How effective is staff training? Trainings at the enterprise Psychological exercises in the fight against stress

In order to provide themselves with competent, qualified employees, many enterprises use training for staff. Modern conditions dictate the rules of fierce competition in the personnel market. Therefore, training and development of personnel, improving their qualifications are very important issues.

What is employee training and what is its main function? Training (from the English train, which means “to educate, develop, teach”) is a short-term form of active learning, during which the development of knowledge, skills, social attitudes and psychological techniques occurs, as well as the application and strengthening of acquired knowledge.

Corporate training, or personnel training, is used to develop employee skills, strengthen management interaction, and it increases the efficiency of an organization or enterprise.

In order to achieve the desired result, a set of trainings is used. Despite the fact that this is a rather intensive and complex process that affects all aspects of doing business, this method fully justifies all the time and financial costs associated with it. It has been proven that as a result successful implementation personnel training in a similar form indicators efficient work employees of the enterprise in their industries increased significantly.

Types of staff training

For the professional growth of their subordinates, business leaders use several types of training:

  1. Trainings that are designed to develop and improve the level of professional skills of employees. They improve negotiation skills and optimize sales techniques.
  2. Management training helps develop leadership abilities, the ability to build a team, and rally the team around one common goal.
  3. Trainings for successful teamwork are aimed at developing communication skills, the ability to communicate effectively in a group, and finding alternative solutions to problems and conflicts in the work team.
  4. Time management training, which teaches you how to properly plan your time, so that work tasks are completed more productively and on time.
  5. Psychological training for staff is aimed at increasing the self-esteem of group members, helping people gain self-confidence, overcome their fears and complexes, and eliminate anxiety. By making important changes in the minds of participants, such trainings also contribute to their personal and professional growth.

Where to start training staff?

The effectiveness of the training, the effective implementation of all tasks assigned to it, depends on clear planning, a competent choice of goals for which the training will be focused, determined by the needs of the company.

To plan training, it is necessary to take into account all levels of the work team that will take part in the training, and agree in advance on the training time, form and topic with the training members and their immediate supervisors. The correct choice of the trainer himself is also important.

Research shows that a large share of the success of the training depends on drawing up a competent plan: 80% of excellent results are responsible for the correct choice of training form, the personality of the trainer who will help create necessary motivation for success. The moment of creating motivation and focus on the result of training is very important. After all, if employees treat the training as a punishment or another vacation, the work done will not bring the necessary effect and will not allow them to achieve their goals.

When choosing a trainer, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • the trainer needs self-presentation and “body language” skills;
  • the trainer must be able to establish trusting relationships in the group in order to be heard by the audience;
  • it is important to easily and deftly manage the training process (a high level of ability to conduct a discussion, monitor the dynamics of collective thought processes, quickly respond to any changes in group activity);
  • be able to use and combine forms of training, combining them in such a way as to achieve the greatest training effectiveness;
  • the trainer must encourage the enthusiasm of the participants and make them want to actively apply their knowledge.

Various techniques are used during staff training:

  1. The case method is the identification of a specific problem situation and subsequent finding of optimal ways to solve it.
  2. Business game - the coach models possible situations for which it is necessary to find several suitable options for the possible development of events.
  3. Role-playing game - participants take on different roles and play out certain situations that may arise in the work process.
  4. Group discussion, or consultation, group discussion of problems, tasks, questions in order to find the right solution together.
  5. Brainstorming - stimulating the development of creativity among group members.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the training, you can conduct staff surveys, surveys of participants, in which the impressions of all members, introspection and self-analysis are important.

Control exercises are also used to determine the level of mastery of the necessary skills and knowledge. It is possible to evaluate how effectively staff training was carried out by observing direct management “in the field,” that is, monitoring the employee’s performance of his or her job duties.

Conducting training for staff is a profitable investment, because the high level of qualifications of employees, their brilliant professional knowledge and skills are one of the main components of the successful activities of the entire organization.

During the 2008 crisis, many companies cut funding for corporate training or completely excluded this item from the budget. As the consequences of the economic downturn are overcome, the level of spending on trainings and seminars is confidently returning to pre-crisis levels. Why is the popularity of staff training rapidly growing?

