Congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary in prose. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose. Heartfelt congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

We congratulate you today on the wonderful date of your wedding! Be happy and satisfied with life! We wish you joy and goodness! Young enthusiasm and hot eyes! Love each other as in the first years!

A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Today, look at your wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! Let mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family!

Today, dear (names), we are very pleased to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. You have been together for 10 years, and we see that your family is friendly and strong! You managed to preserve love and tenderness, learned to find compromises and resolve conflicts - and this is worth a lot. We wish you to continue to live in love and harmony, not to be separated for a long time, to share all your sorrows and joys in half! And, just like on your wedding day, today we are happy to tell you – BITTER!

On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one whole, to understand each other perfectly and to support each other in everything!

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life. life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong!

Only 3 years have passed since your wedding, but how many events have happened during this time in your life! You have your own home, a car, a wonderful baby was born, your family’s wealth has increased... We wish you to continue in the same spirit, let everything that brings you pleasure grow rapidly: let your son grow, let your income grow, let him grow your love!

On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all difficulties family life. We wish to always support each other in everything, to overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals, and to share all everyday chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

Five years have flown by so quickly and almost imperceptibly since your wedding day! The good news is that during this “five-year period” you have realized many of your plans. You have equipped a cozy home, strengthened your income, strengthened your family and given birth to two wonderful children! Your home is cozy and hospitable, it’s always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it continue to be so! We wish that your love only grows stronger, your prosperity grows, and your children delight you with their successes!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and we want to say that we admire your wonderful family! You have been together for so many years, but love still shines in your eyes, and that’s wonderful! We wish you that love will continue to illuminate your path in life and warm your hearts! As on your wedding day, we tell you today - advice and love!

Today is your pink wedding, and therefore we decided to give you a gift beautiful bouquet of pink roses and a bottle of good rose wine! Let your love be beautiful and tender, like these roses, and strong and exciting the blood, like this wine! Always be happy together, advice and love!

Dear mom and dad, I am very happy to congratulate you on your porcelain wedding! You have a solid history of family life behind you – you’ve been together for twenty years! And today I see that you love each other, and that’s great! I wish you goodness and happiness, prosperity and mutual understanding, easily cope with the difficulties that arise and enjoy common successes together! I wish you to relax more together and preferably at southern resorts, I wish you to spend more time just together, I wish you to be very, very happy!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live there forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bonds with love. Don’t give in to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!

Today is an important day for you, an exam on living together! May your family be spared from adversity, and may love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in your home!

Today is a big holiday not only for your family, but also for all of us, your family and friends. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember your wedding well, when you united your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We admire your family and believe that your entire future life will be just as romantic and happy! We wish you prosperity, kindness, love and again say “Bitter!”

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

You have been together for so many years that it is already difficult for me to perceive you separately. They will say something about one, I immediately remember about the other, the other will do something, I immediately think about the first. May this touching unity last for many, many more years, because it is truly wonderful!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a unit of society. In any case, it’s a piece of the world, its own little world. Not a little world, but the world. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because... If it weren’t for him, then I wouldn’t have seen this light. I congratulate you. I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because this is what the words were said on this day; “I declare you husband and wife,” and then there was repeated: “Bitter!” Well, let's not break tradition - to parents: “Bitter!”

I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we still read the same gentle light of love as many years ago. And may the years continue to have mercy on you, may love protect you from all adversity and quarrels, and may your family become stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you.

So much has changed during this time: morals, customs, fashion, power... And only yours family hearth still unshakable! Congratulations on the anniversary of this hearth! I would like to wish that the fire in it never goes out and always warms your hearts!

With age, a person changes - some for the better, others for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, it’s only for the better. I would like to wish you that this process continues in the future! Happy anniversary to you!

A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Today, look at your wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! Let mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family!

