question posed in the title of this article, one must first answer a whole sequence of small ones, for example:

Which water is better to drink - raw or boiled??

If raw, then tap water, purchased bottled water, purchased bottled water, or natural spring water?

If boiled, then again, what kind of water and how to boil it?

And finally, how to choose the right bottled water?

Let's try to understand these issues.

Which water is better to drink - raw or boiled?

On this issue, most experts are unanimous - for the human body, since it contains various microelements in the form of salts (calcium, magnesium, copper, etc.) necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. When boiled, these beneficial salts mostly precipitate, which, among other things, also has the unpleasant property of depositing on the surface of electric kettles and metal utensils. That's why, first advice for those who drink boiled water - When boiling, turn off the kettle when the first signs of boiling appear. With this method, the water will be disinfected, but at the same time, most of the minerals will be preserved.

Natural unboiled water in the figurative expression “ living water“. This unique property is explained by the unique structure of the arrangement of water molecules, which, when entering the human body, has a variety of beneficial effects on its systems and organs, promotes cell regeneration, and prevents the formation of free radicals, thereby supporting the “rejuvenation” effect. On the contrary, when boiling, the structure of drinking water changes, and it turns into “ dead water“, which no longer has any beneficial effect on the body.

In addition, if you boil tap water, then the chlorine compounds contained in it, which disinfects water in most regions, under the influence of high temperature can change into substances that are toxic to the body, causing the development of urolithiasis and malignant neoplasms. In addition, even if there is no chlorine in this water, the structure of the water, changed under the influence of boiling, becomes a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in less than a day. Based on this, second tip on drinking boiled water - Drink only freshly boiled water, there will be some left over - throw it away!

At the same time, in a situation where you are not sure about the safety of raw water, the absence of pathogenic microbes in it, you should, of course, boil such water, since in this case there is a risk of infection infectious disease outweighs the possible negative effects of boiled water on the body.

Based on the above, let us formulate an answer to the first question posed:

It is better to drink raw water; if there is a need to boil (disinfection, preparing hot drinks), then if possible, do not boil, but only bring to a boil and drink immediately, do not store for a long time.

Which raw water to choose?

It is perhaps much more difficult to answer this question than the previous one, because if there you had to choose only between two alternatives, here today there will be at least several hundred options. Let's try to divide all the water that a person can use for drinking into several large groups:

Drinking bottled water

Currently, the most common and convenient option for drinking bottled water is industrially purified water and bottled in 19-liter bottles. In every city there are at least several dozen companies that purify, bottle and deliver drinking water. For example, water delivery in Kyiv is carried out by AQUALINE, whose drinking bottled water even meets WHO (World Health Organization) standards. The devices included with these bottles for cooling and boiling water - coolers and simply pumps with taps - pumps are also very convenient.

Another option for drinking bottled water is water in plastic bottles with a capacity of 0.33 to 6 liters, sold in stores. As a matter of fact, the main difference here is only in the delivery method - water in 19-liter bottles is delivered to your home or office, but for smaller bottles you have to go to the store. As for the quality of industrially purified drinking water, if the technology is correct, it is at a fairly high level, incomparable to the purification that can be done at home using household filters.

True, it should, as always, be noted that all manufacturers have different water and do not always purify it properly. If you take the time to read the fine print on the bottle, which indicates the category of water, you can find out how the bottled water was obtained - the first category includes artificially purified water, the highest - natural artesian water. Which one to choose is up to you. In any case, even water of the first category is much better than tap water; you can drink it quite safely and with health benefits.

Well, the advice here, as below, in the case of bottled spring water, is one – a must pay attention to the water manufacturer and supplier how long it has been on the market and what reputation it has gained. Based on this, buy purified drinking water and drink for your health!

Tap water.

The answer for our country here will be almost unambiguous (although specialists from the Moscow Rospotrebnadzor often say that the capital’s tap water is quite suitable for drinking) - it is better not to drink, only if there is no other alternative, while trying either, using the filters that are now offered a large number of, or at least leave it for an hour or two (during this time, chlorine compounds precipitate). True, if the water supply in your area is old and worn out, then in addition to rust, which is easy to notice by eye, tap water may also contain pathogens and more toxic compounds, which cannot be gotten rid of simply by settling.

