Methods to combat post-vacation syndrome. How to get ready for work after vacation On Monday for work after vacation

Vacations tend to end quickly. And it seems like you just lazed on the beach or climbed the high mountain in search of new experiences, and a few days later you’re already sitting at your workplace, overwhelmed with things to do and sweltering from the heat in the office.

It seems that going back to work after a vacation should be easy, because the person has had a rest and is properly relaxed. In fact, it turns out that many find it very difficult to get involved in the work process. Everyday work life for many who returned to work from vacation seems gray and dull; they don’t feel like working at all, absent-mindedness appears, and ordinary tasks become an unbearable burden.

In such cases, psychologists make a diagnosis - post-vacation syndrome. A sudden change in environment threatens stress, nervous tension and, as a result, depression. Moreover, the more actively and brightly a person spent his vacation, the more difficult it will be for him to immerse himself in work. According to statistics, approximately forty percent of people who return to work after vacation suffer from this disease.

How to help the body get into its usual rhythm and cope with post-vacation syndrome? There are proven ways to help make your return to work from vacation less painful.

How to return to work after vacation

  • If possible, try to plan your vacation so that the first working day after vacation falls in the middle of the week, and not at the beginning (remember how difficult it is to start new life from Monday). Otherwise, the first working week may turn out to be long and unbearable, so it’s better to keep it a little shorter.

Natalya Panfilova (expert at the Center for Practical Psychology “Integration”) – “ The length of the vacation plays a decisive role in post-vacation syndrome. That is, the longer it is, the more difficult it is for a person to then enter into his work schedule. Today, many people prefer to go on vacation for one or two weeks. But some professions, such as teachers, require long vacations. People in these professions really have difficulty returning to work after vacation. Vacation is a different mode of life. People live at a different pace. Of course, this is good for the body as a whole. But when a person begins his work duties, he has to get up earlier and get more done. Very often, after returning to work from vacation, people get sick. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body, a common psychological trick - to extend your rest. The disease seems to help make the transition into the surrounding reality smoother. Vacationers usually attribute this condition to acclimatization. In fact, a person simply cannot suddenly switch from one life rhythm to another.”

  • In order to acclimatize and return to work after vacation with less loss of performance, you should return from vacation two to three days before starting work. In a few days you will have time to adapt to the weather, slowly unpack your suitcases, again feel the rhythms of your city and mentally tune in to the upcoming workdays.
  • Don't give in to the post-vacation fever after returning home from your vacation! Many people (especially women) try to do all their household chores at once before going back to work after vacation. You shouldn’t poison your last days with everyday worries. Unwashed floors and unironed laundry are here to stay. You will have time to do all this later.

Psychologists say that women and men perceive the transition from vacation to work differently. It is easier for women. Their psyche is more flexible; they are happy to go to work to tell their colleagues about their travels.

  • A simple exercise will help you go back to work after your vacation in a good mood: Answer yourself the question: “Why do I love my job?” Remember and scroll through your memory all the positive moments associated with your current job and the people (colleagues) with whom you communicate. Imagine showing videos and photos taken during your vacation and sharing your impressions. This will help you get back into work with positive emotions.
  • To prevent going back to work from vacation from feeling like hard labor, try to get enough sleep.
  • Returning to work after vacation should be accompanied by a clear time planning down to the smallest detail and workload distribution. Do the things that have accumulated while you were resting one after another, without panicking at everything at once. Focus on solving core problems first. Secondary matters, like dust on a windowsill, will be “cleaned up” later. And be sure to get distracted for a few minutes every hour, especially if you have a sedentary job.
  • Before you have time to completely immerse yourself in work, do not rush to make important and responsible decisions.
  • In the first working days after vacation, try to maintain a relaxed state - do not stay late at work, do not take work home, give up all conversations about work outside of work and have a good rest on your first weekend, this will definitely help you reduce post-vacation syndrome.
  • German scientists have found that a person's IQ drops by twenty points after basking in the sun for several weeks. Restoring IQ is a matter of a few days. So if you feel like you’ve become a little stupid after returning to work after a vacation, don’t think too badly of yourself.
  • Saturate your body with endorphins. Moderate consumption of dark chocolate, as well as the inclusion of a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet will increase the level of endorphins, which will add vigor and give a feeling of happiness and calm. Also, walk more in the fresh air and do morning exercises.
  • You shouldn’t make major changes in your life right after your vacation. Dramatic changes will require both moral and physical strength. This will use up all the energy you just regained during your vacation and minimize any positive effects of your vacation. If you decide to change something, start with useful and pleasant little things. Remember what you always didn’t have enough time for and what you have long dreamed of doing. Adopt the “little changes” method and over time it will become a good habit, displacing post-vacation syndrome and relieving you of stress and depression associated with returning to work after vacation.