5 years have passed since your wedding! And today, congratulating you on this date, we are pleased to state the fact that love still shines in your eyes, that you look at each other with extraordinary tenderness! Over the past years, there have undoubtedly been not only joys and sorrows in your family, but they have only united you and made you stronger. May many carefree, clear days await you in the future! Love each other the same way, let the family only become stronger!

Today, dear (names), we are very pleased to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. You have been together for 10 years, and we see that your family is friendly and strong! You managed to preserve love and tenderness, learned to find compromises and resolve conflicts - and this is worth a lot. We wish you to continue to live in love and harmony, not to be separated for a long time, to share all your sorrows and joys in half! And, just like on your wedding day, today we are happy to tell you – BITTER!

On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one whole, to understand each other perfectly and to support each other in everything!

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong !

Only 3 years have passed since your wedding, but how many events have happened during this time in your life! You have your own home, a car, a wonderful baby was born, your family’s wealth has increased... We wish you to continue in the same spirit, let everything that brings you pleasure grow rapidly: let your son grow, let your income grow, let him grow your love!

Dear (names)! As popular wisdom says: “living life is not crossing a field”! Over the years of living together, you have already become convinced that she was right, because you had to experience not only joyful events, but also difficult moments. Your noisy and fun wedding left far behind, like carefree youth, growing children require a lot of attention and cause a lot of trouble, everyday life becomes boring with its monotony - and it seems that life consists entirely of worries and worries... Your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember the many wonderful moments that happened to you. Remember your dates, your wedding, remember the time when you were expecting your first child, and the day he was born - you never know there were many wonderful moments. Let these memories help you understand that your life consists not only of gray everyday life, but also regularly pleases you with happy events. Appreciate what you have and always be happy!

On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life. We wish to always support each other in everything, to overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals, and to share all everyday chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

Five years have flown by so quickly and almost imperceptibly since your wedding day! The good news is that during this “five-year period” you have realized many of your plans. You have equipped a cozy home, strengthened your income, strengthened your family and given birth to two wonderful children! Your home is cozy and hospitable, it’s always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it continue to be so! We wish that your love only grows stronger, your prosperity grows, and your children delight you with their successes!

We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary! We are very glad that over the past five years you have managed to do a lot: increase your family income, buy a car, furnish a home, give birth to a child... You are great, but your baby is bored alone, and therefore we wish you a speedy addition to the family! Be happy, be healthy and love each other deeply!

Other texts of congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary

A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Today, look at your wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! Let mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family!

You once swore an oath of devotion and love to each other, and to this day you have remained faithful to it. May your marriage, like an unbreakable fortress, continue to be immune to the storms of life. I wish you prosperity and endless happiness. Happy Anniversary!

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Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.

Dear (names)! We congratulate you on the anniversary of your life together and want to wish that you continue to masterfully overcome any problems and adversity. So that they can continue to share both difficulties and joys. So that you continue to be faithful to each other and to the promises that you made many years ago on your wedding day. Be happy every day! Be family and friends, and in difficult times remember that this is the only thing that is important in life, everything else is secondary and transitory. Love each other, take care of each other, enjoy each other and every day spent together!

5 years have passed since your wedding! And today, congratulating you on this date, we are pleased to state the fact that love still shines in your eyes, that you look at each other with extraordinary tenderness! Over the past years, there have undoubtedly been not only joys and sorrows in your family, but they have only united you and made you stronger. May many carefree, clear days await you in the future! Love each other the same way, let the family only become stronger!

Today, dear (names), we are very pleased to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. You have been together for 10 years, and we see that your family is friendly and strong! You managed to preserve love and tenderness, learned to find compromises and resolve conflicts - and this is worth a lot. We wish you to continue to live in love and harmony, not to be separated for a long time, to share all your sorrows and joys in half! And, just like on your wedding day, today we are happy to tell you – BITTER!

On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one whole, to understand each other perfectly and to support each other in everything!

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong !

Only 3 years have passed since your wedding, but how many events have happened during this time in your life! You have your own home, a car, a wonderful baby was born, your family’s wealth has increased... We wish you to continue in the same spirit, let everything that brings you pleasure grow rapidly: let your son grow, let your income grow, let him grow your love!

Dear (names)! As popular wisdom says: “living life is not crossing a field”! Over the years of living together, you have already become convinced that she was right, because you had to experience not only joyful events, but also difficult moments. Your noisy and cheerful wedding is left far behind, like your carefree youth, growing children require a lot of attention and cause a lot of trouble, everyday life becomes boring with its monotony - and it seems that life consists entirely of worries and worries... Your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember many wonderful moments that happened to you. Remember your dates, your wedding, remember the time when you were expecting your first child, and the day he was born - you never know there were many wonderful moments. Let these memories help you understand that your life consists not only of gray everyday life, but also regularly pleases you with happy events. Appreciate what you have and always be happy!

On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life. We wish to always support each other in everything, to overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals, and to share all everyday chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

Five years have flown by so quickly and almost imperceptibly since your wedding day! The good news is that during this “five-year period” you have realized many of your plans. You have equipped a cozy home, strengthened your income, strengthened your family and given birth to two wonderful children! Your home is cozy and hospitable, it’s always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it continue to be so! We wish that your love only grows stronger, your prosperity grows, and your children delight you with their successes!

We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary! We are very glad that over the past five years you have managed to do a lot: increase your family income, buy a car, furnish a home, give birth to a child... You are great, but your baby is bored alone, and therefore we wish you a speedy addition to the family! Be happy, be healthy and love each other deeply!

We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary! We wish you to continue to live as two halves of one whole, to be as happy and shine with love!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live there forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bonds with love. Don’t give in to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!

Here's to another happy year of your life together. I wish your marriage to become stronger and more reliable every year, so that many years later you will celebrate your golden wedding with the same joy. Congratulations!

Today is an important day for you, an exam on living together! May your family be spared from adversity, and may love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in your home!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and well-being. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.

Today is a big holiday not only for your family, but also for all of us, your family and friends. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember your wedding well, when you united your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We admire your family and believe that your entire future life will be just as romantic and happy! We wish you prosperity, kindness, love and again say “Bitter!”

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on your life's journey. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and faithful love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.

Between two people, like between two electrodes, a certain field is formed. Yours is obviously positive. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of this wonderful phenomenon! Let no anomalies of life be able to disturb it!

Every wedding anniversary is a testament to the fact that you are wise people and truly love each other. Every year we wish you happiness, prosperity, patience and joy. But today I have a different wish. Today I would like to wish that, growing into each other and becoming one, you still remain yourself, remain full-fledged individuals. I would like to wish that you have every day interesting topics for conversations. So that until old age you remain interesting to each other - in every sense imaginable. And so that this interest again and again kindles love between you. Happy holiday!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a unit of society. In any case, it’s a piece of the world, its own little world. Not a little world, but the world. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

Every person has a birthday. The family has the same holiday, only it’s called a wedding anniversary! Do you need congratulations for your family's birthday? Take a look at the section of our website with congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose - there you are guaranteed to find good wishes! If you don’t have time to congratulate yourself personally, take it in your hands mobile phone and send an unusual audio gift in the form of a good song, a funny prank or a wish voiced by a popular movie character.

Today is a big holiday not only for your family, but also for all of us, your family and friends. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember your Wedding well; when you connected your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We admire your family and believe that your entire future life will be just as romantic and happy! We wish you prosperity, kindness, love and again say “Bitter!”

Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because... If it weren’t for him, then I wouldn’t have seen this light. I congratulate you. I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because this is what the words were said on this day; “I declare you husband and wife,” and then there was repeated: “Bitter!” Well, let's not break tradition - to parents: “Bitter!”

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

We sincerely congratulate you on your four years of marriage!
Live cheerfully and amicably, love each other the same way, tenderly and passionately, have everything you need in life. Let the fire of holy love remain for years, until the golden wedding!