The main and, practically, the only reason for increasing demand is profit. Investments in staff training and seminars pay off and bring tangible dividends. But under one condition: the activities must be carried out by qualified specialists.

In this regard, the crisis turned out to be even useful: the vast majority of non-competitive companies simply stopped organizing training and seminars for staff. However, even now you can find insufficiently qualified trainers and coaches, so it is very important to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.


When conducting training events of various types, our employees are guided by the basic and strictly observed rule.

Individual approach comes first

A flexible attitude towards each client allows you to adapt any training for staff to your needs and achieve maximum results. Often, managers who turn to us for help themselves offer certain options for increasing the effectiveness of training sessions, after which our specialists adjust the programs.

Close interaction between the trainer and the management of client companies

A good partnership between a coach and top management is the key to the effectiveness of the former’s work. It is thanks to constant contact with managers that our specialists can learn literally everything about the company’s successes and problems. With what more information the trainer - the better the training sessions for staff are thought out, and, accordingly, the more effective they will be.

It is worth noting that when contacting the Psiconsulting Center, seminars and trainings on personnel development are conducted by people who know everything about this kind of event. Creating the most effective programs is their daily task, which they do well. You will only need to clearly define the goals in accordance with which our specialists will offer certain activities.


How to choose a training or seminar that will be most productive for your company? First of all, you need to decide what exactly you want? If the goal is to increase sales, sales of goods and services, then you should pay attention to seminars on the development of communication skills and programs aimed directly at increasing sales volumes. The means must always be subordinated to the ends.

The Psiconsulting Center offers various types of seminars and trainings for staff

Such activities can be aimed at:

  • development of sales skills,
  • advanced training of management,
  • working with the motivational characteristics of personnel,
  • development of communication skills of company employees,
  • increasing the level of corporate culture,
  • training in new technologies to achieve goals,
  • increasing the efficiency of the planning process,
  • creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, etc.
The list goes on, as our specialists have developed and prepared many trainings and seminars for staff, each of which is aimed at solving a specific problem.

Training events can be carried out both for the entire team or groups of employees, and for individual employees. In the first case, we are talking about closed trainings, the essence of which is that the specialist works only with members of your enterprise. Such training for staff is often aimed not only at professional growth, but also to unite the team and create a corporate culture. Open events are intended for employees of various organizations: representatives of other companies also undergo training along with your employees. This allows you to develop management skills, hone your sales skills or provide additional motivation while exchanging experience with colleagues.

The Psiconsulting Center conducts seminars and trainings for staff, which are ultimately aimed at realizing the organization’s human resources potential. In each individual case, we always achieve our goals. That is why the trainings of the Psikonsulting Center are deservedly becoming increasingly popular.

Moscow is a city that provides enterprises with development opportunities - a lot of training and consulting organizations, an abundance of training centers. Therefore, for many managers, the relevant questions at the moment are “Who should I turn to for help? Cooperation with which company will be the most productive and profitable?” If the need for staff development and training has become your problem, and the qualifications, experience and competence of trainers and coaches are important to you, then the specialists of the Psiconsulting Center will be able to help you!

We offer our clients everything they need to run a successful business -

professional training, consultations, recommendations and ready-made solutions!

The training includes both direct exercises to develop sales skills and working with clients in personal contact, as well as exercises that develop individual elements of sales techniques. Also required elements are developmental and test exercises for professional and general abilities, which are necessary for effective interaction with clients in personal contact.

The training program is based on the basic modules of sales techniques in personal communication with the client. The training includes exercises to develop conflict-free communication skills with the client. Also required elements are developmental and test exercises for professional and general abilities, which are necessary for effective interaction with clients in personal contact.

Are you familiar with the word “stress”? Stress is a natural reaction of the body to environmental influences. How to distinguish “everyday” stress from stress that can and should be dealt with? How to learn not to succumb to stress factors in difficult situations in business and develop stress resistance?