Adjusting from work to vacation is much more pleasant and easier than adjusting to work after vacation. According to statistics, many people decide to change jobs on post-vacation days. This happens because when returning to work from vacation, many people notice what makes this job unsatisfactory for them, what they hid so carefully from themselves. And this is another reason not to rush straight into the embrasure. Spend first working days to think about the reasons that cause dislike for this job (too much routine, great responsibility, high bar for achieving a professional milestone, etc.) and to look at new prospects. Surely you have already heard that going to a job that does not suit you for many reasons means harming your health. Isn't it better find your calling and work for your own pleasure? But! This does not mean that you need to immediately write a letter of resignation; remember, changing jobs after a vacation is not a panacea. Take a good look at all the pros and cons.

Vacations have one negative feature: they come to an end! And the point is not that you have to plunge back into everyday troubles (work, in principle, should be a joy, not a burden). The process of returning to one's duties is complicated. After all, the sea, sun, long sleep and other attributes of relaxation are left behind. And here the question arises: how to get ready for work after vacation?

In fact, achieving this is much easier than you think. And we will reveal several secrets that will allow you not only to fully relax, but also to get into the rhythm of everyday work with minimal losses. So, how to start working after vacation?

How to avoid becoming a victim of post-vacation syndrome

To more accurately identify the problem and find ways to solve it, scientists even came up with the term “post-vacation syndrome.” This is one of the types of depression, and, as you know, it is necessary to fight it.

Statistics show that most resignation letters are written after a long rest. People feel as if an overwhelming burden of tasks suddenly falls on their shoulders. In fact, most often the amount of work remains the same as it was before the vacation. However, in contrast to “doing nothing,” it seems as if there are many more responsibilities.

First you need to understand what exactly is meant by post-vacation syndrome. Here are its signs:

  • depressed mood;
  • sleep disturbances (including nightmares);
  • attacks of irritability up to real anger;
  • physical ailments (headache, indigestion, muscle discomfort).

To avoid these and other symptoms, you need to know how to repel the blow of the “enemy”. And plan your vacation (or long weekend) in advance, as well as prepare your way out of it.

Little secrets of productive rest

If we are talking about a standard working vacation consisting of 28 calendar days, psychologists recommend breaking it into two (or even three!) parts. It turns out that the optimal number of days, which is enough to rest, is a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 14. Having been idle for almost a month, there is a high probability of becoming another victim of post-vacation syndrome.

Statistics show that many people decide to spend their holidays away from home, including at sea. If the trip is long, you should worry in advance about how the body will tolerate acclimatization and jet lag. Be prepared that you may feel drowsy and apathetic on the first day. So don’t plan excursions, sports or other active activities during this time.

Most vacationers fall into two categories. The first ones try for short term have time to visit all the sights, go around museums, buy souvenirs at markets... Others prefer to lie “as a vegetable” on the coast or by the pool. Both of these are fundamentally wrong! To ensure a complete rest, alternate passive pastime with active one. This way, you will come out of your vacation not only with a lot of memories, but also invigorated.

And one more important nuance: return to your native land no later than 3 days before the end of your legal vacation. This time is necessary to “reconfigure” your biorhythms in a new way. Otherwise, you will have to go “to the machine” in a completely broken state.

