You need to explain some. How to explain to a friend that you need some space. What did the wow signal from outer space mean?

Cognitive psychology reminds us that we do not owe explanations to anyone about what we do, think, or choose in our daily lives. There is always benefit ahead, the need to know ourselves and act according to our own principles and values, while respecting those around us.

The act of explaining is necessary only in some cases where our decisions affect other people. Taking responsibility goes hand in hand with the ability to know how to act and make decisions without justifying what we do for others. We know that we spend our lives explaining everything, so this time we would like to invite you to think about it.

When Providing Explanations Becomes a Habit

As with all life, there is also a limit and balance. We might ask a loved one for an explanation if, for example, they haven't been home for three days. We will do the same with our children if they have misbehaved, and with our friends if they have done something that does not meet our expectations.

People must give and receive explanations in uncertain, unusual, or painful situations. Cognitive and positive psychology emphasize the importance of not falling into the habit of giving explanations. The problem with constantly explaining your actions is the type of relationship you form. If the dialogue is constructive and responsive, communication flows freely and with understanding. However, in many cases people may assume that they already understand what we want. They may appear to be listening when in fact they are thinking about the answers they are going to give because they have already reached their own conclusion, even if it doesn't match reality.

Providing explanations should never become a habit.

Explanations are only necessary when a specific situation requires them to restore balance in the relationship. When explaining, dialogue should be respectful, open and democratic. The presenter and listener must listen to each other with compassion and dedication in order to understand the situation and achieve agreement and harmony, which we all need in our communication.

Situations in which you should never give an explanation

We are sure that in your immediate social circle (friends, family, work, partner) you are forced to give more explanations about aspects of life that you do not want to share, and there is also this pressure to justify yourself.

Below we will describe several examples that perfectly illustrate situations when you are not obliged to explain your actions.

You don't have to explain your priorities in life. What's important to you is yours alone. If your greatest passion is travel, not everyone will understand that you save all year instead of buying a new washing machine or car. You don’t justify anything, and if you still have to, do it only once. There is no need to explain your position in life.

Why don't you have a partner? Do you still have no children? Your boyfriend is a bit quiet, isn't he? Why don't you live closer to your family? We're sure you've heard at least some of these questions before. People often ask just out of innocent curiosity, but they can find out things that are awkward to talk about and justify and that, in fact, no one but you cares about.

There is no need to explain your beliefs or values. Values, beliefs and opinions stand up for themselves. They do not need to be explained or justified. If you practice a religion or feel an affinity for a certain type of spiritual practice, then there is no need to explain your beliefs to anyone or say what led you to this choice.

You are what you choose, others should accept you as you are and not ask for an explanation.

Living together means respecting each other, and therefore accepting you for who you are. Explanations are only needed, as we noted earlier, in cases of disputes or personal problems.

Live freely by staying true to your values, respecting and enjoying all that you have achieved along the way.

Simulation of natural phenomena

and processes

in science lessons

An important task of studying natural science in elementary school is to develop in children the ability to identify cause-and-effect relationships in nature and explain the mechanisms of certain natural phenomena and processes. To do this, the teacher organizes systematic, targeted observation of surrounding objects by students. But how, for example, can a child see a volcanic eruption or the movement of a glacier? Or watch how the Earth rotates around its axis and around the Sun? The ideal solution is to show an educational film. However, the teacher does not always have a video library on various subjects, especially for primary grades. It happens that there is no tellurium, and the barometer is in faulty condition.

In such a situation, the teacher can use models made by himself, students and their parents.

A model is a three-dimensional visual aid that provides an image of an object or its individual parts in an enlarged or reduced form. They can be collapsible, static or active.

Studying the discipline “Methods of teaching natural science” with students of the primary school teachers department of the Faculty of Education, we select options for quickly making models from the simplest materials at hand. This method of work stimulates the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren and makes it possible to see a natural phenomenon or process in miniature.

Here is a description of several models with a description of their manufacturing technology and demonstration methods.

Shape of the Earth

We propose that, together with students, based on observations, obtain evidence of the sphericity of the Earth by simulating some natural phenomena and processes.

Consistently round shape of the visible horizon.On a paper strip 1.5-2 m long and 25 cm wide, draw a large scale part of the water surface (Fig. 1). To do this, a paper tape is pinned to the floor and an arc of large radius is applied to it, imitating the convexity of the Earth. Instead of a compass, you can use a rope attached to the floor opposite the middle of the tape. In the middle of the tape we draw a ship.