The training program is addressed to sales personnel unfamiliar with sales technology and (or) experiencing difficulties in implementing sales skills. The training is conducted in a live, interactive form with practical cases and role-playing games, which allows participants to see their own resources as a successful seller and practice basic sales skills: entering and maintaining contact, identifying needs, presenting and working with objections.

The training is based on a special model of human consciousness and psyche, which separates the concepts of psychological security (the natural inner strength of a person) and psychological defense (special techniques and methods), which allows for a more effective and pragmatic development of skills to repel aggression and neutralize manipulation.

In order for a company to be in demand and its activities to be relevant, it is necessary to monitor not only the quality of product production and provision of services, but also to stand out favorably against the background of a huge number of competitors. An important point at this stage is the ability to constantly increase your level of relevance and popularity. It will be impossible to achieve this without professional staff. An ideal investment in the difficult economic conditions of our time, which pays off many times over, is the organization of corporate training.

Organization and conduct of corporate trainings

– this is a kind of learning process that pursues the goal of forming, subsequently developing and increasing the level of a set of certain skills and abilities. This is an option for increasing general indicators of professional and specialized knowledge.

This method of improving knowledge involves the simultaneous process of training a group of people. Corporate training is a closed form of training within a company among representatives of one organization. The advantage of this approach is that the coaching staff focuses specifically on the company’s specialization. Organizing corporate training involves drawing up a program that will best suit the goals and objectives of the company itself, as well as take into account the needs and solve the problems of all parties involved.

Corporate training gives unique opportunity ensuring the maximum level of activity of participants. By skillfully combining techniques and technologies, a trainer can increase the level of memorization and activate the efficiency of thinking of all participants. This, in turn, will improve theoretical knowledge, as well as comprehensively develop practical skills. Training techniques allow you to constantly maintain the audience’s interest in what is happening at a high level.

The difference between corporate training and a training seminar

An important difference between corporate training and its program and the organization of a simple seminar is the active participation of all group members in the ongoing training process. The training involves focusing on the mandatory acquisition of practical skills, which will then be used in everyday work.

The organization of corporate training should also take into account the motivational load. Participation in role-playing games and the unleashing of situational patterns give impetus to self-expression and the realization of the needs of the participants, which can subsequently affect career and professional growth.

Corporate training sessions are reflected in the physiological and psychological characteristics of each participant. The professional capabilities of the subconscious are able to find a way out after the situation is provoked by the training model. This can significantly influence the further professional and motivational position of the employee.

The price segment for corporate training depends on a certain number of factors:

  • exclusivity and uniqueness of the program and direction of the learning process;
  • using standard schemes and ready-made methods or developing an individual special training program for the company;
  • number of participants;
  • conditions for the implementation and conduct of training sessions;
  • duration and timing of corporate training.

How to organize corporate training

Organization of corporate training – this is an important and delicate matter. All details of this process must be thought out to the smallest detail. This is especially true for off-site training events.

Training time

An excellent option would be Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm, with a lunch break of an hour. This can be called an ideal compromise solution, since a working day and a day off are allocated for corporate training. This period of time allows the employee not to be interrupted from work for the entire period of organizing the event and saves him one full day off.

An acceptable option for conducting and organizing corporate training may be the period from Saturday to Sunday from 10 to 18, with an hour's rest and a lunch break. A slight shift in the time period will also not be a critical change and will not significantly affect the further training event.

Room and venue

An ideal option for organizing corporate training would be a free, closed room with windows on one side and the presence free space in the center. Furniture in the form of tables may be absent or located along the walls of the room. Seating should be light and mobile so that training participants have the opportunity to move freely around the room during the entire training program.

An acceptable level is any room with a small free space for corporate training. The office space itself can be used for these purposes. Mandatory conditions will be the protection of event members from performing work functions, as well as the possibility of mobile movement.

You should not use conference rooms for these purposes due to the lack of free space in the center of the room and the space in general. Offices with windows on all four walls will also be redundant. This will distract the attention of participants, reduce their concentration and the level of effectiveness of the event. A bad option for organizing corporate training may be an office with tables that cannot be removed. Participants can sit there without actively participating in the program.