However, very often vacationers prefer to spend their free time in their native land. And they make mistakes. For example, they are embarking on a lengthy renovation project. Or they lie on the couch all day, doing nothing. Neither one nor the other can be called a vacation! This means that getting back into work after such a “pseudo-vacation” will be extremely difficult.

Yes to fresh air and proper sleep

Let's consider another option: the “long” New Year and May holidays. On the one hand, in Russia they fit exactly into the ideal vacation duration of 7-10 days. Why do most people go to work extremely depressed?

It's simple. In this case we are dealing with holidays. And in our country they are most often accompanied by feasts, picnics and other entertainment events. There are few benefits from such a pastime, there is a lot of fatigue, and we do not get a feeling of complete relaxation. On the contrary, severe fatigue accumulates and a desire arises to rest more, but this time from the holidays themselves.

If after the New Year or May celebrations you want to go to work cheerful and rested, listen to our advice.

  • It is necessary to give up long feasts with alcohol, which exhaust both body and soul.
  • No need to lean on food. The average holiday table is full of unhealthy salads and appetizers. Better make healthy food choices!
  • Get enough sleep. Each of us has our own biorhythms. But to have a good rest, a person needs about eight hours of sleep a day.
  • Spend time outdoors, prefer walking. The fact is that the scourge of modern society is physical inactivity, that is, lack of movement. Vacations and holidays are a great opportunity to make up for its deficiency!

Vacation ends on Wednesday

There are a few more secrets that allow you to start working as productively as possible after your vacation. Few people know about them, but this is a real opportunity to reduce the chance of developing post-vacation syndrome to a minimum!

  • Before going on vacation, close all current affairs. So that during your vacation, colleagues and management do not distract you with calls regarding unfinished tasks.
  • Don't let your brain sit idle! Solve puzzles, read good books, and if you really want to, call your colleagues yourself to find out about the news “from the front lines.” Relax with the knowledge that vacation doesn’t last forever, and that’s great!
  • Calculate your vacation so that you don't start work on Monday. The optimal day for this is Wednesday: a short work week will not allow you to get tired out of habit.
  • A couple of days before going out, start going to bed at about the same time as your working days.
  • On the first day, do not rush into work headlong and do not plan important meetings. Wipe the dust off the table; tell your colleagues about your vacation; have a tea party. This is quite enough for gradual adaptation.

Stimulus and motivation come first!

If you still don’t know how to get back into work after vacation, create an incentive for yourself. For example, on the eve of going out, go to a beauty salon, get a trendy haircut and a bright manicure. Update your wardrobe - so much so that you urgently want to show it off to your colleagues! In general, make sure that on the first morning of work you feel like the center of attention of the entire team.

Another effective piece of advice from psychologists: make plans. Good work brings not only pleasure, but also money. To begin with, imagine how you, a rested employee full of new plans, are happy to begin performing your duties, and how you receive a good salary. What will you spend it on? You can enroll in a dance school. Or you can start saving to buy a long-desired item.

Just imagine the pleasure you will get from owning it... Most likely, after these thoughts, the desire to go to work will become much stronger!

Or maybe it's not the holidays?..

It happens that even following all the above rules does not allow you to get rid of apathy, depression and bad thoughts. And this is already a good reason to reconsider your professional activities at the root.

Maybe you're recycling? Or are you in conflict with your superiors? Or are you categorically dissatisfied with your salary? Or have you dreamed of doing something else all your life? It is quite possible that we are not talking about post-vacation syndrome, but about total dissatisfaction with our current job. And then something really needs to change! After all professional activity should bring pleasure, and not seem like hard labor.

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How to get ready for work after vacation? Many people, instead of returning from vacation cheerful, full of energy and extremely rested, look tired, sleepy and irritable.

They eat away the stress with cakes, have difficulty getting into the rhythm of work, cry into their colleagues’ vests, and even hand in their resignation letters. Like, whatever happens, I’ll continue to rest!