Conclusion: we do not see that the Earth is spherical only because there is a limited area of ​​it in our field of vision.

Earth Rotation

Axial rotation.When explaining the proof of the axial rotation of the Earth, you can successfully use the Foucault pendulum model: thread a thread with a load through a cork, pierce it on the sides with three forks, place the cuttings of the forks on a saucer with sand; along the edges of the saucer write the directions of the sides of the horizon (main and intermediate); Place the saucer on a large plate turned upside down, and write the names of the sides of the horizon on its parts.

The pendulum is brought out of a calm state along the meridian, that is, from north to south,” the teacher swings the thread with a load from north to south so that the sharp end draws lines in the sand, then holds the saucer with the structure with one hand, and with the other moves the plate counterclockwise , simulating the axial rotation of the Earth. “Look, guys, our Earth has shifted a little along its axis of rotation. Swinging, the pendulum found itself above new divisions, not N - S, but NE - SW, although in its swing plane (on the saucer) its direction is the same: N - S. It seems that the swing plane is changing. This can only happen because the Earth under the pendulum is turning (rotating).”

Orbital circulation.We offer two options for modeling the orbital revolution of the Earth around the Sun.

1. You can show the movement in orbit using a spinning top: stick paper on the base around the handle or sculpt yellow rays from plasticine, imitating the Sun, and stick around the circumference of the spinning top, along the widest part plasticine flagellum- draw an orbital path - and show the Earth on it with a plasticine ball made of a mixture of white and blue colors. This model shows the circular orbit of the Earth and the direction of its revolution around the Sun, but does not reflect the axial rotation of the planet.

2. Make a model from an apple pierced with a knitting needle and a candle.

Instead of an apple, you can inflate a small ball and paint it with blue gouache. Cut out the outlines of the continents from paper, make light shading, and stick it on the ball. Mark the equator and poles, glue paper tubes to the poles (imitation of the earth's axis). On the contour of Eurasia, mark the approximate location of your settlement with a red flag. Carrying a ball around a lit candle and at the same time performing an axial movement, discuss with students: the mechanism of the change of seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres; features of lighting, angle of incidence of sunlight in your area; the angle of inclination of the axis to the orbital plane (you can form an idea of ​​​​its precession - a slow, over 26 thousand years, rotation of the axis and space and nutation - periodic oscillations, changes in the location of the poles).

Bodies, substances, particles

When studying this topic according to the program “The World Around Us” by A. Pleshakov, modeling of the relative arrangement of particles in the solid, liquid and gaseous state of matter is performed using plasticine balls. There are two options for this:

Planar modeling - we distribute balls on cardboards, increasing or decreasing the distances between them;

Volumetric modeling in the form of geometric structures - we connect balls with objects of different lengths, for example matches, to simulate the distance between particles in a liquid substance and spokes in a gaseous substance.


The teacher can illustrate the mechanism of earthquakes with the following simulation and explanation. At the boundary of uplifts and subsidences, rocks deform most intensively: elastic stresses arise in them, which gradually increase over time. At the moment when the stresses reach the ultimate strength of rocks, they rupture, accompanied by the release of a huge amount of energy.

Wave-like movements occur on the surface of the earth. An analogy of the mechanism of this phenomenon: if you slowly stretch a piece of rubber in a bath of water (you CAN use a large rectangular glass container), then the surface of the water will remain calm until the rubber breaks (Fig. 11). At the moment of rupture, the energy accumulated as a result of stretching enters the earth's surface and waves arise.



For this topic, we tried three options for demonstrating a volcanic eruption.

1. Make a cone out of brown cardboard, insert a short plastic package, such as a yogurt container, into the top hole, pour baking soda and potassium permanganate into it. To simulate an eruption, add hot water or vinegar to this mixture, and the viscous red mass, foaming, will move over the edge along the “slope” of the volcano.

2. Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into a test tube, add a third of warm water to it, shake thoroughly and mix. Add five drops of washing up liquid and three drops of food coloring to give the lava its natural color. Stir the mixture again and cover the neck of the test tube with cotton wool. Make a “volcano” from sand or earth around the test tube so that it reaches its neck. To simulate an eruption, take out the cotton wool and pour a little vinegar into the test tube. As in the first case, the mixture will begin to foam and erupt, like lava from a volcano.