Equipment and technical facilities

Organization of corporate training involves the use of mandatory additional equipment, as well as technical and office equipment.

It would be ideal to have a flip chart and a projector, which will allow the trainer to increase the level of effectiveness of the event. The absence of a flip chart can be replaced with a sufficient number of sheets of Whatman paper and tape.

The projector should be located under the ceiling, be quiet and easy to operate. It is unacceptable to place the projector on a table in the middle of the room when organizing corporate training. The number of wires and the proximity of the device will significantly interfere with the atmosphere of the training.

Types of corporate trainings

A huge variety of trainings allows you to increase the efficiency of the company, achieve certain goals and solve assigned problems. The most common and relevant types of corporate training are:

When conducting and pre-organizing corporate training, an important point will be long-term cooperation between the organization and the trainer. A professional consultant carries out the practice of further training activities, taking into account the information received in previous classes, actively monitors the subsequent development of the company, solving internal problems, and also plans future activities.

How to conduct corporate training

The recommendations for conducting corporate training provided below will be useful for companies whose training was carried out on their own, which do not have a personal internal trainer, and also in the absence of constant cooperation with training organizations.

Basic steps for organizing training:

Achieving high performance indicators can be achieved with the help of the following corporate trainings:

All described training projects are conducted by a specialist in the field of organizing corporate trainings, strategic sessions, personal consulting and business coaching.

II Training structure

    Your plan

    Important Steps

    How much and how often

    Theme script

    Psycho-gymnastics in SPT




A lot of different materials - theoretical, methodological, research - are devoted to group forms of psychological work. Nevertheless, in my opinion, this topic remains inexhaustible. First of all, I wanted to formulate for myself an idea of ​​​​how to plan, implement and analyze the work of a group.

Communication skills are learned just like any other skill. It takes practice to learn them. This is about the same as driving a car, or having any other skill: riding a bike, skiing or any other sport. If you remember the first time you tried to master the complex skill of driving a car, you will find that you had to control many different things at once. We can assume that you were holding the steering wheel with your hands, or at least with one hand, while the other was operating the gear shift. At the same time, you had to watch what your feet were doing, and this was not an easy task. You had to pay attention to all this, and in addition, be somewhat aware of what was happening outside the car.

In psychological training, clients do what any complex skill requires: the task is broken down into small chunks or segments so that you can individually perform each small segment until you master it. Once you manage to turn each segment into an automatic, efficient, unconscious skill, new possibilities will open up for you - other components of the task. Then you develop the new components into an unconscious, effective template so that you don't have to pay conscious attention to them.

Today it is impossible to imagine the practical activity of a psychologist without various types group work with children and adults. With all its content and methodological diversity, it is very often designated by one common “magic” word - training (“Do you know how to conduct training?”, “Come on, do some training with us!”). This fact is undoubtedly distressing, since as a result of an overly broad interpretation, the concept loses its own meaning.

Psychological training is a special form of group work with its own capabilities, limitations, rules and problems. It teaches new skills and helps to master other psychological capabilities. Its peculiarity is that the student takes active position, and the acquisition of skills occurs in the process of living, personal experience of behavior, feeling, and action. I will try to proceed from this understanding when talking about socio-psychological training (SPT), describing step by step its content and organizational aspects.

SPT is a form of active learning that allows a person to self-form (a clumsy word, but very true in essence) skills and abilities in building productive social interpersonal relationships, analyze socio-psychological situations from his own point of view and the position of a partner, develop the ability to cognition and self-understanding and others in the process of communication.

Beginning of work

What was said above contains not only the enormous potential capabilities of SPT, but also its reasonable limitations. Effective work of SPT presupposes a certain level of personal development, a willingness to engage in training situations, master skills, and cooperate with other people. Essentially, a person must be able to see the world freely, as a new opportunity, and not as a reflection of his problem.

It is very difficult to work on mastering socio-psychological skills when participants begin to “fall out” into a client position and, in fact, request psychotherapeutic help from the leader and the group even during warm-up, “walk-through” exercises; when they cannot give good feedback to other participants because they see not them, but a reflection of their personal, unreacted experiences in their behavior.