Psychologists call this amazing effect post-vacation syndrome. In terms of strength, the stress experienced upon returning to your desk is comparable only to divorce and dismissal. In order not to lose your position and nerve cells, having arrived from Turkey or Egypt, you need to properly prepare yourself for work after your vacation.

To begin with, there are two important “buts”. Actually, your vacation should be a vacation and last at least 3 weeks. And seven, and even fourteen days are not enough for the body to restore its frayed mental strength. That's why do not split your vacation into summer and winter.

Instead, take a full shift off (preferably all 28 days) and you can add another week on top at your own expense. Then you will be hungry for work and rush into battle with almost no preparation.

What does it mean to be on vacation? If you go to the sea twice, and the rest of the time you spend doing repairs, patching holes in your pants, painting the fence at the dacha and cooking for visiting relatives, no month will be enough to relax. From such a “rest” you really want to run back to work, but where will the strength come from?

The ideal holiday is abroad, with the switch off mobile phone and without internet access. Walk, eat, sleep, sunbathe, swim, get massages, go on excursions, smile, dance, take pictures and be impressed. And no worries!

How to get ready for work after vacation? To start, give yourself another 3-5 days to acclimatize if you traveled to another country. Don’t try to rush out of an airplane to submit a business project. Return home, unpack your things, meet with friends, print fresh photos, visit your parents...

Don’t let the feeling leave you that even though you have returned from the resort, your well-deserved rest continues. Make your return to work from vacation as smooth and painless as possible.

Psychologists say: the most important thing is to show up for work on the right day.. The best time to return from vacation is Thursday. The first day is always chaotic: everyone admires your tan and new jewelry, looks at photos, listens to funny stories. Look - the evening has come, and tomorrow is Friday and - hurray - two new days off.

To avoid post-vacation depression, do not fuss when you arrive home from the resort. Don't bother with general cleaning and extensive laundry. Don’t make a to-do plan or open your diary at all.

Live in an extremely relaxed mode for 1-2 days, and dirty things and dishes can wait. On the second and third days you are allowed to touch the diary and check your email on the computer. Just touch it!

Effective method to get ready for work after vacation - dreams about the next one, which is definitely just around the corner. The thought of a new trip is comforting and inspiring. Feel free to make plans, discuss them with your family, look at colorful photos from sites inviting you to hot countries.

Be sure to take into account all the nuances that have arisen on your current journey. Maybe you didn’t like something in an Arab country and you want to go to Europe.

14 days is the minimum that you will spend at work after vacation in the “half speed” mode before you return to normal. Don't take on the entire burden of responsibility at once. Give your brain and body time to remember the skills.

While your thoughts are still “somewhere over the horizon”, don't make life-changing decisions. Put everything off for a week or two so you don’t have to regret the consequences.

And if post-vacation syndrome After all, you will definitely find our article “How to relieve stress” useful. The main thing is not to let it grow - communicate more with friends, share positive memories, look through photos, walk outdoors, eat tasty and healthy food.

And work won’t seem like such a scary beast!

When people begin to think intensely that their vacation is over, and they haven’t even had time to feel it yet, then discomfort, irritation, apathy and dissatisfaction with everything and everyone grows. Returning to work after vacation without stress is not so easy. This is easy only for those who adore their work and go to work as if it were a holiday. What should everyone else do? Let's try to figure it out with minimal loss of vital energy and joy of being.

Stress after vacation. Causes:

If a person goes on vacation not to relax, but to “work outside of work,” then he will not regain his strength, but, on the contrary, will lose it even more. During vacation, you need to relax, and not try to redo all the household chores that have accumulated over the year.

And, conversely, doing nothing for days on end is also not good. You can relax and lie on the couch for a couple of days, but then you need to move and engage in active recreation, performing some duties that do not require enormous effort. Only those who can easily afford to be lazy for several weeks can afford to get motivated to work and quickly move from the state of a sloth to the state of a worker. It will be very difficult for everyone else to organize themselves and force themselves to work after a “lazy vacation”.

The thought that the next vacation will not be so soon, and the opportunity to really relax in the near future is no longer in sight, is simply “killing”. This causes irritability, tearfulness and an absolute inability to concentrate on work.