My wishes are simple, good health for many years to come, warmth and tenderness for loving hearts. May there always be peace and prosperity in your home. I wish you great happiness and eternal love, may the rains and inclement weather pass you by, and may the nightingales sing to your soul.

It's nice to live life with a good person who understands the meaning of the words: respect, care, patience, attention, justice and love! Happy holiday!

Darling, today is our wedding anniversary, I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity! So that our family does not know troubles and grief, so that bad weather does not touch us! May this solemn day bring you good mood and joy! I love and appreciate you!

Our dear, good relatives. May your life be happy and vibrant, may you live in harmony and joy, because where there is fun there is joy, and where there is joy there is happiness. Be as happy together as you have been these past 8 years.

I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we still read the same gentle light of love as many years ago. And may the years continue to pass you by from all the hardships and quarrels, and may the family become stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you.

Our dear children, another small anniversary of your happy family life has arrived. How well and amicably you live, and for us, your parents, our souls rejoice when we look at you. May your happiness never end, peace and goodness to you.

Dear guests! On this festive day, we have gathered to congratulate our heroes of the occasion on their anniversary! Happiness to you, success and prosperity to your family!

On this holiday, I would like to remind you, dear (names), how many years ago you intertwined your destinies into one and began counting down a new one - the fate of your family. As in any destiny, in the destiny of your family there was joy and sadness, there were ups and downs, there were quarrels and reconciliations. However, the fact that we are now sitting at the festive table suggests that your family’s fate is happy. And what you - happy people. After all, you managed to preserve your union, your love, and in our time not everyone succeeds. On your family's birthday, I wish you prosperity - financial and human. Let your dreams come true and your plans come true without any problems. Be healthy and happy!

Your wedding anniversary is a great occasion to remember the best moments of your life together. Probably, in the everyday flow of days, joyful and bright events are forgotten and begin to be taken for granted. However, it is these moments that form the basis of your happiness, your family life. Today is the time to remember your first date, first kiss, wedding day, children's birthdays. Remember your travels together and your most significant acquisitions. In general, collect in your memory all the best things that you have had over the years, and be happy for yourself! Imagine how many bright and joyful events still await you ahead! I want to wish you to appreciate these moments, appreciate your happiness, and in difficult and dark moments understand that life does not consist only of difficulties and harsh everyday life. Years later, only the best is remembered. Let this best come to your family and stay there forever! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on this bright day!
A family is a living organism. Therefore, always remember that if a person has one leg injured, he is limping. If a person has two legs injured, he cannot walk at all. And if a person’s feet touch each other, he stumbles. Therefore, I wish you to always live in harmony, in peace and love, and most importantly, take care of each other!

So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is wonderful! Congratulations on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world that we love so much! Happy anniversary of the creation of this world!

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling like yours can conquer the years! Congratulations on this touching victory! May your love conquer all the adversities of life again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

Love is that irredeemable coin that now makes up your living wage!…
I want to wish you not only prosperity, but also abundance;
not only joy, but also great happiness!

Congratulations on the most important step in your life!
I would like to wish you that you take all further steps in life together, firmly and in step! And let, if one of you stumbles, the other will definitely support him! Good luck to you!

Today's solemn event - a wedding - unites you into one whole.
I would like to wish you to always remember this, so that the joy of one would always be the joy of the other, so that you listen to each other and feel each other - this helps to live so much! I wish you happiness and good luck, dear newlyweds!

The guy deserves congratulations, if your relationship has been developing for a year. This means putting a sweet berry on top of a gift and creating a masterpiece for your loved one. Love is an ocean that cannot be limited to the world of the material, useful, practical. Love is unthinkable without waves of feelings and the sound of words.