This is important to remember at the stages of planning work and selecting participants. The best thing is to precede the work of SPT with a special client group, which allows its participants to work through their current personal problems in one form or another. Such a group can be replaced by a series of individual meetings. Group work is undoubtedly preferable, as it gives a person the primary experience of communication, building relationships, and mutual understanding.

1.Opening remarks

Group work is preceded by an organizational message from the leader. In addition to informing about the goals, objectives and procedure of the upcoming work, the opening statement performs an important psychological function. The participants get used to each other, to the peculiarities of the presenter’s speech, and get ready for work. It is necessary to immediately set the internal pace of work, which will be maintained by the leader all day. This pace should be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the group, but it is very important that it is comfortable and natural for the leader himself, otherwise he will not be able to keep it.

Many manuals suggest introducing rules (standards) for the group’s work already at this stage. I can only partially agree with this. The fact is that at this stage of work the rules can only be introduced authoritarianly, by the presenter himself, since most participants are not yet ready to discuss or express their opinions. With the authoritarian introduction and explanation of rules, the essence of many of them eludes the participants, since they can only imagine them speculatively. I believe that it is advisable to immediately introduce as some kind of “installation from above” those rules that are of an organizational nature.

    Law "zero-zero" providing for the timely start of the training, its completion and an equally timely return to the classroom after a break.

    Addressing each other as "you"(for working with children, this norm may be slightly modified, but addressing the leader by name, without patronymic, is highly desirable).

    Work from start to finish: the person who has decided to participate in the training seeks the opportunity to attend all classes from the beginning to the very end.

    Confidentiality of information, discussed in the group, its closedness for discussion outside the training situation.

It is also advisable to immediately enter the norm “here and now” explaining its deep psychological meaning. The work of the group unfolds only in the space of the current experiences and needs of the participants. The subject of discussion may be past events and past relationships between the participants, but only in the context of their current attitude towards those situations and relationships. The states, experiences and relationships that are born directly in group interaction have the greatest value. You cannot change the past, but you can live the present deeply and brightly, taking the best into the future.

Other norms and rules relating directly to behavior and interaction should be introduced gradually during the first hours of work, based on the experience that participants gain in the exercises. Let's call these rules.

    All statements must be made on your own behalf: “I think...”, “I think...”, not “everyone now thinks...”, “most of us...”, etc.

    When addressing or talking about another participant you need to contact him directly: “you said”, not “Masha just spoke.” (This rule causes many difficulties. The leader must be persistent and constantly correct the participants until one of the group members takes over the corrective function. You can often feel the aggression of those who cannot get rid of the habit of talking about those present as “he” or “she.” Take it calmly and be consistent in your demands.)

    Non-judgmental statements towards other group members. Feedback in the form of a description of behavior and expression of one's own feelings about this behavior is allowed and encouraged, but not an assessment of the individual.

    Active participation in work: if you want to say something, you need to do it, even if it’s awkward, scary, and you don’t want to prolong the discussion. But at the same time, participants have the right to remain silent and not take part in the exercise if this is dictated by their internal state.

    The right to speak and the duty to listen. No one has the right to monopolize the discussion or deprive others of the opportunity to take part in it. Everyone can speak out and should give others the opportunity to be heard and understood.

Agree that if you introduce these rules at once, speculatively, such cumbersome and “alien” information will be poorly absorbed by group members.


This stage is always present in the work of the SPT group, but it has different shapes and duration. Let's highlight three typical situations:

    participants do not know each other;

    the participants know each other, but the coach for them is new person;

    participants and trainer know each other.

In the first case, the acquaintance stage will be quite long, since several important tasks need to be solved:

Recognizing and remembering each other's names,

Mutual support,

Self-presentation of participants.

To solve these problems, the work can be structured as follows.

1. First round during which participants speak in turn, answering the questions: what is your name? What do you expect from the training? Do you have any concerns related to the training? After the participant has answered these questions, the facilitator invites him to attach a card with his name, and the group to think about thematic associations: “If Lena was a gem, what kind?”, “If Alexey was a vessel, then what?”. You can compare with flowers, animals, birds, seasons, weather, furniture, dishes, shoes, jewelry, etc. The procedure is repeated for each participant, including the presenter. In a sense, this is the first group action of the participants.