A vacation that is too bright, colorful, full of adventures and fabulous experiences is great! But upon returning to the gray and boring office, the difference between how one lives and how one can live begins to be very acutely felt. And hence the same stress after vacation, despondency and hopeless melancholy.

How to get out of vacation without stress - rules:

  • Monday is a hard day! This saying has already become popular wisdom, and therefore you will greatly ease your psychological state if you return to work after vacation not at the beginning of the week, but in the middle or end. This way you will shorten the most difficult first week after your vacation.
  • If you are used to going to bed late and getting up late during your vacation, then gradually set your alarm earlier a few days before going to work to smoothly return to your previous routine.
  • If you are going to another country, for example, on vacation in Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, then plan your vacation so that you can return home at least 5 days before going to work. This way you will join the city rhythm of life and adapt to the weather.
  • In the last days of your vacation, do not try to frantically redo all your household chores: wash, wash, dry, re-iron everything possible. It’s better to spend this time getting acquainted with the time management system, find out what is the fly lady system . how to find time when you don't have enough, how to reduce lost working time .
  • The same applies to “work at work.” Most likely, during your vacation you will have a lot of things to do, but you shouldn’t try to “clean up” them all in the first days of going back to work. Do this gradually, starting with the most important things. (Read, ToHow to get your desktop in order . if it is littered with papers).
  • Prepare emotionally for going to work by remembering the pleasant moments you experienced at your job. Perhaps you already miss your friends, your friendly team and cozy office. Imagine how you will show photos from your vacation and share your impressions.
  • If you have a lot of gossip and intrigue at work, also prepare yourself psychologically by setting yourself up to believe that you are above all this. Read:
  • Do not take “work home” in the first days, do not stay late.
  • Dedicate the first weekend after going back to work to “doing nothing” so that you don’t feel so strongly that your vacation is over.
  • Walk more in the fresh air and take care of yourself, go to a salon or take care of yourself at home. ( How to care for the skin around the eyes after 30-35 years ).
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, buy a multivitamin complex, allow yourself chocolate to increase the level of endorphins, which are responsible for a good mood.

Going to work without mood and joy is harmful to your health. So do everything you can to return to work stress-free after your vacation. The vacation is over, but life goes on, and it’s wonderful!

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Getting ready for work after vacation

The vacation has come to an end. It would seem that you can go to work with new strength and fresh thoughts, but for some reason you don’t want to! In the first days of work, you feel very tired and dissatisfied with work. There is no desire to work. Many people even think about leaving at this time. Well, post-vacation depression is evident.

How to get ready for work after vacation? Make work so that it’s a joy and doesn’t seem like hard labor? Some advise not to go on vacation for more than two weeks, so as not to fall out of the working atmosphere and quickly return to your usual schedule after the vacation. Others recommend not leaving work even during vacation, calling up colleagues and, as they say, keeping your finger on the pulse. But is it worth following such recommendations? After all, it is almost impossible to relax and unwind, constantly thinking about work. In addition, your constant telephone conversations with colleagues will most likely offend the person with whom you went on vacation. How to relax, forgetting about work, and then make sure that going back to work after vacation does not become painful?