3. Make a cone out of cardboard with a hole at the top (either pour sand and soil in a heap, or put a metal plate on a flat surface), add orange powder - ammonium bichromate and light it. Its combustion most vividly imitates an eruption - it is a real volcano in miniature: flashes, sparks, emissions - and the seething orange-red hill turns into gray-green ash. However, this substance must be taken in small quantities (a few tablespoons), since ash emissions cover a long distance and it is best to demonstrate the “eruption” on the street or in a large recreation area. In winter, the reaction does not occur in the snow. (Demonstration of this model does not cause fire!)

Cloud types

Together with students, model different types of clouds from pieces of cotton wool: stratus, cumulus and cirrus. On 1/2 a sheet of whatman paper, make a background - a drawing of the sky and mountains, indicate the location of the tiers: low, medium and high. Vertically, at a short distance from each other, thread the threads and attach the clouds to them.

When repeating the material, you can ask the student to arrange (by moving the threads) the “clouds” in the correct order in tiers in the sky.

"Wandering" continents

This topic is offered for study in the 4th grade in the “Planet of Mysteries” section according to A. Pleshakov’s program in the “Natural History” course. The methodology for working with students is as follows:

First, give the students the task of cutting out the contours of the continents from cardboard;

During the lesson, suggest carefully examining the outlines of the Atlantic coasts of South America, Africa, North America and Eurasia;

Combine the contours of all continents and conclude that they practically coincide;

Talk about the existence of a single continent of Pangea, how it split into two continents - Laurasia and Gondwana, and then divided into modern continents (this process is imitated on the board using large outlines, students reproduce in their notebooks);

Explain the movement of continents due to the sliding of their bases along the deep plastic shell of the Earth.

Thus, you can find out with students what shape the continents and oceans have (triangular), and determine the pattern of their location: the wide base of the continents faces the North Pole, and the sharp ones face the South Pole, and the oceans, on the contrary, have a wide base facing the South Pole. and sharp - to the North. This arrangement of continents and oceans is called antipodal, i.e. despite the fact that there is more water on the planet than land, they are distributed in such a way that if you mentally pierce the globe through its center, then at one point of the “puncture” there will be a continent, and at the other there will be water. This proves the stability of our planet as a cosmic system.


1. The world around us.-M.: Astrel Publishing House; Ed. AST, 2001

2. Watt F. Planet Earth. - M.: Slovo, 1999 (Encyclopedia of the world around us.)

3. Poglazova O.T., Shilin V.D. The world around us: Textbook for grades 3-4. Part 3.- M.: INPRO-RES, 1999

Create a mental image of what you want. To avoid offending someone, share your feelings and needs without putting them on the defensive. Try to describe your feelings in detail and help the person understand what you really need.

  • For example, you could say, "I've had such a hard week at work. I wish I could lie in bed all day. Can I ask you something? Do you mind if we don't see you tonight?"
  • If you need a lot more time, explain in a different way: "There's a lot going on right now, so I really need some time to process a lot of things. Can I ask you a big favor? Do you mind if we don't see each other or talk to each other for a few weeks? "
  • Follow the script. Stick to your script if you want to politely decline an invitation to a social event. This will help avoid unnecessary apologies. It is completely acceptable to say “no” without adding “sorry.” Here are some examples:

    • When you want to say no: "I've had a very busy week. I think I should take a break today. But thanks for the invitation!"
    • If you don’t want to go for a walk in the company of friends: “Thank you for thinking about me, but I have to refuse. Maybe we can sit somewhere together? I need a break from spending time together.”
    • If you are not going to leave the house, but others insist on going for a walk: “I heard that you are having fun there! Maybe some other time?”
    • When you intend to end your friendship with these people: “I don’t know how to say this, but I think we’re too different. I’d like to put our friendship on the backburner for a while.”
  • Offer an alternative. A friend feels unwanted every time you tell him that you want to be alone. It is necessary to minimize such feelings in order to maintain the friendship by offering an alternative.

    • If you are not in the mood for a trip to public place, invite your friend over to hang out at home.
    • If you want to take a break, reschedule the meeting for next week.
    • If you need time to be alone, agree to text him a couple times a week.
  • Consider your friend's needs. Any relationship involves giving back. If you intend to maintain your friendship, then when discussing the need for personal space, take into account the needs of your friend.

    • If your friend needs consistency or attention to be completely happy, then you should visit him from time to time.
    • If he needs this meeting for friendly support and attention, then he can satisfy this need in some other way while you recuperate.
    • There is almost always a way to satisfy the needs of both parties.
  • In freelancing, contracts are binding and legal instruments that protect the interests and rights of both designer and client, just like in any business. This obliges both parties to comply with the terms of the contract, thereby preventing anyone from being deceived.