Therefore, the advice here can be formulated as follows: Drink tap water only if you are sure of the quality(as do the residents of the capital of Austria, Vienna, who have been proud of their water supply system, filled with the purest water from mountain springs, for a century and a half). If you are not sure, then either filter or boil.

Spring water

Humanity has not yet come up with a definitely better option for drinking water – a better filter than the one created by nature itself. Water passing through the layers of soil goes through several degrees of purification and is saturated with various microelements. This is where we need to make a reservation - each area has its own unique composition of microelements, therefore, before you boldly drink raw spring water, it is advisable to do a chemical and microbiological analysis of it. Well, simple common sense should tell you that drinking water from a spring located within a large city or near large industrial facilities is at least risky.

By the way, now in stores you can often find spring water packaged in plastic bottles. This drinking water belongs to the highest category water. And even more often we read about the results of tests carried out by various government laboratories, which revealed that in these bottles, at best, filtered tap water, and at worst, plain tap water. Therefore, here we can advise you to approach the issue of purchasing spring water more carefully and buy only water from trusted manufacturers that you trust.

So the advice here would be: drink spring water only after checking its composition and quality in special laboratories (this is done by Rospotrebnadzor). Water from springs in large cities is oversaturated with heavy metal salts, bacteria and other harmful impurities and is unsuitable for consumption in any form.

Mineral water

Mineral water is water from natural sources with a high content of salts and microelements, resulting from the passage of groundwater through mineral-rich soil layers and rocks. According to the standards adopted in our country, depending on the salt content (total mineralization), it is divided into the following types:

healing mineral water with a salt content of more than 8 g/l, you can drink such water only as prescribed by a doctor; uncontrolled use can cause disorders of the body’s mineral metabolism;

medicinal table mineral water, which contains from 1 to 8 g/l of mineral salts, is also prescribed by a doctor, but you can drink it yourself;

table mineral water with a salt content of less than 1 g/l, you can drink it without restrictions, it perfectly quenches thirst, especially in the summer heat and during sports, since the salts it contains replenish the loss of minerals through sweating.

If you drink mineral water without the advice of specialists, then the main advice that doctors give here is to choose mineral water from sources that are geographically close to your permanent residence, since the body gets used to the composition of the drinking water of its region. And general advice for all types of purchased water - buy mineral water only from manufacturers you trust.

Water purification at home

The most economical way to obtain potable water is to install a household purifying filter in your home. The main two types of filters are for flow filtration, which are built directly into the water supply system, and jug type, as in the photo on the right. The main difficulty here is to choose the right filter for your tap water. After all, for example, a carbon filter, which copes well with heavy metal salts, chlorine breakdown products and organic contaminants, will not remove excess iron from water. Therefore, before buying a filter, it is advisable to analyze the water flowing from the tap in your apartment or house.

The most highly effective and expensive filter - working on the principle of reverse osmosis, it completely purifies the water of all impurities, leaving only a water molecule. True, this is where its disadvantage stems from - by removing all the salts from the water, it makes it much less beneficial for the body. And the price of such filters is quite high; they are more often used for water purification on an industrial scale.

And finally, the cheapest way is to freeze and thaw tap water. Experts' opinions about melt water They differ - some say that with this method, the water is perfectly purified from all harmful impurities and is perfect for drinking. Others argue that to use this method it is necessary to comply with complex technological conditions and it is impossible to obtain clean melt water at home. In any case, if all other methods are not available, melt water, even obtained in domestic conditions, is still more suitable for drinking than tap water.

So, all that remains is to summarize what is written above:

1. Raw water is definitely healthier for drinking than boiled water.

2. The best drinking water is natural spring water.

3. When buying drinking bottled water, pay attention to its category and manufacturer.

4. If there is no alternative to tap water, use household filters, prepare melt water, settle or boil it.

5. When boiling, do not let the water boil; turn off the kettle at the first sign of boiling water.

Drink clean water and be healthy!

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