  1. First, decide how long you will rest and how you will spend your vacation. If you want to go to the tropics, take a vacation for at least 2 weeks. The fact is that while on vacation, you will have to undergo acclimatization, which will take several days. Imagine, your body has just begun to get used to humid air and high temperatures, and you expose it to repeated stress (and acclimatization is stress for the body) by returning too early. Naturally, going back to work after such a vacation will be painful. If you can afford to take a vacation for a few days, it is better to spend it in a familiar climate zone. You can go to the country, visit relatives or friends;
  2. Remember the rule: “at work, I work, on vacation, I rest.” If you can separate these two types of activities, then after your vacation it will be easier for you to get into a business mindset. At the same time, we should not forget that rest is not everyday festivities until the morning... You can, of course, allow yourself to drink a little, but if you don’t know when to stop, then after a two-week alcohol marathon, the best place for you is not at work, but in the hospital ! So it’s better to focus your energy on restoring the body after everyday work;
  3. Try to return from vacation 3-4 days before going to work. This will help you re-acclimatize and get ready for work. Try to get more rest these days. You shouldn’t burden yourself with urgent household chores these days. You will be able to visit friends, give away souvenirs you brought, or do some general cleaning at home at the end of the new work week;
  4. A couple of days before the end of your vacation, try to go to bed at the same time as on weekdays. This will help set the body up for work after vacation;
  5. In the first working days after vacation, you should not take on new projects or overly complex tasks. It’s better if you finish a project you’ve already started, because finishing it is much easier than starting something from scratch. If there is no such activity, then start planning. Make a list of things you need to do in the coming days. By the way, you can do this a few days before the end of your vacation, then after the vacation you can safely begin to implement what you planned.

Read also: Drawing up an employment contract

To avoid post-vacation depression, you need to adhere to these recommendations and allow your body to gain strength, energy and vitamins. Then it will be much easier to return to work after vacation. After all, you will not feel broken and empty. Work will be a joy, and new strength will help in the implementation of any ideas and projects.

And remember, proper rest is the key to productive work.

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Vacations tend to end quickly. And it seems like you have just lazed on the beach or climbed a high mountain in search of new experiences. and after a few days you are already sitting at your workplace, loaded with work and languishing from the heat in the office.

It seems that going back to work after a vacation should be easy, because the person has had a rest and is properly relaxed. In fact, it turns out that many find it very difficult to get involved in the work process. Everyday work life for many who returned to work from vacation seems gray and dull; they don’t feel like working at all, absent-mindedness appears, and ordinary tasks become an unbearable burden.

In such cases, psychologists make a diagnosis - post-vacation syndrome. A sudden change in environment threatens stress, nervous tension and, as a result, depression. Moreover, the more actively and brightly a person spent his vacation, the more difficult it will be for him to immerse himself in work. According to statistics, approximately forty percent of people who return to work after vacation suffer from this disease.

How to help the body get into its usual rhythm and cope with post-vacation syndrome? There are proven ways to help make your return to work from vacation less painful.

How to return to work after vacation

  • If possible, try to plan your vacation so that the first working day after vacation falls in the middle of the week, and not at the beginning (remember how difficult it is to start a new life on Monday). Otherwise, the first working week may turn out to be long and unbearable, so it’s better to keep it a little shorter.

Natalya Panfilova (expert at the Center for Practical Psychology “Integration”) – “ The length of the vacation plays a decisive role in post-vacation syndrome. That is, the longer it is, the more difficult it is for a person to then enter into his work schedule. Today, many people prefer to go on vacation for one or two weeks. But some professions, such as teachers, require long vacations. People in these professions really have difficulty returning to work after vacation. Vacation is a different mode of life. People live at a different pace. Of course, this is good for the body as a whole. But when a person begins his work duties, he has to get up earlier. have more time. Very often, after returning to work from vacation, people get sick. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body, a common psychological trick - to extend your rest. The disease seems to help make the transition into the surrounding reality smoother. Vacationers usually attribute this condition to acclimatization. In fact, a person simply cannot suddenly switch from one life rhythm to another.”

  • In order to acclimatize and return to work after vacation with less loss of performance, you should return from vacation two to three days before starting work. In a few days you will have time to adapt to the weather, slowly unpack your suitcases, again feel the rhythms of your city and mentally tune in to the upcoming workdays.
  • Don't give in to the post-vacation fever after returning home from your vacation! Many people (especially women) try to do all their household chores at once before going back to work after vacation. You shouldn’t poison your last days with everyday worries. Unwashed floors and unironed laundry are here to stay. You will have time to do all this later.

Psychologists say that women and men perceive the transition from vacation to work differently. It is easier for women. Their psyche is more flexible; they are happy to go to work to tell their colleagues about their travels.