Congratulations characterized by a dizzying variety, from classic to opulent. Tender lines of wishes will prompt even the heart that is not the most violent in the manifestation of emotions to melt and melt. Your doubts will crumble into dust and you will be pleasantly surprised. After all, the lines born in your heart will certainly be pleasant to the one to whom they are addressed.

The site offers a bouquet of beautiful congratulations in prose. With the template you choose, create compositions of words for your own creativity. Memorize them by heart and tell them to your chosen one, drowning in his eyes. The words will envelop your loved one, captivate him, reward him with the most wonderful impressions and settle in his memory for a long time. You just need to try, it will turn into the desired fruits.

Exactly a year has passed since we started dating. And I will remember every day of this year for the rest of my life, because these were the most better days in my life. I remember our every parting before going to bed, I remember our every kiss, I remember every moment of our meetings. Happy anniversary and I want you to know that I love you more than anyone in the world.

Not on earth better man than you. You are the nicest, the kindest and most gentle, and you are all mine! I congratulate you on the year of our serious relationship and want to wish that our relationship becomes something more. I love you very, very much and I miss you already.

Today we congratulate the most wonderful couple on their anniversary! Let the years lived together not erase love and tenderness! We wish you never to get tired of each other and keep in your memory the sweet feeling of the first meeting. Let life bring little happy moments and bright moments every day! Bring joy and love to your home, pushing away sorrows and disappointments!

For two loving people There is no better holiday than the anniversary of a relationship! Congratulations on this date! I wish you to preserve tender feelings for the rest of your life! Give each other warm moments filled sincere love and care! May heaven guard your union, protecting and helping you cope with all adversity! You are a wonderful couple, always remain so!

Today is a holiday - bright and cheerful, and I hasten to congratulate you on it! And no matter how many holidays there are in a year, for me any day is a holiday if you are next to me. And I know that for me, even the most cloudy day can become sunny if your smile illuminates it! Happy holiday to you, my love!

My beloved, dear person! You are the greatest miracle and happiness in my destiny! I wish you with all my heart and with great love exclusively the kindest, brightest and purest that exists in this world! Let friends not give reason to doubt their devotion, work will bring pleasure and good earnings, and peace, harmony and tenderness will always reign in our union! I love you!

How quickly time flies. It seemed like just yesterday that you started dating, but today I congratulate you on half a year of your relationship. You are amazing, charismatic, bright and extraordinary, and most importantly, madly in love with each other. You are exactly the couple that was made in heaven, I wish you to remain the same. Enjoy each other and take care of your bright feelings.

How unnoticed the year flew by. Just imagine, for a whole year you exist not separately, but as a single whole, which cannot be divided, and there is no reason to, because you are a wonderful couple. There is harmony, mutual understanding, and, of course, love between you. It seems to me that your feelings will never fade away. You feel each other, and this is rare. I want to wish you only good things today, may they surround you everywhere. I hope, soon, I will congratulate you on your unity of two rings. Take care of each other and everything will work out for you!

Today your couple celebrates amazing holiday. After all, today is the anniversary of your union, on which I actually want to congratulate you. I wish you idyll, harmony, spiritual unity and equality. Be a support for each other in everything, do not lose faith in each other, and, of course, great love for you. Also, I wish you mutual support and a magnificent wedding. May your love live forever!

Let me congratulate you on such an important anniversary! Let all the stars shine today just for you two, let all the flowers spread out like a colorful carpet at your feet! Let the warmth and love that you carry throughout your life only increase!

Nine years is an impressive time,
But this is just the beginning.
You have created a rich economy for future use,
We wish it would expand.
So that the house expands, so that the family grows,
May only happiness shine in your home.
Even though eight years have passed since the wedding,
We remember the original celebration.
That day you solemnly entered the registry office,
They put rings on each other's fingers,
And to this day you are in love with each other,
So let love be limitless.

Nine years ago you got married
Your bonds have become like a merger,
You promised to love for centuries,
So keep your promises!
You love each other without looking back,
Give joy for many, many years,
And let through the years and decades
There is simply no more beautiful couple than yours!