    Additionally, these are significant benefits for designers because:

    • The designer will have some security regarding payment for his work.
    • The designer can terminate the deal if he feels that the terms of the contract have been violated.
    • The designer will have an idea of ​​how to respond to clients who don't pay.

    Things to consider before signing contracts are no joke and need to be taken seriously.

    Once you sign the contract, you need to finish the project and communicate well with the client, just as he does with you. This will preserve your reputation and, of course, remain legal.

    Understanding the importance of contracts, you should always explain certain things to your clients before signing a binding and legal contract. You need them to understand your terms so that both parties can work together very well.

    Here are a few things you need to explain to the customer:

    Payment schedule

    As a freelancer, you need to protect yourself and make sure you get paid for your work. After all, no one works for free, right? That is why, as early as possible and, most importantly, before signing a contract, you should discuss issues regarding payment schedules with your clients.

    So, you should discuss the following:

    • When will you get paid?
    • How much will the advance payment be?
    • How will the work be paid for (bank transfer, electronic wallets, credit to a card, etc.)?
    • What steps should be taken in the event of late or late payment?

    Delivery of the final result

    Of course, this point should be included as one of those things that you need to explain to your client. As a freelancer, you also need to give your client a sense of security. You must give him confidence that the final result will be delivered within the time frame that you agreed with him.

    Again, when it comes to setting a deadline for a project, most freelancers prefer to divide the project into parts or major stages, and each stage has its own deadline. For example, you have to submit a web design for a restaurant website. As a freelancer, you can divide the entire project into four stages. Let's say you provide the client with a PSD mockup first, then the main HTML page, and so on.

    Why are these steps important?

    • Because the client will be able to see the progress of the project.
    • As a designer, you will be more organized when it comes to timelines.
    • You can enter into an agreement on a payment schedule based on the completion of these milestones.

    Now if you ask me, who should set the deadlines?

    The answer here is simple: it is not the client's exclusive right to set the deadline for the project. As a designer, you need to explain your concerns to the client. Again, you have to play it safe. Give a little extra time to your projected deadline so that you can adjust the work if problems arise. Of course, setting deadlines is never easy.

    Here are some tips:

    • Estimate the project and set realistic timelines
    • Explain to the client why you cannot agree to their deadlines and offer a win-win option
    • Play it safe
    • Include the smallest details in your workflow plan

    Here are some articles that may help you:

    Regular negotiations and updates

    Negotiations and updates are important to maintaining a healthy client-freelancer relationship. Together you must decide on what days and at what time you will negotiate about the project.

    As a freelancer, you have to explain this to the client because many of them can act like crazy when it comes to any project updates and upgrades. Perhaps each of us has encountered this type of client. They grumble all the time and ask you for progress updates almost every minute, while sending numerous changes that add even more pressure to what we are already experiencing.

    To fix this, you must relax and explain to the client that you cannot respond every time he wants: this requires a specific time and duration of negotiations so that you both do not affect each other's productivity.

    • Be direct and to the point
    • Update all information about work progress and completed tasks before pointing out problems
    • Try not to whine when you talk about problems.
    • Listen to the client
    • Make sure you note everything you talked about

    For better negotiations, the tips from the article will help you.

    Technical characteristics of the project

    Before signing a contract, you need to discuss the project thoroughly with the client. Clearly, all your efforts will be wasted if you and the client cannot find common ground in your ideas. Hell, this could end up even worse! That's why it's important to talk about the specifics of the project.

    • What does the client want?
    • What do you want?
    • Does the client need the site to be responsive?
    • Is there a need to add some jQuery plugins?

    Ask these questions and determine how you will work together. Moreover, you must be honest in your communication with your client. You need to openly tell him what you can do and what, unfortunately, you cannot do. Explain how difficult it is for you to finish what the client wants. This is the only way you can save a good relationship, and achieve mutual understanding.

    Design changes

    Let's imagine this scenario. You deliver the project to the customer within the agreed time frame. A few days later, the client contacts you and asks for changes. Now, ask yourself, should you blame the client for this?

    This issue must be resolved before signing the contract. You must explain to your client that you agree to a limited number of changes for the entire project. As a rule, professional designers recommend no more than three edits. It is worth understanding that this is an important aspect of freelancing, because you must maintain your reputation, even though you want to treat your client with understanding and compassion. Remember that first of all you must protect yourself and your interests.

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