  • A simple exercise will help you go back to work after your vacation in a good mood: Answer yourself the question: “Why do I love my job?” Remember and scroll through your memory all the positive moments associated with your current job and the people (colleagues) with whom you communicate. Imagine showing videos and photos taken during your vacation and sharing your impressions. This will help you get back into work with positive emotions.
  • To prevent going back to work from vacation from feeling like hard labor, try to get enough sleep.
  • Returning to work after vacation should be accompanied by clear time planning down to the smallest detail and distribution of the workload. Do the things that have accumulated while you were resting one after another, without panicking at everything at once. Focus on solving core problems first. Secondary matters, like dust on a windowsill, will be “cleaned up” later. And be sure to get distracted for a few minutes every hour, especially if you have a sedentary job.
  • Before you have time to completely immerse yourself in work, do not rush to make important and responsible decisions.
  • In the first working days after vacation, try to maintain a relaxed state - do not stay late at work, do not take work home, give up all conversations about work outside of work and have a good rest on your first weekend, this will definitely help you reduce post-vacation syndrome.
  • German scientists have found that a person's IQ drops by twenty points after basking in the sun for several weeks. Restoring IQ is a matter of a few days. So if you feel like you’ve become a little stupid after returning to work after a vacation, don’t think too badly of yourself.
  • Saturate your body with endorphins. Moderate consumption of dark chocolate, as well as the inclusion of a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet will increase the level of endorphins, which will add vigor and give a feeling of happiness and calm. Also, walk more in the fresh air and do morning exercises.
  • You shouldn’t make major changes in your life right after your vacation. Dramatic changes will require both moral and physical strength. This will use up all the energy you just regained during your vacation and minimize any positive effects of your vacation. If you decide to change something, start with useful and pleasant little things. Remember what you always didn’t have enough time for and what you have long dreamed of doing. Adopt the “little changes” method and over time it will become a good habit, displacing post-vacation syndrome and relieving you of stress and depression associated with returning to work after vacation.

Read also: How to make a medical book for work

Adjusting from work to vacation is much more pleasant and easier than adjusting to work after vacation. According to statistics, many people decide to change jobs on post-vacation days. This happens because when returning to work from vacation, many people notice what makes this job unsatisfactory for them, what they hid so carefully from themselves. And this is another reason not to rush straight into the embrasure. Spend the first working days thinking about the reasons that cause dislike for this job (too much routine, too much responsibility, high bar for achieving a professional milestone, etc.) and looking at new prospects. Surely you have already heard that going to a job that does not suit you for many reasons means harming your health. Isn't it better to find your calling and work for your own pleasure? But! This does not mean that you need to immediately write a letter of resignation; remember, changing jobs after a vacation is not a panacea. Take a good look at all the pros and cons.

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Back to work after vacation

Just yesterday you were fully enjoying your freedom, warming your belly on the beach, splashing in the pool and not knowing any worries at all, and today you are already gathering dust in a stuffy office, looking at the sad faces of your colleagues and the mountain of accumulated work that it seems you won’t have time to complete. and until the next vacation. Of course, this is a huge stress for the body. Some psychologists even came up with a term to characterize this condition - post-vacation syndrome. This disease affects about 40% workers returning from vacation. Let's take a closer look at what kind of animal this is - "post-vacation syndrome". and what it is eaten with.

Statistics tell us that 80-85% resignation letters are written by employees who have just returned from vacation. This is due to the fact that having given yourself a break in the form of a vacation, and then returning to work refreshed, it is easy to look at your work from the outside, analyze how dear it is to you and how satisfying it is to you. I would not recommend writing an application in the first week after vacation. The fact is that against the backdrop of post-vacation depression, it may seem to you that your job is completely unsuitable for you, but this Feelings can be deceiving. Therefore, postpone this decision until at least next week, and if the intention to leave this job does not disappear, then it is really worth writing a statement.