2. Psycho-gymnastic exercises, involving the procedure of acquaintance, the exchange of moods, the transfer of objects and feelings in a circle. The first psycho-gymnastic studies must be selected very carefully, sparing feelings, taking into account people’s fears. There is no need to use tactile exercises (except for handshakes), or do energy-intensive, very active procedures. It is very important to take into account the mood and state of the group. For example, I use a fairly “tested” psycho-gymnastic complex, an element of which is passing objects in a circle. In the adult group, first I suggest passing a flower in a circle, then a watermelon, and then dirt, after which we “wash” our hands in a clean mountain stream and “splash” crystal clear water on each other. This releases group energy and allows participants to relax. In a teenage group, especially if there are quite aggressive children, I do several circles of different content: passing a flower, a kitten, a very small bead. Psycho-gymnastics ends with another circle with a description of one’s current state and mood.

3. Exercise "Interview"(from K. Faupel’s book “Psychological Groups”). The essence of this exercise is as follows: the presenter invites each participant to imagine that he is the hero of the press conference. Everyone writes on a piece of paper five questions (three are possible) that they would like to answer. The questions should concern their life and professional views, that is, they should no longer be factual, but value-based. Then the piece of paper is given to any participant of the author's choice. Then there are “press conferences”. The interviewer to whom the piece of paper was given asks questions in any order, and the author answers. The interviewer has the right to ask one question of his own. The author is not obliged to answer it. The group has the same right. If the group is large - 14 or more people, it is advisable to divide it into two subgroups.

4. "Image of the group." The facilitator offers the group a sheet of Whatman paper and colored crayons. Each participant depicts on this sheet a certain object, an image that symbolizes the group for him at the moment. You can only draw one image at a time, but you can approach the sheet several times. It is inappropriate to ask questions. After finishing the drawing, you can only exchange feelings.

At this point the dating procedure can be completed.

In a situation where group members know each other, the task of recognizing and remembering names is faced only by the leader. In this case, you should not hang name signs. Let the presenter rely on his professional memory. To help during the first lap, he can use snowball technology. The facilitator should tell the participants that sometimes someone's name slips out of their heads, so he will ask again. The rest of the dating procedure is the same.

In the case when everyone knows each other, the tasks of this stage are self-introduction and mutual support. The first circle can be limited to questions about expectations, fears and current status. After this, conduct a self-presentation exercise such as “Motto on a T-shirt”, “Coat of Arms”, in which each participant will identify himself in a training situation: “This is who I am now.” You can complete the procedure with group bonding exercises.

After the “Getting Acquainted” stage, the remaining rules of the group’s work are logically and naturally introduced.

Turning structure

Participation in the training can only be voluntary. If we transfer this thesis to work in an educational institution, then there cannot be SPT, which is part of the educational activities of adolescents or is a mandatory methodological activity for a teacher. The schedule may include a lesson in psychology using elements of a role-playing game and practicing skills. A teacher may be forced by the administration to attend a seminar on psychology (say, on the topic “Effective Communication”). But a person cannot be forced to communicate with other people, give feedback, or develop certain skills and abilities. It's ethically impossible, it's ineffective, and ultimately it could be dangerous to his mental health.

But even people who respond to a psychologist’s invitation to take part in the training must receive all the necessary information in advance in order to make an informed decision. It’s good to have a preliminary conversation with everyone, talking about the meaning and forms of training work, the need to take an active position, to open your inner world, experiences, thoughts, change, appropriating new experiences. Does a person need this? Is he ready for this?

A situation that is not so uncommon deserves a separate discussion, when the decision to conduct training in a team is made by the manager, and ordinary employees are invited forcibly. It is necessary to immediately inform the leader (even before starting work) and all participants (already during the acquaintance) that they can leave the group at any time. However, encourage them to hold off on making a decision and at least be fully involved in the work on the first day. The leader's attitude may not work if subordinates know their leader well and anticipate possible sanctions that will follow their departure.