You've been living with your wife for nine years,
You are so constant -
This is very good,
You have found your happiness!
Congratulations, friend,
There is a ringing knock under the glasses
I want to wish for love
And protect your wife!

With all my heart I congratulate the bride and groom on their wedding day! Today, for the two of you, the heavenly office opened the first page of a new wonderful book in which the history of your family will be recorded! Let this story be written with golden pens and bright multi-colored inks, let there be no dark spots in it, but only bright moments! Young people, I wish you to live together for a hundred years and always, every hour, to give each other sweet kisses, exactly the same as today you give each other to the cry of “Bitter”!

Chamomile is a symbol of the sun, summer,
Love, smile and warmth.
There is a lot of light in family life
I wish you today.
Happy nine year anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible.
Let life be full of fun
On your chamomile anniversary!

The family is now celebrating its heyday,
Your love magnifies the power.
In nine years you have become stronger,
Hold on to happiness more tenaciously.
Let the symbol of permanence be earthenware
Only a solitaire game that is happy for you will play.
A carriage of fiery and fabulous love,
You will be whisked away to the land of hope and happiness.

Your ninth wedding anniversary!
It is necessary to give earthenware,
Glass, dishes, or even,
Sorry for being rude, toilet
And we will give you chamomile,
And even, however, not alone,
But still you, poor thing,
Don't torture yourself to find out your fate
We will tell you fortunes for free,
You don't have to be a psychic
After all, everyone around has long understood
Why should you sail through life together?

And earthenware dishes -
This is a sign of constancy
After all, we, wife, managed
It's good to get to know each other.
I'll tell you straight today
You are a wife, housewife, mother -
Simply wonderful...
9 wonderful years in the past
We lived in perfect harmony!
Listen to me now:
I confess my love to you,
That sometimes I’m wrong, I admit,
I'm lucky to have you!
And to spite everyone's misfortunes
We'll live our whole lives together,
Maybe one day we will die...
(It’s not without reason that they say
So, in one old legend!)
And on the faience wedding day
I would really like to know
All your dreams, wife,
Everything you dream about.
I would do my best
May you, my dear angel,
Life was good with me
I wish I could!
Happy anniversary,
Be happy, dear!
I'm happy to live with you -
My faithful wife!

Today we all loudly and with pleasure shout to you: “Bitter!” And we wish from the bottom of our hearts that this “bitterness” becomes the most bitter bitterness of your life together. May troubles and sorrows pass you by. Let the sun peep through your window more often, let happiness warm you, let love flare up stronger every year. We wish you to be connected by common dreams, common plans and desires. Go forward together, achieve your goals and may you succeed! And let nothing in life be sweeter than your kisses - “Bitter, young people, bitter!”

I want to congratulate you
With a crystal wedding,
Be happy always, my
Long-suffering wife!
Don't be discouraged, even though life sometimes
Sometimes it's too tough
Let nine years be a long time,
But it’s still nice to live!

The modern world is fast-paced, it makes us rush to live, and in this bustle we often neglect the foundations and traditions that have developed over centuries. Many couples live together without thinking about tying the knot. Today we are very glad that our newlyweds are not one of those! We are glad that you were not afraid to enter into an official union and take responsibility for each other before people and the state! We support you in your decision to register your marriage and congratulate you on this step! We wish you boundless happiness and love, we wish you to meet joys together and overcome obstacles, to always be support and support for each other in everything!

Let's fill the earthenware cups with tea,
So that emptiness does not come by accident.
May your union be strong
And light your family load.
Let the whole house be happy,
You achieve this through hard work.
Let love be the crown,
And you will be the creator of success.

Your wonderful family,
Like a full cup!
Don't carry it alone
But it’s clear, you are together and that’s why you should be!
You lived together for 9 years,
And the honor of the family was not compromised.
And on this significant day,
I wrote congratulations to you!

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