Causes of post-vacation depression

The reason for this disease is that during vacation the body adjusts to a new schedule. Everyone changes biological and psychological rhythms, emotional background, diet and sleep patterns, the amount of mental and physical activity changes. And if you are vacationing in a different climate and in a different time zone, then you can add to all this acclimatization. When you go back to work, your body has to adjust back to a strict schedule. This takes some time (usually 2-5 days). At this time, your body and spirit seem to protest against you causing yourself such stress. This is where physical and psychological ailments arise, the name of which is post-vacation syndrome.

If you use alcohol. then it is quite possible that on vacation you will often abuse it, which is also will negatively affect the body when going to work.

Post-vacation syndrome is accompanied a lot of unpleasant sensations. the most common of which are:

A person may even get sick acute respiratory infections– the body may well react in such a way as to extend its vacation.

Risk group

Post-vacation syndrome can defeat any worker. but there are some categories of citizens who are more at risk of experiencing all the delights of this syndrome for themselves.

Dissatisfied with their work. If work does not bring any pleasure, and a person has to force himself to go to work just for the sake of money, then after several weeks full of positive emotions and vivid impressions, returning to an unloved job will be a very difficult ordeal.

Mentally unbalanced people. A sharp change in the rhythm of life, first of all, unbalances people prone to rash and impulsive actions.

Men. It is usually more difficult for men to get involved in work than for women. This is due to the fact that women have a more flexible psyche and they often go to work with pleasure, anticipating how they will tell their colleagues about their wonderful vacation and about the travels and adventures that took place on this vacation.

People who have long vacations. The clearest example is teachers. The longer the vacation lasts, the longer it will take to get into the rhythm of work.

People aged 40-45 years. At this time, many are experiencing the so-called middle age crisis. A person is overcome by thoughts about his own destiny, he tries to analyze the years he has lived and the mistakes he has made in his life. On vacation, he may well indulge in these philosophical reflections, but at work, problems with this may arise. Therefore, at this age, the return from heavenly pleasure to the harsh truth of life is especially painful.

So if you a mentally unstable man in his early 40s who works as a teacher and hates his job– I have bad news for you

But don't despair, friend! I have prepared some recommendations for you on how to how to return to work after vacation if not with pleasure, then at least by minimizing discomfort, depression And stress.

How to return to work after vacation

Get off vacation midweek. Try to plan your vacation so that the first day of work falls on midweek. and not at its beginning. Otherwise, the first week of work may seem unbearably endless to you.

Return from vacation 2-3 days before going to work. During this time, you will be able to slowly cool down from the impressions, get involved in the rhythm of the city, adapt to the weather and mentally tune in to work.

Don't spoil the last days of your vacation with household chores. After returning home from vacation, many try to redo the accumulated household chores in the last days of vacation, thereby poisoning these days for themselves. Women are especially guilty of this. No, I don’t encourage you to lie on the couch as a vegetable during the last days of your vacation, but there’s no need for excessive activity either. Try to find some balance. A little cleaning will be more than enough. You can deal with the rest of the matters later.

Think about work in a positive way. Remember why you love your job. Scroll through your head some positive moments related to your work and your colleagues. Imagine how, when you go to work, you will share impressions with colleagues, show photos and videos from your vacation. Maybe, give someone the souvenirs you brought. This positive attitude will help you get back into work easily, at ease and with pleasure.

Get enough sleep. To ease post-vacation syndrome, get enough sleep. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Plan your working time. A lot of work has probably accumulated during your vacation. There is no need to panic and take on everything at once. Plan your working time better. Deal with the main things first, and do the minor ones later. And don’t forget to be distracted every hour, especially if you have a sedentary job.

Put off making important decisions. Try to postpone all responsible and important decisions until the time when you get involved in work.

Try to spend your first working days "at ease" . Don't overload yourself in the first days. Do a little cleaning, tidy up your desk, check your email. No labor feats in the first days! No need to stay late at work. If possible, try to leave early. And on your first weekend, try to have a good rest.

Don't worry if your thought processes are difficult. In a person who has been in the sun for several weeks, IQ decreases points by 20 . This discovery was made by German scientists. So, if you feel like you've gone a little stupid after your vacation, don't worry about it. In a few days IQ will recover.

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