Participants have very little choice during on-site trainings. In this case, the group’s work should be structured in a special way: with a very long warm-up, a long period of positive reinforcement, and a predominance of mutual support techniques. Discussions must be structured very carefully so that people who are not ready for serious work feel protected.

Forcing teenagers to participate in training (not to be confused with a correctional, psychotherapeutic group!) is strictly prohibited.

Your plan

At V.M. Rozin in the book “Psychology: Theory and Practice” has such a nice and non-trivial classification of psychological methods, according to which they are divided into methods of study, life discovery and life planning.

Behind life-conceiving methods there is always a certain model of human personality, relationships and self-attitude, which is transmitted by the psychologist to the client and transforms the latter’s inner world. From a global perspective, such methods include, for example, psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology (naturally, their models of relationships and personality are radically different). These include socio-psychological training (SPT).

Why does the trainer choose these particular topics to practice and use these particular exercises? Of course, in some cases, simply because he has only one manual with two dozen exercises. But if a coach implements a professional, competent approach, then there is a life-conceiving concept behind everything he does. He conveys to the training participants a view of human relationships that is close to him, and forms in them a certain approach to their construction and evaluation.

Important Steps

Now we will look at the structure of communication training, built on a humanistic view of human relationships. This training envisions a world based on the ability to have open, trusting contact, to respect one’s own and others’ points of view, and to resist various forms of manipulation. It would be possible to talk at length on these topics, but it seems that an inquisitive reader will already understand the value basis of the proposed SPT scheme and relate it to his own moods and ideas.

First step- awareness of the idea of ​​human relations that the coach wants to implement in his work.

Second step- selection of the general logic of the training process. The proposed scheme is based on the following idea of ​​the phases of communication: establishing contact, meaningful exchange (information, feelings, meanings), ending contact. The work of the SPT group is structured in accordance with them.

Third step- selection of topics for practice. There are quite a lot of them, but they are all well known to psychologists. Let's list them.

1. Establishing contact with a partner at the verbal and non-verbal level, exit

from contact.

2. Mutual support and feedback.

3. Expression and understanding of feelings in the process of communication.

4. Interpersonal positions in communication.

5. Normative and value development of the group (group dynamics).

6. Active listening and I-message.

7. Joint decision-making, negotiations and conflicts.

8. Persuasive behavior, skills to argue your position.

Let's correlate those topics that we think are mandatory for working on during the training with the phases of contact. Thus, we will determine the place of each topic during the training process (see table).

How much and how often

The optimal amount of SPT in academic hours is from 24 to 40. The optimal length of the working day is from 8 to 10 academic hours (6 hours in the most extreme case). It is clear that this can only be realized on the condition that classes are held on specially designated days, with nothing else occupied for the participants - vacations, weekends free from other work.

To be honest, in my opinion, it’s only on days like these that it’s worth conducting training sessions. All these combinations with lessons and work matters are completely ineffective. Moreover, a lesson that lasts less than 4 hours is not seriously related to training at all. So, “passed nearby”, illustration. Active learning involves immersion in the training reality, living a full-fledged experience, into which you will not go away just like that, in a few minutes, and from which you will not jump out for a second to make a call or assign homework.

The above does not mean that it is impossible to conduct small practical seminars, classes with elements of group work, short games, and exercises. Of course you can. But this is not SPT and does not have its training capabilities and reserves.

Another question: how often does the group meet? If the classes are short (4–5 hours), then preferably every day or several times a week. If the classes are long, 10 hours long, you can meet once a week, although it is advisable to have the first two classes back to back. The fact is that if a trainer lets a group go for a week, he is obliged to “close” his participants, let them go with a general positive feeling, so that they can work and live normally, remembering the training only at will, and not because of a pressing, unresolved issue. there are problems there. And this is not always good. Working two days in a row, the coach has the opportunity to disband the group in the evening in an unfinished state. It's unlikely to be a good night for everyone involved, but it can be extremely beneficial for growth, group and personal.

But let's get back to the topics. We see that there are “disposable” topics that seem to be “spread” throughout the entire training process. The approach to working them out is completely different.

Topics that occur once are worked out as a complete, complete “piece” according to a specific scenario.

Topics of the second type (feedback, support, mutual understanding) pass through all phases of contact, gradually changing and becoming more complex. Their development significantly depends on the needs of the group and the level of maturity of the participants.

There is another special topic - the development of a training group, support and formation of group dynamics. In communication training, this task is not highlighted as special, since work on group dynamics is not always compatible with the development of communication skills. In SPT groups, the coach manages the dynamics of group development and stimulates those processes that contribute to the development of effective communication skills (for example, norm formation). In some cases, the leader regulates and controls those dynamic processes that lead the group away from the main goal. We will definitely devote a separate conversation to this complex problem.

Theme script

How to work on topics that are clearly related to a certain phase of communication (these include the fourth, sixth and eighth topics)? For this, the scenario proposed below can be used, which allows participants to perceive the topic as something holistic and emotionally complete.

1. Warm-up (best of all - thematic).

2. Diagnosis of the problem during an exercise or small game.

3. Theoretical “piece”: introduction of concepts, rules, technologies.

4. Skill development in a series of exercises.

5. Generalization of acquired skills in a “big” role-playing game.

6. Reflection (exchange of feelings, analysis of what happened, answers to questions from the presenter).

7. Interpersonal support, feedback.

Let's see how this scheme works using the example of such a narrow topic as “Positions “above”, “below” and “equal” in communication.”


An exercise of the “carousel” type, during which participants in pairs act out small scenes with given roles: ticket inspector - “hare”, seller - buyer, etc. Exchange of feelings in couples and in a general circle. Discussion of roles you liked and disliked.

Diagnostic exercise

The participants (playing the role of the boss) take turns persuading their employees to go out on a day off for cleanup. Any methods of influence are permitted. Brief discussion.


The concepts of three types of extensions are introduced; The verbal and non-verbal repertoire of performance of each of them, the possibilities and limitations of their use are discussed.

Working off

An exercise in threes, aimed at each participant living in all three positions. Discussion of feelings in threes, general analysis. The duration of the discussion in this exercise is maximum. Passive participants are necessarily stimulated by questions.

Generalization game “Hotel Administrator”

Some of the participants play the administrator of a hotel that has no rooms, the rest are trying to get a bed in it, using one of three annexes. Discussion of the results.

General analysis

Stimulating the processes of feedback and self-analysis. Exchange of feelings. Finally, there is a group cohesion exercise that resolves tensions and disagreements that arose during the work on skills, such as “Living Hands.”

Such work undoubtedly requires a lot of time, but due to its integrity and completeness it is very effective. She disciplines the participants well, helps them focus on living a certain experience and mastering specific skills.

Psycho-gymnastics in SPT

In the “living body” of SPT, in addition to specific topics and work on group dynamics, there is one more element - psycho-gymnastic exercises. In communication trainings, in most cases they play a subordinate role and are used as a warm-up during the transition from one topic to another to maintain a group atmosphere.

Psycho-gymnastics is usually used most actively in warm-up. However, we repeat, the TSP does not place emphasis on it. At the same time, one must take a responsible approach to the choice of psycho-gymnastic exercises, since many of them are extremely energy-intensive or, conversely, release a huge amount of group energy, which then may not allow the group to switch to practicing skills. We will also talk about this topic separately.


Psychological training is exercises, an atmosphere, a special state of mind for each participant. But first of all, training is a certain concept of human relations. A concept personally perceived and technologically implemented by the presenter.

With proper organization and training, even a small number of professionals can make our society healthier and better. Let's raise professionals.


1. Bityanova M.A. Magazine “First of September” No. 13, 14, 17 2000

2. V.M. Rozin “Psychology: theory and practice” M. 1998

3. Emelyanov Yu.N. “Active social and psychological training” L. 1985

4. Handbook of psychology and psychotherapy, St. Petersburg. 2000

5. Makshanov S.I. “Psychology of turning” St.-Pb. 1997

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